Let's get this party started:
Name good developers. Let's make a big collage of all good developers of current year
I added a few already to start it off

Other urls found in this thread:

added Chad and his fam

Project Aces

is this loss?



go away Todd

No it isn't.

Excellent input fellow Anonymous! You know and say it how it is, Bethesda is a great company. In fact it is far superior to all the games listed in these memes lol for the win! You know Bethesda supports modders now? Go to the Bethesda store and buy some points to support your favorite modders!

Witch Beam

Added some more good devs.

good call.

Intelligent systems yes/no

sir i must insist that you include the best game development studio of all time

Yeah, because the last one turned out so well it ruined an entire fandom. Brilliant idea.

no, it's A C E S

Zachtronics, Supergiant, Suspicious Development and Hopoo should be on the list.

what the fuck are you talking about

I humbly suggest the following:
Sumo Digital - Snake Pass
Wube Software - Factorio
Ludeon Studios - RimWorld
Illwinter - Dominions

actually that makes it sound like we should continue since most fandoms deserve ruin

Ludeon only has one game.
Same with Wube.

If the developers of RimWorld or Factorio put out a 2nd game I'd take a look, wouldn't you?

They're hyper pretentious SJw hipsters to the max and if this was 2013 I'd agree with you but anything after bastion showed their true colors. Also transistor was the biggest red flag.


But it should be. Will edit it later.

This. How can you forget the greatest developer of the year? Remember to buy Wolf2 btw

Transistor's story was iffy, but Pyre was great for what it was, what's SJW about it? They didn't force in identity politics like Transistor, and all the characters are actually worth reading about.

Astro Port

Gigantic Army
Armed Seven
Steel Strider
Zangeki Warp

Yeah, but saying someone's a good dev after one game is like saying someone's good at making music after one song. We're not talking about singular games here, but all of the developer's work.
You wouldn't buy another game by the developers of Nuclear Throne, for example.

Forgot Vanillaware

What about these two?
Bay 12 Games - Dwarf Fortress
Code Club AB - Wurm

Mario and botw are good games regardless of what some of you autists think. I'd put nintendo up there.

visceral games

Doesn't good also mean business practices which aren't pure kikery?


Nintendo has several internal development teams

Don't fall for this meme. Every "good" developer either gets shut down, or survives long enough to betray you.


What's that Euro dev that's making a non cucked medieval game?

That's why we put a date

Retro Studios -Metroid Prime/DKC Returns

Good Game developers?

I can only think of one…

user, I don't know how to break this to you but Austin took the kool-aid hard.

Well, Dwarf Fortress is still recieving updates after more than 10 years now, and I don't know much about Wurm. Thinking on it now though, they should get the spot though for making their games better as time goes on instead of pulling a starbound and making their game shitties as time goes on.

Nvm it's War House studios

Good call

Obsidian yes/no ?
Intelligent systems yes/no?

Oh, user. Just be honest. You want us list developers that we line up with ideologically. Even bringing into question the developers you posted, despite their "good games", I guarantee most anons (you included) here wouldn't touch any of their products if we found out they are "punch a nazi, Drump amirite? Liberal" retards on social media.

Could you separate the art from the artist?

Guess you're right

Jesus christ I never hated Todd Howard but im starting to.

CD Projekt Red


add WarHorse studios to the list. It's been years since I bought a game at $60. This game looks like it's worth it.

Kill yourself libcuck.

I would suggest Dennaton, but they've only had one hit and one miss so far. If their new game ends up being good then maybe they should be added.

This CDPR or Larian studios should be on this list ahead of bethesda. Larian was known as the "poor mans Blizzard" when i was younger, considering how blizzard turned out Larian deserves some cred.

Name one libtard Developer that's released a good game in the last 5 years.

I'll be waiting.

Why didn't you put in astro port?

TaleWorlds? Y/N


here's some good ones


Treasure is still around?

How hard do they fight localization being fucked up by SJWs?

They focus on the nips before anyone, the western market to them is an after thought.

They're around, in my heart

Joe Mad seems to be a piece of shit when it comes to politics, however his company makes good games.

Nigger shit


Capcom doesn't count, granted they have Itsuno but they're practically dead.

These dudes still good?
I liked SMT IV

That's an overly simplistic view. You can't trust people to consistently be heroes, but you have to acknowledge when they do good. If there's no benefit to doing good, then nobody will ever do it, and all that'll be left is opportunists.

Perfect. Add Keyreal (Speebotdev) to the list of solo devs.

Of course I can.
The issue is libtards don't really make good games. I left the creator of Lisa on the list even though he went full SJW
because Lisa the painful and Lisa the joyful are still good games

fuck thanks forgot Treasure and monolith. arika and SNk are definitely good calls too.

It's like Nintendo and SEGA

depends on the director. Like Odyssey is a great game, but recent Zelda's and the Smash Bros games have been shit because of Sakurai and Aonuma respectively

What does the bottom part mean?

it was joke, hombre. a morbid joke

Why didn't you put in Astroport?

If we're including libtards, then use these guys as well.

Nothing, really. Just maximizing space

I'm on it fam

Keyreal's logo.

Can you faggots please mention the games these devs make?

Oddworld series developers.

Also I wanna add in SEGA, since they do good work other than Sonic and Shin Megami Tensei remakes.

Good idea.

Also should we include Respawn? I know they're working with EA, but Titanfall 2 was such a good game and they seem to be independent.

social justice has no place in video games, there is no separating the art from the artist when their art is covered in their own shit, fuck off

is that the falcon view platformer made by an user on Holla Forums? ok. Sure.

good call

I'm ok with this. Sega has been alright porting stuff to PC. Their only fuckery has been denuvo on Sonic Mania though. up to anons.

What games have they done? first one I can't tell.

Oh, you forgot to add in Akira.

These were the guys that made Street Fighter 2

Also some more companies

Well of course, like a Jew wouldn't do business with a Nazi and a Black guy wouldn't do business with a KKK member. Only same that people who enjoy video games avoid the SJWs as much as possible.

Art can not be separated from the artist. The idea that it can be is one of the biggest deceptions of the modern era.

The Darksiders games and Battle Chasers.

tits or gtfo

fix the keyreal logo user, I hardly notice it.


Mario is great, Breath of the Wild is a Skyrim clone.

I think they are, though for devs like that we should include an asterisk because of how cancerous their parent companies can be.

Can you point to a game made by leftists which isn't pushing ideology? Better yet, can you point to a game pushing ideology which wasn't developed by leftists? I can separate art from the artist but these faggots do not want that.

Here's your (you)

Yeah but muh serious games for serious gamers

Arika is in, nerd.
good call on level 5 and arc

What game has Marvelous! done?


Agreed, like with Yokotaro is another good example. I'd like to use Lake Fepard as well, he's the guy behind Spark the Electric Jester and Sonic: After the Sequel.

Also update

I'm not giving solo dev special treatment over others. I'll enlarge it a bit so his @ is readable, but that's about it.

I heard Hyperlight Drifter was a pretty decent game made by leftists. The only thing that I heard in terms of nodding to leftism was including a special thanks to Anita in their credits.

How stupid would you have to be to give people that you loathe money? If you want to play a libcuck's game that badly pirate it.

Forgot PCF logo

Yoko Taro is just a glorified ideas guy


Maybe when Nintendo stops censoring god damned everything.

good call

forget Marvelous, replace them with Tamsoft. Also Alicesoft is a must.

So is Kamiya, but he does good work :^)

But it's all true tho. Look at the bland train wreck that is Tokyo Xanadu, that game encompasses everything wrong with modern falcom.

Would this just be for developers that are still around, or ones approved from any timeframe?

It really did make me averse to giving them any money. A friend I have who browsed here says its pretty darn good but I ain't touching it because of that.


What do you think the 2017 is for?

nevermind, I see it now. Must be the lack of sleep.

Destructive Creations are good folk, but Hatred was a bad game.

Well, Oddworld Inhabitants is included even though they haven't really released a game in twelve years. Soulstorm isn't going to be out for a while.

Then they aren't worth putting on the list until they make good games. I heard Hatred was average from most people.

How about Amistech? They make Finland Simulator My Summer Car. I think its just one or two guys and they seem pretty decent.

I'm also a bit hesitant to mention Klei, they look like a bunch of soyboy fags, but their games are alright and I can't think of any specific instances of them being retarded.

obsidian entertainment

That sounds wonderful.

platinumgames are meme devs not good devs you fucking meme loving son of a bitch

What about the devs of Divinity?

As brought up, Oddworld's a bit iffy, being they were much more prevalent in the past, and seem to now be just the publisher for Oddworld while Just Add Water develops for them.

obsidian drank the kool-aid big time with Tyranny

Didn't they cave to SJWs and censor a backer in Pillars of Eternity?
I haven't heard much about them since then.

Style Savvy, PSP Yakuza games. Formerly known as AKI, developed wrestling games for the N64

They clearly censored the first Divinity. Can't say I know anything about the second but the main guy will seemingly do anything if a woman asks him to.

patrician devs.

I know this thread means well, but it lacks a simple measure. People don't usually buy games because of the developer but because they've hear or read or are review as worth buying. If you are going to make a list that is effective in this manner, list the games that are good that the good developers made. OR, even better, list all good games made by shitty developers (if any), and tell people to steer away from them, place the evidence nearby to justify it.

turbo SJW.

Every single Triple A Dev currently does not deserve a penny.

Piranha Bytes, creators of Gothic, Risen and Elex. Elex was easily the best true action RPG these past 3 years with no forced politics, actual choice and consequence, a great world and easily won GOTY this year for me because nothing else good came out anyway. Unfortunate that people dismiss them so much because of it's Eurojank nature.
I think Spiders Studio might deserve a spot too, they also created a lot of Eurojank RPGs like Mars: War Logs, Bound by Flame and The Technomancer.
Cyanide Studio definitely deserves a spot, they are the creators of the best stealth games in recent times, Styx: Master of Shadows and Shards of Darkness.

This is a very simple picture
Presently Good developers. That's it. This picture is not meant to do research for you. This picture is a cheat sheet for you to check their games.

I recognize that, but then what stops another picture from appears stating something different. Which one would be right?

CyberConnect2 is still okay?

Some of the devs listed like Level 5 and Hal are owned by AAA corporations.

They did fucking miracles with the Naruto IP. QTEs are shit, but these guys will do fucking EXCELLENT QTE cinematics.

No need to go that crazy. It'd take 5 seconds to add an archive link to this thread to the list and from there people can see plenty of games people have mentioned in this thread

Just asterisk them

Kirby remains pure and untainted. every single kirby game is good. Level 5 remains pure too.
I will make sure to do that for good devs that get fucked over with DLC by greedy publishers.

perhaps the picture should have an archive link then, but I would recommend that each good dev have a good game made in brackets near their name.

Oh? What did they do? Again, while they look like they would be, I couldn't personally think of anything specific that would imply that they actually were. I'm just curious as I don't follow any social media at all and their games have never stood out to me as particularly SJW.

jamming to this while making the collage btw

We must protect Kirby. He is an ideal absolutely untainted by anything but amiibo faggotry and represents a pure spirit of fun and imagination.

splash damage. every game they make is fantastic.

A good developer is one that delivers exactly what their audience wants, right?

Self explanatory.

I personally am not too much of a fan of their style of game, it's all centered around tracking and tracking only for majority of combat but yeah they really deserve a spot as Dirty Bomb is arguably the best F2P shooter on the market.

Neptunia doesn't look like it cares about being a video games. It looks like just pure "kawaii" fanservice that isn't even sexual or even goes anywhere, for any yuri fans OR straight otaku and waifufags.

That said, I'm also bitter it's just another turn based RPG instead of a more fancy Tales clone.

That's a lot of work and adds a ton of clutter. If the OP or someone else wants to do that its fine though, but I don't think its necessary for this

It was good game and if you are stock pilling a bunch of weebshit on to the list, put them on.

Did Sandlot make it on there yet?


Ps: enough weeb pedoshit.

Don't post retarded buzzword shit. Not even ironically.

Where the fuck is astro port nigger?


Fast paced kirby gameplay co-op main console metroidvania


It was an average game that didn't even come out this year

Shut up nigger, IS Defense was fun


added astro port.

No, you shut up faggot
I haven't played that so I'll take your word for it

Could you add Studio Pixel to the solo devs (Cave Story, Pink Heaven, Kero Blaster)

Excellent Call. I'm gonna see if Kero Blaster is on a steam sale for the halloween sale.

We should add TaleWorlds for Bannerlord right? cause its coming out this year, right?


Artdink? Anyone had a bad experience?

Were would SEGA fit anons?
Their development teams make games like Yakuza (when I see the wiki page for Yakuza under developers it just says SEGA.)
but then their recent PC ports end up having denuvo. Does the bad out way the good?

With a big fucking Asterisk

Either way Smilebit should be on the list. They may be gone, but they understood the concept of love.


With logos.

Forgot to list the games they've made that I enjoy - Carnage Heart, A-Train

The best companies are the dead ones.

I loved the shit out of Mr. Domino, did they disappear right?

From Software has made tons of good games through the years.

Artdink is still around, still making weird shit.



I remember reading about this series on a PS1 mag back in 99


Thanks. on it.

So just weeb and normalfag shit huh? ok.

What is it with numales and making this ironically excited, completely retarded expression? Why do they try to look as unintimidating as humanly possible?

thank you

Are a Hat in Time devs ok? are they full on libcuck? is one game enough ?

Sorry user. I'm on it.

id Soft sucks nowadays and he added PB there, post the logos and he'll add them. Personally I'd prefer Western and Japanese games divided but that's just personal preference.

They're not even libcucks
They're full on commies.

There was a shit load of drama about the creator long time ago, something about a feud based on some tf2 mod autism


Seconding TaleWorlds (unless we are still going with the released a game this year requirement)
Because we all know bannerlord aint coming before new years

wew ok nevermind then. I saw that message they left on the book in-game. Pretty fucked up

La-Mulana and uh La-Mulana 2

they're in

Come on, faggots.

Pyrahna Bytes' problem is that after Gothic 2 they lost their ability to manage projects well. Everything from Gothic 3 is buggy and looks like it has a lot of cut content.

Gunpoint and Heat Signature.

What'd they make?

I dunno about jewtendo being in there
Their practices are so vile that I dunno if they deserve to even be in this even in the kike corner

Neon Chrome and JYDGE devs

Pathologic and Don't Knock Twice


on it

Raiden series and some other shmups

I disagree, Risen 1-3 weren't all that buggy and 3 was obviously rushed. Elex is a much better indicator of their current status, as they are working with THQ Nordic now instead of the assholes at Deep Silver. Elex from my experience was a good experience and didn't have too many bugs, all that I can remember is some animation glitches, one of the weapon combos never registering, 3 T-Poses that could be fixed by just taking out your weapon and around 4 crashes over 35 hours on a unpatched version. I think Piranha Bytes have learned their lesson and are back to roots, and I hope that Elex was a success because it was a dream project of ups and downs on a low budget with limited resources.


Oh and by "3 was obviously rushed" I meant Risen 3, but this could also be applied to Gothic 3 because Jowood forced Piranha Bytes to release the game early and they broke off later. Check out Durmin Paradox's review on Gothic 3 on youtube, it is a worthwhile watch.

Update with gamefreak on kike corner and the developer of Downwell on solo dev list

Okay, this chart is officially starting to deteriorate.
Intelligent Systems has done nothing but screw up and rape their franchises into the dirt and burden them to the limit with DLC.
I can't think of the last redeeming game they've made in the last 5 fucking years.

Echoes came out this year. It was a very good remake. That's why I added them.
I'm all in favor of removing it if anons don't want it

One decent remake of a game isn't enough to redeem them, especially when they go and rape things up with Warriors immediately afterwards.

Also ArcSys may make good games, but you can't deny they're fucking kikes with how they nickel and dime worse than crapcom.


Seconding the moonman Taro. He can't into gameplay and needs to rely on the studio he gets paired with, but he fucking knows how to direct an interesting game. He's also been pretty based lately.



Inti Creates.
Grasshopper Manufacture.
Gears for Breakfast.
Does Nicalis count?

Pathologic and The Void are probably their most popular titles. Other than that they also made Cargo! and Knock Knock.
Their games are well made and always bring something new to the table. For example, unlike most horror games, Pathologic doesn't rely on spooky images, jump-scares, and sounds to scare you, but also use dialogues, consequences of your decisions, and two rival characters to build tension.

Elex is certainly an improvement and feels more Gothic-like than Risen, and I know that their problems were in big part related to Deep Silver/Joo Wood. However, PB are not saints either, and arguably many of the latter problems can be traced to them shitting the bed when not doing enough research and not being decisive enough when it came to Gothic 3's engine.
Hopefully Elex will do well enough for new Gothic to be made. Based on interview for, Pankratz seems to be passionate about both Elyx and possiblity of new Gothic. He certainly sounded eager to go against AAA's streaming and to be more oldschool when it comes to making games.

Thanks user.

It's funny because Automata's gameplay is literally Replicant/Gestalt's except with a touch more polish.

Streum On


frenchbread & fk digital


I listen

What about insomniac games?

Ratchet 3 was their last good game

Whoever put kuso heart on there is a fucking idiot

I think 505 games would be okay to put on the list?

They are just an euro publisher.

they're alright.

I want to say Ratchet deadlocked/gladiator was just as good, but i'm still replaying the PS2 ones and haven't got to it yet.

It was the Jak 2 of the series.

OP asked for devs not movie directors.

A Western developer only qualifies as good if there's evidence that they aren't SJWs.

Oh no absolutely, PB has fucked up badly in some places but I think they are recovering now and they really did legitimately well when no one expected it with Elex.

Risk of Rain and that other game

These are either subjective or dead.

Arena Net?
DoubleHelix? (Killer Instinct)
Netherrealm Studios?
NextLevel games? (mario Strikers)
PopCap games?
WB games?
Team Ninja ? (Nioh)
Sonic Team?
Team ICO?
Remedy Entertainment?

Let me know if any objections.

Netherrealm has only made one good game.

Ah, and Sam Lake being a cool guy doesn't save Remedy from irrelevance.

How is Rockstar based if their latest GTA multiplayer game has a lot of cheaters and doesn't do anything about them?

I just went through a wiki list of a list of all current video game developers. the best I got was that is not on the picture already.

I think some of these should go on gone but not forgotten list

if you don't know who GRIN is they made Bionic Commando rearmed, the made the main BC reboot too but it's likely Capcoms fault it wasn't that great.

I thought Pandemic was dead?


I wouldn't say irrelevant, just a bit of a hazy period of unclear direction. I think Remedy will come back to make another god tier story driven shooter in the future, they have a secret codenamed project in the works right now and I think it might be Alan Wake 2. So I think Remedy deserves a spot.

No defunct companies
it's a picture for active companies that are still good devs

They should be put in kike corner

I'll give them a small spot

Maybe if they didn't ruin every single game by giving the localisation job to a bunch of feminists and SJWs. Just because their kid-friendly, non-controversial games like Zelda and Mario are usually good doesn't forgive their other bullshit.

Arc are borderline Capcom Kikery. Veto.

Most of the based devs in this thread are actually opportunists who have yet to be given the chance to throw gamers under the bus.

It's coming for Cuphead clear as day. You know damn well they don't want to get blacklisted.

Media Molecule, Respawn, and Harmonix are still around.

I still haven't forgiven them for AM2R and the fact that NoA ended up creating the ESRB, and continues to routinely fuck up games. Fuck treehouse, fuck NoA, fuck jewtendo
I sincerely wish they had better competition, someone needs to rise up in the market already.

Well the. It's almost like people don't like their games because they're shit games.

The state of HMX now is just depressing tho. There was literally no good reason for them to launch RB4's online mode LITERALLY A FUCKING YEAR after RB4's launch.

Their games are real budgety but i enjoy their postal series. They are slow as he though.

I meant they're slow as hell when it comes to getting stuff out the door.

big update
I'm concerned. There's a lot of space, yet we reached the point where we're squeezing for names

they're in

for the ultra weebs that enjoy 100% orange juice and perhaps some of the other games too

the bottom left's logos are pretty compactly together
You can space them out some more to use up some space

I squeezed it in

bruh you forgot media molecule


is there a reason why Obsidian isn't in this?

Surely we can expand on the kike corner
Besides SEGA and Nintendo there must surely be some good triple A devs

Any 1st party on Capcom? any non-shit studio? Could throw Eidos I guess from Squeenix

on it.

Add Gears for Breakfast and Nicalis while you're at it.

They're SJWs.

Gears for Breakfast are full on commies. scroll up
But its up to majority vote.
I remember there was some fuckery regarding Nicalis and Cave Story, but I can't recall the story. I think they milked the fuck out of it . Same with other projects. I'd have to put it on kike corner


well they DID stick with jon tron and didn't cave in on SJWs demanding them to remove him.
again, its not up to me.


Nevermind. Take this trash out.

Why? A man has to be able to rebel against propaganda and burn it all down. You leftists pretend to be anti-system, but worship your great learned ones like a slave. Whatever crap your devs have made, will be remade better by honest men.

It doesn't matter, when socjus devs still hold the monopoly of the industry. EA, Activision, Ubisoft might sell less, but still hold control. And in the industry you need both to appease the mouthbreathers to make dough, and the learned gamer that require higher investments.>Could you separate the art from the artist?

Updated with kike corner and important caption.

Do you have any evidence to back that fact up?

also more good devs

3/5 bait

That's some Holla Forums levels of economics you got there.

didn't they say on twitter this is a joke and nothing more when asked, though?

When they censored PoE and threw a backer under the bus to appease some crazy tranny on twitter.

Obsidian didn't stand behind Casey Hollingshead and they removed a joke from Pillars Of Eternity because some tranny bitched.

Add in Tamsoft and Marvelous AQL.


user, Axiom verge was average at best.

ZUN/Team Shanghai Alice should be on the solo dev list.

You were homeschooled, weren't you? Don't lie.

I don't know

it's a meme, like putting it in as ironic.

Squeenix can be added to the kike corner if it needs filling. I personally don't want them to even be in it but I've seen enough anons genuiunely like the new/nu Final Fantasies enough.


this a joke too?

Is this a thing now and if so why.
inb4 it's a debuff that means a dwarf can't marry and have children because that would be hilarious.

DQXI alone lets them be in the kike corner.

Give context please.

The developers of NITW put that shit throughout the entire game, and honestly believe this shit.
The developers of AHIT put that shit in one singular missable segment where you're learning about the character that literally steals your soul, and don't talk about that shit even on twitter. They don't believe it.

Most of the devs people said put DLC in their games and releases the games only on steam( that is if they even port the game to PC).
You people disgust me.


There seriously is no context, shit like this mostly just gets blurted out at random, for the duration of the entire game.

he didn't bring up the segment where it talks about a character being a part of a group called "the young socialists", talks about how a closed empty store is like "a socitey in it's end state", talks about how a person that's 50 years old should have guaranteed work or money, then compliments socialism for it, and multiple other segments complaining about facism, the police, capitalism, and other topics.
There is no context, it's the way they wrote the characters.


Fucking niggers. Also put gearbox in the kike kkorner

There you go. Forgot splash damage



also fuck you for reminding me NITW exists

shut the fuck up you double nigger.

Sop Todd Your'e drunk. Go to sleep.



Hey, if you don't want to highlight the kikes/trash, why even put in the pic, god knows rockstar, sonic team, squeenix, and nintendo haven't made a good game in years

Since this thread's gone to shit already…



You did good OP. This threads not going to get too many more replies because of the Jewish bump limit and the fact that we have most of the good devs on it so it might be time to start reducing the open space

Go away Dontnod.

update with few i didn't add before.

Thread going to shit, saving this as the final. Thanks for the fun time!

Yeah. I'm gonna spread the bottom like the top and finish it up.
I'll be here for 10 more minutes for any remaining developer studio names anyone wants to throw

can stuff like REAL, Illusion or Interheart studios be added? they make these porn games we all love


Fags who made Life is Strange.

I added Camelot as final addition
I'm going to bed now. I'll spread the names evenly and have a final picture tomorrow. I'll make a final thread to edit/add/remove tomorrow

that satiates the eroge rep

Add Sting, they haven't done too much recently, but people here generally love the last few games they've work on; Dungeon Traveler's 2/2-2


Remove devolver, they're not devs they're a publisher.

I will user, but I really need to sleep. Thanks for the heads up.

What's wrong with CH and IF?


Really makes you think.

replace sonic team with christian whitehead since sonic team hasn't done a good game since generations

You said Serious Sam 4 would be out in 2014! I watched you do it with my own two feet!

What do you guys think of New World Interactive? They did Insurgency, and Day of Infamy. I really enjoyed these.

Katauri Interactive did the recent King's Bounty tactical RPGs.



Know about what, FNaF world? What other games has he made that make him eligible for that list?

Is this thread not bumping? I don't see an anchor.

look at the post count

I spend more time on Holla Forums than Holla Forums, where the bumplock comes later.

They are trying, but they are failing.
Recommending "Wube Software Ltd."(Factorio)… They don't even have a logo but a very addictive game.
Also "Introversion Software"(Prison Architect)

Jesus… I am surprised that I only know of 3 developers which I like, the rest sucks.

Don't forget that Introversion also did DefCon, Darwinia and Uplink

Todd, can I have my dialogue choices bad for f4 vr?

Not sure if rockstar should be on this list after that whole thing about banning modders or whatever it was. Also how come Taleworlds isn't on this list? Fairly sure there are other devs here who haven't made a game in years. If Bannerlord releases and it blows, feel free to remove

Seconding for Spike Chunsoft
Just add them!

Remove Square Enix. They suck now.

A shame those trips are wasted on a neofag.

So far, that has not been the case. The closest it has come to that is Supergiant and Bethesda. The latter was objectively, undeserving of being placed on this list. SuperGiant i don't know user's reason besides "SJW." Other user while defending them did bring up criticism with their game which reflect why the devs shouldn't be used. So i'm going to say this complain of yours is invalid as the thread was long enough at that point for reasonable sample of bias to show, and it didn't.

Please user! You're saying Holla Forums as a general collective wont touch devs for ideological reasons, but the mock example you give is more likely to be true for non-idealogical reasons. You are absolutely right, i wouldn't touch a dev that seriously went down that route, because that dev is intentionally encouraging harm of my fellow citizen and humans! It does not matter if they do or don't agree with my politics at that point! On the flips side, "Oddworld Inhabitants, Inc" i disagree with at least some of their politics, i'd still buy games from them if i thought i'd enjoy them. Your example might as well have been "Holla Forums wont support devs that are publicly known, practicing, pedos." A better example to use would have been "Holla Forums wont support devs that employ trans or SJW", it focuses more on the idealogical part.

Another instance of you misinterpreting the situation. You might have a point, if we were talking about their works, but we're talking about the company, or person making the game and do they have merit to be on our list? We can not separate the artist from his art, because the quality of his art must be examined to even be considered.

Now stop your bitching and post something constructive.

I recommend Introversion Software, MinMax games Ltd(Spaz 1&2), Failbetter Games(Heard their SJW & recommended by extra credits but they seem to have story/conversation games down pat.), Stardock (however they do have a black mark with the 4X fantasy game they made before Fallen Enchantress.)

Recommended developers to keep an eye on but don't recommend yet

I don't think it's that you only like 3, it's that on the spot you can only come up with 3.

Nintendo do it better tbh fam

can we remember all the good emulator dev groups?
epsxe, mupen64, ppsspp team, dolphin, etc.
Those guys are heroes