This is how Tokyo RPG Factory Dies

This is how Tokyo RPG Factory Dies

Have you ever seen a none indie/none EA owned dev so clearly put up to the chopping block as this?

Who? I have never even heard of this game.

G-gonna be a sure hit in the west! says the sweating japanese businessman.

it was born to fail.

Pity, I was actually looking forward to it, mostly because of its aestetics

Wait so did they lose a sphere or a spear?


How bad was the story and characters. Setsuna had a bland as fuck story with the most paint by numbers cliche party caricatures you could find in an RPG and they barely deviated from it. Did they improve on Setsuna's battle system with this game? That was the one thing that I saw potential in. Also what about the settings is it the same type of environment.

Setsuna also ran at 10-15 fps on the vita, despite looking like a late PS1 game.

I forgot this was even out now so maybe it's just that they didn't advertise it enough

Isn't that Octopath game being made by the same people? I can't really find any information on it that isn't obvious shilling along the lines of "beautiful spritework that harkens back to a day of gaming we're obligated to pretend we love in this article but will shit on the moment someone else pays us to say otherwise".

Pretty sure octopath traveler is being done by the same people who did Bravely Default

I'm not really sure if that's much better.

Maybe they won't fuck it up this time. Except the localizations, each game and iteration of it has been better than the previous (except music).

At least Octopath looks good. I haven't even heard of this one

Here is Rost Sphear found for you
Moshi-moshi desu

arigato gozimasu

Even if the game was amazing it would have fallen flat on its face.

Yes, they changed the battle system somewhat, which I was actually looking forward to. A lot of the moves in Setsuna required accurate and proper positioning of team mates and enemies and in the new game you can move your character during their turn to set up combos attacks and the like.

I actually liked Setsuna. It wasn't great, but I enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to this. Review scores don't bother me since all it means is that a) in Japan the Yakuza publications didn't get their cheques or b) in the west the developer isn't a part of the SJW clique mailing list.

Not just releases but news. They released when atlus confirmed SMT5 on the switch.


I'll pirate it for the PC because apparently it has mecha.

Emulate Gundam Side Story 0079 instead