Holla Forums hunger games thread

Holla Forums Hunger games

we have not done this in awhile, why? it's fun Holla Forums had a few so ill make one here. post who you want in.

first dubs gets to name the season for shits and giggles.

Other urls found in this thread:


Crippled child and Mandy Sellars


Do you have any nominations, OP?

yes josh and carlos

Putting in Hodd Toward and Cory Baxter

Smug glaceon and small CIA

Anita and Autism-chan

K from VLR and thumbs up Dojima

Balding Science Man and Jeb Bush

Sonygger and Arino

Asshole & Autistic Kid

The Vag-Beast and Potion Knight

Geralt & Rico

Aidan Gillen and CIA

Since OP never said only one nom per ID
Pajeet and Absolute Madman


Ryu and Megaman forgot to type

Chink in your Armor
Explosives Expert

That's 29 noms, how many left do we need?

We already have CIA;

Ubisoft and Installation Wizard

I can't believe so many nominated.

Goddammit. Scrap my CIA and just have Aidan Gillen and Bane

Wait this thread started an hour ago. Never mind, I am not suprised at all.

ok its done

it begins!


sonygger could not last a day



Jeb weak on immigration as usual.


nothing today

Senior Jeb was just showing his Latino brothers mercy

I guess autism isn't a superpower. I wonder what kind of games hodd toward played to learn those kinds of skills.

F for CIA

like pottery

Capitalize, nigger




Hodd toward what are you doing?


Fuck you Todd you killed both of my nominations THAT DISGUISE DOESN'T FOOL ME YOU MANLET PIECE OF SHIT


Hodd is testing the waters by taking out the weak and crippled first. He hasn't quite gone nuclear just yet
Oh fucking boy I wonder what they could be



She's a vagina dictator just like real life


Dammit Jeb, I always knew you'd be as big a cuck in the games as you are in real life



The smug asshole thinks murdering crippled and autistic people are accomplishments

That's why he needs monetized mods so the modders can create working spears for him.

For gods sake is anita sly here as she is in real life

Someone finally put ol' Jeb out of his misery

Somewhere in heaven he is telling St. Peter "Please Clap" while serving guacamole to Jesus himself

The guac surge is over you spic-loving degenerate.


Holy shit Anita is unstoppable


Well, The Witcher series is "literally made of rape" after all.

rip jeb i dont know how but you did worst here then in politics

holy shit my sides

Is that an actual quote from that obese colaburner?

You can do it John you absolute madman!


Some stupid feminist said it on twitter but I can't remember whom.

Shits brewing




the threatened it, as in they tried to get out of the game by threatening suicide but since it didn't work they an hero'd

For fucks sake John how the fuck did you light all that grass if you can't even start a fire you fucking stoner?

Cory is dead and madman goes mad


==F== here lies best anime protagonist

well i goofed up


This is a startlingly realistic Hunger Games

she better not, my money is on madman killing her

John has to go Madman on Anita or we're fucked

well fuck, this is bittersweet

Next round should be using NCBXsDzM code.

FUCK I was going to post pic related as a victory theme if John won but I'll do it anyways because fuck it


the winner is…

Dale Gribble and Holla Forumss BO

Can we start nominating for the next round now?
Because I want to nominate a Lynel from BOTW. Fucking asshole things…

Lynels are easy as fuck nigger, you just need to know how to dodge or learn how to cheese him with magnesis

Jack and best gril

someone else do it its 1am where i am i have to sleep

Nominating Dead Spyro and Databass

Nominating Diverse British Man A and Diverse British Man B

Akuma and Mega Man

Saber Lily(Male)
Saber Lily(Female)

moonman and roll

In Master Mode there's a silver lynel behind the Temple of Time in the starting area of the Great Plateau.

My internet keeps cutting out because of the weather so we need someone else to host this shit because I can't either

Nominating e-celeb and Brown Bomber

So is anyone actually doing this? Because OP's done.

Fat Joker and Chill Ethan from CADbortion series


nominating Cagliostro (male)


Whoever starts the next game, nomming Not-Lyn and Samuel Hindenburg.

Nominating Blackstar

Tewi and a Furry.

Monsta and Purple Haze

holy shit can someone please host I can't because of shit internet!

I see wat u did thaar

Nominating Suspicious Goat Mother.

Nominating Pot of Greed

I know this is late but hell yeah
feels good to nominate a winner

my tribute is tribbing

shit, forgot to spoiler. forgive me you jew fuck. i'll buy you a cake

nominating drunken mongolian man

nominating tomoko

nominating Chen, f

nominating Nito

Nominating Disgusted Monty Oum.

Jesus it's still going

Yeah I think we can call this thread. No one is coming to run it.

I'll be there in 30 minutes

Okay then.

Duvalie and Ryder.

Does anyone know a good custom sim or whatever it's called?

iirc you can insert codes in somewhere
NCBXsDzM for example.


Holla Forums and /leftypol

I nominate Grand Master Jew

Nominating Russ Bullock from PGI.

If there are too many for this round i'll just roll these over for the next.
Angry Heisenberg and Alex Jones

i cant believe this thread last this long, it's almost a day old i believed it would die. well heres round two

sam is planning something.

and nothing of value was loss




You should be able to solve this


jew is dead














Disgusted Monty Oum thinks about winning.















the winner is

Well, at least my nom took him with her at the last moment.

Congratz David Bowie.

Thank god. Your anime might have saved the entire battletech franchise now.


Duvalie and Ryder.

History repeats itself.

nominating drunk mongol male and 2d girl of good taste

Fresh Prince of UNATCO and Sam "Peacekeeper" Hyde

Bigby Wolf and Billy Herrington

Ma Teng and Ding Yuan

Gabe Jewell

Mine didn't get in last time.

You better be using something other than the default again. Shit gets boring.

Nominating a random Tau Girl.

Nominating Co-Producer Speed Weed and Smug Kazuya.

Nominating Kane

Cole MacGrath and Zeke Dunbar



Nominating FOE.

Y'know, he never explicitly said to post nominations nor that he was still going.


I'll run the game if you tell me how
And let me choose one nom

a very supreme thread op.

I would do it if I didn't have stuff going on this weekend. Someone else do it.

Worst stand confirmed

Starting to edit, post 'em

nomming Strange Journey OST Singers and Korean Bootleg Lucemon if there's space left

Duvalie and Ryder

Super Mario Sunshine and e-celeb faggot

Need six more

Little King John and Current Year

Venom and Cripple Kaz

Let the games begin


This amuses me.



That's the button the console port uses




Too bad, no deaths. It looks like my noms are suicidal though

First time doing this, can't imagine this happens very often


Maybe the death frequency's on low

Hosts are shit these days. I miss when these threads were fun.

At least someone's doing it. It's been months.

Also it's 4AM when nobody's here


No one has been doing it because the threads are always shit. Thanks for proving that we don't need more.

Hey, something somewhat amusing every month or so is better than average for Holla Forums

What were they talking about?

Good Lord, this is going to take ages

And the survivors all live happily ever after?

Kane died instantly, by panda… inb4 before he comes back at the end because it was all apart of his plan.

Willing to host if I can get enough people to nom.

man who did nothing wong
a really big guy

A lovely, beautiful meido boy and Kay

Mandingo & Your mom

bundy and john cena

scratch & grounder (as single nom) and Dr Robotnik

Trying Sadpanda and E-Celeb Faggot again. Make sure the death rate isn't on low


His partner is Mega Man

Big Smoke and Dekinai-Chan

Samurai Patrick and Hooded Dog

Ghost of Ferrus and Angry Cabbage Man

last ditch bump

Tenshi and Denmark outlet.

smug wily and smugbog

That's it, finishing up


The roster! Let's get ready to rumble!

oh boy


There goes mine already

the hooded doge will live on in our hearts

John Cena team up for the a big brawl

Fuck my English



Damn, Akuma's kind of a little bitch

Weeb ironically gets scared off by Chinese cartoon


Tonight's victims

Damn Tenshi, that's cold.



Explosive pies for smugbob


Well shit


I call bullshit.


Patrick manages to beat the Big Man himself, along with his help

fuck both of my boys are out

They learned Japanese after all.

Cabbage man gains fruit

o fuck

Al Bundy is a hero. Both of mine are still in it. Feels good man.

7 alive, many fallen






betting on smugbob

4 still up

it's a little late to bet though

Cabbage man receives an explosive. Does he have a plan?

Nah, he just died

Considering his role in P4, this is perfect.

His final moments were by himself, without a soul to even kill him


Will Smugbob die of thirst next

Then there was two

I'm proud.

nah he doesn't need it

Almost there too

The final battle!

And the winner is…

Samael Hydeman and Time Travelling Barron

THAT A GIRL! She got revenge for my poor innocent Denmark outlet.

if we still doing this
junkbot and angry bubbie

If it's still on:

Goro Akechi and Teagan.

Bridget and Wallgirl

Sad Mokou and No Control Mokou

your waifu smug-chan

Someone else has got to host, because I'm not doing it again
Anyways, my noms are:
Crusader-san and Mr. Payne

Kojima with Hydrobot and Quattro Bajeena

Renoming my noms from because they didn't make it in the last few games.

I'll start it, please hold.

if still taking noms:
Descartes and snug smug

Sonic and Shadow

I'm up to here, only a few slots left to fill out.

Mae and Not Manny Pardo

Good luck, host user.

Got room for 2 more.

Wait, nevermind. Missed



And we're off!

I guess he couldn't keep getting away with it forever



And thus, TGT has been prevented.

Somehow this is Alto's fault.


An absolute blood bath.

Damn, now we'll never know who the Miami Mutilator is.

jesus those plants are murderous

17 dead


A much calmer day.


RIP Smug-chan.


I'm not wasting my time guessing the gender of a fucking whale.

It's clearly a womyn you bigot

lying Satan

2 more down.


Why do all the Vidya noms always die?

bubbie's going on a warpath damn

junkbot is vidya

Boring day.

A quiet day, or is it?

fuck Descartes i thought you where the one



Jesus Christ what a boring ending.


And that's all from me. If anyone else would like to host, he can go ahead.

You can say he got the final laugh


What did he mean by this?