Apparently my steam account has an anniversary today.
How should I celebrate?
Also steam thread.
Apparently my steam account has an anniversary today
Other urls found in this thread:
You should know your shit before making a thread.
wtf i love gay interracial porn now
Why am I laughing
Kill yourself
No cumshots no fap.
Is this sarcasm?
congratulations! you're retarded! you can celebrate by killing yourself
Post your steam ID and password, with a sharpie in your boipucci.
But I'm not stupid enough to give you my password ha ha.
Jokes on all of you faggots, I took that image from google, I don't have steam.
Holy shit. It's like those crab things from halflife coming to life, mixed with piccolo dick.
This is mad nasty.
gays need to get gassed asap
Only nigger lovers. I love myself a cute Korean boy.
I'll take, "Pot calling the kettle black" for 500, Alex.
Found this in another thread. Who here can cum to it?
I'd fuck AJ too
No exceptions.
You'll get to join them in the gas chambers too, don't worry
You should celebrate by killing yourself you niggerfaggot fuck
Gays not welcome, but gays cum well.
But I love my boyfriend, I bought him some cute stockings recently and he looks fab as fuck.
Matt, if you're reading this, I love you.
Jump in front of an oncoming car, furfag. You’ll become roadkill like any other animal.
Would it be good gay people to date non-whites since that'd be lowering non-white birth rates?
Redpill me on GoG. Should I buy games from there instead of Steam? What games should I get?
Celebrate by fellating a shotgun.
Hang yourself off a bridge, faggot.
It’s DRM free and no client required so it’s better than steam
There is no difference.
You either buy shit or pirate it.
Gog is for hipsters who think that steam is too mainstream.
Make me motherfucker. I'll blast your fucking legs off with a shotgun before you can touch me.
Cute pixelshit animation in the corner duh.
Fight me in real life I bet you won't pussy.
I'll fuck your corpse.
Shut up faggot
Somboy's triggered.
You could celebrate by killing yourself.
neck yourself furniggers
Is there any context to this?
I'm anti-furry if you couldn't tell.
What more context do you need?
I'm into my boi Pucci, he's a great priest.
I want to know when this happened
I'm not a furry, just be nice to furfriends :)
Jojo is gay even by my standards.
No amount of justice can justify these stupid poses and stupid hair.
I see, you're projecting.
I am always curious what faggots bombard Steam threads or any relations to PC gaming stuff.
Eh, it is straight echo chamber stuff. I mean go and start a "PC Games Only" thread, it gets derailed to shit pretty quick wither steam gets brought up or not.
Yes, by considering pic related then kill yourself
Well no shit. That sounds like a shit OP. You don't think if someone tried to make a "console games only" thread they wouldn't get treated the same?
Be more creative and less faggoty user, and you'll get good threads. I also strongly recommend starting with a stronger focus then just "PC games" and using some good examples. Like
That's enough spoonfeeding from me though. Good luck user.
ftfy fag
Steam Internet Defence Force assemble.
I'm curious why an entire board of Steam users collectively pretends not to use it.
Are anti-steam posters just a case of sour grapes?
For the glory of Lord Gaben!
First poster is Kevin Spacey every time.
or perhaps we're wondering why would someone throw the hook in the water without baiting it first
This has got to be bait
Do a Barrel Roll(Z or R twice)!
Yeah, this too, if you have gone to a game night on Saturday and or try to play ANY multiplayer game with someone on 8ch they either try to get you on a Discord or add you on Steam and their profile always looks like this.
This is just prove that the board has turned to shit.
God, you're a hopeless faggot.
Also, this is now a designated dubs thread.
Why do ants need to know how to get cute boy aesthetics? I ask because only ants can read this shit.
Fucking this, especially the discord crap.
Fuck, this site has gone to shit since 2014.
What the hell is wrong with his fingernails?
Too be fair, its hit or miss with me personally. I have been here since the beginning and its been 50/50 when trying to play video games with other anons. Holla Forums is the only time I put effort into playing with others online. SOME but not many will just have a mumble setup, some have a TS, not are all newfags. I think I only have 7-8 games on Steam and its not even installed at the moment. I just wish GoG got more attention and better titles
join the gays in the gas chamber, philotes
joke's on you, ants are actually asexual
spiderfag pls kill urself, thnks
no u tbh mate
upgrade to a PS4.
Now you know where all the "comfy" posters came from
iz dis da 4am thred fam?
no it's a steam friends thread tbh
it may as well be the same thing.
it was good but not too hard
Reminder that if you want to thank Mark for his efforts in failing to clean up threads like this one, feel free to let him now in this now stealth-anchored thread (like a fucking redditor mod would, shameful)
Have a bump because this thread is shit
It's ok when nintendo does it eh?
Daily reminder that you're dying alone.
It's like a physical, tangible form of cancer.
at least you are supporting the alt-right.
Why is he so loud?
What a weirdo
kas the gikes
Just because something is visible doesn't mean you can touch it.
I can see steam, but I can't touch it
Touch me, daddy.