Bungie is permanently banning random PC players for seemingly no reason.
And seem to even go as far to ban the devices themselves, so any idiot buying a used console for Destiny 2 may be purchasing a banned one.
They are already losing an incredible amount of concurrent players.
Lawsuit when?
Destiny 2: Blunder of the Year?
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I wanted destiny to be good so bad, and this is what becomes of it.
Honestly, with a name as uninspired as "Destiny" how could you expect anything above mediocrity?
Some video pointed it out to me years ago but I cant help but notice it now, what do they eat? Apparently guardians cant die but what does everyone else eat? I can imagine the aliens could get food from their home world but the humans don't seem to have rebuilt any farms.
Haven't played the game I am just going on secondary sources.
There are way too many blunders this year.
How would that even work? I bet Bungie would just say that the players agreed to an agreement that waived their rights.
You're talking about Mrbtongue. He asked the question for Fallout 3 in comparison to New Vegas, which did have an answer to the "what do they eat?" question. He's also a hardcore SJW who's talked about how videogames have to end as a white mans hobby and make more black characters.
It's because of Nvidias shitty bloatware that is installed by default with their drivers I forget what it's called because I ALWAYS make sure to check it off when installing the latest GPU drivers, something a lot of retards don't know how to do for some reason. It's because Bungie bans all overlays for some weird fucking reason. You literally cannot even use a third party FPS counter for it. I'm sure using Windows 10s Xbox overaly to record gameplay would get you banned too. Someone got paid to make these retarded decisions
Some of the bans have actually been revoked.
responsible for xbox one/kinect/windows10, part of prism, ruining halo, taking over minecraft, xbox online shop overflowing with indishit games (last checked over a year ago)
helps the nsa backdoor everyone's computers along with microsoft
ask Holla Forums (unless they ban you instantly for no reason at all for talking about Holla Forumsnology just like /a/ for talking about /a/nime)
forcibly inserted into many different linux operating systems that would otherwise be 8/10 as some kind of linux coup.
responsible for iphones, part of prism
took over and discontinued countless video game companies, microtransactions, dlc, season passes, full of sjw's who claim sexism and muhsoggyknees because people don't buy the game when really the reason is because the game is broken and low quality and they don't want to take responsibility for that.
gives ea whatever they want. ruined knights of the old republic, ruined every mass effect after ME1
responsible for battlefield
does similar things to ea and activision
microtransactions, dlc, some of the first people to release the cancer of microtransactions and dlc into the video game world.
responsible for leaving microsoft because they didn't like what they were doing to halo, and then doing the same things as them by making destiny
really dumb customer support, not a whole lot of good games, added paid online to ps4, online shop overflowing with indishit games (last checked over a year ago)
very small amount of games worth playing not counting old eshop titles, added paid online to the switch, eshop is overflowing with indishit games (last checked over a year ago), eshop lacking some of the best old titles from n64, gamecube, and so on. infuriating artificial difficulty in some games.
responsible for gta5, microtransactions, dlc, shark cards
responsible for skyrim, fallout 4, (what else did they make? it's so shitty I can't remember)
microtransactions, dlc, digital rights management hell, always online, get banned and lose everything you paid for
responsible for borderlands2, microtransactions, dlc, season passes
That goes to marvel vs. capcom infinite
the gamergate video really soured my opinion of him. He seriously said more bullshit?!
Even normalfags ripped his video apart.
I don't blame you for making that mistake since 2017 was full of fantastic failures, but pic related is the true blunder of the year.
PC players getting banned seems to be linked to people running programs while playing the game. This list includes but is not necessarily limited to:
>Streaming and video capture software such as OBS and FRAPSIf you're a fag and still use that resource hogging program
So basically any third party software that a gamer would be running while playing Destiny 2 has reportedly been linked to bans. To make it even more hilarious, bans for Destiny 2 are non-disputable. There is nowhere to post a dispute, contact support or anything in that vein. If you get ban, you're fucked.
Bungo apparently reversed a whole bunch of them and didn't explain why those bans happened in the first place or how many people were impacted. This after claiming that all the bans were manually reviewed before going through. They fucked up bad and are trying to pretend nothing happened now.
That's a retarded rumor started by a bunch of tweens banned for attempting to hack
Read the update.
The 4 bans overturned from the beta were unrelated to the group referenced in the update.
fuck you.
If you can argue that the agreement is against the consumer protection law and made it stick somehow, then their collective asses is blown wide open for you to shove a shotgun up there and pull the trigger. Otherwise, if an agreement can break the law and the law says it is fine; then companies can put shit like they own your firstborn sneakily in the EULA and court cannot do anything about it and shit like humancentipad in South Park can happen.
Unjustified ban without evidence is actually against the consumer protection law, they just do shit and knows that most people will not sue them because time and money wasted. There was one case of a guy getting banned in GTAO and threatens to sue cockstar and has a solid case against it and got his stuffs back.
If we are in a really vengeful mood, I bet Holla Forums can do a guideline on how to sue those kikes and build a solid case against them without spending money and too much time and spread that shit like wildfire.
No surprise there.
Sounds like my consolefag brother, I told this tale many times but there's a new development.
He already bought a xbawks wone and sold it in the past.
I thought he learned his lesson but when fifa 2017 came out he started spewing the game engine buzzword with "But it uses the frostbite engine! You told me they purposefully make bad games but here we have them innovating!".
He bought another xbox and the game while I kept telling him fifa went to shit when we were still kids. He played it for some 5 minutes before he said his controller was broken and readily spent 30 bucks on another which was "broken" too.
I kept trying to make him let me play because I wanted to see what was wrong and eventually he let me, it turns out on fifa 2017 and other recent fifa games the soccer players have an autistic mind of their own and will disobey your analog stick and run slightly to the wrong direction and wiggle up and down if their skill isn't completely maxed out because muh realism. For the first few seconds it did feel as though the controller was miscalibrated but his conclusion was still dumb. This one he played for some 5 hours and then resold his second xbox and the 2 controllers.
I think he played this "game" more because I played with him out of pity, by the end of the thing we were competing to see who points out more reasons why it's shit and I genuinely thought he would stop making dumb decisions with video games.
He definitely didn't learn his lesson yet because he keeps trying to get into the latest trash, he doesn't listen to me because he convinced himself I don't like video games, his argument is "well if everything is bad maybe you don't like video games".
He'll get a switch soon I think, he told me "It's a wii, a wii U and a DS. It'll get non-kiddy games later so I'll secure one for me as soon as stores have it in stock". I'll go to japan soon because of a good translator gig, I'll tell him I'll buy one there but come back with nothing to stall his stupid purchase.
Everyone knows the story of Destiny's development, right? We're always going to wonder about the game that could've been, where the main focus was actually the story and lore, and both were something worth focusing.
Let's face it, Destiny at the start promised to be the Citizen Kane of gaming, and we're left with a game that isn't technically bad… but is absolutely Shit when you consider the potential it had.
Nice blog
A true blunder of the year is when it isn't forgettable.
Destiny sounds like a midget's stripper name.
Nah it's more of a stripper who's somewhere between a Milf and a Gilf and could be a passable Dolly Parton impersonator.
Don't be a faggot newfag, he used single and double spacing. Reddit spacing is if they only use single spacing on all the post.
Dunno about the rest of the world but in my country you cant agree to lose a legal right.
If you sign a contract stipulating you are willing to become a chattel slave its automatically void, thats why Valve had to put a refund policy in Steam.
We know the reason, they're banning people who use any kind of software at the same time as running the game, Bungie used to make PC games before going to consoles so this isn't some rookie mistake they did it on purpose as for why is anyone guess.
It's anything with an overlay like Discord, OBS, Steam, Uplay, Origin and NVIDIA Shadowplay I believe.
Officially these aren't supposed to result in a ban. They haven't said what caused the wave of erroneous bans that got overturned, though, so one of these programs might have been causing false positives.
The retards are rescinding some of the bans they did, which I assume is all of them while still doubling down on saying that some of the bans are staying because reasons.
This but unironically, I enjoyed that post.
Quality posts anons