Jazzy games

What are some of the jazziest games you can think of, Holla Forums? Doesn't matter if it's the time period, general atmosphere or just soundtrack - post 'em.



Alright, time to fiddle with my VM and see if simcopter runs too fast on it.


So what you're tellin me is ya like jazz?


Now that I think of it, both Mafia games are obviously full of era-appropriate jazz.

but user, there's three

No, there are only two Mafia games.

Surprisingly this


L.A. Noire’s soundtrack goes without saying.

Sims 1 Hot Date had some great ones.



Pretty much all of the old Maxis games are pretty jazzy.

I feel like I'm missing some, might add more if I can think of more.

Have some of the best jazz tracks from SimCopter.

monopoly tycoon
porsche unleashed

For some reason "jazzy" reminded me Neighbours from Hell. TV show atmosphere of that game was something for me to admire. I always find it cozy.

The Incredible Machine games might fit.

Any casino game.