The new update just came out.
ARMS thread
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bump with best fighter
I really can't get into it. The concept looks silly and the style looks like Persona 5 meets Overwatch meets Wonderful 101
I'm gay for Max Brass
The manga did it better imo
Honestly Max Brass looks cool as fuck but I haven't got a switch yet, and when I do Splatoon will already be out.
Overwatch has no style. It has no grace. It's bland shit with nothing memorable or defining.
I finished Grand Prix Lv.5 with him and played an online match, and I really liked the character. Maybe I'll make Max my second main.
This Max Brass guy is like Captain Falcon and/or the Crimson Chin tbh.
but even more thicc
The fucking AI is such bullshit.
Jesus christ I feel like such a scrub when Im getting bodied at level 3 grand prix.
At least I can have fun dunking people in party mode.
So, motion or buttons?
motion if you want to wide grab real ez and control two arms independently.
buttons to have less shit controls, you can still wide grab but you need to flick the stick hard.
I really wanted to like the motion controls, but ultimately they ended up just feeling really floaty and awkward, moving with them is especially annoying, it feels like boxing in Wii Sports. Buttons on the other hand are great if you use ZL and ZR to punch, Super comfy to use.
Here's a tip user, the AI is going to cheat, so cheese the fuck out of them like I did with the Ice Dragon and Fire Slapmander
what kind of casual are you man
These are the types of scrubs that make Party 2v2 and Hedlok a fucking chore.
Is this what being on /fit/ feels like?
oh yeah, in case no one knows.
if you grab and then as soon as someone throws a punch or two, just press your free super/rush move to cancel it/retract your arms and you win ez (make sure you're in range of hitting them, some arms are longer than others, so take note of that).
since pressing your super/rush retracts your arms, you can use it to block someone else's super/rush or dash the fuck away and punish them with your own super/rush depending on what arms they have (slower/heavy arms are easier to dodge with faster characters like kid cobra)
Does Nintendo have a laboratory concocting these characters?
How can you motherfuckers like this? It's an absolutely retarded concept that can only run on proprietary hardware.
This HAS to be a shill thread. I refuse to believe someone legitimately likes/ is hyped for a wiggly arms fighting game.
It's a decent 3D fightan user, Wagglin is just a control option, and a really shitty one, normal control scheme a best. There's also cute girls and beefy guys, both of the fringe aspects of Holla Forums are going to cling to these things for obvious reasons.
So you just like this game because muhdick?
Great reading comprehension there you fucking retard
Who is the real max brass?
The real question is when nintendo caves in and adds bionic little mac as a dlc character.
Early afternoon bump to trigger the soniggers.
There are better, cheaper 3D fighting games out there that don't require you to buy a $300 console.
It doesn't help your argument that the control scheme that the game was designed around is the worst thing about it.
A meaningless point if the game itself is shit.
You're entire counter argument basically boiled down to…
The saltiness of your tears will never change the fact that sf and tekken are dull, stagnant series that are deal in the water.
You sure got me there, leddit.
Tekken, Virtua Fighter, Naruto/Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja series, Pokken, DOA, one of the many Dragonball Z fighting games .etc.
That list good enough for you faggot?
Are you even going to dispute my claim that the motion controls are a gimmick that ruin the game or are just going to vaguely mimic what I said while ignoring my argument because you know I'm right?