Why is PC gaming such shit?
It's funny because I literally feel this way when people post about twinks and femboys and "traps aren't gay xD" shitposting.
I hate my genetics so bad, it's a miracle I haven't turned into a SJW. I'm just strong but insecure I guess.
are you low-test?
I'm overly high test, maybe it's for the best. I WAS unstable when I was younger, most likely due to a fucked up chemical balance. I have overral high androgen/test levels, libido is high, leads to sexual frustration, also **5"%
Sounds like you should just castrate yourself and eliminate all those problems
I think you might like it there.
Why is OP's thread such shit?
So I get the WORST of both world, I'm not a hairless twink, and I'm not a tall strong hunk. I'm blaming racemixing. Skip the shortstacks, your childs existential suffering will not be worth it, even if he manages to repress his emotions, they will never truly go away, so it's all a matter of learning to control your self hate. Some things just can't be fixed
I'll rather go full elliot rodger and bomb a pride parade, or form a death squad and prowl /cuteboys/ and post the shock videos on Holla Forums
Never gone there, out of all my years I've only stepped foot there twice, never bothered posting. I don't think it would be healthy to encourage or make a shell for my shortcomings. I'll rather keep going and tell my story in the future.
That's why I'm making it a blackpill thread before it gets deleted.
Sounds like u got a virus
Why are computers so shit?
You're using Windows 10, aren't you OP?
I thought i was average but every time i get told a black chick is interested in me i die a little more.
Why are all men such shit?
That sucks man, those are like the lowest reaching women, find a thick one and put on a rubber I suppose. It sucks ass being young and having your mom not care for your health only for you to hate yourself later. I lost weight and now I got loose skin, I either need to lift a FUCKLOAD or get expensive surgery.
Feels good because It's the only path I can take now due to poverty, but feels bad due to lack of discipline + motivation.
How often are you approached by nogs anyways?
Only the GAY COMMUNITY can save this thread now.
Because gaming is shit.
No, I'm going to derail it RIGHT. NOW
This is why you teach your kids to take care of themselves, watch their calorie intake and make sure they don't grow in a liberal household that is ignorant of consumption and pushes the lie that is "Body Positivity", overeating is NOT a good way to calm stressors
Don't be like me, a product of a broken society. There is nothing to be proud about this, these are reminders that you should ALWAYS take care of your kids and yourself. Make your kids love themselves to be fullest and have them SHOW IT.
Commence the vomiting reaction images.
Yes, these images are AFTER losing weight. Even after your goal, It's much harder to actually fill the loose skin from simply doing cardio, you can only tighten your chest so much.
Always, always, always, ALWAYS take care of yourself and don't let yourself become a fatlus, because the damage is still there after losing weight.
I"m just not gonna open any of those.
Good, also, the thread is bumplocked, so no need to worry about saging.
like once every 2 weeks, its been happening less now, since I've just been avoiding them. I'll be going to Korea in a couple months so at least ill be around good looking women. And i kinda have to work out more than just working on my cardio so hopefully that helps me too.
I pray to god that you score, everybody needs a little upliftment. Good luck!
thanks man
My loose skin is MUCH worse than yours (350 pounds to 200, but still some fat), and I'm not ashamed over it, I'm just glad I don't look like a living ham anymore.
Great thread OP