What's a good build for a first time playthrough?
Why not enjoy discovering the game instead of blogging about playing it?
Can never go wrong with small guns. You might also want to boost your Action Points though I can't even remember which attribute increased that. Other than that I'm sure you're smart enough to not totally fuck your build up.
What's more important is that once the game starts, go to the options and set the fight animation speed, or whatever it's called, to the max. Otherwise those turn based battles are going to last forever simply because you need to watch 21 slow moving rats walking around the screen one by one.
Just shits on the entire game. Early-game grab an SMG ASAP and burst your way to victory. After your skills are good to go, start dumping them into Energy Weapons and eventually upgrade to an Alien Blaster since you shouldn't have any problem getting the encounter with 9 luck.
I missed the last 9 since I'm tired as fuck, but the stats are still correct.
Your boss is calling, user.
The Gifted trait is absolutely broke, just so you know.
The game is made to be playable no matter what kind of build you have, so just enjoy it for what it is.
Jinxed, Bloody Mess, and 10 luck. Trust me OP.
People who can't even figure out a build in an RPG shouldn't be allowed to post here, to be honest.
put all your points into charisma
IN & AG the least important
Skilled & Night Person as traits
tag Throwing, First Aid & Traps
Yes, that's exactly what the guy was talking about.
no outdoorsman / 10
I have never beaten fallout because fit some reason I am always compelled to play it iron man. I've made it halfway through Necropolis before getting one-shot by a super mutant at which point took a break from the game.
Fallout 2 Savegame Editor
Go find a guide if you want to ruin the game for yourself.
This, looking up a guide for FO1 was the worst vidya descision I ever made. At least it made me understnad the breadth of possibilities for the game (you had to figure out how to get a rope by yourself? you have to talk to people
??) and made Fallout 2 that much more of a magical experience.
But yeah don't look up a guide OP, just talk to everyone and search everywhere.
>mfw i didn't encounter Set or the Gun Runners until my 4th playthrough
>mfw didn't discover Loxley until my 6th, the last thing I discovered in the game
and this reminds me, /r/ing a webm of Set saying "normalfag"
high charisma, dumpstat agility
You should really just play the game however you want and see how you go. Asking for help with builds or looking up guides is a sure way to ruin any kind of fun you could have and also remove the personal aspect of building your own character.
He calls you a normalfag, not normalfag. Unless there's an edit floating around somewhere.
Just look up the high level perks and pick out which one you want, that should guide your stats. Also never neglect Int.
A certain retarded spic body odour thinks that reddit came up with nor mie and that's why he censored it. He's that pathetic.