Microsoft Stops Kinect Manufacturing

Kinect is officially dead. Aren't you glad you bought an XBone on launch, goy? Embed somewhat related.

The lead Kinect developer is also apparently a science fiction villain who wants to merge reality with computer data and use it to manipulate what people see.

Other urls found in this thread:

Now, this is the blunder of the century.

Wait, they were still making it? Who was buying that shit?


The 20 people playing Just Dance on Xbox. Seriously, though, outside of D4 and Crimson Dragon, where any XB1, or even 360, games that really utilized the device (Much less, actually made the game "fun")?

Windows Phone is dead.
Windows10 is desperately shilled by pajeets and unironic wangblows apologists wanting everyone to be constantly online and registered like good goyims.
MS is still trying to push their shitty Windows Store.
MS still thinks they're the 9000 lbs gorilla from the old Wintel95 days, instead of a doddering chimp led by a designated street shitter.


what's the next material gimmick to be shoehorned into gaming?

They fucked up with that mech game, so no.

College students who use the camera for all sorts of projects, like skeleton tracking or room scanning.

Don't forget how their tablet and music player also imploded, and that the XBox is on its deathbed. Talk about fucking mismanagement. I wonder how long it will take them to give up on "Windows 10 is a service" and release a new version.

RIP Swery

the Windows 10 store would have been good if it never existed. Microsoft is trying to copy every one of their competitors for no reason other than thinking that maybe five or six people would spend even a single dime on anything featured in it's trashy storefront. I can't even find anything on the windows store that is worthwhile compared to just buying or pirating it elsewhere.

>Swery now has a crowdfunded game on (((Mr Shitface)))'s platform, Fig

feels good

Noice. Pray VR is next.

They stopped because the NSA is doing it for them.

I hope Oculus Rift causes (((Facebook))) death.

Still astounding how they fuck that up.
Last I looked they are still married to that and keeps doubling down.

Yep. And they're copying everything that is shit, and still fucking it up worse somehow.

Hate to say it, but how much better would things be if Gates retook the helm of the company? Also, what kind of precedent does this set for Apple since Jobs is dead, and the only reason why he came back to the company originally was to bail them out?

wew lad

I had one. It was alright, but most of the Kinect games were gimmicky shit. Also, some games literally used it as an overpriced microphone like the Halo 1 remake or Skyrim. Since it was always across the room, you had to yell like an idiot to make it work.

As with Apple when Jobs was in control. Who the fuck puts a currynigger in charge of an IT company?

That companies hire dumb people due to nepotism and it takes someone with talent (usually the guy that built the company up) to unfuck things? IIRC MS has some dumb bitch in charge of their Office division.


I don't understand how it could fail…

they got cucked by VR

now i bet they're going to make their own VR headset, make sure to not buy it


I like how salty the writer sounds abojt the kinect failing

We dodged a bullet there, but now smart TVs are coming up.

Habitual liar Steve Jobs was such a clown. I bet this was the only game where the rage 128 beat the voodoo2
Notice how diplomatic carmack is at the end "It runs fine" "It looks good" "There are no problems" He wouldn't have dared to say that an onboard Rage 128 is better than a Voodoo2

Why are "smart" things always so dumb? Smartcar, smartphone, smartmeter. As soon as i see "smart" i run for the hills.

Coded by Pajeets.

IMO not much better chance it would get better with Gates. And do you really want the guy who thinks Common Core is a good idea back in. On top of that the company culture is basically fucked. MS laid off a lot of competent techs in favor of cheaper pajeets and empty diversity hires. MS wants to compete in the living room gaming and entertaiment space, but they have a lot of "left hand keeps smacking and flailing at the right hand" type of fuckups that keeps happening.


Motion controls were just a hype, glad its dead. What's wrong with a controller?

Or just your phone. It has a microphone and camera too you know.

I bet most people don't even know what app permissions are and how much Facebook demands. Or Chrome. Or WhatsApp.

Who the fuck plays Just Dance?

That would be the uDraw that killed THQ

most people probably don't even kow they themselves installed in the first place much less know that they gave it any permissions….

I was just bitching with my coworkers today about how absolutely horrible win10 is for enterprise.

Without registry tweaks, you can't even remove the xbox app. From a computer that's going to be used to manufacture fucking F-35 components. I had to uninstall the preinstalled Candy Crush and Minecraft apps from a machine that was straight out of the factory! Did I mention that it's going to be used to fucking manufacture F-35 parts, among other aircraft?

And the really painful thing is that if it wasn't for this consumerist push, MS would be in a golden age right now. Powershell is godly, the best thing I've used since I last failed horribly at bash. Windows management has never been easier - unless you want a usable interface for your end-users and don't want bloatware on corporate machines. It utterly blows my mind that MS fucked up this badly while doing so well. Rest assured, though - they're monolithic, but so was IBM, and they'll eventually slide into irrelevance the same way that IBM did.

What you should be worried about is the fact that Wangblows will likely be replaced by Android, and Google will have a stranglehold instead of MS. Jewgle and Facehook are big in a way that IBM never was, and I'm genuinely concerned that they might never fall.

And with the new generation being normalized on these fucking botnets, dark times are ahead. I should have listened. We all should have listened.


Kids I guess?

Well all the "I have nothing to hide" people fund all the technology so we should thank them I guess? My GPS stays off though.

Why do people do this? I don't want contacted while I'm out, if you want to reach me you can call me at my home.

Motion control is the future of gaming.

It's been a while since tactile feedback has been implemented outside of rumble packs so expect to see some weird gloves that simulate the feeling of headpatting your waifu and a beanie hat that measures your brainwaves to control shit on the screen. This shit comes in cycles.

This might be kind of cool but would never happen because its "sexual objectification"



There is an LTSB version which doesn't come with any of the apps, but you have to request them specifically from Microsoft, unlike the regular version which is heavily advertised and supported everywhere and installed on basically all consumer and business models, so you have to reimage any computers you purchased with the LTSB version if you want to use Win 10 without fucking Candy Crush popping up in your menu. Greedy fuckers. It's making my work a pain in the ass because higher ups want Win 10 for their technician's laptops, so we had to get LTSB licenses and then reimage all the Win 10 laptops we had, and install the various proprietary software we use on each one and reactivate them all one by one again.

Did ANYTHING interesting come out of the Kinect for the regular joe? I can't think of a single thing that Microsoft's motion controls would do better than an ordinary controller.

That also bring up the question, how does modding the Kinect work for the average consumer? Is there a way to use 3rd party applications for it at all, without being spied on by MS?

A lot of people liked Just Dance, but considering this is Microsoft and Ubisoft we're talking about here I imagine the "only tens of millions of sales" put a damper on their profit margins. Kinda hard to maintain infinite financial growth while strangling entire national industries and buying Ion Storm-tier offices multiple times a year, you know?

The one thing Microsoft got anywhere near right was Windows 95 and they've been fucking up ever since.

They used to make really good mice.

uhh, Child of Eden?
You got me.


is that a loss?

Which promptly broke compatibility with many DOS games.


Yeah, Google still has enough tech competence despite that latest debacle vs MS, that they do pose a very real danger. That and Google still has a lot better PR image among normalfaggots.


come on man help a brother out

I'm surprised they were still making the damn things. They should've cut production right after they started packaging the Xbone without it.

I'm surprised they sold 35 million units. I'm the only person I know who has one and I got it for free.

Incorrect. LTSB requires the enterprise version. You need to get it through volume licensing, or as as $7/month subscription. You install it from standalone media with your enterprise license, and if you want features from a subsequent major release, you need to reinstall it from media.

It's absurd that this has to be done at all, and even then, I doubt I can convince my org to go for enterprise instead of pro.

Irrelevant. It's a matter of how they use it, and they're not using it with any good intention whatsoever.

Amazon has an incredible amount of technical competence, and even that is largely turned towards nefarious purposes and cloud services (and don't think there's no overlap between the two).

Embed related. It was used for proper AR, complete with 3d realspace occlusion. I can't believe that MS never really capitalized on it as a maker/tinker tool for AR type stuff. That video is fucking 5 years old, imagine what you could do with a Kinect strapped to a modern VR headset.

And to kick you while you're down

I thought government jobs were still using XP and shit because they have to put the OS through rigorous security testing before they can greenlight it for carrying sensitive info?

Oh you silly, naive little girl…

I put your mom through rigorous testing last night, as suffice to say she had performance issues, intermittent instability and had a serious fluid leakage problem.

I marked her down as US and sent her back for remachining.

Our world has been infiltrated by perverts who invert everything to destroy god's creation. That's why they want you to believe that up is down, freedom is slavery, men are women, smart is stupid, good is evil, etc, etc. It's a spiritual war and you're in the midst of it.

Err, then if we agree why are we arguing?
Did you miss this part of my post?

I wonder who's paying for all this shit they pack in.

Is that an actual thing?

Why does Hitler look like Sonny Bono?

There's textbook entries about memes from 2005, and common core is engineered specifically for the lowest common denominator. It's dumbing education down, on purpose, so that niggers and retards can get good grades without actually learning anything, and simultaneously dragging down smart kids to the level of niggers and retards so that public school never produces a competent human again.

And Molyneux's pedo game never managed to come out :(

I remember the guy this happened. Holla Forums was on suicide watch as they cried and cried and cried.


Does anyone have a reaction file along the lines of "I want to cry but all I can do is laugh"?

It's actually pretty good for engineering work, our lab uses a few of these for tracking, mapping and actuations for SDV implementations. The tech is cool, and it's pretty fun, but it's absolute shit for gaming.

Too bad even the Kinect got one-upped by the ASUS Xtion, which is better suited for R&D work anyway.


I wonder how much MS has made in referralbux? They forced Candy Crush OS onto every computer they possibly could, after all.

No I think it was all of those things, not just one of them

They'll never find us all, no matter what form of modern trickery.

As long as Microsoft, Faceborg, IBM etc. can spend a dollar at a lobbying firm to get 2 dollars in government contracts and regulatory benefits, they'll be around.

Microsoft has some of the best lobbyists. They recently bribed their way back into munich's city government ten years after Munich had ditched Windows for Linux. When that happened Microsoft immediately set up a task-force, opened up offices in Munich and began to "lobby" city officials and administrators day and night to switch back to Windows. Last year they got what they wanted: A corrupt mayor. Now Muchich is in the process of switching back to Windows, Office, etc. which will cost them 20 million euros over the next few years and more than 50 million over the next decade.

I don't use my phone for calls. Only my mom still calls me. I communicate through WhatsApp.

People aren't so bad when they have been reduced to text messages.

The future was discontinued.

Because pressing the button is faster, going to happen near 100% of the time and doesn't require a large living room set up to give the Kinect enough distance to work with while allowing for a standing person/s playing the game.

Who wants to play a racing game where you can get 3rd place by doing nothing. (I feel like there is a video of this where the guy gets first but can't find it).

Wasn't that Capcom's fault?

That's going to be the other way around. Facebook is going to kill Occulus Rift when they stop bringing in the shekels, just like EA murders every developer that fails because of their shitty policies and stops bringing in money.

Adding up:

The latter point is a deal breaker. These pieces of shit are not worth it.

I can't read, disregard.

Some are using XP, but the US government is mostly on win 7. UK suffered worse from XP deprecation. I'm contracting at a manufacturer, so there's the actual aircraft manufacturers between us and the gov. Buddy of mine works at Lockheed-Martin doing stuff on destroyers, apparently they moved a lot of mission-critical systems to 10 from 7. Timing-critical stuff is run on Red Hawk, fortunately.

As for the (((rigorous security testing))), yeah. Right.

I don't want to think about it.

Not surprised. MS is scummy as fuck. Everyone at the top is, and the closer you look the more you see wrong with technology as a whole.

Won't happen, FB is too big. The purchase is proving to be a detriment though, and VR is taking a more open model with a lot of third party headsets. That's not going to work out well for FB, and I wouldn't be surprised if we saw Oculus formally die within the next 5 years. The only thing they have going for them right now is brand recognition.

Of courshe, they never were. You usually get more for your money with standard TV vs smartTVs.

It's cool, just wanted to make sure it's not a blue on blue friendly fire.
7 will very likely be the next XP, I guess we'll see by 2020 since that's when extended support for 7 ends, if MS continues to stick with W10 as a service strategy or not.
Yep. It's pretty bad right now.

I'm pretty sure pajeets are the reason for almost everything that's wrong with MS and its products today.
I mean, seems to me like today, over 50% of the staff is comprised of street shitters, especially in lower positions. It's pretty much an Indian company now.
Does someone have that post screencap where an user who worked for MS in Win10 development explains what a trainwreck it is plus the terrible office environment? He didn't describe his coworkers but from the anecdotes he told I'm pretty sure they are pajeets, I can tell because I've worked with them.
Now I wonder if Bill Gates is clueless, just doesn't give a fuck anymore, or if he's imploding the company on purpose.

Her ass was fat

Cloud gaming

Fuck they could have had something good

Okay, and Child of Eden. I almost forgot about that game. Dance Evolution is still a favorite though, the unique dance moves for every song in the game and amount of effort put into the responsiveness of the controls makes it probably the best Kinect game. Not to mention it does have some challenge to it if you play on Master mode. So it feels like an actual game, and not a casual fest.

Large clients downgrading is always a good sign

The adtech bubble that Google and Facebook have made is almost certainly going to pop hard within the next decade. It'll probably be as bad as the first dotcom bubble. YouTube and Oculus are basically condemned to die, or at least change so fundamentally as to be unrecognizable.

I think they'll extend service lifetime on it when they realize that everything after 7 is unusable in an enterprise setting.

I'm fairly certain Gates doesn't give a fuck; he's too busy with his (((charity))) work.

Yeah, my bad. I'm 5 beers down, and strong hipster IPAs at that, so my reading comprehension isn't the best.

It's going to be even worse. All my MSP friends are still deploying 7 the majority of the time. Clients disliked 8, but they loathe 10. It's annoying from a remote management standpoint, the telemetry manages to sketch even know-it-all SMB CEOs out, and it's an absolute bitch to clean up an image for bulk deployment.

It's going to get really ugly no matter what, but I'm putting my money on MS continuing the W10 trend with a new OS instead of pushing 10, but locking down the OS even more and destroying what's left of the UI, and failing because of it. If I was some fancy-ass Silicon Valley CEO, I'd be hiring some good software and design guys, repackaging linux with a 10/10 UI for dumb people along with WINE support, and then shilling it to sysadmins as a full Windows replacement. Start it now, and you're timed well for the inevitable collapse, because there's no way that Sayonara Nutella isn't going to run that company into the fucking ground.

It's kinda sad to watch actually, because I've been using MS software my entire life. I started with DOS 6.2 on a monochrome Sharp laptop when I was 7, installed Win 3.11 and used Windows ever since. Dad should have given me OS/2 or unix discs, tbh.

India is fucking destroying the IT industry in the US.

I hate to suggest leddit for anything, but /r/sysadmin is a good source for opinions from professionals. Search it for "H1B" and weep. I'm pretty sure they eventually banned discussion of H1B because there was so much talk about it.

I can't fucking wait.


I'm not reading any of that shit but nice numbers

Nice post and nice get.

What a let down


I would punch that little shit cold.

You managed to waste it, user.

ReactOS has been gaining strides lately… Hopefully it's nice enough when 2020 rolls around.

Calm down, double satan, they're still going to survive and stay profitable; they're just going to have a lot less revenue. Hopefully that results in them laying off the cruft, but considering how the Google memo went, I doubt it.

god forbid someone tries to discuss the videogame industry on a videogame discussion forum

Is there an edit of this with the Filthy Frank "It's Time To Stop" audio?

ReactOS has been in development since 1998 and is still significantly behind the actual Windows features. I'm skeptical of them ever catching up, although I can always hope.

Even then I thought students choose the older ps2 camera over the kinect.

I didn't even notice that we had one coming up. RIP.

I think they hit full XP compatibility a year or two ago. The issue is probably just that MS is outstripping them in terms of feature additions right now.

I don't really see why. The PS2 eyetoy is just an average VGA webcam. The kinect has fancy depth sensing capability via an IR projector/camera.

It was developed by Israel.

I'm going to get a ton of shit for this but I've had fun at family gatherings with the kinect. Watching my grandmother try to lean certain ways to steer in River Rush is pretty funny.

Fucking checked!
Yep, I honestly thought nobody could be worse than Balmer sweat, but leave it to designated poo in the not loo to prove me wrong.
I played Starcontrol1 on MSDOS and the non gayming software I use I learned on MS OSes. 7 (pretty much under lock and key) was my last MS product that I would use on my own machine willingly.

We'll see, if they do they kinda admit that 10 was not the cats ass they wish it to be. Or they do the unthinkable and admit they fucked up and fix it. Extremely doubtful on that though.

Gates doesn't give much fucks about Ms nowadays IMO. He's off with his foundation bullshit with the wife.


The PS2 camera is cheaper for a camera, but it can't do the fancy tracking things that the Kinect can do. I remember visiting the Harry Potter park in Universal Studios, and one of their interactive wand minigames was a skeleton that mirrored your movements using a Kinect hidden in a mailbox prop.

It had the casual Wii Sports appeal to it, but it released when all of that was so five minutes ago. Could have been better if it hit the market earlier.

Ballmer was completely irredeemable, but Microsoft is at least preventing lockin to the Windows ecosystem. I think Nutella knows Windows 10 is a disaster, and is making sure most of their developer products like VSCode, TFS, and Azure are compatible with other operating systems as an escape valve/backup plan. I know a lot of plebbitors have been bootlicking lately because of that.
Microsoft will never admit wrongdoing or fallibility with respect to their interface; Windows 10 was essentially them doubling down on rectangles and giant blank spaces as a fundamental UI element. They'll probably extend service to 7 anyway when they realize no one wants to deal with all the other bullshit.


Thank you for posting something relevant and interesting. Fuck all the shitters.

I once spied a man by the name of Pajeet
Squatting upon Designated Shitting Street
I shook my head, and when I looked down
I saw the Designated Shitting Ground
I raised my head up, and then with a sigh
I saw the Designated Shitting Sky
I hate this world that has no worth
Why must I live on Designated Shitting Earth?

It's about time Microcock took a fucking hint.

shit, i kinda wanted one for messing around with making terrible lowbudget mocap animations.
it's fucking useless for anything else.







Just how many webms are there of birds screeching on a keyboard?

congrats, and IPA is a strong choice despite it's hipster tag

So what happened to Rare? Now without Kinect Sports to waste their time on, what are they doing now?


Very mature, top comment, have a bump!

I think there are at least two, but I could be wrong.

Rare is currently working on Sea of Thieves, a multiplayer pirate sim thing. It looks like something you need to play with friends, so it probably won't interest most of this board myself included.

I truly appreciate how much you're contributing to this thread, torfriend. Without your expert commentary and critical insight, the world would be a less enlightened place.

Well considering that a lot of MS numbers starts to look less solid on close inspection they can benefit from a backup plan. Legacy software only goes so far considering Google is definitely nipping at their heels with things like Chromebook and chromeOS +android integration. Google has been moving aggresively in the education and mid level enterprise markets with those.

Even for games, I've seen instances where previously die hard PC wangblows mustard race go meh, I'm just going to get a console for other titles instead of upgrading and tweaking my rig. Chalk this up to different factors but I've definitely seen instances where people just use their PC for minecraft and esports titles, everything else they play it on their choice of console.
Yep, they don't want a repeat of XP but 7 is shaping up to be that situation again imo.

Smartcar is the most dangerous because anything run computer oriented puts you at risk for being in an (((accident))) if you are too much of a bad goy. A smart phone, and by extension OS like windows 10 puts you at risk for the NSA just coming along and planting something like CP via some hidden file only later for the FBI to be sent to come knocking down your door and hauling you away for being a bad goy.
It adds up to an attempt by jewish supremacy to monitor and try to destroy those en masse that are reversing their (((work)))

That man needs to chill his tits

But you could still boot into DOS so it was more of an annoyance than a show stopper. It's Windows ME and onward that killed DOS and left its corpse to fester in a vermin-filled ditch.

But, what's the point of loading up and OS when none of the shit works? It's like making a plane that cannot fly. Microsoft botched DOS compatibility with their 9x series.

You loaded up Win9x to run all the software exclusive to it then dropped into DOS to run whatever DOS programs didn't cooperate under Win9x. It wasn't elegant but at least it worked.


Let me pull you aside to see if you can understand me.
My parents where pissed for years about how they couldn't load any of their DOS programs and games even when you booted into DOS on a Windows 98 machine.

The DOS support of Win98 was perfectly fine. Most of the compatibility problems people had at the time came from a lack of DOS drivers for their hardware.

Letting (((them))) live is the blunder of every century.

Actual glow in the dark CIA niggers? Sheeeit.

this is from paranormal activity you tards

Really? I had absolutely no idea, I was sure it was real.

Bullshit, I can tell from the pixels is a cia nigger

Don't know whatever that is you're talking about, but I have seen lots of pixels and

Seems to verify it. It's definitely a CIA Nigger.

Kinect actually sold a lot of units, its just that none of it was actually bought by video game consumers.

I'll spoonfeed you through a riddle.


Can't really blame Windows 98 for the technical ineptitude of the end user frienderino

Why the fuck would I duck when I can just press a button to duvk

Please do this, somebody. I'm a dumb normalfag and I need a simple UI if I am going to switch to Linux.

Try out the distros that caters towards easing new users from windows. Popular choices are one of the *buntu that follows a similar windows like layout desktop environment, such as Cinnamon, Mate or XFCE. Or a *buntu based respin, or Manjaro. Or MX-16.

Elementary OS

When I'm using Ubuntu on my laptop the biggest feature I miss is double clicking .exe to install programs. Fuck that gay command prompt bullshit. Also the Ubuntu Software Center kinda sucks ass and feels really buggy.

I have a lot of other things that piss me off but those are really just me not being familiar. The Wifi works and Firefox runs decent, that's all I need from my Laptop and Ubuntu does it.

Dont forget (((internet of things)))

Hell, I have put Linux Mint on the PCs of several relatives just so that I don't have to field technical support requests from them. Now they only complain when some website they use phases out its UI for some shit Web 3.0 flat version.

stop being a faggot, son. using the command prompt puts hair on your chest. At this point I have a package manager on any non-Linux machines I use just so I can install and update programs with one line of text.

It's not the 90s anymore. I shouldn't have to touch a command line during normal use.

In my experience you can run anything under Windows. The only exception is some old shitty DRM. Thats one of the reasons why Windows is being used: compatibility with every piece of hardware/software under the sun.

I know its cool to hate Windows but I'm not a people person so whatever. Disappointed with win10 home but I have no issues with Enterprise LTSB.

Normal people view computer and operating systems almost like their view their fridge or laundry machine. They don't know how it works and they couldn't care less so long as it does what they expect it to.

This is why chromebooks are giving serious competition in the laptop market. Google is fucking close to skynet at times, but I have to give credit where credit is due, they did their homework when it comes to iteration on that thing.

That's one big get

man, your post was going so well, then you had to ruin it by sounding dumb.

it's to be expected of Microsoft's version of Sauron's eye
"X first" is an all porpous rallying call, "Merica first" is the slogan that put Trump in the white house
>PS4 has lower price and twice the exclussives and it outsold the Cbone

The Xbox brand was a one hit wonder
it's only real succes was introducing online play into consoles wich flooded gen 7 with FPSMMO shit
they enjoied a momentary succes during the 360 but only because they somehow manage to not fuck up as hard as $ony when it comes to the console's price and architecture, but they RRD ensured the 360 division never saw a shekkel for their work, and then the Xbone arrived, shat itself and died on stage

I hope they go cheap. The kinect is cool tech, even if it blows for games.

Using manjaro,
can literally double click on a winblows exe to run a program.
dx9 games run faster than they did in winblows.
new good games usuall have linux version.

user, you don't have to miss it anymore

to clarify, can install from exe installer in linux

just get wine and if not using intel graphics get the wine-staging-nine and enable it in the wine settings, and get q4wine incase you need to tweak for compatibility or do other cool shit to the program that windows can't but should be able to do

Didn't WINE get DX11 compatibility recently?

there might be a minor price fluctiation, but these things are so common you probably won't be paying more than 30 bucks for an xbone kinect. 360 kinects probably as low as $15. I think there's a few special ones like the starwars one for 360 but still, not particularly expensive.

I don't give a fuck about this thread but I needs more birds on keyboards

yeah, but it's still in dev, it's getting there though, I wouldn't start telling people they can run any random dx11 game on it yet.

Oh no, how will they gather audiovisual intel from their users now? NSA better do something about this.

And to think my parents bought me this shit when it launched and I had to pretend I liked it.

don't you have an alexa and an echo user? audio tracking in every room is better than a single a/v feed and cheaper to manufacture. They don't need the kinect anymore, which is why they're discontinuing it.

What's an alexa and an echo?

if you have a windows PC you're pretty much 100% compromised anyway.

As someone who despises windows I can only agree. For me the greatest failing of windows is obvious falling short of greatness in the most braindead ways.

amashit shopping assistant and google's equivalent. They sit listening, and connected to the internet. There are people dumb enough to buy this shit and they put them in multiple rooms.
I'm really looking forward to the databases of recorded audio being leaked, it'll be the fappening again but asmr edition

There appears to be a culture conflict between us. Explain this further. What do you mean put shit in multiple rooms? What do they put in multiple rooms? Microphones? Is it like an iphone shit that you check on some online jewgle spreadsheet and program relays the data to supermarket so that you can get it next day or something? I am genuinely curious now.

Nice get.
I'm a professional application developer, and yeah Indians are everywhere. They act fine enough when you only contract them, but as soon as you hire full time guys that want to get promoted, you have fucked your company. MS is the perfect example. Pajeet would not have been able to take over MS unless MS was already saturated with Pajeets. When they get promoted, they only promote other Indians as much as possible without them being able to get in trouble for it, until eventually the main body of your lead devs and managers are Indian. At that point it doesn't matter and excuses are fabricated to fire all of the non-Indians so they can hire more Indians. Ironically the only people who talk to me about this frankly are other immigrant coworkers – for instance the first guy to talk to me about this was an old Chinese guy who had been with the company for ages. We have a lot of contractors but there hasn't been any Pajeets in significant leadership positions… yet.
I also have a friend who works as a consultant, and he tells me about how ridiculously stupid so many of these executives are. They'll ask for a specific piece of software, and my friend might say "Sure we can make that for X amount of money." To which they will reply with "But we can hire a firm in India to do it for Y amount of money which is half the cost!" "Yes but there is no way we can guarantee the quality of that product and it may cost you more paying us to maintain and fix it than if we just made it to begin with." Every single time they get a shitty program that doesn't even remotely work with unsalvageable code which he must then spend extra hours fixing. At least he gets overtime.

Only in mindshare. The RROD and console being sold at a loss made the 360 unprofitable in the long run, and near the end of the generation it was outsold by the PS3 (earlier, if you don't count all the RROD replacements shipped/bought.

At the risk of outing myself as a newfag, I really would have liked to be on Holla Forums during the 360 launch. I cannot fucking imagine what it must have been like to go from a console reveal in a goddamn airplane hangar to "put a towel on it so the console heats properly" to "please wait six to eight weeks for us to fix your console." None of the flops we've had this year have come close to that order of magnitude.

Alexa is an Amazon product, touted as a "smart home assistant." It's a cylinder with speakers, a microphone (and a camera in some models) which people buy to place in their houses and listen to them constantly so when they say "Alexa, order Fiji water" it will use your credit card information to place an order for Fiji water through Amazon. It can also make phone calls, control internet-connected devices, and do other tasks which wouldn't take more than a minute for anyone with half a brain to accomplish.

My knowledge is from a few mins of jewtube videos, you can see it there
It's like a small pc with a mic, and you can order from amazon or use it like "ok google"

So, it's a small pc, that is has a speaker, mic always on and it's always connected to the internet. It can recognise voice commands. It can essentially, convert everything single word you or anyone near it says to text, compress it and hand to 5 eyes alphabet.

Alexa's more powerful than having a microshit pc recording what you type.


wow. I thought that this whole business aobut never giving your personal information online under any circumstances, never ending ghanian and nigerian prince scams and what have you would eventually wear off their effectiveness. Turns out they just became high-tech instead. Give your unshielded credit card info to a 24/7 wi-fi network and let it transmit said data automatically. What could go wrong? And you say it can make phone calls AND control other internet devices? If I was a kike, that would be the way I'd become filthy rich - by spying on poorly encrypted comms and making bang off these retards. Holy shit, it's literally current year. How do people manage to be this stupid still? Thanks, I am going back to reality of Urals and staying there for the next century. Fix your shit in the meantime.

tbh for the few times I've used it I like voice controlled remotes, It's nice to just grab someones remote for a TV I have no idea about their channels and say "GIMME THAT DINERS DRIVE IN AND DIVES" And I get taken straight to flavortown.

You have no idea how bad things really are.

Oh, forgot to mention: the couriers who do this wear cameras to dissuade theft, and also so you have a camera in your home without knowledge of when or where. The @InternetOfShit twitter handle is a great place to see these headlines.

I have no true reaction for this, so have this cat instead.


This whole internet of things.
It's time to stop.jpg


For the love of FUCK, I can’t stand this fucking software.


I've been in a (((Wind River))) sales pitch for IoT at work today. It's not nearly as bad as I thought it would be, but it's still awful. Hopefully I can talk people out of doing something completely disastrous.

I'm so hyped for when this bubble pops like a swollen cyst.

>I've been in a (((Wind River))) sales pitch for IoT at work today. It's not nearly as bad as I thought it would be, but it's still awful. Hopefully I can talk people out of doing something completely disastrous.
Why does that sound familiar. Look it up.
Wew. And jesus cirhossis, their page shows nearly all the reasons why I want IoT to stop.


Is there anybody who actually bought consoles after the 360/PS3? Until this thread, I thought people were just having a laugh.

That's funny, i thought PC mustard race was just people having a laugh, especially when reddit got a hold of the idea and butchered an xbox dev kit into a shitty PC rig.

Not even an xboxfag but that was just disgusting.

the only thing i remeber is the star wars dancing game, because Jontron made a parody about it…

I'm a sys admin at company that primarily Windows (for now)
Powershell sucks ass. If you think it's good learn bash, it'll blow your mind.

I found out at my work how to essentially turn Windows 10 pro into the LTSB version, and then automate the deployment of it. It's a hell of a lot nicer, and much lighter on resources.

Fucking ableist piece of shit. Literally shaking rn.

What did he mean by this?


Only someone as enlightened as Joshy boy can control the next level anal probe and mental wagglan controller.

What is not on the LTSB version, is Cortana still there?

Two words: Full McIntosh

This is going to backfire horribly, ever. I bet it was a yidd who came up with this idea.

Could this be any more passive aggressive?

Why the fuck would you keep those shitheads in your house? At least cats and dogs are somewhat fun to hang out with because they're pretty much retarded children with a lot of body hair but these fuckers don't do anything but screech.

Up next: Amazon Bull, where your courier aso fucks your wife while you watch from work, through Amazon Prime Video.

Woah, woah! McIntosh is finally see and speak the truth? console controllers are shit, mouse and keyboard all the fucking way (rare expectations exists)!

What do you think guys! how many time he tried to pull a good old harv on Anita? But get BTFO.

I hope they waste resources for vr, but vr is so dead even idiots like spencer can see it's not a good investment.

No apps like the store, edge, tiles, and all that other shit you don't use
Search is the same as it was in 7 (still garbage but an improvement)
And no automatically installing stuff you don't use

I don't mind if a browser is included even if it's Edge, not because I like it but as a way to get another browser installed.
That honestly sounds not too shabby function wise. If only MS did not get too stupidly greedy. They might have reached their initial number of adoption target if they made Pro edition the same as LTSB.

Nah, naturally, the fucking moron only really liked it for the wagglan bullshit.

It's almost like Microsoft could have market the thing as a cheap motion capture device for indie animators and game devs who are on a budget.

But nope, gamers are far more retarded.

That would have been a solid marketing decision considering how prohibitively expensive mocap is without a dedicated studio. It never occurred to me, but then again I'm not a paid marketer with years of experience who ought to have better ideas.

Confirmed for never having never played a good VR title.

I was there and to be quite blunt there was a shitload of denial in place, to say the least.
Then again, isn't that just about the norm now?

I just got one in

This right here, the wait between channel changes and shit no longer being supported is the worst

I'd rather them not fuck up my organization thank you

because a camera is gonna stop tyrone from "forgetting" to lock the door so his buddies can steal your shit later

I'm fairly certain the moneygram hotline center is housed in india too

liberals would pay out their asses for this service

implying kinect will ever be dead

Anyone who cares that much about his packages should either construct a safe to where they can be delivered or just have someone pick the fucking door, alternatively if you are a lonely faggot have your package hold and pick it yourself at the office.

Because birds are cute?

Neither am I but the reason why I was so pissed about that was because of the potential that could have significantly advanced xbox emulation on pc. Just imagine the amount of older xbox games we could play on pc with it. Gone forever, because some idiot redditor decided that he wanted a meme box. the amount of knowledge lost from that one moment is infuriating.


Yep, that's what disgusted me. The historical preservation aspect butchered by a redditor moron.

Then don't. Most things i've used command line for can be done without it. Just don't complain when it's more efficient to use command line.

Not to worry user, if you have a Intel or AMD CPU, you're basically compromised. Life sure is tough with the NSA and CIA niggers around.

Its worse in every possible way to pressure sensitive KB+M