Yeah, I don't think so, communist bastards.
Black Desert Online
I wish I took screenshots when people were creaming their pants over this and hailing it as the savior of MMOs.
Same thing with Tree of Savior.
This wasn't a dead giveaway? Are you people that new/slow?
It was but I was still morbidly curious at how people are so whimsical with their wallets.
I will never get you people. Schadenfreud is one thing, but this just retarded.
You know what killed the catgirl?
For me I just felt disappointment when they chit on all the Sandbox features and Player2Player trade.
I just wanted to be a traveling happy merchant and have a donkey, even a store.
my big fat dick.
Didn't you know? Holla Forums is a blog for one person! :)
I still remember years ago when this was in Korea beta and people had vids of it on youtube where they followed a hundred koreans doing some castle raiding pvp attack/defense. And there was a part where some dude climbed 300 feet on a building top and it looked very neat. This is what the game was shilled to be about, but never have I heard of this from any of these threads that i've skim read. Its all about making your stupid town, making furniture and then pictures of your characters, and 1v1 pvp. You know where it went wrong, if there were no pics of team vs team castle raiding, no wonder why the game died.
Nigga there's fools out there lining up to get poor for this game.
Do you think people should only discuss things they enjoy and never even think about things they dislike? Honest question.
The salt.
lvl 61 witch here,
Been playing since Launch, I got a cat for free, a dog for free a penguin tier 4 for free and i bought a rabbit and a red panda for free.
I also bought a costume a while ago.
Thats it, 45 bucks total.
The rest of the costumes and value packs i sniped from the marketplace(I still have 6months of value packs in my inventory).
The game is a grind and RNG based like every other korean MMO, but currently theres no better pvp mmo with these graphics and in that setting.
Eve is better, but eve is a space mmo
Id also reckon Star Citizen will be better when it gets released in 2024
Any person in this fucking board who even remotely attempts to defend that piece of worthless dogshit is a fucking subhuman
You're that very subhuman who made the shit BDO thread a month ago, aren't you? Fuck off
I was considering buying this when I heard it was buy to play, but then the rolled out those pay to win costumes
5th time Im here actually, but nice try.
All of that is actually in game still, nobody bothers posting about it though because only 6 guilds in the game bother with castle sieges while everyone else fights for small time nodes and towns. Siege weaponry like cannons, flame towers and hwacha launchers are a thing and are used in pvp attack/defense. Unfortunately the developer's answer to RNG gating gear progression is to just add muskets to PvP so people with lower level gear (2 enchant levels lower than other people on a 1-20 enchant scale) can still contribute to war offensively instead of being secluded to manning siege weapons and restocking said weapons.
Mentioning the gear progression, I hate it so much. Feels like I'm just pissing away assets every time I attempt this shit. At least none of it is soul bound so once I get it I'm fucking done with that slot permanently across all my characters. I don't like cash shops, frankly this one is more overly expensive cosmetics and pay2notgroupfunctions(win).
A place meant for retards like you with shit taste in vidya and desperate volunteered shilling on products that suck huge donkey balls.
Someones triggered.
Try tumblr.
You're that same motherfucker in the last BDO thread, shilling for the game along with the faggot OP.
Your only arguments were "It's fun LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD" while ignoring every other cancerous mechanic and scams in that pile of dogshit.
>>>/suicide/ go there and follow their guides.
thread destroyed
Hey guys, remember Rift?
I remember getting the free trial and ranking 1st on every wormhole invasion in the starting zone because the retarded ass devs apparently thought spamming HoTs on every raid member whether or not they needed it counts as "contribution". Busted ass piece of shit but fun for like 2 hours.
fuck off with your shilling of your shit game. open your eyes
I mean what makes black dessert setting unique?
You've said nothing but buzzwords in every argument in this thread. Please leave, shill.
Speaking of Silk Road, where can I get my modern fix of chinese grinding mmo that isn't Age of Wushu?
This honestly should be a rule. All hate threads should be instabanned.
I think you should be instabanned
It takes place in Afghanistan.
Are you pic related?
cause the pic pre-dates h8chan newfag.
How is the PVE? Is it fun solo? I kinda want a new MMO to play
you really aren't good at fitting in. What's next? The gamestop nigger?
Never judge a Korean MMO by the beta, because that's before all the p2w shit starts.
basically the only time you can have any fun with it
To an extent it's true, but if you're the same level as whoever you're fighting as long as you aren't fighting naked and have semi decent gear (which isn't that hard to get), you can beat high gear bad players 100% of the time
I went solo to 58, and only started grouping cos I joined a guild and suddenly had people to group with.
The games pretty fun solo, clearing zones and grinding takes a bit longer when you're by yourself but you get more drops and xp so it balances out
You spelt it wrong ```and``` used it incorrectly.
Kill yourself, I've only seen redditors use that term on this board.
It's quite a wonder really, a game so un-noteworthy has become the standard for all MMOs. Why didn't something decent become the standard, like Lord of the Rings Online?
I didn't really like LOTRO but if more games had a soundtrack like it then that'd definitely be a step up.
I didn't play it that much, but the one thing I remember the most and the most fondly is the existence of bards. When a game goes far enough to add a class entirely devoted to playing music, you know there was love put into it. It's a shame that so-called MMORPGs have become so disconnected from actual Role Playing Games.
The bard class, they called it a minstrel, was pretty much just a generic healer. Anyone in the game could play music though, complete with composition sheets you could write and trade to other players.
koreans don't have souls
They have Seouls instead.
carlos, you have to go back
Nigger what?
If the game is pay2win then how come no one has beaten the game yet? Checkmate Holla Forums.
I still remember when I played the beta of two gook MMOs from the early 2000s - RF Online and Risk Your Life - the betas did not have p2w whatsoever which allowed players to fully explore the game mechanics. Which makes private servers for Korean MMOs very comfy since most of them remove the p2w shit and either focus on megaraids and/or mega PvP with instantaneous leveling.
Next you'll tell me politics don't belong on Holla Forums.
I hope this isn't considered doxing, but I'm pretty sure I found an old video of Windalgo.
game is only good for taking pictures of dead butts
Is it true that they're patching out the combat and replacing it with tab-target? It sounds so fucking stupid that I'd never even consider the possibility but these are gook devs we're talking about.
they do thanks to the le downvote system here, thats why barely visit this board anymore
The combat is such a huge element of the game that that can't possibly be true.
You haven't seen the korean version then have you
No, why would they? Game already has auto-aim assist, they don't need tab target to make it easier.
It is getting more and more forced lately.
pure pottery.
You cant spell Black Desert without BLACKED