Autistic thought processes while playing vidya



Any game with the ability to move bodies has me running scenarios through my head of someone coming into the area after I leave and either just looking at or investigating the carnage I may or may not have left behind and how they might interpret stuff like big piles of bodies over bodies that were left where they fell, or whether or not I stripped them all of equipment first or not.


The game sucks outside of the story though so don't be pissed if you read the spoiler without playing.


The story sucked, too.

I'd only agree if you were referring to the pacing and characters, which I don't count as the story. If not, what did you not like about it? Its one of my favorite stories in a videogame that properly utilizes the medium, its just a shame that its held down by being in a shitty game.

In shooters I always subtract the amount of deaths I had from the amount of kills I had so that I can say I survived the battle

>Diminished XP because Dusk
>It would take 8 hours just to get to level 10
>tfw got level 10
>I wasted nearly an entire day hitting balls at a tan boy

Same, I like to make sure every corpse is completely destroyed, or I move all of them into one place, like a bathroom stall.

I would have already been at that level by the time I beat the 3rd world and since I threw away the sword

Are you me?

I was mostly referring to the pacing and characters, kek.

yea I kind of think of the same shit when I play some games. But the problem is that when I play sometimes I'll die like maybe 3-4 times in a row doing something then in one life maybe get like 5-6 kills then die a little get a streak again, etc. So it's really dishonest. This is some of the autism I have with shooters and caring about performance which actually makes me play them less than I do because I obsess too much over stupid crap like that and "if I'm helping the team" as opposed to just trying to have fun.

That's fair, it just depends on where you draw the lines of which elements count as a story. Here's how I map it out:


Both the plot and theme of SOMA are great, so the story is great, but the characters and pacing are not so the overall writing is pretty mixed.

Even in a game like New Vegas were there is basically no punishment for stealing something if you don't get caught I will Never do anything morally wrong, I just can't for some reason. When it's a created character I'm just a goodie two shoes.

Yet funny enough whenever I play a fighting game I always gravitate toward the evil characters.

It's a cliche at this point, but Dark Souls was a very satisfying game to play. The combat was slow, deliberate, and almost completely reaction-based, so once the player memorized an enemy's tell for a given attack, it would be the same each time and muscle memory could kick in easily. Blighttown is a very good area, but what I liked most about it was the 20-minute trek to the bonfire along the shantytown of planks and rafters at the beginning; I had no idea what to expect and the ogres were huge pains in the ass due to my build. I had a slight pressure in my neck and the back of my head every time I needed to go anywhere in that area.

Dark Souls 2 caused me physical fatigue from the tension in my neck every time I came across a group of enemies who RAN FORWARD AND ATTACKED AND DID NOTHING ELSE. I'm getting angry just thinking about all the horseshit in that game.

Wow, you really are autistic.

Christ, yeah. Even in a game as shallow as Mass Effect 2 I found it tough to be a dick to people unless I had a good reason.

Evey "life" in a 2D shooter I hate the term "shump" you lose is a completely separate spaceship/plane crew dying and being replaced by a backup unit

I'm the same way user

This as well

In ever single game I can't help being good. Unless the game and characters are just really awful

Yeah I mean I had zero problem getting 100% in hatred, a game where the whole point is mass murder.
But give me the choice between good or bad i'm just like "I don't wanna be a mean guy."

I always go over every thing in my head as if it was an dramatic recreation of what I just did.

Do you also put one of the men on the field as (you)?

And before you go M E M E G A M E on me this started at least two decades before it came out.

offtopic but is there a place i can get that hat for my pet
my fat dog needs an autism hat to humor me


Wear your dog as a hat

too heavy he'd break my neck


yes, but only as the first to fire and last to fall

What's wrong with shmup? I suppose danmaku could also be used.

Sometimes you just wonder if the AI you're fighting against in a fighting game was a human and they're just not telling you about it
That was something I thought about very frequently as a kid. It felt that way sometimes at least.


I do that too, I usually put a general as me and then have him go into battles and have him fight only if I know he can win


i know that feel

Another thing that I just remembered that I do is when I play RTS games like Age of Empires/Mythology is that I set up my base as if it were an actual town/colony/fort. I have the town center, a housing district, a farming sector outside the walls, a fortified barracks area where I train all of my troops which I put into logical and historical formations with spears/melee as the front lines, archers to the rear and cavalry on my flanks, a market district with the storehouse/smithy/research buildings and whatever else they allow me to build as a religious district.

>when i fantasize about it i feel my entire essence get sucked away and the atmosphere around my warps to be that of another world
>can actually see the blue glow of the sky faintly pierce the darkness of my closed eyes and the silhouettes of the trees cutting into said glow
>it only gets more vivid the more i do it
>mfw i don't have to kill myself to go to gensokyo

I don't know, I just kind of feel bad for them more then anything else
And I really hate having to do suicide charges

In RTS games I like to think what the units are thinking about their current situation.

I know that feeling but I had to force myself to stop doing that after I thought about the other soldiers families. Like the MG team staying behind to give covering fire for their retreat or the sniper calling down a strike on his own location. I cant justify sacrificing everyone to save one man and even if they hate me, my job is to get as many of them back home in one piece alive and kicking


I got another one.

NG Black is still a god tier game, but god damn did that really triggered my autism.

That's a big dog

Please stop lying


this is why you play series in release order

This hurts my soul

Yeah I always do so now, but I wasn't as wise 8 years ago when NG2 came out. At the time I just bought the game because the cover looked really cool, and thankfully Ninja Gaiden became one of my favorite series.
I really hope Ninja Gaiden 4 happens and Team Ninja learns from the mistakes they made from NG3.


I see loss

I think the issue a lot of you have with playing evil characters is the way "morality choices" are presented in games. I'll bet 90% of you will freely do something like kill a random dude walking around in FNV for his gun if there are no repercussions, but when there are evil choices in dialogue you always assume them to have negative consequences for you so you default to the one that doesn't usually have one.

Even if a game went out of its way to not have a lot of negative consequences for evil choices people have been conditioned to expect them because of how most stories work, but pure gameplay doesn't the rules of storytelling so its easier to be more utilitarian.

I can't stop hoarding items in JRPGs. I always save my party's unique starting-equipment, even though it's worthless; I never use my rare healing items, unless I'm fighting the secret postgame boss; and I've deleted several save files after finding out that bosses had unique stealable items that I've missed.

Not sure if it counts but when I plat WoTS 4, I have to sneak into the clothing shop whenever I put on a mask to go incognito for my murder rampages, like one of the duelists. I also change my sword to a sword I specifically made and upgraded for these moments so people can't attach me to the mass killings of demonscales and samurai.

Blame the writers. Most game devs are "good boys" and have no idea what is evil or how to do evil options. To them it's either "You pet the kitten" or "You rape the kitten with your dick" there's no subtleness or benefit to being evil other than you're either jesus reincarnate or literal stalin.

What and how you do evil well in video games is you make it subtle. make it so the evil choices you do aren't that bad AT first. then as you do more and more evil the blur of whats good begins to fade as you realize the choices you start to make that were evil turned out to be really evil.

Make it that you THINK you're the good guy when you're not.

Gotta tell you it makes certain games hell to play.

Hey man were on the same boat as you >>13648162 >>13648304

I guess if you look at it optimistically It says something about how some people are ultimately good when given the chance.

You're my fucking clone or something. I do the exact same shit.

Don't play Mischief Makers for your own sake. Even speedrunners can't get top ranks consistently.

I think it says more about the fact we've lived autistic sheltered lives and find meaningless cruelty offputting.


I like being unarmed in games that let you unequip weapons, even if there's no way to attack otherwise. Especially if it's a survival horror game, I don't know, I just like how the character looks when they don't have a gun. Like there's horrible shit everywhere but they're too tough to care.

This is kind of difficult when the window must be broken to enter the vehicle

In GTA:Chinatown wars you could pick the lock on the car

It IS difficult, which is what makes it so infuriating.
Thankfully, there's a lot of times when you see people parking their cars, and they leave them unlocked. Then it's a matter of making sure they walk away far enough to be out of sight/earshot of them losing their vehicle.

Another autistic thought I find myself having:

People who are cruel/evil are generally so because they have some psychological predisposition to being a dick, are acting ideologically and view their actions as justified, or have been abused themselves. Most people who live a milquetoast modern existence without much struggle or strife will at worst be selfish or ignorant, but not outright cruel.

I don't judge games just on quantity, and i do think quality is better, but I just can't help it. I also like making myself take several breaks over the course of playing something, either for a few minutes, hours, or days. It makes things feel much longer, and I feel like I can appreciate each individual moment more. I do this with every other kind of entertainment too.


But what about the emptiness that fills in after it's all over?

That's why I try to finish it right when it's time to sleep. That way I can lie there and just think about it, since there's nothing else to do.

I'm also way too analytical when first playing/viewing, it makes it hard to enjoy something for what it is. But the second time around, I'm able to just turn my brain off and accept that it is what it is, and it's usually much better that way.

I tried doing this before but when my favorite series ends it just messes me up for a few weeks to months and I can't stop thinking about it and all of the characters. I even wonder how they're lives are after the end and start thinking about parallel universes where they exist.

I do that too.

When i play TW i like to write little stories about the generals/armies
I remember one time i had a single army march through greece and wipe out the macedonians. They made it to cyprus, the final macedonian stronghold and the general was killed in the assualt. I gave his brother the town as a way to honor his valiant display of loyalty to the S.P.Q.R.

That's interesting. I kinda wish I had your brain, because even though I worry about the end, once it does end I'll usually get over it in time. Then I just forget about the experience. Wish more things stuck with me.


>they where making tryouts or whatever is the name for trying acting for the Batman actor

I actually have done that for a lot of action platform games on the gameboy

I always make sure to have my items in increments of 5.

This, and it often means you can't do most of the content as an evil guy, since most quests are for the good samaritan with no agenda that only helps people in need

I used to be like this as a kid, but playing tabletop RPGs helped me take a more distant stance to roleplaying and game narratives. Now my view is not "oh boy I better not do anything bad because I'm the avatar" but "what would make the most interesting story regardless of moral fiber".

I have a feeling this is widespread or everybody that browses a chan site is autistic op

I've been playing (modded) STALKER recently and when I took randomly generated quests to kill people in a faction friendly or neutral to me, I would either wait for them to get killed on their own or, if possible, have them come with me and arrange for them to get killed. I only personally killed a single neutral NPC, by accident (took him for a zombie).

I'm the same way. Intensely goody two-shoes with occasional and only very private deviations into dark places that I keep to myself as a form of catharsis, I think.

Use it as practice to learn to incorporate your Shadow and summon your Persona. You'll be a stronger person for it.

Not exactly a thought process per se, but sometimes I get drunk while playing MMOs because I'm too socially awkward.

I almost didn't play dragon age origins because of this

I usually do the same, just with evens instead of multiples of 5.

Play a real series, faggot.