Warframe thread

I love space kids edition.
Old one is at bump limit on page 13.
This is not a general, I repeat, this is not a general.
For information about everything use
For trading without cancer you can use
I think there are other trading sites though.

Me? I dropped out when they reworked prime acquisition method, because I got butthurt DE drive me out of my comfort zone so much. Turns out new relic system is objectively better, and doing 1+ hour survivals in void is still pretty profitable.
Also since then getting prime versions is so much faster than normal ones?

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>I love space kids edition

Anyway, I hope someone else shows up to argue why this game and DE are hot garbage, I don't have the time as I've already lost too much. Do not play this grindy mess. If you already are, best of luck to you getting out of that pit. The sooner the better.
God bless.

I'm already a demon.
For its defense I can only say that it's a fun fucking game.

I'll pray for you.

my friend has twice as much as i do
may god have mercy on us all

take a look only MR9 I don't gotta grind for shitty rank mastery

Man, I miss the old days of beta where you stacking shield mods and had over 10k shields

I keep getting riven mods for shit I don't have and/or don't care about. Every weapon has one right?

Why shields are even there anymore? They don't do shit.

I'm not even surprised, just sad.

Tried getting into it again. I have no fucking clue what's going on.

Noobs, all of you.

Also Threadly reminder that space kiddos was a retcon and suits were always supposed to be canon.

Explain Nekros, Chroma and the other inhuman-monster "suits" then. Do you think a human being could wear Nekros?

Where are the operator lewds? OP lied.

Biosuits my nigga. You put them on and they change and morph your biology to fit the form they want.

Also it literally doesn't matter if it bashes since or not, it won't change that video.

does anyone have that webm of Volt using the speed exploit down a hallway?

A heavily-modified human that got hit with Warp-tier space magic bullshit could feasibly fit.

Are you even trying? The dubsman has the right idea.

Image title:




Are they rolled? If they aren't rolled then be sure to advertise them as "cheap & unrolled". Don't try to sell them for more than 70p depending on the weapon.
if you have any low/unrolled Gorgon rivens, I might be willing to take them off off your hands

I was thinking of a different webm, It was faster and had music

The one where he's sliding down a seemingly endless ice tunnel?

some have a few rolls, and I don't have any gorgon rivens.

I swear I had that but I can't find it.

I don't recall exactly but I think the hallway was inside a building made of metal

DE should make Events and Tac Alerts replayable like quests. They shouldn't give the same exclusive gear, but there needs to be a way for new players to experience a version of them (even if it's one with the community elements taken out), because as of now the only way for a new player to get caught up with the event-side story is to sift through the wiki, and the events are important to understanding a lot of the game.
also it is an easy way for them to add some extra hours of content

I'm just gonna post some speed.

That's the one. Good shit.

Yea like I said, mange sure your advertising them as "unrolled" or "lowrolled" respectively to attract people who want to buy a Riven cheap and then make it good themselves.
Look at the riven disposition. The higher the disposition the less demand for Rivens of that weapon. Sell rivens of disposition 5 for ~55 unrolled/ 50 lowrollef, going up to dispostion 1 at ~80 unrolled and 75 lowrolled.

Your only other option is to start rolling them yourself and hope you can make them good.

You know what 80p is probably too cheap you might be able to get 100 out of disposition 1 rivens depending on the weapon, just go with the offers you get and what seems right on those.

with melee weapon rivens everything should

Go play no shields mode with any non-tank frame and ask that again. They may be severely underpowered, but they certainly matter.

it shouldn't be to hard, i sold my dual cleaver one pretty fast

have an unrolled gorgon riven, maybe we can work something out between us a few minuites from now? I'll trade for some plat or any riven. post your ign so I can contact you.

Infinity purges people for inactivity, just ask and they will add you back.
Nothing personell, kid.

That's the appeal and the part of experience. Every time I stop feeling lost, I quite for a few months to get lost again after a bunch of big updates.

Do frames like Excal and Ash count as tanks? I mean I have life hit on my melee at all times, and no amount of shield/health armor will save you from one shotting bombards unless you have that one energy converting mod.

Can i get an add to the clan

in game: playgroundzombi

Ausfag Founder - stopped playing around dragon vaults? i think that's what they were called. Am looking to bro it up again.

any other ausfags feel free to hit me up

Can you get more than one riven per sortie season?

How does it feel to have the best frame in the game?

is the game not shit yet?


it's a legit question, lad. I play this every other update but get burned out days in because it's always endless fucking grind

you do realise that this game has and always will revolve around grinding right?

that's what makes it shit


its a free to play game what did you think was going to happen ?

It's a nice game but god fucking damnit it crashes my computer so hard I can't even restart it without opening the BIOS menu.

when i used him everyone else was running excalibur, volt or loki anyway. Now there's a load of butthurt about him for some reason.

It feels good

I'm so fucking selling this faggot holy shit.

People want something they cannot have.
People want others to not have something they have.
There will always a load of butthurt over Excal Prime.

I at least feel like I should have an idea of who and why I'm fighting who I'm fighting. Just feels like in game I was thrown in with little explanation. That may be because I wasn't paying attention though. Or because my game glitched and I couldn't play the first mission.

Sounds immersive tbh.
That's exactly how tenno find themselves.

I didn't really think of it like that. That's kind of profound in it's own way. Intentional or not.

Oh yeah fellow goyim, I too love warframe.

MC Lotus is a dream that i hope someday will become real.

Kinda yeah. Excal has good armor and with exalted blade on he has auto parry, and ash has a large health pool, prime has good armor, and he should be invisible or invincible from bladestorm most of the time anyway.

Electricity is kind of a bad damage type, I'd try and fit a toxin mod in there, maybe replace scorch with it.


I'm pretty shit at my nihongo but I'm pretty sure that says "5 hours passed (played)"

Please stop this you fucking imbeciles.

how did you manage to play this game that much?
what the fuck did you even do in-game?


Warbros #1.
Now and forever.


プレイ時間はPlay Time

did you say speed?

obvious shilling aside the open world patch is ready ? if not whats the eta

between now and december, sooner rather than later.

bump 4 clan invite pls

thanks mang

we seem to be full at the moment, I'll try to catch the clan leader to see if there are any inactives.

Maybe we should just expand the clan tier? It seems we are perpetually full, but I don't know if we have enough dedicated autists to make it worth the costs.

as I said, we're gonna have to bring it up with Wman. I doubt we're gonna get through with it though, because clan events are the main reason we downsized in the first place.

while it may not be the absolute best option, Maybe having someone make a second 8clan will suffice. if anyone's capable anyway.

What is the capacity even? I say purge everyone who was offline for a month or more.
If they come back just let them back.

Atlas is supposed to be the big mountain among Warframes but it don't have SHIT on Rhino Prime's bulk.

Atlas with that armor is even bigger. I saw one fuckhuge dude in pub and couldn't tell what frame he's using without looking at squad screen.
Rhino' framelet.

This is fucking bullshit.

You mean junctions?
I kinda like them, they keep new players from getting too far ahead.
For those who already unlocked further planets this shouldn't be a thing of course.

I've got all planets open but I havent done a single junction, some of the requirements are really shitty, like craft a mastery 5 or higher weapon, meaning if I want to do the quest I have to wait atleast a day after farming the mats just for the weapon, totally put off my mood to play this.

Oh and that wasnt even the shittiest requirement, I also need to get 3 mods from the Orokin Moon challenge rooms.
Just fuck my shit up.

Yeah moon rooms are shit.
Except one where you just need to feed energy to 4 orbs and go downstairs. You need like 160 energy, which most frames can afford with flow mod. It's super easy.
It gives power drift I think, just keep restarting exterminate or something easy to get it.

Moon spy missions are true cancer though.

Yeah I was hoping for that since I play Trinity but I did 3 runs yesterday and I got the speed test room which I have no clue how to do and didnt feel like looking up a guide.
Why the hell cant they just check the fact that I've 100% the planet allready and I've got like mastery 8 weapons crafted etc.
I mean yeah I know I'd be grinding when I downloaded but I was kinda hoping to grind some new shit not something I've allready done.

What? If you had already completed them, then you don't need to do junctions (unless you're talking about the war within, then you need to complete pluto's junction I think, but that's it).

Welcome back to warframe tenno.

That's the case I assume, that's one junction you need for the quest.
Other junctions also have rewards like blueprints, other quests and shit.

puzzle fuckery aside, I love the essence behind the level design in the moon vaults. I feel like the openness and obstacle placement is what map design in warframe needs to get the most out of its movement system

I get you user, but if I will ever feel like I want to hurt myself with 3D platforming I'll play sanic or some shit.



No I mean I've completed the planet before and after the junction 100% but I havent done shit for the junctions.

Thanks fam

Nothing wrong with liking the best frame.
Why though? It's always a few updates behind and is objectively worse than PC version.

Because Macfag

Rhino only exists to prep Valkyr for Atlas

Yeah. Junctions are good for new players. Wish I had them back then, instead of having to keep a wiki page open by my side as I played.
On a related note, I'd like to sink my fingers into Rebecca's tighs as I hold them open and probe her insides, claiming her Pouch of Douglas and renaming it Pouch of user.

I play on ps4 as well. My toaster puts my pc to shame. To be fair, I could play on PC if I didn't care terrible graphics and no particle effects, but as low as my standards are, they are not that low.

You don't need to do junctions to access other planets if you already had them before the starchart rework. I still have plenty junctions untouched, only recall doing Pluto's for TWW. Otherwise, play as normal.

I'm not so sure about that. Rhino Prime has larger shoulders than base Rhino or Atlas and any shoulder armor you attach to Rhino Prime will make the armor bits larger than normal. The good goy armor looks fairly large compared to most other armor sets already. Rhino Prime's shoulders makes them xbox hueg.
pics related to illustrate what I mean

Thanks chodemonkey.

Can someone give me some good Titania/Chroma builds?

Chroma you want as much duration, strength, and armor, but that also depends on your element. Titania I go for a balanced build with emphasis on duration.

git gud

Atlas looks like a shriveld up, misproportioned bacon man. Rhino prime on the other hand, looks like a true guyver-esque swolebro vanguard.

I wouldn't mind atlas if he looked like this though

I'm on PS4 too. My case if because I can't afford a gaming PC right now.

On another note, is there any way to get the Rhino systems besides farming Jackal's assassination mission?

Not at home right now, but I'll try to help.
I like max efficiency and low duration. I used to have a balanced build, but her one ability that would benefit the most from duration, Lantern, bugs too much and doesn't always works. So I rely on spamming her 1 for cc, and keep in razorking mode at all times. Max efficiency also helps with tribute, an underrated ability imo, but only good if you can spam it to build it's bonuses to the max. Bonus range is optional. And I like to use natural talent, all her powers take too long to cast.

He's actually my main. A "proper" ice tank build uses max duration and power, and dumps efficiency and range. It's very effective, but I've enjoyed my "for fun" build a lot recently, even taking it to sorties. 200% strength (transient fortitude, intensify and power drift), max duration (constitution, narrow minded, primed continuity) and a rank 3 fleeting expertise. This gives me almost optimal drain-cost for effigy (hence "fun build"), while keeping a a nice power strength and duration for everithing else.

Max out efficiency and range and have good duration, but totally put your power strength in the double digit shitter. Make your 4 weak so that it doesn't kill everything the moment it activates and then use the jew syndicate whip on everything your 4 hits to maximize your credit gains. Don't use quick melee.

That was patcehd ages ago. It used to work because then effigy's and secura lecta bonuses would stack. Now only one of each bonuses apply, the one that landed the killing blow.

Well that explains a few things. I thought I was getting bad.

What are some good weapons? Currently loving the Tigris, but it's starting to drop off a bit. I'm willing to try all weapon types (primary, secondary, melee).

Anons of I require your assistance. So I've not played Warframe in nearly like 3 years. Ive done the potato child quests and am going to start the chains of harrow quest. Maybe I was just horrible at the game.

Have they increased the difficulty overall or increased the toughness of enemies? I remember being able to breeze through Sedna or pluto and now its like hard mode on fucking steroids.

How Jewish are the free to play elements in this? I was thinking of playing it, but I would rather not grind for 60 hours just to get anywhere or pay to win.

They've introduced junctions, which act as tests that you must complete in order to get to the next planet. Pluto and Sedna are near the end of these junctions, so it's normal for them to have highish leveled enemies.

It's not pay-to-win. It's pay-to-get-the-shiny-things-fast. There's crafting times for weapons, warframes, and other components. The premium currency (platinum) can be traded between players, so you don't have to pay real money for it if you're willing to grind a bit. The game is inherently a grindfest, but not pay-to-win.

That's cuz there's nothing to win.

Are you an actual nip?
Apparently 5% of the site's traffic comes from Japan, so I'd believe it.

Well I've done like two of them. No but I mean regular missions.
Like also these fissure things and farming the Kuva. Holy fuck this is some bullshit. How the fuck am I supposed to farm Kuva solo to get cool weapons if I gotta bend backwards it seems.

When in doubt, play on public. Both Void Fissures and Kuva farms are much MUCH easier with a full squad, Void fissures especially, as more enemies spawn when there are more people.


Alright I guess I can try to play public.

Been playing exclusively in public from the beginning. Aside from ocasional idiots, I rarely have any problems. If you want to play solo you'll limit your selectiob of weapons and frames, since many are support oriented and can contribute a lot for the group but do very litte solo.

Tigris is pretty good, you shouldn't be having problems. Have you dropped forma, catalysts, and proper mods into it?

Ok, let's fucking do this shit.

>Why are you still here?

So Atlas is getting Rhino's sloppy seconds?
or does Valkyr have a dick?

Can't really decide, but at the moment it's valkyr
See above, but my sobek is ol' reliable
lex prime
Hirudo or War
Defense because max comfy
I actually quit at the beginning after only having a few hours, but some friends started playing and I got hooked and have been playing long after they left
I specifically returned for titania and nidus
I have crippling autism

Ever heard of a "bull prepper"?

Yeah I'm aware of the term famalama.
But the way it's been presented in the sentence is:
If rhino was the cuck in this situation then he'd be prepping Atlas for Valkyr. So once again, either Atlas is getting Rhino's sloppy seconds, or Valkyr has a benis.

Well I'm not too familiar with the grammar of cuckoldry, so I guess I worded it wrong. The implication was that rhino is a cuck.

Look at them, they come to this place when they know they have not lurked. My brothers, did I not tell of this day? Did I not prophesize this moment? Tennormalfags use the memes, but they are mere trespassers. Only I, user, know the true power of the bants. I was cut in half, destroyed, but through it's Infinity Key, 8ch called to me. It brought me here and here I was reborn. We cannot blame these creatures, they are being led by a false prophet, an impostor who knows not the secrets of the humor. Behold the Tennormalfags, come to scavenge and desecrate this sacred realm.


I kinda miss the times when bosses were just reskinned heavies and didn't fucking talk in real language.

Well I JUST said I don't mind playing with randoms, but today's last sortie is a defense with radiation hazard, and I got nothing but saryns and ashes using aoe and killing the objective time and time again.

Tenora, Tigris prime
Tempo royale for explosive aoe
Taxon for ivershields
Not yet. Been playing for 2 years now, so even though I'm MR22, there's still a ton of things I don't have



I could understand being a low MR, but at 22 what haven't you used?

The entire Mastery Rank system is fucking stupid and just encourages cheesing the game even more.
People will keep finding Draco equivalents instead of "properly playing" it just to rush fucking MR with weapons and frames they don't care about.
Found good riven mod 4 MR above your current one? Enjoy your week of braindead grinding.

Where do you think we are? Also at least it encourages people to try new stuff, I prefer it to a regular leveling system.


Maybe I'm just lucky when it comes to playing Nezha.

checking those.

Nobody wants to get into contact with such gigantic flaming faggot.

Archwing stuff, mostly due to a lack of interest on my part. And a couple vaulted weapons.
But I should have been more specific. "Tons of things" refers to rare mods, arcanes and cosmetics.

I heard you can allow it to roam around your ship unlike those stupid dogs, is that true? Do you need to feed it and shit?

The kubros can roam, also look it up on the wiki you fag.

I made that mistake, and promptly rectified it.
Also, pets are in serious need of a buff of some sort. It takes longer to build them, demand more resources, can't be changed in a whim unless you drop credits… Fuck they SHOULD be sentinels 2.0.

That's only true when you keep Nezha after maxing it's level. Using a shit weapon or frame is acceptable IF you're just using it for mastery fodder. Can't say the same for anything archwing related. There's simply no reason to use anything but stock parts, if you must do anything archwing at all.

Nezha is actually good. But I'm a sucker for fashion frame and his ridiculous looks put me off every time I equip him. Hope his prime/deluxe versions will fix that.


I do, he's called Hitler. Ran with him for as long as it gave random rare resource drops, then they nerfed that. Long gone are the days I would exit a mission with 15~20 neural sensors. I kept using him for a while, even adapted my playstile to not having vacuum.
Then that sentinel mod that lets it revive you in 4 seconds came. I put Hitler back into stasis chuckled a bit and raised a cub kubrow that now rubs his asshole on my ships floor.
On a side note. Ordis had a lot of cute interactions with your kubrow during it's quest. They should bring those dialog lines back.

they didn't though, first time I got a smeeta was around a month ago and that fucker gave me 16 argon from a 50 minute void defense run.

Yeah I guess I'll just keep it as decoration.
I'd do the usual "dubs name the pet" thing, but it's just too damn cute to name something like lolidicks or hueynotwrong.

My first melee riven mod. Doesn't seem so bad.

Really? They even addressed it on a devstream. Maybe a recent hotfix changed it back.


The damage is good, but channeling is useless and minus range is bad, I'd roll that.

Not as bad as harrow. Nidus is really fucking worth it too, one of the best frames in the game.


I'm not too knowledgeable on statistics, but that sounds like a load of shit.

It is. It's a 50/50 chance instead.

best syndicate?

New Loka

That ain't suda.

Steel > Veil > Perrin > Arbiters > Sanctuary > New Loka > Suda > Conclave

They all appear to be the same shit to me. Some selfish dudes trying to push their retarded policies that only benefit themselves.
I think only orange computer dude is good since he gives you simulation room and free rank trials practice as well as seeking knowledge and not some petty power over others.
His scanning requests are pain in the ass though.

If you're going to make a comment about their motivations, you should fucking know what they are. Most of the syndicates are quite altruistic if you read up on their goals.

Sounds oddly familiar.

Ehhhh one just wants to learn more, another wants to purge shit, and another…. thinks Tenno are super cool. Or something. Their motives are kind of silly.

Literally how?
Steel Meridian protects civilians and defectors from the Grineer
Red Veil roots out moral and political corruption that causes the exploitation of civilian populations
Perrin sequence promotes free trade and markets, and improves the economic standing of independent communities by supporting helping them produce marketable goods
Arbiters are inwardly focused, but they aren't selfish. They attempt to keep other Tenno from becoming corrupt and serving their ends rather than helping others
Simaris is questionable because it is unclear as to who he plans to share his knowledge with.
New Loka is psychotic, but their racial genocide isn't selfish, because they believe restoring pure humanity will help being peace to the system (which is crazy, but not selfish)
Suda is the same as Simaris
Teshin just wants to make Tenno stronger, wiser, more honourable, and free thinking, which makes then better protectors of the system.

All grineer are degenerates and should be purged.
They just want to usurp the control over the system.
Jews competing other jews.
Literally control freaks.
Strive for knowledge for the sake of knowledge is pretty pointless, but understandable goal. It makes sense for an endless synthetic life form.
Greenpeace 2.0 It's ok to use nukes if it's us edition.
I totally forgot there was another cephalon in there. What does it want again?
Teshin is a grineer eunuch that used Tenno to break free from queens' control. He might be a good boi who dindu nuffin, but he only cares for himself.

And that's why Suda is the best, it's simaris with better weapons and a cute girl cephalon.

I honestly forgot about Suda. I now remember there was female blue cephalon. I don't remember her giving you anything as good as Simaris does though.

Wrong, also not an argument.
There is nothing to suggest they have ambitions of power
I don't like then any way, so whatever
Literally the same thing as simaris
Orokin who fell into the Grineer's control unwillingly
That was in everyone's interest, it's also the rational thing anyone would have done, and it didn't put the tenno out at all
He literally is
You're said nothing to support that (because there isn't anything to support it)

Upgraded simulor and gammacor, downgraded heliocor.

I wasn't even insulting them, genetic degeneration is exactly what grineer suffer from as a race. There is nothing that can help them at this point, so purging them is an act of mercy.

Boy where do I begin. Corruption is a natural state of human society. When a vocal anti-corruption person or group appears you can bet they just want a piece of the pie (or the entire pie) but just can't get it without radical reforms.
If thousands of human history is "nothing" to suggest that, then I dunno what is.

U wot? Grineer is a race of artificially engineered people (if you can call them that) used for all sorts of manual labour. Teshin is a fucking grineer, last of of some sub-species used as guards or some shit. He never was orokin.
Queens are also grineer created to superwise lower strata, but after their masters were wiped out by tenno they proclaimed themselves queens. They call themselves orokin, but they were just bio-mechanical slaves made to observe other slaves.

As I said he dindu nuffin. I don't hate him. He just needs to be put out of his misery along with his other brethren.
If his interests coincided with that of other factions, including tenno, it doesn't mean that he did this for them.

I don't use any of that, guess that's why.
I mean Simaris stands out as he gives you general utility, good regardless of what you use and how you play. Other factions just give mods and weapons, which is kinda marginal.

Like what?


So just the simulacrum?

That and the ability to practice rank trials without waiting 24 hours because you guessed wrong and didn't bring the right shit. He basically gives you two supplemental game modes.
Though those should be available from the main menu from get go, but hey it's Warframe, so it could have been even more retarded.

I never really got use from the trial practice. I'd just wiki it and get it first try.

The grineer of the Meridian do good, altruistic work, and it would be a shame to lose them. They all get along fine and none of them seem to be in a state of misery that they need to be put out of.

If you are denying that altruistic grass roots anti-corruption movements and reformers have also formed throughout history, your either ignorant or too paranoid to bother arguing with

Grineer refers specifically to the mass-cloned legions of the Grineer empire, which Teshin is significantly older than. He was alive during the Orokin era, and it isn't even clear that he's an artificial human.

There is no evidence to suggest that his actions in running the conclave are self motivated beyond general paranoia.

is there a way to merge two accounts?

As along as they are on the same platform maybe?
Contact they support and pray.
Otherwise no, you can't have your shit from console on PC and vice versa.

How's this for a Nikana riven?

If you wanna do endless survivals with -status duration can make things harder? Maybe? But that damage boost might as well override it.
Also reminder that you will never have nikana prime.

How do I take off this Christmas shit? I haven't played in months, and I don't even remember putting it on in the first place.

Thanks DE.

I haven't played in forever.

Which weapon should I start making?

Kill yourself trying to promote a shit game that has long since been ruined. It is only a husk, administrated by a skeleton of the former dev crew, that actively hates their playerbase and has sold themselves to soulless asian overlords.

Oh how far the mighty have fallen. You will never know true speed.

Warframe was always shit.

go to your inventory, sell the holiday deco.
make sure you want it gone, you can only get it back next chistmas.

The one you think looks the coolest.
Otherwise Tigris Prime.

Took me that many runs to get the last part.
I'm never doing that map ever again, fuck it forever holy shit.

Also it's your fault you trolled DE instead of being positive and helpful.
You alienated them and turned them towards normalfags.
You made this.
Take the responsibility.

Reminder that lusting after warframes is now technically pedophilia.
MOAs > Warframes

Frames themselves still are.
Also operators are obviously hebe.


Yeah, but that just makes it worse now.
Now it's a bunch of edgy kids LARPing as legendary heroes using their robotic trash they were born with because these faggots've never known an ounce of struggle or labor in their lives.

Incidentally, Corpus did nothing wrong, are literally the only good faction.

MOAs are too cute.

Just the right height, too, if you catch my meaning.


moas are killing machines they are not for lewd

Man, have you missed those thighs?
They knew damn well what they were designing.

What? Kids were the heroes, with frames being their proxies.
Are you one of those autists with their own personal headcanon that has nothing to do with actual lore?

Wait, so there's only one 'frame' of each hero or something? Does each kid manage a specific frame? I thought the player played his own individual kid now.

No, I'm just someone who's a little bit behind on the lore that keeps on fucking changing and has a lot of contradictory shit, not to mention a heapton of vague nonsense and 'mystery'.
Used to be, though, they tried justifying the multiplayer aspect of having multiple frames operating at once. As in, having two Valks in a squad.

Where did you get the "hero frames" thing at all?
Kids were used as weapons in a war against sentients and then hailed as heroes. They were using their prime warframes during the conflict so common folk thought THOSE are the tennos, while people in the know kept kids a secret.

Early on, each frame had backstory and lore to it. Each frame had a 'charactor', and some sort of legends so to speak established with it.
Is that no longer the case?

So, what, the individual frames no longer have any history, or what's the end deal here? Doesn't right answer the question. Can the kids just use whatever frame they want? Are the people accrediting the actions of a bunch of different Valk frames to one single entity so to speak?

Why are they still kids?


I can't just take it off temporarily? wew

I already know that Valkyr wasn't made by Alad V, yeah. I thought everyone did.
Was just an easier example, since it's probably one of the most established warframes.

Or was there something else I was supposed to take from this? It's all a bit long and I hate going through forum shit, largely due to the absolute shit formatting they have.
One thing you have to credit chans for, we've got solid formatting what means most the time posts and their replies are not a pain to read. It's part of why they, you ask me, lead to better discussion.

The best explanation is that tenno before awakening in 2nd dream think they ARE warframes. The most dubious thing was Valkyr and it still gets explained well enough.
So when Alad tortures Valkyr her operator goes through it as well and his/her void powers get bent along with the frame.
Evangelion comparison is really spot-on, except kids in evangelion know they are separate things from get go.

The only gameplay and story segregation so far is that you as player can use a bunch of frames, but kids in story only each use one.
Because even in the war withing when you lose your frame you can't just hop onto another and go blow place up, you need to return to the first one. So I assume in-story your kid only has one frame.

So, then, there are separate operators for each individual frame?
Too bad. I know earlier lore at least tried vaguely to justify playing with others in a half dozen different suits, some of which were the same frame. But, then, like I said, most of the time it was horribly vague, contradictory, or just lacking massive amounts of information. Case and point, actually, Valk.

That's just my speculation. I don't really care if it's right or wrong.
DE never went and said anything about lore except that Dark Sector is not canon.

This. It's established that your particular potato kid is special in that it can use multiple frames as a result of your experience with the Grineer Queen.
It's supposed to set the player above the other unnamed Tenno out there who are restricted to one frame and who also may or may not be aware they're not actually the frames themselves.

Eh that's kinda cool. Fuck other kids.

I choose to ignore this lore.

I think I'll sit in this lot as well.
I prefer my warfames to be an army of legendary copies.


It's not as bad as it looks, I swear I only have 850hrs of actual play time, inflated by idling in my ship trading or some shit
Recently finished getting every single frame / prime (sans Excal) with Rhino's unvaulting, I guess I'm doing mastery now. Shit sucks.
Really wish they could have come up with a better quest for Harrow than 'bust the ghost of a literal autistic child and steal his haunted fidget spinner'.

Loki, Equinox
Braton Prime, Dread
Silva & Aegis P with Final Harbinger
Djinn with the skin for that style + sweet sweet Artax length
Any endless is nice, Uranus is the coolest tileset
Space ninja dressup simulator

Technically they are copies. Primes are the originals they're based off of.

Loki is best frame. I've started with my loki, and I've yet to actually spend more than a few hours in any other frame.

Really ought to get a prime variant. But, then, I barely play this game any more, and prime grinding is only good with friends.
Or at least it was.
Did prime grinding change much?

Do you suffer?

From what I understand, it's whatever frame you start out with of the three is your Operators first frame in the events that play out in game. Then from there you can build and equip new frames to switch with. Now I also heard that the Tenno/Warframes are sentient themselves. I don't know if that's true or if that's part of old canon but that's something to think about too.

Hey, as long as it doesn't show up in my profile as uncompleted it's fine. But yes, it hurts sometimes.

Grinding is easier now with relics, but Loki Prime is vaulted now and pretty expensive, around 500 plat. It's worth it tbh.

They really need to figure out their trading and unlocking system better. Especially when it comes to Prime frames.

Though, 500 plat isn't really much of anything.

Process became more convoluted but the sheer amount of grind for something rare is more or less the same.
You are forced to play with others if you want any specific part now though.

I don't really get prime, because before it was supposed to be the orokin version of warframes and weapons and all the ones we used were copies trying to mimic those, hence why they were less effective. So if the prime version is the progenitor, why does Helios and Valkyr prime exist when one is corpus, and Valkyr not only looks nothing like gersemi, but has powers she would have gained long after the orokin collapse?

This is still debated, and was last thread. See the frames are partly biological, and during the second dream, stalker stabs your frame and is choking your Tenno, but the frame breaks war and saves you. Some say that the Tenno was still in control of the frame and made it do that, and some say the frame acted on its own.

Current primes are not the original primes but rather made out of parts of original primes scattered through the void, while non-primes are imitation made from whatever junk is lying around.
Valkyr and Helios are made from the original prime parts, but they are made by current Tenno, that use current Valkyr.
I feel autistic, who the fuck cares?

So the Tenno made versions of Valkyr and Helios using other prime parts? I can see that.
Where do you think you are?

If you read Rhino Prime's codex entry it definitely implies that they are sentient in some fashion. Possibly, that a sentient being is 'sacrificed' to become a warframe, implied on the new quest teaser. I assume that the question of what the warframes are will be answered in that quest, but unfortunately it won't be coming til after the open world thing, which itself won't be coming for a couple months, ideally.

I care. Settings and worldbuilding are literally the only reason I keep playing games like this. Because otherwise, there's fuck all left over. Seen one extract mission, seen them all. Only thing left is grind and this shit.

If DE can't give a straight answer on that then what do you expect from me?
As far as I can tell about Gersemi, it's probably a custom job. Like what you see with automobiles these days. That would be the only explanation as to why it doesn't look remotely like the Prime version.

I play because space ninjas.

Frames themselves are probably made of infested flesh mixed with sentients' parts and some random human body to wrap it all around. Would also explain existing of male and female frames as well as dudes in cryopods during defense missions.

I thought the cryopod people were just normal people allied with the lotus, that's why they have the same model as those in the relays and in rescue.

Well they are called warframe cryopods, but I dunno really.

I think it is a leftover from before frames were piloted by autistic kids.


I'm assuming they're just other frames that are still 'asleep' and you're trying to recover them.

All the lore rape in this thread
It's like people make an effort to make things complicated in order to explain the smallest misteries.


Except my headcanon doesn't contradict anythung in the game. Meanwhile room-temperature-IQ anons have to make up excuses as to why a "warframe criopod" doesn't have a warframe in it, or pretend helios prime is made of cobbled together orokin parts instead of being exactly what it is jus a fucking helios prime, as expected, or that somehow there should be a single version of each warframe, when everything in the game screams otherwise.
I'm not even that big of a fan of warframe's lore. It's passable. It's seing those absurd ideas in these threads that trigger my autism.

And absolutely nothing supports it either. Our brand of "lore rape" is the same as yours.

You're not supposed to protect space kids and DE's decisions in general, more so using basic logic and common sense.

Of course nothing supports it you doofus, otherwise it wouldn't be headcanon.
But implying that it's the same as saying pic related is a warframe is ridiculous.

It does though. If valkyr's powers are explicitly stated to have been altered/ received from the experiments of Alad V, why does prime have the same ones? The orokin empire and creation of the warframes predates Alad by a large margin. You can eve see this in her deisgn, the gauntlets on her arms are supposed to be broken restraints, so why does prime have them? Gersemi doesn't. And why would the orokin care about corpus tech when theirs is miles better in ever single regard? And warframe is the name of just the frames, the faction would be called tenno. Calling it a tenno cryopod would work, warfame implies there is a frame inside it which there is clearly not. You have explained fuck all.

There's a reason no one defends DE.

The corpus and the orokin were more similar than you think. Being orokin meant either being engineered as such from the beginning, or receiving body modifications as Ordis' story states. Hunhow even calls Alad orokin, meaning he really is one, is descendant from orokin, or is just similar enough to be mistaken for one.
Valkyr's story really is the fuckiest one to make sense of. Alad could have tortured a single gersemi valkyr and altered her, making a first tortured valkyr, this of course happened after the fall. He then might have tried to recreate warframe-blueprints for himself, only succeeding in recreating defective copies, these are the ones players find. But still it sucks that her prime version has gauntlets.

Speaking of lorefaggery, I already did the harrow quest weeks ago, but guess who showed up in my orbiter again, and on the other side.


Could that user who made the screenshot with volt prime in the kiteer pose and a bunch of pictures of nef anyo in the background post it again?

He showed up out of the blue?


I just hope they give us the option to sacrifice the space kid in the "sacrifice" quest.
They will probably make it to be something "must do and so heroic" type of thing, but most people will just not want to look at the shitty space kid.

You're wrong, it was magic people in suits made to order

Only 2 frames are stated as having a personality of their own, Limbo and Valkyr, neither of which are original frames and better if which make any sensewhatsoever

It never specifies that. It says that they are a powerful transference user but it's talking about being able to use focus and manifest themselves and teleport and turn invisible and such.

It was originally, outright stated that cryopods in defense missions were tenno that hasn't woken up yet.

After they made it so that the middle didn't fit that anyone, they just were too lazy to change it.

The amount of people mad over wasted plat on operator cosmetics threatening to sue them guarantees that space potatoes won't go anywhere.
I have a couple predictions on how the umbra quest will go, and how umbra frames will be released, both capitalizing on the assumption that umbra frames work independently from the operator ("sacrifice" in this case would mean having an alternate, maybe slightly superior, frame, but no access to focus powers):
1) "Umbra" is a new line of frames, with their own blueprints. This means they would be released periodically and one at a time, like primes. How we'll farm them I have no idea. Something to do with the void, or Eidolon, maybe?
2) Creating an umbra frame could also require a more literal kind of sacrifice. Maybe you transmute a frame into it's umbra version, severing it's connection to your operator. They could then be released one at a time, like, Excalibur Umbra blueprint requires:
Or they could just release a general Umbra-creation process, that works for any frame, but still requires you to sacrifice your frame by converting it to Umbra. That frame then could never use focus powers ever again. You'd need to have anotehr copy of that frame in order to use focus again.

Shit which the other nameless Tenno, who only have one frame, cannot do.

They should let you choose to leave the Lotus for Teshin who Trains you as a Dax and then to finish the quest you use space magic to age up to your 20s and wear your warframes as suits now and any cosmetics for your operator get adult versions for free

It never says that other Tenno can only use one frame, that's my point.

That sounds pretty fucking dopebut I still like the idea of the frames being their own thing and not suits

I called this the first time I played the second dream. It's probably something they will reserve for the very future I think. Would require an overhaul of the whole game. Maybe a civil war dinamic like in WoW Alliance vs Horde.

Well I'm sorry to disappoint you but that was never an option. The devs outright stated that they were suits and at some point decided they were puppets instead.

I know, but I like the way fanart characterizes them so much better than being controlled by an operator, be it by wearing them or by sitting in the basement.

That's not out of question. From the begining it's been hinted that the stalker is a frame without operator. Giving DE the benefit of the doubt, early claims that frames were suits could means they wanted to keep TSD secrets from the begining. could still be just a retcon, in which case it would still open the possibility of warframes being their own individuals in the future

Doesn't Stalker call himself Orokin?

Then why are the other nameless Tenno operators referred to by the frame they use, sans Rell? Limbo, Chroma and I believe Titania are only ever referred to by their frames instead of as operators in their own quests.
Rell was referred to by name because DE wouldn't have heard the end of it if they didn't treat the literal autist like a special snowflake.

I don't think so

For clarity maybe? Or for the sake of narrative? Referring to them by frame rolls easier off the tongue than "that tenno piloting titania".

Operatives don't really have names. Knowing how stupid names in warframe are chroma's original tenno was probably named xxxdragonlolixxx.

That's what happens when the game is still a massive work in progress. Really hope someday it's actually at a point where Platinum can be earned without paying any amount of real money. But that won't happen till the game itself isn't free to play anymore.

A better question is why haven't they even mentioned other Tenno operators that can and do use multiple frames? Because it's an ability unique to the player potato. Teshin even tells you that unlocking your full power after the Golden Maw segment of the War Within is something that only your potato has been able to accomplish in the years since the Old War.

Except they do, Rell's existence proved that.

Rell could very easily be an exception. Short usernames are not uncommon. :^)

That's probably just because Rell is a character and our Operator is just us. Plus it's easier to just call em by the frame names anyway. Easier to remember.


Yeah there's trading but you can only trade platinum you've bought already. Least that's what I've heard. I'm pretty anti social on the game so I've never tried.

Not sure if bait

No I just have very little understanding of the game beyond what I've picked up in like 5 days in a row of playing.

I can't say why without fixing into headcanon, only that there is nothing that suggests most tenno can only use one frame unless you choose to interpret those things that way, which I don't.

I'm pretty sure he says he hints tenno as revenge for killing his people, the Orokin

Because the base assumption is that they can and they've never had a reason to say otherwise. Teshin says your unlocking your full potential when using your operator abilities so there's nothing to suggest it has anything to do with using multiple frames.

Honestly it's almost like half of the quests are written by a different person who isn't cued into the lore, and asal a result ate almost like fan fiction.


See that's still not what I'm looking for. I'm saying earning it through in game means. Not work around trading or shop sites.

Not gonna happen kiddo.

I choose to view it as the operator being some kind of off site OS kernel. Thus why Warframes are presented as having their own personalities and experiences despite having an operator. So it isn't so much the player taking control of a warframe as much as they 'become' the warframe.

Which would also explain how the warframe was able to move without the operator plugged in and why your operator will talk to what otherwise would be themselves.

Though, yeah, I'd have much preferred for Warframes to be their own individuals. Perhaps with the operator being rescued instead unlocking the full potential of the Warframe.

Wait, you want zero monetization on a free to play game?
That makes less sense
Or would you rather have a full retail price? If so, there would still be server costs, new content etc… At best you'd have something like Titanfall 2: retail price to buy the game, and payd cosmetics down the line. Not saying that's a bad option, as long as you get your money's worth with the initial purchase

And that's retarded.

I get that as a free to play game they'll need something to get some amount of money from it. But it still irks me that it's such a big annoying aspect of the game. I don't need platinum, can get by eventually without it if I play enough. But it's a convenience I wish I could have access to more easily.

Teshin fags are niggers of warframe.
Get the fuck out.

I know, but I like the way fanart characterizes them so much better than being controlled by an operator, be it by wearing them or by sitting in the basement.>>13082703
I'm having difficulty understanding you. Is it big and annoying or do you not need it? Is it a must have or a convenience?

Oh man, I fucked that up, meant for

He wants but he doesn't want to grind/pay for it.


Looks like other people are also being spooked. Doesn't seem like a glitch.
Video is some guy saying other people on reddit also saw void demons on their ships and laying his theory.

Stay mad.

It's all artificial hype. The same thing happened when infestation started to grow outta one of your ship's doors. But since Nidus it stopped being a mystery and nobody gives a fuck about it.
This shit is the same, probably something to do with umbra.

I beg to differ. The infested door still has plenty mysteries about it. Wouldn't call it "fake hype", more like painfully slow storybuilding. Looks like we'll have to endure void ghost for a while.

There was nothing amazing, breathtaking or overwhelming behind. So you have some infested dude doing maintenance and shit. It's not like we didn't know that frames are made from infested shite or that cephalons can get into symbiosis with it.

Or maybe my standards are just too damn high after TSD and I'm always expecting something coming close to it, and not getting anything.

Dude, I like storytelling that answers a question but give me two others. We don't know what the helminth chair really is for. Might have been created by the tenno in the old war against the orokin since it injects you with something that's transmissable to other frames. Also, there's an operator-size chair/pod in the back that I'm sure will play a part in the future. Also why are there shelves of infested shit in it?
That's how I like my reveals to be done.

But that's just me of course.
Also found another video showing that the demon that shoes in your list is your own operator.

I actually am fine with it. We need more space kids in warframe.

The fuck? I didn't get shit but the blueprint.

Disregard. Apparently that's for good goys who bought the frame outright.

I got the riven mod for completing the quest, and I didn't buy shit.
Maybe it only gives riven if you didn't have one before? It was my first one.

Oh wait I didn't do harrow, I got riven for Nidus quest. I mixed up the two.


I love kuva floods, it actually feels endgame. I just wish the kuva guardians weren't such a pain. Now they just have to make a kuva flood type mission for void stuff so I have something to do when I don't need kuva.

Didn't mean to post second pic

I don't even like Teshin but it's the only way to get suits back that mashed sense to me

I'm honestly considering buying wyrm prime.
is it worth it or should i wait for the next unvaulting?

Probably not, all the useful shit on sentinels is universal. Get Helios or something.


Shade w/ the closing precept is nice and pretty universally useful. It's great for reviving, hacking, stealth, escaping. Even if you have an invisibility build it can halo you conserve energy in a pinch.

Death cube's blast thing with guaranteed paralyze would be good if it didn't shoot it at the first prod crewman to run your way
Helios if care about Simaris or the codex.

Djinn's Fatal Attraction is pretty nice. The detonation at the end will fuck up Grineer and Corpus alike. If you have the Gazal Machete then the two will compliment each other.




you mean wyrm.

alternatively, you may mean diriga.

That's an edit isn't it?

I wouldn't mind grinding for it. If I could. But all I can do is grind fissure missions, pick from random prime thing, they try and get someone to trade the shit for platinum. Which as of yet has only gotten me one trade deal that didn't result in platinum.

I never said AoE. Deth Cubes's Vaporize is a single target laser that deals 600 damage and locks the enemy into the blinded animation. It would be useful if it only targeted kinds that actually need to be paralyzed, but instead it targets the first thing to come close to you.

There's tons of easy ways to get platinum cheap. Selling prime junk, sellin rivers, selling syndicate mods (hell selling any normal mod that pops up in trade chat will net you 5-20 plat), some people even buy relics. It's not too hard to get enough plat just for slots with minimal trading and play time. And play long enough you'll find you just have complete sets sitting in your inventory, and you'll be swimming in plat soon enough.


any idea what this is worth?

Does it apply to corrupted crineers in the void?
Otherwise it's pretty fucking good if you use that weapon.

pretty god tier. With all that extra damage, the -35% doesn't even matter. You could get a few hundred if you jew correctly.


Someday faggots, someday.

PeeAssQuadruple player here

Just did Chains of Harrow quest. Lore was fine. Steel Meridian's base working as a relay was unnecessary. Fighting void demons/shadow was meh.
But goddamn, DE is digging a hole they will have a hard time climbing out with operator missions. It's archwing all over again:
If operator mode had a cool slick movement style, counterbalanced by it's low health pool and limited attack power, I'd be fine with it. Make void dash it's own thing already, not linked to my main void energy pool. Give me different movement/attack styles dependant on which focus power I have active. One day they will think >yeah, NOONE likes playing as operator, better change it

Link please? That's hilarious

That was a hipotetical, bruv.They won't get rid of operators because people who invested in operators would be displeased.