I suppose the memelord that made the last thread deleted it. Anyway, I made that game we were talking about. It's MA, for now. Suggest mods and maps if there are any you want to play.
Other urls found in this thread:
Also, let me in the discord.
I didn't delete it, mods are braindead
Join the game then.
What timezone you in OP? Also, I'm the user from the last thread who tried to give advice to the OP in that thread, presumably
I still don't know how to join a multi game in this because I've never played multi on this before so I don't know how it works.. Apparently you can play by either IP or email, but since you didn't post an IP I'm assuming it's got something to do with that link. Can you help a nigga out?
It's a PBEM game. Link for the mod is there on the game page. Download and install that (you can disable it for single player games). Go into "game tools" in the game menu and create a pretender. Then select "open user data directory." In the directory, go into the saves folder. The pretender you made will be in the newlords folder. Email that file to [email protected]/* */ Then, in saves, make a folder for the game and name it whatever you want. At turn one, llamaserver will send you a .trn file. Put it in the folder you made and open the game. Find the game in "play an existing game," take your turn and end turn. A .2h file will appear in your game folder. Email that to [email protected]/* */
pretenders @ llamaserver.net
i am quite interested in this game. What's it like? Is it some kind of poor man's total war?
Is the mod mandatory? I only just about understand the basics of vanilla, without even getting involved in mods..
The link also leads to a 404
Ah that's neat, so there's not actually any hot-seating to speak of, and it's actually more like chess in the sense that you can play the multiplayer sporadically.
It plays more like age of wonders but with provinces instead of tiles and the emphasis taken off the 4X elements. There's still a hell of a lot of depth and customization available, if bells and whistles don't really affect whether or not you can get into a game then you might consider giving it a go if you think you might like it.
Hmmm… I'm probably using an outdated version of worthy heroes. Oh well. It will do for this game unless someone knows what the most recent version is.
It's not necessary, but it's good for multiplayer because it gives more heroes to the races that don't spawn enough heroes by default. It balances things out, I guess.
Ok, sounds neat, and I'll trust your judgement here since it sounds like you've already played plenty of multiplayer games on this. You wanna re-host and download the new version, or would it just be easier to find out which version you're using now so we can just play on that?
Just join this game. If someone suggests a better version of the mod, I'll switch it.
Okay, I think I managed to find a working link:
I have to say, this version of the mod is over a year older than the most up to date version:
Seems like a lot might have been included to so it might be more prudent to just create a new game unless it really would be not worthy of the amount of hassle it would take. What you think?
Most recent version seems to be 5.9. Updated the link in the game page.
Boom, I'm in.
Ok, we need at least 4 players to get started.
user, I'm guessing you were present in previous threads for this game? Why is it then that this one so dead?
No idea. Probably everyone got burned out on the game right as I was getting back into it. Sometimes it takes 2-3 days for a game to fill up anyway.
I blame this fucking summer.. It's only logical that the majority of people with any taste in the more archaic video games, would be driven away from Holla Forums by the seasonal overflow of edgy teenagers on school break.. The rest of us still here can weather the storm for sure, but it still feels like a long time already.
Those fags in the discord are talking about this thread but not posting in it.
I got burned out. Gonna give it a few months before getting back into the game.
It happens
I wish to git good. I cant even beat Easy Agartha AI.
soon I will prefect the pigmy rush, and then no one will shame machaka no longer
This is a newb game. Come practice. I will help you with early-game expansion.
I cant play due 15 hours work day. I just visit this thread for gameplay tip's.
I can always set turn time limit to 36 hours. I was playing this game last year when I was working to jobs and working 13-14 hours most days.
Does the game have to be the same version to PBEM?
Kick me then, I'm Nazca
is there no drm version?
You can play it offline, if that's what you're asking.
Remeber to post OC and then try to explain what the fuck is going on
Don't actually join this discord, it's a total circlejerk.
How so?
A lot of the players and mods can't handle losing or criticism well, and there been a lot of drama lately. These anons need to go back to being anons so they can actually play the game.
Wow, i never realized it was that bad. Has it escalated or is it starting to simmer down?
I can't fucking believe you.
It's one thing to hold grudges against others over a fucking game, but the fact you have to bring that shit out on here is ridiculous.
You only got kicked, not banned; I told you to cool off for awhile, and now you're acting like an angry little faggot here; you could have had the grace to recuse yourself for awhile but every single time you say you're going to do that you immediately turn around and go back to causing drama. You think we're piling up on you, but that is bullshit and you know it; and the fact you have to come on here and "make a statement" only proves that further
Get a fucking grip man; your attitude is fucking shit and we could had left it at kicking and been good after about a week; but you're way out of control here
And for anyone wondering Im the owner of the 8domg discord, and I'm sorry that this spilled over into the thread hence why I saged my post for being off topic; if you want to join feel free to do so, there has been a lot of drama recently over stupid crap but hopefully its going to wind down; other than that one post I dont want to talk about it anymore here.
There is a bit of a screening thing because of some dumbass who spammed up the discord at one point but it's not a big deal. there are mods on that can promote you to the main channels please use this link discord.gg
The original plan for the discord was for direct connect games and blitz's, but I think we're going to be going back to Llamaserver soon as people are pretty busy these days, but blitz's still happen on occasion.
What the fuck are you talking about, mate? Who the fuck do you think I am?
Apparently, it escalated.
You know damn well who he thinks you are, or you just have no idea what you're talking about.
Thanks. Join the game in OP if you want.
I think I know who he thinks you know who he thinks I know.
The link just took me to the discord. What do I do from there? I don't into discord at all.
Butt Hunter can join my game if he wants.
I'm not the furfag that you banned cause he said some mean things. With the way you two are acting, why don't you go back to reddit?
Still need 5 more for
Seems like you got some hard but fair rules there user. Hard, because I just joined your discord and I don't have access to any of the channels so I have no idea what the fuck is going on, and fair, because I think you did the right thing in pic related. With the information given from it anyway.
Fucking hell..
user, have you worked your way around discord yet? What's going down?
It's a bunch of shitposting.
I think my id changed when my brother restarted the router earlier. In case you're wondering, I'm actually b64ba2. I was also using a different browser but I don't see why that makes any difference. Polite sage for O/T
You still lost me. Continuing the sage streak.
Sorry, this might get confusing, but I am in fact b64ba2. My ID seems to have changed for whatever reason, but it hardly matters any which way unless it's going to cause a fuss.
Meh. I would imagine that they don't plan on shitposting indefinitely? I'm in another 8ch discord tbh, and same sorta shit happens there really. Probably 90% shitposting and 10% actually organising to play some games together really.
I suppose rules would seem unfair to the person they are being exacted upon..
But anyway, if it is you that got kicked, you're hardly providing a hard argument in your defence now are you?
I'm not. The discord really is 90% shitposting, they barely play dom4. In the past few months it's mostly been two of the moderators blogposting and an absolute trainwreck of a gook tabletop RPG that in part sparked the dramafest on display.
I'll join as Man before the day is over, I just want to test some pretender designs first.
Well shit.. Looks like the plot thickens. It's kind of why I added "With the information given from it anyway." at the end of my first post concerning the issue.. At face value it's not always prudent to make quick judgements or decisions.
I feel like such a plebeian that I've only played EA/MA Ulm and MA Ermor thus far.. I've still definitely got a lot to learn I would think.. Also what's objectively the best game mode to play? Conquer all just seems very slow..
Don't think I've ever played any mode but thrones.
Interesting.. Conquer all reminds me of standardised 4x, so I imagine the thrones game mode would be over in much less time. I think I might try it in a little bit actually, I think one of the reasons why I kept putting off my Ulm game was because of how many turns it would take to control the whole map and eliminate every other faction.
The user in question was a server host for one of the two games that were actually active. One that I pulled out another dominions discord because he got tired of their shit.
Most of the moderation team really can't deal with losing though, as they prefer to ragequit as soon as their primary strategy gets shoah'd.
That is true, though earlier in the year we actually had a good number of games going. I think a lot got burned out, as is the case.
Just do thrones. It's far easier.
Sounds like your typical powertrip mods then.. Then again, I can only really take all this information at face value since I was never there/don't know anyone involved, etc. I'm kind of half expecting some back and forth to take place with the mods of the discord returning and presenting their side, and then some fierce rebuttal on the opposing, and etcetera, etcetera.
Best off keeping shy of it if possible I reckon. I'd rather know if it might give me a heads up or whatever, but if not, I'd rather just try to avoid getting involved, especially with something that is probably quite trivial in the grand scheme of things.
Noted. I might get some more practice in while we wait.
Considering how I just outed myself to tell you that tidbit, I may as well say this isn't the first sinking boat I've been on. That goes to the Project Reality discord. I started the turkposting train.
But yeah, this shit didn't really go down until last night/today.
I appreciate you confiding that with us user. If nothing else it perhaps brought this thread a little more traffic.
Yep. Moderator's on my ass. Tactical ban incoming.
This is a vidya discord, not a new testament adaptation.
That's real weird. My ass is getting crucified right now.
Well post screens at least then, if you really have nothing left to lose..
Names and profiles obscured to protect the guilty and innocent alike.
More evidence, if needed.
Sounds to me like he's bringing the drama, why doesn't he turn ownership over to somebody that just like, wants to play game and find some other group of dramaqueens to get a tearful handjob from?
What drama?
The host (The censored in question) was the guy he mentioned. We were the only two people to actively call moderation on their shit and cause asspain.
For newcomers that wonder what the general drama is let me summarize.
Believe it don't believe it but be assurred the retard shitting up the thread will post 6 times each to defend himself.
But to repeat
The two faggots upset who are claiming others are in the wrong went and made several people AI in a multiplayer game potential ruining a game months in
These people play videogames second and play for the drama first.
wew fuck did I mix up turns, instead of imageboards its discords, instead of country discord as well.
All you're doing is providing confirmation that you're buttmad. I also don't even know what in the fuck you're talking about with the AI shit
Those screenshots are cherry picked to shit;
What this guy Is saying is wrong and the fact he is bringing it up here is wrong. They didn't call anyone on their shit, they had a problem with some people who were mods because of reasons unrelated to anything that had to deal with running the discord. It was a fucking personal fight and their being mods is totally irrelevant to this because no one has been kicked from the discord until today. (barring one guy who spammed it half a year ago)
All of this "power tripping" nonsense is bullshit because the server was completely laid back until you two started causing fights over NOTHING, and you just couldn't let it go.
Well here I'll post the whole conversation if you want to bring up the all drama you're perpetuating and then I'm done; you've been completely unreasonable, and unfair to me, and to everyone else you've "called out" with your accusatory little crusade.
So if you go on another discord and stir shit just like you did on mine, and how many others now people can see your stupid bullshit because you just couldn't let it go and the fact you have to lie and cherry pick about what we talked about to strangers is proof in the pudding.
I was throwing you a bone with the censor shit man. All you're doing is proving me more and more true by the post.
Hey, this bonifag, you really should just set up a reddit instead, I think it's more your sort of thing given all of this screenshot posting. Your heart is bleeding like a liberal too.
And then the coffin's nailed shut. Hope you enjoyed this evening's drama festival. Shit's ogre.
Except that's all wrong.
Here's what I remember of it
>one guy also a sub-mod on the server decides that winning the combat in an RP-heavy system is more important than his friend-starved character making friends with the other characters
>final session cements this bit of antagonism, with both characters fucking each other (and the rest of the party) over Personally I didn't mind it because I got some good RP out of it, but whatever
>after a day in the mods-only chat, the FF'd guy who wasn't a mod, by the way gets kicked
Did I miss anything?
Nope. You encapsulated it better than I would have. Good to have an objective summary of the shitfest though.
This thread is proof that aspies cant have nice things
Power tripping wasn't the issue.
Either you or Slab set people to AI.
Unless you are arguing that on the same day you're banned someone completely unrelated just tried to fuck a game.
Funny how you miss any of that shit.
Scapegoats are a funny thing.
Oy vey goyim its just a (((coincidence)))
Fully expecting a new discord to spring up at this point.
Why the only people mad about it are two people?
Your forgetting about the part where the sub mod apologizes about the action, realizing that he fucked up. He then stays quiet, as he knows anything he says will piss off the two people who are mad from the situation.
This situation has no right or wrong, everybody fucked up. The guy who did friendly fire fucked up. The two guys fucked up for continueing there sperg fest. If this had stopped in the begging at the friendly fire, the guy doing the friendly fire would be absolutely to blame. But since the two guys couldn't let it go and thought they where in the right, they continued to shitaround, which caused the drama to grow. If they wanted to nip it in the bum, they should have gotten the friendly fire guy after when the friendly fire happened to get some sort of punishment. Instead, they ape out, make the drama worse then it is, and shoot themselves in the foot.
But its over now, so lets all relax and learn from this situation.
Alright, I'm in as Man
You're in for a Fun time without summod or ME buffs
I have a crippling addiction to weaker nations, it's why I've played Pelagia so often in the past.
Holy shit, this imageboard sucks.
How do you late game? I get early game and I somewhat get midgame, but late game I feel like I lose direction and don't know what I am doing or should be doing.
Wew. There's a novel in my thread. I am going to get caught up on this gripping tale of butthurt, then I'll start the game sometime today.
HateCrimes is go. This should go without saying, but bullying, harassment, racism and sexism are all encouraged.
Sound like a 2ch.hk
Late game you should have enough gems and RP to figure out exactly what your enemy is trying and make a counter-strategy.
daily reminder that all nations and Pretenders work to further the interest of the international Rephalim to establish a Greater Hinnom
your all asleep niggers
I feel like there's a lot of double standards in these pictures you posted, but at least you had the brevity to post at least a few of these screenshots in full, even if they do actually incriminate you at least somewhat.
But in all honesty, I really don't give a shit. I don't see a valid reason as to why this all spilled out here in the first place. Well, anyway.
I made my fucking move last night, and sent the email off, but the address came back an hour later with a message saying:
"Hello from the LlamaServer.
I received an e-mail from you, but unfortunately there seems to be a problem with it.
Your 2h file appears to be for a game the LlamaServer doesn't know about - perhaps you sent the wrong one?
Details of your e-mail:
Subject: HateCrimes
Sent at: Tue, 18 Jul 2017 02:05:00 +0100
Attachment: mid_ulm.2h"
I've just ended my turn again today and sent off the email with the necessary file again. If it doesn't send this time, what should I do..?
I've never seen that message before, but maybe try sending it without a subject? Llamaserver will know what game the file goes with. Kinda doubt that would be the problem though
I reset the game. You probably took your turn before I reset it so your 2h is from the outdated version of the game. Sorry. Should have mentioned that on here, but we got a last-minute fifth player and that's why I reset it.
Go into your folder for the save game, discard any files in there (especially the .trn), request a turn resend on the game page, then use that .trn file you get to retake the turn. Sorry about that.
And you don't even really need to request the resend. Just make sure you're using the most recent .trn that was sent to you.
This shit happened to me in the game.
It wasnt even a unit, like he just wanted to let me know.
namefags and discord cancer, looks like I didn't miss much over the last year. any chance the skill level here has increased, or are you still talking shit and trying to innovate?
He originally posted all of them, but the post containing the second half got shoah'd. Convenient that it also was the set that betrayed the most butthurt.
Otherwise, he is right. It started as a personal fight then blew right the fuck outta proportion as the moderators all basically formed a clique and came to the conclusion to kick one of the hosts out in a private discussion.
The host did not get any input, and two of the people in the moderation team were involved with the fight. The head hotpocket also considered it a slight to his personal friends, hence pic related.
Really though, it spilled over due to betraying immense asshurt.
It's still the top 2-3 people stomping newfags. Except in this case the newfags aren't even from Holla Forums anymore.
Sage for off-topic drama long after the frenzy has subsided.
Anybody main Nazca?
I have an idea how to play late game with them, but I'm having a hard time expanding. If any user could give me some insight, it would Be great
Birds with lances. Script to hold and attack archers, or attack rear. Test yourself to get a feel for it and what lures to use. Enchantment is a good starting path. Twiceborn your Coya so alimony doesn't bleed you dry and have them spam skellingtons when you have the research. Mainly, just target archer, crossbow and tribals with your bird lancers, giving the front line time to move forward. Alternatively, set them to guard commander and script the commander to attack, but you risk losing a commander this way. The idea is to force rout quickly. Mix it up with an awake pretender if you really want rapid growth. You're going to want a second fort ASAP to produce flying commanders capable of ferrying troops around and leading additional expansion squads, but indie commanders are fine until you get that up and running, just nowhere near as mobile.
When I scripts the birds, do I put them to the sides so they don't fly over the enemies?
Do u know a goodoptimal amount of birds for a raiding party?
I try thirty spears, but it's always hot or miss
Supayas have been nerfed to shit, on top of that their usefulness was greatly exaggerated because people are bad and have no idea how to counter ethereal units.
You CAN take a major bless, or two if you want, but you need order 3.
You're big units being the royal mallquis are insanely expensive in upkeep and cost.
You can kill your Female STR or Male STR I forget the names to get them mummified but if you have a gender counterpart anywhere in the world they will kill themselves to join the mallqui.
So usually people only use one and kill them but this gives you a mallqui with only the paths of the one unit.
Communions are very important mid and late game, you have two astral mages which does limit greatly your ability to effectively hold communions.
However with some luck in early game expanding, which you should do well with as you have solid early and midgame troop line with flying you should be able to find a indie site with cheap astral mages.
Sages are excellent as they're cheap, and when you're not using them they can research.
When in communion, any buff that the communion master has applies to the slaves, so a reinvig bless on a royal mallqui leading communion will reduce the fatigue of all the slaves.
Using earth power, if you have somehow gained excess to blood, revig in the blood paths reduces ALL fatigue to all slaves and the master who cast it in the communion.
You have mages with excess to every path but blood allowing you to cast several spells which can destroy entire armies before they reach your front lines.
Among others.
You almost always need to do a communion as boosting your mallqui is difficult as they have two head slots, 4 misc slots which limits their boosters.
If you decide to not go magic path you will need a lot of Supayas, which though are easy to counter with a competent player with the right paths, they are nearly impossible to counter by province defense.
Meaning with a good bless and a good Supaya industry you can pump out supayas and mages to lead them to take any province with really any PD provided you know how to get your supayas to the back lines to attack the commanders.
At construction 4 you get Huaca headdress, and since you can make dwarf hammers you can produce them in masse for relatively cheap.
They give your Mallquis an extra 2 Supayas every turn, they don't stack so only one per head slot.
You will find most of the time, if you constantly take small armies to conquer provinces that another's player doom stack can't catch will eat up their income, force them to change construction and summon orders on mages to deal with smaller armies, and wear them down.
In blitzes this can lead often to someone quitting, I would know as I've quit when it's been done to me.
Wew the communions are important, not the fapping Satyr.
You usually don't want to raid, if you plan on taking their provinces for income, it ends up fucking the late game for you as a good province can be fucked income wise from raiding.
If you mean raiding like I said in my earlier post by a party to take provinces you want units that won't die often.
This allows you to use them turn after turn, instead of running back to base to replenish their numbers.
Not that throwing birds at the enemy to take provinces is bad if you don't have Supaya's but they cost money and the troops you pay are usually served better in a larger army to prevent priest spam on Supayas.
You usually always want them to fly over the enemies, killing all commanders makes units route, which is a good way to abuse PD, as its always set to attack closest, with the commander exposed in the back.
If you script your birds to attack closest they will attack the closest unit to them, which means they will surround them, leaving their back exposed.
Smaller squads are a way to counter this but leaves them more likely for routing.
While we are discussing flying units in battle, morale plays a part of how many squads they fly over, as you have access to almost every construable item in the game you can make almost every morale boosting item for armies.
That's good to know.
I was thinking of using NYC undead as my chaff. So if I do fo heavy communion, the chaff wall William be hard to stop a
For major blesses, I was thinking of going death as undying is pretty good
BUT I think fire would be better for the extra attack
Any thoughts
Fire is really only good as crowd control, its not good for any elite units, unless they are weak to fire, which doesn't happen often unless its Caelum or Jotun.
Undying is good but not as the sole bless, N9D9 is much better if you're going to mass sacreds, which can allows you to take hits to your scales.
However you do get death weapons, which is useful, but as you're supayas and sacreds already have magic weapon its redundant, the damage boost isn't too much and MR resists the disease most of the time.
However, its been a while since I played them so I couldn't tell you if that's doable with pretender choices.
With N9D9 you give a unit with 10 health points, effectively 28 hitpoints, with ethereal and regen that's a lot of tankiness.
However if you want to just take a single bless, either go with E4 for reivig maybe e6, for an extra point.
Also if you are dueling someone with access to fire like Abysia, prepare for indie units in mass with flaming arrows, which makes an A9 bless for once worth taking.
You can get A9E4 for relatively cheap with the Crack Rock.
Depends. Putting them on the corners, furthest away keeps them out of arrow range. it forces all the indies to move forward. giving it a couple of turns means the majority of infantry moves ahead. A lot of commanders hang back and can get caught by birdniggers mobbing them. Having your lancers act as bodyguards to a flying commander can work better, depending on the morale of the commander, much better on later if you're using them as thugs to compliment an army.
Test it in game. 30 odd should be more than enough for indies, but accept you're going to take losses. The main benefit of lancers is mobility. Still do other shit with archers and shields for barbarian provinces.
Twiceborn your Coya and suicide them to turn them into upkeep free wights and create some upkeep-free reanimators to build up chaff walls. Build toward Life After Death to covert your sacred mages into undead reanimators en-mass.
Don't worry about bless until you learn to expand without it. Nazca is not Mictlan, your recruitable sacred warriors aren't that good. Your summonable sacred are good, even without a bless, but aren't that great by the time you get them. Think about a light bless for your mages, instead. Earth 4. Take the eagle-headed giant that summons air elementals, he can take a lot of indies solo, especially backed up by flying bodyguards.
Ahh, thanks for clearing that up, I was worried it was a problem my side. I've requested a new .trn file now because I only got the one in my mail unfortunately. Hopefully that should be sorted within an hour or so then, feels like I've waited a long time for this now!
How do I play a sea nation?
Depends on which one you are planning on playing, some rely on a few key units with late game mages.
Water is niche, doesn't mean its not good.
It had counters to demons, gives you UW superiority besides having troops good at fighting UW, and has several powerful globals.
With water you need to expand fast and seize all of the water.
Especially if there is another water nation.
Several water nations benefit by having coastal forts, so make grabbing a few land provinces early on.
You can take high temp dominions, for the most part as deep sea suffers to no temp change, and shallow sea I believe is -2 to any temp variance in land.
Water provinces usually can have quite a few magic sites, so use your gem economy to summon more land adapt troops to fight the land lubbers.
Yeah, i think i will test to find a good optimal number for burds. Thats really the only trouble i have with Nazca. But what you said about bless and expanding makes a lot of sense, so i'm going to focus on working my game then thinking of a good bless.
Thanks man.
You have the luxary of not getting rushed by certain land nations, as water is quite hard to get into for some nations. You should use this time to take all the water, and kill off the water nations.
It really depends on what nation you are. For Oceania, you want to rush the other water nations as your strongest early game, and have a fort up by turn 12 on the coast so you can take advangte of buying mages for lower prices.
from what I read here it doesn`t sound like there was a clique at all, It sounds more like he thinks of everyone on the server as a friend and he found it difficult to make a choice.
Still though he should had been more responsible, since he did respond to whomever was antagonizing him.
Being a tattletale and spilling drama out here is faggotry though and I dont trust anyone who feels the need to preach to strangers about how `right`they are.
Any other PBEM games going up soon
Better get to it before you stale.
Sorry about that, I was waiting for the .2h file and it turned out my mail had sent it to the spam folder.. We're on turn 2 now so at least there's that now.
Thinking of an EA game, since I missed the first one. Any takers?
Yeah, i would go EA.
Did you have a theme in mind, or jsut EA?
That's one
Just EA. Themes can come later.
O/T slightly, but I have to admit, despite all the drama and whatnot, this is still probably the purest thread on Holla Forums right now.
Even the actual drama didn't devolve to mindless shitposting or some random faggot being a prolific autist.. Damn.. I actually miss this feeling.
I honestly want to play some dominion. Shits fun when you figure out how to play it. You want to blitz?? Tommorrow???
I'm already in the match in the OP, and actually this is my first multiplayer game on Dom 4 to date.. I probably don't know what the context of the word blitz would mean in this scenario because of that fact, but I don't mind entering other multi games right now.
Its basicly, somebody hosts a quick match over a network game and everybody joins it and plays. Usually, somebody says blitz, people come in, somebody hosts and they play a quick game on a map.
No worries, tho, shit if nobody explained it to you, the dudes are at fault
Like an IP connect? Sounds cool. Depends who else is down really. Honestly the only exposure I've had to the dominions 4 community since I bought it has pretty much been this thread, a few steam guides and the wiki. Definitely not savvy enough on this yet to have known already, but now I do so it doesn't matter so much.
Its easy, i'll help you the best i can. I can't usually host games this month cause i'm at home, but when i'm back at uni, i should be able to host again
Stomping new players doesn't happen unless we have a game specifically for that, which many new players want to do because they learn more that way.
We have a scrub only game for new players being organized currently.
As far as the Discord drama goes.
Yes, Discord causes drama, its because here people have anonymous personas which can change every thread.
However, since the Discord has been made the ability to organize games and play them has greatly improved.
Blitzing only started when the Discord was formed.
And since the Discord has been around for a year maybe two, this is the first instance of drama, which I view is pretty good at least by Holla Forums standards.
Speaking which we have One game for EA for experienced players
And another for newer players.
in:#announcements llamaserver.net
2 mods, summod and Worthy heroes.
Renaming on, score graphs set on players only.
it will be a year in november; other than that make sure maps are not too big, the problem with having maps that are too big is the action doesn't start right away so people will get bored if all they're doing is just trashing indies.
When did this place become cuckchan?
I'll probably join as oveania for the awoke one
Yeah it causes drama, but its easier to host blitzes then here.
The board moves as slow as mollasses and trying to get people to blitz is fucking impossible.
We started playing way more dominions 4 when the discord went up.
You can see the map its only 90 land and 10 water.
So with 8 people that would be around 10 provinces max, but we know someone will go full giga nigga and take 20 in year 1.
Now that the game is officially underway, I shall share the tale of Amitkumar: first prophet of a new faith.
After the departure of the Yaksha, their empire crumbled into a conglomerate of independent city-states. Forsaking the warlike nature of their old masters, the Bandar and Atavi entered a new era of peace. The former commanders of the once-great armies took on civil roles on law enforcement and moderation of domestic disputes.
In the city of Bandar Log, beneath Mount Kailasa, these commanders kept watch over the many great landmarks. None was so splendid and magnificent than the Designated Shitting Street: an 8 furlong stretch of all the waste of the city's residents. Amitkumar was the commander to watch over this landmark. Day and night, he patrolled through the shit, shooing away markata vandals.
Buried amongst the many acres of feces, was one especially velvety black turd, filled with bones. This turd called out, "Amitkumar, Aitkumar, come and gaze upon me, for I am the Lord, thy God."
Amitkumar looked down at this poop and scoffed, "what poo is this that claimeth to be my God? We Bandar have forsaken the divine, who care little for the affairs of mortals. Only the pleasures of the physical realm can we count on: the pleasure of love, the pleasure of sex, the pleasure of pooping freely out in the open."
As Amitkumar spoke these words of disrespect, clouds rolled over and blocked out the sun.
"Dost thou believest me now," spoke the poop. "Thou denyest my authority, so I deny thee the sun."
"Ah," said Amitkumar. "Any wizard can block out the sun, but only God can bring it back."
And at that, the clouds rolled away and the sun shone once more. So Amitkumar believed the words that the poo spoke.
"Now hear me, Amitkumar. The peace thou dost enjoy comest rapidly to an end. Humans from every end of the world shall march towards Bandar Log and invade. They will care little for thy way of life. They will clean the shitting streets and bring toilets to your society. Only if thou unitest the cities of the Bandar and the Atavi shall thee find the strength. Go forth and spread the word of God."
And so Amitkumar placed the poo upon a throne in the center of the city, so that it would speak to the multitude. And all were mesmerized by its beautiful voice. And they formed a great army and marched beyond the city gate, with Amitkumar at the head, to restore the Empire of Kailasa once more.
You can easily find games elsewhere if you want to namefag. Discord is cancer and will give you AIDS. Blitz games are overrated and shallow. True Dominions autism only emerges once the game has progressed to the late late game post population Wish economy. It's why you guys suck at PBEM. You lack the attention span and dedication required for true innovation. Even your memes are stale. How can you hope to challenge others when you fail to overcome ego?
The virus needs a host. Guard your negholes, lads.
Jomon blood is a meme i never want to see again in my life. Some meme sounds should stay died
That's not namefagging you retard, learn about terms before you use them.
Blitz games are no different then pbems, and end up BETTER as they don't take months to get into turn 100 which by that time has had 3 stales because people have things that come up in long games.
Its like you've barely played the game and you're just searching forums for lingo to make you fit in.
Also how would we suck at PBEM if for 2 years before the discord we had PBEMs and further how would we suck at it if we play game among ourselves.
Basically your shits retarded.
Also while were discussing your earlier statement.
A year ago around this time we were having our first PBEM game after the last /domg/ community died a year previously.
At that time no one had really any experience at multiplayer games.
Yet somehow you quit a year ago because of "low skill level"
It seems to me you're not around here because you're discussing things that didn't happen.
He was probably that faggot who kept joining every game just to stale turn one.
lel, confirmed scrub
It doesn't matter who I am. I played Dominions before this board existed. I doubt anyone here could beat me consistently, if at all. No losses, so far.
Discord killed some games and this thread last time it popped up, precisely because Discord drama caused someone to drop a bunch of games at once, now you fags are desperate for new blood because you're all sick of each other. You have what? One game running right now? What a vibrant community. Why don't you take your outreach to 4chon or reddit?
When the fuck did this become acceptable to use? Its a reddit term and has been since 2012, it was used Ironically back in 2013-2014 and it seems newfags have scooped it up.
Without realizing where it came from.
You claimed that you quit playing here because it was a low skill level a year ago.
When it was when a bunch of new people where getting into the game.
It sounds like you're just desperately damage control and trying to shit up a functional general.
Compared to the faggot using reddit terms without even realizing it?
While claiming he was here a year ago when the community was not.
And somehow discord is the problem not some faggot stirring shit about how good he is at the game meanwhile not contributing for shit?
Well, you're not denying you're the fag who kept staling on turn one.
bretty gud
I should get in on these blitzes one day, I do like me some water nations, I havent found a favorite land one yet. Ulm is pretty fun so far though.
I actually really like this user; you've channeled the power of inner autism into creating something truly independent and creative. It's actually quite wonderful and inspiring. Well written too. Is your pretender a demilich by any chance? It's the only thing I can think of out of the gods that might resemble a pile of.. Something a little more visually ambiguous anyway.
I would write one about my generals but I don't want to get attached because I know my current one won't last long since he's just some faggot in chain mail. You've inspired me to maybe write something about Ulm in this thread in future though.
I've had the thread running in the background for a bit and I see that the drama is still going strong.. Kinda shameful, but whatever. Shit happens.
Yess.. Here we go boiz
Keep on living the dream. Bring toilets to the world
Funny, the only time dedicated new and experienced games were made is after the drama. After I pointed out how the discord had essentially become blogposting and non-dominions related vidya. Sounds like damage control to me.
Whats your favourite nation to play as?
What? We had Scruboff several times, with new players to learn.
As I said earlier many players choose to play with more experienced ones because they want to learn.
I made a new new player game as we have 3-5 new people that joined.
Yeah blog posting happens, it happens here to faggot.
As long as you have people they will want to vent to someone, its really not that inconvenient.
And dominions never stopped if you remember we had two games going one which was ruined by some faggot setting half the players to AI.
The ironic part here is that you and few others are stirring up shit, defending the general is not stirring shit.
Accusing everything of being shit, while ignoring fucking everything else, even forgetting we had two fucking games going until someone with much the same personality as you, fucked everything up.
Oh there'll be toilets all right.
The Iron Throne of Law in Ulm shall bring death to the designated shitting streets of the monkeys over yonder.
Funny, for somebody who keeps complaining that the discord is too much bullshit, not enough Dominions, your posts in this thread have been 100% bullshit, 0% Dominions. Also ironic that I came to the discord asking to play Dominions and all you did was try to shitpost me out of the discord. Then, as someone else was actually playing a game with me, all you did was linger in the chat and troll.
delete this
Why do you faggots use discord?
first of all it's a shitty program
secondly, forming non-anonymous groups from people on anonymous image boards is retarded
Discord is better for instant communication and for playing games which last more than 1 session.
looks like it's working well for you faggots
We will teach you primates how to use proper facilities from now on, and your holy poo shall be
Yeah it is, until we have faggots popping in the thread, who have nothing to contribute except bitching about discord.
Its constantly (1)s who don't have anything to contribute but that.
Just a coincidence.
Isn't that golgo 13?
One of much favourite thugs to make, is gift of reasoning an asp turtle, ring of regen and amulet of the fish. Is a good trampeler to fuck up the flanks. If u worry about moral give him some moral equipment
I have no idea, I was just shitposting roleplay about our game.
Also, why do you think I keep saging?
Because, deep down, you know you're only here to cry. You know you're contributing nothing but drama. You know you are the cancer that you hate.
Is there any spells that destroy held items? it would be pretty funny to kill a UW creature that came onto land that way.
No but there are spells with high chance of dismemberment like blade wind.
Or disease spells.
You're the one who keeps bumping the thread by responding to drama, nigger.
Ok, I get the point though. I'll go back to ignoring you.
Go back to Reddit.
You never started.
Literal reddit-tier posting.
It's because you dense niggers kept feeding into it.
How about I just report you both, get your drama deleted, and actually have a fucking thread.
You think anons give a shit about your little lovers quarrel? You think we care who is wrong or right? You have your discord to flig shit at each other, stop filling up the thread with your nonsense.
I swear to god, anons are worse then women when it comes to this shit.
Also Atlantis best, fite me.
Oh no, the redditfag still can't stop his asshurt. He still can't use sage and he cannot read ids either.
ebin centrism all the way
Make a game.
What s your favourite army? Do u like playing once ea or ma?
We could make a blitz. Water Nations only. One nation mod and fight out whos the best water nation
We get it dudes. The discord is shit, and we don't wanna be in it, doubly so since you guys have been stirring the pot about it even outside of its confines, here. This lovers quarrel shit happens every other second all around the globe yet somehow, this one is supposed to be different.
Just call the fags, fags, and let the discord sink into it's own sordid mess if it really is a pile of shit. Or create your own if you want to have a new, fresh start for a dom4 discord with anons. Anything rather than this meaningless shitflinging which if I'm not yet mistaken still hasn't fucking concluded. If this shit really isn't going to go anywhere then why bother bringing it up.
sage for semi-O/T
Forgot my sage
Lol, i think most of these ones are from me posting when im at work.
Well that's some peace of mind at least.. So is this Blitz game happening then? I'm itching to get playing fluidly on this without having to fight against the AI.
I'll ask in the discord, and we can get started or figure out a time.
I'd be happy to let the thread, and by extension discord sink into a festering pile of shit. Too bad the people in it are bumping the thread with their asshurt.
There's a reason I've saged every post.
This pretender has a lot of heart. Please clap
Shitty build, almost like the person that made it doesn't understand what the fuck blesses or good scales are.
And to top it all off
The least you could do with your godawful faux-rainbow setup is give it a name that wouldn't be thought up independently by every fucking user on Holla Forums.
He did alright, it was cool watching him fuck up lizards
I figured that would be your response. Nobody is asking you to post, yet here you are. We both know you don't really want to leave though, otherwise you would've fucked off ages ago. I feel kinda sorry for you in a way, because you obviously feel like you deserve some attention.. Not really mate.. It's just sad. Have fun sage posting for the remainder of the thread then.
I await your next response promptly.
You got your shit all mixed up. To top it all off you probably spent a lot of points just giving him new magic paths instead of something like a decent economy/resource income. Pretty unnecessary considering they're two a piece bar Earth magic.
Ahh the infamous discord.. Let's see what happens then.
When faggots are still assravaged? Of course I wouldn't.
The same could be said of yourself.
Projection isn't going to make someone go away, redditor.
The well running dry or something? That's all you can come up with now?
Lol, don't worry man. That pretender was made cause i wanted to fuck around with making SC's and wanted to use the most random shit i could do. The tranny did good tho, he would just punch the living shit out of everything
What's the next step of your master plan?
I remember trying out Agartha before and this seemed like a decent pretender to pick just because of the carnage you can wreak. I would have kept at it too, but I wasn't really interested in Agartha at the time.
The next step? Giving you what you desperately don't want..
To be ignored. :^)
The chasis is my opion seems to lean more towards being a bulky earth quake castor spammer.He has so much health that he can just keep spamming that shit, then go into blade wind. But that Precison sucks tits.
Truly like the redditor to claim victory despite taking it hook, line, and sinker straight in the ass.
You don't need precision on blade wind, that spell is spray and pray.
Lol, you nailed it pretty good. Heres some old OC, remeber the moon priest in all his glory
Literally you. That was your last one. I wonder how you'll cope without anyone giving you attention
Apply yourself
You sound like you spent too much time there judging by how you can't seem to get it off your mind.
Seems cool. You pretty far in with this one then?
You can't read ids, can you?
It just seems like the right thing to do if i actually used him in a game. You would go earth quake when you wanted to attack a stack by yourself. Then enhance him with air to do falling stones. Then make him a blade storm spammer in your regualr army as with E9 +summon earth power, you will be throwing blades like its going out of style.
It normally makes a difference in tone and speech, but not in this thread unsurprisingly. Do you all talk about reddit as often in the discord as you do on here?
What's your favorite faction then anyway?
Nigger, I think you got the stupidbrain.
Its probably EA Oceania. I like playing as UW nations and I really enjoy how they play agasint other nations and when they get fucked really quickly. Playing them, you diffently know your on a timer on how long till the other nations catch up too you.
Whats your favourite nation?
We are literally reddit, deal with it.
I've tried dabbling a little bit with the other races but I haven't enjoyed them so much as playing as Ulm.
EA Ulm is very Conanesque, and I think the backstory is one of my favorites out of the EA as well, about a faction of sturdy barbarians discovering the secrets of steel. Good stuff. They also still have some nice forging bonuses, and the druids give them a bit of a boost too. Research can be a bit slow unfortunately, and your guys aren't extremely heavily armored quite yet so it does feel like they're weaker than their MA counterparts. In MA you've obviously got all the armor quirks, and black steel and whatnot which feels very cool to play – pretty straightforward playstyle too. Late Ulms history feels very sad.. It was actually quite depressing to read how far they'd fallen since their humble beginnings.
As to the underwater factions I would have to say I don't think I'm quite yet knowledgeable enough about the game yet. I gave R'lyeh a go, but I didn't get very far in. Feels kind of limiting that you have so much less ocean than land, but I'm guessing otherwise it would be OP? I hear quite a bit about Oceania though, so maybe I should try them down the line
You want to get iron darts and blizzard when you can, iron blizzard is a hard to counter evocation spell. Anyone that doesn't have air mages will have a hard time dealing.
I love all the Roman-derived factions in the game, for their lore especially. Though I was surprised to hear MA Ermor was formerly LA, and Sceleria was the MA version back in the day. Never was really good at them but fuck it I'll probably learn2communion some day.
That's the thing. Whenever I research I feel like I'm spoilt for choice. I don't pick blood magic obviously, but then I think to myself, down the line say, If I pick up a tile which can recruit blood mages, they won't be able to cast any spells.. Maybe it's the wrong way to think about it but I always try to ensure that my bases are covered. Even so, blood magic is probably the only school that Ulm cannot benefit at all from unless you have a blood pretender.
Ulm is diffently fun to start with. I like reading about the atlantians, and how they effected the other nations above ground with the appearnce of R'lyeh in MA from the meteor.
UW nations are a tricky beast cause you have to play completely different if your the only underwater nation, or if theres another. Just a good reminder is that land nations have a hard time getting into the water so you have at least a couple of years to not really worry about being rushed.
If you want to play a fun build of MA ULm, take either Major bless of air or Air 6. Your priests darts will become really accurate
Give the first part a read. The other stuff is stuff i never use, cause i'm pretty new, but it should give you the general idea.
Remeber, a lot of things look daunting in dom 4, but there usually really easy to learn after you get it.
Yea they did seem quite interesting too.. When I was reading about them I envisioned them as amphibious humanoids/mermaids, so it was quite shocking to see them looking more like frog people. I wonder how UW would take a thrones of ascension game as well? They must be at a slight disadvantage to begin with..
To get that you'd probably have to skimp on your resources a little wouldn't you? Or could you manage that with someone like All Father or Keeper of the Bridge? I did notice that Ulm has some nice spells in almost every school. Is the Iron Angel any good?
Ulm is one of the few nations where its a positive to take production 1 as all your units have high resources.
I believe if you bring your guys into the water, that there armour will rust but don't take my word for that.
I think with Ulm you'd need AT LEAST one tbh, their best units are 60/40 resources a piece. I just tried it with all father and you can get a pretty good deal if you're just looking for the bless bonus.
Anything made of iron rusts, so I think that could be a problem for UW fights.
If you have time, we should play a game together. DO you know how to host?
Yea I was just thinking that. Not exactly I'm afraid.
I think I meant frost father here
Alright, i'll show you a step by step
step one
go to Network
Step two
Go to Set up a Server
Step three
write down 7777 (this is a port number, )
Step four
Enter a game name, (this can be retarded like, Discords are cancer or smart like XXXXSUCKMYDICKXXXXX.)
Step five
Choose an era (choose the one your good at so you pwn scrubs) (Honestly, decide before hand, cause playing the same era over and over again is boring)
Step six
Go to game setting and design the game.
Note: Make sure you make a pretender before joining the game, and choosing the mods before running the game.
Any questions?
Sorry, I've been away from my computer pretty much all day today so I've only just seen this. I'll probably set it up sunday by my timezone then as it's a bit late over here atm
its fine man. I would host if i wasn't at my parents house. Don't worry
First stale of the game goes to Man.
WHats a good way to play a blood nation?
Can I go full crawling in my skin and just do
and see what happens?
Blood has good anti thug and SC spells.
Several ignore MR, and armor. Others are useful summons for demons, but most of those require another magic path like air or earth.
The boosters are easy but expensive,they go down in price the more you research.
You NEED blood finding sticks to make a viable blood economy. Its needed and its cheap and only needs 1 blood to craft.
Every spell requires blood except blood boil. Some blood spells in tier 6> are powerful globals like looming hell, astral corruption.
Or useful ritual spells like send horror, or Three red seconds which builds a FUCKING CASTLE, in one turn in a 4 province range.
If you have the blood ritual boost going on it can be 6 provinces away.
Sabbaths are also available which are like communions but require a blood slave for every battle, but allow boosted paths for your masters.
Also reinvig removes fatigue of everyone including slaves when used in a Sabbath.
If you're a sacred heavy nation this is useful as you can get priests that have blood to tier 3 for divine blessing.
Okay, when is a good time for you because I take it this way plays a bit more like 4X multiplayer than PBEM?
Blitzes just mean it moves faster. Meaning you can see the results of your build faster. A good way to avoid burnout.
I'll be busy this week for studying for an exam. I can maybe do it tommorrow
Earlier PBEM disappeared. Here's a new one to replace it. Git in here, scrubs.
The lands are filled with bodies and my heart is in pain.
I joined the discord but can't read shit yet.
Does this mean I became blind?
You can only join the discord if you mention reddit at least once in every post. And don't forget to sage. They hate this thread but they'll still watch it. That's all I'm saying:^)
Have you guys started or are you still looking for more players? I don't mind signing up.
We started, unfortunately, but always room for more games, if you like. These are slow anyway.
Been hankering for a LA game as well.
We'll do a new LA game that's direct connect I think
Is that the adventurer that has healer?
Sounds good.
Also, new turns for E8Woke motherfuckers.
I was thinking Stratus Chaser, but i'm not really sure of the names really