Post games with glitches, bugs, and performance issues.
Games with bad writing and misspells/grammar are allowed due to the laziness of developers
Post games with glitches, bugs, and performance issues.
Games with bad writing and misspells/grammar are allowed due to the laziness of developers
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There is a difference between something not being perfect and something being such a bug riddled mess that it wasn't fit to ship in such an unfinished state - I believe OP is generally looking for the latter of the two.
Certain PAL versions of Digimon World are literally unbeatable because of a minor bug that prevents you from talking to someone
I never get tired of the fo4 ones.
I'm going to just guess that that first one is just smoke and mirrors you weren't supposed to see, I didn't play the third Mass Effect and I regret playing the first two.
I think that's just an issue with occlussion planes being placed incorrectly, at least based on my knowledge with Skyrim, I don't know if Fo4 uses a occlussion culling algorithm to determine whether objects are culled or not or if it uses pre placed planes like Skyrim.
What the fuck was this game. Did they seriously suck this hard at making games or was this a joke, did they want it to fail on purpose.
That's called optimization and it's actually cool as fuck to see. Only the most entitled neckbeard wouldn't be able to appreciate such a thing.
But I guess both could fit.
That Meme Effect screen was from something that supossed to meaningful and shock the player. And thats how much effort Biofag put into it, they never made a single good game, and i dont remember any other studio that bought a GOTY award to use it as selling point because nobody was buying their shit game, Cisquisistion.
don't make fun, they're only human after all
Nigga are you fucking stupid? LOOK AT
NONE of that looks quality. Are we being raided? Here's your you
Games where character faces morph so you can only see their eyeballs and teeth are obviously quality, dumbass.
imagine being this dumb and not recognizing quality when you see it
You have to spam strafe left/right at script speeds to get the animation to play like that.
Shawn had taken one too many soma's.
That's not the kind of glitch I was expecting at all.
If not for the fan patches, this game would be broken as hell.
The idea is that you're not supposed to see it though.
I don't get it? I have a bajillion sex mods in my skyrim. Why is that lewd?
Not being able to recognise sarcasm is a sign of autism.
Go to bed Todd. You were up all last night defending skyrim.
Holy shit this fucking summer. So glad we're halfway already. You might be baiting, but I doubt someone would even ACT this retarded.
I just contacted Guerrila Games about this. Thanks for the images, user.
I'm helping developers "improve" their games.
Yeah sure Todd
Ok bait tbh.
I would say Pokemon Go right now.
Funny because Skyrim actually did this right.
In my open world game, I expect every single area to be literally open for the player to explore. I wouldn't be surprised if they decide to literally take that route.
Wrong, there invisible walls everywhere too.
Almost. There's a few instances of invisible walls directly accessible.
Why the fuck was this machine made?
Fug forgot about that sea. How would you even do end map with a open sea?
a giant sea monster that eats you.
Maybe a storm. Or starving during the journey no matter the amount of supplies you bring – that one would require a survival system though.
Funny how you people are always wrong.
To accurately represent bethesda's physics engine.
Careful there, that box may not be as friendly as it seems
Whoops, wrong webm
Hey honest mistake, I wasnt trying to toddpost.
Optimized for the blind Solipsist maybe.
The wrestling ones are always superbly weird.
Anyone have that wrestling webm of guys swirling around the entire room at light speed with DBZ sound effects?
Got it
Much appreciated
Thanks for your input Todd.
checked and saved
There are still huge bugs even with the latest unofficial patch. Plus, despite the first two thirds of the game being a masterpiece, the last third is sill one of the worst designed slogs I've ever played. On every replay I've ever done I've always godmoded the Ming Xiao fight and not once felt guilty about it.
The fucking dog completes that webm.
Do not believe this user's lies.
We are your friends.
I am getting things like this in stalker every dungeon, and you bitch about fallout.
Wrestling games always have good ones for some reason.
It makes sense: punching models is once thing but having them grapple and throw each other around is a lot more complicated. More complicated == more room for bugs and tiny mistakes to creep in, which build up over time into hilarious clusterfucks.