#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Celebrate Good Times Edition



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ict.usc.edu/pubs/The Hegemony of Play.pdf)

I'm lonely

Shut the fuck up, Shinji



Holla Forums you say?

And fix the links.

Reminder: GG 2.0 is happening


Except they will go to Something awful, aka pedochan before coming here I hope.

anyone happens to have a non furry version of that pic? Love it when girls pull their panties down.


HOLY SHIT LOOK AT ALL THESE ARTICLES! But then again PDP or Jontron saying some dumb shit is billions times more important than some random woman being raped by the owner of Jason Schreier's favorite forum

You goobers are so fucking sad. Why don't you go outside for once and get a life. Try to contribute to society instead of sitting in your parents' basements and circlejerking about shit no one cares about. A small part of the internet was lost today and you offer nothing but hateful spite. Seriously, you're such a fucking faggot holy shit :^)

Okay but what's so bad about sexual harassment that it's getting a site shut down?

I can guess from your post that you're probably a cis white male.

In typical retarded leftist fashion, the mods left in a hissyfit instead of demanding he transfer control off the site, and the users are SO OFFENDED by this transgression they ask to get permabanned. They're just shooting themselves in the foot, and then claiming they're helping.

#TorrentialDownpour and Nip news:

In the process of organizing and adding more info
Make sure to inform normalfags about websites free of Socjus Influence.

Useful Links:




Localization watch: Not solely from shit companies (need to add more)

>Sekai Project: Teaching Feeling ( >>>/hgg/116640 )


pantsu.cat is a nyaa replacement after it was taken down. It's better than the competition. Use this instead of the cartel run cancer.


They've put up downloads to paywalled fakku doujins.

Fakku 0001-1000: files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent
Fakku 1001-1100: files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent
Fakku 1101-1200: files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent
Fakku 1201-1300: files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent
Fakku 1301-1400: files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt
Fakku 1401-1500: files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt
Fakku 1501-1600: files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt
Fakku 1601-1700: files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt
Fakku 1701-1800: files.catbox.moe/3ii6j8.txt
Fakku 1801-1900: files.catbox.moe/m37bm7.txt
Fakku 1901-2000: files.catbox.moe/z9nmm6.txt
Fakku 2001-2100: files.catbox.moe/arpo7h.txt

Info & feedback welcome

You better fucking pray that's where they'll go.

The first two celebration threads were fun but cuckchan has taken over now, they'll be gone soon if we don't engage with them. Here's something cool, done by a single guy out of the storyboards for the original cancelled video.

I'm honestly of the mind that the halfchan moderation team are from NeoGAF, and they're just asshurt that people they rallied behind have all been exposed as either sex pests or just outright shitty people.

Tyler is most likely BALLETING EVERYTHING since all his loyal mods jumped ship. Can't let any evidence for when one of them spills the beans about the revenge porn pics and CP they have there

If it does, its the male purge step of feminism.

I do.

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if people start going "well wait a minute, if he sexually assaulted women in the past, why should we believe that they didn't know someone was a pedo?"

It's an excellent containment thread for them at the very least.

Very plausible.
I wonder if Hiroyuki will eventually realise that his mod team is tearing the site apart and do something drastic.


That sounds like communism

That's what happens when you insult Aras



If Hiroshima hasn't done anything by now, there isn't a chance in hell he will.

Its globalism.

If true the mods will have a busy time.

Brace for subversion and cuckchan refugees.

Third exodus?

kys neofag

Considering how bad the second one was, the 3rd exodus anons should just either quit using the internet or go to SA instead.



If we're counting every time the hotpockets mass ban swathes of people we're in the double digits now.

Most likely he won't give a shit long as shekels keep flowing.

This will be the 4th one.

mp4-ed from the previous thread


lol at 4chan mods banning neogaf threads, claiming it's non vidya while still having even more non-vidya threads up.


They always do shit like that. Whenever there is a character that even slightly has some relation to wrestling or simply wears some something like a luchador mask they go heavy on the wrestling pop culture references. Half the time the build references based on 30 seconds of google searching


Is it original stuff or the same boring shit that's been posted on Holla Forums for the past decade?

Reminder that nothing of value will be lost.


Hoping it's 30 Little Witch Academias, but I already know it's gonna be 30 Neo Yokios.

Please no.

Kikes are trying to take over anime desperately as of late, why?

Last medium they dont have their hands in

As long as we get entertaining shit I don't care. Even Neo Yokio was pretty hilarious, although unintentionally.

Did he try fucking her pee hole?

Have you seen calarts and the paychecks they and the writers guild of america demand? Western animation is basically dying outside of disney and dreamworks, and even they are not doing as well as they once were. Anime is cheaper and more profitable, and many nips involved in it are more passive and not kikes teying to kike the alpha kikes.

Plus its the only way to get into mango, which tend to be pretty anti kike.

The last thing I ever want to see is a team of muppets ruin the comfy and art style it had

I thought the death note movie and neo yokio were flops.

Netflix money can afford the flops.


The Asian Jews have been trying to make their own anime recently.
The Jewish Jews can't have that now, can they?

Sankarea a shit. Even Kemono Friends was more entertaining than that garbage.



Neo Yokio was cinematic perfection

So is it safe to say that, after three years, we finally weaponized sexual harassment against our enemies?

Fight me irl, I am not a neofag

The enemy always projects.

Out for a day or so, so what exploded at Neofag? did that goblin evilore finally got backstabbed by his pedo community or something?

Jokes on you, I actually kinda liked Kemono Autism

But fuck me is it like daggers against your eyes

Sexual Assault allegations which then led to the mods and users leaving.

They're eating themselves. The absolute best thing that can come out about this at this point is if the claim of sexual assault is completely unsubstantiated by anything but words. An entire hugbox forum ripped itself apart over nothing. Nothing.


It was so bad I could not even stand watch it ironically for the sake of laughing at how bad it was.

>Netflix Soros money can afford the flops.

Is this a rhertorical question?



The pendulum swings.

I'm not tired of winning yet


I've noticed something

Your tears taste so good


Spread this shit to every big voice, Youtuber, and friendly outlet we can. Keep the heat on. Slather Neogaf with honey and call in every hungry bear in the forest.

Consider the damage NeoFAG has done to the industry. They're one of the ground zeroes of socjus ideological creep in vidya. If we take them down it will put a dent in the resistance to change. The witch hunts, the politically slanted reviewing. The dev shaming culture. How much of that all began on that faggot little forum?


Nice digits, how big of an exodus are we talking about here? and are they shit-talking about him with "I knew he had problems, but I wished I've done more" excuses?

>>>Holla Forums

NeoGaf has gone full Lord of the Flies


As soon as the mods left, the users opened up about how they hated the place because they couldn't do before. All I know is that there are a lot of people leaving.

Kikes fear western animators unionizing, because that kills the profit margin and forces them to go even worse animation quality hiring forigeners or to cut the VA which would be a loud event.

yeah funny thing about that, this whole fucking crises of political cult bullshit boils down to the newest generation having internet fights and actually fucking entire countries up because of it, with the former generations only helping them do it.

This is a fucking weird timeline.

Now that the virtue signaling creeps are getting purged en masse, what will happen next? Will they retire to the cuckshed or react against SJWs?


Some of them will come here.

people like him. It's not really a wonder here, he's just a likeable kirby esque human being and people don't like it when you fuck with someone who makes them laugh and smile.


Having dealt with these people personally, they have absolutely no personality. They'll end up kowtowing to the general beliefs of whatever forum they latch onto. Some will come here. They'll be obvious at first but eventually you won't be able to tell the difference.

I never NOT wanted dubs so bad and got them…

Oh my god you guys are still going!?

I left January 2015, was VERY VERY active. Can anyone give me a tl;dr for the last 3 years I missed LOL. The ride never fucking ends.


Holla Forums right now

NEOGAF is dead
And it was all thanks to us with collaboration with Trump, Jontron, the alt right, Pewdiepie, Russia and the hacker known as 4chan

It looks like one of those cheap french faux-animes from the early 2000s

Meanwhile on 4cuck


USGamer:Video Game Forum NeoGAF Goes Dark After Sexual Assault Allegations Against Site Owner!



Tim Soret of The Last Night, rightfully celebrates the implosion of NeoGAF: "I received so much insane abuse, lies, extrapolations, hundreds of pages of insults without any moderation from this shithole." "Tyler Malka is a real, actual piece of shit with women, like many mods before."


honestly I'm worried that they will just spread out and give everything cancer or make it more cancerous at least neogaf was somewhat isolated and we could observe them.

We will never top when trump was elected

Even though this isn't even the third time Malka's been named as a predator, there's evidence in the current one people are losing shit over that hints it may be exaggerated. It's too bad he systematically removed every single user that doesn't follow the listen and believe doctrine, and created the perfect ecosystem for this to never get looked into and become a worse charge with every retelling.



A lot of them are already on Tumblr, and without their super-secret gaming clubhouse to feed them news and info on video games, they'll start to lose their influence, since the only thing that makes them relevant to anyone is how much they know about video games (i.e. how much they read up on it from other websites).

I can imagine the retro/obscure gaming fags congregating to HG101 and the like, though, if they don't already have accounts there. Those are the truly insufferable faggots who think they're hot shit for knowing what a PC-88 is.

Some music while we laugh.

where the new generation will go when nothing is left but dust of everything,whats the end game here or we just witnessing the results of every win so far?

Don't let the mods of NeoGAF get any positive press in social media for their show of "solidarity". They are just as guilty for covering up Tyler Malka's sex pest past, and one of their own being a pedo.



This is why I prefer saving music to my hard drive.

it's part of their preparations to take over Japan during the 2020 Olympics

Sure, Trump elected was the best time for SocJus Salt, but it's not deniable that this is a close second.

It's Venezuela all over again.


I Need smug jontron pics now




I have this

>Removed possibly racist visual elements from the game pre-release
Never capitulate.

Are you nigger having fun in the stickies?

So where's Dan Harmon to talk shit? Or did he finally shut his fat fucking mouth because he would be the one that would have to actually pay in this particular instance?

We should edit Jontron's face over neofags artistically screeching that their shitty site is kill

That's what you get for hiring on diversity instead of skills.

I swear, did everyone in this thread all go through the same thing? Did Youtube start recommending you some random Nip songs, you click on them thinking "how bad could it be", and then next thing you know, you're singing (LOOOOORD GIVE ME ONE MORE CHANCE) KORE GA, SAIGO KASHIRAAAAA

but she are a human hurr hurr hurr

I'd like to think some YT engineer decided that the auto suggestion algorithm is shit and went with manually suggesting music.

Hoary shitto

Just happened to me.


How? It isn't that hard to hand draw fucking scratch pupils. I get the feeling some jew involved is pinching pennies so hard they turn into shekels.

I'm really happy about today!

its going to go as badly as the pivix vs tumblr thing. I seriously doubt that the nips would give a shit or even watch this shit as it will be english only. The only thing that these fags are doing is an attempt to "start a conversation" that americans can make anime within the anime community, which is bound to fail due to the overall quality of the abominations they'll shit out and the lack of japanese audio. Hell faggots were trying to get Neo Yokio considered an anime on MaL and got told to fuck off. The only people that will watch this shit will be sjweebs.

That said I am still worried about the 2020 Olympics as the faggots at anifem are currently looking for bilingual people to start a foothole in japan. But looking how the faggots on netflix are taking a throw shit at the wall until it sticks approach with out understanding how the community works will only have their attempts end in failure.

Actually, It's even better


Looks like a 2nd exodus

This threads theme
I wish jontron was lurking right now
Think he be smug?

Or 4th
Honestly it keeps happening

Forgot the top. Last time, I swear.

They did this before, only now the state of western entertainment is even worse than it was then. I also imagine that whatever is planned for 2020 might get derailed with the west trying to consume itself. Its kind of hard to back those projects when you see the areas that adopted those policies going up in flames, at least for sane people. Communists are going to do what they do no matter what happens.


Pixiv is pretty pissed right now due to that loli manga being shoah'd.

>log into steam to play my lewd card games
I don't know why I surprise he is a gay furry after all


It wasn't shoa'd. The author chose to end it on his own and the spinoff is still going. Don't spread misinfo.

So I think we know who that furry poster was

Ask him

Genuinely curious to see what kind of degenerate he is

Oh so what is making pixiv mad right now?

Wouldn't happen to be this one, would he?

e621 (furry aggregator) shoahed itself by cucking to patreon by making all commercial content permanently DNP

How this piss the japs on pixiv and 2ch off?

The torposting one, right?

Oh no, sorry, thats unrelated.
Everyone getting BTFO today

(Also our 3rd anniversary soon)

wait what's happening? Full story?

Post chat log

Believe me, if he was Brian I would have made things more interesting by now. He's just some gay furry who pretends he's Russian and has a tranny "gf".

I can tell you right now without asking him that he'd want to fuck a Deerling or Sawsbuck because **his fursona is a rabbit and his "gf" is a deer"

Holy fuck what awful taste


Happen to have an archive for the unpaid overtime?

For shame

Took 4chan pol 3 days to find shias flag
Took Holla Forums v a few hours to dox a furfag

It's seriously just three sentences;






No it isn't, because you don't deserve that big Toblerone.


Daily reminder
The Wii shop channel lasted longer than Neogaf

At the end, out worst enemies ended being our greatest allies, since we didn't have to do nothing to destroy them.

They did it themselves, it was an attrition war after all.

A good portion of Season three was done on /hwndu/ mate.


That faggot Maldraw and some other Holla Forumsshitposters are in the neogaf threads and they seem to be arguing now.

If only all of them would fuck off.

Now we need to focus in the root of all evils we have fought until now, Something Awful.

And people seriously still doubt that it was our shitposting that got Trump elected. What rank was halfchan on that list?



video game journalism

The sexual harassment by the owner, not the allegations by the owner. Worded a bit oddly, but technically still works.

>but then they turn around instantly and yell "DON'T YOU DARE TAKE CREDIT FOR THIS!"

Archive? I want to read this.

With all the rape accusations I hear about. I give it a couple of days until it's actually real.

Its things like this that make me believe in karma. Like, the universe will eventually punish people who are so blatantly wrong about everything. And the users of Neogaf were so fucking wrong about everything.

For once one of socjus' stupid #metoo "activism" hashtags has led to something.
To think that the one time it worked it made them implode.

Will neogaf finally die?

Don't forget jontron and pewdiepie

For fuck's sake, meant for

Phoneposting is the worst posting method ever.

Wud was beleded?

Need more like this

Tyler is pretty much the only person with moderation powers left, and the mass exodus from GAF is so bad that fucking GameFAQs told them "FUCK OFF, WE'RE FULL!" It's effectively dead in the water.
What honestly gets me are all the game journos suddenly going "I-I DIDN'T TAKE THEM SERIOUSLY AT ALL! H-HEH…"

My own unfinished post that I accidentally posted, deleted and replies to because I'm retarded.

Too be fair, this is the kind of userbase you should expect to have when ~25 percent of them or more are payed shills

Speaking of which, why aren't people posting the Neogaf essential screenshots of obvious shills, random new user bans, and election night.etc? because I lost mine

And to think, Malka could have gotten 10 million for that shithole just a couple years ago.
Now the name is probably worth jack shit.

Didn't moot have similar offers before the moderation crackdowns?

How much did Moot sell halfchan for again?

A used up vagina from gawker.

Story time! I knew a guy who started up a game store and read Neogaf religiously for industry news, had his own membership and posted there frequently. Decided to make a business decision to stock pile on PSP consoles and games because Neogaf said they would sell like crazy. Drops twenty thousand to do so. Six months later, still had the same stock he bought at launch and MORE used PSP consoles bought in to traded in. Store went belly up.

Around the time he started dating Denton's daughter and attending XOXO fest, yes.

What did you expected?


He did not get the vagina, at least not without a cream filling.

I think like a couple hundred grand? It was some figure that Hiroshima made a big deal out of "scraping together cash" to meet, but I don't think it was a lot, by site standards.


If those retards didn't leave during the first exodus then they wont leave now.

The real question is, where is Neogafs current userbase of SJW special snowflakes going to go? They obviously aren't going here, but wherever they go they're inevitably going to make it worse.

The answer is obvious user, reddit and halfchan.

Too bad reddit doesn't wants them. Fucking Gamefaqs doesn't even want any of them either.

I think halfchan but eventually some of the former admins or something will create a neogaf 2.0

He never said.
Hiroyuki is worth at least 10 million because of deals with places like niconico and other datamining he did on the Nips, so he probably paid at least a few million.

I can see those retards coming together to make their own spinoff forum where they can live inside their social bubbles for the rest of their miserable lives. But I doubt any of them have the technical knowledge capable of doing this. I sincerely doubt they will go to Reddit because if they wanted a Reddit community most of them would already be there instead of using a traditional forum. Same reason I doubt they will go with Halfchan. That and most of them probably still believe Halfchan is the pedo hacker on steroids that it once was (and Holla Forums is somehow the more extreme version)

Kill yourself, Shinji.

They'd have to make their own site. From what I read anything having to do with Neogaf was shut down on reddit after all this happened. No idea if they tried to make a subreddit or not and have no fucks to look.

So what's their new forum going to be called? NeoNeogaf? Neofag, home of the gay-ming community?

It's always the male feminists, I swear. I'm the sexist even though I treat women better than the men who spend all day on Twitter reposting "RESPECT👏ALL👏WOMEN👏BELIEVE👏ALL👏RAPE👏ACCUSATIONS👏".


what's happening right now is literally the definition of revolution eating their young

they really believed THEY would get to dictate what is moral or progressive and what isn't. they won't

Yes, they tried to do that on reddit already.
I know this from neo-gaf meltdown threads.


and reddit

And when caught, they and their white knights go "oh, don't act like you're any better." Bitch, I don't grope a woman while on vacation in Spain. Nor do I take a picture of myself jizzing on a picture of a woman one of my friends hates. Nor am I friends with pedophiles, nor do I claim "I didn't know them personally" after they got caught, despite evidence that we met IRL at least twice.
The fact that all these people just assume that everyone else is just as shitty as them really speaks to just how fucked up they really are.

I know there are artists here that can splice wonders.

I know it.


They probably all already have 2 reddit accounts each. I want them to shit up ign next, so it loops back to noa.

I can say that Gamespot does not want them causing their collapse either

I call it the house collapsing because it was divided.

It's pretty funny, though.
This is the only one that's sort of not true for me. I was friends with a dude in high school until he got arrested for filing himself fucking his preteen sister. He got off fairly easy on account of being a minor but I didn't talk to him anymore. Then all 4 of the school's hockey teams beat the shit out of him at once.

They have what is known as " Too many fucking skeletons in their closets" and trust me, I know what that was like. To add on, to "make up for it" I also became an asshole similar to them, but I came clean a some point and actually fixed my shit. But like everything karma is a huge equalizer of giving shitty people just deserts.

Oh so a subreddit exists. I don't really know if it'll last.

Karma WILL get to them. It always happens. Also I've been in situations similar to that puppet with retards around me.

Until karma hits soros, its wishywashy at best, and death is not enough for him or (((them)))

These people have so many skeletons in their closets they could be DOOM 2 wads. I've done bad stuff too but never this bad. My "male feminist" phase was because I was into a girl who was into it. That was 12 years ago and I got tired of it fast.

did i post this here already? i don't know, I posted in the neogaf thread.

this is other/v/

You'd be surprised, even if they dead off karma can hit all the work they did and completely eradicate it. Remember going up is hard, falling is easier.

I actually went through a "deep ego" phrase that nearly fucked up my whole life. Lucky the whole thing fixed my ego.

Yeah, it's been posted. I love how they learned absolutely nothing from the TheZoePost aftermath.

My worst phase was the "Nothing matters, I'm going to hang myself any day now anyway" phase. Lasted almost a decade. Lots of drinking and smoking and jerking off and losing jobs because I would stop going or ruin it some other way.

Unless his chink wife getts all the money then funds an anti jew army in the name of soros, no.

Anyone got a better version of this?

Did you try going directly to that url?

The funny thing is, they banned Neogaf threads, but there were a lot more non-vidya threads still up and they never bothered deleting them.
Faggot mods really are overtaken by SJWs

They sound like the commisars of 40k

I don't want to think about Holla Forums. Even before I left, I could go there in the morning, see a racebaiting interracial porn dump, report it, and then come back from work that evening and see it still there.

Definitely very, very good pictures

This is exactly what setoff the exodus. Mods deleted gamergate threads while keeping other shit on that was even less about vidya. Its painfully transparent the halfchan mods have an agenda but the userbase doesn't give a fuck

They were overtaken for few years already.
Cuck/pol/ wants to change it by finding who the fuck is that mod in .

Got it from Jim stream

NeoGAF's demolition was so thorough even Lowtax had to chime in. archive.is/SVytx


If SA collapses hilarity would ensue.

He was so much one of us he banned gg day 0 personally :^] No he was one of you a libshit beta male feminist, and every time a libshit lies they gain another enemy.

Have a webm (testing).

To be fair why would 4ch/v/ be talking about this neofag shit?

And yes I'm (1) because I just woke up.


They mean legal, being a fbi and limousine libshit hive and all.

Because it was one of main shitholes that was killing video games industry.
And it's finally fucking dead.
Now twitter, tumblr, something awful or reddit should bite the dust next.

Fuck you.jpg

Schadenfreude, mostly, but NeoGAF is pushed as a "notable gaming community." So notable that their staff got E3 invites for simply existing. It honestly is kind of fucked up that you can't talk about industry figures in a forum about the video game and its industry.

Yeah, I guess so. Also just realized that my description of them can be summed up as "the Jews of the internet."


It gets better.

Reminder that Boomdocks is the best american anime made and would be problematic by leftist standars.

Sure, Neogaf used to be relevant in the industry, but this shitstorm is over something completely unrelated to video games, that is the owner's sexual harassment accusations. So in this case I think mods over there are in the right. To compare, the Zoe incident involved game sites and their collusion, the connection was there.

You think Microsoft is going to make Mike delete that tweet? Regardless, I think it is a good indicator of what the industry itself though of 'gaf. Nobody fucking liked them. Except maybe Sonys PR team. But they probably made up at least 25 percent of the userbase

Gonna need an archive on pic 2.

Who thought he would actually say anything.

Maybe Tim could be salvaged?


And not to forget that while they were sonys biggest shills they were anti shills for weeb games which are pure profit for sony considering the dev costs.


Fuck him and that game after apologizing on E3 about defending GG, and now that the SJW ship is going down he wants to crawl back

With everyone from both sides nailing Neogaf on the stake and burning it alive, they won't. What I can see though is the journos colluding to reframe the narrative and gaslight the public in claiming NG was proGG. See .

I wonder how neofags feel when they find out no one likes them
At least 4chan and Holla Forums know they are hated and don't give a shit

Well, it's pretty obvious that a lot of them just wanted movies, not weeb shit.

Raw Dog or whoever the publisher is made him apologize.
Sometimes you have to fold.

Another dev saying white male allies are shit. He's not giving any names though. And not sure who this is, but Chris Plante retweeted it, so he must be somebody.


How does it feel journo that anti ggers are being outed as sexual predators and pedophiles


Can someone explain milkshake duck to me again. I dont get it.

Blackface/Jewish nose on the Devil, and some other thing somewhere else I don't recall.

Forced meme where people liked a duck who liked milkshakes, until they found out he once said something racist.

Dude, he is in england where going against libshits is a harsher crime than murder and microkike already has a track record of fuking over devs with legal shenanigans. And ultimately its not his fault that the studio teamed up with microkike, he did not make that call. Devs are treated like shit, and going against the grain publically means blacklist. We knew this day 1 user. He should have supported gg user and remained neutral in public. But thats the price of pride, not wearing a mask.

It was just a forced sjw "meme" that died faster than gak

I am not too surprised.

No, it is related.
That was one of few main sjws sites.
Did you forgot about multiple video games and their devs ruined by neofag?

It's too late for him.
Unless he will start from zero as anonymous dev.

Friendly reminder that Mitch Dyer used to work for IGN and is now working on Star Wars Battlefront II. So lets see if IGN discloses that info.

Late to the party, but

reported for ban evasion

It's fantastic, because they'll either have to tie all of neofag into it, or explain why a large group of people continued supporting a site whose morals they openly, violently opposed for several years. Wait until the now homeless Neofags snap out of their shock and see almost every other gaming site throwing their asses under the bus.

Is that a journo? And we have so many archives that they can never claim that.

The best part about it was the fact that the duck never actually did anything. The original twitter post went like this
Look at that second line. They find out the duck is racist from a secondary source that reads like news. It reflects clearly how they'll not only admonish things they believe are wrongthink, but how they'll fucking believe any news that tells them something is wrongthink or that someone committed wrongthink.

Game journos aren't especially known for their intelligence. Or wisdom. Or just plain common sense.


Oh look is that retarded autist who reports everyone who posts a picture of Gilda. Fuck off.

Was Yooka any success past their crowdfunding shit? I haven't really been following it

Wouldn't it be the most fun if they did? I mean everyone knows Neogaf as a place with its finger on the pulse of the gaming industry. People go there because you can talk directly with and influence journalists and game developers and a lot of the new ones get their start there. At least back when it was a big deal, not nowadays when Reddit is the official forums of any game and people call upon lead developers by name in order to get their issues resolved.
The boogieman would be stronger than ever before and instead of just influencing rogue developers like Tim Soret, GG has been pulling the strings to arrange every "bad" thing that ever happened to a video game.

It bombed.

I found something and I thought you should have it.

Oops, meant to quote

Why? Who is that?

Bad. Probably because the earlier images were being shown later in the video.

See the problem?

Reddit mascot.

New leftypol thread with revisionism.
This time its about goon and user differences.

Oh, nothing special, it's just this guy: archive.is/SUvSI
Saw this doodle of an unnamed totally-not-Gilda girl on the feed one day, and couldn't help but notice the similarities.

The artist is Sushio of Gurren Lagann and Kill la Kill fame, but that's just one of the quadrillion doodles he does.

This was supposed to be a quiet day.

I was just going to lounge around, lazily browse some sites out of routine, and play vidja. Just catch up on siome shit I've been putting off, because Lazy Day.


This is ranked, like 4th on the Laughing Anime Girl scale, following the Gawker Bankruptcy, Hillary Defeat, and Eron victory.

Sonydrone sameface journos, yeah.
Actual game developers? Not even once.

Yeah, this isn't Gilda, it just looks like her a bit.

This has been going on for just shy of three years, and people to this day claim that GG bullies, rapes women and "women" despite an FBI case file proving that false.

I'm more interested in seeing a ton of faggots like lime get Kafkatrapped first hand into being a puppet cell for the Head Mod of Holla Forums, and the unmitigated salt that will come from it. Some might have it click that maybe they were being fed bullshit, but it's going to be magical watching their anathema.

It was a failure
Didn't even break 10k on ps4
Hell fire emblem warriors did better than it

Oy vey
This is some hot shit

And hillary and obama were found to be russia shills and I think that russia did hack but they did it for the democrats in exchange for the uranium and cash, but they underestimated trumps numbers so get the blame in half truths. So the "trump hacked the elections with russia" is a lie, but the "russia hacked the elections" is a half truth with the who for being lied about, as it was the democrats.

I won't celebrate too early, but this is hilarious.

Are you being retarded? I would expect them doing this with China.

All the mods quitting bother me to be honest. Feels like some of them might have some shit they're trying to hide too and they're running away asap because they don't want people to investigate on them too.

reminder to "Attack, attack, attack" like IA said.

Russia did nothing wrong

Ok, i have some bad feelings about neogaf, could we get the fbi on it? Make a tip to the fbi that there is a clique running on neofag




Used this strange behavior to express my concerns to the fbi tip.

I am tying my though to the leftists selling uranium to russia as well as apparently not walking away from the deal with tons of cash, they yraded the uranium for some cash and a favor.

fucking leaf


Keep the fuck away from us cuckchan.

How anyone can still use that shithole is beyond me.

Why must all industries be cliques?


Retarded hipsters must make everything a circlejerk.

Slept over this whole neofag thing, can someone give a quick summary?

It's over.

Does that answer your question

Watch metokur's stream if you want to relive it as if you were there. He also goes over what happened

Alright thanks. Also it seems that 3rd (or 4th? ive lost count) exodus is coming, since cuckchan mods prove to be the faggots that they are once again.

Because sociopaths need social groups to manipulate or they will die.

In other pleasant news kamuy-anime.com/

Fuck off jim

Here's the sexual harassment allegation. It was spread on the forums and mods couldn't suppress it well enough, so they began quitting and users started believing.



Archiving doesn't fly so good

Like how 5 of the 7 board members of Harvey Weinstein's company resigned.

IMPORTANT: The reason Evilore's statement is taking so long is because he knows if he bullshits and tries to self-victimize, he knows all the former mods will cry BULLSHIT on Twitter and post logs of what he ordered them to do (ie. denounce the girl, ban threads, etc).

Everyine's waiting for the statement like it's christmas.

There are already rumors about his instructions to the mods going around and I can't fucking wait for those logs to leak.
Apparently he might have said some really damming shit.


Warmed my heart to see Papa doing his thing amidst these wild cyclical threads. Like seeing someone you know in a crowd of hundreds.

I would have also accepted "we did not start the fire" and "I just wanted to set the world on fire"

This one also never fails.


At least Mombot is OK. Right?

Hahahahah no

Well, looks like gamergate 2.0 is going on over at 4chan. If I was the smart guy like I am, I'd be going over there and trying to get a new wave of people over to Holla Forums

Try not to fuck it up this time, either. Remember what happened last time?

Don't engage shills
Don't break up into camps
Don't moderate other people
Don't drool over e-celebs
Don't let e-celebs dictate GG
Don't let SJWs infiltrate and claim they are neutral
Don't let twitter run the show. Stay connected with Holla Forums AND other social media platforms.

Maybe you people will actually accomplish something this time around

Kill yourself faggot.

Oh good. You are going to sit on your hands with this. Well, I wouldn't want anyone in gamergate to try a little self improvement

guys do you have any archives of neogaf being stupid? Some of my real life friends heard about neogaf dying, and I need some archives or screenshots of neogaf being retarded. I don't have anything bookmarked, except for the recent pedo thing.

Also I just noticed one thing, back then when reddit banned fatpeoplehate they also banned neofag. Reddit team is clearly trying to protect neogaf, they do not only ban people from talking about them in the gaming subs, they also prevent people from making new subs dedicated to that place.

VAs unionized. The canadian animators didn't (yet) and are only being helped out by the Los Angeles' animators' guild.

That's why the VAs got fucking paid for their work and the canadian animators got paid for only two thirds (or less) of their work. The union.


I have some


That's all I have


Holy shit, they really think they're the only people that matter in the world.

we are going to see a lot of this the next days, together with "I always knew the owner was a creep, idk why people are surprised!"

Is that s4t? Yea I know the text is a joke but is this him?

Easier to have control over chunks of the market and influence shit to be favorable to your side. Money, it's always money

Dude I know. I only gave a summary, an animators union will not be pretty because either animators get the shaft, VA learn their place and find out they are replaceable by the animators doing their jobs, or everyone gets fucked by forigners equally since writers wont get the shaft and also get paid too much

Power user. Money is just a form of it, but its always power.

if animators unionize, they'll just outsource to south korea and india.


They already do outsource about 60% to korea. But with vidya, it will be harder to outsource all the art assets to korea, and if they kill the animation jobs, they will be killing the grants they get in canada.

The funniest part about neogaf dying is seeing all the members realizing nobody fucking likes them and that the rest of the internet thinks Neogaf is a putrid shithole.
Seeing those posts of members saying "the rest of the internet is celebrating our demise" and even gameFAQS telling them to fuck off brings me such joy. I'm glad that literally the only people that like neogaf were neogaf itself.
I love you all.

At least gamefaqs has a purpose for guides, neofag has no purpose except to shill for sony and western games. Did they shill for ea often?

Evilore's bullshit was public knowledge before. Evilore himself admitted that he grabbed a foreign woman's ass just to show he was dominant and wouldn't be taken advantage of.


Kotaku and Schreier knew about Evilore's sexual misconduct at least two years ago. (pic)

People were trying to point it out but got their comments hidden, it looks like? imgur.com/a/vMK5k

I also liked the part when the neofag users started calling the mods and other users shit when they realized they couldn't get banned.
What a healthy community :^)


Traps are not gay.



That's so draconian. Reddit never fails to amaze me when it comes to how they operate.

You can't make this shit up.


Does anyone have the cap of user explaining why lolis aren't pedo?
I'm at a blank right now

It's very simple.
2D != 3D

Obviously lolis aren't for pedos because big titties are for pedos. Did you forget already?

The argument that liking lolis makes you a pedo is the same one as liking violent video games makes you a murderer. It has never been proven. Instead, it works the other way: violent people are more likely to be drawn to violent vidya, and pedophiles are obviously going to prefer lolicon doujins. That doesn't mean that you are a pedophile for liking lolis: lolis of the 2d realm just do not exist in real life.

alleged mod leak from cuckchan where they discuss about shutting down neofag threads


Get back to the Neofag thread, faggot.


That projection.
Also didn't some people here had children here already?

Give an invitation link to that discord you faggot
raiding neogaf is useless and dumb, raiding halfchan isn't gonna help much anyway, but raiding their goddamn discord will at the very least be hilarious

They actually refer to themselves as such


ooooooo BOI

Haha no, sticking to your principals would be demanding the site was taken from him whe the first allegation was made. Sticking to your principals would be condemning every predator from something awful including quin and wu. Sticking to your principals would be calling out anita and not pussyfooting becuase and I quote here "gg poisoned the well." You have no principals, you project, and you are cowards who only do this now because it looks like you cannot get hit by collateral, to bad every user is being investigated now.

Did head of the NeoFAG raped someone?
Not big surprise at all.


So that censor happy cuck/v/ mod is called BEAM?
I think I have an idea about this.

For you

They call their rape victims "girlfriends"?

Well there was the father who recreates his daughter in games with character creation, like Dragon's Dogma or Honey Select.

To be fair, there is some bias here. When a liberal is found to be some pedofag, chans go crazy, but when your average joe billy hicks is found to be boning his sister's dog, the chan opinion is…well…nothing?




Meanwhile, two years ago:

Hello new buddy.


If you say 'boycott neogaf' 3 times in a dark shower, naked evilore will manifest behind you.


KEK. Come here often?


The difference: the liberals claim to be above all those thing and/or act like they are akin to torture and murder while they do it all the same, the hick doing it has no arrogance or hypocrisy while doing the deeds. Mocking the hypocritical must be done.

Liberals are preaching against this stuff non-stop. It's bad that it happens, but compare it to the pastors who used to rail against gays. Most people don't care if two guys are gay together. But when someone who spends their time running around talking about how bad it is turns around and does it, it's a whole different game.

People are more upset with people who lecture others on how to behave and then do the exact opposite of what they preach.

If someone kills me when they've said killing is the worst thing ever all their life, i don't really care if they were hypocritical about it. They've fucking killed me, that's all that really matters when the "deed" was *that* bad. You can apply the same idea to anything that's as mental as murder or boning kids…


Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Forcing a historian to prioritize shitposts over reporting their dad's corpse
☑ Vandilizing private property with "Strategic Designation #2"
☑ Causing chaos in Hollywood with an acid rainstorm
☑ Ruined the very concept of anime for everyone
☑ Firing a promising staff member from Platinum Games
☑ Making Colin Moriarty say a misogynistic joke and firing him
☑ Giving a white Iranian a date with DMCAstiny
☑ Creating bait that surpassed Metal Benis
☑ Stole Bioware's checkbook
☑ Making YouTube proud to support the [ERROR: Login to view this content] community
☑ Became Linkedredchannitin
☑ Adorning unrelated posts with images of anime boobs
☑ Overwrote reality with a Tropico save-file
☑ Teaching the Russians how it's done
☑ Spent 4 days legally dead for tax reasons
☑ Manipulated reviews to make Yooka-Laylee look as 64-bit as possible
☑ Revealed international culinary secrets
☑ Convinced an user into becoming a trap
☑ Funded by Russia to cause chaos in the USA
☑ Plotting to invade and take over the fashion world with a new puppet as mascot
☑ Successfully summoned the memeteor, then promptly dispelled it because it wasn't exciting enough
☑ Moved gaming acceptance back decades in the public consciousness
☑ Got seened in an Oakland drive-by
☑ Has trademarked "hikikomori ginger girls with names based on imageboards"
☑ Employed Russia's help in hacking the ESRB
☑ Bestowed upon a penguin a penguin-waifu
☑ Caught a glimpse of the evil that is the Korean Education system
☑ Likes their iced cream 'pure aryan'
☑ Hacked a character into ARMS, then leaked it
☑ Having a girl fetish
☑ Killed people at an Ariana Grande concert with a bomb
☑ Discriminating fantasy from reality
☑ Undoing all the hard work into promoting Far Cry 5
☑ Turned Ren Hoek into a terrorist
☑ Created Gamergate America
☑ Became starmen
☑ Brought misogyny into E3
☑ Turned Mario Mexican
☑ Prevented beloved VAs from reprising their popular roles
☑ Brought back unpopular video games like Metroid
☑ Blowing everything up

1. Make a strawman
2. Move goalposts
3. ???
4. Have gaysex with hats on

The very act of hypocrisy makes everything worse, it intensifies the crime.

I got the screencaps from the neofag thread you rude bastard

no first for benis, therefore sage

How often does that actually happen though?
We have a list of 20+ game journo with sexpest charges or allegations. On the gg side there were a bunch claims of harassment and little proof (granted there was little proof for most of the #metoo shit) It's also all happening at once instead of slowly over time.

And on the GG side the only actual charges has been assaulting a cop, and murder. (Good job there GGrevolt. I'm sure Thidran is proud of you.)

I love you you massive useless friend


☑ Destroyed Neogaf

☑ Outed the Neogaf owner as a rapist

☑ Bullied Brian into suicide after one week

I bet he'll puss out. They all puss out because they want attention.

Such as…?

It's not a strawman you retard. I think 100% of non-retards would agree that murder and molesting kids is pretty much both very bad.





Moving goalposts is part of the definition of strawmaning an argument, so you're pretty much 90% redundant and the remaining 10% autistic.

Can we just fuck their shit up again?

Some ddos it please.

This must be really bad if they shut the whole thing down and didn't say anything about it yet. The fact we have all these cases where anti-gamers clearly did bad things, and nothing happened, yet the largest video game SJW hive has an accusation and it gets shut down.

Whatever neogaf owner did must have been really bad.

This makes me uncomfortable since R&C was my childhood.

Fuck off retard falseflagger

Just get yourself an account ! We already seem to have friends on-site !


Why not registering into GeoNaf and act friendly? of coruse, if people starts posting bad things we can criticise then. Maybe that way they won't feel encouraged to be bad people and maybe change. At least we can help that site not turning into bad again.

Are you just pretending to be retarded ?



Thoughts on this comment? I'll give this guy props on being fair to GG.

Even Val thinks you are a fucking retard 462945.

The only two things on his mind are trucks and kids.


oh i am laffin m8

If anyone is willing to brave that fag shithole then you should steal the usernames of some of the more well known fags and impersonate them.

Feels strange man

How can you say to yourself "yeah, this is a community I want to be apart of" when this is what you get if you click register. It's like I'm applying at the fucking federal government.

Will they ever stop?


Hitler dubs confirm!

The salt over us for somehow killing neofag is fucking hilarious.

We really have become the Umman Manda.

The worst of it is that they're the ones who kept us alive. They mention us every time they wanted attention, even now.

These two post make a valid point on Holla Forums right now, I think one of the reasons why the GG thread is so popular is because it feels so much like 2014 Holla Forums.


Alright which one of you faggots is this
We must raid immediately

You can't kill what is already dead.
Anyone saved the animated version of this finished? I didn't see the user finish it.

Big if true.
Link to archive is in the picture.




The curse of 2007 is over.

Not yet.
It's still too early to say that.

Honestly with the current state why are people over reacting.


Delete this.

Gee doesnt this sound familiar

When is the pussy going to give a statement?

Holy shit user that's brilliant
But aren't you worried neofags might shill to see it?


I don't know if this was intentional.

Don't have much to say on the NeoGaf shutdown as I have no history with the site and the only times I went to it over the years was for the Steam library images (Before I just started forcing as many games I could through my desktop) and this thread talking about "Star Hunter Society" games: archive.fo/yShTB

Didn't Al Sharpton get up in arms over the MLK episode?

Speaking of which, has there ever been a series where the main "villian" stayed alive not because the heroes couldn't kill him, but because they couldn't afford to kill him?

A decade of darkness. And now?

Like pottery.
How many soyboys are gonna kill themselves when they find out?

joe billy is doing nothing wrong by fucking a dog except he can get some weird disease like a retard he is

if liberal is found to be some pedofag it is usually some gigantic assfaggot who preaches about equality and feminism

I don't think it would matter if he did, since as I recall, Boondocks author is black (though that TV series went waaay down the vulgar path compared to the comic strip).

No, Bob. This is the New Dark Age.

So what happens now? Won't they just migrate to other websites?

Literally no one wants their refugees. Not even reddit or gamefaqs.

Of course.
Hopefully, at least half of them get booted from those receiving sites when they go nuts that they're not being held to double standards in their favor.


We could help them on their way and send them to >>>/Anywherebuthere/ . Although, if we do get any NeoCucks who decide to join us on our crusade, the Gildfags will finally have a group of bitches below them and that they could boss around. Hell, Gook will finally have some boimanko he can dominate too.

The neofag thread has such salt.

They've made a new site, geonaf.com

Mombot's joined them

This'll be interesting



Skimming the cuckpol thread, I guess a bunch are migrating to Vice's forums apparently.

(Satan trips)

You have to realize that the biggest problem with neogaf wasn't necessarily the people, it was the philosophy.
Many won't believe this, but most neofags didn't enjoy the general agreements and ideals. They didn't like the games being plastered everywhere, they didn't like the industry, they didn't like the arguments, they didn't like the place… but they stayed there, in a place that swore it was influential and important in the industry (and in many ways, in the west it was, whether we like it or not, and we sure as shit didn't), and with such a harsh cost of entrance and such a huge risk of getting banned and losing any chance of being part of that shit (while oftentimes finding yourself blacklisted by many indie devs, if not outright AAA teams), they either shut the fuck up every time, or outright followed the masses.

However, most people on neogaf hated neogaf, and all people outside of neogaf hated neogaf.

They had respect for it, if not religious admiration almost, but they always knew that, the day they'd find an excuse to leave, they'd go and swear the place off.
Today is a huge occasion to finally tell every mod, every admin, every big retarded name there, "fuck off, I never liked you and I'm finally allowed to tell you without repercussions, I hope you get raped by retarded niggers".

Just look over at social media. You'll find maybe a dozen people in total defending the place. Even the very people, like games journalists or pseudo-indie devs, who are most meant to love neofag, whom the very place was made to please, say they hate it… because in a way, they did.
It was a fearful, hateful, empty-minded household. It made everything gang up on each other like this anecdote about monkeys climbing a ladder and punching each other if they ever dared do it without even knowing why.
"I have to be the first one to point at any shred of difference, or people will think I am agreeing with it; that I am different too", says the slave.
They were, all of them, complete slaves to a mentality that only a few dozen faggots spread noisily, with rage and fury; if you dared even APPEAR to not follow the fold, you were an enemy, and there was no question you'd be fucked immediately.

But wanna know what all the people who got banned, whether on purpose or not, share ?
That they felt an immense weight leave them. That they finally could go back to loving games instead of hating them for no good reason.

Neogaf's death isn't simply about worthless shitheaps leaving a sinking ship; it's about mice acting as rats and finally going back to land without fear of reprisal from genuine rats.
So in a way, if you find a neofag, I'd advise inviting them in. Tell them they're welcome as long as they're not little bitches. If they reply with "that's offensive", fuck their ass away; if they keep quiet or even say "I won't, unless you've got 100 bucks on you", then they're already your friend, and they were only waiting for a chance to be.

And if they just open up their own new home, leave them be; but remind them every occasion you get of what they used to be, and what they risk being again, if they ever allow the same human pimples to rule over their ego.



Can someone make a GG edit of this pic?


I thought only Authoritarian Mashochists who craves 10 bux dick and being banned posted on NeoFAG. Did really 'Gaffers' hated NeoFAG? Didn't they banned from that place if does?

Even the goons don't want them.

They got banned if they voiced hating the place. Which is very different.


user's furry brother making the rounds.


So it's the beaten wife syndrome on a forum scale.


Hey, I can't create a new account in the Gamergate wiki. Please help.

Oh man I wonder how many of you user are secretly there

Listen and Believe
(except when we do it)


More like a stinking drain fool of rotten shits in the gutters.
And that furry is already insane, that's why he liked being in fucking rotten drain cesspool.


Nice to see I'm included in that webm. If he kills himself, does that mean I'm an accomplice, even though all i did was post his shit taste in games?

It's already dead.
How much time before their next exodus?

Keep trying famalam. The admin pops in here once in a while.

I just saw what happened with neogaf! Please tell me mombot had something to do with! I hear they now claim gamergate is involved with the trump campaign and Russian troll factories?? You know, today was a really shit day. And I'm so happy it's over, but I'll have sweet dreams now. This news makes it all worth it.

Because they were planning this already. In early 2016 Soros bought something like 40 million dollars worth of shares in Netflix so really you should have seen this from a mile away.

It's that simple

Sam Biddle; latest to be accused of sexual harassment (via Mike Cernovich)


A man can dream.

SO it's confirmed deleted?? It's fucking gone forever? Holy shit today is a good day.

I had a feeling this was the case all along. I hope to god they learn something from all this. Leaving that place to go somewhere else. Maybe not even here, maybe they can go to halfchan or leddit or tumblr for all I care, go somewhere where groupthink isn't forced. Sure, there are retards on those places, and the mods are pretty fucking shitty, but it's a start. They have an opportunity to talk to people who share different opinions than them, they will be exposed to someone saying their favorite console sucks, they will be exposed to someone saying that micro aggression are stupid, they will be forced to talk to someone who voted Trump or at least doesn't froth at the mouth at the mere mention of him. This is what they need, exposure to people not like them. Some might learn to grow a little more, and that will do them some good.

Nobody could recover database from dead NeoFAG now so it's ded, yeah.

Tyler's reputation of being a piece of shit finally caught up to him. Ironically, it wasn't over anything he actually admitted to, like groping a woman while on vacation in Spain.

And now blood is on his hands, he bade Brian577 kill himself after he gave Something Awful his dox.

Did gamergate have anything to do with this neofag shit? Please tell me yes

No, but GG is getting credit anyways.

I think not
Maybe if he confess the GG made him to rape women

That's on the admins and userbase, but GG will probably be blamed or someone will take credit for this.

Gawker dying was partially us, since they lost net worth that could of saved them from Hogan.

While they simultaneously go "DON'T YOU DARE TAKE CREDIT FOR THIS!"


It will affect innocents too, Soros invested too much into this.

Its the accelerationist point of view, give more power to feminists so they turn on each other and become intolerable for the normalfags.

A feeding frenzy is a feeding frenzy, user. That innocents are affected is a given, which is why you must focus on using it to expose those that aren't.

I mean if geonaf's moderatoon isn't as totalitarian as Neogaf and allowed differing opinion, it probably wouldn't be that bad tbh.

There's nothing new there. Let me know when there's REAL accusations of sexual harassment.


user, we are not alive, gamers are dead, we re beyond the point of being killed

Say what you will about him, ever since reading his book, I got a full time job that pays well too.

Fuck off Mike, you and your teddy voice are both retarded.

I'm not shilling for him, he can be an utter sperg. Don't buy the book either if you don't want to. All i'm saying is that it had some good points.

Just sending applications is enough, I know that myself, not buying a fucking book.

It doesn't. It's cliché, overdone bullshit points that sound good if you're a lonely loveless creep. Stop giving weight to idiots' words. He convinced you because you're weak-minded. Grow a pair and become your own person.

Not really. You have to learn how to sell yourself to employers too. They won't hire you unless they feel you are worth the time.

I am sorry you need a book to explain to you how to not be a retard.


You realize he was making a reference to one of those stupid get rich fast pyramid schemes, right?

Is #metoo going to hit Something Awful too or are they too much of a corrupt hellhole for it?

Yeah, because you definitely know what that user is thinking, psyker faggot.

Get out.

Who is tyler, jog my memory please

I dont see how you how you could remotely make that conclusion out of his post

I think that 10 bucks per account protect them from this.
Unless some time-bomb femishit paid for account there.

Assuming you're not trolling
Tyler Malka. Evilore. NeoFAG owner.


Oooooooh, ok. I didn't know his real name. Them thinking that makes this so much sweeter.

Geogaf is kill

uhh, do you mean geonaf?

Works on my machine, clean your cookies.

At this point remembering the name does matter it's dead on arrival

Shmorky already happened


oh, no shit, but the account i made there is still logging in

God damn it, I just registered and ready to shitpost


What the fuck are you talking about?

Oh well.

SA's kind of a special case. If you'd want it to hit someone there, you'd want it to be someone who mods the LP or games forum. If it hits Lowtax and SA goes down, then the people on the gaming boards will just move to another site. And since SA has been around way longer than GAF, they've already got several splinter sites ready to go. I think Badgame is one of them.

But if it hits a major gaming goon, especially an LPer, then that'd cause a lot of damage. There's a lot of faggots out there who get their gaming tastes solely from goon LPs and the like, who read LParchive and watch longplays of retro games. Said fags will then go to find the creators of those playthroughs and start taking on whatever beliefs they might have. Which spreads batshit leftism and the "ugh gamers" mentality. But if it turned out that one of those LPers was a sexual predator, then that will turn some of these fags away from goons and their influence.


I feel sorry for anyone having to clean that.

Actually let's dig on this.

Hey, I need help. I can't log into the GG wiki, I even tried making a new account. It doesn't work.

It's just piss, if anything it will give you a story to tell once that shit's over. i'd clean that up in a heartbeat.

Hi Hana


but why? is this opencritic guy retarded?

uhh, do you mean geodude?

He is either being deceitful with the gafcrowd, or he is simply a normalfag that is only redpilled on the corporate corruption side of game journos and not on the ideological shit.

Auditioning to be R Kelly's new girlfriend?

yes it's a known issue right now, people are trying to contact the owner so he can fix it

Someone say piss?

I've heard President Comunist Nigger got rejected on his position of ambasator for the WHO after the outcry.

How long until his whole country dies of hunger and he is eaten by his own people?

Probably, too bad this thread is infested with goons (at least lurking), or more people who have websites would speak up here.


What did she do again? I vaguely recall her making the protag drink her piss or something like that

I don't have a pee fetish, i just like being that guy who gets himself into these situations and have a story to tell.

Does… does mombot want us to try and play nice, or to fuck their shit up like raccoons nesting in an attic?
Directions unclear!


Getting him to piss in front of Chiyo

Stand by, private. Site's already dead.

Does anyone have the "Yay, we're finally the good guys" comic by chance?

Deja vu!

If the latter, want to spread this OC around (Again)?

Didn't someone still have to pay money to buy one of those shitty cheat code books, even back then?


Mombot is being a kindly mom saying to give them a chance. The person who started it up seems to actually want genuine discussion on the site.

I'm pretty sure it's just suffering Voat syndrome right now. Surely it'll come back up.


It would be prudent to keep the gaf fags contained on their own website rather than to have them infect other places. This way, we can also keep an eye on them.

I hope that person has the good sense to pick good mods then

Well, I've been trying to get to the site and it's still down.

Who the fuck drinks RC cola?

Close, but no. I can't remember the name. Mambebe or something? he was the one who stole farms from white people and doesn't want to prosecute the niggers who killed white farmers.


The one in africa who kills white farmers.

My guess is she is trying to stop a flood of neofag refugees flooding decent websites and ruining them.

Its in everyones interests to find a new containment website for the HIV ridden cancer that is the Neofag userbase.
In this gase Geonaf is like that huge migrant camp in Calais.

Based Mom always has our best interests at heart.

I agree that the directions are unclear. But
if ya Anons do join this Geonaf forums, please turn it into a pro-gamers and pro-video games discussion board.

Does anyone have any info dumps on Marxist attempting to influence video games? I recall there being a GDC presentation a few years ago and I've been out of the loop for a while. Sorry for the timing of asking about this considering its pretty much off topic in terms of whats going on right now.

The other one.


I cannot not be amazed at this no matter how many times I see it.
"Life comes at you fast" indeed.


The retracted the decision already. But the fact that they actually were willing to give it to him remains. The US should have just made the UN a puppet state. The WHO is the only fucking good thing to come out of it.

I guess it's fucked.

that's a shame. Gaf really needs to be a place where discussions can foster. Getting mad about saying the word nigger in this context is stupid.

And, the sites fucked even before it can get it's legs.

I didn't expect much when the site was sold to me as a "refuge for NeoGAF users"

That name look familiar, is it a goon/lolcow?


Oh well, since I have an account, I guess it's shitposting time.

>>>Holla Forums938066
Speaking of goons and lolcows.

Zach is a pretty generic name user

Fuck off Holla Forums, your board went to shit ages ago.

Name makes me think about #Zachattack, but that's about it.

I have one from this year.

Some things never change.
Hopefully their power on industry will be equal to zero.

Holla Forums is epic for the win!

Thanks man.



I just saw the thread on the front page of the site, her getting in legal trouble is funny since she was very vocal about how gg were a bunch of criminals and only she has a record now.




Good thing it's already dead.


Sorry. I will search for them now.
If they have them at all.


Press F to pay respects, Brian577 officially sudoku'd.

I've still got stuff saved from the ludology thread

(From Hegemony of Play paper: ict.usc.edu/pubs/The Hegemony of Play.pdf)

Porpentine's manifesto, Creation Under Capitalism and the Twine Revolution. This is about as Marxist as it gets

Another paper: Twine Revolution: Democratization, depoliticization, and the queering of game design
>>>/8diamonds/2746 (and the post below that)

Videogames of the Oppressed, by Gonzalo Frasca (2004)

This is a long read but here's some standout quotes.

Sorry, I think that's all I got

Oh, right, I forgot that Dina went from turning the Mighty No 9 community into a hugbox to insisting that every single FPS ever makes people kill Muslims.


Heathers (1988)

Please tell me no one thinks that Dina is employable.

Really? Can you give us archived proof?

Hell, if anything, we went from Russia being the common Big Bad to PMCs and corporate overlords.

Getting a new bread ready, other than fixing the links to the wiki, are there any other links that are broken?
I don't think i have the energy to make a comprehensive "Every Time" list of archives.

it's tough to do since the source is my ass.

I should probably stop posting while drunk.

It's not your fault some anons are literally retarded and fell for that.

That entire conference is full to the brim with koolaide elementals and similar hacks to Hello Games, and they still fucked up badly enough that they feared the wrath their acceptance speech would bring.

I'd like to take a closer look at your sources then my man.
No homo.

It's a shame the 2nd Neogaf is dead
I wanted to spam this copy pasta that's being passed around

""Hey elitists. We get it. The newer games are shit because of waifus and waifus only and you hate that they shafted the newer games in Warriors because they were successful.
I may like the new games and i respect you're opinion. But don't bring other people who are excited for this game down just because you wish the newer games weren't a thing. Crying about it won't help. I know people and you wanted Hector, Ike, Roy, ect…, but screaming at Nintendo and Koei and TN won't help. It isn't YOUR franchise. Nintendo does what they want and if you aren't happy with what they give you, then respectively say it than just…
Because that make you look like a shitheaded elitist that no one would ever want to meet in real life.
But whatever, im not putting a gun to your head and saying to repent your hate on the newer games and this game. Im just saying that if you're and old fan and are upset with this game, respectively say it and move on. And don't bring down the people who ARE excited for this game, including me. Because that's THEIR choise. Not yours to say for them.
This series belongs to everyone, not just you older and diehard fans that wish fanservice and good sales didn't make its way into FE.
I know the games roster doesn't have everyone in the series. But did you expect anything else? The newer games did well and they still want to promote it.
But saying that this game is a cash grab and that no one should buy it is a little too far. If you don't like the game, thats fine. But again, don't discourage the people who like this game. Its not helping glue the divide in the series. If you go to these videos just to comment that this game sucks, get out. Let people have thier fun.
Just be happy that FE is getting this attention. The series could have ended at Awakening, but we're getting an abundance of games. Heroes, Warriors, and soon FE Switch. And no, im not saying Awakening saved the series, im just saying that this series you love COULD have ended there. So appreciate this attention to the series, even if it has a bunch of fanservice you don't like.

Thats all I wanted to say. If you don't like this game, don't pay any attention to it. Save your disappointment for FE Switch if it turns out not to your liking.

And yes I do have a lucinia and Camilla tattoo and no you cannot see them. Thats for my special lady
nothing persenell kid 😎""

But according to Rami, if you don't want to attend, you're the problem in the gaming industry.

You crossdresser, I actually want to know if his appointment to furfag hell would be finalized within the week.

Thanks, user. I was worried that you or the owner didn't see my messages earlier. So, I'll wait and check the wiki every now and then.

I wanted to make a pro-GG on the vidya board and a pro-Trump thread on the politics board.

Since we're in the 600's, anyone got any nice City Pop or Nip Jazz songs?

I'll give you this and some Kojima Mayumi for the trouble




Embed won't work because it's a playlist.


Where did you get crossdresser from?


I don't know, I just called you a crossdresser because I felt like it.

According to the Jim Stream halfchan Holla Forums janitors are banning anyone who talks about Neofag.They actually seem to think Holla Forums is for talking about video games.

The goons pulled the pin on Neofag when they realized that they needed to start distancing themselves from their failures. Controlled demolition by the goons. I'm sure they'll try to pivot to "alt-right" soon enough.

Nah, it's just a convenient excuse to ban shit they don't like. They tried to argue that drawthreads weren't video games/Pokemon/comics/whatever else they want to ban it from that particular week.

I got this cap from cyclical thread. Look at this fucking hypocrisy. Even braindead retarded cannot take this fucking garbage shit.


Now that would take some guts to call neofag "alt-right" when they were basically banning any dissenters like everyone else.

And then

I'm considering this proof positive that cuckchan mods are from NeoGAF.

I found their discord.
use at your own risk discordapp.com/invite/g3M8Xgq

You can count on one hand the number of fps games that have muslims as the primary enemy while you would need your whole family and all you're cousins to count the ones with Russians. Take the Modern Warfare series as an example. In the first game there are 4 levels whrere you fight in the middle east while the rest of the levels you fight Russians. In the second I think theres 2 levels in the middle east. Besides the 2 Brazil missions and the last 2 levels where you fight Americans you're fighting Russians most of the game including the infamous level where you slaughter civilians in an airport. In the third game its everybody versus Russia except for a mission in Africa and the end which was in Dubai.
So in the premier modern combat fps series there was a grand total of 6 levels where you fight muslims meanwhile you've killed enough Russians to empty a small city and some how fps games are biased against muslims. Its a good thing Russians aren't as thin skinned.


I'm trying my damnedest to get into the sony/neogaf discord, I think I'm making progress.

(((NeoGAF users)))

I knew Burger was one of us

I'm in sonygaf discord.


>Everything made by (((Ruberg)))
archive.is/bAF5a imgur
I probably won't find more.
Archive.is search feature is garbage.

All the thin-skinned russians freeze to death in their first winter.
The only thin-blooded ones that manage to survive have blood that's at least sixty proof.

Remember to act like one of them to not be kicked out, remain as long as you can and post screencaps.

so when will the press start the damage control, cover narrative like back when they claimed we were angry because someone slept with journos to get good reviews.

this time it's probably "gamergate wrong again, neogaf admin didn't rape".

PS VR server?

I might be able to get the official discord link sometime today.
**I leave you with this.

It's too late, user. The fact the owner erased the whole site and ran away isn't very good proof of innocent.


Retards gave us away by immediately going into trapposting.


It was a plan by me to sneak into the closed-up ones undetected.
Post the link in the megathread, that way it'll get spammed and the ones who don't spam the thread (eg. Me) who didn't spammed and acted innocuous don't get suspected of being an double agent.


I'm going to get banned when I accidentally type in greentext. It'll be hilarious.

I have been trying to get into gundam again after gundam versus got released, but many of then ewer gundam series seem like shit with either shit plots or shit designs. I hated seed, G, AGE, and iron blooded orphans. Is 00 any good? Some of the designs look interesting and ok compared to how shit SEED was. I heard it is only slightly better than SEED though.

First season of 00 is ok. Second season is pretty meh. Both seasons are better than anything SEED did.


Alright. I guess I will try and get into it. The designs look a lot better than the shit SEED or Orphans have. I honestly wish the designs would try and be a bit more simple like they were in some of the older series.

Polygon, Rolling Stone and PCMag on NeoGAF




The Pope says stand up!
The Pope says stand up!


I see blizzard is trying a different approach to the "WE WUZ KANGS" thing. How progressive

Jesus christ, I've only spent 5 minutes pretending to be from Neogaf and I already want to kill myself. These people are awful.

This discord server is a goldmine.
I'll post a link in a half-hour, admins of the PS allies one are saying the official server is locked. I'll try my best but I don't think I'll be able to.
Don't share this info outside of here, I know for a fact they got people watching the main Holla Forums thread.
And yes, bignegro was me. Just wanted to see their reaction.

But i thought you are supposed to listen and believe when a woman says she has been sexually assaulted?


nah man, the default subs of reddit censored before gg was a thing. Also the admins of reddit banned neofag for no reason. Reddit is as cucked as it gets.

At least Aaron Schwartz killed himself before he saw what became of it.

I'm just pointing out they're allowing some discussion on the topic where cuck/v/ banned it outright. Both are cucked still, just one more than the other.

I'm bored so here's the sonygaf discord.

Someone posted it in the neogaf thread

Already ded

this refresh the link homo


Nigger, we're the spies. We can't give that out nonstop. There's a bunch of Neogaf discords we're working on getting into

Not unless someone asks for it, they've locked down invites. Luckily it seems we have anons behind enemy lines, infiltrating their ranks.
Give it time, soon we'll be in the general discussions.

You know, we could fuck with them by posting in the main Holla Forums thread claiming to be users that are actually legit NeoFag users. Hell, we could get the mods to start suspecting each other.

Whats wrong with neofags.Did you guys bully them with no survivors?

I'm hoping admins or mods from reddit start to get caught up in the sexual assault inquisition too. It would be great watch 2017 close out with the left ripping each others throats out online.

If we can get an user to ask a mod for a invite, then post that they are indeed an admin, that'd be hilarious.

No, people posted about traps for 1:30 before the admins locked invites globally and banned them.

Anons got in and started posting about traps before invites got closed. There's spies still in it though.

TB in charge of modding?

are any of the bigger reddit mods know by name? I think most of them use alt accounts to prevent the community from seeing that they are biased as fuck. Just look at places like r/politics/ or r/games/, are any of their mods publicly known? Because I bet those places are moderated by total cucks.



Any bakers?


I have a bread ready, just waiting for the post limit to hit 700.




I guess a new bread would be nice


Bread plz


I wonder how cuck Chan users are reacting to mods doing it for free
Since some mods have connection to Neogaf and are banning discussion

I wonder if we will see another exodus here
It'll be a second/v/ exodus and a 3rd cuck Chan exodus

I need a baker
I'm holding out for a baker 'til the end of the bread
He's gotta be strong
And he's gotta be fast
And it's gotta be fresh from the oven