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Video Games #121
Video Games
Game Arts RPGs
Since Parodies are protected by law…
Hey, Tumblr!
Video Game Dreams
WebM thread
Anybody know any games that can take advantage of my 1070 that aren't shit?
I'm new to gaming, and I'm going to get a ps3 that's ps3 compatible. What are some must plays?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Anons Today Edition
Non-vidya music is trash
Cancer in Vidya
Why do people love these games so much? Why are autists so attracted to them?
Weekend Viyda: Joint Operations
Okay, so forced gay shit aside, this game's first two acts actually seem pretty red-pilled in retrospect
Remember when video games were fun?
Draw Thread
Vidya Confessions
Treehouse infesting Zelda
/agdg/ + /vm/ ~ Amateur Gamedev General
Kojima stolen blade runner concept art made by Syd Mead and traced it to make pictures for Snatcher
Why does this trigger autists online so badly?
Games that are Crashing with No Survivors
ITT Shit in games that is guaranteed to make people upset if you're good at it
Games where you can bang the villain
Game companies to play if trying to avoid shitskins
Chiptune Music Thread: Violent Skull Edition
Sea/ocean games
Shitposting in the Zone
4 AM
Will Google Safe Space policies end up destroying let's plays and gaming channels on Youtube?
New Vita Thread
Nier Automata Thread
Hey, Holla Forums. Watcha playin?
Did I fall for a meme...
Is this game also going to be ruined by consoles
Why is this game so boring?
Why is this allowed?
How do you figure out which version of a multiplayer multiplat to buy?
Waifu Wednesday
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Silent Hunter Edition
Get a game you like, get a show you like and find crossover fanart of them. That's it...
Best PC controller
Flash & Newgrounds games
AvP 2
Darksiders 1&2 do Zelda better the BOTW
Is there any good games about farming?
New Touhou Localizations
Hey Holla Forums
Artistic 60fps lock
D-Do you like me yet?
Where did the EverQuest series go wrong?
High-level gameplay thread
ITT: vidya mashups that would be better than both original series they come from
Personal bases, hubs and hometowns
Birthday giveaway
ITT: comfy f2p games
ITT: Settings that you would like to see on vidya more often
The Surge gets announced
Dark Souls / Bloodborne Topic - Packing up for Ringed City
Am I the only one getting tired of "Platinum" combat?
GDC Slide Deck: Advocacy Microtalks 2017
Toukiden 2
Drakengard Thread
I have a question, anons!
Pop in a Japanese video game
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread
4 AM
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Basketball Nightmare Edition
Comfy games
Is anyone else interested in this?
Name your favorite game but replaced part of the title with either the word nigger or faggot
Termina never existed now officially accepted by faggots everywhere
Sonic Thread
Why did we hate Duke Nukem Forever?
Irrational fears in videogames thread
Financial alternatives
Why did this asshole cheat so much
EDF thread
All guns sound powerful
You know the drill
Canon autism in video games
Spooky log entry
Do you have some vidya misconceptions? When I was younger, I thought the Great Fairy was supposed to be a tranny...
I've always seen people talking about the Thief series in this board, but I've never played it
Gamenight planning
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Growl Edition
Free love is too tame for him
Laugh at Mass Effect Cycle
What console should I get for emulating GBA games?
Croteam just added Vulkan and Linux support to Serious Sam HD: TFE earlier today...
ITT /sci/ core games
Capcom will release the “Frank Rising” downloadable content for Dead Rising 4 on April 4 for $9...
PlanetSide 2: Physical Removal Edition
Thoughts on this?
Poochie General
Darkest Dungeon
DOA to crossover with Senran Kagura Beach Splash
Le Bizzarre Avventure di GioGio: Vento Aureo (PS2)
Why are Undertale fans so obsessed with turning every song in the soundtrack into a musical?
We won again,guys!
4 AM
Monster Hunter Thread /mhg/
So what exactly are the merits of this game? Is it a qualified indie success?
Goodnight Holla Forums
Shoot enemy with my boring gun
Keyboards are vidya lets discuss keyboards
Honey Select Installation
Getting Breath of the Wild
Disappointed with NieR Automata
Multiplayer communities that aren't shit
Things in Games That Didn't Make Sense To You
Which universe do you prefer: Ico's or Nier/Drakengard's?
Why was this game the last good sh game?
You gotta admit, this is pretty neat
Ragdolls in games
Webm Thread: Working Edition
Final Fantasy
No Mess dEffect thread huh? Have some OC…
Was it worth it?
A friend of mine has opened his eyes and will not be playing the new Mass Effect game...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Justice Sword Edition
Grand Strategy Games /gsg/
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General
What is going on at Konami?
Games that we can all agree on are awesome
Holla Forums's recommendation
Legally acquiring ROMs
Ass effect 4 needs DLC to play as white people
Minecraft Server Sneaking
Let's say exclusives are banned tommorow, every game must be ported to windows 7 by law
New consoles every year
Fullderp: Victory by Bully edition
Divisive Games
When I use my Wii or PS2 with component cables, they tend to lose signal at random for like a second or so...
/agdg/ + /vm/ ~ Amateur Gamedev General
Any youtubers that aren't cancerous redditors, nor have annoying voices?
Okay, so I'm only a few hours in, but already I feel bored as hell
Good news for Diginiggers
Morrowind and Magic RPGs general
Shit I.Ps that somehow always get sequels
Anyone else think that P2 is probably the high point of the Persona series? With Persona 5 coming out...
4 AM
How the fuck does the engine of a video game create this?
For Honor
Magic in Dark Souls
Post and Reccomend
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Don't Stop Me Now Edition
What is the faggiest species for a male pokemon?
Why do people who hate gaming make games
Tales Games
ARMA thread
Characters that deserve better
Debuffing as primary role
Falcom Thread
Modern multi-million games that no one seems to remember
How many of you actually bought the Switch?
1 week, 1 vidya - Thread #3 Naval Ops: Warship Gunnner
Stacraft 1 HD remastered
look up VN I want to try out
Jewlywood kikery ruining vidya
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Captain Commando Edition
ITT: Underrated games
ITT: The comfiest vidya times
Computer is too fast to see level info and/or tips
He's still using Windows – Babby's First OS™ – to play his vidya
Hey Mister, how do you make children?
Is Necropolis OP?
Games like FEAR
Iji receives massive update after seven years
Fixing Night in the Woods
ITT: Games with utterly atrocious and beyond salvageable gunplay
Lead animator for ME Andromeda is exactly who you expect it to be
Who Remembers?
So is there any games where i can play as a qt trap?Games where i can make a qt trap in character creator also count!
How does he still have a job in EA/working on ME Andromeda? Spread this for people who play games, pjw, pew die pie...
Counter Strike Thread
So, about Nvidia and Their data collection policy
Path of Exile: Welcome to Wraeclast Edition
YFW this Russian domina will no longer tell you to get on your knees and bark like a dog
4 AM
So i've had this GPD Win for a while now (i've had it since the geek buy preorders) and i've got a few games and...
So is this game any good or is it only good for seeing Link in a dress?
Webm & mp4s
Journalists are turning on Bioware for not being Progressive enough
Death of Rouge System
Whose Vidya is it Anyway?
ITT: Post Vidya about the Irish or Vidya made by Irishfags
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: St. Ara's Day Edition
ITT: VNs from the 90s and early 2000s. Particularly ones with with that sexy dithering
PC controllers
CEMU General
"Guess the Game" Thread
Is there a game with no glitches whatsoever?
NieR Automata PC Thread
Mass Effect Andromeda
Seinfeld Online General
Senran Kagura thread
Horizon zero dawn already sold as much as bloodborne's lifetime sales
Grossly mismanaged IPs
Friendly reminder Samurai Jack did horizon zero dawn setting first and still doing it better
Waifu sims
2K sale on Steam
Let the normalfags hit the floor…
RE1 Differences
Sonic Forces
Meta thread
This is Nintendo right now
4 hours into Persona 2: Innocent Sin
So, I just read these interviews with Todd Howard about his old game, TES Adventures Redguard...
Mark you cake eating, cock sucking faglord
Worst vidya corp?
Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
Lightning Returns is the best final fantasy game. Prove me wrong
Release date : March 2017
Best machine for people who want to play old games in emulator in on OLD crt TV (Worked for me in my old cheap computer)
/agdg/ + /vm/ ~ Amateur Gamedev General
4 AM
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Aztec Adventure Edition
"Hmm, looks like a strong gust of wind could knock this wall down."
PlanetSide 2: After Autism Report Edition
Game Informer's vain attempt at satirizing us
What's some new or relatively new games I can play on a 10 year old laptop with a Core2 Duo?
Subnautica Thread
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Thread
Does SM2 yoshi's island for the SNES have the best final battle music...
Holla Forums Sings - Aisle 10 Edition
Let It Die thread
Do you think nobody that works at Nintendo has ever talked to anyone that has used one of their consoles in the past...
Mount & Blade Thread
Weekend vidya: Starwars Battlefront 2 edition
Look up upcomming games: nothing interesting
Final Fantasy Tactics
The Sonic Panel at SXSW is being livetreamed soon...
Halo Online Holla Forums Game Night
Bioware originaizing damage control comments
Titanfall 2 thread
PS2 Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Wonderboy3 Edition
Fighting Game General: SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Hisako Confirmed for 2017!
Sub Rosa A25
I'm going to make a WH40k roguelike
Character Design Thread: The Good, The Bad and The Yooka-Laylee
H1Z1: KOTK General
Mass Effect Andromeda - Imminent Dud
Make a meta thread
Aliens Vs Predator 2
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil Remaster
Nier Series Thread
Super Mario Galaxy
Come Nerevar. Friend OR traitor
Game lets me duel wield weapons
Zelda thread
I'm not really digging this game so far, the controls are fucking obtuse and the combat is rather unsatisfying...
Dota2 thread
Fullderp: would you have sex with a nidorina y/n edition
Did you like Magilou, Holla Forums?
Mass Effect 4 has Oblivion IV level of char creation
Switch gets announced
Starcraft 2
Played/Expected/Got thread
4 AM
The King of Fighters XIV
Final Fantasy 6 Remake
Why aren't there more comedy video games?
Filename thread
NiGHTS thread
Styx 2
Webm thread: Supreme Edition
Yoko Taro Card Update
Oh god damn it. Rip romhacking . net
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: All Roads Lead Home Edition
Soul Saber 2/ Doujin Game General
Dominions 4: Op Pretender Edition
Switch eShop future
Granblue Fantasy
This is the draw thread
Games we wish were real
Griefing & trolling in online games
Post vidya characters and guess what their IQ's are
Steam Moderators deleting thousands of anti-Denuvo posts
How fucked are Dishonored 2 and DE:MD in the race and gender politics department?
Was he the only likeable character in Other M?
Lads, how can I play GBA emulators online? I really want to play Advance Wars 2 online. Also...
GTA: Vice City remaster
Someone looked at this and said "yes this is good enough to be in the game"
Syrian Warfare
Your view on things
Are there interactive PC games from the mid 90s - 2000s that are lost now...
RockPaperShotgun is shitting all over Mass Effect: Andromeda
Greetings fellow bipedal land creatures. May I ask of your opinion on depth ?
Post games you have a lot of hours in
Visit half chan Holla Forums to see how it has changed since the exodus
How about classical fallout thread? First one? Second one? Tactics? 1.5 Resurrection? Wasteland? Maybe FOnline?
Holla Forums sings Aisle 10
Waifu Wednesday
Nier thread?
How can a game be this good?
MegaMek/MekHQ Thread
Oblivion clone
So, with Tales of Berseria and Nier both having Denuvo...
4 AM
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Eye of the Beholder III Edition
Humble Jumbo Bundle
Denuvo btfo
3DS Backlog
FFXIV Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward
Pokemon: Generation II
PlanetSide 2: The Autism Lives On
/agdg/ + /vm/ ~ Amateur Gamedev General
Overwatch Cancer
Nazi Vidya
Star Ocean
Video Games are almost cycling out
Is there any vidya characters that are similar to the Pillar Men?
Kirby thread
Games where you can play as the evil Ayyliens
So it looks like this game is going to be fucking DA:I in space. What a shitshow
Neptunia Thread
Breath of Fire thread
Microsoft Windows 10
VR before wagglen shit was introduced
Dwarf Games
Monster Monpiece Uncensored
Hey buddy
Im qpu misaligned plz help guys
Nintendo CFW + Homebrew Thread
So who here isnt a sad brainwashed low iq weakling that needs Holla Forums channer drones to approve his choice of...
Grand Strategy Games /gsg/
So. This is pretty much "Evolve: 2017 version", right? A multimillion dollar polished turd...
Jontron vs Destiny
DayZ standalone
Your favourite game's graphics and story have now been remade by your favourite hentai artist. Does it get better?
Halo Custom Edition: Gameweek and snow
Defeat very annoying boss
Can anyone recommend PC games for a Newfag?
I've put a lot of effort into making a blog about Sora, and I even draw myself
Dead Rising thread
How come there pleanty of games where you play as a spree shooter yet no game about being a serial killer?
Screenshot Thread
4 AM
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Drakengard 3 Edition
Where does Holla Forums buy there games?
Chain weapons in video games
Some autist recreated Pokemon Red in Minecraft using stones or some shit
Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising
What are some lewd games or mods that I can play with one hand and edge my dick until the end and shoot a huge load?
Are any of the Clone Wars games good? If not what are the recommended Star Wars vidya?
ITT: Post some of the most recent games you can think of that have been almost entirely forgotten...
PS4 Is now sadly on PC
What games did pieceofshit4 even have to make this worth playing on my pc ?
Planetside 2: Turbo Spergs Edition
Is this game worth getting on the ps3, how censored did NISA go, and how much yuri(dyke) shit is in there?
SJW JP Kellams leaves PlatinumGames
Characters you have masturbated to
ITT: post good Wii U games
Slime Rancher
Holla Forums wurm general: unlimited autism edition
Bioshock thread
Nerd Poker
On Paid Mods: The Bethesda End-Game
Play soma
How are people playing Nier Automata and enjoying it without the full worldbuilding?
What are the best hack-n-slash games ever...
A card to Yoko"moonman"Taro
Advance Wars CO's
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Kenseiden Edition
Dreamcast Thread
PS Now to get PS4 games this year
Styx Shards of Darkness will be DRM free
Color Pie
Wage slavery
Why. the
Best game ever made
Emergent Gameplay vs Atmoshere
"That machine is the darkness in your heart, made manifest! Now, give into your hate, an-"
4 AM
Overwatch mains thread? Soldier 76 reporting for duty
Lego Thread
ITT Review BotW
Which games let me play as a skeleton? Or at least control a skeleton?
Reminisce of early TF2
Holla Forums sings VOTING THREAD
Can someone explain to me why this game is played only by spics almost exclusively?
Space Thread: Australia Deserves Nuclear Holocaust Edition
Cartoon Network Games
Legend of Zelda
Linux Gaming
Vita Thread
Why do you guys hate The Elder Scrolls Online again?
How can I convince my normalfag friends to play better video games? They mostly play league of legends, rocket league...
Michèle Leblanc is the assertive head of a successful video game company...
Where were you when the normies turned on Denuvo?
#RESISTJAM games are now being posted
ITT things that need a videogame adaptation
Fullderp: More Serious Matches edition
/agdg/ + /vm/ ~ Amateur Gamedev General
Oekaki Thread
Playing Dark Souls for the first time in a while after I played it to death
Why do people think this is "hard"?
Problem with the game market
BO we hve a problem
Early 2000's
So who else is ready to watch Andromeda crash and burn?
TF2 Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Guardians of the Earth Edition
Virtual-ON is back, Holla Forums!
How does this board feels about procedural content?
Raid: World War 2
Can we have a thread dedicated to the most BADASS game by Gearbox ever?
What does Holla Forums think of Splatoon?
Hollow Knight Thread
So who else collects Amiibo here?
Toy Games Thread
Vidya regrets
A Jojo's Bizarre Adventure FPS Title
Games with time travel
Mouse and Keyboard
Alpha Protocol
Catch up thread
Death Stranding
So who else is ready to watch Andromeda crash and burn?
Challenge & fun
1 week, 1 vidya - Thread #2 Outcast
Expected Elder Scrolls with good combat
4 AM
Has the American version of Nier Automata been censored in any way? Is it safe to buy?
2 Weapons
What a digital age we live in (Day 1 patch bash topic)
Short but sweet
Nu Man's Sky creator launches Hello Labs funding initiative
I pity the dead
Tfw Kaizo Kirby is going to be a thing, and you can't stop it
What is the most autistic fanbase in all of vidya?
Holla Forums sings preliminary thread March 11-12
Which system is less noisy to play Wii/Gamecube games on?
So I attack fucking Bucharest and as a result my people are unhappy for 500 fucking years...
Lego World General
Saturday night horror thread: Searching for new horizons edition
Wallpaper Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Lunar Silver Star Story Edition
Demon's Soul can be played now on PC. Looks like the PS3 emulator is finally working
What's with the obsession with anime girls? Stop fagging out
Doom/Classic FPS Thread: SuperDoom Edition
Is 2017 already shaping up to be the worst year of all times?
Halo CE Gamenight
Gravity Rush 2
Nier Automata Thread General #<3 Protect his smile!
Unreal Tournament is now Objectively better than Quake
Peebee fires an M-6 Carnifex gun backward
What's the latest shitty video game you played?
Holla Forums I'm curious, what's that ONE game that no matter how many times you beat...
Granblue Fantasy
Rage thread? Rage thread
4 AM
Why are tumblrinas obsessed with the Fallout series?
Persona Thread
Hey user! You play video games too?! Lets be friends on Steam and we can play together!
Pillars of Eternity
Screenshot thread
It is 2017 and this shit is NOT ok
Planetside 2: ReWWEWnion Edition
Do Stallion83's parents own a large company or something?
Name a decent, in-depth puzzle game about building, creating, or engineering
Hidden Gems Thread (Ancient Computer Edition)
Pony Island
Cyberpunk vidya
Can someone please explain the whole League of Legends SJW thing?
Give me your ultimate vision of a vidya that embodies the bright colors, cocaine...
In-jokes in communities of games you like, or overall videogames jokes you're tired of hearing
Steam Game Sales?
Deus Ex Thread
I have an opinion that I think a lot of people here might vehemently disagree with, but I need to get it off my chest
Vigilante 8/Car Combat Thread
Videogames are often used as political tools
Space Hulk: Notquitedeadwing
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: NieR Gestalt Edition
TFW this was better than the movie it was based on
Looks like the Crash games are "console exclusive" after all
Which MMO are you currently playing?
And then you remembered sketching up a game idea long long ago
Nioh Thread
So the marker effects organic tissue and makes people insane…
What was the last good game produced by the west to feature prominent (preferably playable) female characters with...
ITT: design the perfect Resident Evil game
Quality VGM
Styx: shards of darkness marketing fail
Hope you guys will enjoy the convention and all these quality panels...
Stalker- day of the rope edition
Any games where I can roleplay as a spider?
4 AM
What are some good video games that let me do cool Ninja Things?
How long until Capcom realizes they fucked up?
I play my GBA micro during downtime at work (which can be anything from a couple of minutes to an hour depending on the...
/agdg/ + /vm/ ~ Amateur Gamedev General
Since when the hell are there niggers in Middle-Earth?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Moon Edition
Extra lives
Why are there so many multiplayer games released these days? Are people getting too lazy to design AI and large levels?
RTS Thread
/fgg/ - Fighting Game General: When a Problem Comes Along, You Must Whip It Edition
Before you ask why I opened a whole thread on this...
The Gaming Renaissance
I want a game that drops me into a world as a complete noob, and I grow and learn the game throughout play...
Last threads
According to aithis is what the ideal woman looks like
Video Games
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11122
We're better than this
Video Games
AI DEGENerated Art and Porn
Video Games
This is a seven eleven in poland
Why did she do it?
/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #9445
Social sluts
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11121
Good night sweet prince
Television and Film
>American: Japan deserved the nu-ACK
Hey user you're under arrest for posting hateful material online, posting harmful material online...
Kinda seems like the Nazis did it. Anyone got the original German?
Is it true?Is this the peak of storytelling?
Video Games
/nzg/ New Zealand General
Twitch/Youtube/streamer thread
Why do Japanese love iPhones so much, and why don't more Europeans have iPhones? Are they too poor to afford them?
Why is every zoomer obsessed with being a "content creator"...