Team Fortress 2 Vintage:Autistic Shrieking edition

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TF2V, what is it?

TF2V is a "pre-mannconomy" version of TF2 without the visual clutter and bloat. The only QoL additions is Pyro's airblast and the Engineer building carry. As well as additions of stock gamemodes such as Payload, KotH and Arena


Mega mirror: N/A
Torrent: [Could use one]


Development is focused first on bugfixes, If/when that's all done then focus on weapons can be started. However weapons needed to be coded from the ground up, so unless you want to start that for us then don't ask for something not on anyone's radar right now.

Other urls found in this thread:!AuJgSL6Z!9TatZzJMuSVXUKyRWXbCYq4CWQIUaD-NPmMVCeGIzbo!BqISUDRB!AINJuuTt4dV4tSuiPwH_ws6u8VsaGzri-grpfGF2aLM!IrJHyJiK!-U9fLMW4hTgCFBaYh9xPIWWjx-TmjNXy-C3O09UDjd4!bFUGVQaI!-6nWRfsxmAaQpYwPtAaRaIuQ095shaAtUhxY-xiWv1A!aBcWHBDL!yLuDPAg2zCdCYvsWskMuQlGUYnlnjnwd8EHeyVEO7oQ

Here is how to install revemu on windows, i.e. make it no-steam. Technically this needs to be done once by the guy who releases TF2V for the next version, so that the game will be standalone and run out-of-the-box. But anyone can do it. I have shit upload speed.

What you need:

1. Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer from steam. ( Just in case:!AuJgSL6Z!9TatZzJMuSVXUKyRWXbCYq4CWQIUaD-NPmMVCeGIzbo or!BqISUDRB!AINJuuTt4dV4tSuiPwH_ws6u8VsaGzri-grpfGF2aLM

Hash: 3bb2e73-d2d220-698-8376cd-1abbcfa-6781-0ad7f3e )

2. TF2V from OP.

3. Revemu package:!IrJHyJiK!-U9fLMW4hTgCFBaYh9xPIWWjx-TmjNXy-C3O09UDjd4

In case the link goes down, here is the original source: Gonna need full package from 27.04.2016. Then an update from 20.01.2017, it's a single dll, goes into game root.

Start by placing tf2vintage folder in Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer, instead of sourcemods. Now Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer can be renamed to anything and placed anywhere, I will be calling it game root.

Optional: fire up the game to make sure everything works by creating hl2.exe shortcut and adding -game tf2vintage. See first pic. You won't need that shortcut after this, you can delete it later.

Extract revemu to game root. Second pic is how it should look like.

Shut down steam and fire TF2V.exe.

That's it, make sure everything works.

You can look through rev.ini. But here are the most important things:

ProcName=hl2.exe -novid -noborder -game tf2vintage -steam -silent /help

Your startup parameters. I added -novid (skips into movies) and -noborder (borderless in windowed more, makes no difference in fullscreen). More details:


Self explanatory.

Everything should work as expected. Only no-steam servers will show up in server browser. They also need to have no-steam in sv_tags, if I'm not mistaken.

Hopefully I didn't fuck up. I won't have time to test linux client anywhere soon, so somebody else should do it. Ask here for any advice. Linux revemu:

Francis E. Dec's communist computer god

Any of you nibbas want to play for a bit?

I'll play


Too good to be true, it might be a parody account.

No it's legit. Connected to part of alphablaster's little circlejerk.

In any case I still need a soundspray to see if it works in 2.9.2 someone wanna send me their jingle.wav

Will upgrade my internet plan soon, maybe now I will be able to download this without any delays.

Meanwhile on Retail TF2


This is the caliber of people we're dealing with, and we're considered the bogeymen.

Server is dead forever.

See you on Friday

Nah server host has done all he could, just talked to me.

It's burning up power on his end and the heat it throws off is another reason. We're back to listen servers until another dedi pops up

Well shit

they really are the eternal boogeyman

It was fun and I sympathize with mokey on his reasons so not like we can be mad when its all valid reasoning.

Still we're back to no serbs but it's late and tired. Devanon said he'd throw up a dedi for the halloween gamenights

that sucks but at least he kept the server up as long as he did.
monkey is still a nigger though

We can still make listen servers. or hopefulyl someone steps up with a new dedi

They deserve the hell they've created.

New airblast, what do you think? Worth adding somehow into TF2V?

>Making it even more encouraged to play pyro as an ambusher
You know, maybe.

Nevermind that, is the new cone fixed now? Or is it still all fucked up?
Also the idea of burn damage stacking with time spent being fired at is pretty great but I wish they also changed the damage output.

If we find coders yeah

Since when did we get a Discord?

Normalfag filter.

Since no one uses the steam chat and it's just me and devanon who can do announcements I wanted to test the waters

If it becomes a massive circlejerk I'll axe it

Why is your interface in Japanese
Are you a godless gook?

Also people seem to be confused that the end game of this shit is to not just be "stock" TF2 but a point in time of the game's life

Technically you could say it's like TFPort+ at this point. It's pretty much stock except it's not pure stock like TFPort is and adds in some very minor changes to make it a well balanced and fun TF2. Shame it's pretty much dead and I'm trying to take bets as to how long it takes the TF2C devs to come in to bitch.

Already had someone come in bitching about the discord which is probably where most of the normalfags will congregate.

user said we should be using IRC which how many normalfags know what that even is?

People in here can actively ignore and avoid the goycord. It's a super filter for the normalfags so they can get games going and then if someone from here IS in there, can post in the threads saying get in.

Otherwise stay in the threads

Also the quest for a long lasting dedi is still underway

This could be magical.

There a no steam standalone download where I don't have to fuck around with revemu yet

Its not that bad, unless your team is full of turbo faggots the mega heavies get kicked pretty quick

Aside from some changes made to the weapons, other things that could be interesting to add to TF2V are:

Also new weapons files were added into the game, one of them hinting at new buildings after 10 years of absolutely nothing, about time fucking Valve.

Why not just not add the fucking ambassador?
If you must add the ambassador: set it to mini-crits on headshot, keep the damage and speed penalties imposed on it, and add the following footnote to the fucking thing. "All revolver models shoot a straight shot after a 1.25 second interval, the ambassador model has a .95 second interval."
Now for the reasoning: Most, if not every single tf2v server will be nocrits for good fucking reason. I'll even fucking explain on a second post about why that is, but for now let's focus on one thing. The revolver on its own can take down fucking anything if you're doing your job as a spy correctly. Most classes are taken out with 3 or 4 shots, soldiers with 5, heavies require 6 or more. If you're undetected, you can get two shots in without accurate retaliation.
Now consider: an ambassador headshot CRITICAL will do 102 damage. That's a single shot for 2.5x a revolver's 40 base-damage. The ambassador then can take out most classes in only two shots. With the slower attack interval, it works out to 1.4 seconds to take out scouts, spies, and snipers. It takes a third shot to kill pyros and demos, working out to 2 seconds.
If the spy is savvy enough to stop for the spread interval, he can take out every class except for heavies in only two headshots. That works out to 1.9-2.5 seconds to take out every single fucking class except for heavies.
The stock revolver on the other hand requires at least 4-5 shots to kill soldiers. The attack interval for the revolver is .58 seconds, so it works out to 2.32-2.9 seconds to kill most classes. Now, motherfucker, compare the values.
Revolver, three shots: 1.74 seconds, 120 damage
Ambassador, headshot and second shot: 1.4 seconds, 140 damage
Ambassador, headshot and spread interval for second headshot: 2.5 seconds, 204 damage
Yes that's right, the ambassador is better than the revolver in every shape and form if you can fucking aim. Factor in spread, and the less bullets fired the less often you will miss due to spread– making the ambassador even better.
Now consider the spy's purpose. The spy gets behind the enemy lines and softens up the enemy frontline by destroying supports. Sapping sentries, stabbing medics, snipers, heavies, and forcing the frontline to retreat in order to deal with him or be killed off due to either distraction or subsequently being stabbed themselves. That's his purpose, support. He requires distraction, he requires the player to be sneaky, he requires teammates to provide the distraction and subsequently support their advance. The revolver was given to the spy in order to allow him to do his job correctly and survive if he's able to shoot worth a damn. He can use it to escape, pick off low health enemies, and defend himself if he's caught. It is, however, fucking loud. It is a gun. It isn't stealthy to use. It immediately relays his position to his enemies. It is therefore used only in dire circumstance, and if the spy has failed to do his fucking job.
It actually presents a conundrum to the spy, either backstab the motherfucker and be done with it, or retain distance and shoot them with the revolver. The decision to shoot them should then only be used if there are no other enemies around, or if there is no way to catch up to the enemy. The sound, and amount of time the spy must spend shooting the nigger will alert everyone nearby to the spy's presence, so it should not be used unless in emergencies. That's where the fucking ambassador's idiotic design degrades. Because of its ability to effectively kill any class that can actually catch up to the spy in under 3 seconds, it turns the spy into a class that doesn't need to actually need to do his fucking job and sneak the fuck up and around people.

We already have the voice codec CS:GO uses so yeah.

Also everything is going to be pre-mannconomy. so enjoy insanly skilled spies and being no scoped by ambassadors when shit rolls out. If it ever does

is anyone working on tf2v maps yet?

someone was working on something before the entire thing went quiet

No matter how much text you write, being able to headshot as a Spy is fucking disgusting. A failed stab and a headshot kills a lot of classes.

The thing holding 2.9.2 back right now is that testing for nonstock maps is underway. The first official map expansion pack, Ghosts of the Past, is already available. The second map pack expansion for 2.9.2, The Irony, should be available for next month.

Just so you fags know, a LOT of shit was added to TF2 before Mann-Conomy.

it's all original maps?

If by meaning 100% OC to TF2V, no. However, unlike retail TF2 TF2V supports the maps natively and if a final version of TF2V is released for a year or so a definitive edition containing the maps will be released. Right now the expansion model is somewhat easier to distribute for the time being until a bigger community can be formed.
The expansion for this month focuses around old community update proposals and other things from 2009-2012 that Valve neglected to add into the game at the time despite the quality or popularity. The original concept for next month's map expansion was going to be oriented towards 6s, but it's been difficult to track down the content I was hoping to find. so I'm going to try replacing it with something that will guarantee salt.


im posting a quick mapping tutorial in a few mins so hopefully we'll get some supr exlsucive cool maps


You missed the if you must part of must add, m9y.

no that wouldn't, the way it works now encourages airblast to be used defensively not offensively. the old airblast was not fun to be on the other end

I'd be ok with the Letranger replacing the Ambassador

But isn't Pyro meant to be a wrench in the other teams machine? Puff and run, airblast ubered medics and heavies? Also, the whole "not fun" thing. It's not fun to fight a scout that dodges fucking everything and lands almost all of his shots, or a medic who is always up his heavy boyfriend's ass, or a skilled spy who knows what he's doing and can get away quickly after getting a backstab, etc.
Of course it's not fun to get your ass kicked.

TF2Vintage does not need new weapons at all. What it needs is ways to fix old weapons using knowledge learnt from new ones.
For instance, we all know Pyro's melee is shit because it's a point blank weapon for a class that has a point blank primary. Wouldn't it be better to give it more purpose? What if you applied a slightly gimped Powerjack approach to the Fire Axe, so that when Pyro has it active he gains a speed boost that reinforces his offensive role (but with none of the health regen shit), still dealing less damage and less effectively than he would with his primary but allowing him to actually pursue ambushed players?

Melee's purpose is two-fold, one is to provide a fallback option in case you run outta ammo, other is give classes that have no close-range options those options

Pyro has a fucking flamethrower, if you want to buff Pyro buff that.

most of those are promotional tie-ins and hats.

No focus is being given to hats

People who consider pyro no fun are typically on the receiving end.

The only weapons being added are ones that were officially added in TF2 before the mannconomy update. THE ONLY exception is demoman, who is not getting his full WAR! update arsenel and instead alongside the scottish resistance he'll also be getting the Loch N Load and Ulapool Caber with the caber being it's original incarnation.

The reason is demoknight is too big a departure from a class centered around explosives.

Again though this shit won't get added until we find people to help fix bugs. No OC fixes will be added and any QoL stuff will solely come from thigns valve has implemented that aren't a fucking nightmare

He is meant to excel in close range combat, to be an ambush class, which the new TF2 update excels at. For the second time in the game's life hes not just a supportive role, he actually has a flamethrower with at least some range and his airblast is stronger too (just doesn't remove all the fucking air control from people getting airblasted). It isn't relevant at all, but I find fighting good scouts to be really fun because they require a strategy to beat, they aren't perfect, if they win that means they had better positioning than you. What strategies do you really have while your movement is completely removed from you by airblast? Imagine if scout had the ability to stun you, would that make him more fun to fight? No, it is a shitty mechanic that isn't fun in any situation. Sure as a player you shouldn't be in situations where you are so close to a pyro where this is effective such as on higher ground but that doesn't mean you should be guaranteed to die if you happen to be in that range.

Did you completely forget the point of the mod?

Nah, his job is just to be an opportunistic pain in the ass.

The best counter to pyro is to stick in groups. Pyro can easiely wreck anyone caught-off guard and alone, but he's powerless when faced with a decent amount of firepower. Also pyro's very important for getting rid of spies

What a retard

That goes for every class you ding-dong. It fits Spy's bill the most, moreso than the pyro's. There's a problem with pyros however; we don't know exactly what their purpose is, we were only aware initially that they were supposed to be ambushers. The problem with that is that the pyro is meant to stay in closed areas so that he doesn't have to cover much distance, making his playstyle a boring waiting game. It would either be that or patrolling flanks, which some maps don't even have. The formula for the pyro then is just "get close and do fuckloads of damage". It's too vague.
The definition you offer for the pyro being a 1v1 fighter is not incorrect, but it's not to say he isn't meant to fight off groups of people. The flamethrower is able to go through enemies, letting him simultaneously burn down entire groups of people he catches off-guard. By the time he dies, the enemies that killed him would either be on fire or already dead. It doesn't matter how many would be in a group so long as the pyro got the drop on them.
You could say the same for the spy; however, his knife doesn't deal with multiple enemies at once, only one at a time you see. If anything, spies are countered the hardest by staying in groups. Because when you turn around as a pyro begins making people burn, you're all still going to burn. If you turn around after a spy kills off one of your partners, chances are the spy's going to back the fuck off and start firing his revolver or die himself.
Now we can consider the heavy along with the pyro being the "ambush" class. The heavy can jump around corners with his minigun already spun up and shred through enemies. He's able to do the pyro's job just as well if not better. He just lacks the speed to keep up with anyone that decides to run.
So the pyro's schtick of ambushing isn't limited to just him. He's not as efficient as the heavy in close-quarters, and he's not as mobile as the scout or able to get the drop on people as the spy.
He's been a jack-of-all-things close-quarters class for a while now, and it's not necessarily a bad thing. The soldier and demoman are both well-rounded classes by the virtue of their explosives– barring the demoman at close-range or dumbass soldiers who don't switch to the shotgun when enemies get too close. So the pyro's defining trait is really just "fire and forget" and the ability to dominate at close quarters against any class, no matter how many there are. He's not the only class that's vastly fucked over by the presence of numbers and firepower, that goes for every single class.

Finally downloaded the game, now I guess is a matter of time to find some games later this week.

Do you guys want a REAL Halloween experience for TF2? Add this map to the server

steamcommunity com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=918607198

meme maps like this are unfunny and sadly have become what people think of when you ask for "custom maps" instead of neat shit like CP_Aqua or CTF_mach

I don't think it's that bad for one or two days

Done it already anyways and people got bored quick.

Any ETA when the new dedicated serb going to be up and running?


Gotta host listen servers. Devanon said he'd up a server with the halloween maps for the event.

I'll be a little tied up Friday and Saturday to focus on TF2V, but after that (around Sunday) I should have the big update and server ready for Halloween.

just run the halloween maps. No point in having a mini halloween event if there are maps in there without the running theme of "spook"


What's the IP

it's a listen server, so no-steam users are out of luck

if anyone hosts a proper dedi that'd be swell



I'm on me way nibba.

Are you a nip?



should I bother firing up francis e dec

listen server died xd


The listen server is back online, so please rejoin.

Anyone on right now?

Not right now, working on some stuff.

dead thread

No serbs, no players, no bread


dead forever, uninstall the game

Hosting serb if anyone wants to join.




What is the c model name for the Iron Bomber?

Nvm found it. Quadball

make sure to give us the server ip user

bls gib IP

no ip no play. fug.



no-steam users most likely can't join because it's a listen server

Actually, please try to join if you have a no-steam configuration, I'd like to figure out if putting -insecure in launch options works.

I'm starting to think shutting down Francis E Dec killed you guys off. Do none of the rest of you have any access to hardware that can run the game beyond listen servers?

Steam validation rejected

What if a nosteam user makes a server?

you don't need a steam account to run a dedicated server

Monkey I'd host one but my upload speeds are abysmal. I also don't have a dedicated machine for hosting.


Nice get.

Might try to set up a dedi. but it'd be on the same machine I play on.

Also any issue that may arise from trying to setup a nostema dedi while I have steam installed?

Absolutely nothing will go wrong, we promise.

someone got the set up guide for the no-steam dedi

Get SteamCMD, install the server like you usually do, install revemu on top of that. No promises, but might try to make a dedi too if yours fails.

make one regardless. My connection is shit but I'll give it a shot on my end.

This way we'll end up with 2 dedis if we can get it working.

Make sure to post ips here.

So what download a TF2 dedi or a SDK2013 MP dedi?


SDK2013 dedi, don't know how much of the TF2V folder it needs so just put the entire thing in it. Running the test server right now, not no-steam at the moment, pls join.

works but high ping

E.E. Set up a vodkaland server.



server is still down also typically no one changes the port

Map changed, STEAM validation rejected.

s-sorry, try to connect now

I was connecting but then it shut down

back up, fucked up something in the configs

Do I have to forward my ports or some shit to host a server?
Go to your router and find "Port Forwarding" or "Virtual Servers" and make a new exception. Enter the local IP address of the computer that will be running the server, choose both protocols and add these ports: 27000-27050 and 3478-4380. Reboot your router after that.
Whether or not you have a router, go to Windows Firewall and do the same shit. Add a new exception for in and out connections listing the ports mentioned earlier.

server died?

Someone from the goycord is putting up a server. Might be steam only users sadly that can play.

My attempts at putting a server up are no good.

Server back up, can't run rig 24/7.



I do not have that issue at all. what version you on?

I guess I'll see you cunts on Halloween.


1. Don't have shit internet (and/or rig, if you want to play game from the same machine you host on).
2. Forward your ports. Hosting a TF2/TF2V server needs the following ports to be forwarded if you're using a router - 27015:27050 on TCP/UDP, 3478:4380 and 27000:27030 on UDP.
3. Download SteamCMD GUI - and extract it somewhere. Launch it, press button to download SteamCMD itself and extract it somewhere.
4. Press the Add Custom button on Server Configuration, name it whatever the fuck you like and set 244310 as the Game ID, which corresponds to Source SDK Base 2013 Dedicated Server. And make sure the login as anonymous checkmark stays. Afterwards, make a server folder somewhere and put the directory into the box below, checkmark validate files and press update/install to download the server. While it's doing that, copy the tf2vintage folder into the server folder so it's like server/tf2vintage. When you're done, put your server folder directory into the srcds path in the second tab, check the custom mod checkbox and put in tf2vintage, put in map name, server name and everything else and run it.
5. If everything works, download RevEmu!IrJHyJiK!-U9fLMW4hTgCFBaYh9xPIWWjx-TmjNXy-C3O09UDjd4 , extract Rev.ini into your server folder and put everything else into server/bin folder. Restart the server and it should work for no-steam users. In some cases there could be problems because winblows will sometimes force the server to use legit steamclient.dll by use of registry keys - to get around that, you will have to use this .reg file every time before launching the server if you used steam before this -
6. Finally, check server/tf2vintage/cfg/server.cfg for server settings. Don't forget to set your rcon~

I'm going to attempt to get 2.9.2 up by Tuesday/Wednesday if possible. That will add some new content, such as the last of the files for my version of the Halloween update as well as plug those holes with transferring to vpk format. In addition, I will also have the first item test of re-implementing hats into TF2V to replace the weapon inventory concept from earlier. I still need to sit down and debug the bots I got kind of working since I think the AI in Source 2013 is broken to shit, I'll release that as a serverside update if I do get the time to fix that up.

Picture unrelated.

Godspeed my man

Also I thought the halloween thing was going to be the server running all the halloween themed maps and nothing else

Indeed. Especially when you have one community that is extremely dead and another community which hates you for existing. I'm going to try pushing for another front page feature for 2.9.2 just like last time, even though it'll attract bullshit like this or the reviews section of TF2V. I have one spare box I might be able to use as a dedicated server in an emergency but I've got so much shit ahead to fix along with the code itself that I can already see the revisions piling up.

Trick or treat.


illegal how?

asbblasted and his friends ontop of the TF2C dev team thought we stole their code when there have been publicly available gitrepos at the time v1 rolled out.

How's this project going?
I've been deliberating playing it since last year. All I can ask for is more than 30 players across the whole game.

Wary of any project that claims to be the undiluted vanilla experience and then does full retard shit like TF2 Classic did like adding custom weapons and hats anyway.

Sorry to disappoint but we get at best like maybe 12 or so at peak without a event. Still as fun.

Should read the FAQ on the moddb page to answer any questions

The plan is to make it Pre-Mannconomy so it won't be entirely vanilla. It keeps certain mechanics like dispenser and teleporter upgrades, quickstab, and destructible stickies. I think there's a plan to add a few weapons from the first 9 class updates, but will be avoiding weapons that change the class purpose like the demonkight or other weapons that seem broken.

Pretty much. We'll be giving demo LnL and Caber instead of sword and board


I'm going to work out something with one of the server anons to host a Halloween event for the next week or so if he can. I'll make two variants of 2.9.2: One variant using the new Ghosts of the Past 2017 content and the other as the regular live TF2 maps. I've also decided that I shall dub the November content update for TF2V as Roundabout when it comes out.

Well shit, is not like their loyal fans would jump ship or something.

Should I shill TF2V on vanilla TF2 to try and get more players? We can barely even hope for more than eight people at a time at this rate.
God damn it.

it would be great if you ask me.

2.9.2 Uploading now!

go for it. Also record videos and put them on the TF2 community hub

Where's the halloween server eggman?

Apparently they made their original open source code closed source. Ironically if they really did license it under GPL or whatever then the only illegal thing would be their making it closed source.

I've been trying to figure this out, and here's what I think happened: TF2C was "open source" in the term that the code was open source and editable by people, but the moment any outside tried to fuck with the dev team's code they locked them down and bitchslapped them. Something happened in January where b5 got leaked publicly which is when they closed down the code and only allowed a select group of people to read and edit the code in the guise of it being better for security purposes. I can only find information about a BSD licence for the now dead code, though if I can get to a cache for a very specific page from 2016 I might be able to find forks of the code before it went bye bye to find an actual license. I cannot find any place disclosing what license the code actually is.
In reality, it seems like TF2C was using the term only as a buzzword without understanding why open source is important: It allows people to build their own variations of an existing program to better fit their needs and requirements versus what another group want. Vintage is like TF2C, except focuses on the actual base game of TF2 and not the bullshit OC content that was added in TF2C like DM, extra classes and 4 team stalemate gamemodes.

I see, but isn't it still based on Source Engine and the like? as in, open to anyone in the end?

That part is as open to anyone as Valve makes it, it's more about what they've built on top of it, though I'd stress that my knowledge of all this isn't great.
Come to think of it wasn't TF2c itself based on leaked beta code from TF2?

Yes, ultimately all Source games must use the Source SDK license which means you have to distribute the game for free non-commercially and if you wish to upgrade to a commercial license you need to jump through extra hoops. They supposedly also licensed theirs as "open source" but the exact nature of the license they used is unknown since they never used it. One of the nice things about open source is the fact anyone can contribute to a project, but what isn't nice when someone with an open source project closes it down because people started forking it.

Yes, TF2C was based on leaked code from an early version of TF2 they build into TF2C. Yet when the code of TF2C is built into TF2V despite being advertised as open source, it's stealing.

Eternal salt. I don't know why TF2V bothers them so much. We have our own game made for us and they can have their game TF2C they love so much. We haven't done anything to their game.

Maybe "Dey Terk Er Jerbs" or something like that.

People like Alphablaster are heavily involved with TF2c's devs.

Essentially it's the concept of a reimagined, polished TF2 except the actual direction is a bit different.
TF2C's concept has been Classic, or more similar to Team Fortress Classic which is why the content added so far is stuff from the older games and pre-launch TF2 stuff. However with the idea of not TTT or not VSH along with some other questionable ideas for OC they did.
On the other hand, TF2V's concept is Vintage, or early TF2 which means Payload and airblasts and building hauling. As time has gone on, the main difference between Vintage and Classic is the ability to throw nearly any retail map into Vintage and play it with the polished mechanics meaning maps like sunshine are actually really fun. There are some other minor differences under the hood and some things we've been able to solve before they have and vice versa.
In all honesty Vintage exists really because Classic was a fun game but focused on too much of things that weren't TF2, hence the fork into Vintage using open source code or at least was originally open source. Combine that with zero updates for regular Classic players like me in over 600 days with the devs focusing on an in group (the beta testers) in an in group chat (Discord server) so the average player looking to hop in to a game of Classic gets fucked over hard with "apply to be a beta tester, but we're not looking for any right now" and kicked to the curb while the beta testers keep playing their b5 that still isn't available to anyone but them.
Forks happen all the time, I just can't understand why they're this mad over a fork happening on what is supposed to be an open source project.

I still don't understand all the hate towards Vintage. I can understand disliking it, alright. But to this point? Do they actually have mental problems? The mod isn't even popular enough to even have one single FULL server.

It's autism.

Also, serb when?


Halloween server up for the week.

Not according to eondynamo. He's "no where near development" which is the biggest load of BS.

The mod isn't well known, that's the problem. Every time it's popped up outside moddb and here assblasted's gay boyfriend and friends basically picket it. Not ot mention cuckchan hates it because "it has less stuff than retail."

They also hate the fact that the community of TF2V figured out how to make the game standalone from using Steam and threw a shitfit about it. I can't support no-Steam since it would break the license I publish TF2V under but it's another case of figuring out something and everyone getting mad.

He has a line going to the developers ever since the REDChanit bullshit and being the only server to get and hold onto players. The reason they get furious when Vintage has playercounts is because they squandered all of their opportunity to get new players because their public version (b4) is dead since they don't support it anymore and b5 has taken too damn long and sat in private. There is a reason that even though the differences in TF2V versions is small, I leave a month to a month and a half between updates to show the game is still being worked on publicly unlike what TF2C did.
Don't forget that they had the VNN endorsement, the TF2 Wiki endorsement and a bunch of other public activity giving positive feedback while having backing from Reddit and Facepunch while Vintage got none of that and only has a community on a 4chan derivative imageboard; they're as dead as us with having

Are there any niggas that want to play?
I've been awake for the past 30 hours and I'm bored.

devanon didn't make a good rotation there's still non halloween maps in the fucking rotation

anyone wanna play?


2.9.2 dl where

on moddb also 2.9 and 2.9.1 work with the server

just need the spooky map pack

Maybe you should make a new thread actually explaining all of this in the OP.



too lazy to make a new thread and risk having it deleted due to "another one already existing.

I can whip up a guide and a vol can edit this post with the guide then

The real question is have you begun to challenge the rock?

what kind of cuckchan meme is this

I bet you don't even have teeny toes.

This seems like a cuckchan meme because this doesn't seem to originate from here

This is almost as bad as tumblrtale memes.

You haven't been here long I see.


Is no-Steam still working?


No-steam serbs are dead, so no.

Pretty sure it's a /strek/ meme.


That'd be TNG user, not TOS.

Why should anons show up for your gamenight if you don't bother to show up for other anons gamenights?

Well we getting this shit started.

Is it just me or is moddb slow as dick?

current server is no-steam friendly isn't it?

Not on my end

Try uploading to mediafire.

talking to server user

thanks for the (you)s

As much as I loved my time playing TF2C with the rest of 8/v/ back in the day, and am actually curious for what the update holds;

I did it for you

basically nothing. From what I know it's just a heavy focus on their TDM mode

Damn, really? I searched up TF2C and was led to an official thread on Facepunch. I don't use that website but they had some info on the next update, and they had their own Saxton Hale mode being made as well as a cool looking map or two. It looked like they were remaking some of the TF1 maps in the TF2 art style, from what I can remember. I played TF2C with a couple of the devs some months back too and they said it was looking great, but, they could just be proud of their work even if it is tiny. Regardless I'm probably going to try and get my friends together to check it out once it drops, and I might try making a thread here.

That micspam was the most legendary earrape I ever heard in my entire life. A pure custom collage of white noise made from memes and audio from multiple users all across our board.

Tell me when I can go in ay

reminder assblasted still has the dev's ears.

Ain't gonna last long.

Anyone else think of KFC whenever they hear about TF2C?


What error?

Bet it makes you want to just kill someone?


where is spooky map pack donwnlod

Ah yeah, Alphablaster. He was only a thing a few people were flipping shit about back when, but it looks like news really spread since then. He was kind of a faggot but he banned a lot of fags who tried to claim the server as their own, and banned mutefags, furries, Steven Universe fans, SJWs, and a few other groups. As ban happy as he was, we got some great memes like Jason Grant, who's name actually ended up becoming the "canon" name for the Mercenary class they made for DM. My main problem was that he obsessively went through the Steam profiles of every new member to skim through their groups and friends and banned them if they even so much had a friend with a pony avatar. Banning for behavior and fagginess would've been plenty enough to still have a fun time and a bit of drama, since people were complaining since we had what was the only active and running server in the entire game at the time we were getting into it. I think Alphablaster had an alright-ish idea of banning for the lulz but he took it too far, and he himself ended up being one of the huge faggots he would've banned. Story goes that he basically killed TF2C because he started looking for more people to ban just because he kind of became obsessed with banning people who "didn't fit in", but I'm not sure about the legitimacy of that since my memory is vague though; I wouldn't be surprised if it was the case though as that completely seems like something he would've done.

Ah, might have to re-download I'm afraid. I'm still downloading the map packs myself.

They're both under addons in the moddb link in the OP.


great copy paste. but yeah he basically banned people while being part of the same degeneracy he looked for. He was a larper trying to fit in. You also forget the devs who abused shit.

In any case when people are ready server is up. just post in the thread gonna go eat



My fucking god, really? To think he was actually doing okay for the first week or so, too. That's some funny shit, and yeah I can understand why there's a mistrust for TF2C after that. I thought it was just Holla Forums flipping shit because there was a tranny on the dev team, which led to them trying to astroturf about TF2C not being allowed, but I get this, yeah. I don't really care what the dev team acts like so long as the product is good in the end, so I'm just waiting; if the next update actually is disastrous and terrible and has a bunch of drama around it, yeah, I completely get that, but if it's good, fuck; it's just more TF2. It has a Quake 1-styled DM mode and a 4 team mode that's fun for shitposting, and TF2V seems to be more solid and seems to want to stick to the basics and potentially let the userbase make the crazier modes if they so want them.

TF2 itself has been fun with the Jungle Inferno update, and I've been enjoying the fact that Pyro isn't complete shit anymore. TF2V will probably be fun; I have more nostalgia for the 2012 era of TF2, but from what I played of TF2C the original style is fucking kickass, and I love how the art style is allowed to shine once all of the clutter in the visuals and the feel of the game is removed. I've downloaded the Halloween 2.9.2 version of TF2V and I'll get it set up and probably jump in with everyone; it sounds like a good time but if there's micspam I'll just have to figure out how to get virtual audio cable set up again.

check the /cow/ thread

Vintage and classic are different beaswts. the end goal for vintage is to be "a moment in time in TF2's history" and classic is basically "TF2 but deathmatch focused"

Click on the pumpkin

How bad is the second season

I've been mainly watching Garo Vanishing Line and Dragon Ball Super

I'm disappointed about the lack of reaction images


When's the next event?

TF2C has a vanilla gamemode and everything, though. It's just that it's not really well known. Shit lets you choose between forcing stock or letting the players choose between the TF2C weapons, and has the original maps and everything. It's pretty great, honestly, and is why TF2V confused me so much. It was like TF2V was only made to have a TF2C that didn't have the bogeyman that was set up in the culture here, even if it had less features; I felt like people just kind of assumed that TF2C didn't have a vanilla gamemode and rolled with TF2V because of that and the mistrust for the devs. I mean shit, yeah, I can see why there'd be mistrust for the devs, but from the few I've met they're actually pretty chill people; those few didn't really have a political agenda and were just making a game. Of course I can only speak for the few I actually ran into while playing.

Today, I will remind them.


no one plays it though and classic can run a lot of modern TF2 maps.

Not to mention if people wanna play something why download extra fluff to play something? Same reason why this isn't just a plugin.

Devs, long update times, some other small issues, and most notably; Deathmatch

Have we challenged the rock?

Like said mostly hits it on the nail. Classic is focusing more on Team Fortress Classic and Quake Team Fortress and implementing it into the style of TF2. Vintage on the other hand is focusing on the original golden age of TF2 before trading, crafting and all the other dumb stuff added later on made it terrible.

Except Vintage has features, they're just different than the goal of Classic. Classic wants to focus on their custom gamemodes and such, but ultimately it's not base TF2 which is the point of Vintage. Load up cp_sunshine on TF2C and TF2V: this is what makes Vintage Vintage and not Classic. If I want to play DM, I'll play Quake or UT or some other game where DM is native.
If Classic wanted to get the Vintage players, they should focus on the base TF2 game instead of their addons.

You mean Vintage right? Classic only has support for some of retail TF2, while Vintage has support for almost all retail TF2 content including the Jungle Update.

yeah my fuck up. meant vintage can play more retail maps.

DM for TF sounds incredibly stupid, nobody would play anything but soldier ever, it would just be CoD 2.0

Yeah the playerbase doesn't really play it much, but to be fair TF2C isn't exactly a popular game in the first place; if you jump in with a few friends you can get a server of 15 or so people who want to play, which is nice. Never had much of a problem with modern TF2 maps though; I just treat them as another map to play on, kind of like I would with another map.

Yeah the long update times are kind of shit for sure. I get that. I adore Quake 1/Quakeworld a lot so the Deathmatch mode is something I adore since it's basically a mix of that and TF2. It has such a presence since it's just a huge new thing they added. People come in because the Deathmatch is exciting and new and they want to try it, but there's a fair group of people who really like playing vanilla as well, and the new weapons were honestly pretty fun if you ask me.

I thought Classic's Deathmatch was great. And I'm always open to trying a new arena shooter. Xonotic and OpenArena are both pretty rad. And yeah TF2C could use some focus on the base game, but at the same time what else is there to add? They added airblast and building hauling, and made a good bunch of new weapons that were cool and new without being overly batshit. Scout has his nailgun, Soldier can use an RPG instead of his rocket launcher, and some other things. Like, what else is there for the basic TF2 gamemode? Some new things could be nice, but what else could they add without upsetting the purists?

The DM mode made you a basic mercenary class that started with a pistol and a crowbar and the weapons for all of the other classes were scattered across the map; there was area and resource control ala Quake 1 but instead the weapon drops were TF2 weapons, and you could only have one primary, one secondary, and your melee was always a crowbar. Strafejumping was a feature of it, and it was honestly a really damn fun gamemode.

It was our own guys shitting up one of our own threads and then getting banned for it. That was honestly the only highlight of the Enemy Territory gamenight.

I enjoyed the pozz needles but that was about it.

the fact they started adding OC shit pissed people off. their original goal was basically old TF2. then they started skewing it. then came the 4 team mode no one played outside of the initial rush. the game itself is more or less a cluster fuck.


That's just the playerbase though. I've gotten people into vanilla by just getting a few friends to jump into the server with me, as people see the vanilla server isn't dead and they jump in to play with us. DM in TF2C is amazing, but vanilla is kind of a thing as well. As it stands though, yeah, I haven't played Vintage and I'm extracting it right now; from what's been going around, Vintage is basically solely focused on the original TF2 experience rather than being focused on being a game with the original TF2 experience at the core and a bunch of other gamemodes that tend to steal the thunder from the original one and leave nobody playing them.


The only reason that is, is because people cling to TF2C and whats left is the inner circle of testers.



Exactly. Most people that are fans of Classic simply assume it's a knockoff of Classic being forked from similar code. In reality, it's a different flavor from Classic in that it seems people who play Classic like DM, VSH and the other new gamemodes they implemented. Keep in mind most of the people still left that frequently play are also in the Beta Tester category and have access to the unfinished beta that regular players don't get, leaving regular players a nearly two year old version. It's like trying to say that Pepsi is stealing from Coca-Cola just because both of them are soft drinks.


Since it's Halloween, I want everyone to appreciate this image.



Its absolute garbage, it also should be playing the RE: Director's cut basement music because that's THE ONLY song you need on Holla Forums during halloween.


smh tbh fam tbqf imho


I wasn't saying it was stealing. I agree with this. I was saying that TF2C's extra gamemodes kind of stole the thunder from the vanilla one, which was originally the focus, and now everyone just kind of plays DM. I understand TF2V a lot more now than I originally did when I first entered this thread. Hopefully I'll give it a try because TF2 is pretty great, and it used to be my favorite game.

No one said you did. The remainder of TF2C's inner circlejerk does though.

Ah, I see. I don't really see the point. They did some shit that some people didn't like, so they went and made their own version. It's kind of like this is Holla Forums's own version of Project M or some shit. It's believable that there'd be some faggots getting upset over TF2V in TF2C but I doubt it's absolutely everyone. Some of the people I met were pretty cool and they didn't seem like the sort to get upset over something like this.

pretty much most of them. There's an archive of an older thread where someone sat in the TF2C discord and posted screencaps of their kvetching,.

9 people on

Oh god, it's the pill

Trying to get on now since work's done with.
Fug, should've downloaded the spooky maps before.


people are on. going to bed in the mean time/

Been fun everyone

top 10 anime betrayals

Server's dead now, ggs and hope we get to play again sometime.

it brought me some pleasure

I had some fun, it was good.


Here are all of the server replays from last night's gamenight. Once I can figure out this freeroam camera stuff a little better I can maybe throw in a theater mode into 2.9.3 for watching these.

Also, the server is back up and still up on no-steam with the regular map list.


oh jeez
does this have everything from the very start of the server?

I think so

Can yall niggas help? Whenever I try to imprt a custom spray it just says "failed to create duplicate file" or some shit to that extent. I want to spray my memes god damn it.

grab 2.9.2 or 2.9

2.9.1 has a bug with sprays

Oh, alright. Thanks pal.

I'd suggest 2.9.2, that one not only fixes the bugs with sprays/jingles but also has vpk support and additionally adds the content from Jungle Inferno.

Until recently we were but a myth to Neofags. I wouldn't be surprised if SJWs scared themselves into believing GG was an actual terrorist group

I really hate the look of just about every map in tf2

Was getting (1) to bump the thread part of your plan?

How do I play this non-steam?

revemu, it's over here:
The hash is fugged though.

Dead thread again. C'mon, man.

It's Friday tomorrow lad, don't worry about it.


delet this

we playing


get in here nerds

gib ip pls

8 people on

Heavies are good class



Here I thought I'd actually get a chance to play tf with my buddies for an hour or two.

Oh, you know why this is happening?
The fucking map rotation recognizes pl_enclosure due to the jungle inferno update in retail. This is a retail map that we've yet to import.


P-pls everyone come back.

what this user said GET IN HERE



what kind of shit formating is THIS ??
BE ASHAMED, Holla Forums !

do it yourself

Holy fuck you're stupid

and holy fuck you guys completely skipped the second post

No you're just a retard fuck off faggot.


oh shit i thought devanon was only hosting for Halloween, is the serber still up?

yeah dunno if anyone is in

Yes. Currently running 2.9 nonevent map rotation since anons haven't bothered to download 2.9.2 for the JI maps. I put it on some piece of shit Intel computer I've had sitting for almost a year without a purpose. Seems to be working pretty well from what I hear.

Right, so here's the link to the 2.9.2 maps in 2.9 and 2.9.1 versions. Keep in mind 2.9.2 has the most recent asset build so you might encounter an error or two running these on 2.9 if you try.
Like mentioned earlier: They're off the server rotation and so are the Halloween maps. This way it's straight up TF2 without any festivities.

gg me.!aBcWHBDL!yLuDPAg2zCdCYvsWskMuQlGUYnlnjnwd8EHeyVEO7oQ

Someone make a new thread

Who wants top play? I'll join the server in a sec
