Losing control?
Whats your favorite secondary weapon in a game?
Losing control?
Whats your favorite secondary weapon in a game?
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The deagle in CSS is amazing. Though im torn between liking revolvers or the deagle in general.
Secondarys are for fags.
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
Tired as hell and have work today so I'm going straight back to bed. Have fun today. See you guys tomorrow night
Starting School tomorrow
I thought you quit
TF2, Detonator for pyro,
How do you make friends? Been trying since I was 6 and I still haven't gotten the hang of it.
Act alpha and pray
i make mah secondaries primaries monica
not yet monica he put his 2 weeks in tho fr fr pay attention
Go outside and talk to people.
The Pray Community told me you guys need to go to church so
sleep snug, smug
I was playing Clymenia Salvation all night. Blimey, that's a good fucking game.
I am losing control a little bit though. I've been drawing a lot recently, but today when I was about to draw something I got this horrible, strong feeling of 'what's the actual point, it's just going to be shit anyway' so I didn't bother.
Brits still say that?
bee yo self monica
Morning Ritsu here
sucking dick as usual and getting aids
still haven't made progress on my shitty gamu
and I still think that genesis sucks
i also ledditspeak spacing all the time bro
That's really funny, but i'm looking for actual advice
hey tony-kun
Dude, that is the most legit advice for making friends.
Go outside and do what, talk to people?
Yes, if you have a job or go to college make some acquaintances and work from there.
NEET living on autismobucks and have 0 friends
Get a job.
Are you taking the piss?
i thot u went 2 bed
pissed away my friday hearing my roommates drama, dunno if they'll make it for another years lease i don't want to lose this place though so i hope they sort it the fuck out
You know how I can tell you're not Ristu
He doesn't care about Video games and by default doesn't make them
Former is false. He just has a shitty taste.
What are some of those games that everyone talks about and that everyone needs to play at least once?
Not games that are necessarily good, just games that have left a large footprint and that people frequently talk about.
Mate I was making a joke
Donald Trump Real Estate Simulator
What's it like living with roomates? Must be annoying as fuck. Why didn't you go and be like 'hey listen friends, we should not argue!'
Well, it's kinda hard when people legit come in here thinking that.
Why do Roomate issues always happen
it was fine for awhile and is still relatively fine for me because i keep to myself, but despite going into this as friends none of them trust each other now because roommate 1s girlfriend hangsout with roommate 2 way too often for roommate 1s taste
also roommates 1s girlfriend is a bitch who treats him like shit and doesn't do chores ever, i used to think she was alright but now i strongly dislike her but roommie one has been dating her for fucking ages so he's not going to break it up, and she won't break up with him because it would be social suicide for her
collective action problems
That shit didn't stop 1930s Germany
in my case its because these guys and girl are all too childish to act remotely independent of one another
u ain't no 1930s germany monica
Six shooter. Even if it's shit and I suck at using it. Every man needs a hand loaded six shooter.
Start saving up a nest egg so you got money to burn on rent until you can replace them when they leave.
tribalism and lack of a core alpha. And interpolitics in tribes always occurs. Some get along better than others though.
Don't tell him what he can and can't be. He needs to believe in himself. Shame on you.
i ain't stoppin him from bein 1930s germany i jus tellin a nycka he ain't thooooo
of course, i got a pretty good safety net to start but if they can't keep their shit together i gotta cancel and plans of maybe traveling after this summer (lease renewal is in october)
i sorta just hope roommate 1 dumps his girlfriend and eats the loss getting engaged to her but with how things look he and his gimp girlfriend will leave together which will be a worse financial hit
Fair enough
That wasn't the issue with me as all the other roomates were female and I wasn't remotely interested in either That wasn't the issue
You can't tell me what I ain't
I identify at 1930s Germany
My pronouns are Fuhrursreich and Nationalsocialtreich
pic related fammo U ON SUM BULL SHIT MONICA
well what was the issue? maybe i can learn counter measures for my roommates being shitters
and christ i'd live alone but its just not affordable where i live to have a half decent place on your own, there's very few 1 bedroom places available, many of which are complete shit boxes
stop being reichphobic you bigot
nigga, i literally cannot even be rayciss rn
He can identify as whatever he wants dmx. As a colored person you of all people should be sensitive to cultural issues!
Cuck him. Make her want to stay because she has fallen for you. That should resolve things for the moment.
it's 1934 and you're still reichphobic
no thanks, I don't wanna put up with her more than i do already
no monica i get a pass on dat cuz i'm a afro-merican
i kno wut happen when u appease a reich Neville Chamberlain
Do it for the good of your tribe and to make sure you keep your home.
That's not how institutionalized racism works.
i've been institutionalized n yes it is
how to get a job?
know both chinese and english
with both major trade languages under your belt i'm surprised no ones came to suck your dick to give you a job
court appointed translator in a metropolis
In all seriousness how do you think I'll go in my cooking course tomorrow?
LEGOAnon here.
Did a remake of the Freyja
Also re-rendering the Mustang atm. Look how fucking shiny it is. You can see the fucking reflection in his gun.
Also best secondary is hangar laser blade.
If Chinese is you're first language then fucking kill yourself
If it's your second learn fucking Russian or Japanese instead
why is pic 2 so pixilated
Still rendering
lego shit lewd af tbh
Fucking shinyboy
is he Farsight
Join a club.