No, I don't.
You better buy our nazi-punching game or we'll make everything multiplayer only and fill it to the brim with microtransactions.
Been getting "good reviews" huh, hopefully nobody believes that crap any more.
This lisping faggot should be shot. Literally nothing he writes or says is of value to anyone ever.
Oh yeah, losing your player base and censoring the remaining players is real successful.
Someone should post 'Say it to my face, Ben' in the comments section.
Guess people just don't like killing nazis..
I'd say it's more they don't like being called nazis when they aren't
Its not losing players, its reducing costs of servers by banning everyone for playing the game.
I have only one thing to say to these people: read a fucking book
When some lone dude sitting in his ma's basement can make more compelling and profitable stories through arranging words on a piece of e-paper, then you don't need to waste all that money on cutscenes most people will skip or forget. Fucking hell, you'd guess that the journos would be fellating indie games for their story-centric vidya fix at this point.
Seems like someone paid outlets to publish articles portraying singleplayer games as some kind of dying breed.
I pray it fucking bombs. It has nothing to do with other singleplayer games. I'd say these people are delusional, but they know themselves it's complete bullshit.
Considering the remaining playerbase of Overwatch are all whales. Yes, it is successful. You don't need 1 million players when 100k of them will spend $20-$50 on lootboxes every time a new one comes out. That's the problem with the current industry, it's not about maintaining a healthy playerbase and expanding it. It's about suckering people in and wringing as much out of them as possible before the next big thing comes around and does the same fucking thing.
So this was the real goal of the infesters all along; either we let the high-budget game industry become a multi-player only Skinner box festival, or we let story-driven games become leftist propaganda factories.
I know my choice; let the turbokikes choke on whatever money they can scam off whales, it’ll be a bitter consolation for the loss of their social engineering platform capabilities which is what they really care about, and it will likely die off quicker with nothing to counterbalance it.
send this to the faggots, they might actually self-reflect for once
Enjoy servers full of every kind of nigger faggot and otherkin characters
If anything it proves that they care more about short term success, which is consistent with how they've been behaving for years.
I highly doubt this means badly written stories will leave games. After all, where would those poor souls at Bioware and Ubisoft, etc. go to next?
Oy vey!
Hey, if they insert Snowflake-politics into multiplayer campaigns, it really just makes it easier to play those caricatures against the narrative and directly grief the faggots drawn in by them. It’ll be no worse than the current paradigm, and we’ll be able to starve it out the same way we’ve been starving out this shit.
2018 is poised to be another great year for gaming.
What if the game was funded by a (((third party))) for the sole purpose of reminding every goy to remember the 666 trillion and punch natzees regardless of money lost
No shit
If it's anything like TNO then it's pure, unfiltered sewage.
That's neat looking art, what's it from
You don't really play AAA shit, do you, user?
Meanwhile Super Mario Odyssey is single player and is completely curb stomping the competition.
If you dont use the cover its kinda alright, i liked the sound of the guns, most FPS now have peashooter sound
Yeah, going into SJW servers where most of the "players" there can't even beat cuphead's tutorial is going to be so bad.
SJW stuff doesn't work in multiplayer, because there's too much room for players to turn the SJW stuff against the SJW's message. The first thing I saw when BF1 had black nazi women was making my name "ShanaynayTheNazi" and running around going
Did the first one even sell?
no story, shitty lore and waifubait with illegal gambling 100% fair, morally sound and consumer friendly microtranstactions, sustains itself on retarded whales and trustfund snowflakes paying for boxes
ABSOLUTELY 0 STORY, plane drops 100 people in, they shoot at each other until only 1 is left alive
I like good games so i hope it fucking flops, it has 10k peak on steam as of right now.
No nuance, no subtlely, just rethoric and shekels
You're not a "gamer" any more. "Gamers" are the good little boys and girls who buy exactly what they're told to.
Please do. This industry needs to die. Flood the market with bloated high budget multiplayer trash.
Artist's twitter is @dknrbssntri
Sheepenstein II is that kneeling nigger of the Videogames
Who buy this shit when you can play Warhammer instead?
Warhammer is getting the diverse treatment as well.
By getting lizardman, dark elves and high elves, yes.
I'd say this is partly a scheme to funnel their trash writers and whatnot to ""indie"" studios so when its kind eats shit face down it doesn't stick to them. Probably a part too is there is someone with a few brain cells that realizes ruining franchises isn't so fucking good for their marketability if you ever want to part with them.
Indie shit being good is even a bigger joke.
Doujin might have a chance though, but that's because it's Japan.
Everyon eis white though, there are no niggers in Total Warhammer.
Unless you're talking about the fact that some GW faggots have gone SJW and want to put more diversity in 40K.
This is so incredible i dont even know if i can control how smug i am
If anyone from Bethesda is reading this thread I want to let you know I'm specifically not buying Wolfenstein 2 because of your pro-Marxist race-baiting nonsense
A 5 hour game with half of it as cutscenes, no multiplayer and zero ability to mod, and there's the DLC which isn't gonna come out real soon, a lotta replayability there Cuckseda.
And banning console and PC players who use third-party software to stream or chat with their friends, like fucking Discord.
Hmm curious, I am beginning to see a pattern here archive.is
How would they even know if the player is using the third party software?
When do they realize their existence is a fucking joke?
2017, the year when punching nazis doesn't sell your game.
Remember how smug these assholes were? Who's laughing now
>evolve, nubattlefron, and those other dead multiplayergames
What is this? a new way to shill for multiplayer games?
The new narrative that the journos are going with
Dunno, they didn't explain, they thought the 22% of players left were cheaters, then doubled down on the ban reasons, then after a fucking day, they do a 180 and rescinded the bans because they were fucking retards.
They create retarded myths so that they can easily debunk them.
I'm already feeling pretty smug.
This has to be a joke.
And the real reason is suddenly revealed.
Just imagine how much more we'll be laughing when we start to dismantle their ideological edifice and bring sanity back to Western society. Just imagine how we'll laugh as we tighten the noose around their necks and tell them it was our privilege.
How can other games even compare?
This just looks fucking disgusting.
Problem - solution, typical Cultural Marxism trick
Single player games are dead
We were wrong, there are still good single player games, buy Sheepenstein II
wait a fucking second, didnt dead space 3 have fucking micro transactions? what the fuck is that retarded faggot trying to say?
user, you are looking for logic and intelligence where there is none to be had.
Multiplayer games like Lawbreakers, Evolve and Battleborn :^) and the length and politics of the game and the devs' statements means they'll follow the Life is Shit model of episodic bullshit.
So was the maker of that pic verbally flayed alive or is it an edit?
Hahaha, they knew it wasn't going to sell that well and that the people who did buy it would trade it in within a day.
Fuck, I meant bottom-middle!
Since when?
Of course they won't be satisfied, why would they when they can make 30% more money through including lootboxes? At least that's how they are going to racionalize it. I can't wait for the day where people become tired of the like they did with Guitar Hero, or maybe even through government intervention if we are lukcy.
Leftists are living jokes.
people realized that you can make more dosh by incentivizing adoption rate while your product is in the target audience's memory by reducing the price in a reasonable time frame. did these idiots not pay attention to why Steam is pretty much the current leader in e-sales? pretty sure there was an economic breakdown of why increased adoption rate at lower price is better than having your product sit around, unpurchased, at $60+ for 5 years.
Was that done as satire
Honestly I just think it's bad decisions catching up to them.
Nope, unfortunately that shit is spread throughout the netherlands as well. Stores going with "muh gender neutral" kids clothing and shit.
Come now, you know there's no room for reflection in zealotry.
Meanwhile default is self insert for majority of playerbase.
Reason Nathan Drake is middle aged white guy that seems like he would stay on the coach all the is because average player for Uncharted is middle aged white guy that would prefer to stay on the coach.
Are there cute dresses for boys?
Fuck this country so much, half of the country is a leftist, the other half consists of nihilists who don't really care about whatever direction the country goes in and the small minority that is somewhat right-wing will still support this shit because they believe that faggotry is part of European culture simply because muslims don't like faggots.
But watch them cry some fat commie whore dies.
I thought Amerifats were obese, holy fuck.
I wish Hitler had won
Bedank de hoeveelheid joden die hier wonen maat.
I really have to tip my scalp at the narrative designers here. And remember: because she is pregrant, it is not sexualizing.
Oh fuck did they actually make it terrible on purpose to try and kill singleplayer games?
Maybe they shouldn’t have decided to release it at the same damn time as AssCreed and Mario.
Like what the hell, that’s just asking to get fucked.
I do so too. It couldn't be any worse than what we have now, and we all know it would have been a better world.
Faggotry is rampant in Muslim countries because access to women is so curtailed. They just kill the faggots stupid enough to get caught, and in Afghanistan having your own harem of dancing bitchbois is a sign of wealth and prestige.
Since Xenoblade Chronicles X and earlier examples I can't be assed to remember.
it may not have loot crates but it's a Bethesda game that alone is reason enough to not buy it, but not only that, it's made by swedes. I wish they had just made the game fun with maybe some good ragdoll physics instead of this political driven shit, hell they destroyed BJ character in this crap. Western industry deserves to burn.
So…pants, shorts, shirts, and overalls? What's next, gender neutral underwear?
There are still some faggots that don't want the industry to crash and burn. Multiplayer games are a riskier market. Let them all die.
Crashing the plane with no homo survivors.
statistically speaking they're pretty closely related. pedophilic tendencies and fetishes are drastically overrepresented among homosexual males
They're not even trying to hide it anymore.
It's the galbrush problem all over again.
Oh shit you were right, Afghanistan needs to get nuked
Is that why yaoi shota gets rated and bookmarked far more then the bara variant?
Imagine my shack.
These people are truly pathetic.
You know damn well thats not it you fucker.
Friendly reminder that they are setting themselves up for failure on purpose so they can be bailed out by the government. You will see Assassin's Creed in public school computer labs within a decade.
The government should just let industries collapse for fucks sake.
But videogames can be used for education! :^)
That's not in their interest to do so user.
I giggled.
So journalists already know it flopping?
If the whales have no one to lord their whale-ness over, they leave the game. Maintaining a healthy playerbase would help them accomplish that.
They're gonna lose their whales.
What, they're putting skirts in the boys depa…?
No fucking shit, soulless fucks have to copy and steal everything.
Alright, all together now:
That's just 2017 off the top of my head. Did I miss anthing? Mind you this isn't about whether the game was good or not, but whether or not it was successful financially.
Don't forget about Hollow Knight.
You fucking shitlord, how dare you.
Mario is already a success? Not that it surprises me.
Yes you fucking mongoloid, you missed this
Notice how all but two of these games were made by the Japanese. Then notice that the two western games were made by indie studios. It's almost like if you have people who like video games make them and not SJW commies that want to push an agenda they will sell.
You might as well ban Wolfenstein 2 threads and the board would have exactly the same amount of fucking
Then talk about wolfenstein instead of crying.
You know fag, the game is just 5 hours long and half of it is just cutscenes, so you're right, it's a walking simulator with gun sections and unsatisfying story that goes full retard, and cost about 60 bucks.
Last time I went clothes shopping I didn't see anything untoward. Then again, I don't live in the Netherlands but it's probably only a matter of time.
she's just fucking obsessed with her self, whatever issues she has is nothing to do with anyone else
RE7 actually underperformed, believe it or not.
Year of the Earth Dog is when justice gets served. Ever since we've been on Holla Forums, nothing but winning has occurred.
Feels good
Why are journalist all of a sudden shilling for the end of single player games?
Good call
It was #1 on the Switch eShop sales charts since it went up for pre-order. Besides, it's a mainline Mario game. The day those aren't succesaful hell will freeze over.
See video in the OP if you haven't already
Pretty much, and now we've seen this attitude hit the movie industry which previously did not have this problem at all. Books, at least, appear to be broadly safe (I suppose SJWs don't actually bother reading them and wikipedia rarely summarises the plots in any depth so they can't find out second hand either).
Add in Dead Rising 4 on that singleplayer games not doing well list, Capcom is not looking good.
I remember reading about it failing to meet expectations, but it wasn't a financial flop. Apparently Capcom had ridiculous numbers in mind.
Because every single player game they make fails and it just can't possibly be their fault!
They're panicking. Just like with going all digital they think that if all games are multiplayer it will help them control the content. It will just make things worse for them.
Good. Fingers crossed.
The same was said about 2012, Y2K, and other doomsday "predictions"
that's their plan, DARPA set up a division to socially engineer video games into educational tools for what have you
Books have their own problem of having almost every new release be complete horseshit because the only people who read books for fun either read old stuff, teenagers who are still in school and only read because teachers don't confiscate books, or women who only read trashy romance novels. So most new books are trashy romance novels written for teenagers.
This is exactly the kind of logic I expect out of a guy who cries at the sight of a video game. This guy is worse for vidya than Anita Sarkeesian ever was.
Dogfuckers unite
I game that flopped so hard barely even a thousand people bought it.
nah she's roiding hard
B-but it's popular on twitch user! Everyone had to have bought it!
tbh I'd argue against you because the facts point otherwise, but I'm fine with meme magic ending with this actually being true. Fuck PUBG and any and near-all multiplayer games in current year
Slavs use "pederast" instead of "faggot" for a reason.
I'm getting the impression the Wolfenstein II was another shit PC port.
Well, it makes sense i guess. Idiots write idiotic shit.
If anything it will probably die soon due to a lack of content. I mean it's not like they have all that much to keep the casuals attention. The twitch streamers will move on to something else soon enough and the casuals with them.
I guarantee there are insane glitches. TNO is still buggy as fuck to this day.
Oh I'm laffin.
Something good did come out of this actually. I'm considering to actually drawfag some of this just for the irony of their propaganda add being better than the full product.
Sure, there have been many (((boys))) crying "WOLF!", but that doesn't mean that the wolf won't come.
Prepare your angus.
Are yoy fucking retarded? I WANT th8s shit to happen. Let them keep making retarded mistakes until they dig their own grave. You should be rejoicing OP. Not be confused
Is this the power of AAA?
pubg is the biggest pc game period
Just because a lot of people like something doesn't make it good.
It doesn't mean that they'll stick around after the streamers get bored of it either. Remember day z? How many people still play that piece of shit?
How did they fuck that up?
Having good shit come from somewhere else shines a light on how bad things are with them.
Yep, we are going the way of Rome.
tbh wolfstone looks neat,
but never playing a stein game I have to think there is a mod out already that's probably better.
It's just amazing the bitter hatred that these kikes have towards the german people.
it's still got the most players of any game on steam by a gigantic margin, really shows where the audience is interested
Its a fad that will quickly die out like Pokémon Go
Yeah and at one point WoW was the most played MMO now look at it's on it's death bed, nothing last forever.
not convinced
isn't it still after like 13 years
Why do casuals like that shit to begin with? Doesn't it have long stretches of nothing happening? And if you die you basically need a new server or have to wait endlessly for another round?
Why does the average add-riddled adolescent gamer like this?
Never played it myself, correct me if my perception of the game is wrong.
Nah, this will be worse. More like the muslim conquest of India tbqh.
Before Blizzard stop publishing player numbers, because they got super salty at how bad they where, it was at around the same amount vanilla had and that was years ago, probably at half of that now.
We've gone full circle huh?
So we'll end up with more Doug Tennapels in the gaming industry again. I can live with that.
You don't have to be convinced user. Just come back in a year and let the results speak for themselves.
Streamers and large e-celebs.
I think you meant to post this image user
Because their streamer overlords tell them to like it. It will die as soon as the streamers move on to something else just like arma, just like day z, just like overwatch.
Reminder to report and filter any shills
Do not give (you)s no matter how tempting.
I bought it.
It's pretty fun. The upgrade system was improved, the gunplay feels better, there's also a lot of variety and the sound design and animations are orgasmic.
Well done.
But is there such a game on the horizon?
Of course, the derail brigade has just arrived.
There is. You also go to Venus.
Can't believe that faggot is still around
(((they))) really hit rock bottom, this is not going to backfire at all :^)
I hope you're shitposting user. This might be your last (you) otherwise.
For Europe, yeah. America will collapse and that will bring down most everyone else with it prior to them getting enough of a foothold here; that doesn't mean we won't see massacres and mass rapes, though. Fucking cartels and niggers.
Overwatch has microtransactions with the hooked whales feeding it. I imagine they won't need new players for a year or two.
Awwww, what a shame.
It really doesn't matter streamers are fickle beings as playing the same game where nothing happens for months will lose you viewers. They'll all latch on to something else eventually as they always do and probably bankrupt several more AAA studios trying to copy them just like overwatch did because these faggots don't understand that casuals don't actually like these games and that they only play them to be just like their favorite twitch streamer.
2 million daily peak players on steam, i think chinks will keep it alive alone.
Overwatch has lasted this long because the porn of their characters has kept these whales interested in the game. I seriously doubt that overwatch would have done as well if they had a bunch of frumpy characters that nobody wanted to make porn of.
Don't forget the shit that gets plugged on (((late night talk shows))). Surely that has some kind of consistent buying audience.
Sure user, I'm sure it's totally worth sixty dollars.
Again that's because it's the in thing right now give it a couple of years and it'll be dead as fuck because most of those people are only there because their favorite faggot on the internet told them it was fun. This has happened like five times now.
I keep hearing this but really can't understand, can't they just watch the porn without playing that bland, boring shit?
A better point, but Holla Forums predicted that some serious shit was to go down a September or two ago. Something about a blood moon? Never happened.
And when the wolf does come, on one will believe him.
I'm sure you enjoyed all 4 hours of it.
Well user I want to tell you about insane behavior I have noticed in some of my more normalfag acquaintances. They feel a need to give money to people who have given them some kind of enjoyment. Like they seriously think giving money to Blizzard will facilitate more porn in the future or something. I don't really understand it myself because I am not a crazy person.
That's because america was a communist nation back then.
Moreover its a single player cinematic game so lots of people are going to watch the streams and see if they want to buy. If its only virtue is being short, pretty and movielike, people will probably spend their money elsewhere.
I'm really not surprised by that. The demo was an absolutely godawful PT knockoff, and the beginning of the game is just as bad. A lot of people still think it's a walking simulator just from first impressions alone.
They also cut out half the fucking game for DLC, which doesn't help. And Capcom's sales expectations are always retarded, anyway.
Have any of you anons played this game yet? I have a feeling it's just a walking simulator with some gunplay thrown in. Basically, just walk through corridors, shoot some nazis, listen to people talk.
LOL is dying, all those generic "gamers" that can only cling to one game at a time went to Overwatch. The types of people who play LOL and Overwatch are the types that just want to play something familiar to them over and over and over again without having to learn much new. They pick a few characters to "master" and then just keep autistically spending money on making them look "cool" and trying to get good with them.
I saw it first hand. I had friends who would always be trying new games and experimenting with stuff. We'd always be trying to new stuff. Then they got sucked into Minecraft, then LOL, and now those people are moving or have moved to Overwatch. Glad I ditched those nerds.
that was probably the biggest forced meme ever on Holla Forums. it was very clear it was coming from the outside from the beginning and was full of silly /x/ numerology shit.
It has to do with the idea that "If the game is receiving that much porn, there must be something good about it." Also, it's just simply wanting know what the source material is and/or playing as your waifu, Basically, sex really does sell.
If only that were true for other series.
I'm actually 7 hours in and haven't beaten it yet. Plus there are side missions you can do.
So how good do they make the nazis look in this game with their terrible writing? Because in their last game the "good guys" are actively committing terrorism on civilian targets for more than half the game and then they explain that the whole reason that the nazis won was because jews were hoarding super weapons that they refused to give to the allies to win the war. Basically they're so bad at writing that it was the jews fault that the nazis won WW2.
I don't know what is funnier, the part where you think being slow proves a point or the fact where you actually subjected yourself to this trash for 7 hours.
You can just go to a jewtuber, put their video on hooktube to not give them any clicks or views and decide for yourself
So it's like the Oprah Book Club?
Surely you mean part of the reason and not the only reason, right? I find such a thing unheard of outside of harem anime and the like but is the game really as plotless as they say?
Pretty much and yes I would assume porn isn't the only reason people still play it peer pressure is also a big part of it as nobody wants to play with random sub-humans who don't know what a video game is so they sucker their friends into playing it with them.
I've only played the first 30 minutes, but so far it's just a walking simulator. Well, a 'wheelchair simulator' where it's like you walking on the ice the entire time, but same thing. At least 40% of that time was cutscenes, with four, count them FOUR cases of "press f to continue the game".
Well I wasn't going to fucking play it that was for damn sure. I just wanted to know if they made the nazis look like the good guys again with their horrible writing where every main character comes off as a psychopath because the writers don't consider Germans human.
Yep, all of the plot is found in "official" comics, books, animated shorts, and the website. None of it is in the game.
Just make games cheaper and more people will be inclined to buy them fuck. 2 of the most popular games are cheap as well as utilizing the new competitive shooter craze. If games were not $60 but an average of 30 then more would be purchased. Who even started this $60 shit. Ones second it was only 30 for the average game, the next thing you know its fucking 60-80. Not to mention all the DLC thats made at launch or the autistic Season Pass.
Focus on increasing and hiring actually talented gameplay/mechanic designers and Story tellers instead of people to fill a quota and focus on the textures and shit when the gameplay is fun.
The fact that companies have to fill a quota just makes companies have shit workers when they could have hired a really good programmer/story teller but were forced not to because the woman-man ratio must be >80%
Please make them spectacular, high-budged flops of SJW propaganda.
I want the spin-off of Wolfenstein 2, Anne Frankenstein.
I'm surprised Valve even allows games to be released on their platform without overlay support
I would bang Fraulein Fox
Also these people need to read some fucking Man in the High Castle. Nazi America wouldn't fight its heritage, it would just remove undesirables and install a nationalist-fascist state. I doubt they would have shoah'd stuff like baseball or thanksgiving
I'm convinced those numbers are from people buying the game in china and cheating/farming to make money off of the marketplace. And just bots, to increase numbers thus increase sales.
The game will die 6 months after launch tops.
fuck off shill
From what I can tell it's not nationalist America it's nazi occupied America. Which brings a question where are they getting all these Germans to occupy the entire Earth and the moon?
Nazis are mustache twirling villains, they learned their lesson with the fist game. Your nazi father, BJ has a nazi father and jewish mother now BTW, beats you and your mother in the first five minutes because "My jewish kid aint fucking no nigger GAS THE JEWS" and for some reason makes you shoot your dog, which you could have told me was part of a $5 indie horror game and I'd believe you due to how poor it is. Dog doesn't even fucking move or react to being shot, they have to fade to black to (poorly) hide this. Then shortly after, at the end of the first level, you have the head nazi of the game berate her morbidly obese daughter for being seditious and fat for a full five minutes before being overpowered by her despite her having like five nazis as well as a mecha nazi with her. Mind you she flat out says that she's being seditious, yet allowed her to come on board to take down the a group of people that have almost fucked everything up for them. For some reason, it isn't explained why.
Every time I see QTEs in long cut scenes, I always think of someone trying to nudge you to see if you're still awake.
Apparently the game is only 6 hours long
everyone loves a winner. i would be willing to bet that a large portion of the "conquered" countries would join or be conscripted into their military. there were quite a few nazi parties outside of germany (ireland had a notable one, as did the US and Canada) up until it become unfashionable to agree with ww2 germany, so i think it stands to reason that manpower-wise they wouldn't really have any problems - who wouldn't want a nice, safe, well-paid job working for the mightiest, most exciting and most high-tech military on the planet where all enemies have been subjugated and all is well?
So what makes you think it's bad enough to not warrant being bought?
I mean it still kind of portrays the Nazis as being manipulative, controlling psychopaths. They reinforce that a lot.
This has to be the San Francisco version of holocaust porn.
So they went from writing that was so bad it loops around to being Holla Forums fantasy to writing that is so bad it looks like the ramblings of an insane person? I'm sure that will help sell their shitty game.
Thing is they aren't long cutscenes, and only two of those four have a (very lenient) fail state. One of them happens at the end of the first level when a nazi somehow tackles you despite you just going through at least fifty other nazis, many of whom you can melee to the face no problem.
Sorry for ranting, I just fucking despise "story" oriented games that seem to get their writers from elementary school.
You're lying, but about 5% of me is terrified that you aren't
You don't just look at the absurdity of that stuff and instantly laugh? You know that they did that to be comical, right? Kinda like how you went to the moon in the last game to fight space Nazis.
It's short, poorly written and takes over an hour to get to the actual 'gameplay'.
It worked for the first one because it felt like a B movie. This one just feels like some Swedes with an antifa fetish writing a game.
Do it sempai. Say the words.
The problem with that theory is that they portray almost every single fucking nazi in the game as a pure blooded German. I just can't believe how bad their writing is I come up with better shit just imagining how my GSG games would play out for peoples normal everyday lives.
You know you can skip all the cutscenes once the next map has loaded, right? And that the first thing that happens is a guy gives you a machine gun and you kill Nazis in a submarine while in a wheelchair.
None of that comes across as comical unless you are a goddamn psychopath user.
Go ahead and watch the first 30 minutes of gameplay, it all happens within those 30 minutes. The head nazi berating her daughter, yet for some reason giving her such power and leniency despite being right in front of her men gave me a hearty chuckle.
Even movies theaters give more for your buck than this.
don't get the idea that i'm trying to excuse the retarded writing, but maybe being stationed in america is seen as a reward for the true-blooded aryans or the highest-ranking officials? that's what they did when they conquered france
Why would I pay $60 for 3-4 hours of content? The developers have harped on about how the story is important and the core of the game, why would I skip it?
He's right, though. A short, good game is better than a bloated, boring game. That's why Portal is considered better than Portal 2.
That last part sounds like a fat power fantasy
Holy shit you're right.
Because if you're upset about the game taking an hour to get to the "gameplay" (which is incorrect) then you can just skip the cutscenes. You won't get the context or the full enjoyment of it, but you can still skip it.
But a short bad game that costs $60 US dollarlydoos is just a goddamn insult to the player.
If you think emotional abuse is funny I seriously hope you never have kids, and stop watching family guy.
Dear God, please tell me this is just a joke user. Because it isn't funny.
How is it bad? Can you explain your reasoning?
The first level is not the heart of the game, you're sliding around in a wheelchair having nazis funneled into traps the entire time; it's a glorified tutorial. And again, why would I skip the cutscenes for a story heavy game? The cutscenes should have editor to cut them down given their length.
Never, that's why they keep trying this over and over again.
Fyi, your responding to an unironic shill.
Oh I know, it doesn't hurt to inform other anons about the game though, and he's mostly asking decent things with the exception of his blatant shitposting like
One that hasnt even adjusted his script from reddit to imageboard
>It's good cus (((journos))) are shilling it
How is Wolfestein actually?
Is it any good? i'm not into FPShitters so i'm no judge
It's a movie that has a video game as a minigame.
Again: just explain to me why you think it's bad, because I've actually played it and I think it's good.
3D is a classic,
RtCW is a terrific game, great soundtrack and weapons, variety of weapon, challenging bossfights.
2009 is alright, bethesda-published are fucking garbage.
It's a six hour long propaganda film made by commies that they expect you to pay $60 for disguised as a game.
You would think he would see the irony in that.
Reminds me of vid related. It seems that western game developers and publishers don't want Japanese games stealing their customers and costing them money, so they're trying to convince people in the west that Japanese games are bad by ruining their western releases, then misrepresenting them in the media and down playing their actual quality as well, while at the same time over hyping western games.
Dubs of truth!
Just a bit of trivia for you.
You need to PURCHASE a ticket to visit marx's grave.
Did you get lost neofag?
You silly billy, I've already made multiple posts explaining why it's a poor game.
I know. I also hear Marxist bitch that having an 8 hour job is slavery, it really is just a continuation of the old belief that lazy people are entitled to other peoples hard earned stuff.
That's already 22 minutes of cut-scene in a 6 hour long game, and that's not including any of the other in-game cut-scenes. Jesus fucking christ.
They never do, but that doesn't stop Socialists from trying to infect future generations. The Socialists from the 60s went on to infiltrate public education, which is a big part of the reason why sjw numbers exploded in the 2000s-2010s.
McCarthy was right
I find new ways to lose respect for these people every day.
Nice numbers there.
Actually check these too
The left is full of pedos. Just look at Holloywood.
I foegot to add this, but look up the weathermen from the 60s and 70s. Pay attention to what they did, what happened to them and where a lot of them ended up in the 2000s-2010s.
Those fuckers bombed the pentagon. Man those guys are what Antifa could be if they were somewhat competent.
meanwhile RtCW expository intro has runtime of 3 minutes, establishes the premise and goal, first level cutscene is 50 seconds long. both are skippable
Are you referring to that one character whose bio is about being a communist? Because even BJ calls him a pussy for that.
Screeching that a game with an emphasis on story uses story elements is a poor argument.
Christ are you actually a shill or are you just that retarded?
Screeching that a game with an emphasis on story has terrible writing is a good argument, I'd say.
3D and RTCW are good. TNO is a bad game, but worth a pirate because the Nazis are objectively the good guys, the kikes are all horrible cunts, and Bethesda somehow didn't realize this when they made the game. This new one looks like it has no redeeming value at all.
How hard can it be to make a dumb game about fighting mecha zombie Hitler on a blimp instead of making a progressive masturbatory fantasy, anyway?
It's less effort than what they actually did but they are trying to push an agenda not make fun video games.
4ch is now mass banning for saying nigger in cuckstein 2 threads lel
Very hard when you see games as a platform for your agenda instead of entertainment.
Isn't one of their mods a single mother or some shit?
There is a shill on 4ch currently using a very similar syntax.
So are the game's peak numbers still low?
I hope it doesn't sell well.
Come on they can afford more then just one.
The quality of the story is subjective, but I feel like it's more driven by the characters and the way they interact. The plot itself is very simple: you want to kill the top Nazis and create a guerilla army of your own to kill all the Nazis and set the world free.
So then skip the story? Again, you can do that. The gunplay is fun, I like the way they made it so you can get any upgrade at any time, rather than just picking them up off of enemies at static points. Makes it so you can replay and change what you upgraded.
Also, Reddit spacing? You mean line breaks? Because I don't think Reddit invented that.
How did the order 1886 sell? There are quite a few differences like being exclusive/multiplat but the game is the same bullshit of half cutscenes and 3 hours of gameplay
This. I knew it was garbage the moment they said it would have no multiplayer so as not to dilute the storytelling.
Poorly as I recall.
Evidently, since the game's only five hours long the effort had to have gone into researching new ways to fan their own balls.
The irony being that they'd be better at pushing the message if they just made a fun game instead of this preachy nonsense.
Nono there are many but there is one that writes exactly like that, wording included. Just a funny observation
If this game is just a joke, dude lol weed don't take it serious, then why not make the nazis muslims instead of christians?
It still is iirc. None of the major mmos publish their actual subscriber numbers now. It probably means that mmos in general are dying at long last., which will probably continue for another decade or two until the remaining whales find something else to do.
Well then the game is shit because it's story heavy and short as fuck. If most of the game's quality is up for fucking interpretation Guess what it's not the story is shit then how can the game be good if most people probably won't enjoy over half of the "game".
Notice how its all but forgotten?
People mocked its QTEs and cutscenes to kingdom come. I remember even fucking leddit was shitting on it. It had no hope. Hopefully this one suffers the same fate.
Yeah that's not a fucking terrible review or anything.
Hi Holla Forums
Yea I already linked that shit earlier in the thread
This one has the added bonus of political bullshit that the order didnt have though, we will see how it plays out.
The quality of the story is only subjective when it's you shitting on it.
Wouldn't you agree that a game should be just as long as it needs to be, rather than stretching it out so long it becomes tedious and boring?
Kinda like how Alien: Isolation was a $60, fourteen-hour-long game, but it's more than twice as long as it should be because it runs out of ideas fast.
Then this game shouldn't exist at all should it.
I've already given him too many (you)s. You're encouraging him to post more.
That's not really an argument.
I'm really hoping this game bombs and those socialists go back back to working at Starbucks.
I'm not the one who said a game should be as long as it needs to be as it stands this game doesn't need to be.
Single player games are very problematic. You can't share your experience with a minority, you must play with virtual caricature minority characters created by white privileged developers! Trumpenstein 2 is nothing more than a white mansplaining game in where the developers think they can understand better a black woman than a black woman herself!
And what's your reason for that?
It already sold 1/3rd of the previous one on release day
If you weren't illiterate you would know but I'll humor you, the game is six hours long with probably more than half that being cutscenes for a shitty story written by commies jerking themselves off that they expect you to pay sixty US dollars for. Nothing about that needs to exist.
Yeah, we should point out how Wolfenstein 2 is just another White Savior game made by racists so they can fetishize the suffering of PoCs.
I'm very content with this. Glad to see Bethesda successfully raped a franchise to the point where we won't see another one coming out soon.
user, that's why shill can't be taken seriously. Since it all breakdown to "is it worth the price ?" and it's "yes" or "no" at the end.
If story is half of a 6 hour long game, priced at $60, its better to be very fucking good since the gameplay is short and there's the risk of no replayability.
Shills or fags with post purchase rationalization always push the same bullshit.
Has this been verified? Would love to see some numbers on this. Awesome if true, and I'm hoping it drops even further.
Stats may be wrong, we will see in the coming days.
But it is no surprise as bethesda desn't really know how to make games, them desperately trying to sell mods is proof to how clueless they are.
How many minorities work at MachineGames? #devssowhite
I'm personally waiting for the inevitable Skyrim 2
kojima btfo
The name is so big it will probs sell on that alone it if just more of the same with the same garbage engine that's completely open to any modifications
She's tired of cuckchan anons reminding her of her husband.
They're Swedish, actually.
Both WE WUZ KANGZ and CUCKENSTEIN are in the gutter
what a wonderful sight
I never knew so many people played Cities: Skylines
wew >>>/neofag/
Why not honestly?
It's a comfy citybuilder
And that game was considered a disappointment for the normalfags
That pic is 10/10
Nor mies only say that, they have no concept of disappointment since they have no standards.
Very very very nice.
How will bethesda ever recover from this humiliation?
And just for further smugness, when was this taken?
No-Takers and Stillborn are waiting for you.
Recently it seems.
Like 5 minutes ago.
It's almost like they're in a private email group think circle jerk saying whatever they're told to say as a collective. It's almost like this was revealed and proven years ago and of course they're still doing it.
Oh my god, I can just hear Mad World playing when I look at him
Liberal trust-fund retards are a pox on society.
I like that civ V is above civ VI
Just you wait, wait and see what happens with skyrim 2! And I will be there going "who is laughing now"
>Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus might be the best movie of 2017
Purely (((coincidental))).
Only so then they could whine about "toxic" players?
Toddler status
Fuck off todd.
Are you seriously pretending to not see the difference between some esoteric magic bullshit and real world influences? e.g.:
But it's the in thing right now like there was no in thing before. Those 2 million are the highest concurrent numbers out of any game ever released on Steam and 2nd place isn't even close.
Go ahead and make a Wolfenstein thread on Holla Forums and marvel at that anchor, turns out that video games are Holla Forums-related.
Truth be told, yes.
There was a thread there?
Wait waht?! You mean during class when thy not pay attention?
$60 in 1990 is $113 today.
$60 in 2000 is $85 today.
$60 in 2010 is $67 today.
No matter what you do, keeping games at the same price point delivers less profit per sale assuming production costs also remain the same throughout. But production costs don't remain the same at all, they keep skyrocketing to millions or tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars per game. That's why the big producers and developers always try to jew you out by raising the price of a full game to the triple digit range. That's why a $60 game with a $20 expansion pack from 1998 has the same amount of content as $60 game with $60 of DLC now. The prices change, but the overall actual cost remains the same.
Smaller companies, smaller games, and independent devs get away with charging less for games at brand-new price points because their games cost far less to make. Dwarf Fortress, for example, gets away with being free because the production costs are those of a dedicated NEET living in poverty for a decade who already gets enough from donations to not require any more money. Mobile games get away with a free-to-play model by paying five desperate devs straight out of undergrad just above poverty wages for a few months, while free-to-play games on larger platforms always and inevitably die as soon as the whales move on.
As a final note, you should pay attention to just what companies are charging $100 for the equivalent of a full game. They are always companies large enough to have a financial department, which understands these things because it's their job to understand these things.
The Blood Moons thing was a jewish scam propped by some rabbis to make shekels out of silly goyim, like any any other prophecy and preper group ever.
Holla Forums "feel" for it
The real shit will be a true surprise and unavoidable, if it ever happens
Apolitical fenceshitters need to kts.
satan calm down
Of course they are. They are scared, this was supposed to be a big launch where it sold like crazy, and they could turn around and talk about how gamers hate nazis and they're the majority.
This scares them. It sends a clear signal that gamers want more than "lol u don't like Trump come punch a nazi with your commie sistas!" It tells them they are not the majority, that their narrative driven game push isn't working.
The entire thing about single player games being dead is all damage control. The real issue is hardly anyone wants to play as a commie killing nazis. Maybe an American badass killing nazis, but not some commie surrounded by token social justice characters. But instead of admitting no one cares about politics, that people don't want to punch nazis in the streets, they blame it on anything else besides the obvious political commentary they threw into this game.
Gamers are looking at this and turning away, because they're so used to nazi being thrown around so casually. It's lost its edge, you're not killing some evil, bad, mythical people. You're killing someone everyone already talks about and exaggerates. When everyone is a nazi, killing nazis seems a bit ridiculous. When nazis are some mythical part of history no one really knows outside of biased history books, then they make a good enemy.
The fact that the GJP clique hasn't resorted to calling gamers nazis yet is extremely telling. They know they can't play that card because they'd make themselves like such a fringe group that doesn't like nazis. Which is true. Bethesda and game journos tried to sell everyone a game based on
and it's failing, hard. Which is an awesome sign. It provides solid, empirical data that people want this social justice bullshit and communism to fuck off.
People were already getting tired of the nazi thing. And now we live in an age where everyone who isn't communist or anyone who supports their own country is a nazi. That's a huge number of people, and it's hardly controversial, even in the eyes of normalfags.
Thing is, you make more money selling a million copies of a game at $30 than you do selling 20,000 copies at $60.
He's not asking for a price ceiling, he's asking companies to catch on to the basics of supply and demand.
Thank you
The only thing that would spark a happening is the economic part, no one gives a shit about any of this as long as they're fat, comfortable and fed a steady diet of bread and circus. There could be hoards of savage niggers and swindling jews all over but people don't see beyond their immediate neighborhood. Once those go away, then SHTF.
Most of these games are going on by brand recognition and hype alone. If you can get one million assured copies, regardless of how shit it is, just by marketing or brand momentum, then the price point makes far more sense. You know the game is going to be complete fucking garbage and you know it won't have any long-term sales. At most it'll have its opening week, the first month of hype, half a year of DLC for the diehard fans and whales, then be replaced by the next fucking garbage game.
So you calculate that you expect a million sales, dump some more money into marketing, and target a 1.5 million sale point. You figure that each unit costs $50 in total after marketing and distribution and upkeep. You sell it at $70, and make a profit of 30 million dollars.
But let's say you reduce the price to just above break-even and you gain another half a million in sales from the people who won't buy anything above $60 even if they love it. I know I'm one of those people. But now you're only making a profit of 20 million dollars. Fuck that, you keep it at the higher price points.
Let's go with another scenario, the AAA scenario. A game flat out costs $120 million to make, and another $200 million to market. Let's round it to $300 million total.
At $300 million, selling at $30 per unit, you need to sell 9 million units to break even. That's unheard of. Only the top 50 games in history make that amount of sales over their entire lifetime. But you don't want to break even. You want to make enough of a profit to go on and make another $300 million game with little risk. Let's say you just need 1.5 times the breakeven point. That's about 14 million sales. The last games to approach that number in the past 5 years are Pokemon games, along with CoD Ghosts and GTA V. Fucking impossible, especially since most sales are made within the first month of a release.
But if you raise new prices to $70/unit that means you only need about 5 million units sold to break even. That's way more achievable for a huge AAA game.
Irrelevant. Absolutely irrelevant.
>>>/cuckchan/ now please
No one asks for games that require this much to make. Look at how much it cost to make a game like Minecraft and look how many hours gamers spent on it and how much time it took to make.
There are plenty of other examples of games that did extremely well with a smaller budget. Cave Story, Undertale, etc.
These studios are deciding to add graphics, voice actors, etc that bloat the budget. And then they complain that it doesn't work. No shit it doesn't work, gamers are perfectly fine with much simpler games, as long as they are good.
I find it hilarious that these GJP clique retards are complaining that single player is dead because their precious nazi killing simulator failed, the day before single player Mario Odyssey comes out and completely proves them wrong.
Single player games aren't dead, expensive narrative experiences pretending to be games by adding QTEs and throwing in time waster rooms with a little bit of gameplay that's not even challenging are dead.
Fuck, Cuphead, A Hat In Time, there have been tons of successful single player games released in the last few months. And the biggest difference is those games focus on game play, while AssCreed Kangz and nuWulf Trump Puncher are politics first, game play second (or third, fourth, etc).
bravo, movie-games!
My grandson, a Holocaust survivor, is crying in his crib because of this blatant racism.
come on people it's 2017 why won't you punch nazis? We have to stop drumpf!
Hopefully the console sales will also be garbage
Even if they are ten or twenty times the PC sales it's still going to be a complete disaster.
Less than a quarter owners of Elex.
RtCW has 440k on steam.
I didn't realize TNO had also sold like shit. What made them think more of the same was going to do any better?
1.4 million isn't anything to sneeze at, and does that number take into account all console sales and digital? It may be low for a Bethesda game but they wouldn't have kept going if it didn't at least reach internal expectations.
Is 1.8 million units "like shit"? Seems pretty good for a single-player game to me.
Those numbers are strictly steam sales/owners
Yeah, so not a complete sample at all for a game that released on four different platforms in addition to PC.
That's just on Steam. I think we'll have to wait until after the weekend to know for sure, but as things are now, the game isn't selling worth a damn.
But if the game is 6 hours long, it's not going to take very long for word to spread about the game. And if it's a $60, 6 hour game, I imagine a lot of people aren't going to be too positive on it. Games like this really depend on an initial wave of sales before everyone realizes the game sucks. But at 6 hours long, it's not going to take people very long.
It is for the biggest AAA games. Though part of it is has to do with how the budgets are allocated like with the marketing; for example, Resident Evil 6 was among the highest selling games in the franchise, but Capcom wasn't happy with its sales because of how much money they poured into it.
1.4M would be pretty good if it's an indie game.
Depends on how much it cost to make. Somehow I don't think TNO cost less than $100 million.
True. I think it's far to early to celebrate yet. I'd wait until the holidays are done for or at least a month. But all I can say is, thank goodness for Steam refunds. Hopefully the console sales will reflect poor performance, as well as news that the game ends on a QTE cliffhanger intentionally left for DLC. With any luck, that will further drive down any interest in it.
Yeah, those numbers are pretty good. The "if it isn't the most selling game of all time it's a flop" mindset is a dangerous one.
Now those TNC-numbers are pretty funny on the other hand.
Comparing New Order to New Colossus it's obvious that it's doing piss poor if it's first week. I'm just arguing with the fag who thinks 1.4 million was the total sales on a game when it's only Steam and it was also on PS4, PS3, Xbox 360, and Xbone is indictive of it's overall performance.
Are you including marketing? AAA titles on average have a budget of 50$ Million and marketing is usually that amount on top Since this only shows Steam sales and nothing else. assuming at least 1 million of those purchases are at full price the game has already covered it's production budget. With console sales most likely being similar. Hell, it was the fifth highest selling game on PS4 for a month when it was originally released. It was by no means a flop. TNC is definitely not doing as well but who knows. We haven't gotten to the weekend yet.
What a clever goylem.
Then don't spend $250 million dollars on fucking marketing if you can't possibly make it back in sales.
All of it is a waste. Just announce your game on fucking twitter or something that's free and more people will probably see that than some stupid billboard or ad on tv.
Way to strawman you cocksucker. I never said anything of the sort.
Which is likely not the case, and don't forget the 30% cut Steam takes, or the cut MS and Sony take. Also, there is little point investing in a project that barely managed to break even. And yes, selling 1,4 million on Steam is pretty fucking sad considering this is Wolfenstein.
Yet this game had far more invested in it. They went so far as to make cover songs of popular hits and the game was marketed everywhere.
Yeah, because it had such strong competition on the Bloodborne Box.
Imagine for a moment some game company had the balls to make a fps or open world game about DOTR uprising in the usa and your job is to go around fixing the problem by eradicating the most over the top comical SHEEEEEIT caricature of oogabooga niggers as the foot soldiers of the jew council in their global coup. I think if they went off the deep end with ridiculousness and humor and kept the game fun it would sell like gangbusters.
Leftists lack self-awarness. They believe that merely labeling something as "evil" instantly makes it so. Doesn't matter how psychotic and cuntish the "good guys" act, they have the kosher stamp of approval on them so they're good, so no need to use your brain, Uncle Goldberg will tell you what to think.
Watching this game crash and burn brings me so much joy.
There's only one and a half hours of "gameplay" if you're familiar with FPS games.
The game was made with Antifa in mind, so you have to double the gameplay time to account for their mental deficiencies.
It warms my iron heart too, user.
get the fuck out of here with that made up bullshit
You came to the wrong neighborhood, buddy
I'm buying hat in time instead, thank you.
Kiketesda can burn for that paid mod shit they're pulling.
Really, I mean usually fag propaganda is meant to be something that actually says something that normalises it while that pic makes me think being a fag is a safety hazard
Why isn't this thread stickied, hotpockets?
We barely have stickies for anything, this flop is worth it I think
This post certainly applies to me. RTCW is one of my favorite popcorn games of all time, it's like a comic book mixed with Where Eagles Dare mixed with a cheesy 80s horror movie. I didn't like NO that much because it moved further away from supernatural stuff, but it had okay shooting. I won't even bother with this in any form.
What the actual fuck is that shit
Fuck off machine games.
That's always the worst, hey watch me steamroll this entire army of demons oh no three normal soldiers that I have killed millions of are threatening me better surrender.
Fucking binary domain It was fun for one playthrough though
I'll forgive binary domain for it because the game was good so I really didn't give a shit about the story.
Since everyone else missed it: Name a large studio that doesn't censor for wrongthink. Either in forums or in game.
Art imitates life.
Someone make a new thread already
cuckchan is turning into neoFAG 2.0 and needs to die the same way.
We all do, user
fuck off blackpiller
user, I-
The single player game from 2011???
What is this, I don't even…
I'm sure you appreciate good texture work, the sort that modders do after a game releases because the devs are too incompetent to make things look nice.
People love Skyrim, although Morrowinds was where it was at. A good portion of people see Skyrim as the New Vegas of the Elder Scrolls Series.
Galbrush sounds like Tomoko
Wow, someone needs to make an edit based on these cutscenes
I don't mind killing Nazies like in the older Wolfenstein games, but I don't want to be some commie too. The left are going to destroy their hold on vidya given their current track record.
In some small way, Bethesda is a victim of its own success. They've basically become team Fallout/Elder Scrolls. Sinking money and talent and time into anything that isn't Fallout or Elder Scrolls is just resources taken from their cash cow IP's. The fans realize this, and and new IP's suffer from not having the same resources. Bethesda has also kind of become a niche studio now; open world, exploration, RPG, fantasy. To go off the script with something like W2 was just asking for some semblance of trouble.
I hated Fallout 4, I hate Creation Club, I hate Skyrim remasters/collection this/edition that, but they're putting their people on what makes the money.
W2 had so many handicaps even before development started. Bethesda just wasn't the best studio to do it. Naughty Dog would have been better in the vein of how they did The Last of Us or Uncharted.
I do. Last of Us would look great in full 4K with AA (except for the lesbian degeneracy)