Apologies if there's already been a thread on this, I couldn't find one and I've been away for a few days.
Escapist lays off all its staff
Other urls found in this thread:
Then again, not that I mind too much, they all neeed to burn.
Considering that they barely had any content going on anyway and the moderation staff was pretty much impotent beyond handing out bans, this doesn't surprise me in the slightest.
He's still a nigger but apparently worth more than glorified bloggers.
Damn, I would be sad if I cared about any of this.
Rock Paper Shotgun has been bought out, NeoFAG is burning and now this. It's only a matter of time user.
anything interesting about it?
Now what?
The Escapist is the only one I feel bad about. Back when Archon was admin he did his best to keep the marxism out. After he left the place turned to shit REAL fast. Apparently their parent company Defy Media effectively killed it on purpose. That being said, I can only imagine how much they're paying Yahtzee for him to stick around. He's one of the biggest video reviewers out there, he'd be doing swell on his own on Twitch or Youtube.
ya blew it
PC Gamer has to fall. Others like IGN are more jewish than agenda-pushers and I'd like to see that end too but the greedy will swap sides when they realise there's more money in it (more views = more advertising revenue and you can't sell review scores if nobody looks at your shit), the ideological will only fuck off when pushed.
Write a "Game journalists are dead" article and parade it around for months, I suppose…
Games journalism doesn't have to be your vidya news source. Games journalism is dead.
That guy knows his shit. You can dig through RPS comments from their writers pushing that 'no true objectively = no attempted objectively at all' line.
see this is what happens when you side with gamergate
The escapist will never fire yahtzee. He's basically the entire reason the site had the traffic it did. I never posted on the forums back when I would browse the site 5 or so years ago, but everyone will tell you they found the site because of him. That includes me as well.
The only thing that was particularly interesting was that they would sometimes have decent content made the staff, but it was a real hit or miss.
I am still waiting for engadget to fall. I have my reasons.
The Escapist was as dodgy as any other site originally, a last-minute change doesn't remove that. It's the right move but you don't get immunity for past crimes just because you confessed.
every politician ever charged would like to argue otherwise
What the fuck am I looking at?
What does this mean?
Pic related. They are proud to be stupid.
that's why common sense isn't common anymore. Fuck that.
At least Archon isn't there when that happened. I was active on there while GG was hot.
From first glance, they're now owned by the guys that own EuroGamer.
Archon left?
So literally nothing of value was lost.
Someone in the (((banking industry))), or maybe I'm thinking of someone else.
You shouldn't then user. In proper systems even plea bargains still come with a (shorter) sentence and life-time restrictions.
Originally RPS announced a 'supporter' program where faggots who paid to keep them afloat would get access to special articles. Given the timing this was almost certainly a result of advertisers pulling out. After limping along with that for a year or so they just got bought out a month or two back.
All of these sites are now experiencing the situation that print media did 10-15 years ago when they rose to prominence. A newer, more hip media alternative exists in streamers/youtube, and they are becoming largely irrelevant. It's only a matter of time until they all either die or merge as a minor subsidiary of a much larger company, if they haven't already.
say no more
sounds like commie talk to me
Asking for a functioning legal system is commie now? Plea bargains are in desperate need of reform, the case of that Canadian woman who got out of a life sentence for being a fucking serial rapist and murderer just because she provided 'evidence' on the man who was also involved makes a pretty good case study of that (and of the pussy pass in general).
This is a large part of it. The stupid thing is that the groups that are opposed to e-celeb style content (streamers and youtube) who would still use these sites (e.g. Holla Forums) are also the groups that are most opposed to SJW infiltration. Their political shit drove away those with an actual interest in vidya content who could think for themselves and the remaining userbase is just chasing after FOTM shit.
It was too good to be true.
Cheers fam.
Ha ha wow.
It is glorious. But you have to wonder, what is the next step of their master plan?
This is what EA would tell small dev firms to get them to buy in.
I didn't know ModDB was a part of Gamer Network though. Weird.
It's been at least two years.
No he meant a recent article, at least it was called out by the users there.
They did one last month.
Escapist wasn't on the original 2014 bandwagon. They did an article recently after Archon left.
we all go back to blue's news
How fucking stupid can these people be?
as stupid as playing cuphead and failing at tutorial.
Yeah, but that was GamesBeat. I thought the Escapist had more brains than that.
I'm eagerly anticipating Yahzee's extradition back to Australia. Or maybe he'll go back to making shitty indie games once his American girlfriend dumps him.
they became of the same cloth with other journos after archon left is what I've gathered
I'm more anticipating what he will do once the escapist collapses since it's his main source of income.
He's a bong.
He will make a Patreon and will keep shitting out the same crappy content.
I thought he was British. He's too much of a wuss to commit one of the 19 Crimes.
Fugg. Was actually thinking about making a games journo site just to see if I could do a better job than Destructoid or Kotaku. Good to know I have to be very careful about who I sell it to in the astronomically small chance it's successful.
I honestly prefer him just making videogames or longer, more focused videos ala Ross. ZP is beyond stale at this point.
I heard google is cracking down on patreon links because they don't get a cut of it.
He's a bong that moved to emustan, then to burgerland.
Top-Tier Kikery
The majority of Escapist's content was pretty shit. I figured this was just a matter of time once they lost Moviebob and Jim Sterling. Yeah, they're shitbags, but they were also shitbags who could draw in an audience. What else does the Escapist have? White Korra, Lisa Foiles, and LoadingReadyRun? Garbage, I tell you White Korra is alright though
A (((Swiss banker))) who realized that cannibalistic orgies are not his thing so he moved to 2D
Known as Melon Pan
What's happening?
Why not both
Did we win?
Was our wish granted?
Businesses are either finally starting to realize that social justice isn't profitable and hiring those kinds of people tanks your business or they realize that their desperate attempt to brainwash people with leftist nonsense can't continue if they keep losing tons of money like this. Maybe it's both happening simultaneously.
I wouldn't feel too bad. They did an article called "Gamers are still dead, y'all" in a vain attempt for attention and to make the GG lightning strike twice.
Patreon just changed its TOS to give the middle finger to niche extreme porn producers to be more friendly and inclusive.
Just write how his supported content is incredibly upsetting to you
Fucking beautiful
He moved to America recently
The Anglosphere has so much potential.
This single word did them in.
crashing the site with no survivors
Same, I don't even know what the Escapist is.
sacrifices to Moloch?
This is too low key for Holla Forums to think ablut except to pass and laugh. We need some numerology and /fringe/ people to do a pass
They're the website that brought people to light such as Jim Sterling (he was also part of Destructoid but still), MovieBlob, Extra Credits, and Yahtzee Crowshaw. How far they seem to have fallen. Like I said, don't feel too bad. The website is for the most part scum.
Nope. It's always been a glorified blog site that tried too hard to appeal to intellectuals and be an e-mag.
Once Yahtzee started putting his shit on YouTube driven by initial SA traffic, Escapist decided to give him shekels so they could ride off his coat-tails since he seemed to be the only one with a modicum of talent. lol
Looks like that's no longer speculation, but fact. Must feel shitty to have your food taken out of your mouth in order to feed Yahtzee, but that's what happens when you have nothing of value to bring to the table.
They could always try to mend their shit with that faggot from Extra Credits I guess!
>ign and polygon pick up the scraps at liquidation and attempt to expand their own networks and fail miserably
“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.”
Same. It feels pretty good to not know things.
Thank fuck they're dying. Irredeemable shit stains.
Say what you will about Poacher and that one roguelite but Trilby was pretty fuckin neato.
The "roguelite" is one of my favorite games actually. It controls like shit but atmosphere and runnign against the clock is top notch shit.
I dig what it's trying to be but the execution is just so flawed, and the fact that his freeware games control and feel better is a joke.
aside from the circlejerking, i think it's just the gradual erosion of independent sites and forums. there's a trend towards centralisation and consolidation of community now, despite how stupid it is (look how many people gladly have all sorts of conversations on discord, when they make absolutely zero promises about privacy or confidentiality of chat content). communities are only valuable based on the effort people put into it, and everything is trending towards low-effort and low-content communities and sites.
I found the Roguelite to be fun enough. Granted its not something I've played a lot of, but when I do play it, I find its enjoyable enough. Controls I didn't find too bad (except when the engine decided to be a prick), but otherwise it was fine.
Does anyone care about gaming websites that they go to it regularly? You'd only do that if you cared for the personalities on the site, not the content for the most part. They're going like newspapers and have nowhere else to evolve from to reinvigorate themselves. They would have to make a new site to start from scratch or shill like crazy.
It was bound to happen with Escapist since they only had Yahtzee being the major draw. Maybe gaming exclusive sites might have to change their current format or parasite into other media news to keep going.
Hopefully, the industry is fucking collapsing in on itself and we get a market refresh.
It's a bittersweet moment honestly. I have fond memories of the escapes I admit, it was my first major forum Outside the ADVENTUREQUEST forums that is and was what I always flocked to for my freetime once I was free from school for the day. I practiced my first shitposts, vented a lot of generic teenage edginess in the Play-By-Post forum, and still have some vid'ja friends I found there. The RP/Forum Games dried up long ago so I lost interest in the site in general, but from what I can tell it's just a shadow of itself at this point. They even tried resurrecting some controversy by trying to kick up the GAMERS ARE DEAD bullshit again and even that didn't work. There was definitely a heyday for there but it's long since passed, once Yahtzee figures out how to monetize his videos somewhere else/get sniped the Escapist will have literally nothing else going for it. I think at this point they just start working on resumes and get ready to shut down the life support because I doubt a rich Mexican will swoop in to save their bacon like what happened to Gawker.
Archon left?
Didn't he manage Escapist and other 9 brands? Why did he leave?
He is. He moved to Australia, then to San Fagcisco
Archon was fired by Defy Media, Escapist's parent company, from what I've heard.
Where's Erin going to move to now?
Life is a parody of itself at this point.
We claimed erin as cocksleeve years ago.
Defy Media also bought and killed GameTrailers. Neat!
When was this? Apparently Archon works for Milo now, for better or worse
You mean they're the Dark Souls EA of games journalism?
The escapist had staff other than mods, maintainers, and yahtzee?
We waited too long, bros.
Oh shit a new chapter is out?
That was last month's
And yes, as of about 3-4 days ago
I can't keep up with monthly releases because I always forget, but I know what I must go do now.
I thought The Escapist already shut down years ago.
Fuck it, burn them all down and we can sift through the ashes later.
this isn't news
Great who got raped this time
Not really. Unless they are specific about something since at least that means they play the game and knowledgeable about it, most general gaming sites have little worth at least to me.
I don’t know why Croshaw doesn’t just cut the leeches from off his back. The man has his own personal blog, he could easily make a full-on site, host his videos himself, and have his own one-man fiefdom like Jim Sterling.
Then again, after this development I guess Escapist is effective his show now anyway, with the added bonus of someone else maintaining the webpage and paying off editors for him, so he’s probably right to stay tethered on that leaking ship dor as long as it limos along, he’ll still be able to cut himself loose once it fails completely.
I believe Yahtzee see himself as a writer first, everything else second.
glad he doesn't consider himself good.
This is better than Christmas and it isn't even Halloween yet.
I believe he fellates himself. Fuck that queer expat trash.
Yahtzee might be the only person who can still get fans just by doing youtube videos.
This will end well.
So did he leave australia? The only thing that I recall being funny before tuning out was the native cunt.
Yeah, he’s a Commiefornian immigrant now.
American females go through more relationships/hookups than the ocean has waves. He's going to get dumped and lose his mind then disappear off the net.
Of all the places to consider.
which is weird because gg is people who actually play games
Nice try, mud. None of them would bed you unless they are groomed and paid for.
These 2 things are a recipe for disaster tbh. He has some pretty shit opinions but the fucker at least had some amount of common sense on most things back in the day. I don't really care either way though. Anybody who thinks Bioshock Infinite was the GOTY doesn't know jack. All he wants in his vidya is story integrated gameplay and everything else is second. It's why Silent Hill 2 and games like it will always be more impressive to him than actual gameplay oriented games. Still he's brought up fantastic points in the past. I still post pic 2's logic to tell faggots to stop buying into hype.
Everyone should have learned having anyone public and out for celebrity on their side was a mistake.
What? I stopped paying attention to them before that, I guess. That's like saying bad grammar is good or just indicative of the shit state of the industry. Even then that is not even good as bait. 2013 was horrible trash but that's like pulling a used needle out of a particular heap.
Fuckin hell, I forgot how much he internalizes everything. I'd even debate Black Flag was a better game, and that's at the bottom of the pile.
Like an e-celeb who gets called out for his opinions, Yahtzee will always default to excusing his faggotry by saying that he was playing a character or that it's just entertainment, but the reality is that he's of the common variety of spastic faggot who needs to make his point as loudly and aggressively as possible, because putting force and a lot of overly elaborate "dry British humor" into a shitty opinion makes it good Total Asscancer does the same thing. "I'm more angry and doing more verbal acrobatics, so that means I'm more right that you are! bollocks and tea and brexit!"
Him and gabe was a nice dynamic.
Also you cna tell his attitude is changing from time around his girlfriend. I guess Gabe was right about Croshaw
Yeah, as long as they're paying him well into six figures there'd be no reason to leave.
I kind of forget when or why I even gave up listening to their podcast video stream thing. Seemed like he was just starting to be an asshole toward Gabe at a point, I think. I really wish there was a podcast noise thing that wasn't full of idiot normalfags. Seemed like the shit ramped up in a hurry and not much of anything was salvageable.
I think you might have gotten triggered over hteir dark souls stuff.
Gabe I don't think actually listened to half the shit that came out of Croshaw's mouth. They both shat on each other really hard until the end
Yahtzee is a faggot who should've been fired first, Then again, it's better then him living on the dole.
Oi Cunt don't send that poof here, send him to his rainy socialist island
is he actually still relevant? I haven't watched his videos in at least six years
If juden were smart, they'd realize allocating resources to the vidya industry, much like anita sarkeesian and the rest of the silver thread shit is a lost cause and more of a detriment to them and are pulling out. But that's if juden are smart. Soros and others like him are likely funneling funds to the operation of communizing vidya and making it so PC it destroys the spirit of it.
Because Yahtzee is know for "Zero Punctuation," and the Escapist has the rights for that. Without it, he'd be fine I guess, but he's only doing WELL because of it.
It's the same overreach you are seeing with sportsball. If they'd let people compartmentalize and have their space free of their invasive politics, they'd just brush it off like they do everything else. But they, like us, have been deprived of their recreational spaces.
It really doesn't matter. All he needs to do is a name-switch and a slightly different style of stick-figure and he's back in the game. It's Yahtzee that sells, not Zero Punctuation.
He's bigger than ever tbh.
Interestingly enough that was around when I stopped watching, but I never really noticed a change. Maybe my subconscious did who knows.
He considers The Escapist people his friends, and therefore won't abandon them
He could easily negotiate the rights same as Sterling did for his shitshow.
Yeah but his marketshare as percent has probably decreased.
Where is Vivans bulge?
Artist, you had one job. ONE JOB.
Silent Hill 2 is a gameplay orientated game, what the fuck are you babbling about?
A kike.
wrong thread but add Ghost and Ghouls, Comic Zone, and Outrun
(((melon pan))) is p. dope tf u on about
Black Flag is 2014 though no?
I think the year bio infinite came out was just a really shitty year.
That's only if you assume the end goal is to make money and not to destroy Western culture in all its forms.
I've never seen Yahtzee do this. If anything, what I have seen him do is claim that he's not just playing a character, he is a for real critic.
His stuff is even on Hulu.
He works for Milo now.
That's because American men are cucks who haven't been taught how to be Men. It's only going to get worse as more of us are raised by single mothers. The system needs to collapse quickly, so that the natural dynamics between men and women can return. Right now all incentives are set to drive them apart.
Just waiting for a friendly drawfag to draw us up some Erin snuff porn.
isn't it amazing. you act like pricks and suddenly no one wants to come to your site.
Holla Forums being the exception that proves the rule obviously
How is it the exception? We are here because there is nowhere else to go. I didn't even hate jews before I learned about Mark, fuck I am half kike myself.
I like his girlfriend; she's not on social media and she has very firm opinions on what the fourth dimension is, ie it isn't time. She's fairly ordinary outside of that, saddly, she's a cool dude that likes dogs and doesn't afraid of spiders.
yeah they got heated with one of the boss fights and it decended quickly.
But it was more of one of those "genuine friends who will actually bitch at each other for fuck ups of the other."
If you're a spineless beta then that's true of all women
This softens the blow. I thought they were still good guys.
Godspeed, Archon.
Modern woman is a shit. Don't "settle down" with a 40+ year old hag that's taken more dicks than Niggers in detroit.
Too bad, but not too sad is my reaction. Escapist wasn't bad under Archon and even after he left it wasn't that shitty. But then again I only visited that site to see what the latest news in normalfag lands are and to watch Yahtzee. There's some things you can criticize Yahtzee for, but I like the bastard, anyone who likes Thief and understands why it's a great series is all right in my book. Hope he starts a better series than Zero Punctuation after the ship sinks, it's gotten pretty stale.