Grand Strategy Games /gsg/

Grand Strategy Games


This Day in History, July 14th

Other urls found in this thread:!p7YVRBoI!evBN-EVUswxQjHAErcjrdnx08moTsNqTWbVpK8-3j6I,


I'm really digging Aurora but god damn it's buggy as hell. Though I don't find it nearly as hard to get into as people make it out to be. After a while the internal logic on how things have to work starts to make sense. It made me realize that I need more strategy games that simulate private sector activity.

I'm curious, do you guys want to see Victoria 3? Or are you afraid that it will be casualized garbage?

In the same way I wanted to see Down's Syndromeda released.
EU4 was worse than CK2, Stellaris was worse than EU4, HoI4 was worse than Stellaris.

It's a guarantee. I would like to see it happen just so Paradox finally alienates its older fanbase.

the only good point I can give HoI 4 is that it doesn't get totally fucked after going of the rails but that's primarily because it's already fucked.

Still builds on factories, thus wholly inadequate for representing badly industrialized regions like china.
Aside from that, vehicles only use fuel during production, and even then you can produce them just less effectively.
And it's not possible to to repurpose already produced equipment for new units as it happened with the Stugs, Marders or Fireflys, which is a major reason to keep

CAG attachements were totaly sufficent and it's still impossible to use dual purpose planes.

German Infantry Division in 1940 had an engineer battalion, a recon battalion, an anti-tank battalion, a signal battalion, a maintenance unit, a logistics unit and a medical "battalion".
Those together amount to 7 support units 2 more than HoI4 can even represent and most nations had similar amounts of support units in their Division.
And then there's the fact that among nations unit sizes varied and infantry battalions had different amounts of men, artillery battalions different amounts of guns etc.

It's aggressiveness makes it lose it's wars.

Fuck No! I never want to see it.
The best case scenario is for them to touch Victoria never again, leave it in peace

I want to see another video game developer making grand strategy games to make Paradox compete.

If only.

Well there are a few small GSG games, like Distant Worlds and Big Dicksbies War in the East but yeah, Paracuck pretty much has the monopoly.

I'd like to see it, but I'm in the minority here as I like most of Paradox's newer titles even though some of them have serious problems (like HoI4).

Seconding this. I think it's the root of most, if not all, of their problems.

It's the same with Steam, Valve would get away with a lot less if they had actual competition.


It needs to be released and suck so that I can finally quit Paradox games.

One step at a time m8.

tbh all I want is another mini patch for V2 from the devs, that makes substates, satellites, dominions, and puppets automatically share their overlord's country colour in the political mapmode.

Is there something in the game files that makes it so you cannot call two great powers to war?
When I call Russia and Prussia against Belgium as Netherlands, one of them accepts and the other rejects.
Both are listed as likely and which one accepts appears to be random.

user, I…
It WILL be shit.
The first one was god-tier but a little bit on the autistic micromanagement side.
Second one was OK in some aspect(pops, yet even there broken withouth mods) but dumbed down tremendously in others. Diplomacy was a big casualty(no really, the first one had gazzilion option, the most of paradox games).

The third one will be
Press W to buy wood.
Press C to make cement
Press D to declare war.

It will be a dumbed down piece of buggy crap with Marx quotes on every loading screen and gigantic autistic buttons.

Which one of these has the most politics?

Alright nevermind apparently they just don't like being on the same side or something.
I allied Spain, Austria, and Prussia, called them all, and they joined. They destroyed France's army and occupied big parts of France. England did little in the war except occupy my Guyana and hunt navies.
I annexed Belgium after a couple of years thanks to them.



Victoria 2 or Darkest Hour, especially with mods.

Has anyone tried Realpolitiks? Here is a link for the newest version, gog installer. A lot of negative comments about it.

I completely trust that link.

Not my problem if you so stupid you get scared by anything on the internet.

La Plata

Was Vicky 1 really that much better?

Rest in peace Spacewar?

If you got past of the ugliness of the map it was pretty cool, it had interesting stuff like specific alliances against a particular country so that for instance if Britain attacked Germany France would come to help them but if Britain attacked the US France wouldn't.

It's a modern day blobbing simulator really downstream of Paradox games. The only good thing about it is all of the policies, but most of them are objectively good, so you'll get them on every playthrough and the uniques like Army State don't make much, if any, difference to gameplay.

It's also pretty bugged in that the inevitable GDP explosion makes policies exponentially more expensive in 70-80 years from game start, so you end up having to turn off purely beneficial policies just to keep gaining AP.

how do fuck do I get good at military in eu4? when I attack morale of my armies is always half of my enemies

discipline and morale stats are twice their value, since they are used both for attack and defence. Other than keeping up in tech they are by far the most important number. Have an army composition that's something like 5 infantry, 1 cavalry, 4 artillery if you can.
But in reality wars shouldn't be fought against opponents who can win. Make big allies and pick on little people. Beat their armies, then split your army up into 1-size troops (1000 soldiers) to cap each province.

means your morale stat is low. This can be caused by one of the following things:
1) You're behind in military tech
2) Opponent has ideas that buff morale and you don't
3) You're fighting against one of the bullshit nations like France that get retarded buffs to this shit
4) You dared pick a fight with Johan's waifu and roaches are now shitting on your head.

Just because no one else is mentioning, I will, just to make sure.
You do put your army maintenance to the max a month or two before you start going to war, right?

I pity the man who doesn't realize this.

With Parashit AI, you can easily beat enemies stronger than you, especially is navy is involved in any way whatsoever.

yes of course

EU4 players often get very confused how to get an army in CK2. By which I mean how little people try to think for themselves and find an answer.
I doubt many people would miss upgrading their tech, but if you don't realize from the start that army maintenance and morale are connected (seeing how it goes from half green to full green) you might have never realized it. And it is exactly what he says "half."

It wasn't a question to you, it was to the guy that was asking.


Turbocuck makes embarrassing series of posts, not exactly unexpected when his EU:Rome mod had Gender Equality laws.

Unexpected, but gives me a shred of hope

Literally a goon.

ETA to when Paradox Plaza removes or replaces the "Respectfully Disagree" downvote?


Reminder that Wiz is an honest-to-god SA Goon. The one person where "muh goonz" is actually appropriate.

It would be a twist if these could be enacted in late empire era only educational too




If there is not already an admin option to remove it easily I doubt if they can do it themselves without breaking the whole forum. It would be fun to see.

So what's the problem with the militarist voice? Sounds like a tryhard klingon imitation to me. Fits the lame and derivative Stellaris perfectly.

It also sounds really bad compared to the others.

Is there a way to make them uncivilized?

Introduce them to the wonders of sopa de macaco.


What the fuck is that?

Is this your edit, or is this a new meme I'm not familiar with?

Sopa de macaco.
è uma delícia

Fuck off back to 55chan

Day of the rope is coming for you too. You have to go back or get rope'd.

Uma delicia!

r/T_D please, lurk before posting.

Of course, because you're getting fucking deported back into your shit countries. Your butthurt only proves how great Trump is.
Kikes and spicks always with their dirty mind tricks.


Wow not cool man, not cool
Are you some kind of racist?

Go back to nu-Holla Forums or r/Donald.
Both are at the same level at the moment

If you're going to shit on someone maybe make sure you can write properly.

>getting annoyed of people pestering about needing more infrastructure how can I stop those goddamn civilian ships transferring people to those planets that are supposed to stay small mining colonies without spending resources for automated ones
I think I am getting hang of how to play Aurora, now all I need is some goddamn xenos coming in and shitting up everything
This is the first time I am finding out about this.

The only way I'd like it to exist is if it became a straight up iPad port of the game. Though at this point there's no way Paradox can save face given that the average /gsg/ player is laughing at their attempt to casualize the game and most normalfags don't even eat that much of the DLC.
The moment another /gsg/ competitor comes up and undoes the damage done by Paradox, they go belly up.

Are you actually eight years old? You might as well have called him an Amerimeanie what with the preschool level bants you display.

Compared to everything else, not really at all. I'm just realizing that. And in reality that's because it didn't matter. If you were against the kikes' wishes, the media was 100% against you, all throughout the allied countries. You got no platform and calls for peace wouldn't happen.

Oh, I've forgotten. Are there events in HOI where if you manage to destroy the forces at Dunkirk or are able to take control of British airspace you can force an early peace with the western allies?

back to kc with you nigger

kc tier

Is the lend-lease bugged in HOI4? I made a deal with the gooks as fascist finland to give them 100% of my produced carrier fighter planes, yet my stock is full of them.

They probably don't have convoys, lend-lease them a bunch first. Also it takes a month for stuff to be delivered.

Why the fuck would you give the gooks fighters as Finland?

Probably in the interest of friendly relations with the fatherland.

try Matrix Games stuff


Darkest Hour has pretty neat events for killing allies. Taking most of British Isles is the classic way to go, but I think I remember one guy going full navy with Germany, sinking entire British navy, and thus forcing early peace with allies because, apparently, there is an event for that.

Darkest hour is the only HoI game with actual politics, and it's, in essence, just a shitload of events for what-if situations rather than an actual system.

Denmark is Polish clay, right guys?

So I bought Victoria II during the Steam sale and started playing as the US. Its more fun than most (((Paradox))) games I've played but some of the mechanics are retarded.

I mean the mechanics are performing their intended function but it's going about it in such a retarded way.



This is actually the first one I have payed money for.

The good news is I have completely eradicated the black population in America by abolishing slavery without issuing the Emancipation Proclaimation. unfortunately that just means they assimilated to Yankee culture

Vic 2 is the last good Paradox game.

Did you at least get the whole game?

yes all the expansions and dlc for $10

that's not so bad then, and good luck on your campaign

There's a great mod. I forget what it is; it might be one of the ones in the infographic at the top of the thread. It adds not only events for annexing all of Mexico and all of Canada in any given war, but it also adds "DEPORT THE NIGGERS" events which will fire for every province in which niggers reside. You can pay to get rid of all of them and they'll reappear in Liberia, just like Lincoln would have done if he hadn't been shot by a fucking liberal.
I've always viewed "convert to POP" as "genocide committed on POP", since niggers can't magically become anglos.

Does anyone have a good video guide or walkthrough they can link me for modding vic2/ck2/EU4?

Is the guy that posted the music stations for CK2 still lurking here?
If so, could you post the links again friendo?

I remember it happening, but when was it and how was it labelled? I Can't find anything in my thread archives (since this February) that has them (searched with music and radio).

I remember he used some shitty region-locked website.

I think thats BAI, CSA events are cool af too

If anybody is interested warhammer fb mod for 2.7.1 ck2 was realsed few day ago

At least provide a link, fag.

Well historically poland was allied with denmark for some time so it might pass

I figured them out at 16 in a week of playing the demo.
The only thing that I couldn't figure out the right-clicky-to-get-other-countries thing for 3-4 month.

If you are to retarded to google it and find the link on the first page of the google results you dont deserve to play this mod

Not that I want to even play the mod, I am just saying it would be common courtesy to post the link if you are going to mention the new version. And now, they aren't other results on google. It is just reddit to the forums.

6th result on google 1st page
I hope that you at least know russian right?

Mind you, google gives different results to people. Even if you don't have an account it will use your cookies or/and IP.

Linking the latest version of CK2+ again!p7YVRBoI!evBN-EVUswxQjHAErcjrdnx08moTsNqTWbVpK8-3j6I

Isn't this mod made by Wiz? Or he is not in control of it any more?

Last I heard he left and the mod was picked up by others.

Okay faggot

Friendly reminder that the downfall of Rome begun with the fall of the republic and the creation of the empire.
Dead thread. Is no one fucking playing anything?

it actually began when the roman barbarians ran out of countries to plunder

That's not true, though. Turning into an empire marked one of the best periods for Rome that lasted a few hundred years, and later served the Eastern Roman Empire well for another thousand. What killed Rome was multiculturalism and the extreme influence of the military caste. When you've got a history of generals staging successful coups, the country paying through its nose for military in what's practically loyalty bribes (meaning there's not much left in the treasury afterwards for other shit) and then let literal barbarians to form the bulk of your armed forces, it's no surprise that the situation becomes untenable.

Annexed the Teutonic Order, now I think I'll try to take silesian minors from Bohemia. Should I try to create the Jagiellon Empire?
Also me and Hungary racing who gets an heir first


anything for Linux ?

game ?

The Senate was definitely not made by the most good and pure of people, but Caeser and his adopted son definitely didn't want to become de facto kings for the sake of the roman people. Commanders like Caeser are the ones that created the overexpansion and brought the barbarians. You can't bitch about multiculturalism and preach an empire at the same time. Christianity helped too by demolish the old believe system of Rome and getting in its place a system that accepts the barbarians as long as they are Christian. It is the mark of an empire and how shitty it is.

Look at OPs picture, tortard. And read very carefully the filenames of the screenshots. Both games are on linux, but it might be hard to get them for free.

Roman Republic was expanding at a rapid rate long before that and would end just the same, and the Gauls that Caesar subjugated were hardly an issue for Rome – they assimilated (or rather syncretised into a Gallo-Roman culture) and formed one of the most loyal Roman territories. Don't believe the Asterix comic. What fucked Rome over were Germanic barbarians from outside its borders as well as hiring unassimilated barbarians into its military. Had Rome further focused onto assimilating the cultures it conquered, curbed the ridiculous privileges of the military, and formed the armed forces from the assimilated, civilized cultures or the Roman population itself, it would have survived despite its expansionism.

Lithuania became my junior partner and Jagiellon dynasty is ruling in Poland. Time to steamroll Bohemia with Hungary

Just as I posted I realized that both my ruler and heir are named Jogaila

Did they fix colonization yet?

What do you mean by fixed?

Getting a colonist is harder and combined with stupid AI it's unlikely it will colonize(to bypass it some countries get one from decisions or events). Also colony growth takes ages

Thanks to the privilege system that causes high corruption (and thus high tech cost) and institutions, AI starts falling behind in tech and so invests more in tech than into ideas (as in AI usually still won't have all national ideas by 1700). Couple that with the fact that the only way to gain colonists (I think) is through ideas, and that to get a colonist idea group, you need another idea group that precedes it. This means that AI either starts colonising ridiculously late (think 18th century) or even never, so you're left with a game where Africa and America are left uncolonised (not sure if this problem affects russia ot not) for most of the game, and it even prevents an institution from spawning (unless you get into colonialism yourself) since it has colonialism as a requirement, which in turn causes all the subsequent institutions to not spawn, leading to having Ming on par technologically with europe throughout the game. It's not really a problem for the first few centuries, but cracks start showing pretty hard in late game

Colonialism institution has been removed to prevent what you mentioned though all other points are valid

that's why I asked if it had been fixed. I'm running the 2.0 version from right when it came out. Is there a newer one?

2.0004 or something one of the posts has link to 2.00.04(can't post direct link from wa phone)


But precisely in Asterix, Romans are always fucked by the germanics and similar, and the Gauls (outside of Asterix town) are romanized, or at least happy wit being part of the Empire.

Starcraft at least has some form of mechanical skill, though not as much as DmC or Nier. This shit is just pathetic.


Double bait.


It's Paradox trying to be funny. There's a lot more of this shit, but since Swedes are pussies afraid of possibly offending anyone, none of their jokes are ever funny.

Missed a county a wanted, randomly got a few I didn't want, but all in all it is not that bad. I could grand independence to Minsk, but I don't like the white. I probably could have done with less pissing off my vassals at a certain point, but whatever. There is one more revolt about to happen for Kiev, but it will be easy to bring down. I could sit on my ass now and improve relationship with everyone, but I don't really care much at this point.
Can't blame me for the boarders on other countries.

The Lone Bowman thing is legitimately amusing.

Hey, I smiled

smh tbh fam

After checking Bohemia's army size in the Ledger
vassalizing Moldavia turned out to be a better idea. As pointed Inflants are rightful polish clay and must be taken back


I must have missed the part where the problem people had with Dawn of War was the Sisters of Battle, Eldar, and Dark Eldar's voices.

This is what the UN will look like in 2200, the only detail missing is that you can't start out as a bronze age civilization yet.

nigger jagielon swore to a) destroy teutons b) reclaim silesia for poland
it should be your number 1 priority

I don't think this mechanic was very smart.

Just get the no niggers mod.

I just noticed this. Is anyone and everything going to get fucked by the HRE or are they capable of shooting themselves in the foot?

It's a meme from fucking /int/ you fucking newfag. Oh wait, next you'll say they're Holla Forums except they're two different things you retard. Seriously fuck off back to Reddit, the fact that you cannot lurk says wonders. Holla Forums is not the same website as it was 2 years ago and you're the reason why.



No one gives a shit about intl. Why would we recognize anything they do but their paid shilling?

HRE ain't gonna do shit because it won't have any CBs on anything

There are so many problems with Stellaris, so many things to shit on, and you choose the most petty one of them all.

I've been here for two years and I can attest to this fact.
Around Summer to Winter of 2016 is when things stopped being fun.

Then just shut the fuck up, because you part of the cancer.


/int/ is not Holla Forums you fucking newfag. You can't be bothered to actually name boards correctly so why bother being here?

Fancy that even though Hotwheels shilled this place on Reddit, this place is way more Redditor-infested than Hotwheels's reign.

I didn't know we had cavemen posting on this board.

Hate to not conform to your strawman, but I've never been on Reddit in my life.
My deal was I was stupid enough to stay on Halfchan after the exodus. Left in winter of 2015 after Holla Forums harbor, but didn't came here until fall.

Thanks for asserting something that no one questioned.
No, I don’t care. I don’t care about int. I don’t care about intl. I care that they both spam their proven false bullshit everywhere they go. I care that they’re paid to do it. I’ll report them every time I see them. No one gives a fuck about what you’re discussing. Curb your autism.

about to play CK2 after a long time, what am I in for with new dlc and all? suggestion to what to play as?

also, does pirated dlc work with original pirated dlc? then any reason to play with the steam version as opposed to straight on pirated?

Who are int and intl?

Consummate shills who both shitpost against things and false flag in their name.

I've never heard of them. I think you're making them up.

Holy fuck how do I git gud as Germany in Darkest Hour World in Flames 2?

The war usually grinds to a horrible stalemate by 1943 on the eastern front when I can't make any advances without getting shitfucked by USSR's 30 doomstacks


I realize it's kind of a stereotypical thing to say, but at their core, Paradox's /gsg/s (and most of the more popular ones) are just a bunch of numbers and the relations between each other, with a graphical coating over them. Every action you or the AI takes changes, percentage wise, how these numbers are related to each other and that's pretty much it, it's not even like other vidya where player input is extremely impactful in the immediate. What I find the hardest though is how to implement the dynamic pathfinding and the dynamically changing borders. That's the one aspect that I come enjoying the most in older /gsg/s since nowadays they look absolutely horrific.
Seriously, if it wasn't for border porn/gore, Paradox games would be the same spreadsheet sim the likes of Football Manager implement.

Hence why it's called "grand" strategy.

You never heard of /int[insert here random letter]/? They started out as outcasts from 8/int/, quickly became the most notorious goons here; constantly raiding other boards, spreading rumors about Holla Forums's administration and they're even suspected to be ones responsible for taking the site off of google. After getting beaten out of Holla Forums they went and created their own chan called freech. Some good memes came out of them, but ultimately were just a old-school goons.

That's literally any game ever made, user.

What? It's just a simple algorithm looking for the shortest route.

Are we still talking paradox games? Because neither of these thing is hard. There are only two areas in which paradox needs to do any real hard work (and in which it, of course, sucks). The first is the AI, for obvious reasons, the second is optimalization due to the scale of the games and the need to make the AI do a hundred things at once as the various nations or characters. For example, an uncompressed save in EU4 takes over 100MB.

is there any extremely easy to mod grand strat game(most importantly the map)? could be in a browser for all i care
i wanted to try and make a gamenight for /strek/ but the only thing we have going for us is stellaris with the star trek horizons mod, and the base game is just too boring to play
ck2 doesn't have a star trek mod, even though with its character system it would have been ideal for this
what are my options?

Apparently Poland can't declare war on Bohemia or silasian OPMs in M&T 2 because 'historicly neutral' event forces me to white peace after 1 month of

1 month of war*

Once you realize how to not anger your vassals the game gets very easy.

omg, I'm a hard on for that now
but a great game of SPESS is Distant Worlds, I don't know if its mp though
it does have a lot of modding and probably loads /strek/ related stuff

< dies
every goddamn time….
any hints to dealing with that? how can you take some of your children out of the picture?
plus,really liked the creating mercs feature, but how do you know how much are you getting for them?

both EU4 and CK2 maps are piss easy to mod. Just don't expect it to be done in one afternoon.


I know, the duke of Barcelona grabbed it for himself without me noticing. Blame France for disappearing off the map.

New Geheimnisnacht is out, in case anyone cares. It's also probably the last version to be made.

Playing through it, the main changes seem to be in placing the chaos cults into the society tab and in making the orcs far stronger (there's also a bug (I assume it's a bug) with WAAAGH that can cause ridiculous amounts of troops to spawn for the orcs, as in they have a practically undefeatable doomstack several hundred thousand strong).

oh and btw, is there a way to change rules midway through the game in CK2?
that "feature" that army has to retreat all the way is really annoying and badly done

pretty sure he didn't mean to mean to play startrek in EU4 or CK2

a space mod for CK2 does actually exists (pic related), so he can play star trek in CK2

maybe by editing save files, but not in any inbuilt way.

Would anyone know why I lost like 100 development in my Kiche run? Does VeF add european disease events that lower it?

alright, help me out here
i've been trying to make a map for ck2 since yesterday, and i still can't get it to not crash at any random stage during the loading
all i've done is made two provinces (1 on land, and 1 ocean), 1 character, 1 dynasty, 1 culture, an empire+county
as i see it, i've done everything that multiple tutorials have told me to do
yet i can't for the life of me figure out why it refuses to work. the error logs make even less sens (they're either blank, or tell me that there's missing references to events/decisions/actions, regardless of this, the best i've gotten is to the processing flags stage)
if anyone's willing to figure out what's wrong with my shit, here's the files for the mod


any easy way to convert my religion in ck2?
i want to convert to muslim/zoroastrian for the concubines, but all the muslims around me don't want to marry their shit to infidels


after heavily playing DH for about 3 days i must say i am very disappointed with the game



I figured it out myself. The rapid collapse of society event lowers development dramatically, but doesn't announce that it's doing it.

Also after a war with Portugal lasting four years with no gains either way, they still demand half my country.

I am completely out of ideas on how to play a native american nation.

Going to start a new Black Ice game, who should I play?


Nippon or Italia.

Italy it is boys.

Gonna' do an aar for us?

Yeah why the fuck not, lets do it.

Make Duce proud

Why would you do that to yourself?

They should white peace eventually.

Not sure if you're "supposed" to play native americans, many mods don't really support it well and its up to you to figure out a way.

Because it's the only way to make HoI3 entertaining for myself at this point.

I'm looking forward to it.

Do any of you lads know how to get Darkest Hour working on Windows 10?

Seriously craving some Kaiserreich but it crashes on launch every time.

Are you trying to run it windows mode 1080p?

Starting a new game, I'm glad this thread is alive.

Tell me what to pick and what to do and I'll do my best.

Qing Empire but have no clue of how to play them or what to do.

Yunnan into National Protection Army or whatever it's called and unite China. Install puppet governments in Korea and SEA and retake territory over the Amur. And then whatever else you want to do. Invade Japan I guess.

Changed colour depth to 16bit and it worked. Cheers lad.

Good, I never played as them. Will do.

Already played too much Qing and it is pretty boring after the 3rd time or so, but thanks for the input.

Yeah that also helps but sadly not if you try to run it 1080p windowed mode.


Sounds like a true chink.

Build battleships gweilo.


First things first.

Guys can I get some help here please,
I've really tried searching about it high and low, but barely found answer

with the Conclave dlc you get some cool council voting actions,
what happens is, like for example pressing a claim and declaring war, there is an option near the action that puts it for consideration at the council
but what happens after that is that the action just sits there forever, with two options for the ruler,
either end the consideration or take action regardless….
so what the deal here? did someone figure this out, do they eventually vote on the fucking thing?

With the conquest of Abyssinia, today we declare a new Roman Empire.

A new Empire for the Romans, and Italians everywhere.

Our army is disorganised, our navy in disrepair, but our spirit is great, strong.

So our first step must be a complete reallocation of materials, a rebuild of the army from the ground up, and a redistribution of the Italian Navy.

What's the plan for the navy? I would imagine battleships & pocket ships- namely heavy cruisers screened by lights- since Europe & Africa are the only aircraft carriers you'll need for regional objectives until later on and the Med is likely to be a series of slugging matches with the Royal Navy, but I can't really say. And what of the army?

So I guess I've sold my soul to satan now?….

Tinder vs Real Life

good one

I'm bored.
What nation should I play in Victoria 2 and what should be my objective?
I've already formed Germany+Austria and Romania. Trying to form Italy and Gran Colombia was boring.
I like countries with events and not sitting around for years. I was thinking of trying to do Empress of India, but playing Great Britain seems like easy mode.

It's a fun ride through and through.

Vanilla doesn't support it either. It's basically wait for white annihilation with a couple of vain attempts at putting up a resistance. Like cotton candy attempting to resist a sandblaster.

Does anyone know if you develop your way into an institution that you can reform your religion, or do you still need a developed neighbor?

What's even the point?
Won't I just take Mexican Texas and then just sit there while the US spams statehood?

Make it so.
What would the Empire be without Mare Nostrum?

have you made sure that the game isn't using vanilla events?

someone help me out with the elder kings mod
i tried a skelly run, but after conquering all of atmora, i'm making around 0.11 gold per month, if i make ships i'll probably go bankrupt, i can't raise my own levies so i'm stuck with raised undead
my demesne is around 20/5, but i can't give any of it to vassals because as undead none of them can have heirs.
can't give it to mortals because they hate me due to being undead, so it guarantees rebellions
a dragon cult argonian showed up here and doesn't hate me because of the religion, but it's a female so she can't own lands

yup, events/decisions/onactions are all replaced with empty folders

Finally after 3 years, the army is reorganised and we are ready for war, in Europe stands 400 thousand regular men, with the militias previously integrated into our army sent to defend ports, station blockades and checkpoints.

In Africa stands our colonial forces, 200 thousand men in all, mostly in Libya.
While controversial, the decision has been made to defend Ethiopia with only local African forces rather than regular forces. However, to compensate for this a force of camels and horses has been assembled to fight in the deserts of Africa rather than fuel consuming trucks that are used in Europe.

The two Littorio Class battleships have been completed, the Andrea Doria Class ships have been upgraded and we currently have two new heavy cruisers in production, 20 more destroyers.
We are currently converting the passenger liner SS Roma into a carrier, on top of developing a purpose built carrier. We hope the two of them will allow the Italian fleet to operate further from the mainland, although the Italian Air force is significant, it's only enough to defend the fleet locally.
I'm considering adding two pocket battleships to the fleet, and a single super battleship as additions to the fleet for the great war to come.

In that case try going at it from the other end. Pick vanilla map and all the folders, only add one province into it. If that works, start stripping the game down, folder by folder, until you find out what's causing the issue.

Well, how will pocket battleships- overgunned heavy cruisers- compare to true battlecruisers in cost and statistics in Black Ice? Considering the fleet will have to by necessity start dense, it would be wise to consider what can be realistically built before the war, what can survive through it long enough for its cost, and go from there. Long range guns are probably a given priority to give advantage over the Royal Navy in terms of their effective engagement ability over yours. A super battleship may be warranted, if Italian R&D is limited enough that it's better to build very big now and eat the inefficiency much later than to try and do the crash development necessary to build leaner but more efficiently and potentially end up with steel still on the slipways before hostilities begin.

Further, what's the plan for the states due east if they don't drift naturally into the Axis or at least if they start to drift to the Allies? Puppetry, dismantlement, annexation? By intrigue (coup) or cannonade? I'm personally inclined towards the former of the first class and maybe the second as well for the lean investment required for rather good material gains, but you never know, I'm just a lurker. Also, I notice Dollfuss is still kicking. Is the AI a bit slow or did you manage to somehow get Hitler to put off the Anschluss by event?

Battlecruisers in Black Ice require separate armour and engine techs, where pocket battleships use heavy cruiser armour and engine techs, and battleship weapon techs.

In short, I have an easier time producing pocket battleships than Battlecruisers, and they're cheaper and quicker to produce. By the time Battlecruisers would be ready, they'll be totally out of date compared to other ships produced by England.
As for having ships ready before the war, as it is only my newest heavy cruisers and my purpose built carrier will be ready before the war.

The plan for the states at the moment is to pretend they don't exist, their industrial potential is an order of magnitude greater than mine so it's better to just not deal with them.
Austria joined the axis rather than getting annexed.

Pocket battleships are absolutely the way to go, then. They use two research lines & practicals, but you're already going for both; I have to wonder if pocket ships don't contribute practicals to both lines, too, which would be a nice bonus. Dolfuss going Axis is weird but neat. I have to wonder if the Anschluss won't eventually fire anyways.

Exactly how bad is Italian industry that the Yugoslavs & Greeks have better industrial capacity than you, though? And what about the Turks? Or did 'the states' filter out the 'due east' part as you were reading and you thought I was referring to the US?

alright scatch that, i somehow have non-undead draugr in here and i can give them lands, so vassals are no longer an issue
now how do i invade anything outside of atmora?
my chancellor has been trying to falsify claims on some part of whiterun for like 3 years now, other than that i can't find any other cassus beli to attack

I haven't played the mod, but
Is extremely bad in vanilla. You get severe levy and tax decreasing for having more demesne. Also a huge negative opinion for all your vassals after you have hold them for more than two months.

gee really, i wonder why asked in the first place, it's not like the downside wasn't obvious

Well you shouldn't wonder why you can't make money then. Did you try to raise a leader from the crown button inside the city/barony or whatever? Why wouldn't undead be able to hold them? Seems stupid.

nig are you retarded, i'm being sarcastic, i can plainly see that a huge demesne was the cause of my problems, i was asking how to fix it when i can't distribute titles to undead vassals

well there go one group of knife ears

Purge elves

So how did you fix the demesne problem?

some of my draugr aren't considered undead, for whatever reason
either a bug, or they're converted instead of born draugr, no idea. but since they're not undead i can give them lands
i already mentioned that here

What kind of being comes out when you press the crown button?

dunno, it's greyed out for me

You have to own the demesne (just the city or barony) to be able to press it. Basically it is a quick way to give the demesne to a new character that will have a high opinion of you. Instead of searching for someone that owns nothing else in the character search.

it's greyed out for all my holdings
for the record, i'm tribal

it must be a barony-tier holding, not a county one, and you have to own it. As in not have a baron vassal holding it, but own it directly yourself.

i don't have baronies
it's all chiefdoms/high chiefdoms

no wait, i do, yeah, the guy that showed up doesn't have the undead trait

Why does no one here ever post Vicky 2 games? Pic related is my most recent struggle as Austria Pls no bully I'm a scrub

Usually people don't post any games and just shitpost or fight among each other. It has been like that for a while. Until some time last summer people were regularly posting games and they were mostly not EU4. There were also regular HoI3 sessions. No more.

People don't post that much games, true but if they do, they never post Vicky 2 (I even saw someone posting Hoi 4 some time ago) which makes me sad.

Any good fantasy setting mod for a GS game? how is the warhammer mod for CK2?

I've heard that Geheimnisnacht is supposed to be pretty good also there's a Game of Thrones mod and an Elder Scrolls mod. All for CK2, I'm not aware of any Vicky 2 or EU4 fantasy mods.

That WW1 game was great. Is anyone from that game still around?

the elder kings mod works fine, at least if you feel like playing a skelly
the GOT mod is a bit of a clusterfuck though, at least from my experience with stannis
there's an avatar mod on the steam workshop, which is pretty fun unless you're playing as the air nation, in which case you die when the fire nation begins the war

You mean the MP HoI3 Mod?
Yeah, wish our tanks would have worked.

Still feels like you are playing a Sims game whit your nobles instead of a grand strategy as CK2 feels like?

Yeah that one. The tanks would have worked better if you didn't land them in Estonia. But invasions and overseas supply was fucked for some reason in that game. Like when UK's troops he landed in Palestine never regained org.

Everyone here has probably played every major country and most decent minors in Vic2, and certainly seen them posted dozens of times. So there's not much to talk about.

V2 is saddled by a lack of good mods, especially alt-history ones that would generate more interest.

I didn't realise that the tanks had 0 combat width and my division consisted only of tanks, meaning they couldn't fight.

For some reason the AI would make a convoy route and immediately cancel it again, took me ages to realize.

What? Tanks have 2 or 1 combat width depending on doctrines. Unless you were using SHARM, which is just silly to begin with.

Not in the WW1 mod it's so you can't make mobile divisions with them

This is the problem with you people. No imagination or .

IMO the generation that grew up with these games started working and having kids IRL
So no time anymore for /gsg/ since they honestly take a lot of time for a single game in my 10+ years of avid gsg gaming I only once or twice finished the game and it was with Germany 1943 WC in HoI2

I see.

WW1 MP sounds interesting. Anyone else here want to try?


Get that blobmania shit out of here

Forgot to show Texan Africa


It isn't blobbing if it's Africa


This. Africa was made for colonial blobbing and retarded borders.

Been having a lot of bad luck with stupid AI in HPM Victoria 2 after the latest update. Around 3 games in a row the NGF and Russia both succumb to anarcho-liberal and jacobin rebels before the 1870's. The AI is almost incapable of managing itself at the best of times.

Also have been noticing that a lot of even the strong European countries just never build railroads, ever. It was the 1890's and Austria-Hungary and Spain had 0 levels of railroads in every province, yet when I play either Spain or Austria I am able to quickly get a very good positive income and keep up with my infrastructure the whole game.

Maybe I've just been having bad AI luck lately, I just want Europe to have reasonable outcomes like I used to get that aren't clearly just being hamstrung by terrible AI.

On the other hand I've had some decent games lately as Portugal and Denmark since it has been easier than ever lately to achieve GP status. It is some of the most satisfying stuff as any strong secondary power to just bully the Dutch out of Indonesia and get all of those delicious RGO's.

For fucks sake, its like playing Civ's on prince difficulty.

all the game had to do to be fun was to make all the characters as fun/interesting as they are in ck2, instead they're all experience buckets that don't do shit
the entire gameplay boils down to expanding and making a bigger fleet than the other guy

It's also lacking in the combat complexity.
I played this old turn based 4X called Space Empires IV years ago, and it has a lot of similar stuff, except instead of limiting ships to specific slots, it only limited them by weight. It also had a greater variety of ships, or rather you could build satellites, mines, planetary defensive buildings that shot ships and could design your fighters, in addition to space stations and ships. You could even eventually equip space stations with construction yards, allowing them to provide additional construction. And technology ended up allowing you to create/destroy planets.
Stellaris feels like a far cry from the same experience with how it keeps trying to limit you instead of giving freedom.

You can try Distant Worlds and Sins of a Solar Empire.


It is though it suffers even more from railroading than vanilla.
In SP I managed to get the Central Powers in a war against Austria-Hungary.

What about a Papal States game, not forming into another nation and going deus vult on the orient?
If it is possible to ensure it pick an american nation and turn them into a monarchy, happened to me once with Colombia, don't know how.
Or something like Panjab to form India Poo-everywhere-but-in-the-loo

The Freedom and Chains mod adding events for the CSA might be interesting but it was made for PDM

While yes I would say Africa has different blobbing rules, Texan involvement seems unfitting considering that the USA was never involved in the Scramble for Africa.

For some reason I like the square flags on screenshots but ingame they are really unsettling

If he is going to play a game from last century he might as well just go for Aurora.

Well MO2 is a classic and it aged pretty well if you dont count the graphic, games from the genre still copy its mechanics and even menage to be less complex than game that is 2 decades old

Oh look it's a new & improved Daghestan for HIP CK2! 700% more petty ethnic conflicts and shitty half-assed jihads guaranteed.

so in CK2, is there way to raise a captured child as your own and have them be part of your court as an adult?
in the same fashion as: Marco Polo, Game of Thrones, Vikings


A friend gifted me Eu4 on steam, and I do want to play it and enjoy it, but I don't want to pay 20 dollars for dlc, PER DLC, that is labelled as fucking 'required' by the community to make some shit half-playable.

is it possible to use pirated dlc with a steam copy of the game?

Did you check the pastebin?

Jesus fuck, they refuse to add all of india but add that mess instead?

Yeah? It doesn't say whether or not a piece of pirated dlc will work with a steam-copy of the game.

Oh no, that's a custom mess I'm adding. Felt like HIP's current Daghestan was shit, very ill-defined and lacked many stuff and whatnot.
The whole place's always been a fucked up shithole, gotta reflect that in-game; Sarir, Lekia and Philan ain't just enough.

It will work if you use a crack.

Well I managed to lose a war in Stellaris.


I made USCA a monarchy.
It made it so there were no nationalist uprisings, which is the entire reason I picked USCA, to put down uprisings.

I hope it never happens. Here's my story of Paradox games
Vicky and HoI3 I bought complete editions of, by now I am buying DLCs as they come out

Well they got their money out of me, so I have to give them that I guess.

anyone know why my ck2 dlc won't show up in the launcher?
the game was bought on steam, but all the dlc was torrented
i've put it in the dlc folder of the game, it has zip/dlc files, but when i launch the thing all i get is that free indian portraits thing
is it a verification issue, or is it because i'm on patch 2.6.3?

Did you use cream_api.dll?

where do i get that from

Your ass.

That's what I thought, the Russian site in the Pastebin has a download for a .dll file that you need in order for pirated DLC's to work.

got a link for the file?
the site wants a registration to view links, but for some reason the activation email isn't coming even after resending it

wait, nevermind, worked on the third try

Sadly not no, I think the only way to get it for CK2 is the Russian site. Just try to make a second account, a throwaway email works too.

alright, i put the cream api files both in the dlc folder and in the main folder, regardless of what i do, my dlc section on the launcher is empty
wat do

Did your restart steam?

just did, dlc section is still greyed out

Hmm, try reinstalling everything and following the instructions extra carefully step by step. As an alternative you could also just torrent the entire game plus DLC, it's pretty easy to find.

wait nevermind, turning it on a second time from steam rather than the folder magically fixed it

Glad I could help.

Why is Austria so fucking shit in Vicky 2 HPM? It's literally just worse Germany. It has like 3 unique events and 2 of them negatively affect Austria, one is Austro-Hungary which fucks you over if you want to become Germany and one is forming fucking Romania which also fucks you over. Your literacy is fucking 20% which makes researching anything a fucking nightmare, 90% of the events are negative with one of your 1000 nationalities revolting somewhere and giving you militancy, you don't have cores on anything ,you don't get any colonial events, you don't get any prestige events. I mean literally the first event that you get as Austria is an unavoidable negative one. Why does the HPM creator hate Austria? Why not add some alternative history decisions where you annex Bavaria after being divided for so long or a reverse Anschluss decision or at the very least some simple decisions that give you prestige.

fucking traitoros mer rebelled because muh independance
oh sure, i give you shits half of the land i've conquered, improve the economy and tell the elves to fuck off, but is that enough? of course not, we can't have skeletons in charge now can we
i tried to save my shit, but after just conquering eastmarch my army was severely depleted, and i didn't have enough magicka to raise enough skeletons to win the war for me.
for the moment i'll wait and resurrect my army, once i've got at least 3k, i'll start retaking norse lands. atmora is pointless to take back since it doesn't really offer me anything useless, the other traitorous skeletons can have it

Best of luck with your Undead Crusade my brother.

it's coming along, this time i'm not gonna make the mistake of rushing for the imperial island
gonna spread and i won't let them get through my borders at all

It's almost like historical prussiaboo mod has a biased view of certain countries.

Is this some new bug or M&T 2 allows to declare wars on vassals without doing so on their masters?

What did he meme by this?

What's the current best Vicky 2 mod?

I don't have a problem with Austria having troubles with different cultures and Ethnicities (since it's historically accurate and pretty easy to deal with if you just give your pops reforms every now and then) but rather I have a problem with the fact there are no real good decisions for Austria, a state that's not that good to begin with. Even though it should, seeing as Austria was a big deal back then. Also, according to this, people weren't that literate in Austria Hungary but no where near 20 fucking percent.

Probably HPM, haven't played much of HPP.

Isn't HPP a HoI3 only mod?


does the rezmar 1.22.1 hotfix have viruses inside? only one i could find so far

Most likely not. It is a common issue with retards and their anti-virus programs.

Playing Victoria as La Plata, how and when do I try to industrialize?

trying out that program that generates a random map+history
i picked some random tribal island with one other country on it, have not had success against them militarily yet.
but for whatever reason, people here are breeding like rabbits. my court alone is over 400 people so far

Maybe you're right, then what mod should I play?

Shit you're right, the mod I meant was PDM, the Pop Demand Mod, all these P's got me confused.

Take a look at the infopic buddy.

Yeah I did and I downloaded most of the mods there but I want to know what's the best one.

BAI is pretty good if you want to play Austria. The mod itself isn't that detailed (and bloated) as HPM but it has more flavor and its more fun imo.

Well then I'll try BaI.

really strange shit happening
i tried to regenerate the map and history, and when i play it i'm getting the same issue - a couple of courtiers spawn every minute or so, and i can't stop it. after a while it will be too populated to be playable again
anyone know why this is happening? game version is 2.6.3, no other mods

I had a funny experience of triggering what I presume was a Jew. By telling him that the Jews in Jerusalem used to fight on the side of the Muslims during the First Crusades he went completely mental claiming I have no idea what I am talking about and that a Jew would never work together with Muslim trash. Of course without him knowing or getting to the simple realization that it was because the Crusaders didn't mind killing Jews any more than killing Muslims.

shit man… had some fun with pic related
but now my insane old and possessed by the devil king must retire somehow


So I tried EU Rome (plus the RoA mod) for like a few months with Dacia. It is obviously missing some UI functionalities of CK2, but is basically a lesser versions of it. It even has the same sounds for events. The stupidest thing though is that the only way to get a casus belli is to send assassins. And they not only have to revealed, but be caught and executed, which often doesn't happen. If they only get revealed as far as I understand it is the the other side that gets a casus belli alone.

is there any mod to make a ck2 game last forever?
like if the memory becomes too much, just delete the history of the oldest recorded people

There's also missions, guarantees/warnings, and IIRC you get an automatic CB against other religions.

I'd recommend not playing RoA, it fucks around with mechanics mostly for the worse (Wiz didn't seem to understand how things worked so he used events to override some normal behavior). Try Magna Terra instead, which is basically vanilla but with much bigger map with more nations.

May I just say that this is probably the best general on this board? It's the perfect combination of actual discussion and shitposting. I just wish that it would be more active.

alright, how do i conquer my neighbor?
random map, as far as i can tell everyone is tribal, no technology has been researched
my best idea so far is to build up my army until i have 500 prestige, start a war and then bring out a 2500 tribal army from an event with that prestige

No idea how to play as a tribal. Can't you just marry into him and steal the kingdom with several assassinations?

>2.6.3 are you using this ? It says it needs 2.6.2. Usually all last number versions work for mods, but maybe not this time.

Open the game's folder and search for defines.txt. Open it and edit the end date.

nevermind, i only had to wait for their kingdom to start a civil war
i had about 1500 troops, another 1200 from my two vassals, and a 2500 tribal army for 500 prestige, and also take into account the enemy of my enemy's armies, and we pretty much steamrolled
if i wanted to lose a few troops, we could probably have taken the entire country

the main reason for the game to not run infinitely to begin with is that after a while there's just too many characters in the history, so naturally you'd just erase the history to clear space in the memory
as for the issue with infinitely spawning courtiers, it was apparently an issue with the robin hood quest chain. just deleted the legends events text file in the mod

You mean that the history of the dead character makes the game slower? I doubt it see why some text would do that. I saw a few suggestions after a google. Also read in the paradox forum that dead character indeed do not effect things too much, live ones do.

well considering that with 500 robin hoods in my court shit was running pretty fucking slow, i'd assume that even the dead ones make shit slower
i mean, if it didn't, why wouldn't the game have the option to continue indefinitely?

second war a few years later to conquer the rest
this time my army outnumbers them without any event troops, steamrolled them easily

Because none of Paradox's games have such an option. And they don't have it because they have no programmed any special events and historical goals for the AIs after that.

And technologies of course.

but the game runs fine even without historic events
what's stopping them from just letting the game continue
just leave the historic goal to conquering the planet or something

You can easily change the end date from the files. But it is as simple as that, the game is not made with the idea of having more content after that date. Even if you continue you won't be able to level up your technologies any more. And in CK2's case you can't even colonize the world. But also in most cases you would be way too powerful at the normal ending so no point to continue anyway. If you haven't noticed after a 100 years many countries have no difficulty meter any more.

Can someone give me a working link to the 'whole world mod' for eu3 please?

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