What comfy shit do you throw on when playing vidya for background noise?
Ever since an user linked these wierd military ration reviews i can't help but put them on when replaying a military or stealth game.
What comfy shit do you throw on when playing vidya for background noise?
Ever since an user linked these wierd military ration reviews i can't help but put them on when replaying a military or stealth game.
The most interesting thing about MREs is that they're designed to constipate you like crazy, so you'll only be able to shit about twice a week.
Can't have soldiers on duty needing to take a shit, after all.
This made me laugh more than it should have
MREs are also over priced and don't have a long shelf life as compared to other preserved foods like flash frozen stuff but don't quote me on the latter as I am not sure about that.
I think its half interesting over what he finds like when he ate civil war hardtack and half the process
He is a magical retard who would definitely join militares san frontiers
I used to listen to the giantbomb podcast before they went to shit. Now I just listen to audio books while I play
I generally swap between a couple 24/7 streams when I want something entertaining but not distracting. King of the Hill and Adult Swim cartoons are my general go-to.
Dive into his channel, user, it's quality entertainment. The history aspect is great on its own, but he's got an honest charm about him that you can't help but smile at.
Plus the various gagging noises he makes at anything old and spoiled are comedy gold. This is a favorite.
I use the game. If I can't hear it then what's the point?
Its more of a replay thing. Take something like MGSV. To a point you know where things are going to be and replays are largely for experimentation, using things like the PTSD engine to fuck up soldiers for later and so on by doing wierd shit.
So i throw on a wierd dude going "nice" as he eats 70 year old soldier food and somehow survives as background noise.
Fuckin' Steve
They call biscuits keks in Croatia?
Steve and Reviewbrah and maybe ashens are the only youtubers who do food stuff that I can actually fucking stand
In Germany as well. The word's descended from the english word cakes.
Its pronounced "Lol" user, try and keep up.
I listen to the game music and sounds i dont have adhd
Is the reviewbrah lore still deepening? is the mattress still in his van?
Are the nightbreed still haunting him?
Loll as in ball or lole as in hole?
No, in reviewbrah's "day in the life 2017" video its confirmed he's now living with friends and does a house tour
Only half true. MREs contain both constipation and relaxation inducing food. The first would be the "Panzerkekse", which are just dry biscuits, the latter would be the dark chocolate.
The first will clog up your intestines and allow you to not shit for a day or two if you eat the whole package with some water. The latter will allow you to shit within the next three hours, and it will be a good, solid shit. Can't have soldiers suddenly needing to shit while on post because they couldn't shit wile in the time they had to rest.
Got a good source for free Audiobooks? I have been running out.
Youtube has a surprisingly large selection of audio books, a lot without ads.
I'm currently going through the gulag archipelago which is around 70+ hours.
inb4 the house is haunted or built over a hellmouth.
the one where he had to put on the mask was easily the best episode. All the ones where he almost throws up is amazing.
I enjoy the ones where he reviews recent MREs, because it is pretty neat to see what each different nationality puts in their cuisine. Like poutine in canadian MREs, cordial in Italian MREs, and 8 cans of tuna in Israeli MREs.
A variety of things:
Just to name a few.
Sometimes gundog is okay but hes murrcan as fuck.
Fantastic channel. Super comfy and informative, especially their series on chemical leavening.
The videos where he goes full retard are best
eating 50 year old hotdogs from a compromised packet and going "i didnt die last time" was fucking hilarious.
Any decent shooter has footstep sound etc so I dont really see the point of distracting yourself, isnt focusing on the game part of the fun?
Oh, and sometime Primitive Technology, Beyond2000bc, TarraDarraBros, and some of Survival Lilly. I need to get a list of stone age/primitive survival channels together (I guess TarraDarraBros aren't either of those but they're still fun as).
Also youtube is recommending me a Welsh Stone Carver ASMR which sounds interesting. I might throw it own while I'm playing vidya tomorrow, see how it goes. I've avoided ASMR so far like it's some sort of weird fetish but I've decided that I should give it a go.
Yeah Gundog seems okay but I haven't watched too much of him.
Agreed, now they're getting translations of German recipes in which is awesome. I'm making their one of their old recipes in a couple days. White Pot Pudding. Hopefully it'll turn out good.
He's like the alex jones of mre guys with his "OOOOUUHHHHH, THATS NNNNOOOO BUUUEEENOOOOO" when hes ralphing
Channel is dropping quality but it's still pretty good.
If you read the thread or even did a ctrl+f search you'd know it has been mentioned.
I prefer sushi making and brutally killing fish.
It is surprisingly comfy.
But people only mentioned townsends.
Because that's the name of the channel. Don't try to wriggle your way out of being stupid and not bothering to check the thread.
I only have stuff on in the background if I'm playing a grinding game like Grim Dawn or Digimon World. But I move from one thing to the next.
I actually watched almost all of the 80's run of Fist of the North Star. No bullshit, if you have a passing interest in watching people explode, marathon this shit right now. Nothing does the original series justice except itself.
The dude in this video does solid reviews and analyses of Naughty Dog games (and the first 2 R&C games) and that's what I've been doing more recently.
But would you steal 40 keks?
I like music, but it depends on the game.
I listen to the laundromat one in any autism game or game with a lot of grinding to get into a comfy trance like state.
Bad fanfiction being read is pretty comfy to put in the background of a puzzle game or what not.
Are there any decent vidya-related podcasts or videos of sizeable length?
It's kind of hard to simply listen to the same few ross/fitz playlist when I'm playing something not reflex heavy.
Try ebook777
I like this sort of music, got more like it?
Mind.in.a.box, check out 64 as well
Fun fact: that is a dude singing iirc
Inb4 this becomes an eceleb thread but Joseph anderson puts out some nice content every so often.
Liar. I'll check it out anyways, thanks.
I'll check him out too I guess, thanks.
Try out Penny Arcade's Downloadable Content, first season aka the old shit before things like the rapewolf debacle turned them into complete pansies. You can hear a lot of conversations about shit like the horse armor debacle as well as eerily prophetic statements about industry corruption and such.
Thanks OP. This video made me hungry…
I like mynoise.net
Well now I can't watch Steve anymore because you filthy demonic nazis watch it.
As if it wasn't enough that you ruined anime and Japan for me…
Is man not entitled to the keks of his bro?
Stay mad leftyfag.
yeah pre cuckoning was good when jerry holkins would not give a fuck.
Then came the medications, having a daughter and 'becoming a gatekeeper'
Fucking palicucks even IRL
Never expected a Steve thread on Holla Forums
Maybe you should consider the fact that we might not be such bad people after all.
"Nice" should be the free space.
*nice free space.
i listen to kitchen nightmares usa, all the shitty sound effects and acting are strangely alluring
I mostly listen to white noise shit like rainymood.com or just search for "white noise" on youtube. But I actually prefer silence. I would play vidya just listening to the OST if it wasn't for the fucking BRs that moved next door that love yelling like fucking retards and I can never get the landlord to shut them the fuck up
Fuck Brazil and ever single nigger and non-nigger that lives there
i actually put it in the free space, but the program decided that the last spot was better and made it like that.
Someday i will make a new one.
That silly immersion
Is on 8ch.net
and Holla Forums is right. Things have gotten so bad that being a healthy, well adjusted person that has their life sorted is now the only way to rebel against society.
You're a funny guy.
depends on the game and what you are doing with it.
Background noise certainly helped me get through my backlog.
We get it. You're projecting your own insecurities on an entire imageboard.
Is that what you tell yourself?
I can understand why leftists would think Holla Forums are bad people but why christian?
Stop being so edgy, good people exist, to say other wise is to be ignorant or petty.
Apply yourself
The only good Holla Forumsaks are the banned ones, and the ones that post on Holla Forums.
gud bideo gaem disgussions :ddd
Nice to know there are true patricians amongst me.
Nobody can know true euphoria until you've watched SteveMRE while high
Yeah they can be a bit edgy with the shitposting sometimes but their actions do not line up with their speech, and shitposting has been a time honored tradition since the Roman empire.
For example when Christ centered gaming and TenNapel visited they both had very pleasant experiences, one of the most popular games on /hgg/ is about compassion, headpats, and pancakes, and we are sitting in a thread discussing nice comfy topics.
2nd picture is cuckchan.
but is it
Regardless, 8 Holla Forums was able to have a pleasant thread with "Zyklon" Ben Garrison, and Holla Forums has (((Mark))) as it's BO so that should at least show some of the character of the posters.
Now you do, Mr. Dubsman.
What's the correct pronounciation of kek?
Here's what i think it is.
All because I made a thread about the wailing wall when it happened. I voted for Trump, but getting banned for criticizing him was unforgivable.
No one has ever come clean on why they were banned. This is fact.
He said why dumbass, he criticized trump.
Go be pro-Israel on Holla Forums for five minutes. Guaranteed ban. Of course, being pro-Israel is stupid, but the point is that you are not entitled to certain opinions on that board.
I posted the video about the wailing wall right when it happened, and said that we can't expect the political system that is trying to destroy us to be used to save us.
Then got banned along with tons of other people with a generic ban message insinuating all the people they were banning were one person.
I don't have a problem with the users but the moderation over there is /r/the_donald tier.
>tfw you will never be a soldier of the Diamond Dogs and eat MREs everyday
Japanesestuffchannel is pretty relaxing
This shit pisses me off to no end. Holla Forums's userbase is generally a force of good, but its moderation is kiked beyond belief. Stopping shills is not the same as stopping wrongthink.
Holla Forums happened to come up in conversation with an associate of mine recently. He'd heard about them second-hand through YouTube videos and decided to visit, and immediately got banned for asking a question about the existence of black Nazis. Even if his question was super fucking dumb, (I don't know, I didn't read it,) imageboards work partially because we shitpost stupid/uninformed users into lurking moar, which forces them to stay and pay attention if they want to learn. Just permabanning anyone who touches topics you don't like only drives people away and will eventually lead to an insular circlejerk. I suspect the moderation knows this and is doing it deliberately.
I guess my counter to that is why would you need to be?
I kind of doubt that as much as I'd attribute it to the usual powertripping shit and getting sucked off by vocal autists crying for more rules, same across any internet community.
Because of that, when you get down to it, any expansion of moderation beyond just dealing with spam and the occasional retard on an individual basis is an inevitable downward spiral, regardless how good the intentions behind it were.
This is true, like just the other day I got banned for suggesting that maybe the Jews aren't as bad as people make them out to be and that certain Jews are alright while the chinese are fucking savages.
Holla Forums and /a/ are the worst hiveminds on Holla Forums, even the posters who are regulars on them admit it if they arent too far gone.
I find /a/ to be the worse of the two, if only because they'll shit on you just if they think your grammar is off.
Jesus, somebody ban this guy already.
nice loop
Sleepycast for me. Their discussions never get old and there's enough content to re-listen to all of them more than a few times.
Holla Forums bans people who they disagree with instead of actually debating. No big surprise. Same as Holla Forums as well before somebody makes the inevitable accusation.
Reminder that a good sum of /a/ will shit on you for liking Redline. Unless things have changed that is.
I should probably delete the off topic stuff soon, but I wanted to comment on that one bit.
delete yourself faggot
The fuck happened to the "which is the best Mario game" thread faggot? That's vidya.
How could someone dislike Redline, granted it's not the Evangelion of anime. but it's a bloody good time.
I could go on a long rant about why /a/ is shit, but banning for grammar isn't one of them.
I am actually glad to see you for once, nice job on pruning all those shit threads today, but why delete the law breakers thread?
Oh yeah no /a/ is the worst. A bunch of us that used to storytime series gave up when the infamous 'nazi mod' showed up that would ban you for things like saying negative things about Tokyo Ghoul and we fucked off to /tg/ instead. /a/ is just the same post 2008 4chan /a/ and the same people moved over and took over with their hivemind board culture. Its not anime and manga its 'flavour of the month and hivemind consensus and fuck all else' the place is a hole.
OP was spamming template thread after template thread, and I accidentally hit D+ instead of D.
Don't think you're moderating this board better than they are moderating theirs.
Mark have you heard the good word about Steve?
Are you ready to welcome comfy feelings and setting things up on the tray all nice into your heart?
same guy that made the lawbreaker threads also made a fuckton of template threads, I have some of his post history. but I'd prefer not to post it for the sake of his privacy
So that you can have proper public discourse and have the chance to persuade each other or reshape your viewpoints. In the past, this ability to argue from opposing ideologies was the driving force behind Holla Forums's identity.
Their beliefs were forged in the fires of debate and rationality and as such were very well thought out and persuasive. Nowadays you'll be lucky to get any discussion going that isn't just calling each other kikes and posting unsourced information dumps.
I don't know about you guys, but I am far less likely to side with a group who censor their opposition without providing evidence against them. Sure, the "lurk more" mentality may apply, but no amount of lurking more will make someone informed when no one has to explain themselves.
To be quite honest with my familiars, you are the only jew I like.
They probably thought that a simple plot meant a bad plot. That's the most I can assume. I don't go there enough to know the specifics.
Shame since the discussion was pretty good it in. I'm more pissed because I spent 10 minutes typing out why World was better than 3.
Alright fine I listen to broadway musicals when playing video games
Not banning, but editing your post with a condescending comment from a volunteer.
Sometimes music, other times JASMR.
Yeah, most Jews are either fishing for victim status, rich smug cunts or religious cultists, there are a few good ones though.
Yeah he made a good few threads, however most of it was threads like
and he was making threads like these every hour, it's why we lost a whole page to this idiot.
I throw on random documentaries
Mark, do you got that photo of you and the twin towers? I need it for purposes.
this one?
Aw yeah nigga. That is going on my fridge and potentially my office door.
I will never ever understand broadway
I wouldn't recommend the office door since normalfags get triggered by 9/11 like my ex-step sister who snitched on me.
I'm the boss and besides that I know for a fact everyone is fairly politically incorrect. The corkboard in the lunchroom has a happy merchant on it and that has been there before I became the boss.
Mark, I made this OC a while ago, I hope you rike it.
This basically sums up my issue with Holla Forums and most other boards. Well put user.
I liked it very much, thank you user.
Oh, well either way I'm honored
check out "missing 411" when playing any game set INNAWOODS for a spooky old time.
Man, I don't need to be more spooped about the woods I live in. There is approximately four people who live within a hundred miles of me, one of which is me, two of which live with me and the other is someone who is way down the road from me. I've got a few of that guys books
You haven't seen any stairs have you user?
KOTH episodes
You got a hash?
For anons that dont know about Stairs in the woods.
I find out of place stuff kinda like that, like a tower of corrigated sheetmetal built up around a tree but there isn't a way to get up nor can I figure out why or how they built this thing.
Are you stupid?
Just remember: Do not touch the stairs, do not throw things at them and never. ever. try and climb the stairs to the top.
Any chance you want to qualify that?
So what's the story behind this. I never bothered to read any of the replies this pic got. It sounds like an SCP thing.
I'll take my chances like I have going in spooky holes in the mountains where the indians even avoid.
He said Holla Forums is a force of good…That's the same as saying SJWs are a force of good. They're fuckheads who ruin every board and fill everything with their facist agenda. They've ruined anime, vaporwave, now Steve, and god knows what else.
listen to the stories in national parks in the us are bigger than some countries and thats a lot of land with no surveillance, police or protection of any kind. The largest places west of siberia where its as wild as it was before man came to its lands.
This'll make good listening while I vidya. What's the timecode for the missing Stairs story?
Try mentioning this guy to them
It triggers them to no end
honestly its all gold, let it creep up on you, i forget either way. But park ranger stories are the best.
Reported. You were proven wrong decades ago.
I thought that Mark was going to deleted all the offtopic post
It's a tragedy.
Extremes are always bad and centrism without direction isn't productive. Slit your fucking throat you demon.
Jesus christ..
Apparently he doesn't like on-topic discussion.
You're no better than the niggers you denigrate.
Holy fucking shit, reported.
By whom was it proven incorrect?
Grats on proving his point.
Try harder.
communism call for the death of western values, as it is completely incompatible with the ideology
Thank you so much for keeping that image on your hard drive. I though I would never see it again.
Don't take the bait.
You forgot the fact that all of this started because you started crying about how the ebul nazis ruined your precious steve
Board's owned by a literal kike; it's not like he's going to be stopped by anything other than disproof.
Well seeing how you guys act it isn't surprising that I would? Now if I mention Steve to people some will think I'm an edgy nazi, when all I wanted to do was find out about how soldiers eat from a guy with a passion. How does it feel to know he's not a stormfag like you?
Disappointing. Still you can talk with him while the oven heats up.
No problem user, it was one of the best threads I've ever seen on 8ch.
steban bolyneux :DDD
most of the time I focus on 1 thing at a time.
I would love to see a movie about reviewbrah fighting back against the demons while critiquing them harshly and making handsome, wry grins at the camera.
It's very easy to get banned from Holla Forums even if you're a fuckin Nazi. The mods there are faggots and I'm convinced they are honestly trying to ruin quality of discussion on the board, especially since they're all shitskins.
sage for offtopic
The video really loses a lot of its spook factor when you recognize the source to the images. The Xtro one in particular pretty much threw me off completely.
What the hell is up with storytellers on youtube having zero fucking emotion? It's annoying to just hear someone speak in monotone for longer than five minutes.
Rhetoric is a lost art.
It's better that he doesn't tbh. He's not a great actor and his voice isn't really good for it. When he acts apprehensive or distraught and shit it sounds forced. Better it's delivered monotone than badly I guess. You ever listen to your own voice in a recording? It's the cringiest shit
Oh also the channel is low effort. The images are easy to find the references to and there's maybe 14 hours tops of work put into that one alone. He probably kept it monotone so it would be easier to edit.
don't have a long shelf life? that's practically the one thing they're designed for my dude, i've eaten 7 year old MRE chocolate and it was fine, i know of coutless examples of MRE food being decades old and still edible
Alright we'll let those guys do their thing. Now let's dig into this granola bar!
Lurker thanking you generously for turning me on to m.i.a.b.
I listen to this
That's because only Europe has the infrastructure and humanitarianism to produce them, it's honestly white mans burden we bother to produce them. I imagine China might produce them but I'd laugh if they gave them out to non-military chinamen. Seriously, you know what's in an African MRE? It's three hearty portions of malaria and starvation.
Europe has always relied on mudslimes and streetshitters to fight their wars.
Why else do you think Germany is allowing all those goatfuckers in?
Those rations look way better than the ones my country gave me, apparently my countries ration packs cost $40 US, they never tasted like a $40 US meal, I think someone was skimming off the top, although more top was taken than bottom.
I recommend you try listening to e-books or Stem lectures and enrich yourself instead of listening to yummy drivels.
This is pretty good.
Kosher food is expensive to make, goy
No they don't. Maybe you should put effort into your posts so they're not mistaken as spam.
Literally read the thread. People get banned for wrongthink all the time. Fuck off.
What must it be like in your head, user?
would someone really do that?
The posts with bans for retarded reasons dictate otherwise. Go ahead and try and make a thread saying not 100% of jews/gays/leftists are trying to ruin the world though.
So… anyone else got any comfy shit to throw on as background noise?
I usually listen to Françoise Hardy while I'm playing Doom
A documentary on the holocaust
Coffee Instant Type 1, MRE crackers pre 1980 with apple jam, Charms candy dating 1950s, WWII schokakola. Steve also really likes the cigs that came in the vintage MREs. That one vid where he did ranger pudding by combining chocolate mix with instant coffee and peanut butter with some hot water looks like it might be tasty.
Good channel. I sometimes listen to Previously Recorded live streams because it's the closest thing to an RLM podcast you can get but Jack is still a faggot. I'll listen to Best of the Worst or Half in the Bag episodes on repeat as well.
Older sitcoms are great background noise. Cheers, Wings, Sanford and Son, All in the Family, ALF, etc. COPS and other real crime shows are good. Long-running animes like DBZ that have a lot of filler work pretty well. Hoarders, Intervention, shit like that are all guilty pleasures.
I've also seen Trailer Park Boys so many times that I like to throw a huge Media Player playlist up and marathon it while I play mindless 4X games like Civilization. I'll do the same with Whose Line.
There's a bunch of other shit I watch as well. My second monitor basically serves as a TV for background noise while I'm playing games.
One of my IRC buddies showed this to me, I've been loving it ever since. Especially great when playing The Forest.
Imkikey bans anyone who doesn't suck trumps dick. Holla Forums is just reddit faggots now. All the good posters left
These are fake tho
There's pretty much 0 reason to touch Pre-Rectum. If you need anything to convince you of that fact watch their Bayonetta review. It's so fucking trash it made me hate Rich and further hate Jack.
I don't watch their reviews. Like I said, I watch their live streams. They don't really talk about games much in the live streams, they just banter and chat.
why would I watch it if it makes me hate the golden baby man Rich?
Rich has an ego the size of the sun. It doesn't help that he's often right about things either. But occasionally when he's wrong he refuses to admit it. Case in point to Bayonetta where the comments immediately pointed out why he was wrong and he didn't say a word about it. Jack did though about the load time issue and instead of owning up to it he just got defensive and pussied out. If they made a follow up episode or put annotations or something in the video correcting this I wouldn't mind, but they basically critiqued a game wrong and did nothing to fix their mistakes. And that's just 1 of the videos. There's plenty where their retarded opinions and lack of knowledge about the games they review come to light.
if he did, he would've left RLM years ago
Being a faggot isn't videogames either, user.
So stop being one
I read that as Keks neato
It's not OPs fault if it gets derailed to hell, he's still a faggot.
Didn't they criticize Nioh about something and it turned out they somehow completely missed some critical aspect of the game?
Been waching this guy, he's pretty amusing. He does have a genuine charm like one user said, I like how excited he gets whenever he finds old smokes in a ration.
Are there any channels like this about wild west/civil war era stuff? I already follow Hickok45 and Forgotten Weapons, so I'm relatively well informed about firearms from the time, but I'm interested in how they used to live back then.
He gets blasted hard for being wrong of where ==EVERY DAY IS A TUMS FESTIVAL== came from in the Hollywood Cop episode of Best of the Worst.
Relaxing instrumental guitar.
It's not about grammar. They literally scour your posts for lingo or memes that didn't originate in /a/, and if they find any, you're banned, as they hate crossposters. That's right – if /a/ finds you browse any board other than /a/, you're banned. The BO even admitted that the only reason for the grammar rule is that other boards don't have such a rule. A crossposter won't know that he has to proofread this post thrice before posting and will eventually make a typo, after which he gets banned.
That's not even delving into the forced cheery positivity they try to enforce. It's literally normalfag territory.
That's even more pathetic than /leftardpol/
That's pretty much the only reason I put up with him. That and I can't imagine an episode of BotW without his laugh in it. He makes for a good punching bag as well. Don't think for a second he doesn't act omnipotent about shit he's clearly wrong on though. Rich without Mike to take him down a notch is fucking unbearable to watch.
I want to bring up Loids are not Christmas and maybe Fobbies are Borange, an improv Mother 1 radio play thing is pretty good background fuel.
At least two of the creators are now (((non binary))), but I'm treating them like the creator of LISA before his father died, and assuming they made it before they went hoo doo up in the voo doo. Either way it's a good allegory for Starmen.net, mostly terrible but there was also genuinely good shit on there at some point. They're doing a Mother 3 one as well and I'm almost certain they're going to turn the mole cricket caves into a memegame reference.
Also in not controversial material supergreatfriend's playthroughs of DP, Illbleed and Killer 7 along with his streams of the zero escape games are good, he has a charitable voice and doesn't yell ever.