Why are Hack an slash JRPGs so scarce? Does Japan have a problem with it?
Either way post some Hack and slash JRPGs.
Why are Hack an slash JRPGs so scarce? Does Japan have a problem with it?
Either way post some Hack and slash JRPGs.
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By definition a game cannot be a JRPG and hack and slash. Just because an RPG came from Japan does not mean it is a JRPG. The genre refers to a very specific style of menu and flow. It is turn based by design even though ATB creates the illusion otherwise.
Likewise if a game has character progression elements that does not make it an RPG. Youve posted two action games.
Thank what would make a hack an slash game?
Dark cloud is GOOOOOOOD ass fuck
Who here has broken daggers?
Whelp, Dark Cloud 1 is a grind fest and a bonus dungeon of 100 tedious floors. With mandatory grinding for each new party member you get, iI can see why such games would not kick off anytime soon.
Did you not play it?
Did you like, never build up your weapons ever?
Yes I did, and I stand by my statement that it is a grind fest. Of course you only need like 2 characters to actually win the game and beat Black Knight Pendragon but fuck you if you expect me to grind characters I'm never going to use ever again.
Dude it takes less time than the dungeon you get the characters in to get them up to at least a tier 4 weapon.
Not to mention the sun and moon temple fucking VOMITS high tier weapons.
The game only gets grindy if you are retarded enough to not play as your other characters when you get them.
The RNG must love you, because that has never happened to me in that game. Ever. By the time I have already beaten the game is when I start seeing high tier weapons worth my time.
Did you play as Toan and Xiao in every dungeon? (Barring Limited floors and temporary hazards)
Doesn't japan like grind fests?
Just because anons are talking about Dark Cloud it doesn't mean that the original discussion didn't end.
Nobody is talking about your impossible JRPG hack and slashes.
I tried balancing everybody and going through floors again but I got fed up with it and stuck with Toan and the Rabbit my patience was running thin.
I did this because I like xiao the most, barely even used Toan. Limited floors weren't enjoyable. I just didn't enjoy melee combat in the game period, lack of a dodge or anything else made it really feel boring and grindy.
diablo and gauntlet dark legacy are hack and slash games.
Evidently you didn't. Switiching characters and weapons increases ABS and Big Chest spawns.
The way Floor generation works literally makes it so if you play it like a shitty grindfest you get a shitty grindfest.
I bet you also got fucking awful Magic Circles too dummy.
Than say "/discussion" next time, and some autist won't sperg out over the semantics of the word.
Oh, and I have good news, dark cloud 2 doesn't punish you for being a boring minmax faggot.
dark cloud was terrible, and so was dark souls 2. dungeons are unnecessary long and its grindy as fuck, except the grinding doesn't feel fun, and when you fail to make the grinding fun, the game has failed.
They make them all the time.
my fingers moved on their own, im sorry
Summon Night's Swordcraft Story subseries handles rather similarly to old 2D Tales games in terms of combat, albeit Tales generally has up to four characters in combat at once (as opposed to SCS having one; I think SCS3 might have two though) and there's more emphasis on using artes for comboing.
By your logic, the likes of .hack, Tales of, Star Ocean, Rogue Galaxy, etc don't count as JRPGs either, because they don't have turn-based combat.
The way that I've seen it best categorized over the years is that stuff like "J" or "W" is merely a signifier of region of origin, and while there may be some stereotypes associated with either, a game from either region doesn't have to follow those. You can also append them further with somewhat broad gameplay descriptors as well for combat or execution: turn-based, real time, traditional, tactical, strategy, etc. Something like SCS would be a real-time combat JRPG.
By definition the phrase "JRPG" means "Japanese Role-Playing Game" which refers to any RPG made in Japan, nowhere in the phrase does it say anything about being turn based. Are WRPGs defined as being any RPG that is NOT turn-based?
That's an useless definition, and by that logic every other genre should also follow that rule. Then we might as well specify the country instead of the region.
The reason the distinction is made in the first place is because Japan and the West generally carry with them different design philosophies, that's the whole point.
Not really for the most part I have never seen someone dislike a JRPG because it was specifically turnbased (see all the Pokemon games) but more of the anime aesthetic. It also doesn't take into account that currently, there are a large number of Action RPGs, unless you want to argue Action RPGs aren't a thing.
Well then maybe you shouldn't have been a contrarian faggot.
You can just ignore most enemies and fucking run through it, if you're that desperate. The guy with the staff can kill anything with his broken staff so long as the enemy will get stunned by his hits, he can just do his twirly circle attack and stunlock them into a slow demise.
JRPGs and WRPGs tend to follow certain conventions, though, which si what makes them different. WRPGs tend to have a dozen dialogue options and multiple side quests for a variety of ways to complete storylines and establishing a personality even though it won't change the plot anyhow, where as JRPGs are almost always a linear story. WRPGs usually have a d20 combat where attacks either miss you or do full damage and armor only helps with attacks missing you, where as JRPG armor actually reduces damage. WPRGs usually have shitty brown graphics and unmemorable music, where as JRPGs usually have colorful refined graphics with memorable tunes.
There's probably a few more, but those are the ones i feel confident about.
Most likely it's hard to balance a game where skill and stats both matter. Should the player be allowed to destroy everything on skill alone or should a ton of it be determined by stats so it feels more like a RPG? That's my guess though. Saying that, adding numbers and stats to nearly everything has become a way for devs to pad out games and remove depth by replacing it with numbers.
Demon's/Dark Souls getting popular was a mistake
But that's a dungeon crawler.