"You lazy fucking niggers" edition
>Wiki >8agdg.wikidot.com
>Beginner's guide >>>/agdg/29080
Polite reminder that the wiki exists, you are encouraged to contribute to it if you can (even if it's just your game page)
"You lazy fucking niggers" edition
Other urls found in this thread:
tentative release date for my game: December 2080
Reddit has bits that can be salvaged, that subreddit being one. A daily programming task is a neat way of keeping your gears turning.
OP was lazy and didnt even stylize it properly ;_;
If your nigger brain would rather shitpost than learn programming then put yourself in a situation where you'll regret not learning programming every hour of everyday for a long, long time. Endure during that time. Then, when you'll finally regain your freedom you'll be a better man. It works
Dubs confirm. I've done this with some of my own things. When I find myself procrastinating I force myself to sit down for six straight hours and work on it non-stop, even if I get burnt out half-way through. I always feel better afterwards and loss a bit of the feeling of wanting to procrastinate
I gotta get shit done. It is getting embarrassing.
We had ample chance to make a new thread ourselves, yet we didn't. I didn't even notice we were close to page 13, I've been busy lately.
Working on an easy copy-paste OP template on the wiki right now.
An anime reaction pic is not an argument, user
I finally have completely ridden boost from my game. It feels like I just removed a tumor via self surgery. There's blood everywhere, somethings are broken, but it's fucking gone and now I can bandage this mess and move on.
Congrats user. When I was mucking around with C++ Boost looked like a fucking mess. It reminds me a lot of the Javascript culture where people are taught to use huge libraries for trivial things.
Okay, for some reason I can't upload images to the wiki, and I sure as fuck am not making a flickr account, so I'm going to just upload the images I wanted to add here, link them, and someone who can actually upload files to the wiki can add them and edit the template page.
Feel good, man.
Mocking me for not seeing something as inherently bad doesn't serve as an argument in favor of that thing being bad.
Fucking jQueery. I always avoid using libraries like the plague, but I boost seemed like it could have made netcode (which requires weird packet frames and encryption) significantly easier and I didn't want to waste my time rebuilding something that might be insecure.
Big fucking mistake. Boost is absolute dogshit. It's also confusing as hell because you basically have to learn their methodology for coding, which is a huge waste of brain cells because their library is ugly as ass, slow as shit, just all around garbage
Reddit is inherently bad though. Even if you find something obscure that you might seem cancer free, keep in mind it's fucking attached to reddit. The cancer from reddit will spread within and eventually take over.
Alright, page is up: 8agdg.wikidot.com
Will add it to the wiki's front page.
Sounds like a bunch of cultish thinking bullshit to me, friend
That's stupid. That's like saying that niggers are inherently bad. They served their purpose, we should've just shipped them back once we were done with them.
For what purpose?
Reddit is inherently cancer because their upvote/downvote system breeds attention seeking faggotry and silences any dissent without requiring an argument. Disagree with someone? Just downvote them with your fellow faggots until it's hidden. It encourages groupthink because whenever you say something that aligns with the masses you get immediate reward of gay reddit points, and if you post wrongthink your points get taken away. "Well who gives a shit about internet points?" They all do. Everyone on reddit is addicted to getting points from everything they post. It's the same as people posting bait to get (You)s on chans but it's not even replies they're after, just fucking reddit points so they feel validated. Some dipshit owner of the board /r/creepshots and /r/jailbait lost his job when the resident SJWs of SRS doxxed him. What did he have to say for himself when CNN interviewed him?
t. reformed reddit tumour
you can't reform tumors, you cut them out
99% of you niggers don't even understand why reddit is cancer, you just parrot what other anons have said. If asked why you probably couldn't even form a coherent reply. I might have been a gigantic fucking liberal faggot in my youth, but anons just parroting shit without even understanding why something is irredeemable cancer are hardly better.
How does the combat system in FFTA work?
The stage is navmeshed, and then every time a character has to move somewhere it plots a course using the shortest amount of tiles?
First and 3rd are not properly recognizable as OP images, could be used as second images (I usually add a second image relevant to the edition).
2nd could work, but might also be considered NSFW and isn't extremely legible if you ask me.
4th is just the same one with Viv on it.
Wouldn't it just use A* instead of navmeshes? But yes, pretty much.
Yeah, cultish bullshit. You sound like a born-again Christian lamenting at sinners.
What's that
I do not need to know more than two things.
The site's interface is complete dogshit and the people have absolutely no sense of humor.
Why in god's name would I spend even a single minute of my life trying to understand your 2dep4u inner machinations.
I would hope there would be at least a LITTLE AI coming into play before that. Archers aren't going to just want to close the gap, for example. Black mages as well.
A pathfinding algorithm.
it's a tile based game. so technically yeah it's "navmeshed" but it's easy to do because each discrete unit of "place a unit can be" in the game requires so much other game logic that the whole game is based on those discrete units, so the navigation is not that far divorced from the level design.
Re-read what he asked:
This question is in no way, shape or form about how the AI makes decisions, just about how tile movement works.
I bet you don't think womble is a fwaggot
It's important to understand why it is irredeemable cancer because otherwise we get dipshits like 4c860c who think,
Kill yourself faggot.
I mean they're being ironic and self-aware about the nature of Twitch and how silly it is.
Welcome to 8ch 2k17 - listen and believe :^)
I was right, you all are lazy fucking niggers.
Next you'll tell me I have to understand how a mental disorder works on a microscopic and genetic level, then I have to write my master's thesis on it and get my doctor, open a clinic and cure down syndrome, just to be allowed to laugh at a tard flipping his shit, because that's what reddit is.
How easy would you think this would be to replicate with someone with a moderate knowledge of Unity and C#?
I haven't really looked into navmeshing at all so far so I'm kind of lost
ur not gonna make it
A* is a node-based algorithm. In this case each tile would be a "node" connected to every surrounding tile/node. .
See for yourself.
2D-array pathfinding isn't that hard and there's plenty of resources around for it. I'd avoid searching for 'unity navmesh' though, you're going to massively over-complicate what you need.
What is this even supposed to mean
Didn't know that
No matter how he sounds, what he said is factually correct.
You do need to know more than those two things, because your ability to go places where people have unpredictable and unsafe humor are directly dependent upon the internet not mimicking Reddit's format, which much of it does. Reddit's upvote system is the antithesis of anonymous imageboard discussion, because it directly values the status quo and popularity over freedom of action and objectivity. This is antithetical to humor, as well, and why imageboards have a monopoly on internet culture production. How the fuck have you been on any imageboard for more than a year without learning that?
You're in a gamedev thread. You of all people should be able to understand how the mechanics of those systems are going to interact with basic human psychology just by looking at them. You're plain as fucking day just throwing a bitch fit and sticking your fingers in your ears, saying "I don't HAVE to try to understand it, you're just pretentious!" when it's something that a child could understand the basics of, because you don't want to acknowledge it.
And how many years did it take you to learn to reply to the wrong person?
Why was this so fucking funny
The replies are switched. Are you going to respond to the one that's obviously for you, or just play the "You made a typo, I don't have to respond!" game?
I am so sorry that you're so used to your reddit interface that you can't even cope with something as simple as that.
I'll try to keep that in mind when I keep calling you a faggot.
This is why I don't need to understand what little goes on inside your head. Because all I have to do is be a little mean and you'll come at me sobbing and crying basically telling me where you actually belong.
Consider your intellectual superiority demonstrated. You're clearly so many steps ahead of my feeble brain that I just can't compete.
you need to go back, cuck
You completely set yourself up for it my dude
Stop arguing about reddit and get back to making games
Pretty easy.
Source: I started with 0 programming knowledge and have done it. Video related (first of a series) will help.
refresh page for clean
Mods nuked my boost removal posts for some dumbass reason.
Thank you.
awesomeness, thank you
Haven't watched this vid but I can vouch for this channel, it's good stuff.
I'll save it for the future
thanks babes
You should've seen how much you could've gottne done before the update
Is there a common issues page on the wiki to help new people with commonly encountered problems such as shadow bias or z-fighting? I'm not really a programmer so I'm not sure if it would be worth including an equivalent section for C++ or whatever you guys are using…
I don't think there is, but usually someone's around that can help
'cmon you know how it is when you really want to play something and can't concentrate on anything else
Dunno if y'all know about gamehut, but it's a channel made by the director of Traveler's Tale, and it kind of goes over a bunch of tricks and cool shit they did when they were developing games for 16bit systems.
Some legitimately interesting stuff
I shared two of his videos last thread.
He's also doing a Director's cut of Sanic 3D Blast, adding a bunch of neat stuff and explaining how he does it along the way.
So what's the general knowabouts of switch homebrew? I don't have one but I want to get one to play around and make stupid shitty games on it with
There's a very rudimentary Switch emulator, but it's not going to display graphics or playback audio, so you won't be able to playtest your game with that.
There's also a basic Switch homebrew SDK available at this point, but again, not really much graphics/audio to speak of yet, it's just too early to be trying to make games using it.
How would you model pic related efficiently?
Suppose you have an object with Sand, Clay, and Silt values, but how would you figure out which section it falls into?
I feel like you could use some kind of polygonal mapping, but it's a 3D region in a sense too
Honestly, I'd just store the image as a 2d texture, remove all of the black stuff and text, and use an algorithm to get a color, then have that color mapped to whatever type of earth you want. The algorithm itself would be….puzzling, to say the least.
How do you even read this? is a 100% clay mixture automatically 50% sand? Is clay loam 50% sand, 50% silt, and 50% clay? That doesn't seem possible.
It's poorly designed, but if you follow the orientation of the numbers, you'll see that it actually works. Here's an example.
Ok, that makes sense.
I would say store the maximum and minimum amount of clay, silt, and sand in each category in an array. So "sandy clay" has between 55% and 35% clay. Clay has between 100% and 40% clay, and so on, for each every material in every category.
Then when given a number for a percent of clay, you bring up all the possibilities that it could be. So at 45% clay it would return sandy clay, clay, and silty clay.
Then you take in another value, like silt, and say there's 55% silt. That returns silty clay, silty loam, clay loam, loam, and sandy loam.
The only value both inputs returned is silty clay, so you know that it's silty clay.
So basically a two-step filter process? That works somewhat, but breaks when Silt Loam is encountered, because it is an irregular shape. This is basically a phase diagram, I'm not sure how they work with those.
Also it's not relevant to my current project, but just a rough idea for a future one
Damn your right.
silt, silt loam, silty clay loam, silty clay, clay
11% clay -> loamy sand, sandy loam, loam, silt loam, silt
So there's a match for both silt and silt loam.
To fix this you could divide it up so that each shape is convex. Any concave shapes are divided up into multiple versions of the same category. So silt loam would have
Ah fuck. I just realized that loamy sand is another case that breaks my system. There might be a way to make it work but I don't feel like figuring it out right now.
Do you need any possible combination of floating point percentages, or would it work with every 5% or so?
Nevermind I sort of figured it out. Didnt realize it was a fairly common diagram.
Nevermind, I do feel like figuring it out right now.
Loamy sand
70-85%-85-90% sand
0%-30% silt
0%-15% clay
when a value for sand over 70% but under 90% is chosen, then clay is used to determine if it is sand, loamy sand, or sandy loam.
Clay at 0% means uses 70% sand for the lower bound and 85% sand for the upper bound. Clay at 15% uses 85% sand as the lower bound and 90% sand as the upper bound.
Clay at x% uses (70+x)% as the lower bound and (85+(x/3))% as the upper bound.
It's a hack of a solution but I think it would work. I could make it more but making it more general doesn't solve any more problems so I'll just leave it there.
Damn it. All that work for nothing.
Well the article doesnt really cover how to find which arbitrary region it falls into, which is what I'm after. I guess I posted a specific case that I might use but itd be nice to understand it on a general level
Do you care if you're parsing that very image (modified, though) to do this?
I didn't mean totally generally, there are still limits, but I think this should work for any shape that works like loamy sand, where the only skewed lines both have a positive or negative slope and only affect a single axis (sand, silt, or clay). I don't know how to do a truly general solution with something like a circular shape and figuring out if a point lies within.
This is what life is about.
This is what video games need to be, keep up the good work.
Looking for progammers.
Post your portfolio/github here
why don't you post your project /fag/?
Post your project and let the programmers tell you if they are interested. Beggars can't be choosers.
Not this user but if an user could post programming exercises, the ones searched through google are pretty shit-tier and/or not related to what I want to learn.
Besides this I've been following a few tutorials on building an engine using OpenGL/GLFW framework. Pic related is my current progress. Right now I've been stumped browsing through documentation as to add controller support. So instead of asking to be spoonfed the answer I've been looking for books/videos that teach engine building and game coding in the c++/opengl language.
Any help or comments would be appreciated.
>artfag thinks he's the boss of this gym studio
So there are no programmers here?
No, programming is for fags. We make games solely with the power of our will.
Okay, I need to know if this is a bad practice or not.
I know I'm basically storing data twice. The coordinate values will never, *ever* change, so there's not going to be any kind of "whoops I changed it and one and not the other, now goofy shit is happening" problems. Are there any other problems with this? This grid won't really get bigger than 200x200, so I don't think filling up memory with another 80,000 integers (320-640kb in the memory) would be a big deal, would it?
The only other solution I can think of would be to store the coordinates in one place and using iteration to find what you want, but it seems like iterating over 40,000 hexes would be slow, considering I might end up needing to do it several times per frame.
I am okay with this. Gonna stitch sprites together to look a bit better, then try them out in engine. If this works, I am going to continue with the running animations which should be super easy now that I have a ton of template legs for animating. lol
I have today off so I'm gonna spend it animating, then I'll make a new blank template room and show off whatever I get done. Honestly, I'd like to implement walking, running, jumping and climbing up ledges a la Megaman Legends, though I'm at a loss as to how I'd detect a ledge and how to scan for whatever is needed via script. Also fuck swimming animations and swimming in games in general, fall in water and you drown. Or it is death water, I dunno. Or it is knee-high water.
Are you looking for a hash table?
You absolutely want to avoid iterating over an entire array for something so frequent.
I thought about using a dictionary, but it would need to work both ways. I guess I COULD just use two dictionaries, but that would still take up twice as much memory.
Yeah, and "both ways" isn't really something that hash's do. You could store a reference/pointer/whatever to the specific tile along side the coordinates. This would get around the one way nature of the hash but there is most likely a better data structure out there that can handle this.
normalfags get out tbh famalam
There's plenty, but not if you ask like that
not an artform.
Stop being such a whiny bitch
you don't understand, programmers are sensitive cuckolds, they hide from the sunlight because it burns their vampiric pale skin,also to find programmers you need to be in the most boring pathetic place on earth like a coffee shop or some place that lacks creativity to the core, there you will find the faggotry you need.
it's not about asking for portfolio
you come into this thread asking people to work for you just because you ask them to and you also immediately start making demands
There's plenty of programmers here just none that are willing to work for you.
So why don't you give us a reason we should waste our time on your shitty ideas
you're not a programmer, you're a faggot.
if you are not a programmer you will never make game
i'm not the same guy, I got 4 programmers working for me on IRC, they are pathetically poor and i'm paying them off with bitcoin fraction
what i'm trying to say is this, creativity isn't for everyone, programmers are great at problem solving, but they aren't autistic enough to be visually adept, they just lack the skills, this is called science my dude, you are legitimately shit at ideas, and ideas that are good aren't always executed properly because perhaps the artist is a betacuck loser who isn't dominant enough (lacks the TRUMP meme-gene) to do anything at all.
I do most of the assets, I not only create art but I also create animation, 3D Model/texture, and so on, I have my part, but I don't expect some code faggot to do the same thing as me, I can assume that everything he developed will look absolute shit tier and the animation will look like an animatronic shitfest and its all because his focus is entirely on the coding side, not on the creative side, I expect him to know atleast a little bit because if he's coding a shader or some custom material that morphs and has moving/animated textures in layers, he needs to know what he's creating visually, and he'd be doomed if he didn't have some art faggot coaching him, the guy draws stick figures for fucksakes, he's as bad as an oriental gook, and we all know that china copies everyone because they aren't creative, it has to do with genes, I bet you don't have that successful aryan "rocket making/innovative" trump genes m8.
If you're looking for help then you should post your own stuff first.
Good thing you didn't, I wouldn't want anyone skilled to waste their time working with a faggot like you
why are you targeting me, i'm not the same guy, check the ID you pathetic failure.
Rustfag, is that you?
So any games featuring spanking mechanics?
I think you are a fucking retard if you think coders don't have creativity. One of the best assets a programmer can have is creativity, otherwise you just get a code monkey who follows code templates. The very existence of OMAfags disproves your claim, as there have been good and creative games made entirely by programmers.
Anons, how should I approach copying ideas from other games? Do you think there's some unacceptable border that shouldn't be crossed? How to do it tactfully?
Recently I replayed certain old game and I love its gameplay and interface so much I want to copy them, they'd fit almost perfectly for the type of game I want to make. I'd change certain elements that I think are broken or not finished but overall if I did it the way I want the way gameplay, interface, inventory and crafting are handled, would be nearly identical. In theory I could mod it to avoid any possible drama but in practice the information how to do it are non-existent and I'm not knowledgeable enough to figure it out on my own.
The game is not popular but its unique enough that there would be no mistaking where I got those ideas from and I would have no trouble admitting it because being original is not my goal but I wouldn't want to come off as a thief.
Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. Just do it.
Just follow what Nintendo does with Zelda. Almost every single modern Zelda started of as a remake of Ocarina of Time, but each one of them finds their own "thing" as they're being made.
IF you copy something you're likely to start experimenting once the thing is copied well, so it'll eventually become its own thing.
Many, many great games are expansions on old ones. PSO is mostly just Diablo in space. I think the important point in copying art is that you create a meaningful departure from whatever you copied. If you're just making the same thing again because you liked it the first time, drop it. If you think you can truly make a significant departure from it, and improve on what already existed, go for it.
You have absolutely no bloody respect for programmers and it shows, mate. As I stand, there's four elements to gamedev - coding, art, music and writing - each having their own challenges, each hard in their own ways, each completely incomparable to one another.
And yet you convinced yourself that you're somehow amazing and codefags are just virgin plebs who are beneath you. How fucking dare you, mate. I do everything myself but fuck me, if I had anyone else with me, be it a co-writer, an artfag or whatever, I'd treat them as equals to me. Now, I know I won't work with others for a long time since my development schedule is too scattered, but I sincerely bloody hope that your codefags quit because no matter how poor they are, they deserve to be treated better.
You sound like a legitimate piece of shit m8.
As other anons have said you've got codemonkey not programmers.
Programmers, by trade, have to be creative.
nigger wut
That's sort of implied, btw
You are probably right. Now that I think about it there's a lot of mechanics that would fit really well with my setting and idea but stuff like crafting, dialogue system and some other lesser details would have to be re-thinked or completely new. I guess I was overthinking it because there aren't that many real-time tactical stealth rpg games, out there.
You're right. I would be happy that a game like that comes out, instead of trying to lynch the dev because it looks like something I played 17 years ago. It will work in my favor not against me.
Thank you.
kill yourself
lookup table. At the precision of the triangle mesh shown in the image.
Everyone is looking. What do you have to offer? A cat and a fagbook pro?
Coding is the most demanding and time intensive. Art isn't hard and plenty of people will freelance for minimal cash. Music is fun and creative. People will do it for free. Writing is shit-easy. Any of the above 3 can do it better than people who claim to specialize in it.
I'm surprised you even managed to get 4 people to work for you. Don't be surprised when people start walking out on you. Respect is a two-way street and if you look down on your team like this it's going to come back and bite you in the ass later. You sound like a Brendan McNamara tier asshole, I hope your game fails and you kill yourself.
this discipline-ism is retarded, all diciplines as relevant to gamedev as the game demands it.
Why was it mentioned there?
Probably because Speebot released recently so now they're suddenly interested in 8ch agdg.
It's been in Unity personal for ages.
Post your work so that I can laugh at how bad you are.
Writing isn't hard, but good writing is, since it requires hundreds of rewrites. Most "writing" ends up being edgy tryhard garbage, especially when discussing anything resembling a serious subject, and it's a constant balancing act on that edge of edginess, or edge of edge, if you prefer.
It's why I've had the roughest time with writing out of everything, because it's the least objective aspect of game development.
You should make a global enum/variable for each type of soil (e.g. enum SoilType { CLAY, SILTY_CLAY, SILTY_CLAY_LOAM, etc.}) and then write a function that takes two percentages (e.g. Clay % and Silt %) and returns the correct enum.
Here are two ways to write that function:
//Method 1: Create a triangular array with the proper variables, and access it through a method.public static Soil getSoil(float clay, float silt){ return soil[floor(clay*20)][floor(silt*20)]}//elsewhere in your codeprivate static final Soil[][] soil = {{SAND, SAND, SAND, SAND, LOAMY_SAND, LOAMY_SAND, LOAMY_SAND, SANDY_LOAM, SANDY_LOAM, /*SANDY_LOAM to 50% silt*/, SILT_LOAM, /*SILT_LOAM to 80% silt*/, SILT, SILT, SILT, SILT, SILT}, {/*array of 20 values for 5% clay*/}, {/*array of 19 values for 10% clay*/},{/*etc*/},{CLAY}};//Pros: Fairly straightforward to implement, and you can probably generate the soil array automatically through color detection on the graph like another user suggested//Cons: You'll have to validate input somewhere. It's also not very precise.
Method 2: Write helper methods (e.g. isSilt, isSand, isClay) and call each of them until you find a match.public static Soil getSoil(float clay, float silt){ float sand = 1 - clay - silt; if (sand < 0 || silt < 0 || clay < 0){ throw new ArithmaticException("Whoops!");} if (clay > 0.6) return CLAY; if (clay > 0.4) { if (isSandyClay(clay, silt, sand)) return SANDY_CLAY; if (isSiltyClay(clay, silt, sand)) return SILTY_CLAY; return CLAY; //default result } if (clay> 0.325){ if (isSandyClay(clay, silt, sand)) return SANDY_CLAY; if (isSandyClayLoam(clay, silt, sand)) return SANDY_CLAY_LOAM; if (isClayLoam(clay, silt, sand)) return CLAY_LOAM; return SILTY_CLAY_LOAM; } /*etc. etc.*/}//Pros: Much more precise, and if you write it correctly you won't even need the isClay or isLoam methods. Also takes up less memory.//Cons: This is much harder to implement, and the edge cases could give you nightmares if you screw up. Also, it might be slower than the first method because of all the branching.
How does one do isometric pixel art?
Download an isometric grid and use it as a base layer in the program of your choice.
The grid and perspective isn't really the problem. I'm struggling with making tiles repeat, since it doesn't seem to work like top-down or sidescrolling tiles do.
I think what I'd end up doing is defining each region as a polygon and then take XY and solve X+Y+Z=1 and see which shape it falls inside
I remember a pyramid with 100 name classes, can somebody post it? i need some help with pic related
If you wanted to host a small game server for a R&D project (I'm thinking about doing some online game R&D as a side project, not looking to make a full-fledged online game at this stage), how would you go about it?
Buy some cheap hosting package somewhere?
I recognize you can simulate latency/packet loss through software/code, but even then, I just don't feel like hosting the game server on my development machine will be the best way to go about things…
kek surely wants me to make this game, thanks
Seconding this suggestion
You should have an array like hexagons[x][y] that stores a pointer to the Hex at (x,y), and the Hex should store its own X and Y values.
Also, I recommend this article on hexgrids, it's really well-done: redblobgames.com
The reason people are upset with you is because you didn't give any information on why you desire a programmer's portfolio. Normally, when putting out a recruitment post, you describe your project and what you need from a potential team member.
Here's your (You)
That's basically what Method 2 is doing, except without actually constructing polygons. I'm curious how those polygons would work; it sounds like it might fix the branch prediction hell and implementation/maintenance difficulties the method has.
I always found it funny how Bard was the dead center of having no talent.
I've actually seen people making the sides of a square as plain pixel art and then distorting them and creating squares with them
What's the game if I may ask?
Also, I'm making a hacking game. Is there anything in particular you'd like to see in it? Of course I have my own ideas, but I'd still like to hear yours.
I want a hacking game where you're not a fucking script kiddie for once. Don't give the player some programs they run to hack into machines, have them make their own programs.
Kind of a crossover between a hacking game and a Zachtronics game, basically.
It's the spoiler here:
Also, what kind of "hacking" game are you making? Is it like Uplink? Is it a "hacking" aesthetic over a different genre? I'm into both personally, as long as they're not called Watch_Dogs.
Like, tessellation? It's basically the same as in a standard square grid, except you're tessellating rhombuses now.
Maybe I worded that badly, I meant how one tile seamlessly connects to another. I had a lot of trouble doing those transitions, especially with different materials.
Maybe I should just give it another try now that I got pyxeledit, it has a useful tiling feature.
Toasters toast toast
They toast bread you maniac.
By the way, whoever added this image to the thread template page, this wasn't an OP image. I made this (and a cross one with "file deleted" next to it) for /agdg/ when custom spoiler images came out and the BO made a thread asking for images to use, but I was the only one that posted a few and the lazy faggot never implemented them.
There was a grayish brown one with anti aliasing and a transparent one as well, but they've all been lost due to harddrive failure and the board updating. Not like I ever visit the board anymore, anyway.
They can toast toast as well, but you just get burnt toast.
That's a rock Luigi
You didn't make that
They where the jack of all trades in D&D. Buffs/spells, rogue skills, and could fight if they wanted to.
Because you reek of ideanewfag looking for someone to do the hardpart for a project you probably haven't even started with and wont follow through with. People like you are dime-a-dozen.
nice, and is it this attached .png one?
my bad, makes sense now that you've explained it.
Might aswell leave it though as there may be an instance where a thread edition fits it.
I don't like how the lower legs look, but I wanna throw them in engine now so fuck it. Video soonish.
How do games handle entities and use of them?
Say, for example, I have 10 enemies in one level and then 20 on the other, is there any way of handling them without having an "enemy" array?
And about use, say I want to have collision against everything, do most engines have some complex fuckery or is it just an array with pointers to everything?
look up the entity component system design pattern, serialization/deserialization, and physics engines (rigidbody simulations with physics engines, or in otherwords, how collisions work in most game engines).
I'll look into those, thanks user.
Have a brown Erin.
Whats wrong with the array?
You ideally want to reduce all of your problems down to array problems, because this will help with vectorization. The best way to do it is to actually have arrays with every enemy attribute inside of them, this means that the memory is grouped so that each operation can be batched (physics, etc) easier.
Not saying there's anything wrong with it. I just couldn't think of anything else, so I was curious if there was a different, better way of going about it.
Also, to answer the second question, that is not how games handle collisions. All game engines that have worlds larger than a room, will not use O(n) collision detection like how you are describing. (that's of course not true for a game like rocket league) What they do is use data structures to partition the world into smaller, manageable chunks, using more complex data structures like BSP trees, Octrees, and other specialized formats. Games also generally use systems like a prebaked PVS (potentially visible set) and only do calculations against objects inside of this set. It might not be exactly the same things I am describing, but it's different ways of solving the problem.
If you can use an array, you should use the array since computers are optimized to solve problems with arrays the fastest. Obviously if you need to reduce a significantly large set of things to do calculations on then this isn't a good idea.
btw that user is mentioning a data oriented design pattern method of handling your data; if you'd like a more concise term to search/learn about.
Quick fyi… my suggestion of serialization/deserialization is in the context of saving data for offline storage, and then loading; as you implied persistence (multiple levels).
f.e. going from area 1 to area 2, serializing area 1 data, discarding from memory, and upon re-entering area 1 you deserialize the saved data.
That is to say, there's more efficient means to handling data when you're in an online capacity.
For handling data while online, DoD is an efficient approach for certain problems, but is one of many approaches; while each has different suitability per the specific problem you need to solve.
In summation… use the right tool for the job.
It should be noted that half the battle is knowledge of the tool, wisdom of when to use it, and the creativity of imagining its application.
Here's a good game-centric knowledge base for design patterns:
Who else is ready for Godot to take a big chunk out of Unity? godotengine.org
couldn't you use c++ all along? it's just that there's no good documentation or any existing projects showing you how to do it
although no joke how do you use godot with c++?
Not until they fix the fucking material import issues.
The engine is written in C++ and is entirely open-source. Although with the new language binding you can make dynamic libraries in (theoretically) any language and then call them in gdnative without recompiling the whole engine.
I don't use godot, unity, or other similar middleware, let alone languages like C# or GDScript
dear /agdg/
please save the horror and RTS genres, thanks in advance.
a massive faggot
Then tell the Spring developers to finally fix their fucking path finder for once, so that's its not shit anymore. And then get banned on the forum because they got butthurt :^)
Horror will never be good. There's too much reliance on jump-scares, tropes stolen from other works, and exploitation of the instinctual "surprise = fear" reaction. Psych horror is an exception, but it has its own problems of self-fellating and navel gazing.
I'm not going to say RTS will never be good, but I will say that it's very, very difficult to create an RTS game with a low enough skill floor to have a sizeable active community without collapsing the skill ceiling. Even if your skill floor is Hearthstone low, you still have to deal with the difference between the average new player and the average ladder player; imo this "skill stool" is why Starcraft II has not been revived with Legacy of the Void.
Also, in most RTS games even a small 10-point difference in MMR between players translates to huge changes in % chance of winning in a battle (~10%, but could be more at lower MMRs). If your matchmaking system isn't great, or you don't have many people online, most games will be curbstomps, which is boring for the winner and depressing for the loser.
Why would that happen? From what I understand about Unity, it's the go-to for fagdevdev cancer shitting shit on steam and nothing else.
I should make a t-shirt print of this. Shouldn't be a too big of a project.
Do we have more of these logos?
Man I am pleased with how this turned out.
i came
I want to write a Quake-like renderer for practice, but I can't decide on two things:
1. Software, hardware or both?
2. Should I write it in C, HolyC or one of the meme languages I'm currently interested in?
Post yfw you realized without us programmers there would be no games.
just like the good old days
I love the AGDG's threads but is very easy to miss happenings here
Yup, that's the one.
You could, but you had to recompile the entire engine. compile times wouldn't be very fun.
There's a few more on 8agdg.wikidot.com
You can feel smug about it when you've finished your game.
t. buttmad """artist""
I'm making an edgy rocket launcher, I had a suggestion from a friend and I've named it the WRATH CASTER.
I love it! Does it shoot skulls or red energy blasts or something?
The plan is it's gonna shoot rocket propelled grenades that have a glass tube in the middle filled with angry spirits, if the missile hits something, it explodes like normal, but if you hit altfire while they fly through the air, they explode and send out angry ghost skull bombs that fall to the ground and carpet bomb shit.
Reminder there's less than 20 days left until November's demo day.
This update may not be ready by then. But I will have a "demo" for you guys.
Admittedly many of those can be done in a few hours, but it still makes me wonder wtf I've been doing all this time.
Maybe I need to start keeping a list of things I've done, rather than just things I need to do.
I do both
Damn, your game looks good.
user, that's a GBA game.
Well, I tried. I have no idea if what I'm doing is right or how many tiles I need for a complete set.
Have you not seen? Everywhere you go online, the announcement of C# in Godot has many Unity devs saying they'll gladly jump ship. Can you blame them? Open-source means that unlike Unity, there won't be any super common game breaking bugs that go unfixed for 3 years because some guy will just fix it, put it on the Godot website and it'll be in the next official build within a month or two instead of waiting years.
Because Unity uses C# as a development language. Making Godot more similar to Unity makes it easier for Unity users to jump ship.
Cuphead was made in Unity, so was Hollow Knight. There are plenty of real games made in Unity. It's a tool, what you make in it is up to your ability.
just don't
cmon now
In the meantime we're trying some new pivoting animation, we went frame by frame in sunshine to see what they did and I think it might be a three stage animation
Gonna try to get this working today and see how it comes out
I like your little character there. Tell us more about your game.
Fuck off, goon. Back to cuckchan with you
I mean, it worked. Wonder what the fuck I did to ruin it though.
Wasn't there a shitty tumblr-tier video series about that? You should go watch it and then kindly go kill yourself.
It's a snappy (hopefully) 3D platformer, you play as Drill Boy who can burrow underground and use his drill to bash into walls and enemies.
We're not thinking too far ahead with it, we're mostly trying to understand how to make games so far. I'm building a character controller and my friend is training in character design and animation
Are you just a 3dpd that gets "her" 400lb ass triggered over smug animu girls?
just report and don't respond please
mods actually care about keeping /agdg/ clean, leave it to them
Stop shitting up the thread or I'm gonna start handing out reports like candy.
Stop acknowledging this retard. You should know better than to let mentally ill idiots turn this place into cuckchan agdg 2.0.
C and Both.
The only role that is required for game development is programming. Artists, writers, musicians cannot create a game without a programmer, but a programmer can make a game without them.
Programming is creative, but requires an understanding of basic math for you to see how- this is something that artfags cant do.
I swear to god even I could could design a better animator system than what unity is currently using
honestly i wouldn't think about it unless i was obsessed with that fad cancer
problem solved
That's a nice cel shader. All you have to do now is make sure your game has a high enough poly count so the celshading is improving the visuals instead of highlighting it's imperfections like a lot of 6th gen cel shaded games
Still developing an aesthetic. I might be onto something, I like the gradients.
Good thing I had a backup and I didn't lose too much
What a load of fucking bullshit
Careful with that. Excessive use of gradients is the mark of the beast for shitty SJW indie games. Take care that your stuff doesn't get lumped in with theirs because of your choice in art direction.
What do you mean?
Actually, the sign of SJW styles tend to be inconsistent, unfocused or simply directionless artstyles, in my experiece. It's important to just pick a style and stick to it as much as humanely possible.
Honestly anything that isn't just straight up ascii is SJW tier
SJW games like to use gradient coloring and shading to hide plain design or shitty textures
Night in the Woods has literally nothing to do with your explanation
It doesn't even have gradients
And the last problem That Dragon Cancer has, visually, is gradients.
Are you telling me Superhot is SJW? Or Grow Home? Or fuck, one of the worlds from Mario Odyssey?
That's a pretty bad way of thinking about anything. Just make sure you do a good job and aren't using it as a crutch because you don't want to do art.
I advised caution, not to avoid it completely. I'm not retarded.
SJW indie games like flat colors more than gradients. Besides, it's the pastel colors they like to use rather than gradients. Spyro's skyboxes wouldn't mesh well with shit like No Man's Sky
The cross on the right looks weird because the floor in that section appears to be at the level of the main floor, the border elevates a level, but the main floor doesn't elevate with it. I think if you made sure your elevations were consistent and there wasn't any M.C. Escher shit going on, your tiles would look fine.
Disregard that other guy, I think your stuff looks great.
Also, I feel like this thread is using "SJW games" to mean "games I don't like." That Dragon, Cancer is not an SJW game; the family who made it are white cishet Christians with like 5 kids. It's pretentious and Oscar bait, yes, but it's not an SJW game like A Night In The Woods, TACOMAN, or Gone Home.
every time a character is ordered to move somewhere it moves in the cheapest way possible since the movement range area is already taking pathfinding into account, unless you're talking about the enemy units in which case you also have to take the ai into account,
I don't think his point is that it is, I think his point is that it would be treated as and passed off as such. Superhot and Grow Home came earlier in the gradient, simple color fad so they get a pass, and Mario Odyssey is Nintendo.
also fuck you for reminding me of NITW
Are there any good tutorials on how to get started with gzdoom builder with udmf format?
fuck you do your code magic you fucking computer fag
drop out of gaming your scope is very limited
Found the Spring Developer :^)
enchant those numbers you nigger
the family who made that dragon cancer are sjw's, thus the game is an sjw game
That's not true for anything more complicated than pong. MAYBE arkanoid…
A game can look like shit and still be good.
A game can sound like shit and still be good.
A game can have shit story and cringe writing but still be good.
A game cannot be broken and glitchy and still be good.
Dwarf Fortress
Oh, I didn't realize the cross looked off. You're absolutely right, thanks for pointing that out.
I'll have to mess around more with the tiling "logic" before I get into the actual design, but I think I'll get the hang of it.
That's where you're wrong user.
Do you have any evidence of this?
Enjoy your (You).
XCOM would like to have a word with you
I agree with you, but "glitchy" and "broken" are not the same thing. A glitchy game still sells; a broken game doesn't.
I think you'll be fine, user. Just make sure you assign elevations to each square and keep the tiles consistent with the elevations.
fucking (you) *you*'re self you (you) *you* nerd
Are you okay there user?
Entirely true. I can make a game with programmer art and its still a game with good gameplay, everybody can draw to some degree.
An artist can only make a bunch of models or something, but to make a game out of that, they have to learn become a programmer. And since most artfags cant into math this always ends in "screenshots of blender models i'm making for shitty unity game #9001" until they just stop updating.
Have you ever heard of a roguelike, you 12 year old?
if there is such a thing as "programmer art" what makes you think there's no "artist code", and by that I mean scripting in game maker or using one of those many prebuilt "codeless" engines, not that I'm an artfag, but these epeen contests seem dumb and unproductive.
Cause I've worked with dozens of artists that were interested in games and were scared of even getting close to a bit of code.
Artfags for some reason mostly don't want to touch code, and if they do they're not great at it, that's just how it seems to be.
For fun I slapped some Hexen textures in to see what it would look like. Also some rough support for shadows under things. Probably shouldn't capture at 3x upscale because it turns to mush when encoding.
I don't know why so many are so scared of trying. I started out as an artfag.
"artist code" means that the artist makes an absolute mess and gives up , or actually learns how to program. I don't know of any good results from "codeless" engines.
Nice work, that looks really good!
I'd never be ok or even a there tbh
hexen > doom
Thanks. Feels weird to see it with some actual textures for once.
You might like what I'm planning then user.
Even with RPGMaker of GameMaker, you need to have a half-functional brain in order to make it do what you want it to, and most artists can't even cross that low of a bar.
iirc Hyper Light Drifter and Undertale are both GameMaker games. Don't think there's ever been an RPGMaker game that isn't shit though.
I almost didn't recognize the game without the placeholder textures. You're making real progress, don't forget it.
Godot's navigation gives me a navigation path like the black line. I want it like the blue line so the npc doesn't go outside the bounds of the navmesh. How can I do this?
This is how it's supposed to be. This is compensated by the fact that the edges of the nav mesh should be some distance away from walls and obstacles.
Undertale is shit and Hyper Light Drifter has programmers on its team.
you can't set the agent's radius in Godot?
I disagree :^)
You're moving the goalposts. You said you don't know any good results from "codeless" engines, and I used Hyper Light Drifter as a counterexample. You did not ask for "good games without a programmer."
polite sage for offtopic BS
I should have said it when I said I don't know of any good results from "codeless" engines, but its heavily implied that i'm talking about it in the context of an artist making a game without a programmer. If I wasn't, it would be totally off topic to the point i'm trying to make.
Of course, thanks.
Just starting to make a game, downloaded unity because I'm a scrub and my only coding experience is in Java 7 while I'm using C# for this project. I'm making a 2d tactics game with two main stages; overworld and combat. Gonna revolves around some kingdoms fighting each other with some branching paths based of which one you start in and which ones you fight. Any advice for an absolute beginner like me? Is this project even too big for someone starting fresh?
Probably. But feel free to try, run headfirst into a wall, and then start learning smaller things afterwards. In that case you'll know where you stand.
It's hard to switch between "art mode" and "code mode".
Whenever I encounter an issue with art. It's all a matter of me studying heavily and observing things bit by bit until I can manipulate it in every form I want to. Whenever I have an issue with coding, I spend several hours to a week of browsing through tutorials, posting unanswered questions, and looking at previous questions on stack overflow only to discover that my error was minor or platform specific. In coding, my programming errors are owed to the type of medium that I'm using to solve it. Keep in mind that I'm talking about low level languages like assembly. Motorola's HCS12 works different from intel 86x assembly.
In art however, if you know your fundamentals, then you can do any type of art in any type of medium out there (mspaint, pixel, photoshop, 8ch oekaki, etc). It'll just take you longer. It's very versatile.
false equivalence.
Comparing the utilization of assembly, and art using a plethora of convenient tools is a shit comparison.
You may aswell compare it as doing art with only your mouth, and only in your own blood, and compare that against using assembly.
Basically, if you couldn't get my drift, is that your comparison is absurd, and deserves no less than an absurd reduction.
same with programming.
What you're completely missing out on is abstraction, and how this applies to both art and programming; e.g. abstracting out low-level complexity so the problem can be approached from a high-level, and abstract mode of thinking.
code. monkey.
There's a reason for higher level languages user.
Abstraction, intrinsically, allows for more artistic thinking.
So, if you know how to draw well, you'll instantly know how to sculpt, chisel a figure out of marble, and such?
Obviously, no.
Although, certain fundamental principles of knowledge may help, such as anatomy, and it could assist in the foundational knowledge one may utilize in say sculpting a figure out of marble.
The same exact analogy applies to programming.
If you know one language well enough , with a certain threshold of abstraction, you'll understand the core principles of any other language with a similar level of abstraction.
The same applies for lower level languages, the fundamental principles one learned in a higher level of abstraction still applies; though the application, and skills necessary changes slightly.
Which is the same way for art, and the idea of abstracting out complexity, and the preference of high-level approaches rather than low-level approaches.
The core idea is that it's all systematic (so principles, and knowledge crosses to different applications of the skill), and follows rules (art, programming, it all has rules per the level of abstraction); with different levels of abstraction (low vs high level abstraction of complexity).
I think it has more to do with survivorship bias than anything, sure the tools are here now for both programmerless and artistless approaches but only programmers have had enough autism to push through a dev cycle without learning the other.
IMO this whole conversation is stupid, i don't want to live in a world where all the games are made with either programmers only or artists only
I think I'll leave it as is, I feel like the current silhouette it has is pretty striking. Someone also mentioned the current shape I have also kinda looks like a sword being pointed out from the player, and that's kinda neat too
Reminds me of Spiral Knights
If I have a 256x256 grid, it's obviously going to be fastest to use an array for lookups, since I just need to know the index, yes? As opposed to say, using a dictionary, where it would be log2(n), or 16(?) in worst case?
This is probably the crux of it. If an artist is autistic enough to make game, he'll just learn programming anyway.
Arrays are the fastest for accesses at O(1) every time, so yes. You want to use alternate structures like hash tables when you have to search for things fast, so with 256^2 elements its better to use a hash table. But, this begs the question: Is searching through a grid of 256^2 elements really the solution? Are you making a grid based game and want to hold the state of the entire grid in one big array to do everything with? Because if that's what's going on, its the wrong thing to do for sure.
I can't remember what I was going to use it for, actually. I think I wanted it to be an int that referred to an instance ID for each particular tile (most at 0), but I think I figured out a way around that the other night.
Actually a more pertinent question to what I'm working on right now; my Actors have a "BehaviorID" that refers to a Behavior object, that contains several Queue objects, such as OnCreate, OnIdle, OnMovementEnd, etc. Would it make more sense to just have one large collection and accept an enum as the event type, rather than make separate queues? These are pooled/shared behaviors and not bound to a particular instance
Should I just make my own engine this time? I've been reading about everything on OpenGL just out of random interest lately.
Yeah, it makes more sense to have one large collection. I hope I understand correctly, because i'm trying to translate OO-lang into programming term's im used too.
The best representation of data for the computer is to turn your "Actors" into several arrays of traits for your actors and then do operations where you add, multiply, subtract two massive arrays with each other, or a massive array with one thing. This naturally creates vectored (faster) code.
Sure, why not? Engine development is fun.
It really is, there is so much info, almost more than attempting to prototype in something off the shelf. I know exactly what I am after and the more I read the more I know exactly how to build it.
I do it since it fulfills my autisim, right now my latest engine is over 9000 lines of C in total, probably over 10000 at this point. And, it's only the beginning…
It is said that once a project reaches 10,000 or more lines, it becomes easier to make a new one than maintain it. Make sure you're writing good, modular code.
10,000 lines isn't too much for a C program.
Most of the rules of programming are for the bottom denominator of programmers who only use java. Once you learn all the weaknesses of OOP you learn when you should break them.
Don't worry, I am. Also, its in two projects, one of them is over 7000 lines and the other is over 2000, its for the game engine and the map editor respectively.
The reason the code is a little bloated is because of the Vulkan API. I have three source files for Vulkan and two of them go over 1000 lines of code. This is an example of the kind of code you have to write with Vulkan:
void vkr_init_pipeline(vkr_t *vkr,jmp_buf jump){ //init pipeline VkResult res = 0; VkDynamicState dyn_state_list[VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_RANGE_SIZE] = {0}; VkPipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo dyn_state_info = { .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PIPELINE_DYNAMIC_STATE_CREATE_INFO, .pDynamicStates = dyn_state_list, }; VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo vi_state_info = { .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PIPELINE_VERTEX_INPUT_STATE_CREATE_INFO, .vertexBindingDescriptionCount = 1, .pVertexBindingDescriptions = &vkr->vi_binding, .vertexAttributeDescriptionCount = 3, .pVertexAttributeDescriptions = vkr->vi_attribs, }; VkPipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo asm_state_info = { .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PIPELINE_INPUT_ASSEMBLY_STATE_CREATE_INFO, .primitiveRestartEnable = VK_FALSE, .topology = VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLE_LIST, }; VkPolygonMode mode = VK_POLYGON_MODE_FILL; if(vkr->dev_features.fillModeNonSolid == VK_FALSE){ con_printf("WARNING: Non-solid fill modes are not supported by your video card! The value of r_wireframe has been discarded!"); } else{ if(cvar_geti("r_wireframe")){ mode = VK_POLYGON_MODE_LINE; } } VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo rst_state_info = { .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PIPELINE_RASTERIZATION_STATE_CREATE_INFO, .polygonMode = mode, .cullMode = VK_CULL_MODE_NONE, .frontFace = VK_FRONT_FACE_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE, .depthClampEnable = VK_TRUE, //Selym says he had to change this to prevent errors. Why? .rasterizerDiscardEnable = VK_FALSE, .depthBiasEnable = VK_FALSE, .lineWidth = 1.0f, }; VkPipelineColorBlendAttachmentState att_state[1] = {(VkPipelineColorBlendAttachmentState){ .colorWriteMask = 0xf, .blendEnable = VK_TRUE, .alphaBlendOp = VK_BLEND_OP_ADD, .colorBlendOp = VK_BLEND_OP_ADD, .srcColorBlendFactor = VK_BLEND_FACTOR_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, .dstColorBlendFactor = VK_BLEND_FACTOR_SRC_ALPHA, .srcAlphaBlendFactor = VK_BLEND_FACTOR_ONE, .dstAlphaBlendFactor = VK_BLEND_FACTOR_ZERO, },}; VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo cb_state_info = { .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PIPELINE_COLOR_BLEND_STATE_CREATE_INFO, .attachmentCount = 1, .pAttachments = att_state, .logicOpEnable = VK_FALSE, .logicOp = VK_LOGIC_OP_NO_OP, .blendConstants[0] = 1.0f, .blendConstants[1] = 1.0f, .blendConstants[2] = 1.0f, .blendConstants[3] = 1.0f, }; VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo vp_state_info = { .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PIPELINE_VIEWPORT_STATE_CREATE_INFO, .viewportCount = 1, .scissorCount = 1, }; dyn_state_list[dyn_state_info.dynamicStateCount++] = VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT; dyn_state_list[dyn_state_info.dynamicStateCount++] = VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR; VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo ds_state_info = { .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PIPELINE_DEPTH_STENCIL_STATE_CREATE_INFO, .depthTestEnable = VK_TRUE, .depthWriteEnable = VK_TRUE, .depthCompareOp = VK_COMPARE_OP_LESS_OR_EQUAL, .depthBoundsTestEnable = VK_FALSE, .stencilTestEnable = VK_FALSE, .back = { .failOp = VK_STENCIL_OP_KEEP, .passOp = VK_STENCIL_OP_KEEP, .compareOp = VK_COMPARE_OP_ALWAYS, .depthFailOp = VK_STENCIL_OP_KEEP, }, .front = { .failOp = VK_STENCIL_OP_KEEP, .passOp = VK_STENCIL_OP_KEEP, .compareOp = VK_COMPARE_OP_ALWAYS, .depthFailOp = VK_STENCIL_OP_KEEP, }, }; VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo ms_state_info = { .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PIPELINE_MULTISAMPLE_STATE_CREATE_INFO, .rasterizationSamples = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT, .sampleShadingEnable = VK_FALSE, .alphaToCoverageEnable = VK_FALSE, .alphaToOneEnable = VK_FALSE, .minSampleShading = 0.0, }; VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo pipeline = { .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_GRAPHICS_PIPELINE_CREATE_INFO, .layout = vkr->pipeline_layout, .basePipelineHandle = VK_NULL_HANDLE, .pVertexInputState = &vi_state_info, .pInputAssemblyState = &asm_state_info, .pRasterizationState = &rst_state_info, .pColorBlendState = &cb_state_info, .pTessellationState = NULL, .pMultisampleState = &ms_state_info, .pDynamicState = &dyn_state_info, .pViewportState = &vp_state_info, .pDepthStencilState = &ds_state_info, .pStages = vkr->shader_stages, .stageCount = 2, .renderPass = vkr->render_pass, .subpass = 0, }; res = vkCreateGraphicsPipelines(vkr->device,VK_NULL_HANDLE,1,&pipeline,NULL,&vkr->pipeline); if(res != VK_SUCCESS){ longjmp(jump,vkr_error_vmem); }}
Continuing the post,, because I got the "the body was too long" message trying to post the whole thing:
Really that rule is for projects that aren't that complicated. I've written complicated projects before so I know about the pitfalls, my last project, Sigma I, was 14000 lines, 7000 for the game engine and 7000 for the map editor. This one has much cleaner code to work with.
Updated my WIP trailer. Made it shorter and synced video with music.
Is it better? Is it becoming good enough?
>Among other things, it has to typecast to worstcase scenario (UInt64) and is sixteen times slower than manual checking
Does your game have levels that aren't just industrial corridors? I only saw one area that has a sky and even then it was an industrial building facade.
The reason is, the game seems to have areas that all look the same, you want to show off some more visual diversity with the environments.
Gameplay looks nice as hell
I have questions:
.blendConstants[0] = 1.0f, .blendConstants[1] = 1.0f, .blendConstants[2] = 1.0f, .blendConstants[3] = 1.0f,
Can you turn this into an array literal like .blendConstants = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}, or would that break the code in some way?
.back = { .failOp = VK_STENCIL_OP_KEEP, .passOp = VK_STENCIL_OP_KEEP, .compareOp = VK_COMPARE_OP_ALWAYS, .depthFailOp = VK_STENCIL_OP_KEEP, }, .front = { .failOp = VK_STENCIL_OP_KEEP, .passOp = VK_STENCIL_OP_KEEP, .compareOp = VK_COMPARE_OP_ALWAYS, .depthFailOp = VK_STENCIL_OP_KEEP, },
If I'm reading this right (and I'm not sure I am) you're assigning a struct literal to .back and .front, right? Can you declare a temp variable back_and_front and then set .back = back_and_front and .front = back_and_front? Or set .back as is, and set .front = .back?
Also, I like the retro aesthetic your engine has. Looks pretty cool.
The main reason is constraints.
I don't have an artist to make level textures, so I'm using free license ones so there isn't much diversity to choose from.
Also I got 1 main level designer working with me so it's mostly his style, and levels made in my level editor and I don't provide any prop models (trees, houses, etc) so outdoors scenes will look worse than indoors.
Other than that the gameplay requires confined worlds for the combat to be challenging, otherwise the player can just circle strafe, so indoors makes sense (can still have open areas as long as there're obstacles).
Thanks :)
You very well can, you can even draw with your own genitals. That's why I said that it's more versatile than programming. The concepts of negative space and perspective don't disappear in any medium as it's visual.
Pretty much. At least in my experience. It just takes longer than drawing things on paper, but that knowledge transfers as you're essentially sculpting in your head. If you can't, then you aren't strong with art yet.
I don't know if I should be happy or unhappy with this code
I get it, but even on textures.com you can find a ton of different categories of textures to use. I only used free licence stuff and I was able to make a bunch of distinct texture sets.
You've got to be creative like how doom was with it's levels, doom has all those hell levels that are really distinct, for example, or quake has some outdoor areas that work.
It's not a big deal to make a couple of wide open serious sam style areas maybe, but I just mean stuff like gothic architecture, or even something more alien like guts in some areas. Just something to make the textures more distinct. And the game isn't very colorful, on my monitor it looks dark and all of the textures are also dark, so there is this low contrast. There should be something like the bright blue rug in Doom's e1m1 or something, with textures that contrast with each other in color.
The game looks like it plays great, this is really the only criticism I have of it. Very nice work.
Thanks, talked with the level designer about it.
Tho updating now would mean making a new trailer :\
You've missed my point entirely… do you have no concept of logic, or what an "argument" is in the philosophical sense?
You've again missed my point.
You can obviously visualize it as imagination is universally applicable to any activity; this isn't a characteristic that distinguishes art.
"It just takes longer :^)" is essentially what I've mentioned.
The point that it takes more time is obvious, but the exact formulation of why is the important concept; which is what I answered in my previous post.
Not to mention that it's implied that "it just takes longer", and that this is a characteristic of both skills.
You do realize that visualization is universally applicable to every activity that a conscious being can practice, right?
The exact application of visualization changes, but the core idea remains the same.
In essence you're proposing that due to a dichotomy of visual space (positive/negative space), and the process of visualization into visual perspective; art is distinguished.
This is categorically false.
These concepts are universal in their application, they apply to everything we do, and one skill set is certainly not the sole possessor of these characteristics.
The reason for this is obvious if one understands these concepts, and can view them from an objective perspective; lmk if you need an explanation.
That is pretty bad, but I think its just a product of how the engine is structured. The only obvious thing that sticks out is the 4th nested ifs can taken out with an &&
A few of my fingers got shoah'd, so now I'm just playing speebot. Bretty gud.
Trimming it down to one minute really helped. It's great now.
If the gameplay is going to include lots of shenanigans with moving platforms (including crushing enemies with falling ceilings), I expect the game to be a lot of fun.
Looks pretty cool. Any concrete plans on what you'll be making or are these just experiments?
In what particular way is it bad?
Like, I find it easy enough to work with
The insane amount of scopage { } is throwing me off, but I don't normally work with java.
Another thing I noticed is you have returns if the statement is true, you could eliminate this by using && to combine the first and second if for left and right, and then having else statements. It'd give you a bunch of one line if's. That's just nitpicking though.
I played Hollow Knight and now I feel like the way my game is going is completely insufficient, I'll have to step up to a whole new level if I want to feel like my game can stack up to it. But I don't even know if it's possible, the amount of detail and different environments and level design changes and enemies and the size of the world in HK is ridiculous, and here I am with my dumb pixel sprites and simple plans.
How do you deal with this feeling? Like you don't even know how you would reach the level of quality you deem "good".
Fancy graphical effects are produced after the game actually functions, user. You can always add more later.
I'd rather kill myself than release an early access game.
you dont have to fight fire with fire.
Instead of having great art, you can innovate and provide new kinds of experiences.
Beaten to death example is Minecraft. There are other games that don't have amazing aesthetic and still provide value.
On the other end of the spectrum you got walking simulators - Only have aesthetics and nothing else interesting.
I never told you to go for early shekels you idiot.
I'm telling you you can always add more effects later in development if you feel like your game doesn't have good enough graffics.
The shit shown in your webm is all stuff that doesn't effect gameplay in the slightest, and without good gameplay you aren't gonna get anywhere anyway.
Also, don't fall for the graphics fidelity meme. I personally find Hollow Knight to look a cheap flash game due to its art style, and no amount of lighting or particles will change that.
He's saying you can work on the art and shit after you make a solid game. There's no point in your game looking fancy and having a beautiful soundtrack(as good as those things are individually) when your game plays like shit. Work on the gameplay and level layout shit first and when that's done, then you can work on the artsy-fartsy shit. You don't need to release it in Early Access to do any of that.
Innovating in terms of pure gameplay is like a lottery game though. Everyone is constantly trying to think of new ways to make something interesting, but it's a struck by lightning chance to actually manage it.
What difference does it make which part of development you add something? It's still part of the whole, "adding art" in one point or another doesn't make it any easier to do.
I think graphics matter much more than "gameplay is the only thing that matters" fags like to think. You need incredibly good or unique gameplay for that to be enough, and even then a good atmosphere/theme will probably make it much better than without.
But I'm not just talking about the graphic effects, I also mean the amount of things in the world, all those details and doodads and environmental storytelling and the way the world reacts to your touch. Pretty much every screen in the game is filled with details like that and the world is huge. Pic related, red is the area the webm is from and it's not even showing half the map. And it isn't a slouch as a game either, there's tons of enemy variation and level mechanics and secrets and "upgrades" and shortcuts.
Working on things besides the gameplay prevents you from working on the gameplay, the most important part of a video game. The other stuff doesn't mean anything until there's a game to attach it to.
Nobody's saying "don't do it." I said "you can work on the art and shit after you make a solid game."
What you're talking about is fluff, you can add those things later in development after you've made the game.
Why are you comparing yourself to Hollow Knight when you probably never released any game at all? Learn to dream small first before dreaming big and better start to appreciate the work you do because no matter how shit it may be it's always a step forward.
Time to start on the primary fire of this edgy weapon.
I believe that would reinitialize the already existing blendConstants array.
You probably can, i'm not sure why I did it that way, but yeah.
And, the code there is a compound literal, so it is in fact equivalent to what you suggested. I use compound literals because fields that aren't mentioned automatically get set to zero, this makes it much nicer.
Right now i'm fixing issues with running it on my T41. I think that my issue is that the card only wants power-of-two textures, and I haven't used those for my font or console background. Its a Radeon Mobility 7500.
>he hasn't found the resting grounds yet
>he doesn't know about the dream nail or the dreamers
Also good luck if you try to get the true ending or 100%
My indie SJW game coming through.
I've been following a tutorial on how to make Cave Story from scratch. I'm gonna finish it, then rip it apart and put it all back together until I understand what the hell I'm actually doing. It's pretty fun.
They look like demonic evil one-eyed lumas from Mario Galaxy.
I improved the code that loads in OpenGL textures greatly, now there won't be any more confusion when a texture fails to load.
But what if calloc fails?
Blame the user
If calloc is failing, you have a lot more to worry about than the game crashing… you would have to literally run out of swap to do that. I know that I can do the more correct thing and allocate a slab of memory and manage it myself, but its a lot of work just to let the user run the game with no spare memory at all, which would probably just cause issues with all of the other stuff i would be doing, like reading files.
That code has some syntax errors and bugs I didn't iron out before making a picture of it. The one i'm using is slightly better because it avoids an infinite loop like this:
error_m: if(flags & TEX_MIPMAPPED){ int32_t res = gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 4, bm->width, bm->height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,bm->data); if(res != 0){ con_printf("Could not build 2D Mip-Maps: %s.", gluErrorString(res)); flags ^= TEX_MIPMAPPED; flags |= TEX_DEFAULT_MIP_FLAG;#if TEX_DEFAULT_MIP_FLAG == TEX_MIPPMAPPED goto error_tex;#else goto error_m;#endif } }
And puts brackets around the multiple delcarations of tex_t *tex at the end.
The dark souls of tombstones
Or just slap an assert on it.
Trying to manage memory allocation manually like that is clearly out of scope for a game project. But slapping an assert around anything that CAN go wrong but you can't be arsed to write code for is good practice.
It's not out of scope for a game engine, quake does that. I'm fine with the game crashing in funny ways since nobody is going to be able to complain about running it when out of swap.
Fuck yes.
Love this art style of pixel art + low poly, I'm trying for something similar, but I really like your work.
No, that was not me. I actually took some time and learned C++.
Implemented headpats, each Faerie has its own favorite/hated type
Can only do it once a day, the faerie cannot be at work, sick or in tantrum
This is Sigma II running on my t41, I would take a regular screen but it has no internet, so this way is easier.
I had to change a few things, first of all I was'nt using power of two textures or checking for GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two before using it, so that was an issue. The specs on this machine are a Radeon Mobility 9000 and a Pentium M at 1600Mhz, and it runs windows XP.
Does the blendConstants array have more than 4 members though? I've never touched Vulkan before.
Glad to help. Good luck!
I have no idea what you're up to but it looks like it'll be cool
If you like their style, and deem it "good"; then figure out how they did it, and study it. I'll get u started…
From what I can see they use a sort of hand drawn vector art-esque inspired look, and not exactly "pixel art" in the purest sense; it also looks a lot easier to animate than pixel art when you look at their sprite sheets.
Here's the extracted sprite sheets:
Here's a good article on the game's art:
Also they heavily utilize parallax, particle effects w/sprite sheets, and shaders that add dynamic lighting to their sprites (you can do this via having a normal or height map on the sprite).
If you've ever raised a loli , you'd know that during their tantrums, touching them in any way just makes them more bitchy. You gotta let them tire themselves out and THEN pat them and hug them. If you were expecting me to say that you should lewd them, no. Lolis are fucking pure, do NOT lewd the lolis!
This kills the demoday.
My progress for user's cover art, there's a long way to go but I'm happy with the progress so far.
I like your brushwork and de-saturation, keep it up.
You gotta make a tutorial for your style. It looks perfect
Love it, keep up the good work user
U should probably post it again at the beginning of the next bread too
DRoK Dev here (Should I even announce myself? It feels like I'm namefagging, but I know at least one of you is semi-interested in my work)
So what, do you have a repeating texture for each terrain type, and just fade it out on the tri/quad shapes if needed?
I have no idea how to solve the UV coordinates programmatically
The textures don't repeat properly, but yeah. The problem was getting the fucking fade to work properly. Turns out, I had to tile the fuckers based on JUST the solid part, not solid + fade, which was what I was doing.
UV coordinates are basically just "get the lower-left two vertices of each hex and make an imaginary coordinate where they intercept, then 'quilt' (I call it that because I'm not sure what the actual term for what I'm doing is, it MIGHT be splatting?) them together"
If you try to set a pixel that's already been set, instead alpha blend it the two colors together.
nice job m8, and yeah shaders can be tricky; especially with a highly specialized setup like you have.
it's easy enough to recognize the regulars even without announcing one's self tbh
There are shitload of free vertexcolor blending and similar terrain shaders for unity online tbh. But congratulations.
It's good to understand things on a fundamental level.
This…actually isn't a shader. You might be able to argue that it should be, but it only needs to be generated when the player starts the game.
Also, I dunno if I'm really a regular yet. I guess I'll just stay user until people start asking again.
I actually tried using the terrain tool for a while but decided against it because it would just be a hell of a lot harder to work with in the long run. Also, I was pretty sure that the parameters I wanted to work with weren't exactly typical, so I went with my hard coded option.
Well, true, but one should also start with fundamental shaders if that's the case.
I don't mean the terrain tool. I am talking about shaders, and a splat/terrain shader is a kind of color blending shader, and there should be shitload of these shaders online for free you could use and learn from.
ah gotcha, makes sense, and hey if it works it works.
Though… you should know that shaders are made for this type of thing. Don't be afraid to dive into learning some cg + the shader pipeline, as it may seem daunting at first, but the sheer amount of neat stuff you can make with a few lines is astounding.
What's a not shit domain registrar?
Thing is, it's a lot harder to pass the data that I want to a shader, whereas via regular scripting I can look ahead X pixels.
I'm not sure whether or not I actually DID that in the end. I'm sure I could rewrite it as a shader, but that would be a fucking pain in the ass
Namecheap is pretty good. Better than GoDaddy and they have some neat TLDs.
I'd just keep it as is personally.
As there's no need to spend more time on something that's good enough, and doesn't impact performance.
Got shit all done last night except circle-circle collision but interacts with plane collisions nicely at least.
If you just want a .com or something then pretty much any will do. I've used Namecheap before but like the search of iwantmyname, especially if I want a gimmick one where the extension finishes the name.
Congrats on getting over your hurdle man.
are those balls from that 3D flowerbox screen saver?
I got around a problem like that using a dictionary with the nodes as keys.
dict[get_node(".")] = [0,1,2]
let me clarify this a little, just like you can store any data type in a dictionary you can also store its values as any data type. for example dict[Vector2(0,-1)] = "left" is a valid entry as it would dict["left"] = Vector2(0,-1) be
get_node(".").array = [1,2,3]
dict.get_node(".") = [1,2,3]
Minor bug report for Keyreal: you open the umbrella above the fans, not under them.
Speebot is nice for my lunchbreak at work, so I'm going through it rather slowly.
ive got an idea for an RTS
Look at them! Do you see their dumb little ghost faces?
They are like skull ghosts
Nah, they're just quick renders to test sprite directions.
Okay to be fair they die really fast but trust me on this one
Wasn't replying to you you goof! And look fucking neato.
Are tower climbing dungeon crawlers overdone? Or can I still fit one more in?
I mean technically you were, I was the one asking about the 3D flower box things too. I'm really tired.
* dungeon crawlers are overdone, but that shouldn't discourage you from making the game you want to make
Hey /agdg/, I'm a learning music producer and I figured i'd do this for experience:
If any user needs a song done for their game, i'd do it without charging anything, i'm not an expert by any means but i'm looking to learn more and doing it for free is a good a way as any.
tell me
Trying to uv a skull
Its giving me a splitting headache
Skool. holy fuck that was lame i'm so sorry honestly though, pls hurry up and release demo
The only thing that can force a loli out of tantrum is pudding, but i wouldn't implement it to work like that unless i could add something similar to all recipes to keep balance
Show us what you got, fam. Let's hear some stuff.
I'd love to hear (and use) your take on this style. There's very little of this stuff out there.
Here you go, an ambient song I did a while ago, its currently my favorite
good song user, reminds me of some of green kingdom's stuff (He did the menu music for hotline 2), I think you might like the song I linked the other user