Destiny 2

What're you're guys' thoughts on the destiny 2 beta? (other than pvp over pve I'd like to hear something new)

An apt description of anyone that plays that shit.

I've only seen people play it and the FOV is criminally low. I don't usually get sick with console FPSs but I had a hard time looking at the screen without getting physically sick.

i laughed

there is nothing new to say, it's fucking destiny 2, it's bound to be garbage shit

It's shit. Like, even more shit than the Destiny 1 beta that had two freeroam areas.

Pro-tip: we already have a thread about better game consisting solely of grinding the same mobs in space for hours

how can anyone play that boring as shit grindfest with unfun gameplay?

this shit is such a cop out, you're practically saying the game is so shit the only way to half way enjoy it is to laugh at how shit the game is with friends

Well I guess destiny is confirmed for pc npw.

*destiny 2
You knew what I meant.

It has been for quite a while


Exactly. Warframe is pretty much everything Destiny should have been. It should've been better. But it was a million times worse.

I didnt know and honestly dont really care.

Destiny 2 is shit. The only difference between D1 and D2 is that Destiny 2 is supposed to have a story but for Bungo, a story = memes and Nathan Fillion doing ad-libs and one-liners.
The multiplayer is shit too, it's 4v4 only now.

The original game was like that. 30fps, extremely small FOV and yuge weapons (a rocket launcher takes half of the screen).


The forced as fuck "humor" is cringeworthy. It's a pass.


It's so they can take PC feedback like "what the fuck is this shit" and "why is the FOV so small?" and reply with "sorry we can't change that it's too late now :^)"

I don't have PSPlus so I can't play.


These three phrases in a single string should spell out all you need to know about the game right there.

Don't embarrass yourself. That whole game was a rotting festering pile of designed by committee toxic waste and shattered potential. Literally nothing about it was good. The story was ruined. None of the characters were worth thinking twice about. The voice acting from that midget was phoned in. The enemy AI was retarded bullet sponge. Any appreciation one could have for the music was shot in the foot by how they treated Marty.
The best you can say is "the shooting mechanics were competent."

Literally what part of what you said is relevant to mine

You are aware that the PC version will have a lot more graphical options than the console versions, right? Including, yes, an FOV slider.

I mean seriously it takes two seconds to look this up, I don't get why people get outraged before actually doing research.

Naw man get this. They said "pre-order for beta access" for MONTHS, and then the beta started for PS4 on the 18th and Xbone on the 19th I think. It ends the 23rd. That's what your pre-order gets you, four days. Sony brand loyalty gets you five. BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! Instead of making their good pre-order goys feel justified in their decision by keeping it exclusive (which would have also served to make the word-of-mouth more positive since only fanboys could play it), they opened the beta to everyone on the 21st. So the pre-order idiots only got 2-3 days of exclusivity and the rest of the world joined them for the last 2 days. So they've now left a sour taste in the mouth of pre-order customers who thought they were getting special treatment, AND the rest of the cynical poorfag world can access the beta and talk about how shitty the game is, ruining their marketing attempts before it releases.

Take notes everyone this is how you sink a ship.

You care about some dude's characterization in Destiny 1 and how they changed it for Destiny 2. That is a mistake, as nothing in either game is worth caring about to begin with. Please kill yourself.

The beta plan sounds in line with what I'd expect from a CoD, which makes total sense since Destiny is Activision's new CoD. Remember how badly Infinite Warfare did?

And FWIW, Destiny 2 seems like it'll have decent gameplay but the same shit writing and no story. PC remains to be seen, though, but if they want to break into the market they know better than to fuck it up; especially if they're trying to make Destiny a 5 game franchise or whatever the fuck it is.


The physical shooting and movement, user. Shooters on consoles are generally shite, but I've yet to find one that handled better than Destiny.

The actual gameplay loop of strikes and running around on Mars or whatever, that gets stale pretty fast though.

PC remains to be proven.

shill this turd elsewhere


For consoles? I'm actually being serious, user. I've played Killzone, Titlandfall, CoD, and others on console roommate is consolefag so we've got this shit lying around and coop can be pretty fun, tbh

What console FPS handles better than destiny?

Ironically, any Halo when Bungie was still making them.

Pretty much. No game has really been able to match the classic Halo games. Fuck 343.

You know, that might be right. It's been a goddamn decade at least since I've played Halo, but I remember it being damn good to play.

And yeah, fuck 343. There was a reason Bungie bought their souls back from Microsoft.


>Consoles in the cureent year

Bungo doesn't know how the PC works. Last month they said that the guns on the PC version won't have recoil because they thought that it's not fun to have recoil when you play with a keyboard and mouse.

They're right about not wanting recoil.

Those are common place now user. The new cancer is microtransaction mods made by the devs community to sell to others. As well as as much microtransactions you can fit into a game. Microtransactions in paid games are the future. No idea what f2p games are gonna do now though.

I hope you are not saying "there is a new cancer so no need to bash the old one"

Just realized something. Anons used to say mobile would replace pc gaming due to how successful it had been. They were wrong. Mobile gaming was brought into the pc community.
The first and last will lead to whales making massive money for companies.

I'm saying it's accepted and the new battlefield is microtransactions in paid games, and then probably a forced subscription service for games you buy.

I tried it and it plays and feels exactly like Borderlands.

All f2p games need to do is be better than pay to play games and then AAA publisher's will either go full free to play or go under.

Warframe motherfucker. It's literally destiny but goo not as shit.

Nigger you just described gaming as a whole. It's all getting more jewish, there's just more f2p games on PC than console for some reason, I assume so they don't have to pay licensing fees to use sony or microsoft's servers and shit.

10/10 would laugh again


I played it, its more destiny, looks nicer, runs better but i need to see that retail build and if its a real fucking game or not this time at launch.

I want it.

I came here to insult OP

>console FPS

when i was young i always thought this was a meme, then i made a 500 dollar rig and now playing on a controller pisses me off.


the accuracy of this makes me angery
At this point if its not indie or PC-exclusive, its probably shit.

top kek

Timesplitters miles away sonny

strange that the same fate is shared amongst both of them

I expected it to be bad. I didn't expect them to completely shit all over the only good part of the original game.

did he dood it?

Anons, MTX and shit like that exist in $60 games because the cost of games at retail hasn't changed in over a decade but they've gotten exponentially more expensive to make. (Inflation plays a part, too.)

So it's closer to a 80/20 split in terms of microtransaction cancer being there just so the devs break even vs. being greedy cunts who want all of your money. The F2Ps are worse because they have to have crazy aggressive MTX just to recoup development on top of wanting to be greedy.

Maybe, if they tried to make good games instead of shitty movies development costs wouldn't be this high.

It's mostly a function of how complex the games have gotten. The plebs demand high end visuals, and that shit isn't cheap. Not saying I agree with it, but that's the reality of modern dev.

Does anyone have a copy of that gay reward comic that was posted in the last thread.


its gonna be shallow grindy shit just like the first one


Post dress up?

From the forums and [/spoiler]reddit[/spoiler] it seems the general reaction is pretty negative.

I played Destiny from TTK to 6 months into ROI and I'm certainly not buying after they said that they won't balance PVE and PVP separately.

Most of the gameplay issues came from this and Bungie still hasn't learned.

Here's a repeated theme in these threads. Which Destiny competitor balances PVP and PVE separately?
Deleted my post because I made a bunch of typos because this shit drove me up the fucking wall the more they announced about D2 and I can't type when I'm angry about video games.

Technologically, user; not necessarily mechanically.

This mostly takes the form of complex networking (since everything has to be multiplayer) and high-end visuals / rendering / etc.

Sorry user, but the reality is Bungie probably isn't lying. Microsoft / Sony make you eat tons of shit to release a beta (fees, submit it so they can review it, all that), and it takes goddamn months.

Same thing goes for putting the game up for sale. The game's probably already done and they're just getting the servers setup. You have to have your game done like two months before when you want to ship it just to make the physical discs, too.

t. gamedev

They did mention ahead of time not to worry too hard about the numbers on things since those are yet to be finalized, but it would have been good of them to mention beforehand that the build is old, if only to alleviate people bitching about them making up excuses. Hell, most of the stuff people have been complaining about has already been addressed or will be by the time the game ships (this week's update mentioned ammo and power ammo droprates and weapon/grenade tuning in PVE being things that have already been adjusted in their internal builds).

I find it ironic that when a game dev actually does a beta test that isn't just a glorified demo, Holla Forums still manages to complain.

Is the farm town bullshit over?

They're damned either way, user. If they announced ahead of time 'This build is really old', you'll get people screaming 'Oh, you're just covering your asses!' and 'Why not give us the current build, Bungie?!' in equal measure. Modern gamers are cancer,user.

I'm hopeful that Bungie will patch stuff quickly and often on PC since it's free to do so, unlike on consoles. Maybe we'll see some rapid fire iterations and balancing instead of waiting months for a patch. I hope.

They've already said that they developed new tech that lets them tweak numbers without having to push a patch, so they can make changes much more easily. Further, they're aiming to stop with sweeping changes to weapon archetypes and moving to tweaks on individual weapons instead, hopefully reducing the unintended side effects of balance patches that required further patches.

The beta was alright overall. Some things I'm still hesitant about, but I'm looking forward to it still. Crossing my fingers that the dialogue in PVE for the most part isn't quite so cringey as the worst parts of the strike.

You mean demo or what?