post comfy villages in video games
Post comfy villages in video games
What about video games where you can create your own comfy village/town/city/fortress?
Kamiki Village in Okami, which is basically the whole inspiration for the villages in the new Zelda.
I always loved RTS games were you build and keep your main base and forces the whole game.
Always built stuff in an autistic way so my qt army would be comfy. Only earth 2150 and warzone 2100 gave me that feel. But now im craving for something medieval.
Lahan is pretty cool.
Snow villages are always the comfiest, and that's a fact jack.
That music, too.
Loved the festival music
Admittedly a few of these are just cottages, but still. The music for them just makes them more comfy as well.
I figure I should maybe mention these are location concept art for Wild Arms: ACF, as the filenames are the same numbers I found them named as.
I remember that flash game. Shame to hear that the second one was a bug-riddled mess.
That's not a Castle that's a Castle Estate.
Someone had to post it.
Home Village in Nier. Seafront is more of a town than a village, but fuck it, it's the comfiest area in the game.
I'm officially old now. wtf is it with you kids and "comfy"
Semantics; ingame it's called 'North Window Castle' and in real life I very much doubt 9th century Normans every used the term "Castle Estate", which in your usage is a piece of modern categorical vernacular.
28yo reporting in Comfy, to me at least, is either a small house in a rural area or a condo in a fully teched out urban area. Thread theme seems to be the former, so I posted Truce.
It's that feeling you get sometimes that takes you back to your childhood, when you spent all day playing super mario world wrapped in a blanket and drinking hot cocoa while it was rainy. You know, comfy.
And don't try and act like some grown ass adult user, you're on an image board.
Comfy means that the asshole has been stretched out so much the dragon dildo fits perfectly now. But in vidya form.
buzzword faggots coined from "comfortable" 2 or so years ago and now use to describe anything they like, but mostly refers to something quiet and enjoyable.
Once you hit 16-20 you're pretty much going to be the same person for life, user
Comfy in vidya to me would be something like vidrelated (specifically 0:47 onwards) but a lot of fags overuse it. I suppose you might think of it as shorthand for 'part of a game with a good, calm atmosphere'.
can't find any images that don't look like shit so have a theme instead.
You're a semitic.
Restormel Castle is too but that doesn't make it a Castle.
Used to describe modern-style Castle like the one in your image. Why would Normans in real life build a Castle that doesn't function as a Castle in the 9th century? You could make the argument that it's a Shell Keep but it doesn't fit the criteria for that either (but it's closer to that than a Castle at least). Maybe you could argue that it's a Fortified Monastery of some kind but I better see some kind of valuable holy relic inside it or I'm calling bullshit.
Have another theme.
This is almost a given
and another.
kuva on northpole-taso, assburger
t. yli
This is true user. But anyone who jacks off to hardcore Japanese cartoon pornography and spends their spare time on an Indonesian noodle making enthusiast bulletin board system can never truly be considered an adult, in my mind. Adults are faggots though.
I'll never play it again, but I'll be damned if it won't reside in my memories forever.
Wait, could it be possible that you people have never heard the word "comfy" used before coming on imageboards? Is that where all of this inexplicable confusion comes from every time someone uses the word?
It might seem ridiculous to even suggest, but I know something like this happened once before when a bunch of ESL fucks or something didn't understand the meaning of "my sides" and thought that Holla Forums made it up.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're just really out of touch with reality and not a tremendous fucking newfag.
Being an adult is just a label others put on you, and one that is sought for a feeling of conformity. Nothing really defines being an adult other than perhaps being self sufficient, but even if you are you're not considered an adult if you dont suddenly meet new criteria such as a respectable home, 'real' hobbies, a girlfriend, having kids, a high paying job, etc.
Chasing that pipe dream is for losers and you're right user. A 30 something blowing up and calling themselves an adult is a faggot, it's all just a pipedream. The only way to be happy is to cast away the desire to fit into someone elses box they designed for you and focus on happiness, health, and memes.
Some people are just inexplicably naive, ignorant, and aggressively arrogant.
My definition of adulthood is experiencing persistent despair and depression, and continuing to function (going to work, bathing and shaving, eating something other than ramen/pizza to keep from feeling physically worse).
I agree with this. Our degenerate society has made it much more difficult for the average person to meet this criteria as well. To me an adult is someone who is at the very least at the same point in life as their parents were at their age, ie getting married/having children/mortage etc. But even then, there are people who will look down on you or consider you immature for whatever vacuous reason their normalfaggot mind decides, such as enjoying video games. And yet these same people spend 6+ hours a day watching netflix and legitimately don't see the hypocrisy. It's best to just carve out a space for yourself and find whatever purpose brings you happiness in life, like you said.
Also if you're white have as many white children as you can possibly afford, our people are going to go extinct at this rate.
Comfiest village.
"Adult" is purely an arbitrary number. See all the SJWs who are basically just toddlers in adult bodies. See people in their late thirties living with their parents.
I'm old, and this place is fairly cancerous, but the meme harvest is better than other imageboards
I'm in my thirties user. I've known kids who are more adult than people my senior. I agree with you. My only point was you aren't old just because you don't keep up with the kids lingo, especially if you are still browsing image boards.
Besides, everyone knows our children are the future. :^)
Does Santa Monica count? because it is pure top tier /late/ comfyness
I'm old because my hangovers last two days
I only speak human languages, sorry.
The music is comfy af too
Shame the game is shit.
That music was goofy and awful. It just mixed chunks of each group including the horrible Goron music. The only good music in that game is near the very end. There's also no point to the town other than racemixing and diversity propaganda at least Hudson wasn't fucking a fish like Link.
It was shit. It's second only to Squidward as the worst Zelda ever.
Wait what I didn't post that
good one
which game?
The name's in the spoiler if you're asking about the images.
It's funny, I was originally looking for large res Dragon Valor artwork for another user at the time, and just by chance found images for both games on the artist's own site. Apparently he got brought on by Media.Vision for location art, or at least how to translate the old designs to the remake. I'd say he did a pretty damn good job, and it's a shame that his location designs aren't nearly as readily findable as Ooba's character/scene art.
checked trips.
underrated comfy home.
You monster
The music immediately starts playing in my head, it's 90% of the comfy.
I've gotta come out and say it, this game was shit by every single objective metric, but it was somehow still an amazing, unforgettable game. Every zone had so much uniqueness and interesting character, and about 50% of the zones are top tier comfy. My personal favorite of all of them is pick related. Just the feeling of being in a cozy little working class seaside town, covered over by a comfy cave ceiling but with the daylight shining through on the horizon.
I think OP image is FF9
Obvious city builders like Skylines
Rise To Ruin. Bit more RTS approach, but also feels slower.
Dorf Fort
Dorf Fort Clones. I can recommend Gnomoria. Towns was heading into god tier as Diablo parody but fucked it up.
Settlement System in not Fallout 4. Mod for Fallour 3/NV/Skyrim was much more comfy and less retarded.
Bravely Default has quite comfy city ripped from mobile phones but it is shit unless you will get street passes for more workers.
Some fucking good mobile city buildier. I am still searching for one.
Minecraft with either villigers or mods like custom NPCs or Minecolony.
Zeus and other Impressions Games
Stronghold for maximum RTS.
Settlers and Vallhalla Hills.
Scifi ones:
Space Colony
Project Aura.
Honorable mentions:
Path Of Exile allows you to make comfy hideout.
Black Desert Online allows you to hire workers and make decent trading company in comfy villiges.
Elona+ allows you to buy museums/shops/houses. More as a business but still comfy.
Soviet City and Prison Architect for least comfy city builder.
This game would take forever to load sometimes, but I remember having a lot of fun with it. Never did beat the second one though.
Funny how the huts resemble the huts wild niggers live in to this very day.
Rookie village in Stalker is pre comfy
You, i like you.
Such a fucking underrated game.
Simply the best.
so code for "it's shit but i like it"
yeah no thanks
the villages in Witcher 1 were comfy as fuck
Am I the only one who hates big towns and shiet?
small villages are fine but I get so utterly bored in towns taking to people instead of playing a game
Life is Feudal: Forest Village.
You can even possess one of your villagers and explore the town in first person. Comfy as shit.
Very good taste user. It's like Zeal without Lavos or the fucking cunt matriarchy.
ACF version for comparison.
Why not use mods that give it more buildings and NPCs that actually make it seem like a village instead of a bunch of foliage to hide how empty it is
Cassardis was pretty fucking comfy and so the music
I'm scared to post this.
95% of Americans?
It's ok to like things that Holla Forums tells you not to.
No it's not, kill yourself.
I think the game is comfy but I wouldn't say the town itself is comfy.
When WoW first began I always thought Thunder Bluff was the comfiest looking capital city.
Tents and windmills in the sky, very peaceful.