#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Ghosts to Glory Edition



pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE (Last updated November 29th, 2016)
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- imgur.com/gallery/X2w49
- youtube.com/watch?v=ItI0mGjdfnw


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

• Use archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;
• Use tweetsave.com to archive tweets before they are deleted;
• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;
• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGate.Me: gamergatewiki.com/index.php/Main_Page
• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
• Operation Disrespectful Nod: v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers);
• Operation Shills in a Barrel: v.gd/IqOnFo (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest);
• Operation Baby Seal: v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines); Possibly in need of rewriting.
• Operation Prime Rib: v.gd/ChMVI8 (stacks with above for x2 damage); Same as above.
• Operation DigDigDig: v.gd/lUx6Nq (find connections and corruption);
• Operation Vulcan: v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating);
• Operation UV: archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker); Same as Baby Seal.
• Operation Firefly: archive.is/Kz6kP (spread #GamerGate to Tumblr and help update the Wiki page);
• An user's Guide to Twitter: v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics).

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: thisisvideogames.com/gamergatewiki/index.php?title=Boycott_List
• Support List: v.gd/bFfDrJ
• Boycott List: v.gd/eYq9go




Other urls found in this thread:


It seems that Hudson of Three Colors is returning to Bioware.


The gay community sends its regards.

Archive of the before bread:


Lets try to fix the wiki, please.

Keep digging.
And fix the wiki.

Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Forcing a historian to prioritize shitposts over reporting their dad's corpse
☑ Vandilizing private property with "Strategic Designation #2"
☑ Causing chaos in Hollywood with an acid rainstorm
☑ Ruined the very concept of anime for everyone
☑ Firing a promising staff member from Platinum Games
☑ Making Colin Moriarty say a misogynistic joke and firing him
☑ Giving a white Iranian a date with DMCAstiny
☑ Creating bait that surpassed Metal Benis
☑ Stole Bioware's checkbook
☑ Making YouTube proud to support the [ERROR: Login to view this content] community
☑ Became Linkedredchannitin
☑ Adorning unrelated posts with images of anime boobs
☑ Overwrote reality with a Tropico save-file
☑ Teaching the Russians how it's done
☑ Spent 4 days legally dead for tax reasons
☑ Manipulated reviews to make Yooka-Laylee look as 64-bit as possible
☑ Revealed international culinary secrets
☑ Convinced an user into becoming a trap
☑ Funded by Russia to cause chaos in the USA
☑ Plotting to invade and take over the fashion world with a new puppet as mascot
☑ Successfully summoned the memeteor, then promptly dispelled it because it wasn't exciting enough
☑ Moved gaming acceptance back decades in the public consciousness
☑ Got seened in an Oakland drive-by
☑ Has trademarked "hikikomori ginger girls with names based on imageboards"
☑ Employed Russia's help in hacking the ESRB
☑ Bestowed upon a penguin a penguin-waifu
☑ Caught a glimpse of the evil that is the Korean Education system
☑ Likes their iced cream 'pure aryan'
☑ Hacked a character into ARMS, then leaked it
☑ Having a girl fetish
☑ Killed people at an Ariana Grande concert with a bomb
☑ Discriminating fantasy from reality
☑ Undoing all the hard work into promoting Far Cry 5
☑ Turned Ren Hoek into a terrorist
☑ Created Gamergate America
☑ Became starmen
☑ Brought misogyny into E3
☑ Turned Mario Mexican
☑ Prevented beloved VAs from reprising their popular roles
☑ Brought back unpopular video games like Metroid
☑ Blowing everything up

Casey Hudson lied his ass off about the ME3 ending, saying they wouldn't be exactly what they turned out to be. Fuck him. Also Aaryn Flynn was one of the guys backing up Curry Thunder for his racism, so fuck him too.

Focus on those archives and wiki!

Good, a captain should go down with his ship.

Also if you have any old OC or screencaps from the early years of Gamergate, please share them so they can be preserved!

Oh yeah, is there going to be a gallery?
I don't really organize my screens and folders


Shaun Joy - "DMCAs, Death Threats, and Legal Battles: The Saga of Alex Mauer"





Keith Stuart / The Guardian - "Why diversity matters in the modern video games industry"



Holy shit I forgot the wiki even existed

Fuck I missed something
What did gamergate do to piss off the NWO faggots while I was away?

I don't remember. I've been sleep deprived the last couple weeks.

They fired the guy who has done Kermit the Frog since 1990 because he disagreed with "changes being made to the character he felt were against what creator Jim Henson would have wanted"

(archive.is broken at the moment)

It would be a good idea to have one.


This sounds really bad, but what are they changing? Do we know?


It's always a fucking Disney suit pulling this shit.

By the way PCGamer hasn't fixed this article yet.

I'm glad that actor has a sense of pride. Fuck Disney.

If I heard correctly, and feel free to billy me if I'm getting this wrong, it was something about Kermit breaking up with Miss Piggy and lying about it to his son.

Now I just feel even sadder. Why can't we have any goodness or purity in the world? Even if it's just a puppet show with talking animals. Everything has to be corrupted and "modernized" with an agenda to push. For fuck's sake, they had Elmo say refugee kids were "just like us".

After they fired his puppeteer and VA for rape allegations that were complete bullshit.

Are you trying to hurt me, user? Because it's working.

Oh right, the famous character Goose Howard from Fatal Frame.

Good morning, faggots!

Before we start shitposting…here are the immediate objectives that need to be addressed!

>1. Go to the Gamergate wiki, and update and fix the pages, someone's been altering them for deceptive means: gamergatewiki.com/index.php/Main_Page
>2. We need to update the OP. It contains a lot of outdated info and links, so let's see about reorganizing that.
>3. Post GG realted pictures, videos, and OCs created from the early days (Pre-2016).
Think we can do this?

Post woke anime girls

You too? I haven't had much sleep in months.

I'm confused, they made that shitty Muppets show a while ago. They had Kermit do that, and he stuck by it for that, which tells me something really bad is going down with his character.

Computer died about a year ago so this is the only one I have


Miss Piggy's son you mean

You seem hungry.

This is probably gonna be my game of the year for 2018 and it doesn't even have an official name yet

damn, that's very lewd

Shut up, commie.

The most offensive thing about those images isn't the communism but the BB gun sized Mosin.

Speaking of which, lay it on me. How bad is the dub for LWA so far?

There is litterally nothing wrong with globalism.

[Bleak and lifeless "yay" noises in the background]

Go back

You should know the answer by now. Tension has been rising, people focus way too much on negativity thanks to entertainment, the media, & journalism being filled with cynicism ("Why bother doing this? You'll get shitcanned." "No use in doing thing, you're so weak." etc.), and they spread their ideology to other people so that they don't have to take responsibility of their own actions they did in the past that continues to haunt them.

More on other defunct laptop.
Thanks Windows 10 spam

Needs more Hokuto.

What game is this? I have ignored fighting games lately because all the recent stuff was total trash.


Arika's fighting game which resurrects characters from Street Fighter EX1/2/3.

So far it's just called Fighting Layer EX.

Good afternoon.

Reminds me of that actor who did some voice work for Adventure Time. Nice that he stuck with his guns, and fuck Disney for sullying everything.

don't you mean Shirase?

Can do. Start by cutting first dawn out of the OP. I requested it last bread.

Damn, that sucks…

Still love her though. Hope her theme gets a good remix.

This has to be an ironic meme.

I've never really been familiar with Skullomania beyond this image. Mostly because of my bodysuit + corruption fetish. Look at that Skullo-Chunli!

If you're looking for PC fighters, there's King of Fighters XIV, Tekken 7 and Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator. Maybe GGXrd Rev2 will come to PC.

Was that purposely blurred out or someone edited it?

How long does he have left?

The picture looks rather official, so I'm pretty sure that's intended.

Weeaboo commies are even more pathetic than weeaboo Nazis.

Too long.

I'm just hoping they don't shake up her moveset too much, I've been playing EX2+ again to get ready for the winter beta.

if Aksys ends up being the publisher in the west that will pretty much guarantee a PC port from ASW later on.

That link = 404 not found.
Anyone else get that?

Like I said in previous bread I can't revert the changes back to what it was because it's protected.

I wonder which of his holes he passed it through.


Optimistic, isn't he?

All im seeing is von darkholme screaming fuck you

Old GG OC inbound

Pretty much. I mean, Japan had allied with Nazis. Meanwhile in video related.



I'm so glad that I didn't turn out like these people.

This is what user may be talking about.

Blessed be to Papa Nurgle for keeping this retard alive

He always wanted to give birth. He probably thinks it's gods way of letting him.

As an amateur critic, there's nothing wrong with criticizing a movie. But for the right reasons. Not because you make up in your head reasons for yourself to hate it. And yes, that movie was pretty great.

A shitload of bioware shills are attacking the witcher 3 on reddit because of pictures like that. This shit triggers them hard.

Was it good? I heard that deeray shit and I kind of don't want to watch it now, if they make the apes a BLM thing.

I liked the second movie, where both sides seemed both good and bad.


There's nothing remotely BLM about it. Hell there's even 2 black guys, that stand out, in the film that get slaughtered/are on the overly aggressive cult like military group.

Remember when we first thought up Freya?


What exactly is the perfect piece of media for these people?
I can only imagine it would be bland and meaningless.
Anyone else get the vibe that these fucknutters might think the society from Equilibrium is a reasonable thing?

Okay, let's begin with the OP editing, let's go over the current tasks section first:


It's Chris Chan, dude. Most people don't act like Chris Chan. Most people don't see Kidney Stones as a cute thing to get.

historical revisionism get out. We thought up Danielle first, when we joked about that design

Yes, though it's only most of them and he forgot the thread titles (which aren't that necessary).

Thread archives not yet updated into the Thread Repository:

Well, I'm not quite up on that one, but I'd leave it up, because a lot of anons are into it.
Already said my piece
Probably should be retired. It's old as hell. Also, my OC, hello
Definitely keep this up
It needs work. Not so sure it'll be effective now that E3 passed
Died when we couldn't get the archive of the petition. I'd still ask Brote who did it. He knew. He never said though.
No clue about this one

Bear in mind, this is just one user's opinion, but I've contributed. Others need to weigh in too.

They can be pretty kawaii

fighting games are coming back!
dragon ball fighterz.
blazblue cross tag.
fighting layer ex.
blade strangers.
and more!

just keep ignoring capcom!

maybe disco will come back someday too…

How the fuck did he get Kidney Stones?

I love how they cry rivers when it was them on the receiving end. Oh how they cried. Man do I hate these people.

midwestern diet.

too many happy meals.

Immediate suggestion for the Wiki:

I'm seeing a lot of stub articles on there that are just people. Journos, devs etc. I vote that we leave shit like that mostly to Deepfreeze. Maybe have a big page that lists each journo and their role in GG, but for the detailed stuff, just link straight to DF. We're just creating more work for ourselves by dedicating that much space/work on the Wiki to those people.

You can get Kidney stones from sugar? Though that shit was from drinking or being a tofu eating faggot.

Have you seen how poor his diet is?

Plus he only drinks pop and sweet tea, so it's not suprising. What is surprising is how he's pretty fucking calm about it.

Harry Potter and Doctor Who.

Isn't it problematic there's a bunch of white people in both of those?

Although the fact that they seem to think their universities are supposed to be their homes or some retarded shit like that is probably because they all grew up on Harry Potter.

Nah doctor who is still not good enough according to her and we will probably see some whining about how problematic the wizards treat the muggles.

As a safe measure, yes.
Yes because there will eventually be another controversy regarding a dub or localization change.
I don't think much can be done on that one other than to show Raw Fury drinking the SJW koolaid.
No clue.
Keep it.
Digging is done & E3 passed. I suggest replacing the link to the ghostbins where the digs are stored >>>/gamergatehq/330259
Don't see any reason to keep it.
No clue.

Sounds good.

Fucking Amy Miller, didn't she get knocked out first round of Last Comic Standing simply because her routine was absolute dogshit? I still found it funny that she thought she could revive her career if she picked a fight with Mike David of Red Bar Radio and get him banned from iTunes.

Theres also a lot of white people in Game of Thrones and Parks and Recreation, and they like those shows. So do I tbh

You've got it all backwards, it's sugar. Soda is the main issue, people drowning themselves in super concentrated liquid sugar. Then when they hit thirty they start pissing jagged rocks.

As long as one of the main guys looks like a twink, they won't care.

I stopped drinking soda a long time ago. Drink only water, tea, and black coffee in the morning. Glad I did.

Thing looks like a fucking crunchy oat cluster in a fucking breakfast cereal, I'm terrified by the thought of shooting one of those out of my fucking cock


Soda is a treat once in a blue moon when I'm out. I usually just drink water.

Lets forget he gets called out for seeking revenge & not letting shit go & gets compared to Kobra who started shit to begin with

I heard you were talking shit.


Didn't he say he wanted a daughter named Crystal back during the old sagas? I think he drank his own cum to "recycle".

My mom actually had one formed from dairy products and the doctors stopped her from eating shit like peanuts and chocolate.

Can also be caused by too much vitamin C or simply not drinking enough water, but yes, calcium can cause them.

I just read that Calcium induced Kidney Stones are the most common.

I know there's at least some people pages with a lot of relevant information, even if it tends to get incorporated into DF. Remember DF entries tend to be pretty short and then link more detailed sources, for example the DF Leigh Alexander page links an archive of the Wiki Leigh page for the full information on at least one entry.

However I would support prominently displaying a link to DF for anyone that has a DF page.

If only the drawfags come back, we need a rendition of this. Imagine Cammy being dragged into the police van for wearing her default outfit or any female characters that are too "skimpy" and too "sexy" for conventions or tournaments. It will drive the message more powerful than ever.

I've been away for a week did Capcom do that shit again this year?

I think it was more of an EVO thing, considering it was being broadcast on Disney XD.



What costume was it?

Her default.


There's so much I can express here. But most of all I just feel disappointment.

in my case it was too much calcium, they were small, but still

You had one?

Thanks Soros.

For fucks sake Capcom is god damn garbage. Stand up for yourselves. Who the fuck even watches Evo on ESPN? Although at this point I'm questioning who even watched SF5 shit is almost as boring as a Nether realm game to watch.

Capcom needs to fuck off so does neofaggot.

They'll be dead soon they have no money are incapable of making games that sell anymore. Not to mention them pumping tons of cash out to keep the FGC attention on them.

I just don't know how ESPN a fucking channel wathce only by dudebros and in bars is considering these costumes offensive, and now they made it even worse by going to (((Disney))) who are the worse fucking jew cock they could have sucked for money, from now on there is no saving for SFV, (((EVO))), or the (((FGC)))

Since even "average" leftists think it's alright to let your kid choose if he's going to be a boy or a girl, it wouldn't be surprising if CWC got a boy and he just chopped off his dick to create Crystal.

But it's already on PC.

Someone post the comparison pic of the Street Fighter V vs. Dragon Ball Fighter Z lines.

Once MvCI bombs they'll be forced to put their fighting games on ice since they aren't financially lucrative anymore. That leaves them with one cash cow left; Monster Hunter aka the series that is starting to fade in popularity in japan and the series where they are currently planning to piss off all their hardcore western fans with Monster Hunter World.

It is a bit odd how we seem to be regressing towards more sexual suppression after spending so much time to move away from it.
I wonder how long it will be until women are not allowed to show anything that reveals their bellybutton again.
It is just kind of fascinating how the leftist ruled media seems to be pushing towards the sexuality standards of the "good ol' days" of the 50's and 60's television.

Although I have noticed that such things are more harshly directed towards video games and animated stuff. I have a theory about that. I call it the shame boner.
It is a boner someone got over a fictional character, a situation they thought they were above because hey only shitty socially inept no-life nerds get turned on by fictional women. So my theory goes that they come down hard on these things because they are trying to transfer their own feelings of shame and guilt on to others and trying really hard to deflect from any suspicions that they themselves got excited by that loser nerd thing.

Kind of like how a Muslim will be gay and then just shoot up a night club to overcompensate for their gay feels.

A classic example I like to trot out is the "game journo" that freaked out about Dragon's Crown to the point that he tried to say that the big tittied adult woman sorceress was pedo bait and people who liked her were pedos. basically his shame boner freaked him the fuck out and he had to come up with the craziest bullshit he could to deflect.
Which also tells me he's probably a closet lolicon.

only thing I'll miss are wirght and Dragons Dogma.

Explain about MHW. Only Monster Hunter I like is International, and that has nothing to do with the games.


no first for benis, therefore sage

remember mcintosh

I'll never get that Panther costume to put on a sexy Arisen, will I…

god damn niggers why the fuck is this at the bottom of the list for dlc

i thought this didn't come out for pc till september

Anons, I got this from Harada's timeline. Easily exploitable. Enjoy.

what character designs would make straight dudes super uncomfortable that would work with the setting of overwatch? a gay? And what would be uncomfortable? If you made the gay super fucking stereotypical like they just came straight off a Pride Parade float?
Or a tranny? but a tranny that is basically a dude in a skirt? Another sort of stereotype?
How about a furry? I'm pretty sure people would just be like "lol what's with this football mascot guy".

I get the feeling that these people are just stringing buzz words and phrases together without really any substance backing them.

So all this talk of ggwiki had me go and look at some gg related articles on wikipedia. I didn't expect otherwise but it is annoying to see the same people controlling the narrative on wikipedia.

for sjwiki gamergate.

I'm not a fan of Monster Hunter so can you explain the warning signs Satan?

That's a glowing review if I ever saw one.

Hi Harada. God I wish.

Someone spoke out recently that using different costumes can be a big problem due to how certain players get accustomed to how their characters look and sometimes use that for certain moves, basically you could lose a tourney because of shit like this.

In other news writing for SNL is apparently really easy.


I have to argue that Twitter was well on its way out and rightfully so, but its new status as the President's press office has given it a new lease on life.

Which is a damn shame, because now the Twitter stocks, which had reached around $13 in the past few years in part due to the shadowbanning bullshit, is now starting to go back up.

Let me guess, they "debunk" it by spouting "MUH SEX FOR REVIEWS."


I asked Ian for an archive, he can't provide one.

Anyone hear about this PUBG shit? Some guy RPing a character gets banned from the game cause meaned words triggered some faggot.

This is the world we live in, company makes a violent game but don't you dare says mean things.


Fat, lesbian, niggers. I don't know about you guys, but I hate fat female niggers.

What I thought that happened with the friday the 13th game, did the same shit happen again?

>still pushing Mattress Girl
Yes Anita, so much concern for the man who was ACQUITTED ON ALL CHARGES. TWICE. But who will never escape you people's fucking feminazi smear campaign for the rest of his life.

Yea I can't archive, keep getting server errors.

please use archive.is/playerunknown-bans-popular-pubg-streamer-warns-that-words-have-consequences/

Direct link.

Yep, that's literally all they have to go on, wordplay bullshit from a confirmed BPD abuser.

Not drawfag, but I hope you like it.


Never mind then.

Another article devoid of any research on the whole Alex Mauer/DMCA debacle. Thanks Ars Technica at the end. Clearly just pasted from that article and didn't bother to actually look into the issue.

Another reminder that Jonathan Holmes is a retard.

That Techraptor article seems at first glance pretty good, far better then the other articles.

Needs some touch ups on the arms but that's pretty good.

Just noticed that, made a quick fix.

Yeah, I really love how they always conveniently ignore a single fact:

Funny how yellow journalists are defending Alex Mauer. It's a good way to tell which news sites have honesty, honestly.

guess I will skip that game then. Some of my friends told me to get it so we can play it together but there is no way I will buy it now.

Now it's perfect.

You know how capcom made DmC and Lost Planet 3 for the western audience? That's what Monster Hunter World is for Monster Hunter; making the game easier and flashier for an audience that will never touch the game

This is golden.


I have to wonder what the thought process there was.
I also have to wonder if she ever got any from anyone who wasn't a beta-orbiter after that.

Of course she did user.

What's the site so I can screenshot it?

This should not be giving me a boner, but it is

You didn't do that right. I'll fix it.



Excellent work user.

If you're looking for extra autism/ hard mode, you ought to match the noise and camera shake as well.


Now you're gonna write a thesis on how these "videogame-playing Dorito-munching nerds" are misogynist, aren't ya?

PC gamer.

would have to be some retards to ignore all those red flags.
Unless they figured that if she's doing the mattress thing for this one dude she's not going to turn around and say it happened again.

The story until now, #TorrentialDownpour news related and not.

- archive.is/KGEyx

Our Holla Forums and cuckchan /g/ made a replace for nyaa after it was taken down, make sure to use it… Now Approved by Japs.


As a troll move they put the fakku doujins you have to pay for in download state.

Fakku 0001-1000: files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent
Fakku 1001-1100: files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent
Fakku 1101-1200: files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent
Fakku 1201-1300: files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent
Fakku 1301-1400: files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt
Fakku 1401-1500: files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt
Fakku 1501-1600: files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt
Fakku 1601-1700: files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt

I think it's more among these lines than her wanting dick.

This shit gets posted in every thread but no one bothers to put up any sort of summary of

Find me the ugliest woman in the world user, with a rap sheet a mile long and hyper feminist and I will find you a man who will fuck her.

Women have it easy if they want some cock.

Could someone write up a long form version of this? I don't know what any of that greentext means.

Biology is a bitch sometimes, considering we have twice as many female ancestors as male ones it's no wonder faggots who can't get any or are simply thirsty as fuck and would stick their dick in anything they can to keep up the count means females can get away with quite a lot of bullshit.


90% of this diversity bullshit can be traced back to exactly that.

Does the concept of bants and just shrugging off toxic players mean nothing anymore?

I've never even heard of this game.

Even worse, bants from a guy who plays a personality.

No cause everyone is a thin skinned faggot who can't handle the slightest insult these days.

What a little bitch.

So it's not true that he got banned for the bantz, he got banned because he teamkilled as part of his character.

They're trying to drag him through the wringer for staying in character on Twitter. That's the issue.

It's the new rust, a.k.a. twitch garbage aggregator.

web.archive.org/web/20170719021653/http://www.please use archive.is/playerunknown-bans-popular-pubg-streamer-warns-that-words-have-consequences/

Never seen that version before.

Uh, obviously, it negatively affected his judgement, if he thinks those tweets were an example of good PR.
No you fucking weren't, you're only a "fan" because you got caught being just as big of a jackass.

why the hell are archive.org links not allowed? I don't know why archive.is didn't work, but archive.org can save pcgamer.

Because the PCgamer url is in the archive link.


Like said, archive.org falls victim to the wordfilter because it still hosts the original site's name in its url.

Have another pic of Ethics

Hope this settles for autism.

Pretty much, you can't just ban people because they triggered a bad memory you once had they had no fucking way of knowing, just like a Vietnam vet or a cop can't just shoot some person any time they say something that reminds them of some trauma they might have had.

If you have such a hair trigger you shouldn't be in a position of power.

that's the joke nerd

Haha! Nice one, user.


Very nice edit faggot. And then people say Holla Forums is dead. As long as people share lewds and create OC this place is worth visiting.

That being said, I am pretty sure that Holla Forums would support rules like that too. I mean they do seem to hate porn.

>You know how capcom made DmC and Lost Planet 3 for the western audience?
Could I play devil's advocate for Lost Planet 3 for a little bit? The game was setup to fail no matter what happened. Looking up the history behind the game, there was no smug attitude towards the release of the game what-so-ever like there was with DmC. Capcom, themselves, knew it was going to fail, the project leads behind the game knew it was going to fail, and the fans and press knew the game was fail from the first demo. This game was meant to be HATED by everyone. For what reason, I honestly have no clue. But, it's not the trash everyone has made the game out to be. Playing through what I did of LP3, I see what Spark Unlimited was attempting to do with the game, and it's a Hell of a lot better than anything I've seen other (More "profitable") Western devs release over the past few years and receive complete and utter praise for. Should it have been a LP game? To answer that question, no. It should have been it's own independent title. And, if it was, it probably would have been more fondly remembered as some hidden gem than what it currently is remembered for. But, then again, I tend to have shit tastes, as a number of anons have pointed out on various occasions, so sue me. However, I would like to point out that there are some legitimate complaints with the title, but a lot of them get drowned out due to people's blind rage in going "This is the game that killed Lost Planet!", meanwhile E.X. Troopers is showboating in Japan for a full year prior and never saw a Western release (And, should I mention how Mega Man Legends 3 was cannibalized into that?).
If any company thinks that's what it takes to make recurrently successful game/series, then they do not understand the Western market. they're just mimicking what Hollywood repeatedly does, and fails, at.

That's beautiful user.

So I cleaned my room a page on the wiki. Simple stuff, just polished up some English, removed some copypaste from Deepfreeze. Still a long way to go, even on the page itself, but it's a start.


There may be some reposts.

Anyways, what did I miss? What happened to the wiki?


Some of this shit has not aged well, has information later proved to to be false, and I think all of this was before we started archiving

I guess some butthurt Goons decided to take it over. Three years later, and they still think "hey guys, Goobergate, amirite" is still funny.

BoneMan here.
second scene almost done.
just have to do some inbetweens for the wall on the right and fix colors a bit

ill start the 3rd scene soon.

i want to get it done before the 3 year anniversary.

but i highly doubt i'll get it done by then


Now here's Haruda.

The achievements page got vandalized.

Unfortunately. I have some from TotalBiscuit.


Really? That certainly hasn't aged well.



Bretty gud!


It got vandalized. You can see recent changes here, revert the vandalism from the past day:

However editing might be locked now as a protection against vandalism, I'm not sure, I don't have an account there myself.


We were so innocent back then. So young.

So what's up with their links? Why are they all broken?

Did they expect that teamkilling wouldn't happen, especially from a guy with direspect in his name?

Don't the admins have tools to just roll back the entire wiki?

Are fujoshits going to be pissed about the Doctor being a woman?
I thought half of tumblr spent their time shipping him with Sherlock Holmes

>tfw it's been that long since we donated to save and name, if I remember correctly that one sea lion
God, I feel old.

not locked

We really were.


It honestly still amazes me that he keeps bragging "oh, you think I'm a sociopath because of that? Well, get a load of THIS!"

Are we going to move all the resources, ops, thread repository and images to the wiki?
As well as clean up the articles in general right?

Should I bother signing up?

Some of this stuff is almost nostalgic. I'll always remember it as the time almost every major publication went full white knight over some industry bicycle and didn't even come close to stopping it. Kicking us off 4chan directly led to the formation of 8/pol/, something more dangerous to their ideology then the old one ever was. And they never learnt the lesson that some things are small enough to not be worth fighting over, least you pull a Franz Ferdinand.

Still sucks that Phil Fish hasn't resurfaced. He was fucking hilarious.

So they want it to fail right?

Back when we thought Donotlink worked.

Isn't that more racist?

Might as well, but better not put all our eggs in the wiki, and archive and get some other repositories for back-ups.

How do we protect it? I'd rather this shot not happen again but I'm unfamiliar with Wiki.

The fuck?

The ridged foreheads and ferocious teeth at least helped distinguish them from the others, but this?


While we're all going on this nostalgia trip, why do you think the mods back then on 4chan before the exodus were so keen on banning all discussion of Gamergate is much as possible? Did we ever find evidence that 4chans mods were in collusion with Gamejournpro?

They look like Giger Niggers.

I don't know about moving everything to it yet, but it's a good idea to clean up the wiki regardless.


You should see the chimpout on the Trekkies about this.

Well, it was 2014, before the news that ABP takes bribes from Google hit the mainstream.

Are they like the Otakus in Japan?


Okay, that made no sense to me at all, so I can definitely say I don't know THAT much about Klingon physiology, I just know they were pretty much indistinguishable from the other major races (Romulans/Vulcans) in The Original Series.



Gamergate video

I can only speculate from stuff said when moot sold 4chan.
Moot was under pressure, legally from several sources. Between the influx of attention from the Fappening, outrage over Holla Forums's ebola-chan shrines, and so on it was a perfect storm of stress and shit.

I think the first deletions on Holla Forums were mods thinking it wasn't vidya, or just trying to clamp down on it. Then the first Internet aristocrat vid hit, and it blew up the internet, so the mods just couldn't contain it. Quinspiracy turned into GG and time passed. Then when moot ordered it shut down they pulled out all the stops

Not going to happen anytime soon, what those articles talk about is uterus transplants for (actual) women who have a damaged or removed uterus who want to become pregnant. And then talking about could a uterus be used a MtF trans, which is not confirmed, nor has it been tested in any male animal.

Here's a better article, talking about the reality of it.

Every lore in every nook and cranny, they remember in memory.

Was referring to the Klingon Augment Virus memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Klingon_augment_virus


society needs to be restructured in some way where people are born slaves to the government and can only gain their freedom by joining the military in a combat capacity for a decade. slaves have no rights and can be legally beaten to within an inch of their life as long as their injuries don't kill them.

Again this is from 2014 when we were still learning.

Well, moot had been trying to get away from 4chan for years. It was really just dumb luck that Hiroshima was run out of 2chan just prior to all this happening. Remember canv.as? Exactly.

Wait, so they used that to explain the "Klingon" appearance in TOS after-the-fact?


I do believe I mentioned some of this has not aged well.

Yup, Enterprise introduced us to a lot of retcons and shitty excuses, and fucking Wesley Crusher, man the butthurt when they finally solved the "Who is best Captain, Kirk or Picard?" by literally killing Kirk and have him be buried and forgotten in that shitty movie.

this looks much better animated than the berserk anime

Exactly what I was thinking.
-Peter Davison (The 5th Doctor Who) when talking about the "new" female Doctor Who

Would like to know this as well (Sadly, I wasn't there for it).

The Klingons did that shit to themselves back in Enterprise (The series set 90 years prior to the new one, and canon in all realities that we've seen).

In TOS, the Klingons you see are super soldiers. The back story behind the Klingon super-soldier program was the Enterprise episode "Affliction". The only reason why Abbrams got away with a differing Klingon design is because they were on the Klingon homeworld in Into Darkness, meanwhile the super-soldiers manned the fleet.

It was mentioned by Worf in the DS9 episode "Trials and Tribble-ations" that it's something they don't like to discuss with outsiders.





Hey gaytorgays, can someone post that recent vid where Galko's (I think) dialogue was changed to something about society objectifying women or some shit? Thanks.

Meanwhile, here's something to piss you off. Enjoy having private thoughts while you can. Oh, and the guy who said this is one of those rich new enterpreneur tech angel investor whatever. You know, the pool from which our presidents will be drawn in 30 years.

One last thing before I skip out on this thread for the night.

Judging by the edits made to the wiki, some Twitter Goon found it. They uploaded PigShitBalls, and provided a reason for an edit (read deletion of an entire page) using a dril quote.

Keep an eye out, and godspeed anons.

Guys, It's important, does Xmedia hardsubs?

Does anyone else find this somewhat disturbing? This piece of shit AI taught itself how to walk, but what about better AI in the hands of wrong people? People could use it to come up with all kinds of shit. Create weapons beyond our imagination and shit like that.

I don't know what hardsubs are, but xmedia allows you to create webm's with subtitles.

Maybe your autism is a little too high. You might need to turn it down.

I described the supposed "issue" they normally would whine about in their own terms.
If you're going to talk about a cult and its beliefs and belief structures and postulate possible hypocrisies that the cult members engage in from top to bottom you have to define the hypocritical action/exception to their own rules by their own terms.


Never underestimate the power of a huge, insular community of supernerds with literal decades of time to fanwank in.

You're thinking of Lucoa from Kobayashi no Maid Dragon.

Hardsub is stamp the subtitle in the video without the necesity of an .ass or .srt file

I can get behind that because I've been thinking the same thing whenever they feel the need to change the characters & act like "Americans won't like a 1000 year old loli dressing in a swimsuit" even though we have worse shit than that such as Toddlers & Tiaras & anti-GG has their share of rapists & pedophiles trying to say "You're all kinds of fucked up."


Goddamn it.

I tried to archive but it did not work for some reason.

"I love waking up every day happier with my life than this guy(Notch) does."
-Mitch Dyer, writer for Battlefront 2

"Me, anytime the term "SJW" is used unironically:Colin Farrell reaction GIF"
-Scott Lowe, senior communications manager for Naughty Dog

Battleground: Player Unknown's Dev being a faggot.
twitlonger.com/show/n_1sq1o2p (archive.is/6O721)

Waypoint and Patrick Klepek being faggots too
twitter.com/patrickklepek/status/887351037497094144 (archive.is/HRSPM)

And I still can't find a way to archive Waypoint's website, anyone knows how?

Tekken 7 looks more fun, and the sidestep mitigate projectile attacks easily, unlike the fireball-spammy SFV.


River City Ransom: Underground devs to replace Alex Mauer music with new tracks.



Okay, so hardsubs are subs that are part of the video itself and can't be disabled or changed through options? I attached a webm, it's kind of broken, the first few seconds are frozen, but after a while it plays and has subs. You mean something like that? Because xmedia can do that.

I've got to get ready for bed, so I'll have to end it here. With some cats.

Yes, these kind, any tutorial please?

my favorite is the one with the hat

everything is better with a hat on it

If anyone asks for source, don't.
I've found it easily enough just searching for 'Bakemonogatari'


So they are shitting all over the lore? Why does this still piss me off? I should of known this was coming.

Good riddance. I'm sick of uppity actors trying to censor the show that they have no say in. The Muppets was never meant to be family friendly.

Holy shit, back from when Topsy worked.


Exodus 21:1-11

Social media will always be a blight on mankind.

uhhh… I don't really remember what I did back then. But I guess you drag in the video, then go to subtitle tab. There you either chose the ones that are already in there, or you import a subtitle. Then you hit that arrow so it goes from source to output. Then you you have to chose between convert and render. One of them is the good one but I don't really remember which one it was. I think render is the right option, because it kind of sounds like rendering the subtitles into the video.

Evidently. It's been common practice now.




That would Tariq Moosa or whatever the fuck his name his.

Satan has spoken


no it was jabalalbul or what ever
Tariq has nothing at all to do with GG and is just a retarded sjw

Hell has risen over. Thanks Satan.

How do I rip closed captions off of youtube and still have the timing on them?

I made a GG wiki account but for some reason whenever I try to revert the vandalism on this one page it just sends me back to the edit page


Page history:

I should be able to just click Undo on Thisisahilariouswebsite's edit to return to the previous one, but instead it just gives me the edit page with his revision in the text box again. The same thing happens if I manually copy-paste the last good version into the edit box. Even if I copy-paste the good version into the edit box, click Save Page, get sent to the edit page again, copy-paste it again, and Save Page again, it just sends me to the edit screen again in a loop.

This might be why was saying the page was protected, but if a mod protected the page wouldn't that would show up in the page history?

Nice digits, but It was the other sick degenerate "minority", the Sikh.

you can't argue with those digits, his word is the truth now.

No, it doesn't work like that, but he'll probably meme magic the incestuous necrophiliac dogfucker to join up with Jabal.

Most Sikhs are actually pretty OK. Which is why liberals keep trying to pretend they're Muslims.

Serval figma is good

For some reason my browser is taking a shit. In any case, make sure the old OC that is posted here gets saved & preserved even if they haven't aged well.

I seem to recall the little bitch crying that other Sikhs were mean to him for being an attentionwhore in social media.

You have to wonder what the leftist end goal is of cozying up to muslims and trying to get other people to do so too.
They have to know, they have to fucking know that there is nothing about the muslim ideology that makes it at all compatible with what the values of the "left" seem to hold.
The only thing I can think of is that they can use Muslims as a sort of back-door way into more nanny-state speech and thought policing.


If you're talking about the elites, they're a twisted version of a Dr. Frankenstein where they think that they're the only ones who can control the monster, of their own creation, that has already killed and destroyed everything in it's path and is showing no signs of stopping.

If you're talking about the feminists…

I remember when he cried bitch tears about that picture "ruining his life," even though trolls weren't even directly attributing it to him. If anything ruined his life, it was being a smug hipster prick living in San Francisco.

He was pretty happy when the GJP made a shit ton of articles decrying about gamergate shopping this picture around minus the trust and verify they did to the media rag that ran it or ignore the fact it was a troll, but they didn't give a shit about honesty.

Old article collecting the smears against Palmer Luckey: archive.is/hhiv5

Wait, which pages?

Embrace the truth, user.


old stuff incoming.

Holla Forums is Holla Forums and Holla Forums is Holla Forums. We. Are. United.

Oh, remember when people confronted them with "that's bullshit and you know it," and they straight-up replied with "yes, we know you didn't do it, but that's irrelevant." I think that was the first instance of them not even hiding the fact that they're a bunch of fucking liars, and the Trump presidency ended up pushing them even farther over that edge.

Most lefties are simply retarded Don't you have any friends you talk to? It's been a while since I left school, but back then when I was in school I did talk to a lot of lefties, and they genuinely believe that muslims are just as good as other people. They think that saudi arabia and countries like that, misrepresent muslims.

Then there is also the upper class. The middle class is less tolerant towards muslims because they have to deal with them. But you can bet your ass that a well earning doctor is not going to hate muslims. He probably has a house in a nice neighborhood and has his own car. The middle class people on the other hand sometimes have to use public transport and live in shitty places. Rich people simply don't face niggers that often. And because of that they think those guys are okay. I don't think they have any bad intentions, they are probably just a bunch of idiots.

And the super rich people are doing it for the money. Big corporate in Germany, Netherlands and other European countries make a shitload of money thanks to refugees.

Here you go friend.

And the twitter side finally realized you couldn't talk to them when a majority of the shithead writers were part of the GameJournoPros.

Feminists and SJWs should be purged from the face of this planet.


archive? Also who is this person? Someone relevant or just a random wankstain?

random youtube sjw.

used to be a skinny little dude, now he's a chubby woman.

They must be! The blue checkmark tells me so.

One and thousands, thousands and one, one that influence thousands and thousands that influence one.

We are /vpol/.

Does that predate the widespread adoption of Pepe/Kek imagery for GG? Because that's downright eerie if so.

Do you really have 1625 screenshots like this?
I usually delete mine after posting.

Is archive.is not working for anyone else?

Well, yeah and there's subsets too. So I can keep tabs.


Their page is up but I get a server error when I try to archive anything.

Here, the start of our crusade.

It does. I saved that pic in October 2014. My oldest GG-related Pepe is from mid 2015.

Ahh, we where so optimistic back then.

Ah, the early days of #GamerGate. If only we knew how deep and dark the abyss is back then.

tumblr wearing the fine young capitalists shirt?

Was that the guy Gawker and/or Kotaku would not stop stalking after he went into hiding due to him supporting Trump, even posting frequent articles trying to track where he was on their own website?

My nigga and you just described jews to a J

Someone needs to stop motion pic 2

We really didn't think this would escalate to point that Trump would get elected, the Great Meme War, and people attributing Gamergate for emboldening the Alt-Right, and then people blamed Zoe for creating this monstrosity, kek. In hindsight in the first year, it was clearly a gigantic problem when the corrupt fucks would keep escalating shit to the point where they called their mainstream media friends, political connections, industry blacklists, the UN, social media giants, and fucking ADL and SPLC joining the fray calling us a fringe hate group.

Technically right.

What an interesting path those two have been on

whoops, anons demanded DF tan, not twins. The twins idea came after the strawpoll results and the Blonde vs Blue autism war

pls respond

Yep. The entire mainstream media and Twiteratti (as if there's a difference nowadays) acted like he bankrolled the invasion of Poland or some shit.

Always our enemies ended being or greatest allies.

Also, does someone here has any image of people blaming LW for being the responsible of trump Being president?

That's no shit.

Off the top of my head:

>Fake News (how mad do you think the media still is that they were the ones who created that term?)

I remember those dark times. I put Danielle's head from the only picture of her on Fry's dog to bemoan every picture of freya that was drawn while she got nothing. Now we live in the best timeline with more Danielle pics.

I was going to say it didn't start with twins, but it was obvious you goofed due to the strawpoll after

Now we're just like "did CNN seriously fucking threaten to dox someone over a gif? God dammit, I'm getting too old for this shit."

Five months of continuous reprinting of the same article, at the least. And the rat that did it jumped ship to another rag his editor got a job at.

I'm still amazed that it didn't stop the moment the UN Women report was exposed as complete bullshit. But, I guess that's the power of The Narrative for you.

Some things REALLY haven't aged well, this was way before the Treehouse cancer of Fire Emblem Fates & Treehouse going directly to the source

You missed

I must have missed this. Source please.


You forgot:

Praise Danielle

God, remember the digs on xoxofest? How they gave away about a dozen tickets to black people if they wrote an essay about how sitting in a barn filled with white hipsters would change their life? What a bunch of pretentious horseshit, it's no surprise that a majority of them were from San Francisco.

I still have some stuff from that!


Still blamed GG, but those "woke" cucks and feminazi dykes who were falling in line with the narrative for years were fucking blaming her for gamergate, then promptly got dogpiled with silence, it was mostly in twatter. Think some anons got some screenshots here.

Don't remind me.

Got sauce reverse search does nothing & the artist is new to me

That playboy bayonetta cosplay still is very noice.

God, that post still pisses me off.

2D girls in collars are the best thing in the universe.

Oh, also the parallels to Chanology, that was clearly an attempt to try and stop the momentum.

Could you midnight-anons help with the OP: Only two anons have given legitimate responses, thus far.

When you consider that to be a happy accident of modern Playboy I suppose it is.

Please explain.

This pissed me off at the time. That never happened except in the very early days when the idea of a gg general thread was new to people. That was a bullshit claim. The reporting issue was probably true as shills/quinn came in and tried to report every link or twitter screencap thinking 4chan was like reddit and the mods wanted to remove all gg stuff. I remember one janitor coming into the thread to tell us off for reporting links.

I think I once asked for a cow Danielle like that. Some drawfag should consider it.

Seriously, that was the absolute worst part about it all.
Fuck that piece of shit.

When moot finally succumbed, that was when I knew it was the point of no return. And I never did.
Once a goon, always a goon I guess.

No argumets here and while it was noice, i wish the cosplayer had longer legs.

Speaking of that;

And even after bowing down and kissing the ring, the sociopaths he thought would let him get ahead dragged his name through the mud some more for good measure.


That gave me a smile.

Just something about girls in cat collars / dog collars / chokers. It is my eternal fetish.

Also works for traps.


Thank god, I was wondering what happened to the guy.
Nice to see he still exists.

I'm kind of happy.

Also on the topic of SJWeebs & TD, never forget pic related.

I see.



Anyone else notice a couple of threads that should just be regular posts in this thread, SJW shit, being posted? One is something already in the the last thread and the other I think is Cheong writing shit about Neofag. The Neofag OP didn't know how to archive and barely posted in his own thread and only to call people Neofaggots. The other OP posted once after the OP to say the thread is full of shills.

That fag got so asshurt at getting called out that he payed for art of him getting peed on.

Is this another try.

Thats old if I recall, manga gamer has been taking their damn sweet time with higurashi. The series is over 10 years old now.

I'll bet you $10, this guy looks out urination.

So are these.

Nice to know that he's okay.

Helps hide the Adam's apple, right?


Fucking Goons.

You type that as if this is your second time asking for that image's sauce.


Isn't he the guy that also sperged out about that one poster on some forum that liked strong, confident, and masculine women? I could have sworn he was the same person. He and some devs shit talked him and said that people should never make characters like that.

Try doing it 774 more times. :^)

Archive.is isn't working right now.


Literally who?

I think he is, actually.

Nowhere near as fun without watching him get broken even further, unless that's what he's doing after losing another fucking acting gig.

Well shit. At least tweetsave isn't acting up.

Thanks, anyway!

Yes it's the same person

one of shia's puppets

It was so funny to see how hypocritical it was. You had someone who was interested in women that were not traditional, albiet this was sexual interest. Then these faggots show up who usually promote that shit say how awful it is to make characters like that and shit on some guy for having preferences for non-traditional women.

A couple of "gems" from the past. Not archived because it's not even worth the time.

You gotta be fucking kidding me.

It's not my cap, breh. I just got it from some other tweet.

Oh yeah, "devs please do the opposite of what this guy likes", right? That's him.

Does anyone remember when TIME had one of those "Which word should be banned" polls & "Feminist" was on top?

It is. The point was that of the SJWeeb cancer that is prevalent nowadays with localization standards & character designs.
user please! The iPhone was released 10 years ago!

Shit, are we finally going to see actual cannibal Shia LaBeouf in action?

Fair enough.


Archive.is works now.

How are these people so incompetent? Why couldn't you have just said "gamergate alleges" or "they say that"? No, you had to say something that was provably false. For some fucking reason. You can go to thezoepost right now and confirm that he absolutely does not do that. also:

not only shown innocent twice, but shown innocent twice to the ridiculous feminist standards that are already in (campus) rape trials

On the topic of the wiki, I was thinking about adding an article about James Portnow tomorrow since he's important to the controversy but not mentioned in much detail on the extra credits page.
Here's some stuff I gathered if anyone is interested as well:

Divide by Zero

Digipen Interview

Linkedin Page
Pics related, could not get archive.

Teach me how to archive sites like Waypoint.

The closest I have is Google Cache (text only), then archive.is.

They've never read the Zoepost, and they know none of their readers ever will, either. Listen And Believe.

REDTEXTING FOR ATTENTION AGAIN! If you haven't given your input regarding the OP for future breads, please do so now!
See this post

See pic related.

I think I have been seeing it happening here a few times.

Your efforts are appreciated.


I have no problem with quick saves but save slots should be limited.


How limited are we talking? Dead Rising 1 with only one save file? Resident Evil on the Playstation with the typewriter?

No more than 3 if the game has quicksave. Unlimited if its regular. And some games with anytime saves should have penalties for saving.

Such as spending money to save? Monsters having a chance to loot your shit when you come back?

I recall in Mystery Dungeon you could make a save mid-dungeon and then quit and turn off the system, and when you resumed it would be deleted.
Was there a specific name for this?

Those could be nice, I know some games employ respawn while you do not heal while saving or get your resources back. Trillions needed you spending exp since free saving makes it less difficult.

Temp quick save.

Propane tanks do not explode. They do not implode and nor do they rupture or come apart on their own. In fact, bringing a propane tank to the point of "explosion" is a tremendously difficult and time consuming task that's not as simple as most people think. Many people believe that a propane tank "explosion" can occur with the slightest of ease. This is not the case whatsoever and people should understand that a propane tank, operating under normal circumstances will not explode or rupture. Safety devices and mechanisms are in place to prevent explosions, accidents and propane tank ruptures or breaches. Just like any other hazardous material or activity, human error is a primary factor in preventing or contributing to any type of accident, however serious in nature.

That's just a really dumb picture and I disagree with almost everything in it because it really favors certain kinds of games over others in a dumb way. People who loved Doom are sheep playing fake games because they just want to shoot demons instead of playing a real game like Fallout 4 that requires a certain blend of SPECIAL stats to most effectively use certain weapons, moral choices that effect the world, free roaming exploration, and more. Or I've never been keen on Mass Effect but it's apparently way more of a "real" video game than something like God Hand or Ghost and Goblins because it has more strategy, dialogue decisions to make, lore to read, and hacking puzzles including the famous Tower of Hanoi.

This seems biased to a debate on whether a game is a "true RPG" or not, instead of games in general. What about straight action games that are still brutally difficult and offer even less mercy than many RPGs would? What about fighting or puzzle games? They're just as much a part of the industry. It just strikes me as weird that "meant to challenge" doesn't have any mention of input, movement, speed or accuracy.

I can't believe it's going to be 3 years of GG soon.

This is veering too much into "this game doesn't have x therefore it's not a game."

Streamlining of certain mechanics doesn't necessarily make for a bad game.

I'm flush with joy that people are still fighting… and mildly annoyed that there are still idiots trying to take gaming for themselves.

It takes all sorts to make a world I guess.

Okay? Are you trying to enlighten us on how vidya is not the same as the real world? You should be talking to SJWs. You're preaching to the choir.

Neither do vehicles when damaged. Your point?

…. who is this guy again?

What is the name of the game at the top again? I have been looking for it for a while.

some random guy on twitter who got confused for DICE because his twitter handle is @diceeurope iirc

Ultima Underworld.

Thank you.

Ok, now I have to see what this guy looks like in real life.

Also, every single tweet dunking on him gets way more likes. Shit is so funny

Is that really the best they fucking have? I could comeup with 10 better insults without trying.

shut up, shitlord.

Oh god, i just realised all their insults have to do with bodily functions.

Heh gamers

they can't make real insults. Real insults make the other person feel bad about something about them. Calling someone a cuck impunes their masculinity and their ability to please a partner. That's a bunch of microaggressions and problematic shit right there. Easier to just call them something related to bodily fluids. Pissboy, shitlord, pissbaby. It might just be some scatological projection too

I requested said pic in my previous post, if you please.

If you called them a cuck they'd like it.

They also love calling people pedos.

As someone who has regularly blown up propane tanks with Tannerite in the past, I am sorry to say that you're wrong user.

Any form of penetration or shock that is capable of rupturing the tank while introducing a hot spark will cause a propane tank to explode, Hollywood style, in a massive fireball.

Note that, unlike Hollywood, regular gunfire can not do this. Tracer rounds, however, will explode the fuck out of a propane tank.

It's a really off topic (1) and done. Might be a bot.

None at all. Communists despite creativity and think of it as opium of the people next to religion. The only thing acceptable are 'documentaries' where they praise the regime and show how great is their communist lives.

Look Kino-Glaz and Vertov.

While they themselves being either pedos or having some sort of degeneracy, rendering them amazing hypocrites.

Oh my god I think you just fucking nailed it. You just solved the mystery of why they call everyone some variation of "diaper peepee man." When you look at possible insults through the lens of social justice, it makes perfect sense. Those types of insults are the only ones they can use without fear of being crucified by their own side.




If you think about, nearly ANY incult can be traced back to some problematic bullshit, with the exception of toddler tier bodily function insults, and anything that shames masculinity. I.E, adding "bro" to a word to make it a negative.

That and also they don't seem to understand the entire point of an insult. Pic related.

I mean none of us here are moral people but we don't lie or project like they do.

Jesus this pretty much nails it.

I have a feeling that was made by a tumblr nut

Considering how his comic kinda flickers with sensibility, I can believe that.
* www.doesnotplaywellwithothers.com if you're interested

Similar was how they made the villain of a comic Red skull the most reasonable person. They have no understanding.

It also reminds of of something I read about how SJWs operate on disgust-based thinking. People won't touch a plate of food if it has a tiny bit of shit on it regardless of how clean the rest is because the entire thing is now disgusting. SJWs apply that logic to everything, and you can notice it in the words they use.


I think SJWs are "connected" to general filth in many ways. The way they insult involves filth ("shitlord", "pissboy"), the way they express themselves involves filth ("art" made of bodily fluids), and even the way they satiate their lewd instincts can involve filth (scat fetish discovered for some of them). The way they live always involves filth.

Or in general hedonistic orgies, narcotics use, their slut-acceptance/sex worker bullshit that always only applies to them, always trying to donate bodily fluids when they don't pass screening especially when the rules were made as a response to their bullshit, and they're government requirements, the same thing they so blatantly worship to control everything in their lives so they have "more time to party."
Really their entire existence is based off of the party school mentality ratcheted up a few extra points, because why be a useful and productive member of society if you believe or constantly force everyone to believe the government will hand you everything and you not only don't have to do anything, but you can also do literally nothing because nothing matters and the only reason to live is to enjoy yourself, even at the cost of others.

"I'm not mad", the comic.

I completely forgot that shitlord as a term was appropriated. They don't even use it anymore likely from embarrassment. Thinking about it, it's really awful.

But now, instead of allowing themselves even a moment of introspection, they pivoted from shitlord to 'pissboy'.

They never learn.

What annoys me the most about the whole thing is that "pissboy" is such a childish insult, it's literally toddler tier. It's just one step above "poopoo head." Here is a college educated "journalist" and his favorite insult is "pissboy." Not only that, but he hurls it over the most innocuous stuff.

And else bothers me is that he never thinks for a moment that the few people that are bothered about a female doctor may in fact be fans, and maybe need to be reassured, rather than insulted with preschool insults. But no, it's better for him to boost his fragile ego than to try and salvage some fans for a show he claims to enjoy. Because at the end of the day he enjoys shitting on people on the internet more than he enjoys doctor who. Boosting his own ego is more important to him that trying to ensure that the first female doctor is successful.

This is also what characterizes them even more.
They don't want to work, but they want you to work, and they want you to donate what you earned and what they want, from your funds to your rights. They constantly go on "slut walks" or endorse/engage in deviant acts, because they believe this is their right, but they don't want you to do the same, because it actually tampers with their own income.
When you work, you earn money, that you spend. SJWs don't work, or at least don't work at something that involves general skills, except perhaps social and sophistic skills, because your source of income is actually their source of income, because some normalfags donate to them, with the money they earned, on their Patreon or some other stuff like that.
When you don't work, you don't earn money, you don't get income, and therefore, they don't get their income. This is why they shame you for "playing", even when it isn't deviant. They don't want you to look at anime boobs, or the even attack vidya in general, because it involves you "not working", and "not working" involves they can't ask for donations from you, because you can't donate. I mean, isn't this how Feminist Frequency works, for instance?
And meanwhile, you see those same feminists going around acting like deviants in private, or even in public, like those "slut walks". "Because they can, but you can't."
If you look at it, SJWs are like clean beggars that know what to say to convince, or force you, to pay for them.

AJ Styles unrelated.

None of them enjoys Doctor Who. The only reason this is in any way controversial is because they've been claiming for all these years that there is some kind of nebulous aversion to female characters in fiction, all in direct contradiction to reality. They claim that there is a war going on and that they are constantly being attacked even though there isn't and they are not. It is all ego-stroking and purposeless belligerence, they want to pretend that they are fighting against an evil enemy but that enemy simply doesn't exist.

The worst part is that the fact that they want to be seen as valiant defenders of their ideals who have to fight and win against adversity betrays that they all know that it's a good thing to overcome adversity, but whenever actual adversity rears its ugly head, they all cry to the government or the UN or a big, strong man to come save them. They know that they should be actually trying to accomplish something but they don't and instead simply leech off of everyone around them. That makes them evil.

Sounds like GamerGate to me famalamborghini :^)


Can a drawfag draw the rest of the broom in this image? I want to make a wallpaper out of it.
Something like this

I know this is getting a likely shitty game and all, but shouldn't this be in an /a/ draw thread? I'm sure they have one.

I want to make a wallpaper like this but it's missing the rest of the broom.

That's a good idea

Nevermind on this, I think I managed to make this work. I'll share when I'm done if anyone want's it.


The ultimate little witch wallpaper. I'm very pleased.

Other than disagreeing with your background color choice, very nice job user.

Hey. Klingons are niggers.

For fuck's sake, they look like beetle lizard niggers.

Terrible. Awful. A complete and utter mistake.

Here's one you can edit as you wish. I'm having concerns about the perspective of the broom, seems off to me now that I look at it.

I think because it lacks shading, so it looks flat compared to girlie.

Found this on KIA.

Good evening!

Good evening user! Look at my twitter profile image! I did good, yes?

If you like that, I don't mind. Everyone has their tastes.

Needs to be smugger




Anyone know the source of this? Can't find it anywhere

Wait until the ADL adds everyone here on a list.

I prefered the 300 persian looking klingons from the new movies.

So close but basically went "how do you do my fellow non lefts" near the middle, and accused centrists of being more radical than even the right, and avoided badmouthing the left and their radical and reckless progressivism.

It'll be like the blockbot days all over again.

G'morning. Did I miss anything yesterday? I had to walk my sister through fixing my sink and some other stuff so I wasn't here.

The ADL released a list of people to assassinate expose for bigotry.

They're not being subtle anymore, totally not-biased and non-partisan, and people are calling out that fucking Jew.

Anybody interesting on it? Are they going to finally stop Sam "niggers run and" Hyde?


Never mind, I glanced through it. Not surprising coming from them, though. I forgot I also heard something about Boogie's wife leaving him. Also not surprising.

Didn't read the list, but almost certainly Milo is on it. Certain people are calling this out and Twitter prevented the hashtag from trending yet again.

Yeah, he's on it. They did divide it between alt-right and alt-lite, which is a distinction not many make, but still stupid that they're calling people out for their political views.

They know what they are doing. After all, they kvetch when people make a list of ADL employees, or a list showing CNN is ran by jews. Because they know these lists have power.

Yes, it's actually an old parody SJW account I made last year. I deleted my main twitter but had a relapse when I remembered I had it, so I deleted everything, changed the @ and have it now.

I remember Gawker posting a list featuring names and addresses of legal gun owners as if that was okay, too. It's a very strange system of beliefs.

Say what you will about Mike Cernovich, they claimed he was responsible for the "Pizzagate shooting", and he turned it back on them by showing this encourages violence.

For added horror, read this.


Gawker is the media corporation equivalent of a sassy, bitchy gay guy.

Turns out that's not an ethical business model.

I only skimmed the names so I didn't see that part. Disgusting. That article's disgusting too.

If only somebody with a brain had worked there and could have told them "Hey, maybe doing this thing we're about to do isn't smart."


I didn't know he supports common core.

Which law? and he does share the politics of Del Taco.

i don't get it, wouldn't marxists be in favor of more people failing? if more people fail, then that would justify more over-reaching, all-encompassing social programs, wouldn't it?

Honesty is a spook.

why is funnyjunk so redpilled?

Found it the whole picture, there's a pregnant version too. Artist is also the same dude who made the smug vampire loli stuff.

I miss those times.

Because the guy who runs it isn't a cuck who is triggered by right wing opinions. It's bizarre, Funnyjunk owner has more balls than Moot.


99 years for a shitposting tweet.

Someone mind explaining how the fuck this case has gotten to court in the first place?

(((Kurt Eichenwald))) got his dox from Twitter and is going all out on him.

What was the tweet?

Never underestimate a kike's ability to hold a grudge.

Shit, where's my slowpoke picture for your faggy ass ?

He sent a gif that apparently gave kurt an epileptic seizure and then his wife tweeted "you gave him a seizure you monster" with his account and so everyone's convinced he never had one but pretended to be his own wife

He sent a flashing gif that said

To a reporter with epilepsy.

Still as assholish as that was, 99 years for a fucking tweet?

You deserve an epileptic seizure for this post gif

I should elaborate, in what fucking universe did a judge decide that this case has any merit?

For the record gifs and videos on twitter DO NOT PLAY AUTOMATICALLY, so even if Kurt actually suffered a seizure that shit was self inflicted. If this was in real life that's like headbutting the other guy's outstretched fist.

The Jews knows how to game the system

Does my old, tired heart good. You're all making me proud.

Been saving shit since… (checks File Properties) Aug 20, 2014. Back when us naive and foolish Holla Forumsirgins honestly believed Zoe's next move would be to blame Kotaku for EVERYTHING.


I don't like loli characters.

But I love flat adults.

You only get banned for porn, and various stuff like linking viruses or whatever. That's anathema to anyone who can't handle mean opinions. Some of the more autistic ones are still posting the exact same pony diaper pictures/nonsensical webms in every post like the autistic retards they are after several years, and they still aren't banned because why bother? That's a mod mentality I like. They can be normalfag as fuck sometimes, but when it comes down to it it's a hive of shitlord autistic loli-fans because there's only so many places left you can even be that.

Also they have some pretty fucking good OC and memes.

Jesus fucking Christ. I imagine the twitter crowd is rounding up to mock him some more, at least.


broom head tilts towards background which looks a bit wrong to me too

could probably fix it by coloring bristles over the shaft where it connects

Good taste.

I wonder what triggered the wiki vandalism after so long.

So, propaganda films.

That was extremely painful to read. It's like I'm back in the early 2000s and we had those painfully bad "Keep safe, kids" videos (No, wait, we still have those, and they haven't changed the videos in years).

Of course. The communist hate hollywood even if jews like them funded the whole thing. The own Frankfur school was anti fun and one of them even said that "it was a disgrace people still made poems after the holocaust".

Anything that wasn't made for a 'bigger purpose' IE propaganda shouldn't be made, that's why you see so many feminists now trying to take over videogames, comics and tabletop games.

some soundcloud that popped up in the hwndu generals after hwndu ny got shut down

When's total legality in britbongistan?

It's driving me nuts. I'll try and fix it.

A meteor isn't enouth. We need a supernova of cleansing fire.

Calexit comic is going up real sweet for the resistance antifa faggots, 25,000 copies sold for 4 dollars each. And supposedly profit is being given to a Democrat PAC that supported Hillary Clinton.

Apparently the judge is a affirmative action hire.
She's doing this to get back at the "White Devil".

Wait, that's a genuine comic? I thought this page was an edit of something else that once had better writing.

This video further explains the 2nd Amendment, and it's hosted by the champion of the 1st Amendment himself, Eugene Volokh. Enjoy!

NeoFag butthurt about the DLC of upcoming game Blue Reflection

of course they find this creepy and immoral. they are only able to see these girls in a sexual way.

fucking pedogaf

I'll watch that but this one caught my eye more, both need webm though and surprised this one is not removed

Blue Reflection hasn't been released in the US.
that's why they're seemingly not making a storm about it, yet.


Jew genes bred into the anglos.


non american here, is that video true?

forgot the archive, here it is.


As clear as day, user.

Remember a klansman during Hillary's campaign run came out and said that the Klu-Klux Klan is a "Democratic Organization".

There! NOW it's perfect. I think. I fixed the broom, it's bigger and curves the right way.

New wallpaper. Thanks user

Yes. Everyone of the main facts (Backed slavery, started Jim Crow, opposed Civil Rights act, Started KKK, etc)

The democrats say times have changed and the republicans have become racist, and Dems have become the tolerant party. That might have some weight, since the south used to be solidly democrat back in jim crow days, and then became solidly republican, but there are other factors like Republicans protecting religion, and opposing larger government.

It's said the main reason minorities flock to the democrats is because of dem's support for welfare, other entitlements, and expanding government.

Since we are talking about pragerU for some reason:

Oh shit, a kike in this video will talk about how men are attracted to beautiful and how male gaze is nothing more than a tool to scare men. Holy shit.

I also found this, but production wise it is kinda ham fisted.


Whoops beat me to it

Does not compute. would compute less if it was a jewess



you guys turn those into webm's? I am working on the dem vs rep, gun and the porn one.

How can someone be so butthurt without being swallowed by its own gapped ass?

He's downright enthralled.

Treehouse apparently got their hands on Splatoon 2. In JP Marina is shy, polite, and looks up to Pearl, even calling her senpai. In ENG they decided to fuck over that dynamic and made her Marie 2.0

And then Iwata died.

t.Hank Hill

Okay, it's ready.

It's real. There's a Holla Forums thread about it right now. It's not really worth a read aside from the beginning. Nig takes the guy's boots anyways.

I don't know who this guy is beyond implications of political leanings but it's not surprising such people are into watersports, scat, and infantilization.

Of fucking course. Treehouse thinks all women have to be quirky scifi rejects, that they cant just be sweet.


user, I have said it before and I'll say it again, announcing webms every single fucking time you make them is cancer. If you make one then post it but don't attention-whore with it, it effectively makes you a tripfag/avatarfag.

broom looks good but light source on ako is from top-right which makes the shading on the broom head look wrong


Prager U's videos got some good clips that can be used for powerpoints and OC's.

Is that an edit, or it's from a video? Just asking.

It's from a video. Specifically, right here.

I'm surprised that he lasted this long to be honest.

On one hand, I want proof. On the other hand, I wonder why treehouse keeps getting away with it



Why can't twitter just burn already

New Data

Get it: files.catbox.moe/8b30xq.zip

Thanks to our coderfag, code/dotgenerator.py now runs in minutes instead of hours. It still produces a giant hairball because our data is crap.

code/dotgenerator.py also includes a search engine. If you give it a word to search for, it will print the data segments containing that word instead of creating a graph file. This will be useful for anybody working on the wiki and any diggers because we may have already dug whatever you are looking into.

I need a volunteer to repost this in the next thread since I won't be around.

He got a new account!



Fixed data
Get it: files.catbox.moe/vtstab.zip
It was missing a couple of files.


How is this? I also added some shadow to the underside of the broom

So… are antifa or the left in general trying to weaponize the working class after they just elected Trump? is there anything the left won't do to gain power?

Nope. They'll use everything. Not even the dead are safe from these post-modernists and Marxists for as long as it suits within their agenda.

Broom flipped so the shadows all match.


He's BACK!!!!!


They're butthurt about everything not in a burka. The real question is if they're up to something in order to fuck the game up.

So apparently Youtube is now labeling videos as misleading.

I get the checkpoints, but since when were quicksaves a thing in modern AAA games? I haven't seen the option in over a decade.

Oh shit nigga! I've gone mad with options! I'll stop now, I'm quite satisfied. Hope they get some use

That article will never stop bothering me.

God fucking damn it Sweden.

Isnt this kinda like mass book burning, you know, like fairenhiet 451?

I'd fuck that little witch ass.

Even worse, Pippi Longstocking is from Sweden. Sweden is destroying is own fucking culture because "racism".


The last country I checked that done this, well meaning burning their own literature and history was….. wait for it.

China during the Cultural Revolution under Mao Zedong.


And now China is an absolute shithole of a country with equally shit people in it because their culture got destroyed

Oh the irony, calling others people and then doing this.

They have admitted to destroying these books because they "don't fit the times" because a pretty decent reporter said that they are burning books.
In short, they got accused of burning books but went "we destroys books that don't fit our ideology but we don't burn them :^)".

I regret I didn't save that little drawing with bongs telling japs to "learn from them" while they actually go raping kids in the background. It also had the rape rate of the two countries in the bottom. I should also get some ara "CP" pics.

I knew the (((communists))) were behind this. It's always the fucking pinkos.

The thing is, these communists disguised themselves REALLY well. They're now called feminists, SJWs and liberals.

Rip sweden. Its gonna be the new china/middle east. I hope all the swedes flee to somewhere safer before the swedish holocaust starts.

While it's true they removed the Pippi Longstocking in the South Sea book, possibly even burning them, the article also mentions they bought the same, but new, edition of the book. The new edition removes the words 'Negro King' and replaces it with 'South Sea King', otherwise, as far as I can tell, it's the same book.
However, even this I find offensive, and they even admit it was done for ideological reasons.
I'm reading Huckleberry Finn right now, and it is glorious to be able to read the word Nigger so many times, and Nigger Jim talk like he does. It was a product of its time, and should never, ever be censored.

Where's Capitão Falcão when you need him?

looks good

Sadly, he's in Portugal, dealing with their own communist problems.


Hey, this guy, who is an SJW/ troll, who is impersonating Sargon of Akkad, is still there in the wiki. He change the main page that links to what GG is, the history of it, and the time line, into linking to hentai/porn vids.

Pippi along with Disney's Alice and Chun-Li is what gave me my leg fetishes when I was a kid. This is a travesty, fuck Sweden.

Is there a way to remove him?

So, these reporters that are burning books are like Jubair al Hakim, who I killed in the first AC game. I never like him or people like him.

(So, who saved and hid the Pippi Longstocking books?)

iirc the admin hangs on KiA and they don't seem to give a shit.

The guy who caused the most damaged got banned, but the other one is still there. I'm just reminding.

I could for the remainder of my life live a happy man if I could hump a pair of good lady legs or tits once every day.

Never read Pippi Longstocking, but I doubt any of them would use the word "Negro" as a prejorative. Obviously though the people responsible for this change treat anything other than X of Color as a negative descriptor.

Pippi Longstocking is fairly popular. Even if the Swedes burn every single Swedish copy in existance, there's still a shitload internationally in a couple dozen different languages.

Me too.

I might have come off a bit wrong. English is not my first language.
It was a reporter (the only actual proper journalist in swedish MSM) that broke the story that this library was burning books, during a summer radio show we have every year, where a celebrity or another person of interest get to say almost whatever they want.

The other one got banned by "LITERALLY BABY HITLER", can you contact him?


It looks like the only remaining difference from his vandalism is that the intro on the main page is still slightly different, the malicious links were removed but "What is Gamergate?" got changed to "Gamergate". The main page is protected so I can't do it but someone might want to revert that. Here's the diff between the last version before the vandalism and the current version:

All the other pages he vandalised seem to have been completely reverted.

So, if and when Sweden returns to sanity. They'll be asking countries, like the USA, Africa, and Asia to localize Pippi; because they threw her away and her Swedish fans will hide her good, until they're absolutely certain the insanity clears.

They don't. They use negro as a descriptive term.
Because, you know, they are negroids.

The SJW's here try to equal negro to nigger all the time, even though sweden has doesn't really have a "nigger" word.
For christs sake, one of our most beloved snacks(?) is called a negroball. There is no malice or anything like that in that term.

Sweden is dead. I wish for an Ice Age to freeze all those migrants.

Oh, I don't remember how the front page looked like yesterday. I was freaking out, so I was trying to restore and fix the page (I was successful for the most part except I made the main page say something stupid).

Speaking of sweden…

That's dumb. I know these old books use the word "Negro", because the authors know that the n-word is a prejorative.

Hence the "Gamergate," instead of "What is Gamergate?"

Well, if you can edit protected pages you can make this section identical to what it was before the vandalism by going to Edit and saving this version of the page:

I don't know if there's any way to compare the diffs for the entire main page, but looking at the changes I think that's the only section that's still different.

Can somebody explain the deal with israel and Palestine? I understand that the SJWs back Palestine, but why?

Scam Shitizen's server limit is 25__ PER server.

*Player limit per server.

Because they're both the underdog and kebabs at the same time.


[Insert laughter]
Something tells me the author of this backed the scam.

Heads up! I won't be able to make the next bread so a baker will have to take over this time.

The antifa bikelock guy is in prison, right?

At this point, a reduction in scope could be a sign that Roberts is regaining a little sanity.

I thought you fags might like this.


Last I heard, his rich family paid the 200K bail and he was spotted in some anarcho-edgelord gathering, breaking the conditions for his bail.

Lmao what a joke

Fucking bullshit.

Capitalism sure is comfortable at times.

Being able to bay bail is such a retarded concept.

Ones under control of the tribe are pro-Israel but ones that are retarded of their own will tend to be pro-Palestine. The thing about being pro-Palestine is simply that they see Israelis as whites oppressing brown people, you generally see pro-Palestine ones at protests and in public while the pro-Israel ones are predominantly seen in the media.
And on the Palestine-Israel conflict itself, the thing is that Palestine was a British colony and they were granted Israel through the Balfour Declaration prior to WW2 (the bullshit about how they only had Israel after the defeat of Hitler is a lie). And so they were granted autonomy under the British government, part was to settled by Jews along with houses being built to accomodate for them and the rest would remain as it was. And so after "activism" like coordinated terrorism and assassinations by Zionists in Israel against the Bongistanis that helped them get the land in the first place, they eventually went from being a British colony handed over to Jews to being a Jewish state. And so now that they weren't bound by the Bongistani government, they decided to start engulfing the rest of Palestine and now you see the situation today, the Israelis own 90% of the entire country (in contrast to owning not even close to half at the start) and still want to continue expanding. And they still cry anti-semitism as they knock down people's houses and open fire on civilians regardless of whether the civs have attacked them or not, since people fighting back in self-defence is evil. But SJWs don't really care about those things, in their eyes it's the white man coming into Palestine and oppressing people for being brown.

Post yfw you didn't back Star Citizen.

His friends are too busy decrying the evil criminal justice system and the hacker known as 4chan rather than disputing the evidence gathered. archive.is/WBhxo

We'll kill the thread early if we do that.

Don't forget such things as using white phosphorous. Funny how warcrimes does not count when isreal does it.

Alright, I'll take the task of baking then:
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Love My Way Edition
I will not be using the revised OP because we are still, very much, going over it.

So, shitpost to 700.

They also use the conflict to test weapons they have in development, for example at one point they used a comparatively lethal tear gas in Palestine to see its effectiveness and afterwards started selling it by saying that it was combat tested. They could glass the entirety of what remains of Palestine if they wanted to but it is fairly obvious to them that it is beneficial to keep an endless conflict in order to be able to get aid from other countries for free.





There's a universe out there where orc women exist and they all want your dick.
You'll never go there

So Israel was the aggressors?

Yes, and they've broken pretty much every rule in the geneva conventions which doesn't matter since they never acknowledged them before the UN and thus can't be punished :^)

Palestine might be filled with terrorists and camel fuckers, but if there is a innocent muslim standar in this world, those are the palestinians and maybe the kurds.

That doesn't mean they are innocent by human standars though.

So I really beleive in parallel universes and many worlds theory and all that jazz. So any event with multiple outcomes has a universe where each outcome happened, right? Well, there's a universe where I fucking DIED a week ago.
I was approaching a green light following behind a truck that was going slow. How I normally drive, I would've been right on his ass, but this particular day I was going slow too looking at a burned out garage my mom was telling me about just prior to me dropping her off.
As the truck went into the intersection, another truck came through having blown the red light, and just barely missed the truck in front of me's bumper, as in, the truck that blew the red light came between me and the truck in front of me. At speed.
He blew right through the space I would've been in if I hadn't been looking at the burned out garage. He would have smashed into my driverside door, most likely killing me instantly.
I've been kinda spooked ever since.

God made you a closet race-mixing gay, you should ask him why personally.

If I were in Eric Clanton's shoes, I'd just run. His lawyer's shit and wanting to go for a Not Guilty verdict by way of "The people my client struck were Nazis and deserved it", not even self-defense. Even if people know who he is, he can lay low for a good while, though not forever. Police in Oregon managed to catch that one guy, Endomorphosis last month despite him trying to hide.

I always figured that God is one sick bastard who has a wicked sense of humor.

They are aggressors against everyone, not just against Palestine but also UK and the US.


I believe that when you die, you just spawn in the next universe, forgetting anything of your prior life.
We were probably in a universe full of orc women once, and we will probably go there again.

The kurds have been much more useful to get rid of terrorists than any other islamic ethnicy.

Unless you are a turk. In that case go fuck yourself.

One type of cancer preventing the growth of another cancer is still a cancer.
Not a Turk, the fags plague every other country they populate.

There's a universe where you die of an aneurysm in your sleep tonight. There's an infinite number of those universes. Maybe one of them is this one.

Send me to him and I'll bitch him out like a pro.

But because we cannot know our past, there is no difference between this fate and nothingness after death, at least to the individual.

The Kurds want a socialist state and would probably get rid of any non-Kurds Armenian Genocide style. I don't think it's evident that balkanizing the Middle East is a good idea any ways.

Did you know that, in terms of population, the second biggest turkish city is berlin.

Since we're shitposting, this doujin is great.

You joking or is that seriously true?

I want a sequel already.

Well I died when I was younger and switched timeline. I have a really clear memory of drowning while on vacation in Florida.

user in another thread has best fuck up in a while

If god is truly merciful then it will be this universe

Thanks for saving my image.

Once the thread gets bigger it will need a whole new cap to show all its responses.

Since were shitposting anyone know the name of this one? Tried looking on panda for it but can't find it.

check saucenao and you'll find it

It wouldn't shock me.

There's a universe in which we're the SJWs. There's also one in which Hotwheels is not only still the admin of Holla Forums, but is also an olympic sprinter. There's even one in which Zyzz lived and Moot's a Muslim and everyone in the US speaks with a British accent and everyone in the UK speaks with an American accent. In every universe though there's still a small, rectangular recess in the dust where Anthony Burch's Wii U used to be.

Apparently it's true.

at this rate it'll be up for days so I'll make it towards the end.

Apparently my feets are egyptian.

Danke, and some user needs to take the twin futa pics of tifa and make a banner with the pic.

Zyzz died for our sins.

Ave my feet wuz emperors n sheeit

And there is a universe where I went mad at a young age and started slaughtering all other humans in the world systematically and creatively, and I am so good that the remaining people have kinda gave up on fighting me and consigned to running away instead.


Yo why is this so true

By the way, if you revise the OP, please don't change the title or it will be harder to archive it automatically.

Because education is unchanged from the 1800s when it was modeled to produce competent factory workers.

Because of socialism. As far back as the 70s, all you needed to start a successful business was 8-10 years of grade school. Ever since then, society began ridiculing the idea of capitalism and the free market, and the school systems followed in line and adjusted to teach ing people on how to get a job and/or profession, but not to succeed. Simply put, they began asking people "What 'career' do you want to have for the rest of your life, and how do you plan to get there?" instead of asking "What is it you want to do for the rest of your life, and how do you plan to achieve this?"

We're not replacing the OP quite yet. We still need to go over what else needs to be changed in it. Once it's refined, then we'll start using the new OP.

Wow, I left to drive across town, died in the heat, learned I'd lose my arm if I tried to recharge my car's AC, dropped my family off and picked them back, and ate a cup of popcorn chicken from walmart. I come back and you still haven't shitposted to 700??

I was just making a post pointing out how we somehow got stuck at only 5 posts left to make yet there hasnt been any activity in almost an hour


It's a weekday.
Nevermind i'm a hikki, there's someone standing over my shoulder.


Well, introduce your friend to us in the next bread, good sir.



Help, I can't lewd post

I haven't eaten popcorn chicken in ages

I'm kinda jealous.

Wait, that thread's still up? Gonna check it out.