Never knew this until recently when i decided to replay the souls series and i got summoned into the fight. Neat concept in an otherwise mediocre game.
Little things in video games you never knew about
Is was the only good bossfight in that game. Shame the summoning animation took so long most people could kill the boss before you got in.
Since I played the PS2 version, I wasn't aware that the menus, HUD elements and other stuff from Killer7 are clearly inspired by the Gamecube BIOS.
true. when i got in i actually took a few hits before the loading screen disappeared. good thing i did a full tank build
Did you not play Demon's Souls? It's exactly the way the Old Monk works.
The old monk fight was ruined for me. I was summoned and the faggot died on the way to the boss. Talk about a getting cock blocked.
nigger are you serious? everyone was talking about that when the game actually came out
You can met the alleged son of the Mysterious Stranger in a random encounter in New Vegas.
Speaking of skeletons. There's a gun in FEAR 2 that melts the flesh off the enemies when you shoot them. Most enemies leave a regular skeleton, but invisible ninja replicas leave the strange plastic looking one because of weight-reducing bone implants and shit.
I never owned a PS3, always been a PC fag. When i save up enough cash im doing a full upgrade so i can play the PS3 emulator. Sounds pretty cool though.
And i agree with them too, therefore i wasn't interested at all.
Static, actually. He's always under the same billboard.
i loved doing this. there was nothing better in that game than being summoned by the mirror knight and then healing his ass back to full.
Sure there was, being summoned to a 3v1 Bell Tower Gangbang.
That guy near the billboard is sawyer.
good lord i still have nightmares
I'm one of the idiots who didn't realize you could fight Sanae Hanekoma until years after I'd beaten TWEWY. I went back and beat it a few months ago… and, while it wasn't exactly the hardest boss fight I've ever been in, it was definitely one of the most fulfilling.
That's actually true if you abused pre-patch wrath of the gods and mundane weapons. There is nothing more satisfying than killing gank squads.
How did you not know about that? I clued into that fact when I was being summoned for that fight just for fun.
Hey, don't bully the bell knights faggot.
If you didn't know, how could you post ITT?
In crysis you can use the underbarrel grenade launcher to give you a predicted impact arc.
Crysis has a lot of little touches like that you'd never find without knowing.