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Video Games #130
Video Games
Mighty Number 2 finally ships rewards to early backers
Games that feel great with a controller
Vidya Dash, free PC game
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Long Live Boobs Edition
The last thread is autosaging so I'm posting it again so I can smug at all of you who said I was wrong
Who's your favorite Mario girl and why?
Did they finally fix the unfixable combat?
Ghost Recon WildLands cracked
High-level difficulty
Are there any other single player FPS that have both good gameplay and a good story?
Mega Man 9 & 10 are finally avatable on PC
Its AM2R All Over Again. Blizzard Threatens Lawsuit; Shuts Down Legacy Server on Day One
Who is Chris Houlihan!?!?!?
Albion online has just released a little while ago and the game is getting fucking nutty. What is Albion online you ask...
Fullderp : Dio Edition
4 AM
Starcraft Broodwar
Fanfiction Autism time
Skyrim I guess
Fate Extella
Why is PC gaming such shit?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Ticking Time Bomb! Edition
Soundtrack is literally just gothic disney opera with some women singing in German
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
What are some of the best games made in your country...
The Elder Scrolls Skyrim GOTY 2011
Not memeing here, why are there so few Jews in the games industry...
Why arent all story based games like this?
This was such an awful console, the best games on it were so meh (mario galaxy 1-2 were good...
Shlomo Universe Gets a "Paper Mario" clone
Dungeons and Dragons
How do you deal with games that are way too long...
Black Desert Online
Old games you cant remember the name of
ITT: Guess the age of the user judging by their favorite videogame
Space Thread:Peace of Muad'dib Edition
Mfw when someone mentions a western game in my presence
Archie Sonic has always sucked
Digimon; Wormmon is your waifu edition
Recommendations thread
Nintendo is literally locking sound test, art gallery, and hard mode behind overpriced toys
Warhammer 2: Not enough shekels
Castlekino 64
Codemonkey is asking if someone that knows how to run Hunger Games threads could help him run one to advertise small...
4 AM
Playing games on the hardest difficulty
Civilization: best to start with?
What's your favorite Sega console, Holla Forums?
I had a dream where I was buying a PS 4 and was really excited about it. When I woke up, I still felt excited about it...
Ghost in the Shell (PS1) & Exact
Naev and Endless Sky
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Wrestling Makes The World Go Round Edition
Did microsoft fuck themselves with this machine?
Games that react if you try really hard to get stuck
So in a few years do you think Hollywood will try to make shit yet popular videogames movies that in no way reflect the...
World War
/agdg/ + /vm/ ~ Amateur Gamedev General
Phantasy Star Online 2
Sunday Night Horror Thread
Splatoon Thread: Corporate Shill Edition
The Punisher (2005)
XBOX 360 Vs. PS3?!?
X86/ARM based handhelds
Fighting Game General: [st] Edition
Videogame Quotes
Are MMO's the only genre without a single good game?
Webm thread
Pokemon Go Fest: Failure
What can i play that is like Minecraft but actually good, and no don't suggest infiniminer?
Vidoe game
Do you love videogames fellow gamers™
Hardware Sounds
Post vidya music that gets you hyped
Portable Gaming Solution
Monster Hunter Thread /mhg/
Neptunia Thread
S.T.A.L.K.E.R Thread
Have you ever seen players kill a game, or section of a game instead of devs?
Can anyone explain to me why the fuck the 'pay for skins' system worked?
Fullderp:Movepools Edition
What games let me play as an extremist? It doesn't matter if it is an extremist Muslim, Christian, Commie, Fascist...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Angry Cheeki Breeki Edition
4 AM
Bruh we are gonna give everyone parasite-filled nukes and destroy english
Vidya Girls Thread
Visual Novel Thread
I've given up on TBC servers
Combos in fighting games
Mega Maker and Romhacks Thread
What would you do if you couldn't play vidya anymore?
ARPG Thread
ITT Games/Series that will never be revived
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
Open RCT2 Muliplayer
TF2 Vintage: Vintage Memes Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Morgan Edition
Just beat this. Gonna post some thoughts
Shin Megami Tensei: because Dagda doth command it
So is it already over for Overwatch?
His name is literally "Twink"
I like Fire Emblem but I want to play other SRPGs. Is there any in particular that I should try?
Which one killed Wario?
Speedrunning autism
Evolution of role-playing games
It's been a long day without you, my friend
ITT we post things that give us hope for the future of western games
Fate Grand Order
When give a choice of elves in vidya what kinda elf do you prefer?
Who is your favorite video game composer...
UK Porn Censorship Law and Its Effect on Erotic Video Games
Any suggestions for CPUs and Graphics cards?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Bread of the Saturday Edition
Jo291 thread
4 AM
I'm looking for non-Japanese video games that let you play as a prepubescent girl
Fighting games
Anybody have any idea how to hook ChiitransLite to Violated Heroine...
Do people actually enjoy this?
What are some games where you can have AI controlled sidekicks/pets/summons?
Why has no driving game ever surpassed this?
Does anyone else think the dreamcast had a certain something to it?
Destiny 2
Thread about jews in the game industry gets mysteriously deleted
Pokemon Rom Hacks
I find no fun in video games anymore. In fact...
Okay anons, I have $20 im willing to shell out for a new game on the ps3...
NuDooM free this weekend
Any single player FPS games on PC that I might not know about?
Considering how much movie and cartoon companies are banking on nostalgia and reviving old stuff can we expect this...
Recommendation thread
Wrath of the bitch queen
Breath of the Wild Thread
Is Cliffy B going to finally kill himself once this ends up a bigger flop than Battleborn?
Mouse thread
What is your favorite snack to go along with vidya? I like making homemade poptarts
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Los Ingo/v/ernables de Japon Edition
Google's AI Program DeepMind Beat the Best Human at the World's Hardest Board Game "Go"
Dark Souls 2 was a flawed diamond
Racism against al bhed is portrayed as bad
So… have you actually gotten around to playing Zero Wing?
Mourning Thread
ITT video games
There are actual cucks on Holla Forums that fell for the VR meme and defend their purchase with the zeal of a Scam...
Played, expected, got
Unplaned GameNight: Joint Operations
It's an RPG so bullet sponge enemies are okay
4 AM
Is the Steam controller cheaper if bought in physical stores rather than online?
WebM Thread - Happy birthday Dark Knight Rises edition
Beat 'em ups thread
I formatted my PC and I don't have any more reactions or pics in general
Pinball: The Analog Vidya
3DS RPGs that don't suck
About to play this. Is it really the GOAT "Breath of the Kino" that people say it is or is it trash?
Splatoon Thread- Birth Of A New Era Edition
Old vidya insults
Fighting Game General: SDCC Edition
Meta Horror Games?
Stagnating Holla Forums
I was wrong. It's not shit. It's actually pretty damn good
What are some comfy video games that take you to your happy place?
Just a reminder there's always time to play the greatest rail shooter to ever exist...
Fullderp: Hotdog edition
Why is everything so fucking gray?
Have you ever played a game just to laugh at it's unintentional comedy?
What arcade machines would you like to own?
Check PSN "Deals" section
What are some games that have aged like milk?
What is the worst reboot of all time?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: In The End Edition
Today it got so hot in your area that your switch's plastic started to feel soft while you were playing zelda
Video games and genres without violence and rated E for everyone
Has the gaming industry ever had a flop as big as VR?
Try to find a zelda like game on pc
What are some of the most obscure input devices you have ever used...
R.I.P. Chester Bennington the original shadow the hedgehog
What do you guys think of filters? Oftentimes they make things look like a blurry mess. Even in Yoshi's Island...
It's been 6 years Holla Forums, can't you just admit Skyrim is the superior ES and the natural evolution of the series?
Notice Dawn of War III is on sale on steam
So how many you suckers were dumb enough to fork over $15 for a single character class? I was and I enjoyed it...
Shadow Warrior is currently free on Humble Bundle. Is it worth my time?
Non-FF non-DQ JRPG´s
Games only you like
What do you think about 8ch's main theme from Sonic Forces?
The Initial
Yoko taro has lost his touch recent examples would be nier automata and drakengard 3...
If you could sit in for the development of any videogame of your choosing, what would it be?
Strike Vector EX
Shit games who's only positive is good porn or parodies
How Is This Possible?!?
Why has no RPG ever surpassed this?
/aog/ - Attorney Online General
FFXIV:Stormblood Thread
Get in here lads
What are some good multiplayer games to play with a girlfriend?
Future of vidya
Dawn of War III Free skin update
Non-steam games
Linux General
4 AM
Darkest Dungeon
Final Fantasy
What do you niggers think of this game...
My two favorite genres are 3D Platformers and Shooters, are there any games that mix these two together?
Treehouse confirmed for still fucking up translations
Do people really think this is the best game ever made? Or is it just normalfags?
/pzg/ Project Zomboid
Surprise surprise. The Nintendo Switch Online App is fucking garbage. Not even Nintendrones are defending this shit
Vegeta's wife's son
Rate my lesbians
Join me, Holla Forums, and I can make your face the greatest in Kordai, or else you will
RIP Sonic Comics
ITT we post our favorite Alien species from videogames
Cucksona 5 Best RPG ever by Famitsu readers
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Love My Way Edition
What you think is your chance of your absolute dream game in your lifetime? And what game is it?
Mage, Wizard, Sorcerer
Pokemon thread
Hours Threat
FTL Thread
So did everyone here get bought out by (((Ubisoft))) and we can't bash this shitty propaganda?
Why does square Enix make the best lite Goth girls?
2011 vs 2013
Lets have a bit of a Yume Nikki thread
Webm thread
Scam Citizen server capacity revealed to be 25 players per server at maximum...
Nintendo Switch online requires an app that only works on the latest $500+ smart phones
Amiibo Spoofing
They change pic related
Summertime saga
Team Fortress 2 Vintage: tilted models edition
DotA in Job Interview?
Dead or Alive
3DS Homebrew Thread
Albion Online
Half Life 3
Is it even worth getting? If so, what price?
King from Tekken
How do I explain to a smaller sibling that spending money to build a pc exclusively for emulation is a retarded idea?
Mega Maker and Romhacks in General
4 AM
Recommend Yuri Otome ITT
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
A fellow user recently turned me on to hollow knight. great game. the hornet is one of my new waifus
How come the Crash Bandicoot games never got the same kind of following that Saunich and Malleo got?
Orc Women Thread
I don't get why this board bash Fallout 4 so much...
Retarded fucking developers or the opposite
Why are Elves in every fantasy setting usually pretentious assholes who think they're the master race?
The best two characters in all of Dragon Ball were announced at the same time
Be honest–how many games do you pirate?
Twitch and Crunchyroll to stream five-day anime marathon
You hit a fairly long loading screen. What do you do while you wait?
Anyone know any good YouTube channels a la Joseph Anderson and MisterCaption...
NeoFag Made the News for Being Colossal Cucks
Well it's shit. Somehow even worse than the original. Should be a good dumpster fire
Tfw online cheevos become impastable because the game is dead
The age old question:
Requesting Help
This is literally artificial difficulty: The Game
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Ghosts to Glory Edition
Roguelite Thread
Holla Forums PLAYS WURM AGAIN - Welcome to Hohenbrohausen
Not even polygon is shill their game anymore
Fullderp: You die, they die, we all die for weedie edition
Has there ever been such a divide between the reception of the ((critics)) and gaymurs?
The sequel is going to be a disaster, isn't it?
What is the best mario game?
OK fags, I just need games where realistic damage is a thing...
Can we have a thread about crpgs? Which of the old ones still hold up by today's standards...
Why are Hack an slash JRPGs so scarce? Does Japan have a problem with it?
Fallout New Vegas thread
Playstation 3 Emulation is here
King Koopa is dead. Long live the new King
Comfy va-11 hall-a thread
Instead of throwing millions of dollars into graphics...
Nintendo Switch Being RESTOCKED + Upcoming Switch/3DS Games Lineup
Undertale coming out on PS4
Tokenism, I mean "diversity" matters in the video game industry, shitlords!
PC Preferences
What are some games with really interesting settings that aren't just fun to look at...
Was anyone surprised by this?
Warframe thread
So why do you use an LCD?
Fighting Game General: The Return of the Dark Ages Edition
Which is the best class, and why is it unarmed/fist weapon monk?
What games do you play when you're drunk?
Kingdom of Hearts 3 Trailer: TOY STORY
Mecha thread
Retired Half-Life lead writer has no interest in going back to conclude the story
Feminists and Social Justice Activists Call for Video Game Developer Censorship Blacklist
Canon stupid video game characters
Holla Forums Literature
Super Mario 64 Maker Release
4 AM
Last game you beat
The End is Nigh Thread
This is one of the last updates before we include the new Overgrowth campaign and leave Early Access
Tips on Video games. Are there any video games out that I can play that isn't super Anti-White...
Miiverse is ending
What are some point and click games or games in general that have an really different atmosphere like Beneath a Steel...
Some people call Sonic Mania the long lost Saturn Sonic game...
F.E.A.R. Expansions
Yesterday I bought this cute little controller on a flea market...
Looking for advice
I have the itch to play Resident Evil 4, and I don't want to drag the Gamecube out of the closet...
ITT characters who couldn't hide their power levels
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Suzuki-gun, ICHIBAN! Edition
This is a PSA: The Wii U has just updated
Liberal Agenda in Video Games
Fuck you I want a PS2 thread
Marvel vs capcom btfo
Steam library shame
ITT music that's better on the Genesis than the SNES
ITT: The games youngfags will be shocked to learn existed
Another skull on the Club Gout pile
Who do you main in Formicide Holla Forums?
Favorite CO?
Are there any good games about magical girls? I know of the Sailor Moon RPG on the SNES
Best Fightstick Choice?
Ataribox: Ouya 2 Electric Boogaloo
Windows 10 for gaming
Whatthefuckisthat Reveal Trailer
Having fun with video games
Just a reminder to all the lonely and depressed anons here...
ITT: well written video game characters
2 games specifically about mass murdering all orcs
Underrail Thread
A small group of autismos have been dedicated to crafting a private server for Warhammer: Age of Reckoning since it...
Team Fortress 2 Vintage: TF2V on Moddb and we'll be BRB to our regularly scheduled slaughter
ITT: none legendary weapons that you love seeing show up
Albion Online
Video Gaming is Dying
Ultimate General: Civil War
Splatoon (2) General: Chapter 3, Paragraph 5 Edition
Why are gamepads so much comfier than a keyboard and mouse? And why do gamepads have to be less accurate than a mouse...
4 AM
/agdg/ + /vm/ ~ Amateur Gamedev General
Felmyst (Gummy) Private TBC server
Which is the best girl of 2017 so far?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Kazuchika "Rainmaker" Okada Edition
We lost Project M for THIS
Why do video games have different voice actors repeat the same lines that multiple NPC's say instead of just having...
Rimworld Thread
Fullderp:Shadow Tag Edition
Party Van
Is vr the future?
Comfy FFXII thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Koiiro Energy Edition
Webm Thread: Fighting Edition
F4F Uses Random Spyro logo for product
What does Holla Forums think of Formicide?
American Mcgee
Can someone help me understand how to play this?
Mega Maker is here, and you thought it'd be C&D'd
Weekend Gamenight: Ace of Spades
Describe the video games industry in one sentence
Does Holla Forums like Kirby?
Let's have a World of Warships thread
Toontown Rewritten Species election final round announced
Sunset overdrive
*No Mark's Allowed!
What you Played, Expected, Got
Why does anyone like these hacks
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
4 AM
What the fuck happened to Valve?
Metroidvania games
6 years since reinstalled Steam
Amazing video game music
Frasier Online Thread
What time do you usually play vidya? Do you schedule time out or do you just play "whenever"?
Does anyone have saved a vid of a guy ranting about people spoiling Fallout 4? It was posted on Holla Forums ages ago...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Koi Kaze Edition
Is the Master Chief Collection for xbone still active? I'm looking at getting it and getting comfy
Tell me something fun I can do with skyrim
Mount & Blade: Warband
The Last Remnant
Favorite Sprites
ITT: Games Holla Forums never talks about
Which levels does Holla Forums want to be used in Sonic Mania?
Weekend Gamenight: Ace of Spades
Why is battlegrounds so overhyped by people again? Like it's fun I guess...
Today at D23 Disney will be having a video game showcase which will feature the world premiere of a new trailer for...
Hold Me Back
Did MGS 1 & 2 actually have good stories or do I just have rose tinted glasses...
Hi Holla Forums I have a slightly specific request to make...
Call of duty, Medal of Honor, Battlefield 1942
/dsg/ - Where all the lords ran off too Edition
Are you ready, Holla Forums?
Spin offs
AssCreed's $799 collectors edition
4 AM
Fighting Game General: Grappler's Holiday Edition
Why was it so short Holla Forums?
Fallout 2 overrated
Splatoon(2) General: It's Splatoon 2! Edition
Are you internet bullied while playing the video games? Do you stay silent, Holla Forums?
Team Fortress 2 Vintage: TF2C Ja nai edition
FFXIV: Stormblood Thread: Global Cooldown Shitpost edition
Hi Holla Forums I want to tell you about this awesome H-game I played recently called Demon World Cave Lulu Farea...
Original rap songs in games
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Hello World Edition
Holla Forums hunger games thread
Post games that you've played that no one has
New Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus trailer - German or Else
The Sims
Friday 13th: The Game
Explain the proper usage of <
What are video games or levels that tried to be spookie-babookie but weren't?
"All or Nothing" strats in games
Le right-wing are ebil christians
Final Fantasy is shit
Digimon vidya - Hyper-Spirited Edition
Secret World Legends thread
Whats wrong with FFVIII
Grand Strategy Games /gsg/
Welcome to Hohenbrohausen - Holla Forums is playing Wurm AGAIN
Idea Guy Thread
Why does this have the best car handling in the entire 3D series
Jotun Free To Own
Daily reminder that games by definition are not art
Evo 2017 Thread: Let The Games Begin
What a trash
Fullderp: It's Always Shitty in Chimp's Bed Edition
Exotic melee weapons
4 AM
What games make you feel?
Is he right, Holla Forums?
SimplePlanes: Back From the Dead Edition
Bethesda "to make necessary adjustement for user-created content in future installments"
Visit GameFAQs board from 10 years ago
I need a fucking explanation as to why the minimum breast size in character creators is so often a C Cup...
This game feels like a fucking fever dream
Why do a bunch of ntsc games for the ps2 support 480p but almost no pal ones do?
Action games with porn
GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: High Energy Edition
If Hitler was a gamer??
Weekend Gamenight: Ace of Spades Edition
Gamergate seriously scarred this guy
Emulation on PSP
Phone gaming
Fire emblem Fates "complete"
Cancelled Games
Metal Gear and Metal Gear Solid series
Any of you fuckers take advantage of that Amazon price glitch a few days ago? What did you get?
Got Deus Ex Mankind Divided dirt cheap a while back
Custom Robo
Webm thread: Simple Edition
Post your battlestations garbage dumps
Visit Los Vegas and Utah
Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Nintendo to cease production on the New 3DS
Grimoire about to Release
NIHON FALCOM THREAD, "A Summer of Tokyo Xanadu, Cold Steel and Zwei II" edition
SS13 new code edition
Doom 3 didn't look that good
How will it go wrong this time?
The Division lost 93% of its userbase in 3 months
Under rated games in popular series
Hi there anons!
Display/Sound Setup Thread
Will there ever be another good First Person Shooter?
Game is difficult = "[game] is [genre] Dark Souls?!"
Best Games for Vive-VR so far?
4 AM
Vidya burnout?
Girls luv Mileena
Sgdq had a lot of 'pretty girls'
Tfw the writing team for Beyond Skyrim is full of gay communists and literal trannies who write shit like pic related
Vidya Food
Cut content in video games
Video Game Conspiracies / Urban Legends
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Never Gave Up Edition
I love video games with cute girls in them...
No samurai left in games
Post media that you would like to see turned into games
Crafty Sources to Learn to play better?
Post games which you feel that everyone but you has played. I'll start
Holla Forums Doom game night
Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Age
Is this wrong?
What the fuck happened
Had no idea that Super Meat Boy 2 were in development and it just got released
DSP got dropped by his partners
Is Mario Kart VR the first good VR game?
Does anyone know what ever happened to Yooka Laylee?
Holla Forums jokes
Share Thread: My Summer Plane
Post a worse remake than this pile of shit
This translation patch
Hi Holla Forums I'd like to shill this Doom 2 mod called Total Chaos...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Burned bread edition
New Arcana Heart Fighting Game Kickstarter Camapaign
Your favourite mini skirt-wearing characters? You can also post Scottish men
Net Neutrality thread
Can the FPS genre still surprise/wow gamers?
Virtual Battle Space
Net neutrality?
4 AM
Splatoon 2 thread
Gay Games/Mods Thread: I Was Told To Make My Own Thread Edition
Kingdom battle
Tranny games?
Extra lives
Why does Holla Forums not like DCS, Falcon BMS or IL2?
Who is the pretty lady who was wrangling her service dog in sgdq?
Fighting Game General: Summer Fun Edition
Whats the first game you'd play if smellovision was invented?
Team Fortress 2 Vintage: MS paint logo edition
Emotionless Girl Trope
These Days Young Men In America Are Working A Lot Less And Playing Video Games A Lot More
Got pic related in the mail today. What should I expect
Space Thread: Unsiegable Fortress Edition
Kenichiro Taka succumbs to constant lambasting of feminists about Senran Kagura, will is "tone" down
Whatever happened to this?
Fallout Playthrough Ideas
GMOD animations thread
Useless Vidya Factoids
Post comfy villages in video games
Singleplayer &/or Co-op FPSes
I played BOTW again to refresh my memory and make a better review
Felmyst (Gummy) Private TBC server
Umbrella Corps is only a dollar on the humble bundle at the moment. I thought this game looked like ass...
Just got one of these about a week ago...
New Nioh chapter coming soon
Steam Key thread
Marks a dirty crab hating kike
Really, a woman hacker? and shes suppose to be the "best" choice between a white guy? That's so lame
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Ninja Gaiden Black Edition
Can you recommend any online games where i can meet people and make friends...
Is Skyrim an enjoyable TES game with heavy modding?
Calling all weebanons
Wallpaper thread
Fullderp: Yamete Kudasai edition
Video Game Adaptations
Has there ever been a game where you used both the m/k and a gamepad?
Am I the only one sick of the fact that the only prehistoric animals shown in vidya are Dinos or Mammoths?
Who is your waifu who you can have for companionship only
Did you ever dismissed a game because it looks like shit...
ITT Western games that were censored/altered in Japan
Far Cry
Games with great battle music
4 AM
A question
Wild Guns Reloaded
Dragon Ball Z Fighter
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Todd cut all this content from Skyrim
Webm Thread: Rain Edition
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread
Rave.dj thread
Good Flash games
FFXIV: Stormblood Thread: Fantasy Pimps edition
Friday the 13th Devs claim they've been doxed and received death threats after fucking up their game
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Malebolge, the Eight Circle Edition
What is the worst world in SMB3 and why is it Pipe Land?
Xonotic Thread: Net Radiant Edition
Last threads
According to aithis is what the ideal woman looks like
Video Games
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11122
We're better than this
Video Games
AI DEGENerated Art and Porn
Video Games
This is a seven eleven in poland
Why did she do it?
/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #9445
Social sluts
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11121
Good night sweet prince
Television and Film
>American: Japan deserved the nu-ACK
Hey user you're under arrest for posting hateful material online, posting harmful material online...
Kinda seems like the Nazis did it. Anyone got the original German?
Is it true?Is this the peak of storytelling?
Video Games
/nzg/ New Zealand General
Twitch/Youtube/streamer thread
Why do Japanese love iPhones so much, and why don't more Europeans have iPhones? Are they too poor to afford them?
Why is every zoomer obsessed with being a "content creator"...