I want to like this game so badly but some aspects are so horribly done such as the junction system and the combat. The music is great and the world in game is interesting and cool but its a drag to play.
Whats wrong with FFVIII
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This is practically a shitpost, but everything, everything is wrong with this game. It has shit characters, shit world design, shit story and plot.
You have to be high on fucking cock to think this is a good and enjoyable JRPG.
The characters are all annoying, the junction system makes leveling your team a tedious endeavor, and magic drawing is annoying and time consuming. The story is especially bat-shit insane, but nobody cares because the story never makes sense in Final Fantasy. The summons look cool and it has good music, though, so it's not entirely bad.
The junction system is shit in two ways, either you're a knuckle dragging mongoloid who sits there and draws magic and the game is tedious and hard as balls.
Or you go play cards for two hours and steamroll the game.
t. Faggot who never played FF6 and see that it improves on the eidolon system in every way
I never got why so many people hated the junction system. It's obtuse and counter intuitive, but it tickles autism in a good way.
Final Fantasy in general is overrated as hell.
Selphie, Zell, and Irvine are fantastic characters, Triple Triad is fantastic, and a handful of songs are damn good. Everything else is pretty shit, though; at least you can break the junctioning system over your knee and breeze through most of the game with No Encounter and easy boss fights.
loved 8, easily my favorite FF.
the junction system is easily breakable if you pay attention, i remember the first time i played, i died to Trexes in the training zone too many times so i shut the game off and erased my save. then a week later i actually paid attention to the tutorials you get at the beginning instead of skipping them, and boy it became enjoyable.
and then you find out about pic related and it becomes the best FF game you ever played.
ff8 is my favorite final fantasy
also, it's fucking terrible
i regret nothing.
The draw system
the characters. fuck rinoa. fuck the bland characters in general
The only good things about this game is its OST, triple triad and Laguna.
Rinoa makes the game unplayable for me. Immature brat who is unfortunately central to events because Squall has shit taste in women. Gets worse every time I boot it thinking "oh hey ya know I never finished it". FF8 is a huge bait and switch. You think you're gonna be doing SeeD missions and shit, fighting in different conflicts around the world, returning to base, advancing in rank within your institution, generally doing diverse fun shit. Kind of Peace Walker-ish I guess? No fuck you, enjoy being railroaded as a fugitive of the Empire the whole game because you're That Damn Important.
The mechanics are a clusterfuck but they're so fucked up it's kind of interesting so there is a redeeming feature.
It's playable with a guide but damn near unplayable without. I wandered the planet with my floating Garden trying to get into Esthar, and by the time I found out it couldn't be done my GFs were like level 70.
Also Laguna is a fucking faggot.
The level scaling killed the game and junctioning is broken.
i love it when the people who hate ff8 come out as total retards. which is everytime.
/this. I wouldn't even know where to begin, but bosses that scale with your level when your level has very little to do with what your stats would be is a good start.
oh you figured out that UFO quest on your own, and all the missables? wow amazing good job
god you're retarded AND stubborn, look at you, trying to save face on an anonymous imageboard for Sri Lankan mud paintings. pathetic.
go back to ff6 pleb.
It's not FFIX
Did you just tvtrope us?
Also Laguna is Squalls dad
assmad about nothing. you miss out on a ton of shit if you don't know what you're doing and there's no reasonable way to find that out other than trial and error across multiple playthroughs of a multi-disc JRPG and I'm just not that autistic.
I didn't play 6 either. Oh no, my gamer cred.
whoops, now everyone knows I read a website. Laguna is still a faggot, his heterosexuality is irrelevant.
Aaand filtered. Nothing you say could possibly hold any value
Eternal Summer
You went from
stop moving the goalposts you unbearable faggot, it's not the game's fault you're too fucking stupid to figure out how to get to Esthar. Comparing it to the UFO sidequest is beyond idiotic.
you sure told me
No he's right TVtropes is pure cancer and so is anyone who goes there.
Story was retarded. Not that any final fantasy wasn't.
Map was somewhat empty as in open world games.
Characters were meh, minus Rinoa fuck that walking trope Damsel in distress for majority of game.
Junction is just broken.
Level scaling was just annoying.
Drawing magic was annoying too. I know about boosting Magic to make draw easier.
Card game was nice. It's good way to get some rare items.
Could you explain me why?
Technical reasons only. Why does ff7 deserve a remake over ff8?
Nothing, it's great
Idiots reacted against it because it wasn't FFVII again
It's a neofag level echo chamber for one thing.
Because FF7 was the first FF on the playstation, so the graphics were all blocky and not nearly as refined as FF8, and also FF7 was both better and more popular than FF8 so there'd be far more people interested in a remake.
That being said, i seriously hope the remake will have the option to have the original game style rather than the real time bullshit squeenix keeps trying to force into final fantasy games. If you want real time combat just make The Bouncer 2, for fuck's sake.
Holla Forums isn't?
The blocky ff7 aged well, the realism ff8 did not.
Then don't draw magic or use the junction system, retard. FFVIII is unique in that if you don't like any of its game mechanics then you can choose ignore them entirely and the game is still utterly playable. So don't play FFVIII in a way you find unenjoyable and then bitch about it as if your own stupidity is the game's fault.
Why do people sit there and draw magic when there are multiple easier ways to get it? Are they just retarded?
Because most people here are at the same intellectual level as DSP when it comes to games that require attention like FFVIII.
arguing that game X is playable if you ignore its gameplay doesn't reflect well on the design of the game.
this is what happens when people don't read guides. they assume from the tutorials that they have correctly identified the games' mechanics and how to play said game accordingly, when the opposite is true.
This thread is Hindsight Bias, the Game.
u wot
I want to play this, I feel that even if I'll find it shit I will enjoy this immensely and it will become one of my guilty pleasures.
I can just see it in the style of the game.
I liked the super-deformed sprites, too, but i'd hesitate to say they aged well so much as i'd say i enjoyed the aesthetic of them despite the old graphics. Of course, i also liked the difference between the battle and CGI models, too, but in this modern age of high-rez graphics, that shit just doesn't fly anymore, i guess.
he sure did you retard. you're too fucking stupid to figure out THE MAIN STORY of a final fantasy game, what does that say about you?
Arguing that FFVIII has bad gameplay because you choose to use optional game mechanics that you don't enjoy makes you look a lot like a retard
The storyline and battle system are gay. You get weaker the more you level up, and get stronger by playing cards and processing that into spells with that one diabolos ability.
You play these games for the story, be grateful that you can easily game the junction system in your favour
I don't think it is, I don't know the numbers per monster, but finding them and weakening them sure seems slower than having everyone draw 7-10 a time.
Story was ok, admittedly I'm biased towards futurist settings flying garden/ether but the moment time travel was introduced I switched off. Bahamat was an interesting fight, requiring you use abilities that you've never had to use before.
pretending that this shit was obvious to anyone in 1999, with 2017's knowledge, is retarded.
You don't get weaker you just don't get stronger.
That's wrong, it's more like
Just because you're retarded doesn't mean everyone is.
and yet
Just accept your retardation, user. It'll make life easier
were you old enough to play it when it came out?
Of course. You know how I know you were either illiterate or non-existant in 1999? Most of the reviews covered FFVIII's game mechanics extensively. Just ignore the colossal faggotry of the Gayspot reviewer
please use archive.is/reviews/final-fantasy-viii-review/1900-2545957/
Defcon Buttblasted
That's called bad, unintuitive design. I know you're butt-blasted someone harped on your favorite game because it has more romance than you'll ever achieve in real life, but come on.
IMO, the best parts of FF8 were the cool special attacks each character had. Once you got the hang of the Junction system and the Draw, you also got to play Tetra Master all over the place. My gripes with it include my gripes with any FF game with permanent missables that you have to do asinine things to get.
Nothing. It's the pinnacle of Final Fantasy.
Are all great.
Nothing. It's turbo popular so children with hipster mentality will autistically shit on it whenever it is mentioned.
Confirmed for hating fun.
So many plebs shitting on it. So few appreciating its brilliance. Fuck, you'd think it would be to go-to Final Fantasy for hipsters but I guess it's too complex for the low-t faggots and rainbow-haired sluts to figure out.
There was so many ways to skip the bullshit part of the game. The worst part was the garden attack because of how tedious it got near the end by all the backtracking. It still boggles my mind that people can find this game hard or spend hours drawing magic bitching about the system.
You mean back in 2003 with faggy try-hards and land whales?
This user gets it.
Yeah FF8 gave so many options for how you can play the entire game. You could finish game with level 10 characters that just don't give a shit about any of the attacks because their stats are so absurdly high even hidden bosses can't pose a thread due to level scaling.
Not to mention that you could get MC's ultimate weapon on Disc 1 and just nuke everything with it's bullshit limit break.
But since game didn't offer different solutions on a silver plate I guess people without brain got to suffer.
I mean for the past 18 years.
It just occurred to me that game is older than most of Holla Forums.
This is why I both love and hate FF8. I hate it for so many of the reasons mentioned above that are ultimately about its story and characters but I love how atypical its RPG style is. FF7 was great but ultimately played it safe with its RPG elements. The Materia system was interesting and offered a lot of combinations but FF8 permitted you to break the game if you wanted to. It lets the players be creative with how they wish to play the game and that's what's missing in a lot of games these days. We've gone from so many choices including choices that are not at first glance apparent to a handful of choices and cookie-cutter designs.
didn't have Internet til 2003 because rural so illiterate I guess
Same fucking difference faggot. The enemies get way stronger and you don't.
FF8 had interesting mechanics, sure. If we are tslking FF games past 6, 9 is best imo. X is bretty gud, plot and acting aside.
Triple Triad is the only redeeming feature of this piece of shit. That and the Quistis rule 34 fan fiction I read once, where Ifrit and Shiva got it on too and ended up as a puddle on the floor.
Thankfully TT is now in XIV and done even better there so there's no need to ever play this piece of shit ever again. When a new friend and I started playing XIV and we both clapped along to the opening beats of Triple Triad's music we knew we were BFFs.
I could never play 9 because of the turbo midget character designs.
Why didn't you just plug your modem into a cow, you fucking country boy? Hahaha what a fag
The crafting, magic and junctionning systems are really interesting, but they were poorly executed. Mainly because of the way TT cards were a key aspect of it. For players who focused on the core game and not the minigames, it was frustrating to draw magic or last hit enemy with a specific skill (not even mentionning how counter-intuitive it was for new players).
They should have removed magic drawing, removed carding enemies, kept TT completly seperated from the crafting system, and worked with a loot system that allows you to craft magic with items that drop from ennemies.
But unfortunately, because level scaling and all the tricks around it (carding giving AP but no EXP) were a major feature of the game and depth, this is not a satisfactory solution. You really have to wonder why the designers decided to give a Poach / Morph-like ability such a central place in the gameplay / metagame; because I'm pretty sure they knew that a lot of people wouldn't touch Triple Triad.
Are you talking about the Card ability? It needs a certain % of low hp like pokemon.
This isn't a fucking MOBA. Get your garbage retard opinions out of here reddit
I don't know how people had problems with the combat system, I breezed through that shit when I was 13 although that doesn't mean that they probably fucked it up, I never really gave much of a fuck about combat system or really getting into it, it seems like a waste of time. It's turned base, so you know it's retarded. What bothered me about FF8 was the story and the tropes it had, I loved the world, the scenery and especially the soundtrack, to this day I can remember it and hear it. The same goes for 7.
it's nice to see that Holla Forums still draws it's opinion of this game from that one Spoony series.
I thought I was alone. I hate the artstyle of FF9 with everyone's massive fists, but I still played it.
I'm a hardcore fan with FF8, so many times I would even try to escape reality with lucid dreaming, I would be in Balamb Garden where I would often train with Zell in the training center and help Selphie with the Garden Festival, but one day as I was talking to Selphie, we went to my dormitory for a private talk. She immediately said, "You know you could live with us forever.." I gave her a confused look and she continued, "We understand that you live on earth and you REALLY wish to live here". I then said "How..How did you know?" She then giggled and said "Because we've been watching you, silly!"
This was a dream come true and I almost cried right there. She then said, "I talked with Headmaster Cid and he agreed that you would be PERFECT for SeeD, you just have to do…one thing". She then held my hand and looked deep into my eyes and said "…You have to kill yourself for the transfer to work correctly." I then gave her some questions, "How long do I have before the deal expires?" She then said "Cid said 3 months.." I added by saying "What's the most painless way?…" She giggled again, "Suicide will require pain buuut…if you want it quick…Get a gun and a nice shot to the head works.
I then agreed and she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "I know this will be tough but once it's over and done, you'll get to live here!" I then woke up and this was last week and i purchased a gun. I might actually kill myself because that dream just felt too real to be fake and my life isn't doing so grand.
Disc 1 is fine in my opinion, but everything beyond that is utter shit.
Top pleb. Hurry up and end yourself.
This guy.
The video is two hours long, and the guy is metaphorically contemplating suicide.
That's what's wrong with it
you can do it user, i believe it you.
Sorry to say, but even FFXIII is better than VIII. It's a real fever dream of unfinished, endless shit.
The characters are garbage and constantly reminding you how useless they are. The plot is absolutely non-coherent. The combat is completely a snooze, just keep in critical health the whole way and you steamroll through everything with constant limit breaks. Even if you don't want to do that you can just summon indefinitely, limit breaks just have less tedious animations. You can't cast magic or you'll get weaker and have to go through the miserable experience of drawing again, magic is just equipment in this game. It's filled with one-time missables: "Oh, didn't think to draw on this boss? No summon for you!" The summons are retarded QTE minigames. Normal Equipment is practically non-existent. I'd say that Triple Triad is the one shining light in an irredeemable mess of shit but even that becomes a unfun struggle to babysit the regional rules lest they turn a fun diversion into a nightmare.
It's like everything gameplay-wise was an afterthought, tacked half-assedly onto the plot. The plot seems like it was written by five different people who could not understand each other's language. I'm sure they tried their best, but it's garbage and embarrassingly bad.
The entire game missed sorely some sort of competent director to sort through the shit and keep people in-line and working together.
Music's okay, but you can listen to the music without exposing yourself to this radioactive shitpile.
I still have no fucking idea why FF games have such abysmal plots. Surely it can't be that difficult to hack together some cliche trash about ancient evil and good vs. evil without it reading like something a philosophy major would vomit out.
FFI and FFV exist.
This god damn shit 100%. I was getting so ready for a (((CIA))) government destabilization simulator where we flew all over the world to perform a huge range of black ops missions in a multitude of foreign and exotic lands, but then disk two happened and the game flew off the fucking tracks
As someone who just beat ff7 this thread really isn't helping out.
This game is either utter garbage or a misunderstood masterpiece.
user, the card game is trivially easy once you have Ifrit, Your Teacher and a few good rares.
I remember playing this game twice I think?
1st time on real PS1 and I played it like normal JRPG, with a lot of grinding, not paying attention to details, giving most of the shit to MC, and suffering in the last dungeon like a bitch because everything was so powerful and only Squall could more or less stand up to it.
2nd time I played like a decade later on emulator, and I did card/junction trick to break the game, so by the end of it I was like level 20~ and overpowered as shit.
I do say that Rinoa is shit, and I have no idea why Squall went for her despite both Quistis and Slephie being infinitely better girls. I guess he has a fetish for used goods or annoying cunts, or both.
I also never could figure whether Laguna's black assassin friend is a dude or a girl.
Somewhere in between, really. Story isnt horrible, and there's so many mechanics in play that you can explore.
And Triple Triad is crack.
Honestly, I never considered the actual card game for farming.
Oh right the card game.
I hated it on my first playthrough and completely ignored it.
I absolutely loved it 10 years later and played for the fun even when I got everything I needed from it.
I dropped FF14 because it didn't let me use all of my best cards at once without some retarded grinding.
Starts out great, falls flat. Music is great throughout.
Because she went for him, and Squall would rather be on his own so he was never going to go looking for anyone. Convenience, really.
Or maybe it's because she's a filthy witch.
Probably because they spend most of the game together.
It's trash in my opinion due to the level scaling alone, Any RPG with level scaling should be tossed in the trash. But why don't you just play the game and make up your own mind?
While I generally agree on level scaling thing, FF8 is one thing that does it right because of junction system.
If your level is too high without properly boosted stats enemies will be too strong for you, but if your level is low but stats are high, you can breeze through everything.
So basically you can be punished for leveling? Don't answer, I already know you can. Into the trash it goes. No RPG should punish the player for gaining a level.
Boy do I have a game for you.
Honestly I assumed it was trash just due to the year it was made, but looking up it's Battle Rank system sure does look retarded.
its not something you'll notice unless you ignore the games junctioning mechanic
TLR is about leveling efficiently, so don't be a total retard and you'll be fine. The game really isn't as hard as people make it out to be.
FF 6 is probably the first FF I never felt like replaying. Laguna is like, the only character I cared a little, maybe Zell too. Everyone else was forgettable, to the point I need to remind myself that Irvine exist or that Rinoa has a dog (I need to look again if it is her limit break once on board the Ragnarok, just for giggles). Triple Triad I actually played with hand-made cards with my bros, so playing it in game was not that amusing in comparison, and even then, I never turned a single card into items, since I had exactly zero need for these. Money was similarily a number I didn't paid attention to, and I rushed to the ability to remove random encounters, meaning the game wasn't even a challenge on top of having nothing to do.
But maybe the worst offender? It's how stuffs are totally illogical. Ishtar hidden from everyone from space? Sure, of course… but don't tell me people able to send missile-armed satellites in the sky never noticed the abandonned space ship that could be seen by everyone? Or how once Balamb started to fly, mysteriously the others did too, removing the uniqueness of the discovery.
Also… blue magic going from fun but situational spells to a limit break. That's a massive waste that was kept in X that I could really go away with. Instead, the game goes to dealing ton of damage to sponge bosses, whereas strategy was still prevalent in older games. No more Ruby cheesing, no more cover-counter-instant death on weapon shenanigan, no MP or potion to pay attention to, since drawing Curaga and that massive free heal ability you unlock early makes it trivial. And the equipment almost useless, if it wasn't adding hits to the Limit break, showing how the game is balanced around dealing 100,000+ damage a round.
ff6 has a better everything.
You can beat it without min maxing but the late game begs you to actully explore and find out all the crap you can. Rewarding you with plot and story driven stuff.
Whereas the end game stuff of most ffs after ff6 all the endgame has no plot and is usally randomly thrown in there cause go through this empty non story dungeon for loot and xp ohh and the weapons you get will make the end game a complete joke anyways.
ff6 even if you did the endgame dungeons(Baring the advance extras) the game was not Just easy mode unless you had been completly min maxing and cheesing all game. going through it blind you can still have a good time without a walkthrough. There are a few missables but its not catastrophic like other ff games are to late game abilities.
I got addicted to triple triad as a young lad, so much so I lost track of the story and progression of the game. Side quests tend to do this to me. The draw system was tedious but at least unique. The character seemed edgy but they were of age to be that way. I imagine it has not aged well graphically as say Saga Frontier. It seemed very polished at the time and the over the top drama and pomp hinted at FF12 a bit. FF9 seemed like a step back when I played it.
It is, at best, 30% masterpiece. If you know how to break it, it'll at least be easy to roll through rather than being a slog AND crap.
I always assumed Kiros was male and early 90's black, like Michael Jackson or Wesley Snipes from Demolition Man.
Absolutely stupid system.
It should have ended at Final Fantasy 1 but nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
They got wrecked from the Sorceress' War, and cut themselves off from everyone else, Iron Curtain style. They ended up having good resources and fucking accelerated into a technologist society. They were in a remote area on another fucking continent, so it was inevitable they'd make a cloaking field to continue hiding.
That was pre-war technology. When they defeated Sorceress Adel and sealed her in that space-coffin, she got ANGERY. She basically emitted a constant scream that disrupted radio communications. This is why Dollet comms tower was such a big deal. Otherwise, people communicated coast-to-coast with underground cables, which were frequently dug up and destroyed by monsters.
I can't remember the details, but Lunatic Pandora and the Lunar Cry also factored into it somehow, I think. Did Laguna participate in the Sorceress War, or was that before his time?
Also, if Adel junctioned Rinoa, does that mean that GFs were previous Sorceresses?
Laguna is the one who sent Adel into space, iirc.
this game is piss easy for a JRPG
It was one the first games on this genere i played and i went through the first 2 disk and half with out a problem without understanding even the basics of how to play a JRPG
and when i replayed it to try to explore the junction sistem and all that bull shit i broke it in no time and was killing everything in sight
I didn't 100% it nor beat the Omega weapon but i finished it mostly for the story and because i fapped to Rinoa
after finishing 8 i played seven wich was better but still meh in some areas
FF9 is the real masterpiece
wrong game
It was fun, but maybe that's just because I played it when I was younger.
Now that I'm the kind of jaded faggot nerd that thinks videogames hold any importance, I'm bothered by the clunky draw system and the GF equipping shit.
It's a masterpiece but much like most of the faggots ITT you're probably too much of a pleb to understand
This game is fun, but you can practically softlock yourself if you don't level enough.
You can get stuck in a position where you can't even grind to beat a boss, just hope that RNGesus has your back.
10/10 soundtrack though
trips confirm
It's a flawed diamond. Like FF2, it's a crazed experiment that doesn't always work, but the bits that DO work are brilliant.
Also, nice digits - and great picture! (But don't you think she'd look better with blonde hair?)
FFVIII is one of my all time favorite Final Fantasy's fucking fite me niggers
Do you just hate fun?
Theres a theory about rinoa using magic to control him and use him to cause global levels of chaos. Shes the villain and you play as her lovestruck brainwashed slave. Anyone have the copypasta or screenshot of the explination? Makes alot of sense.
Square explicitly said this isn't the case, and that Rinoa is not Ultimecia
Which is fucking stupid because it's a great theory
Just wanted to say that the only people who say 8 is there all time favorite only think that because either
A) they need to be more hip then the ff7 fags, so they need to like 8. Less people like it, so it's cooler.
B) it's babbys first jrpg.
That's it. I can almost see why people like it, but honestly it's all around awful, and the magic system is the absolute worst in jrpg history. That includes Neptunia's "30% chance to heal" spell.
It makes too much sense to not be true. The vanilla story blows.
It started out amazing. Loved the missions and school setting between. Then he fell in love with an ugly girl, became school boss, then school started flying… And it just kept going downhill. My favorite FF game was 7. But i havnt played many. 3, 7, 8, 9 , 10, 10-2, 13
10-2 and 13-2 both completely shit over the previous game's story and have outright obnoxious characters. It seems they are meant for middle school girls to fantasize about chasing after a boy.
Not exactly, but same theory. Theres more depth to it
The game starts' good. But after Disc 1 it goes down hill. The Junction system, was experimental to begin with (like the materia system and every other game has a new system anyways). The problem is that the Junction system was 'broken as fuck'. The characters, while having a sort of "target audience" vibe to them quickly got shitty since, 1. They're fucking teenagers
So that initial idea might have sounded good, but only on paper. The plot, again, hit an obvious wall and the writers must've either tried to make magic more plausible or they just said "fuck it!" Now anyone who actually played it will remember that the best part, aside from disc 1, was everything involving Laguana. So the side plot was better than the main game. Basically, the game should have been about Laguana and Co. rather than Squall.
I think the biggest problem with the junction system was that no one knew how to use it, so they themselves made it more complex than it needed to be. I'm probably the only person on the face of the earth that thought it was pretty straightforward and easy to set up. I've never had a problem with it, even when i was a kid.
And lets not forget there was an AUTO button that did everything for you, so literally not a single person has any right to complain. I think the main issue is the majority of people who tried to play it are generally bad at RPGs; they're too used to getting their hands held through even the most basic mechanics.
That said, the stupid card game sucked ass, the pacing was garbage and it was pretty shit being constantly arbitrarily walled off and limited from things just so they could be saved for the next disk.
The enemies gain level the same time you do so there's no sense of progress if you put work in to it. These are the same issues with X and I haven't played FF since that.
This one?
Late but minmaxing not required to beat the game.
You can game it but You wont be a pile of garbage if you overlevel.
and post WOR is what a FF endgame should look like in regards to side stuff.
Most side stuff in ff games post ff6 are complete and utter shit in comparison.
The lore stuff in ffx though is pretty good but pointless for actually finishing the game its side stuff that doing it overpowers you immensely.
Whereas doing the side stuff in ff6(but not advance) will not make you into a Omnipotent god being able to just curb stomp. You can get there with grinding and min maxing but its still part of the story and not really completely ass broken like other ffs can be. You can still beat the game without becoming a god even with over leveling your not crippled. Other ff games can CRIPPLE you and hide stuff from you without a walkthrough. ff6 has missables but nowhere near the jackassery that later ffs had.
Been saying it for years: it's the only valid explanation for Squall's instantaneous change of heart/personality/motivation. Rinoa mind raped Squall.
I think there's another fan theory in the same vein where Rinoa is Ultimecia and she turned Squall into her GF - the lion monster that's there when you fight Ultimecia.
It's not like it was an instant change though. He didn't see her as anything but annoying baggage until disc 2 or 3, right?
More or less instantaneously during the events in space.
Don't worry, I got screencaps to counter the "instantaneous" change, too.
I'm still saying it would have been a lot better if they scrapped that fucking orphanage, the entire GF's eat memories thing and just focused on Squall manning the fuck up to save his waifu.
Also Quistis is best ff girl, prove me wrong.
hell yeah mother fucker.
It can all be summed up like this: they made the assets first and added everything (mechanics, story) later. The game was based off a love dream the director had. It was never going to be coherent.
But you're right.
Why don't you go talk to a wall.
Don't be rude.
Patrician taste, user.
I'd Triple Triad Yuffie, Selphie and Rikku
But the best FF girl is Cloud in drag.
Ill be blunt here: Spoony already explained in massive detail why. Its the end all to that debate of "why does it suck".
Who the fuck is a spoony and why the fuck should I care? If he explained it well, you should be able to concisely translate why.
Spoony is a washed up has-been who wasted his young adulthood trying to make a living off of video game reviews.
Wow well from that response i guess you are new enough to miss out on ALL of what spoony was and became.
Basically spoony was a game reviewer who was good at the beginning and did probably the most critical and best critique of FF8. He nailed it on the head in some parts so well that no one could top him. Then later down the line he went fucking crazy. This is just me summarizing. No one else could do what he did when it came to ripping FF8 a new asshole in that review. Its pretty old but its good and in multiple parts.
Im not sure how it was relying on ecelebs when its pretty well known that he covered every point of that game and in detail. I knew it was bad from just playing it. That dude saves me the fucking trouble.
Is this a joke? The first 2 minutes are dick jokes.
It's a PSX JRPG. Of course it's shieet.
I'm angry that this is accurate.
It's not that I'm new, it's that I'm not stupid enough to waste my time on youtube retards.
Valkyrie Profile, Xenogears, Wild ARMS 1+2, Vagrant Story, FFT, Grandia. No particular order.
Should we call this OST general? Because the soundtracks to these letdowns were fantastic but the games were fucking garbage. I think maybe I hate JRPGs though.
You are a funny man.
Valkyrie Profile is the one JRPG I can honestly recommend to people who hate the genre. Except the fact that it's an RPG made in Japan, it has nothing to do with the Dragon Quest descended line of RPGs. It is an evolutionary offshoot on its own.
Everything, down to the structure of the plot is nothing like a standard JRPG. Not because of the superficial fact that Lenneth happens to be a Goddess, but for the fact that the game is entirely structured around how you choose to play the role of a Valkyrie, and not through dialogue options, but through gameplay.
The gameplay loop is as follows: the world is going to end because Odin has decide he's had enough of those ice giants. To this end he has sent you down to the mortal realm to collect the souls of the valiant dead (and maybe help a few valiant not-so dead along) and destroy those who defile the dead. You have eight chapters, each consisting of twenty some periods. You are dumped onto the world map, which you have access to all of. Lenneth is a goddess and can fly wherever she wants, concetrating to hear the cries of the dying or the howls of the undead, marking their locations on the map. The former leads to a cutscene introducing an einherjar, a party member who will die in the next five minutes so they can join the party. The latter leads you to a dungeon.
The dungeons are metroidvania side scrollers. Lenneth can jump, slide, slash and shoot crystals, which you can stack, throw, freeze enemies with and use to make transparent temporary dust platforms. The platforming gets quite complicated, especially in the hard mode exclusive dungeons and post-game. The sequel goes even further, adding teleportation swaps. It's fun.
The battle system is more like a turn based fighting game than a standard JRPG. Characters are mapped to face buttons, with directional buttons acting as modifiers for their actions. The sequel expands this by adding a 3D movement aspect, which works really well.
The game also "punishes" you for not following the actual moral rules of the universe. Valkyrie Profile is based on Norse Mythology, which can be characterized as martial/self-transcending/left-handed, especially in the character of Odin, who, in the actual myths, is constantly climbing higher and higher into divinity and attaining new powers. Follow his example and you get the good ending. Be a slave and, in proper initiatic language, you'll simply re-enter the sleep of death.
Everyone has heard of that faggot. Even me who didnt even bother with reviewers for the most part. You would of especially heard of his meltdown and him spazzing the fuck out on twitter, especially to some girl that he said something along the lines of chaining her up in a basement.
Not ringing a bell, sorry. I like video games. Not "video game" culture.
>it has OPTIONS
Man.. I don't know what world you live in, but I've seen the way square designed their games before FFVIII and after it, and I sincerely think that the stuff you're seeing as brilliant acts of mastery-rewarding game design is actually just a fucking fluke.
Most of the game-breaking combos and mechanics you and the other fans of the game are touting as proof of FFVIII's superiority sound like Squaresoft not accounting for all the ridiculous experimental mechanics they crammed into the game. FFVIII was the game where they were literally throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks… and even still, they expected players to approach the game exactly like all their other games: Grind, Grind, Grind.
But you can beat it in like twelve hours. It's just a question of if you want Lionheart early or not.
Same here.
Can't let this thread 404 without witnessing these sick quads.
Come to think of it, FF8's logo is the only one to feature the leads hugging each other. Seems pretty unique. Much like the game itself.
Like every Final Fantasy after 6, it is complete overhyped, overrated garbage.
Reminder that this was the best ending.
You could be playing Triple triad with the queen of cards in a normalfag free world but you fucked up.
Bullshit without Rinoa to make everything worse, the sorceress has no endgame. The entire plot is about you advancing her plan to get a chance at defeating her.
If not Rinoa then some other sorceresses cunt in another time. Time Kompression already occurred where the original sorceress resides so she has all of time at her fingertips. The whole crux of the game is to get the sorceress to reveal herself so that Squall can stab her right in her universal cunt and die in the process.
Wrong. The reason the sorceress needs this time period is because of the other girls special ability which Ultimecia needs to actually compress time. If Squall(JC Denton for me) put a bullet in I forget her name's brain, the entire world is saved.
Sure, Elaine or whatever her name was a lot more important than Riona. Rinoa was just a conduit for the sorceress after squall died Irvine shot whoever and Edea was free from the sorceress' thrall. At most Rinoa was only special because of plot reasons and her and the sorceress were tied together. I have a feeling killing the girl who fists her dog would only delay the kompression.
They need to kill elaine. Everything is better.
weirdly persuasive
Pleb taste is unbearable to witness
It's funny that most FF8 hate came from retarded spoony fans who can't think for themselves
The writing is bad and the gameplay is disappointing.
Except for a lot of moments in Disc 2 and Disc 3 prior to space, but who cares? It isn't like you had the attention span to follow such a simple plot.
Underrated post.; If the game ended this way it would be a lot better, but no, let's add a retarded mexican love story.
I was more of a quistits fans anyway. Lynch the witch.