Old vidya insults

Does anyone remember when you'd play a multiplayer game, suck shit at it and someone would call you a noob? I remember even playing games on dedicated servers where the word was censored and saying it would risk getting kicked.

I was thinking about how a lot of old vidya insults just are seen as kind of cringey today and you never hear them anymore. What other old internet insults/slang do you remember that has been mostly forgotten?

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Remember when flaming was a thing? Everyone just calls it trolling now, which is completely wrong.

Pwned is used ironically now. Like if you're watching some animation and they have some 14 year old character who says "pwned"

Yeah "Flaming" and "flame war". I remember when those were still used

I think "trolling" is more popular because it shifts blame onto the other party. Wheras "flaming" implied you threw some bants at the other guy.


overusing the word "gay", now that's funny.

Tryhard gets used still only it's usually done in the context of trolling. Like "that dude's baiting really hard. He's a tryhard" that sort of thing.


You still hear people get called faggots in online games though

People still use this even in "competitive" games like csgo


Underage detected

The change in attitude in regard to trolling has been one of the worst things to happen to quality discussion on the internet. It has never been so easy to derail threads as it is now thanks to humorless autists who think they have to correct every retarded post that pops up. Of course, when you try to point out to these people that they are giving the troll exactly what they want you will be met with retarded bullshit like, "Hurr Durr, pretending to be retarded!" Yes, exactly, that's what they were doing, and you fell for it hook, line, and sinker, making the thread unusable to anyone who actually wanted to discuss the topic at hand instead of watching frothing autists fall for basic level tomfoolery.

I literally never heard once this until the 2010s

MOHAA 24/7 omaha?

Never played Allied Assault. I mostly played games like Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy and I remember a lot of servers that would kick you for swearing and words like "noob" were considered "swearing".

It's weird thinking about this now since I go on discord and there's a channel for people who like Jedi Knight games and they have a room where they talk about Trump memes and call each other niggers.

“Alienware” was censored on the ENTIRETY of Just Cause 2 Multiplayer because autistic faggots kept saying it was the best brand. It might still be.

JC3MP just came out, too, or so I heard. Not buying denuvo just to do that, though.


Was about to post this


I've only ever been to a handful of servers that had these stupid fucking rules, because I avoid them like the plague. These servers were either owned by children, or frequented by children and were considered family friendly. In games rated M/18+, go figure. I still remember them

It's even more weird when you sit down and think about how wild the internet was. The late nineties and the start of the millennium were home to many e-thugs skids that would not hesitate to give you their address backtrace whine to the admin your IP and upload a worm to your network; also, don't forget that people have been killed in LAN centers/internet cafes over minor shit talking. I really miss that era.

[citation needed]

How young are you?




There were many more that had happened here in B.C., but most articles have been expunged from the internet. You'll just have to take my word for it, kid. :^)

I remember back in the old country when a guy i headshoted with a desert eagle threatened to find me and cut my stomach open with a screwdriver and the madman actually tried to do it but was stopped by our janitor and cleaning lady

I haven't seen a "ggez" in a while, but thats because cucked faggot games like Overwatch auto-filter it

calling your vanilla wow charcaters "toon"


play csgo and youll see it within a day or two

I forgot to mention that it was a game of CS 1.6.


"Gay" is dead because of the SJWs. Being homophobic these days means you're worse than Hitler. I miss it.

It's replacement is any variation of "Autistic". The SJWs don't care about autists. Only autistic SJWS will call you an "Ableist" others will laugh.

I got someone here so butthurt that he bragged about "owning noobs" like me for mildly criticizing Age of Decadence.

It has more power than ever
It gets under everyones nerves, unless they're a shitposter too
More than killing it, they gave even more power to such a retarded word


The saddest thing is that we had a chance to put a stop to this shit over here and it even worked for a couple of months.
And now we're back to where we started.

There's only so much you can do against outside influences. This place was great when people initially migrated here, but with the way the internet works these days it's nigh impossible. It's no longer the wild west.

The number of little brothers on the internet is staggering.

I remember "noob" and "Your momma" jokes being banned on servers in BF1942. Not because of butthurt, but because of lack of imagination. Server owners used to demand that that you put effort into your shittalking which lead to things such as some guy using Shakespeare to insult everyone.

Around 1999 you'd get called a 'grief player' rather than a griefer, and 'newbie' or 'newb' rather than noob. No one seems to get called a PKer anymore, either.
I used to play UO back then and I logged chat and kept it around. I've got a log of 1-2 years of everything I heard or said in the game. It's a neat window in time, but also painful as it's objective proof of how much worse things are today.


Flame war does, but flaming could be one-sided.
Trolling implies that they don't really think your mother is a hamster and that you smell like aged cheese, and that they're just saying it to get a rise out of you. Flaming asserts that while getting a rise out of you is important, it's mostly for their own benefit.

Noob came into use over a decade ago, it's certainly newer, but It's st-

Fuck off Holla Forums no one ever falls for your shit bait, get back to Larp as a nazi or whatever

Go away tranny commie no one wants you here


Good english, mate.

spotted le goob man xD


Everything is either cucking or trolling which is annoying.
And you don't get pwned anymore, you get cucked.


Isn't identity politics more of a leftist thing? You know, how students and the unemployed identify as labourers and wish to smash the evil capitalists? Then there's all that gay shit too going on.

I didn't even reply to you, nigger.

fuck knows I'm just shitposting and making a point to show how was right on autistic fags easily being baited….basically if you want to brake any thread in here just pretend to be a Holla Forums and all the faggots from Holla Forums can't avoid screeching. It's the boogie man effect

You did doubleNigger

You must really feel like the smartest man around here.

Like clockwork

In my country we call others 'mancos' because they play like they had one hand cutted.


The only time I hear "PKer" these days is in weebshit. I think the last instance I saw was in that isekai LN where the guy gets sent into the MMO with his mom because the government wants him to fuck her.

People still use the term PKer in 2007scape and runescape 3

When I played any multiplayer game before 2011, being called a noob by others with higher skill was common. Now, the only people that use the word are little kids trying to troll, but end up leaving whatever you're playing a few minutes later due to lack of replies and reactions.

What a shame

Not that Overmeme retards can into that much prep to shitpost.

The irony is delicious. It's like those fucks have never heard of the unintended consequences that come with attempts at censorship.

Only faggots care if you call people faggots. And you can safely ignore them, or call them faggots.

My understanding of the connotations at the time was that newb meant "an inexperienced player," literally someone that was new to the game. Conversely, noob meant "an awful player," someone who had been playing for a while but still sucked ass. You could generally tell who was who.

This might not have been everyone's definitions, but it's what I thought they were.

I miss "lamer".

Because games where you can actually PK are mostly deadly dead.

The favorite of every COD2 player this side of the Balkans.



No. Kurwa.

Ya'll motherfuckers are just spoiled brats tbh.

LPB faggots


every time some nigger uses those "le" faces and troll face, I die a little inside.



But it's always been cool face you stupid nigger.

I bet you call the "le funny smug frog" Pepe, you fucking nigger.

just go back to fucking school already, summerfags


Yea, wish I could go back….



Wasn't they sent to a medieval world and she is an overpowered creature?

I forgot to throw in the first one. Sets up the last one much better.

Yes, the mom was made ridiculously overpowered in the hopes that it would both impress her son and lead him to rely on her more.

I fucking love this

LPB were just people playing the game normally, used as a pejorative by the poor and worthless.

HPB were losers with 20kb connections. Used as a pejorative by classy gents with their shit together.



Wait, what?

Best way to insult butthurt fags is to ask them why are they getting so worked up ovet a video game

Can confirm, gets me everytime

They were concerned that many teenagers have poor relationships with their mothers. So they started a program to encourage more intimate relationships. There may have been a few different interpretations of "intimacy" among different parts of the program.

The movie came out last year; it was surprisingly decent.

Sounds like something kikes would do to encourage incest.

Online shooters

Fuck off

This phrase died when SJWs got offended over it.

It's less than dead, though


SJWs being offended over things just makes griefing so much easier.

10 years ago
nothing happens


Still, the last time I've heard someone use it was when some pro player said it and had to post an apology lol

I remember when playing MUDs on my local BBS there was always a Newbie channel. Wasn't even an insult then, just a statement of fact.

Ah shit i didnt know there was a movie, now I've gotta get on that shit


Isn't that still broken here? (U+200B was here) ­­

A­h, it­'s ju­st th­at o­ne

Flaming and trolling are two entirely different things though. Flaming is when twin parties get into a heated argument online and end up insulting each other and making death threats. Trolling is when you're a little shit who thinks it's funny to send furry porn to the Admins.

The fuck are you on, nigger?


kill yourself




*teleports behind you*

It also cheapens it though. It's like a private server where every shitty mob drops endgame gear. Trolling used to be a art.


God damn, this is meta as fuck. Here's your low hanging (you).



what dis


It's in the start of the video.
I just found out that webm related is from ventrilo thanks to that post, and after several minutes of searching, I've found it and lol'd like it was 2007.

It's part of the old classic

no you'll be met with "we should not tolerate these people" and then proceed to feed the troll a 5 course meal of salt. used to be report and ignore. now its argue for 200 posts and derail yet another thread

This one really disappeared.

I don't know whether to read this as kay-owes chaw-ooze

good digits, but consider the following
gay nigger faggot

My favorites were screamer/shrieker in WoW.