4 AM

Losing control?

Whats game do you think has the best immersion?

Other urls found in this thread:


literal meme tbh.

Metroid prime on emulator with mouse and keyboard.

Morning everyone, Ritsu here

Nothing to do in my yugioh game so kinda bored. Die hard was alright, should have waited til xmas to watch it though. Robocop maybe today. Maybe an arnie movie instead


Witcher 3 for me.


Like, the gamecube version with tank controls?

Got called in to close. Had to miss TLC. Apparently the Styles/Balor match was good. Will watch tomorrow.

Idk TF2 or some shit this question blows.

Morning. Turns out my leg issues were clogged veins. Took only 4 hours in the hospital with an xray and catscan. Even after a few days of anti-inflammatories my leg is all fucked up


The wii version. It plays amazingly with M&K

Get better taste.

Hey guys.
Just gotta make it through another day of work tomorrow and I get the next two days off. Maybe this time I should try and finish a few games on my backlog on my days off before I start making it too big.


I wouldn't even know where to find the wii ISO tbh.

The best? That's a tough decision. I'm just going to go with halo 3 for now. How's everyone tonight?

Emuparadise has it.

How goes anons

Its hard to think up 100s of questions user.
What you do after work?

Pretty sure I got clogged vein shit in my neck and it really sucks.
Glad you aren't dying though

Saving that for next time I drink

varicose or dvt?
enjoy your fucking regular doses of rat poison and potential for sudden and immediate death if it's the latter.

I've been playing too much SRW still. Might for a run in a few minutes and then lift even though it's really early and I've been up since 2. Need to waste today and tomorrow before a road trip.

Played South Park more. Gotta beat this before Mario Odyssey comes out.

What's your definition of immersion?


Pls don't die.

Why? It's an actually decent movie.

Still going with EO5. Im up to floor 24 now. Almost done. The final boss is on 25 and the whole game goes up to 30.

Whats your backlog?

Bored mostly. Slept a ton last night for once. Might get to go grocery shopping for once today though.
How goes user

Wheres the road trip to?

They nuked all the Nintendo ISOs though when Nintenshit decided to download all of their old IPs and then DMCA the host.

I've got work today and I'm hoping to work hard after 2 days off. I'll have like 3.5 grand by the end of next month but I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with it.

if a niqqa finna git immersed ain't nuffin finna immerse yo ass mo den dat dorf monica real talk

What's the best anime movies to watch that don't go with a series?

You're already dead.

The wii ones are in a special section of the forums that are still up.

Not threatening unless the clog reaches the deeper veins. Luckily just the ones by the skin.


Probably won't unless the hospital fucked up


To be absorbed in a game and really feel like you are there.
How goes user

Whats odyssey's gimmick?

Because I enjoy having good stuff to do when I rarely drink

What happens after you beat it?

Go to nippon and bang qts like I did

whats good in the hood monica

Still not a good sign.

Then i move onto EO3 again when i can afford a physical copy.

I'd rather just build a literal top of the line PC for 2.6 grand, and then use the old one for bitcoin mining since I don't pay for electricity in this apartment complex.

You can throw your hat on things and possess them. It's a lot cooler than it sounds.

shieeeetttt u kno monica sober af rn shit gay af monica tbh finna break out monica


I'm alright. I need to obtain some food myself soon.

Home, actually. I'm flying down to meet my friend and his place, then we're driving for two days back here and he'll be staying for a few weeks.

Been trying to get into EO5 but haven't been able to focus on it much. Loved all the other non EOU games so it's probably just a matter of investing another hour.

How would you even set up the controls for that? Last time I set up the controls for shit like animu crossing the controls were wonky as shit.

Dunno. They don't typically make slice of life stuff like that

It expensive or something?

Live a little

Uhhh. So you like control enemies to fight with or something?

I'm already planning my big vegas trip to smoke up tbh

What do you usually buy? I never grocery shop so have no clue what to get

Metroid Prime
Simpsons Hit and Run
Ace Combat 5
Wario World
Postal 2
Half Life 1 and 2
Fallout New Vegas
Hotline Miami (all A+ ranks)
Jet Set Radio
and a bunch more. I find that with most games on that list, I'll play it, drop it, and either not go back to it for years (Metroid Prime and Wario World) Or have not played the game in so long that I end up starting from scratch. (New Vegas) Which one should I finish first?

Wait how did I get a (you)? I didn't even post in this thread yet

japan, n vegas in 1 year monica? wtf

Its a time sink. Im on hour 45 and im almost done with the main story.

I got a config file from reddit

Only 30. Its not bad but still expensive.

Fight, solve puzzles, other shit.

I don't think I've ever been immersed in a game.

I have no life. It feels like my soul is being sucked out. I feel like a NEET even though I go to college, hold down a 9-5 4-6 day a week job, and could become a locksmith at the drop of a hat if I wanted to.

I plan to go into medschool so not having to touch my computer for like 5-8 years would be nice. Also sauce me a text file or something.

oh ok

Ohhhh sounds fun. What yall gonna do?

Prime or ace combat would be the two I'd like to play on that list. New vegas if you haven't done much of it, mod it some.

Nah vegas will be a while from now, ain't even working now. And I might just do nippon again anyway instead

Why not just pirate it

Might be fun

How goes user

Then you play shit games. Try out metroid prime. That game has a comfy atmosphere.

Ain't dead yet so all is fine

I just gotta walk into a dispensary here in leafland

When i get back to my computer. You can just google metroid prime mouse and keyboard.

Its one of those games that is better on hardware.

dun b goin 2 no concerts out there nao monica

Already has some of the highest ratings of any Mario game.

Just avoid large crowds. Alternatively, dont go to vegas.

Figured I might mention here that Tengai Makyou Zero ("Far East of Eden Zero") for the SFC has a finished English patch now. Prior to this, the only fan-translated entry was Ao no Tengai ("Oriental Blue") for the GBA, and the only entry the west ever officially saw was an arcade fightan spinoff, Kabuki Klash.

Metroid Prime is indeed quite good at that, especially all the little details involved with the environment and how it would effect Samus from her point of view.

Best foods to obtain are rice, potatoes, peanut butter with honey, and cheeses and yogurts. Cheap depending on where you are and nutritional. Suppliment your meat with whatever is cheapest like dog, pork, or whatever is cheap in your area. Also here's your (you).

Dolphin emulator uses sdl for controls. So it's really easy. Just open a menu up and press each button for the wiimote key you want it too activate.


Holy shit what are you doing nigger? Unless you are buying a pc with literally four proccessors on the board you don't need that much money for a top of the line build that will run anything in 1080p. Unless you are going 4k in which case you still don't need that much money.

Probably go on a series of smaller road trips afterwards. Previously he flew up but this time we're bringing up the car so we don't have to deal with the rapid nigger delivery service and uber. Might go into the mountains and camp for a few days.

Why not become a locksmith? Seems like fairly comfy work.

Plus you end up forgetting a lot of the finer details so the next time you watch it a couple years later its fresh

I might visit a friend in canada and do that eventually. Has cuckdeau legalized yet?

Ohh weird

Wish I had the money to go right now. Bet you'd get some good deals

You misunderstand, it's 2.6k in Canada.
It's like 1.8 in America.

I want to have some sort of control but bad habits knock me back down from ever trying to achieve anything, oh well, been immersing myself on BotW lately, bought a Wii U on the cheap and figured, why the hell not?. Haven't pirated it, got a job that pays peanuts but am still living at parent's home and it's the first console, save the 3ds, which I modded, I bought with my money, plus I support them with a quasi rent and pay the internet so there's that I justified myself in front of anons.

Rits I guarantee you can find some weed wherever you live.

It pays only 26k a year.

So i signed up for the fafsa today. I really dont wanna go but im kinda forced to.

This, don't go to vegas ritsu. It's literally sin city in a desert hell hole with nigs and spics all around you. It's a deathwish.

How goes user

I want more like junk food and stuff I can microwave in under 5 minutes

I haven't been camping in a really really long time. Jelly tbh

I don't like the fear of getting caught. I know a person I could buy from if I really wanted to. Plus going into legal stores and getting to buy all the weird shit they have is neat.

At the same time you just drive out, pop open something, and get payed. Easy money

What job?


Trust me, ive been there twice. There are some nice places though. Eli nevada is comfy to walk around in during the day.

Probably from journokike reviewers that already have copies I'd assume, but yeah, I put a lot more faith in post-release consumer opinion, though even that requires a grain of salt.

Student aid for college. Atleast i wont be in debt.

Doesn't make a difference. You can still make a top of the line desktop for way less money then that.

Maybe, but you actually have to build and know locks, and since nobody cares about locks you don't make shit. It's not just a side-job unless you're an agent solely for the purpose of picking.

Canada day next year, but there's already a bunch of dispensaries in my town you can essentially just walk in and order bud over the counter. Its going to be an entertaining shitshow once legalization comes to Ontario though

Not too bad. Started watching Gunbuster the other day. Interesting show, but the pacing seems a bit odd (though I suppose that might be expected, being that it only has six episodes time to work with).

I looked up the price of legal whores out there and am pretty tempted to just go back to nippon cause of it. What a rip off

I've never trusted ratings or even general consensus on games honestly. My tastes are very particular and nobody can judge a game besides me

Ohhhh nice, hope you get it

Plus you'd get to legally carry lock picks and have a really neat skill too.

Im gonna get it, im poor as fuck so im probably getting one of the higher amounts. Im still not thrilled about it. If i ever start saying weird shit i need you to set me straight.

i tried reconnecting with an old online friend but he bought a gaming pc and he plays shitty normalfag games like pubg and csgo and whatever the fuck all day long and takes 30 minutes to respond to me and i dont want to block him cause i'll look like a butthurt attention starved cuck but i really want to.
these shitty addictive normalfag games ruin relationships with people just as bad as smartphoens do. this is the exact same thing i get from people who write to me on smartphones. 30 minutes to reply with one sentence because typing on that piece of shit touchscreen keyboard sucks and they miss notifications.

spiderbro banned me from his discord chat and didnt tell me why, i didnt do anything.

i'm lonely

i feel like the only place i could conceivably get along with people is wizchan but they're different from me in that they're all suicidal and hate themselves and i don't. that difference in philosophy seems small but it's not, they're alien to me.

Yeah, fair enough. I, again, just didn't want to touch the fucking thing for 8 years and my economy is about to tank with the minimum wage hike so I needed stuff to dump the money into. Not enough for a car, not enough for a round trip since I can't hold onto it for that long, and there's nothing else that really picks my gaze except for maybe an e-bike for getting around town.

You can still legally carry them, though. It's province and state based. Guess which liberal places locks like guns, the answer won't surprise you.

Stop masturbating and start running.

Why ontario?

Not into old anime like that. The girls just weren't as cute as the hyper moe shit we get today

Always do monica

Your own fault for being around an autist

Huh no kidding. Never really looked into it. I'll have to look into my states laws.

Yes yes, we already know you refuse to play or watch much with male characters Shitsu. I'm just saying that usually there's some amount of shilling involved when a game gets pre-release reviews done, compared to how it's actually received. Sometimes seeing a game get only a 4 or 5 from he "professionals" while users put it at more of an 8 or so is kind of telling (and for me personally a point of interest as far as "what happened there?" and sometimes I can find decent stuff that way).

Jesus christ.


Gunbuster was pretty decent. The science lesson episodes my batch came with was funny

Work today was a shitshow for all sorts of reasons.
Sometimes I just want a day at work where everything just works. Pardon the blogpost. Have two Mitsurus.

i hate this fucking board

i don't really know who spiderbro is. if hes autistic then im even more confused why he banned me.

Ive learned to deal with the lonliness by getting a waifu and playing good single player games.

I really should be buying a ton of tradables like TP and lighters. I need to order a survival kit and a fire starter too.

Best p3 girl

As before, once again.

Oh, are those what those mini animations are, or whatever they're called? They worth the space to grab and watch too?

Doesn't have anything to do with that. I'll use like the dark souls series for example. I hated DaS1 which most people love, and I love DaS2 which most people hate.

Next time skip the shower instead

"Engineering Technician" so, the guy engineers like to have around to do the grunt work of wiring shit and general plant maintenance, electronics assembly and circuits testing.

I expect to graduate soon with an electronics engineering degree but I coasted through the career and am lucky of having this job in the first place, which, despite not liking much the people there, and the benefits and work ambient being sub par, I reckon approached with the wrong mentality I should be catching up on everything I missed doing projects and shit, and just betering myself, instead of thinking it's not worth the effort putting in effort because of the other's attitudes, I intend of doing great work from now on though, need to sharpen on and being more detail oriented. It's just a case of needing to Shia Ledoit.


Surprised that ain't pay more

That spider autist is the A.I. It's only looking for me to join it. Leave it the fuck alone, it's dangerous.

That sucks.

If you're white you won't get it no matter what. Just warning you now.

It's illegal to carry lockpicks in burgerland? Preety much any thin peice of hard metal can be made into a lockpick though.

The neighbors upstairs are playing music at fucking 1:30am. WHY?

I bet you'd lift for girls if you started, too. Faggot.

Its an automated system and the form doesnt even ask about race.

Sports are awesome. Are you some sort of wuss?

Apparently in some states but not others. Or if you have intent to use them for a crime. Like if you are carrying around a crowbar to break into places, same thing.

One of my fucking neighbors has been shooting guns off at 3am every night this week. Its really annoying.

yee haw tbqh wichu famboleen.

Better than ghetto beats.

Because they've lost control of their lives too? Play some moonman full blast back at them.

Go hang out with him, he sounds fun.

Wait, how can they tell if you have an intent to use something illegally?

Im not in the mood to be murdered.

I'm not in the US yet :^)

talkin bout dat cocaine n dat piff monica

i wanna collab w/ da nigga moonman tbh

yee das rite

It wakes my mom up which is annoying because night is when I get to be alone

I don't know which one it is really. Might be a hunter in the mountains nearby and just sounds like because of echo and shit

Circumstantial evidence like having a mask too or being a nigger

Ontario makes bank monopolizing alcohol (LCBO) and the province intends to monopolize recreational weed. They're also planning on opening around 150 dispensaries for the entire province.
I don't even think 150 is enough for Toronto let alone all of Ontario

If you feel like learning about faster-than-light travel and other sci-fi shift from an 80's cartoon, sure


Ok agent smith. You've pushed your music hard enough. Get back to me with something Holla Forums made instead.

Sounds like kikery to have a excuse to arrest someone because you don't like something random but not illegal about them.

Anyone know if Baroque is a good way to get into roguelikes?

I'm sure he's be willing to have you. As the nog half of Niggerstein I mean.

Is it comfy at night?


You better not be some pajeet

Damn that would suck. Bet the prices are terrible

Thats a weird question. It is pretty comf. Plus I like mornings.

Then I smell bad and my hair looks like a dunked it a grease fryer.

Mornings can be pretty comfy, especially really early in the morning when the sun is just peeking over the horizon.

you have any more mitsuru that is from p3 and not ulimax?

I'm not a greasy kind of person so a day without a shower isn't the end of the world luckily.

Yeah love that. With all the hills and mountains here the sun doesn't come up before it gets light out so everything is nice and this comfy blue shade. Sometimes go out for cigars when sun first starts to rise

This. I always liked watching the sun rise. I used to stay up all night every new year's to see the first sunrise of the new year. Now I stay up all night all the time so the tradition isn't as important to me anymore.


There is also this really comfy CSGO map that is just dust2 but st night and i love it. It has warm lights from barrel fires. I could sleep there.

Nah it's pretty shitty. Neat atmosphere and design, though. Try a Shiren the Wanderer or something if you need baby's first rogue.


I should go to the dentist soon

Night maps in games can be pretty fun if they got good flashlights


thanks for the pic
I go to sleep at like 2am so i dont get to see the sun rise unless its saturday.

Which user?

I heard $10/g so it's going to be cheap, which is going to make things even more nutty

Weed just makes people lazy and messes with their brain. It would be interesting to see the effects on an entire town.

Yoz poster

If memory serves the guy that made this one is from Holla Forums.

Im heading to bed. Night.

Hoy cunts

Whens canada day anyway? Need to plan my trip now

Yoza is a nice guy

Cya next time fam

How goes cunt

July 1st.

July 1st.

Is that before or after the election?


What exactly does Canada Day celebrate anyhow?

>advertising cia/(((amazon))) in the fucking song
It's preety catchy, but I am still skeptical a Holla Forumsack made it.


Everyone is nice to me

The founding of the union between upper and lower Canada, now Ontario and Quebec, making the union/confederation.

I think legalization happens a week before elections. Gotta keep the one fulfilled promise fresh in everyone's mind for trudeau's reelection


It's like the 4th of July, but for leafs.

Good, I'm still smug about Neofag

The day Justin's Mom's Husband got fucked by Castro Fidel for the first time

Nah, just your friendly neighbor Tacoman. 'll just burrito sling over your wall, don't try it, just joking would never cross illegally, for the longest time I longed to better this shit hole of a country but my introverted trends and just watching how everything is all kinds of fucked up made me retreat to a nihilistic and apathetic state but that is only a mask.

Good night everyone, have to be up and kicking in about 3 hours so see ya.

I figured it was some jewish trick like that. I assumed the old "uh oh you better reelect me or else the evil nazi's will take away your chance at weed" though.

Do anything fun today?

Night user, go to canada instead

Go ahead. If I were a mexican I wouldn't try crossing the burger border with trump in office.

Trudeau was literally elected by fat women and weed.

I see. We don't learn much about America's hat in our schools here. Was that a peaceful joining, or did one part have to beat the other into it?

Wouldn't shock me, to be honest. Remove that fucking cuck ASAP or you'll be getting a wall on your border too.

I feel sorry for you guys up there

Peaceful joining, but the french and British expected to have genocides against eachother later on after they both gassed the natives.
Neither of this happened with the many wars and lack of support from the home countries.

It ain't so bad. I have lots of places to hide when shit goes south, Canada's huge.

these threads always die so fast. i used to think it was mods locking them but turns out you just go to sleep early.

do any of you have a ps vita? want to play one of the snk fighting games together?

Fucking do it, just a better way for us to say fuck off we're full ya cunts

Nobody cared who you were till you kept putting on the tripfagging. This thread keeps heading in a weed discussion place. What's the best marijuana types to grow or smoke?

Sup niggers. I'm a bit late. Got home from work about 20 minutes ago.

People are already spreading panic that the conservatives will axe legalization right when they come into power as well.

At least I don't live in the caliphate of Europe I guess

Triple xxx diesel strawberry skunk kush obviously

Axes are illegal up there? Don't you have a healthy logging industry?

aww shit monica plank'n iz bout 2 head out thoooo

user, please.

No this is now a cheap goon discussion

what happened

They only ever lasted 2 hours at most. Sometimes an hour these days

How goes fam

I'm so glad I'm murican. If I was some europoor or canacuck I'd probably just kill myself


Going to bed. See you guys next thread.

it's my birthday today and I'm in bed, awake, and listening to depressive black metal while vaping

Cya next time lewd user

Happy bday user!
What you doing today?

No most of the lumber products for north america comes from oregon, south, and north dakatos. With exotic woods shipped in from china and what used to be western canada until the tarrifs trump put on tradedue.

happy birthday vapefag

Be happy. At least neoFAG is going under. Nice Birthday Present that was, for you and 8ch as well.

Nothing. Boring security job. At least it was chill tonight. It's usually crazy

Same shit as always. Got a nip test on tuesday. I hope I do good. Then right after the test I'm going to concert with my friend that I met through this thread.


I read that as border security job, which would of been fun
any ways how is it

Oh yeah that other security guy? You guys still hang?

Hey you said you used to be a "normalfag" maybe you used to have male avatars

I think he only means it in the context that at one point he was a burnout or something.

Yeah we do. Not as much as I'd like to because of shitty college. I like hanging out with him outside of work but he can be pretty pissy when I catch him in the break room at work.

haha maybe one day I will be a border security. Can't speak spanish though. Anyway might study some nip vocabulary and go to sleep soon. Also my room is such a fucking mess that it might as well be a NEET cave.

So when the fuck did we all suddenly get jobs? Is this 4am - gaining control now?

But he's from Tennesee, that still doesn't make him a normalfag

I was never a normalfag. I'm just not autistic so I can do things that most NEETs can't

Wew weird


Well he has some stuff going on in his life which is understandable. He can just come off as a rude dickhole if you catch him in the wrong mood. All things considered he's pretty cool at the end of the day.

I got my job 9 months ago
Ritsu lost his job 3 months ago


If anons weren't guarded by nature you'd probably make more friends here than you'd think.

that shit's so retarded by the way. guys that have been here for years should know by now that everyone here is a harmless retard. "oh i cant even give you a cock.li throwaway email cause i'm just so protective of my anonymity" it pisses me off real bad.
i've doxed myself. i dont give a shit. i post my face. i dont give a shit. nothing happens.
"it's cause you're not worth it" the retards tell me.
but then there's people that have 30 threads dedicated to shitting on them and the mere suggestion of shipping them something gets shot down by everyone.
so people who are "worth it" have nothing happen to them either.

guys here for eight fucking years actually think someone's going to hack their lives with a cock.li email. they're truly scared to be here. it's like the redditors who won't even open links to 4chan/Holla Forums cause they think this is a malware site.

4chan is a malware site tbh. What is there to be scared of? Just don't dox yourself should you ever be targeted in the future by some autistic alphabet soup agency because you leaked something or helped find something.

a lowly police officer could break into your house with no warrant and shoot you and your entire bloodline in the face for no reason and get away with it. and you're more concerned with FBI pretending to be your friend to get you to give up a cock.li email on an obscure website.
amazing. paranoid schizophrenia is never logical.


hey it's no sweat off my back, i dont want to be friends with a retard who thinks Holla Forums users are dangerous hacker criminals who are going to hack his life with a cock.li email, or that the FBI needs a cock.li email to get the evidence they need to put you in an interrogation room.

but it's lik that guy said. we could all have friends if you werent such a retard. but you are so fuck it all.
