Weekend Gamenight: Ace of Spades Edition

Friday the 14th and Saturday the 15th
Starting 5pm UTC/6pm BST/1pm EST

Come play WW1 meets Minecraft and help remove Bluecucks from the rightful ethnic homeland of the Green peoples.

How do I get the game?
buildandshoot.com/download/ and pick your flavour from below
Recommended: get the OpenSpades client
Toasters (easier to run but inferior client): Get 0.75v
Linuxfags (or macfags): get OpenSpades (check your repos for binaries) or use 0.75v with WINE.

How do I play?
OpenSpades: run openspades.exe and type 834025646 into the 'quick connect' bar at the top of the server browser (if you paste it rather than type it it might crash the launcher).
Faggots using 0.75v: paste aos://834025646 into your browser's address bar like any other link
Linuxfags using Wine: run "wine client.exe -[aos:// link]" in the terminal or use the launcher.

We've limited it to rifles only for now.
Maybe on Sunday we'll do all weapons for a change of pace but shotguns and smgs are fucking cancer.

Feel free to post screenshots (press 0 by default in openspades) and webms, especially if you're playing on your laptop in the woods/on the roof. As usual we'll gather them all on /radcorp/ after the gamenight is done.

Other urls found in this thread:



I keep dying when I spawn.
Did you pick a weapon that wasn't the rifle? If so log out of the game and back in (or press L) and pick it instead, shotguns and smgs are broken as fuck but we'll do them on Sunday anyway (at least until fags get bored of them).

How do I get a larger FoV/check and change controls/mess with other settings?
If you're using OpenSpades press esc and go to setup. If you're using 0.75 then tough titties.

Openspades crashes when I paste the server name
Happens to some people, just type it manually (it's nine fucking characters you lazy shits).

Why are we using 0.75 instead of [preferred older version of the game]?
0.75 or later is required for OpenSpades compatibility and so gives the best variety of options for anons.

Where are screenshots saved to?
Windows: %APPDATA%\OpenSpades\Resource
Linux: $XDG_DATA_HOME/openspades/Resources
Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/OpenSpades/Resources

Where do I get more ammo/more blocks?
The medical tent, also it gives you more health.

Why won't Bluecucks stay in their own homeland?
They are legitimate refugees user, stop being so privileged.


Dont forget, every construction has physics. HAVE FUN MAKING A TOWER THEN GETTING IT CHOPPED DOWN

Here's some more pre-gamenight autism. does anyone have the image of how to make good bunkers and defenses?


Also you're ~18 hours early (though feel free to come on and fuck around now if you want, I just can't guarentee hostfag won't restart the serb on you).

hope kike mckikestein stickies this thing asap

Generally it only gets a sticky later on on Friday once we're ready to play, it helps signal to anons when it's time to go and all.

rifles only script?

Why aren't we playing the old version? AoSfags here don't like the new one for some reason.

Goddamnit anons, we're testing and greenfags might be cheating and building defences early but mostly testing.

Yes, at least you can't pick other guns.

Because the old version can't use OpenSpade and that's a massively superior client. Most of the problems with 0.75 is the newer weapons anyway and we've turned them off.

how about you suck a twelve-inch meat rod instead?

Can you niggers help me out with this?

Nevermind, figured it out, I was being retarded.

Fine, I suppose we can start now.
Green Tower stronk, bluecucks get out.

Green never had a chance

Test serb is restarting, time for a quick reminder that blue = jew.

map change is crashing my game



Really though, hostfag should be fixing it now. Remember to call him a cuck when it's back up.


How does this work? It's not written in the formatting FAQ either.

(((blues))) can suck fat cock

It's ok user, we're testing. It's just testing. Also the server is only coming back up when Blues admit that Jewish gold funded that victory.

It's like the invasion of Bluelingrad all over again.


we only """lost""" because we were mostly defending. Granted, half of us were defending the wrong thing (the town)

Nigga we had some dumb kike on our team and he was trash


A jewish infiltrator?

You can run 0.75 instead if you want (server will accept either client), openspades is just a far superior experience.

You mean i love jews? I have 200 ping and played for 15 minutes, nigger.


which big guy is responsible for this?

check around the /test/ board

He slipped into our ranks and shit posted and did shit all the whole game.

get out kike reeeeeeeeeeee

Wow it's almost like the infamous Europe destroyer feels like destroying Europe again.

Go green next time cuck

nice projection

Also: I was complaining about sound and turns out that the game has EAX effects enabled by default, but they're done in a piss poor manner and cannot compare to older EAX games like Doom 3 or The Dark Mod.

Is the server up, I cannot seem to connect.

It's still being tested user so it'll be unstable, we're not starting for a few hours. Also hostfag broke the config file.

Server is up but we're testing shit, expect restarts.

Ok: Shotgun is confirmed broken as fuck.

obvious solution shotgun only

Please no user.
I'll post here when we're done testing for anyone who wants to know.

Oh and would fags like FF on or off? I don't know if AoS has automatic kicking for excessive TK as an option and all.

The game is infested with BR's. Literally everyone is a BR.

I don't believe so, you have to vote kick

Well the server is hidden so none of them can find it.

Right, well we'll play with settings a bit.

Testing is over, no more restarts (hopefully).
We'll start officially in 10ish hours, feel free to hop on now if you want.

give us better maps please

Suggest maps fag.

Apparently you can mod the game with skins. Here i made the models more tacticool tried to get a FAL to replace the rifle but it wouldnt work sadly

If you can't spawn after a map load, reconnect

That's what I was asking for, I'm hostfag


You niggers should do SimplePlanes for September 8.
There's a thread up

Make a thread on >>>/radcorp/ detailing download instructions, max player count etc etc and we'll take a look after this gamenight user (generally everything else shuts down when we're running one).


From the game we had this may. We had a round that lasted 90 minues of plotting and defending. Blue was so shit I took them all on myself and they never capped. Last pic is their fortress that was nearly impregnable for the first hour or so.

as the prophecy fortold

Well, you see… The client crashes if the team names are too long and I tried to change them to blueniggers and greeniggers. Bluecucks and Greeniggers works fine. It took like 20 minutes to figure out that that's all it was.


Bump indeed, we're starting reasonably soon.


servers up get in here


Ho boy, I know I shouldn't expect nice things, but I'm still disappointed.


SMG is turned off user.

Game just crashed when I tried to paste the server number on the Connect thingy.

I'm hoping this is a one time thing.

Are the maps randomized from some big list or did someone pick a few decent ones to play on? Most of those 'new' maps that came later are pure aids.
If that's the case I can look past the slope walking.

0.5x is still best though.

There's two set maps (those are fairly good) and then classicgen, if you know other good maps post them ITT. There's also /votemap on if you want it.

It does that, just type the number in manually.

I knew we needed an overflow server.

Oh dear.

Why ruin something so simple with so much unnecessary shit? I do not understand.

Install 0.75 instead then user, it'll work with the server.

Is visibility actually somehow shittier with OpenSpades?

I didn't even notice that, absolutely retarded.


I ""coded"" a launcher for both 0.75 and 0.54 AoS to save everyone the hassle of installing and fucking with versions and shit. It contains both versions and can be switched with a button.

Also, it's fully portable and dosen't leave a trace on the system. I included the source code. Made it with OPUS PRO 9. Just extract and run the exe.


Weren't you just igname?

i put Deuce1337 as default name because leaving deuce makes the "choose name" screen pop up and triggers my autism.

Tell me what you guys think about the launcher. I failed an exam making it lel.

They set exams in autistic vidya?

Oh by the way fags /squad lets you join a squad. I have no idea what it does.

OpenSpades is trash.

I'll be using it but BnS already made something similar.

Yeah OpenSpades is shit, I thought we were gonna play Ace of Spades but apparently niggers wanna play voxel Call of Duty instead

how come my chat messages never show?

openspades is a client, you can still connect with aoe you double nigger.

Not sure, are you putting / at the start or something?

Just use 0.75 you fag.


yeah but you have to install shit and it smears shit all over your hard drive. also it relies on their master server which will die within the year. mine is just extract and play. nice clean and portable

No, i'm not.

Which client are you using?

Bluecucks can't into building, only mud huts and street-shitting.

Why build when you can simply dig?

Does anyone have the old G43 black cutout iron sights
I need it

Next map is classicgen, but no idea how long until it changes (it's first to 5 caps).

Changed now to classic map.

For anyone who find the 2D/vanilla sights easier to aim with: github.com/yvt/openspades/wiki/Example:-2D-Aim-Down-Sight-3


What error user? Are you running 0.76 by mistake?

I'm running 0.75 on OpenSpades, I join the server and I can play for a little while, but then it disconnects on me for some unknown reason.

Try the normal 0.75 client instead.



I tried that and I can't use mouselook.

Votemap is being disabled due to abuse anyway.

0.75 has mouselook user, what the fuck did you do?

Yes, i'm the one disabling it.

I try to move my mouse around and although my weapon is shaking I can't look around.

Have you got a controller plugged in? Sometimes games mess up with that.

Fixed it, the mouse sensitivity was turned all the way down.

Oh, well that's a new one.

god tier taste

For anyone who hates the fog: apparently turning off volumetirc fog in OpenSpade helps.

Though I can't even find the option for that.

Bless the boys in green for building defenses and removing blues

Erecting blue corpses to strike fear in the hearts of the enemies

War…War never changes…

Blue Killbox™




I didn't realize greenfags were genuine faggots

I'm getting disconnected for "UnknowReason".

Serb relaunch?

The unknown reason is hostfag forgetting to warn us he was restarting the serb.

is server kill? I can't connect.

in pic: a game from years ago

f serb


from same game


Is the server running?

Server back up
PySnip a shit

Here's some OC for you

I never played AoS. What's the basic stuff to know before joining?

shoot the other guys
and also you can manipulate the terrain a-la minecraft

that's it, it's a super simple game

Can I fucking post now?

It's an alright game, I just wish rifles were bolt action and there were MG and mortar emplacements to hold and siege territory. Playing Red Orchestra made me appreciate more difficult shooting.

Look at the images in the OP and the FAQ post, it's all right htere user.

It's like Minecraft with guns.

Every AoS thread.
I mean I agree with you but looking at how the couldn't even balance SMGs and Shotguns I think that's more of a pipe dream.

Still can't connect.

Server is definetly up user, there's 20 people on as I speak. Are you sure you typed it correctly?

Oh ok. I thought it was a little more complicated.

Nah, it's pretty much CTF meets minecraft meets WW1.

Did you get it working?


834025646 is what I'm trying, and it's not working for some reason. I already played like 3 maps with you guys, but when it changes I get an error and have to manually connect to it again. This time the error didn't stop.

What's the error? Also have you tried basic things like restarting your PC etc?
Try typing aos://834025646 instead.

aos:// doesn't work. And it makes no sense to restart the PC, nothing has changed since I played it, only the fact that it doesn't connect for a unknown reason.

Well, I'm gonna play something else and try again later.

The final thing would be to try the 0.75 client.

I'm using OpenSpades, 0.75 when trying to connect. If nothing else works I'll use the client.

Ok, I hope you can get back in user. We're up to 28 again.


Holy fuck, server is full with 32 players

I'll post in the thread when the max slots are up but keep trying, anons leave all the time.
Making it higher than 32 might kill the server so who knows what'll happen?

I think there's a single slot open right now.

Ok so to confirm: end of this map we'll restart and bump player cap up to 64.

Unless 64 players make it crash.

64 did not kill it, server is back up.

31/64, will it crash if we go over 32?



That big ol base we made was pretty sick.

let it be so

Just like grandpappy fought in.


This map has devolved into fucking stalingrad.


Greenfags btfo.

Never got to finish Metal Greenman :(



That's the magic of squads nigger.

Also there's apparently a Stalingrad map we can play tomorrow.

Is it actually possible to add/remove people from squads? Getting spawned on the wrong side of the map as the defending squad due to one dingus can be pretty inconvenient.

Type /squad none to leave a squad or just make a new squad, that's about it I'm afraid.



Serb ded?

Boys in blue working hard at defenses and the BLUE KILLBOX™






Remember, a good soldier checks his chambers before he goes into battle.

don't know if it crashes the server but it might crash the old client due to player numbering being too high

maybe we should use 0.76 next time, it makes the rifle classic accuracy (but reduced ammo count)

Typical Bluecuck.

That might not be a bad idea.

How come your graphics manage to be even worse than the normal game?

Took a screen shot of this guy with a weird player model…Is it just me or does he look familiar? Cant tell

He's using 0.75 instead of Openspades I think.



We Somme now.


31 players shouldn't be full when it has 64 slots available.

Even the normal cap is 32. Are you sure you've typed it correctly?

Apparently it's still on 32. Let me check something.

Can confirm it's still stuck on 32 slots, I don't think we can do much about it until tomorrow. Anyone who gets 'server is full' just keep trying.

Someone finally scored.

Is my tower still up?

Long ded I'm afraid. So is penis fort.

The one time I join in on game night.

A lot should drop at the end of this map user.



for (((i love jews)))

tfw only in one of these screenshots dead



first win you mean :^)

That was an awesome match

Fuck yeah. I went to town for a half hour and came back in time to win lmaooooo

Thanks, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is what being a certified, 110% GOD GAMER is like. Where doth this game save pictures, by the way?
(((i love jews))) is a GOD GAMER, and you are all losers.


I have another 60 or so user.

Yes it was. Hostfag tells me he's just restarting serb.

Serb restart?

Who is the hostfag? is he playing?

>>13020452 >>13020452 >>13020452 >>13020452 >>13020452 >>13020452 >>13020452 >>13020452 >>13020452 >>13020452 >>13020452 >>13020452 >>13020452 >>13020452 >>13020452 >>13020452

What's the webm size limit up in here?

tacticool team best team

I spent so long getting it formatted just perfectly, I even made pretty images with boxes pointing a things.

Up to him if he wants to tell you who he is.

Not sure, larger than 10mb though.

Dope. THanks

Nah it was shit, map sucked ass and went on too long, but I, i love jews, am a certified, professional grade GOD GAMER, and none of you tiny dicked green fags, cannot compete. This is what peak performance looks like, I am a fucking legend.

Plenty of slots free now faggots.

Well at least we know you have shit taste


And again, the blubermenschen show their superiority



Prepare to be bullied

the thread can't survive this

of all the gamenights ive hosted and been a part of, I NEVER expected this.
This one's for the history books lads.

I have a jewtube I'm tryna keep alive. Fuckin, bully away boys.

Thanks for the ban for facecam in a webm. I'll take my posts back and go home.


Half of my tiny amount of subs is Holla Forumsirgins. I don't understand why this is a huge deal.

jesus christ

holy shit lad it just keeps getting worse

That's a bannable offence on Holla Forums? Genuinely did not know that (mods are not involved with gamenights and all other than stickying our threads, which I appreciate).

Hey facecam user, let me give you a protip ANY and ALL OC for gamenights are saved by the organizersyou are now forever immortalized

eceleb shit is not allowed, even if it's a nobody who's trying to get views

It was a voteban.

Nigga, you should know better, at least you can be a meme now.

Lol ok. I guess I don't feel the shame I'm meant to right now. Kind of just confused as to why it's such a huge deal. I'm aware that it's a breach of anonymity among other things. . . But I'm not particularly bothered.

I always knew Holla Forums game nights were cancer, but wow

I'm confused, it was a ban on Holla Forums or ingame?

oh dont worry, itll hit soon enough

it was a voteban on the game

Reupload that jewtube kike's webm again please.

Ya no I'm still in the thread. They just votebanned me from the server.

I know eceleb shit is universally hated. Didn't know having my face in some scratch footage would be. Guess I'll just not do that again.


Much thanks.

Someone saved my webm :D

of course someone saved it, ANY and ALL OC must be archived

here's your (you)

And worst of all, actually autistic

HEY. I'm not balding.

Not to mention he still lives with his parents.

I just wanted to show off Greenman and his huge pp :(

Thou art a foolish fellow.

No sound?

I mean maybe if you were a girl (male) you'd just get requests instead.

Or a German.

None. Original webm is without it as well but post was deleted meaning I ccould't save it.

I cut it out to save file size

It was how it was uploaded, take your complaints with the actual nigger who made it

I'm fine with bullying. I am legit bummed out about being banned from the serb though. I guess this shitstorm is kind of fun in its own way.

You deserve it for being such an attention-starved retard that you couldn't stop for even one second and ask the most basic of questions - "does anyone actually care to see my filthy kike face?".

Fuck off, you don't belong here.

Fun piece of trivia: you're the first user to be vote-banned by other players (some fags have been manually banned by hosts) in all of gamenights' history. I don't think they even votebanned that brony in Dystopia.

Unbanning is up to hostfag so feel free to ask him, he should be in the thread somewhere. I'm fairly sure votekick bans only last a few hours anyway. Can't guarantee anons won't bully you ingame/voteban you again though, shit's up to them.

I think the guy is a retard but he should be able to come back if he apologizes for being such a massive faggot and doesn't post webms with his kike face again.

Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.

Maybe. I still don't like him, though, and I'm the k/d whore fag who bragged about his 200 green skulls.

Up to hostfag and anons in-game, I just schedule/organise these things. I'd have thought they'd want more bullying material though.
Now I really do have to go to sleep you faggots but I hear there's still anons ingame trying out new maps.

Well, that is a distinct honor. For the record- I've definitely learned my lesson here. I am a mouthbreathing retard and enormous bundle of twigs for thinking that Holla Forums would put up with anything REMOTELY eceleb. I did not intend on attention-whoring, and really just wanted to show off Big Greenman. I'm dumb as hell, and I'm sorry for offending the sensibilities of most illustrious and cultured Holla Forums,

I'm just saying, if you're going to play the game, you could have at least played the noncucked version.

You could've posted a simple screenshot you autistic camwhore but no, you had to plant your ugly mug in a webm.

There's no way a simple screenshot could do justice to the 3-Dimensional spunk job I pulled off on that beast.

Get bent, my guy.

Thanks for not reading the thread or participating.

It was considered at length user but 0.75 lets newer anons use OpenSpades and oldfags use 0.75 and that's the best compromise. We're still running it rifles only and have classicgen maps in rotation + the spade has pickaxe and classic spade function, it's not the same but it's close enough for the more laid-back pace of a weekend gamenight.

Fuck you hostfag for kicking me, I'm one of the Vietnam vets from the "Ain't me" webm, Such injustice

you didn't get kicked it's the broken cheat detect

Oh, I'm just too good for this game I guess

Yeah, I didn't do it. Try again, it kicks people with high ping sometimes.

I'm fine, I'll play tomorrow. I need to finish some work



Thats a real map? holy shit


late night shitposting hours

serb restart or fin?




OK, I've got a public test server up at 8v.allowed.org to hopefully push the player limit above 32. Bully some normalfags if you feel like it.


Some screenshots from earlier



i can't fucking download the OpenSpades

Fucking blues when will they learn?

Joining in now, lads.

shit you are right

I guess i forgot the driveu of AoS.

well it's a fucking pain in the ass to try to compile and install the fucking thing so i'm just gonna go ahead and not do that, also consequently not playing this game that seriously looks like absolute shit; i was hoping for an easy way to use it but even the installation manual is a complete lie and the online one is absolutely unfinished, completely lacking the linux category (what the fuck) and probably outdated aswell.
i just didn't want a big bro backdoor^tm in my system and now i'm doomed to having no games at all. fuck everything, fuck the NSA, the CIA, the FBI, homeland security, fuck whoever thought it was a great idea to just go ahead and completely ignore the idea of .deb packages, fuck microcock, fuck the motherfucking district attorney, fuck all those motherfuckers in the jury box, and fuck all of y'all. i'm gonna spend the night browsing jewtube and listening to anime maymays because i can't get a fucking game to work. fuck.

If you're important enough to need to use Linux and connect through Tor for literally everything you do online, with absolutely zero willingness to risk using Windows for any reason or under any circumstances, then you likely have more important things to be doing than playing videogames, or are you just one of those manchildren who legitimately thinks a multi-billion dollar international spy ring has been set up solely to laugh at you for secretly jerking it to vore?

Delete your post then, faggit.

Greenfags go home.

Bluecucks, how does that BIG GREEN COCK taste like?

Tunnelfagcuck there, sorry for abandoning game session because MY FUCKING FOOD WAS GETTING COLD and doggo is soon™ to be asking for walk.
There mem i promised. It's shit.

It would be a shame if somebody destroyed it :^)

here's some screenshots from last night

when is there going to be a NeoTokyo gamenight?

tfw iterally only me defending the base

Blueniggers need to up their game.

o fuk
I hope you're still playing it in a few hours

Suggest it, we might rotate around to it soon

all the way through sunday user



first one, but i want some entertainment once i a while, goddamn


it installs or compiles fine. just use the snap version if you can't get it to work what did you do


Remove tunnelcucks.

Oh yeah, since that image mentions Doom, I think something like All out war (mod) would be fucking perfect for it. Or CTF.

it might be subject to change(hell it might even be neotokyo or something elses if someone takes that slot), but we'll keep it in mind

Can't say I've ever played All out War or indeed bothered with Doom MP at all but it sounds good. Could you post it in a thread on >>>/radcorp/? Just call it something like 'suggestions for when we play Doom'.

If we put Neotokyo after TF2v that's two source mods in a row. I'd probably rather do:

Is anyone in-game? We start again officially in a few hours but there's nothing to stop fags jumping in now, we'll probably just make a new thread then.

18 fags on by the way, NOBODY KEEPS THE THE SCHEDULE.


If anybody knows of any good maps post the name.


——- END OF RINE ——-

We're going to need a bigger server…

better blue than jew


>switch him to blue with console so he can be with his (((people)))

There's another one too, I'm saving them for shitposting day on Sunday since you have to use another gamemode for spawning to work properly.

New thread:

it doesn't install or compile fine. i get errors and then the INSTALL doesn't work and i can't get it to run. but i can try everything again if you want me to.
snap version ? what is that ? the website is bad enough that i have no clue what i'm supposed to get…

is this usual Holla Forums feedback ? i am a newbie to this board and i initially thought that it was as aggressive and bitter as the other boards. why are you so nice ? appreciated, i nearly cried

what distro are you on? snap is a cross-platform package installer you can use without mucking up your system. if you're on a debian derivative it would be apt install snapd followed by snap install openspades

for other distros/more instructions

i am actually on ubuntu and installing spades with snapd as we speak
let's see if it works, and thank you all for support.
what should i do to pay you back

bully greenfags

Oh, hi mark!
It was clear all along, but a confirmation is nice to have.