Alright guys, so I've been getting a lot of video games recently due to the sales and bundles, so I've got quite the library to choose from. My problem is that now that I have all of these games, I don't want to play anything new anymore. I'm just playing stuff I've already beaten or is multiplayer stuff instead of working on the 100+ backlog of new shit. How do I break this thing, and what do you call it anyway?
Vidya burnout?
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Welcome to the Holla Forumsirgin life, son.
Go out, take a walk, do some physical work away from the computer. There, I solved your problem. Alternatively take a few weeks break from vidya.
This sucks
I do that already. Spend most of my time doing work outdoors.
Why do you think everyone's always mad at something on this board? It's an unsettling feeling.
I got my backlog down by playing the shorter games first. Try that, but mix in a longer game in between a few, or you'll have my problem of the last games being massive rpgs.
You think that's bad
The next stage is either becoming a retard collector that literally spends his time building up, rearranging and cleaning his collection over actually playing shit
The more depressing variant where you just hoard ROMsets, spend hours setting up your emulators and never touch them more than once
So, for example, something like this:
Go Prey > Underrail > TNO > KHOLAT. I'd argue that Harvester is best experienced through a longplay. The amount of failure states in it necessitates either an obscene amount of trial and error, or using a walkthrough.
Why? Is it that big of a horror game?
Fast game > slow game > fast game > slow game
Sometimes you just have to start a game and play until you fall from exhaustion, even if the game is meh, even if the emulator has a visual bug that is pissing you off etc.
But then you end up having multiple unfinished playthroughs simultaneously because the game is way longer than you expected
Like fucking Okami ruining my goddamn streak of back to back finished playthroughs
And by fast/slow, I mean pace-wise, not necessarily length. Underrail is the only long game, the rest can be completed in 1-2 sittings if you go hard.
This is actually good advice. Force yourself to play the shit out of it, and you'll often get over that invisible hump and start enjoying it. Or you won't, in which case it should be discarded.
I figured it out
I'll try it, got Prey and Underrail installing now.
I know that feel.
Thanks for the advice guys, have a comfy webm.
kholat is shit just skip it
What makes you say that?
That's a good game to get back into playing shit, it's kinda short and has no real "fuck that game" moments once you get going, you can't even lose progress at all regardless how back you fuck up.
You can knock it out in under 3 hours, and it's not bad as far as "muh atmospheric walking sims" go. I'd say it's worth a pirate if you're really into that sort of thing. That said, the movie Devil's Pass did a much better job with the subject.
Yeah that happens from time to time. It never lasts more than a couple of days though, since I learned you can resolve it with either of 2 options.
Even if the first couple of hours is not satisfactory you shut the fuck up and keep playing motherfucker.
Only if after like 6 hours of pure play time game is still shit you throw it away forever from your life and play the next one.
Works every time.
Yeah that happens. Just stop playing vidya for a while. You'll get the genuine desire to go back to playing eventually. Still waiting on that desire myself.
what i have is a vidya Shitout. that means i've already played everything i wanted to play and the only things left are shit. like Ubisoft games or EA games or shitran kagura and many many other 3DShitty games
That's exactly how I feel, user.
Lately I've found the idea of playing games more appealing than actually playing them. I've been able to play time waster multiplayer games such as Splatoon and Counter Strike: Source, but I've only beaten a handful of games from my backlog this year.
I also like really buying and collecting games, which sucks because I feel like I'm becoming the kind of people I hate people who collect games but never play them.
what did he mean by this
I feel the same as you. I'm all burnout. And it sucks. It's called getting older. There's nothing you can do. Nothing will ever wow you again like when you first played certain games back in the day.
It's called not being a faggot. gb2/r9gay/ nigger
You are listening to retard journalists and bloggers, and looking for shitty sales of shitty games.
I went through your phase too. But I started branching out, ignoring journalists, my shitty friends, and listening more to Holla Forums and I'm much happier and enjoying video games again.
There are a ton of different types of video games out there. If you can't find video games you like, people aren't showing you the right games and you're just not finding them. They exist, go to igg games or something and start trying some weird shit.
I'm gonna fucking end my life
That he likes to think about playing games more than he likes to actually play them.
he means the idea of playing them sounds more fun than starting up a game and just playing it. It's a form of vidya burnout where it sounds like fun to play but then when you launch a game, you feel like you're hit with this sudden wave of fatigue or revulsion and you say
and exit out of it.
I can't really explain it any better than that. But I understand that feel.
This thread is now a "post your percentage of unplayed games in your steam library" thread.
Let's see who wastes the most of their money!
what did he mean by this?
doesn't feel to bad
oy vey goyim, not as bad as I thought it was going to be.
post list plz
Most of the games I got trough Humblebundle
I've only ever bought games on sale, and most of them are ones I knew I'd enjoy because I'd pirated it before.
It's probably already been said, but when your brain is presented with too many choices, it shuts down rather than struggle to assign values to each one. If you try to pick between five games, you can assess them all easily: multiplayer/single player, fast/slow, different genres, etc. Then you just pick which one you feel like playing based on your current mood. You can't do that if you try to process upwards of 20-30 things, your brain just won't let you. Also, loss of interest in one's hobbies is a symptom of depression, another psychological numbing mechanism.
Well now I feel bad
Thankfully I got 30-50% of my shit for free because I know people who actually buy ton of shit they never even redeem
Good to hear, now get another hobby or make your own game..
What do you mean? List of my most played games?
I would dick her so hard she'd be total 24/7 slut faced bitch
Are you a neet? Finding something to do with your life other than vidya will help. Even if it isn't a job try to pick up something like programming or take a break and get into anime/films/tv shows for a bit. Alternatively play while drunk, that helps a lot.
In my defense, a lot of those unplayed games are things like dedicated servers or bet versions of the actual game.
I think it's time I got the rope.>>13019116
What I meant to post.
oh boy. reported.
I run across that occasionally, especially when beating a series as far as I can get with it, and it can last quite a while. I beat the last (English) game in the latest series I was playing about three or four weeks back, and haven't managed to get started on anything new since (vidya-wise anyhow). I'm not real sure if it's burnout, or just subconsciously taking time to appreciate what I've played, or what. For full-on vidya burnout though (where it's like 3+ months of not feeling like playing anything), I usually find the easiest way to get back into playing any sort of game is to play an old favorite, especially if it still holds up.
For me, I'd much rather have a backlog of still enjoyable, interesting games to play through for the first time, than nothing of interest left to play. Though that's not an excuse for my slow speed at moving through it, and the unfortunate drawback is that if your backlog mostly consists of old games and dead series, there's not much demand for discussing them with fellow anons.
and Do have a very solid point as well though. Especially if you're prone to emulation as your medium for playing games, because then you not only have way too much to pick from, but there's no feeling of wanting to get your money's worth since you didn't drop a cent on anything. That's not me trying to say pirating, especially for older games that cost an assload, is bad, just something I've noted in regard to myself.
Considering how companies like Nintendo have been trying to crack down on availability of their older games, I'd rather have files on hand for when I do want to play them, rather than have to hunt them down months/years from now with somewhat more difficulty. Though of course, once something's out on the web, it's out on the web, and if it's not, someone else is bound to have it and be able to dump it.
Okami is admittedly long, perhaps longer than it really ought to be, but it's still really good (fuck blockhead though). Best advice I can give is to set a goal for yourself to only play one, maybe two games at a time. That way you make solid progress in what little you are playing at a given time, rather than a little progress in everything but never getting particularly far/having to start over because you can't remember what was going on/how to play at par for what a game expects of you at that point. Unfortunately though, from the sound of it you've really been having to drag yourself through it by a certain point if you have numerous unfinished saves.
Means he likes to think about playing games, rather than actually open the case, put the game in, boot the system, run a file, activate an emulator, etc. To be fair, I suppose that's what an addiction to imageboards is like as well. You could be doing whatever the board in question is supposed to be focused on (playing games, reading, watching anime/TV, etc), but there may be more of a time commitment and energy investment than just talking about shit you've already played/watched/read/etc, or worse, just blatant shitposting, be it tangentially related or completely off point.
I dealt with it by downloading even more games and trying to find out funnier games to play.
Hard since all the faggots keep recommending the same games. All the fucking lists are the same.
I'm still waiting for the summer shitposting burnout.
I usually start by selecting ten games at semi-random (Filtering out garbage I have 0 interest in), and beating/playing till legit sick of all twn then moving on.
well, fuck me.
It was the bundles… i swear. it wasn't
I don't even remember getting some of the stuff on the bottom of the list.
Where the fuck did Bioshock 2 Remastered come from?
You got it for free for owning the original Bioshock 2
Not dissapointed at all to be honest, specially considering that all of those unplayed games were either free shit, bundle shit or unwanted gifts (like 2 or 3).