Describe the video games industry in one sentence

Describe the video games industry in one sentence

If Half Life 3 comes out, it will be just another ME:Andromeda.


Jews did this.

Fake and gay.

I can do better; in one word!



I mean, it's OK, I guess.

The wrong child died.

I am not interested in the direction that it is going in.

It's hard enough even retaining English in my head, and you want me to go and learn some gobbledygook language that when put into a computer does something?


The cycle continues…
So as Atari fed on the corpses of its competitors such as Magnavox Odyssey and the Mattel Intellivision, So did Nintendo profit off the fall of Atari and its rival Sega.
Now we shall wait to see if either Microsoft or Sony will capitalize off of the fall of Nintendo to continue the cycle.
PC will always remain niche

The idea of infinity cannot be expressed in words or even described, but it can be apprehended through art, which makes infinity tangible.

There is not fucking excuse anymore. Anyone can make a video game now, even people who don't know how to code just spend some time and effort. Hell, you can even pay somebody else to do art for you and just put everything together yourself in unreal.


I'm getting a real Déjà vu feeling right now. I swear we've had this exact OP before, the exact same posts in the exact same order.
I'm freaking the fuck out.

so, this would mean my reaction to your post had to be the exact same too? No matter how much i try and fill in some randome words like; unga bonga. Let's say, i command you to respond to this post which i have to respond too, what would my respond to your post be?

A pile of shit.

"The Jews and their lies"


Heav'n has no rage for games to pozz turn'd
Nor Hell a fury, like an autist scorn'd


diversity minorities wamen

"Wait no, you're not done paying us for the game yet."

What happens later?