Playing mgs3 back when it came out

What autistic shit like this did you do?

I saged a stupid thread just for you

I posted in a thread made by an autist


I forgot, video games are a cinematic experience, not a set of patterns you have to learn.

Not sure if this is the type of story you're looking for but it's Holla Forums-certified autism and MGS3 related.

>playing mgs3 when the HD collection came out
>every time I smell it I immediately think of mgs3 not big boss you fucking faggots I posted this story years ago and all you fuckers did was make it into a gay thing when I thought it was neat that I basically inadvertantly created a nostalgic smell for a really good fucking game

Still think of it as my MGS3 cologne. It's happened with other things too, I drank a certain flavor of tea when I was watching Gurren Lagann and every time I taste it now it brings me back.

What are you, 10?

I hate this new generation of faggots.

Lemme try to fix your thread for you.

Bonus points if it's not obvious like Undertale's snowman.

user, she also wants noodles.

There are other instances where I have kept random junk instead of selling it, like characters amulet or w/e but I keep it cuz it is a memento for that person even though it sucks.

Sounds like you're ready to take a solid snake from big boss, fam

And that's when I became a horder in video games.

If you got MGS HD Collection as a gift from your parents then you must be underage.

Sounds like you just have an axe to grind or a bored shitposter. Either way, I remember when shitposters were at least entertaining. No way you are sincere, only an idiot would miss the point of that story.

you'd like to know why they call him Big Boss?

The point of the story is that you should smell my dick

Well he knows why they call him Naked Snake.

Honestly OP, you fucked by opening up with MSG3. Sony is halal here, you should know that by now if you were not a newfag. Sorry you had to find out this way.

Bully the OP, he's probably from cuckchan



I agree, only cuckchanners talk about vidya!

So it was slaughtered in a kosher way?

As far as Holla Forums's concerned, yes. :^)

(1) & done blogposting m8, i am sure you consider that top quality thread, go back to cuckchan yourself

What a good game, definitely my escape between vicious beatings at the hands of my step dad


people who bring this cuckchan stuff are probably from cuckchan and very insecure about themselves. its not like I use it or anything

user, are you OK?

Here, you are at least trying.

nice, sounds like a good girl


sign of bad game design.

It was a demo that allowed you to save and use the save file on the main game. At most no one had fucking foresight when they made the decision to let you save in the demo.
I did replay it and eventually play Eternal Blue. I miss classic stories like that. Now we need some epic long convoluted story. I hate it.

I wish BB would practive CQC all over me

BB is pretty hot

So how many gallons of semen have you spilled to the thought of BB fucking your tight willing ass, underagefag.

Even in games where I'm punished for getting everyone out of there alive like RTS'es, I try and do so anyhow and get great discomfort at losing way too many men over otherwise manageable battles.

What cologne was it?

and one that i'm sure is rather common

Why do we suddenly hate video games?

Dragon Quest 8
If you keep the gear you start with you can craft it into better stuff when the fusion pot gets unlocked.


What are you a faggot?


Do you have that pasta with the guy having his gf find out his big boss collection and "not being able to give up on Big Boss"?

who is that cute boy?


This doesn't happen nearly as often now that I'm older, but I still played through MGR:R multiple times with just my katana + Raiden's default look.

Why did nobody tell me she got a new movie?

I'm sure your parents can when they enter the house you unhygenic fuck

Me too. Its a really stupid thing, but I like my immersion and tone.



Fixed you're gay image

who is that semen demon

Actually maybe this one works better

Here's a transparent version too


I have this thing where Doritos salsa reminds me of RE4. Christmas reminds me of Majoras Mask.

I mean, Salsa is Latin origin. And kid does kinda look like a Christmas ornament.

Speaking of RE, can I just play the HD remaster instead of the ps1 original? I remember people saying it was good.

How the fuck did you not realise that before you booted up the game? You're not playing La Mulana

I mean, you can. But you won't pick up on all the little changes they made.
Its bruddy fun, but I still recommend RE2


Oh man I know about this kind of stuff. Whenever I think of plugging back my Nintendo 64 it reminds le of being sick in bed as a kid and drinking chicken soup as I play Mario 64.

What are you, gay?

It hurts as much as MGS V being incomplete.

MGS4 is shit so it won't be missed but MGS3 really hurts. Imagine entirely new modded maps and VR style missions.

Has anyone ever tried CalorieMate? Is it like other MRE style eats where you can't shit for a week?

I have a tendency to keep all of my starter gear throughout a game in my inventory and wear at least a piece of it. I don't even remember why I started doing this.

CalorieMate is just a dry shortbread with very mild flavoring. There isn't much to say about it.

They definitely don't look like they taste like much but look compact.

When I start a new game in Monster Hunter I pick a weapon class and stick to it, while never deviating until I beat the story. Having to git gud with Gunlance or Heavy Bowgun by exclusively using it is challenging, but very rewarding when you get the hang of it.
When I was a kid I decided to play Pokemon Sapphire while only ever grabbing 3 pokemon. Torchic, Magikarp and Swablu. No HM slaves, no picking up any other pokemon, and boxing Castform immediately. Half of the moves my characters had were HMs, but they were overlevelled enough that I could take out Archie's pokemon with Rock Smash anyway. I'm going to do it again for Sun/Moon some day

You know playing the Pokemon games with less than 6 pokemon is easy mode, right?

That's what makes it fun though. Getting Blaziken before you fight Archie for the first time and soloing him with HMs blew my mind as a kid.
They've tweaked the EXP system since gen 5, so it isn't as overpowered as it was.

Other way around. It's even more broken now.


It is basically a shortbread/perishable veriety of hardtack. Same ratios for ingredients, plus shortbread ingredients like butter and egg. It is obviously baked for less time, and probably doesnt get baked twice or three times like traditional hardtack. Its a convenience meme. Iirc thier shelf life is less than 8 months, so not viable for rations

A case of bad localization. The Japanese version doesn't require the flute to beat the game. The English version by Working Designs hard-codes it so you can't move it from the hero's inventory (wasting one of his limited slots on an item that is only used at the very end), but it must have been late enough for the demo to not have that.

wheres that deer from?

Boku no Bibletoads

Fuck, the online mode was fun. Why didn't they do a PC port?

Everyone threw a hissy fit when Squeenix put Cup Noodles in FFXV but nobody cared about this back then. Times sure have changed.

I meant to check that, what a weak shelf life.

What're you talking about user? That was how the game was SUPPOSED to end. You were meant to come to the conclusions on your own :^)

It really wasn't as blatant as the cup of noodles advertising though.

What'd you use to remove the white background?


srsly tho drop the name and we'll judge if it's MGS-worthy

technically that is the very definition, but we're just used to it because it's a very old-timey grecian heroic setup we've heard since being kids. I mean that's the whole shtick of Ghaleon's arc.
Especially in the remakes where he acquires a full waifu harem and not just one.

I kind of like it just for the Sierra-ness of it.
"Why am I holding onto this fucking pie anyway? Imma just eat it."
I can't remember who it was but someone (Space Quest or Rex Nebular, one of those styles anyway) actually had a joke based on that where the hero super-glued the key item to their hand and could not get rid of it til the assigned scene. "How do you propose I get rid of it? It's stuck to my hand!"
Good thing it wasn't anything like a random bit of metal you needed to throw into the gears of a machine to stop them, that would be just awkward.

Come on just tell me.


Stop billying, I just want the source, and that image isn't enough to go off to get it myself.

The fuck? Never heard of this but, lol is this FF's "DnC dante" moment?

You forgot sound, dummy!

depends on what you're playing, but I like it when joke weapons make sense, like Siegfried's giant cog paddle in Soul Calibur. Like you're taking a piss and get jumped and suddenly gotta Jackie Chan it, and hey this is just the same size and shape of my old weapon!
I did that with Link To The Past, beating most of the game without the sword (lol bugnet) pretending it was being forged in RL time, heh. (Any time a game gives you that option instead of fading to black, really)
Hey, it's supposed to be an adventure game amirite?
Similarly kitchen utensils instead of real knives/swords (look up why the butter knife was created for some decent lulz) or flagpole lances, basically just use Dead Rising and the Die Hard arcade game as a guideline.

I think that last one is common just because most jrpgs are babby games aside from the rare (skin-tearing) gemstone like Legend of Legaia.
Gamearts falls into that other weird bracket of "yeah, the bosses do stupid damage, but you pick up heal all items like every 10 steps, so we'll force you to use them. Oh and your token priest character replicates that effect." Basically only used SP restores until the final boss. (And Borgan in 2)

Love the old Total Annihilation for that RTS thing btw, the meta units pretty much all had cancelers or otherwise serious flaws and the nukes of course had anti-nuke missiles. 50/50 as to whether you end it fighting with 'sticks' (peewees) or tier 3 tanks, or you do some wacky shit like transports carrying suicide units
Also sometimes it just makes pure sense as the 3 squads you lose cost way less than that one tank (especially in like Sudden Strike) . I think C&C was the first one that really pushed the "save your guys" thing with its scoring system though, and then you eventually get medics and repair shops.
That and the 'carry things to the end because reasons' are my personal 'tisms, though sometimes it's just to beat the last boss with a literal stick and pot lid.
Doubly so if there was a dude that died and you have the opportunity to sell his stuff and no one else can use it
although if it's a 3D action style one, I'll drop the weapon (typically axes or giant swords for some reason, so they actually do have a tombstone-like shape anyway.) during the last boss fight as a sort of funeral marker. "See that, buddy? We did it! And we still had you with us!"

I rarely use resurrection and healing items. In some games I practically never use a certain resource (games like God of War, not strategy games, that'd be too autistic).

Prepare to be bullied.

Not vidya related but I used instrumental music to memorize long ass boring lessons (I have a massive memory but it only keeps stuff that sparks my interest), each lesson had its associated music, during exams I would remember the song and it would lead me to write the whole thing almost identically to how it was written in the book/notes.
I used the EvE soundtrack for Literature and the Pastorale for French.>>13628221

Fags like you are basically asking to be bullied.

MGS3HD came out almost six years ago.

No user, it's worse!

Are you sure it's not the 22nd of December instead? You have 3 days . . . left of shopping till Christmas.

It should have been Dawn of the first day. 72 hours (of shopping) remain you fucking Redditor.

Not sure if it counts but in Okami there was this woman that let you draw a "logo" for you to wear only to be busy working on it for the rest of the game. Then at the very end she jumps into the last static victory frame to slap the logo as the epitome of the celebration. It worked very well.

forgot publicity pic

I just noticed the reference to crab battle in that daki


I knew you were going to say mgs3 and not big boss. Your post was talking about mgs3 and not big boss, so you are the faggot.

When I finally got into Doom 3, the song Don't Phunk With My Heart was just released. I played Doom 3 with the music muted, and Don't Phunk With My Heart playing on repeat because I was so obsessed with that song.


You do realize the HD Collection was released in 2011, right? He could've been 12 when it was gifted to him and he'd still be an adult now.

That's normal. Not autistic at all.

I feel nothing but disgust

MGS3 can be emulated, and MGS4 will be emulated soon.

Probably minor, but I beat both Kingdom hearts with the original keyblade because it had the coolest design and it was THEE keyblade even if it had the worst stats. Ansem was hell.


Why not, it's not like it has an expiration date. That's like saying you can't watch a movie over 10 years old.

>18 year olds have been browsing Holla Forums since they were 14

Tone fucking ruined by millennial shits who can't even stand the tension of an evil race existing in a videogame.

How is this proof that millennials can't stand evil races?

I can't, actually. It's a rare neurological disorder.

I had a reply for you, but since you're playing incredulous feeling personally insulted guy, you get this. Learn to read.