Racism against al bhed is portrayed as bad


Who cares I wanna fuck Rikku and don't wanna fuck any uggo Guados

It's social commentary to show you how ridiculous the concept of (((racism))) is. Hating a group doesn't make you racist, it makes you prejudiced, and most prejudice is justified.
Racism is a word designed solely to discredit and defame people with legitimate concerns about out-group individuals. The world needs to embrace prejudice again, if we're ever going to get along on this ball of dirt.

You legitimately didn't even read the thread.

Also better dead than Al Bhed.

Racism only exists between members of the same species. thats why racism against dinuds doesnt exist, dindus arent humans, their behavior should make that quite clear.

The Jap fears the Guado.


Al Bhed actually experience discrimination, probably at the behest of the church who hate their machines and sciencey stuff. Guado, or at least half-Guado, hold high rankings in the church which is highly influential in the game world. Basically, Guado are Jews and Al Bhed are normal people with funny eyes and language that dimwits hate because "muh yevon."

Because they're (((Guado)))

Because the Guado are assholes who try to kill you

smh fam, you're overthinking this

Racism against Guado is rarely touched upon outside of Seymour's story, Al Bhed are more in-your-face about it due to their importance. Also the Al Bhed just being humans with funky eyes has to do with it, that's the only thing actually separating a normal Yevonite from an Al Bhed, whereas Guado are tree-elves and I'm pretty sure there was a mention Guado can't tell human faces apart (but understand because humans can't pick apart Guado faces either).

I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post?

Aren't almost all Guado really evil and their religion revolves around doing evil stuff?

Al Bhed thought Yevon was full of shit (which is is) and just tried to do what they could to stay alive while pretty much keeping to themselves and ended up getting their only Home getting burned to the ground because of it. Guado couldn't even merchant right, they just have their hole in the ground mold infested shit hole that only thrives due to the Far Plane while the while the Al Bhed had tourism shops all over the world.

Post Sin the Al Bhed reintegrate into Spira while the Guado go die in the woods.

Proving that Holla Forums still doesn't care about video games.

but why they have funky eyes

Ya fucked up mate. If you expected a game where you being a pop idol is a major plotpoint to have a coherent story, you should move to shitnip land with all the other mentally retarded slants who eat that dumbass shit up.

The Guado are neutral but are haughty due to their connection to the Farplane and their status as spiritual leaders of their own (completely independent of Yevon) as a result. One outs Auron as an unsent saying they could "smell the Farplane" on him. Seymour's probably who you're thinking of, who grew up badly and later became genocidally nihilistic because reasons and had the power to do it because his ma thought the Final Summoning (and Seymour becoming a summoner in general) was a good idea.

X makes sense entirely on its own, X-2 is where shit gets needlessly complicated and retarded, least of all trying to incorporate idols into a roughly medieval society where the only exceptions are Yevon-sanctioned blitzball stages and the Al Bhed.

Take your garbage tastes elsewhere.

Probably for identification purposes, Al Bhed aren't a "natural" race, they were created by some mechanic as humans who couldn't use magic but excelled in machina. Retarded? A bit

Its in the novel.

FFXI and XIV have the best job systems, those "opinions" are fact. Stay mad weeblord. :^)

X-2 is far better then it has any right to be, plot serves its purpose well and doesn't overstep its bounds for what it is. I didn't finish it until the remaster and its one of the better games in the franchise.

Supplementary material also killed Tidus after he was brought back by having him kick a fucking blitzball that turned out to be a bomb after they washed up on an island or something so take that with a grain of salt.

Yeah its trash and non canon but its all we got.

Genetic quirk is probably the best guess at this point.

This board has gone to pure shit and I am convinced summer will never end.

Combat system is absolute dynamite, plot is pants-on-head retarded.

How's that 4.0 class adjustments going? I'm sure they added tons of depth to classes like war and mch. :^)

I will concede that much.

x-2 def the best modern ff

Just because it was edgy doesn't mean it was wrong.

Ingroup/outgroup designation is survival 101.

Fuck you Wakka.

Are the happas shit, though? Japanese fantasy tends to give halfbreeds the strengths of both, as opposed to reality, wherein they get the strengths of neither.

Wakka chose correctly.

Its a post-savedtheworld JRPG with a strong job system, good character development, fun outfits and a nice final conclusion to the original game along with actual replay value. Its everything it needed to be and more. Their really aren't that many negatives against the game unless you're against girl power like a faggot. I'll admit I'm biased but I've heard people shit on the game for years with nothing to actually say about it.

Almost like its a fantasy

That's what I said. I'm asking if we're playing by real rules or fantasy rules. Because if it's fantasy, there's no reason to not crossbreed everything under the sun.

Holla Forums, quit trying to derail the discussion.

You got me backwards, mate. Holla Forums would deny the inherent benefits or drawbacks of being any race.

Hojo was right.

X-2 is fun as fuck but the cringe is at maximum.

This is X-2's biggest problem. They could have stripped the entire story away and made the entire game monster raising, that one math mini game, and the 100 floor dungeon and it would be leaps and bounds better.

The worst part is skipping cutscenes locks you out of the 100% ending.

You're now imagining X-2 but the characters and setting are scrubbed to be replaced with Monster Rancher or something.

Unless I get a new dress sphere or garment grid who cares.

I wish I still had my screenshot collection from the PC release, for every random girl power moment you had a cactuar
getting caught alone in a hot spring or Hypello being carpet bombed over Spira to promote a pop concert. Shit balances itself out.

Almost like you can skip cut scenes.

yup this thread will go well

Tbh I played the game on mute and blasted eurobeat the whole way through. Was p spicy.



X-2 Rikku is garbage

It had so much potential, the fun factor of the combat, especially towards the end game made the fact that the overall writing and characterization being shit worse. What a disappointment.

But why?

What about FF13 and FF15

They don't have the excuse of being cheap fanservice.

Al Bhed are a different race.
Guado are a different species.
I always hate when fantasy writers try to make different species into an allegory of different races.

Guados are elves. Fuck elves.

Same reason why everyone was pissed at Germany and Japan for a while after WW2.

Guaco don't make nice affordable cars so tough luck.

FF has always being very anti abrahamic, the bad guy is often "the one true god" or some form of chrsitcuk like church while the politeistic dities (the summons) are the good guys
FF has never been good with subtletly, if they wanted to give a message in any game, they beat you over the head with it and FF's mesage has always been "monotheistic theocracies are bad, 'm kay?"

Just because horses and donkeys can mate doesn't make them the same species.

everything you say is true however there are some point against the game
the Alchemist job is brocken as fuck, you can just keep spàmming megaelixirs every turn with out consumming your stash, combine it whit the Dark Knight Drakness skill wich does unblocable damage to everythin at expence of HP, you keep spamming thes e2 move every turn for the rest of the game and nothing will ever beat you
i didn't even need a 3rd character as the Dar Knight Alchemist combo could kill everything in the gam
And it's not like it took me to long to get those jobs and their brocken skills
Add to that the fact that there is still pretty much no world explotration in this game and the massive cringe factor you'll get if your not into allñ that "idol" crap and you got a perfect recipy for a game that will be shat on by anons for generations to come regardless of all the things it did right

Fucking Seymour, that's why. The Al Bhed were scapegoats for what Yevon was doing behind the scenes. Now, the Guado weren't responsible for that directly, but Seymour was a maester of Yevon and was hellbent on killing everyone in Spira.

do you think payne ever pulped her and yuna's insides with her immense mutant futa cock?

There have been some fan theories that Final Fantasy X-3 is in the works. If this happens, what should it be like, and what would it be like given how SE currently is?