Disappointed with NieR Automata

No I didn't buy it, but my friend is a DRMcuck that bought it and let me play it through $team family sharing. Platinum games are some of my favorite ever (especially Bayonetta) but I just got bored with Automata and dropped it a little after after getting to the quest hub. The combat is great but you don't spend enough time in it (and when you are there doesn't seem to be any style/ranking system which is a huge reason why Platinum games are so fun)

It just feels like an action game with really bad pacing and no point to it. I didn't find the setting to be appealing in any way other than the visuals because there is zero internal consistency here. Are you telling me that ten-thousand years have passed and everyone is still speaking regular English/Japanese and acting just as modern people would? Or that these people would think that it's a good idea to make qt waifu androids to go fight alien robots instead of robots structured in a way more suited for combat? I'm totally fine with this stuff making sense but I just need a reason to give a shit.

Then it has this big beautiful open world full of… collectables and quest markers. I tried wandering around in it without doing quests and hardly ran into any enemies, they really want you to follow the shitty quest doritos if you want to actually see anything interesting in the game but that just kills exploration. I'd have much preferred it if it was set up more like Breath of the Wild or a traditional platinum game but instead it's the same shitty derivative Ubisoft open world that everyone and their mother has played a thousand times before.

If I'm not gonna give a shit about the gameplay, setting, characters, or nonexistent RPG mechanics then I don't know why I should even bother playing (at least I didn't buy it though)

Did anyone else on Holla Forums feel the same?

Other urls found in this thread:

support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop/previous/detail?os=Windows 10 - 64&rev=16.11.5#

Well yeah, they're all robots. They were programmed by modern English/Japanese speaking people to be modern and speak English/Japanese. Also what exactly is it about the YorHa androids that makes them unsuited for combat? They seem really, really good at it.

b-but muh 2B ass
i-it btfo's sjws…

I thought they were created thousands of years later on the moon and that Popola/Devola were the only androids that existed before them.

Wouldn't they be far better if instead of having shit like hair, lacey dresses, and humanoid body shapes their entire structure was built for killing things? Their design just doesn't make any sense. I have no issue with qt waifus in my action games but it needs to make sense, like Bayonetta is such because she is absurdly overpowered and mostly just cares about looking good when fighting enemies for the fun of it (which is the point of the style meter). Androids specifically built for combat wouldn't be like that at all.

So does Bayonetta's and hers actually makes sense for reasons outlined above.

whatever nigger. was the port updated yet?

This is what I told all the Platinum bros each time they mentioned wanting to play this game having hated Nier, if they even played it. They expected a platinum game that had Square elements but you fucktards fail to realize that it is a Square game that happens to have Platinum elements. I knew all you chucklefucks would be disappointed and I'm not shocked at all that this game you misimagined fell your expectations.

This is bait

The androids you're thinking of are just called robots. The term android implies that it looks like a person.

I love seeing idiots playing a nier game looking for MGR 2.

user I think this is the most autistic complaint against the game I've heard, is this really that big of a dealbreaker?

I knew what to expect.

I expected Nier with a better combat system, and that's exactly what I got.

Pretty much this, It's not MGR, but no one should have expected it to be, it's a marginally better Nier with robo waifus in the future that have to kill the too smart for his own good shota robot before he figures out humans have been dead this whole time and Yorha has no purpose

And were you disappointed?

nope, mainly since I wasn't expecting Metal Gear Rising 2.

what do you think user?

My entire post was Platinum bros who hated Nier thought they would love Automata, he responded and I was wondering whether or not he hated it.

I have no idea what you are bitching about, this is pretty much just like Nier but with better combat. I got exactly what I paid for.
Also if you don't want all that HUD stuff you can just remove the chip that displays it

Because you just started the game, OP. It builds really quickly after a point.
You have no idea the level of exploration you have in this game, OP. Like, none. There are tons of nooks and crannies if you're willing to actually explore and not drop the game as early as you did.
because that's what it is
You really haven't played it too much, have you? No you got to the fucking Resistance Camp before the game actually started and said, I'm bored like the low IQ ape you are.

I tried looking for updates but there doesn't seem to be any. Considering the amount of dicksucking weeb fanboys do to shut down anyone criticising bad pc ports it'll probably never be fixed.

This, in all honestly the game really doesn't kick in until the third playthrough story wise, but it's still a decent ride up until that point

Did all of the people who bought this game just not play the first one?
Almost every complaint I see but the open world being mediocre is just "This isn't a carbon copy of [other platinum game]!".

I picked it up since I liked the demo and I'm pretty cool with it. Definitely feels like they called Platinum in to handle the combat but it's not their game otherwise from the few hours I've played so far. I've never played a Taro game but if Automata is any indication I find myself liking the perverse charm of it all. I just wish Hard and Very Hard weren't indistinguishable at some points, that's probably my worst complaint.

OP is a modern western gamer that needs "Realism" and "cinematic experiences"



That pretty much sums up your entire post, OP.

What have we learned today bois?

Go figure. The worst part about this is the hypocrisy that weebs display when it comes to their pet games. Skyrim is (rightly) crucified for gay shit like having quest markers. Do it in my weeb game? My head cannot be buried in the sand fast enough.

You like the game? Fine, not everything has to be perfect to be fun, but I'm tired of having to pretend that these games that are just mishmashes of shit that's been done before are the height of innovation rather than the sign of a medium in decline that they are.

what exactly is bad about it?
I'm running it at 2560*1440 and getting consistent 60 fps

It's one complaint about the setting among many, the setting in general just doesn't make much sense which I could look past if the game had other things that were appealing about it but it doesn't.

I did but then you can't figure out where to go because the game wasn't designed with it in mind, and if you don't want to go on the set path then there's nothing to do.

If a developer can't make a game fun in the first three hours then it isn't worth playing. They had a fun combat system and a cool city, they could have just dropped me in there with no exposition and filled it full of enemies with no collectable bullshit and no quest markers.

I didn't play it but given how much it was hyped up I was expecting it to be a good open world game. I wasn't expecting derivative Ubisoft garbage.

I found the worst part of the game to be the cutscenes so no I don't want cinematic experiences. I just want a game that doesn't try to shove a shitty story down your throat. Playing the opening on very hard reminded me of why I like Devil Daggers so much, it's a bullet hell shooter where you die in one hit in that game and have to restart from the beginning too but it doesn't waste my time with unskippable cutscenes and sections of walking/trivial enemies.

No I expected it to be good. There are plenty of good open world games and none of them have Ubisoft collectathon quest marker bullshit.

If a developer can't make a game fun in the first three hours then it isn't worth playing.


You have no one to blame but yourself OP.

Whatever I'm enjoying the game fine. Yesterday I spent an hour just fishing and listening to a lecture on youtube.
I love when I can fish it's always super comfy to me.

OH WOW you really are a fag.


Apparently you DON'T buy Taro games if you're of this sentiment. From what I've gathered he's a story kind of guy.


Because you haven't played the several games worth of story beforehand. To paint a picture of what I'm talking about, pretty much everything in that setting is because a soldier with a dragon and a pregnant woman god thing came from a fantasy world into real world Tokyo, when said fantasy world was experiencing the apocalypse, had a musical duel which resulted in the preggo god's death, then the dragon and soldier got shot down by the Japanese air force.

But, it was fucking fun in the first part of the game. That fucking prologue was a blast, m8. After that, it does what most mediums of entertainment do, and SLOW THE FUCK DOWN to build anticipation for the next time it SPEED THE FUCK UP.

Nier: Automata is a fantastic fucking game, are these threads made by salty Bioware fandrones? Sorry your game is shit

Not just that but the game actually takes off around 2 1/2 - 3 hours
this guy probably walked around exploring every corner and then get ass blasted when the game didn't progress


You mean the resistance camp? Nigger you've barely even fucking started.

You can turn off the map if you're so autistic. In fact, you are rewarded for doing so.
Wait, there's collectibles? Please tell me what collectibles there are autist-kun, because I've 99% this shit and I must be missing something if there's an entire collectathon I'm not seeing.
You did absolutely no research on this game did you? Yoko Taro is half the reason weebs like the Drakengard franchise. And to top it off, the shitty story hasn't even begun yet.

So are you one of those faggots that think WoW is good because once you get to level 90 or whatever you can do raids and the game becomes fun?

It's not like I bought the game, I just decided to play my friend's copy so I don't see why I would need to do research before playing. I saw a youtube movie version of the first NieR though.

I am fully aware of the story of the previous games, I watched a youtube adaption of NieR and two lore summaries of the entire series and none of that shit even begins to explain simple shit like why everyone is still speaking normal English. It just comes off as a setting with no thought put into it. And I wasn't expecting a great setting, I was expecting a fun game.

How autistic are you? you wanted them to go UGU SHULAKAA MAPANTIES PANDAWA?

The game doesn't get better 20 hours in. It gets better once you leave the damn Camp and play the game. It stays consistent throughout the rest of the time.
Aight, so you are one of those people who really thought this was going to be more Platinum than Taro for some reason. You also just like to hit things with another thing instead of soaking the world you're in up. You can remove the quest markers.
Because you've not played Nier and you haven't played Automata.
I WONDER FUCKING WHY YOU RETARD. If you bothered listening to the characters you'd know where to go. The game has an obvious progression to it with the first place being the desert. Then the map changes and you have access to another place. So on and so forth.
It's not. Again, play the game.
You played until the Camp. You had very little time with the cinematics.

Come on, user. Your low IQ is consistently showing
Apparently you didn't pay any attention.
user, do you want the androids who were programmed by humans centuries upon centuries ago to make up a new language just for you so you can have your autism be subdued?

There's like, 5 or so games in existence that actually make up new language to show development of culture, and it doesn't even apply to this game as was mentioned before. This isn't Clockwork Orange, because not much is at all.


I keked.
This thread was worth it for me just for this post.

You are either a woman or you were born way too late in the 90s.

I'm just going to assume this is some asshurt Platinum kid who assumed that this game wasn't going to be a sequel to Nier and thought it was just going to be a robot flavored Bayonetta? How far off am I in this regard? Didn't the devs mention multiple times that this game was going to be an RPG as opposed to a straight up action game? I think that was mentioned at least once. Honestly how do we consistently get people as dumb as OP who buy a game without at least some idea of what they are getting into?

And? You don't have to like it, even if lots of people on Holla Forums do.

tru dat, getting the SSS ranking and keeping it was the meat of DMC and Bayonetta
you expect devs to invent a whole new language to make a game?
Did you need a reason to stomp gombas too? how about progressing the story unlocking new places fighting new bosses or getting a dificulty ramp up? don't be a faggot
more like barren and monochromatic open world for the most part, and collectibles and quest markers have been a part of the open world formula since the genere began
A good complain, Platinum games has only ever made games with linear progression, often level based, no surprise they'll fuck up their first attempt at open world
Welcome to the current year vidya industry, where every game company blatantly rips each other off in the quest to develop the most generic, streamlined and lobotomized skinner box of a video game ever made
What exactly where you expecting from this?
All i want is fast paced Platinum action, katana wielding robowaifus, bullet hells, hard bosses and a little bit of collectathon/grinding to keep me hooked for a while, and this game has never tried to sell itself as anything else.
So i really wonder what where you expecting from this

op is going to say "I didn't buy it I used my friends Family Sharing"

I love Platinum, but they're Reputation is really starting to piss me off. Everyone wants ever franchise ever to made by Platinum and then someone like OP complains it's not Platinum enough.

It's not even that. English is the biggest language in the first world. Now that everyone is connected and shit, language change comes much slower. Chances are they would speak English even if you are an autist.

Why does everyone speak normal English in any other fictional setting? This is a really stupid hang up to have over any story, especially one as batshit crazy as the one in this series. You're complaining about the lack of realism in a fantasy series that isn't at all concerned about being realistic.

Fullscreen sets the game to 720p so the only way to play at a higher resolution is by using the borderless fullscreen app. AMD users also report a lot of issues like white screen, black screen, crashing after the first boss cutscene.

pic related

He wasn't expecting anything. He barely touched a game that some people on Holla Forums decided they liked and then decided to make a thread to shit on it in the same half-assed manner. He should have at least shat on it in a non-half-assed manner in one of the two threads already up about it instead of making a new thread like the autistic attention whore he is.

Sure, it'd save on the VA budget too.

I wasn't expecting MGR 2, I was expecting something like Breath of the Wild or Morrowind where you just figure out where to go. If you turn off quest markers then there is no way to do this without consulting the map which is pretty much the same thing.
No but I watched it and two lore summaries and even a summary of the weird YorHA stage play.
The starting quests in the camp don't give you any indication of where to go in the dialogue
Having stats, numbers, equipment, and XP do not make something an RPG. Call of Duty multiplayer is not an RPG. You need to do some actual role playing for something to be an RPG.

I know, and I have very high standards when it comes to settings. I'm not saying the game needs one to be fun though, I'm saying that if there is nothing else appealing about it then it should at least have a good setting.

If you want to make your game in English then don't set it 10k years in the future.

To make an internally consistent futuristic setting, yeah
To get through the level as fast as possible with the most coins. NieR doesn't have goals like this.
kill yourself
kill yourself
kill yourself
kill yourself
kill yourself
kill yourself
Play Gothic 1+2 and Morrowind
A game with a reason to play it

Because said fictional setting is either shit or relatively close to our own in terms of time/culture. The vast, vast majority of settings are absolute garbage.
Internal consistency != realism, the guy who made embed related is a faggot but this video is good. Note that Morrowind's setting still sucks and lacks internal consistency but at least it has some.

What part of this game is an RPG?

This is too blatantly retarded to not be bait. You got me OP, I'm getting off your wild ride now.

Then play the first game you retard, it was a mockery based on OoT, with a dash of the good ol'days.

You're now trying to fucking tell me NieR 1 isn't a god damned RPG. Holy fuck you're dense. I'm legitimately having a huge laugh at how much of a retard you are through your posts.
Does your brain work properly. What is the point of a map? Is it not to guide you to the place you need to go without you looking at a quest marker?
The quests that tell you to go and kill robots don't tell you where to go. You said you wanted to go kill robots. Go kill robots.
Oh user you poor sweet boy. You got me with the bait, I'll admit it. You did it. You said something so retarded your ruse cruise was is open for all to see. It's not just this one post either, it's consistent. Like the fucking language spoken in NieR and Automata.

You are so fucking autistic user, holy shit


Played it to completion and it's exactly as he described. Stop fucking shilling, even platinumfag friends of mine have difficulty playing it twice.

Doesn't exist, fam. Nothing you do has a purpose. Not in vidya, not in life. But you can escape this meaningless existence. Just pull the trigger, end it all.

This the only thread. Are you sure you're not also autistic?

There are 2 threads with the exact autist posting the exact autistic points

You are talking about the sequel to a game that began as a spin off of Drakengar'd joke ending
Have you ever tried to understand the lore of this shit?, it's more fucked up than the zelda time line, the DC multyverse and every story with time travel, i watched like 2 30 minute videos to try to understand this shit and my brain almost melted from it, and you expect the people who made this fucking convoluted mess to create a whole new language just to stroke your autist dick?
You play to fight and get stornger so you can fight stronger enemies moron… you know, like every fucking platinum game ever?
GTA had quest markers way back then, and even Desert strike had them too
you kill shit, you gain XP, you level up, there buffs and debuffs, equipment changes and you can upgrade your character skills and stats
there are retards out there calling Skyrim, Fallout or Diablo RPGs so what's the difference with this one?


You aren't allowed to criticize weebtrash on Holla Forums. Weebs have superior taste, just ask yandredev.

I'm starting to smell something here, and it stinks.

Well to be a little autistic myself Bayonetta 1 & 2 and Wonderfull 101 your attacks always do the same damage you only become more skilled at the game.
Unless your referring to learning more moves and getting more weapons.

user specifically said they had to be shitting on the game so see below.

I thought you only meant OPs, so I wasn't counting the DoD/Ico thread.

no there's one other one

Solution: make up a gibberish language then use that for all the VOs and put in English subtitles. There's even other games that have done that like Ico and NieR almost did it since all the songs are in gibberish but they didn't go all the way.

At what point in NieR do you do any role playing? Do you even know what role playing is? Have you played a tabletop RPG before?
It doesn't have to give you a fucking GPS on your character and the quest destination, look at Thief 1's maps vs. Thi4f's.
What part of this is bait? Sorry for having standards when it comes to writing.

Oh I'm 100% aware, I'm just saying that the game doesn't have anything appealing, lore included. I expect them to at least try and make a gibberish language (which they did) and give it to all the NPCs (which they didn't).
So it's a skinner box. Unlike Platinum games where the point is not to get stronger but instead to become skilled enough to get pure platinum medals or SSS rank or whatever.
Which is why navigating in GTA is boring
Surface elements, not roleplaying
If there were retards all jumping off a bridge would you do that too?

I'm starting to smell something here, and it stinks.

How is it exactly as how he described if you played it to completion, user? Did you get ending A and decide to skip the whole message from Square saying you should continue the game? Or are you just really wanting a (You) because it really seems you want me to stick my dick in your mouth and fill it to burst with (you)s.

Me too friend, the very idea is conceivable. Especially when we're talking about such an innovative and highbrow title as Nier: Automata. No, sir, something does not add up.

Uh, buddy, you spend the whole GAME PLAYING the ROLE of Nier.

That is not what that term means.

Objectively untrue.

Please see above.

They were shitting on the game in the OP. It was close to a duplicate of this thread.

Holyshit that image is old.

I also didn't count the thread shitting on the port, because a shitting on the port =/= shitting on the game. Am I too autistic for you?

its also funny how the mods only care about deleting dupe threads when its shitting on a game they love. cuckchan-tier moderation here, folks.

"the game gets good after the first completion, trust me. s-suck my dick"

you're fucking pathetic.

all you deserve

The DoD/Ico one? It may not have been overflowing with praise, but it doesn't appear to be overtly shitting on it either.

You triggered the autist even more now. He'll say "Well! You play the ROLE as MASON in CALL OF DUTY! and CALL OF DUTY isn't a Role Playing Game!" Which he'll be right, it's a first person shooter not a role playing game. Nier on the other hand is a role playing game.

No, that thread is still there. This thread was specifically about why Nier was shit.


You do an action in exchange for a reward that does nothing other than make your numbers go up, what part of this is not a skinner box?

It has nice music/visuals/combat but those don't give me enough reason to play it since you don't spend enough time in combat.

Well that one wasn't me, I was posting in the Ico one though.

It's maybe about a third of the way through the entire game. You didn't beat the game, just a portion of it.

There are a lot of ways to see the credits in this game, but I wouldn't call eating a fish 'beating the game.'

Did I say the game gets good after the first completion? No, I said the game expands on itself after the first completion. While you asserted you played the game to completion, you didn't. Why are you lying on the internet, user? Why would you do such a thing?

Why? When do you role-play?

Involves chance. You're thinking of a treadmill for some reason.

Well it's an RPG, so there has to be some story/dialogue/cutscenes/etc.

True, the term "roleplaying game" is literally talking about ROLES and not specific gameplay elements. How people can not see this boggles my mind. Nier: Automata is one of the best options for Character skill and C&C on the market today!

Same shit, meaningless numbers to get you addicted

What are the story/dialogue/cutscenes of Dwarf Fortress? Of DarkRP? Of SS13? These games are the closest adaption of the fundamentals of role-playing games and they have none of that shit.

Are you just admitting the r34 is an advertisement a la Overwatch?

Just because a previous game was basic doesn't excuse the next entry. I'm operating under the assumption that it had a modest budget. It doesn't need a fucking open world if its barren. They could've saved a ton of money if they contained it to levels and focused on actual game design. If all you have to defend this game is an insult and a fallacy then I guess I'm getting somewhere.

I dropped 20 hours into it and did infact get Ending A along with multiple others. Are you gonna continue with your horseshit? How long does one have to play a fucking game before it gets good? Do you think that shit would be excusable for games that you dont like?

Then don't waste your time responding. I don't give a shit whether it "expands" on itself or not. I played the game to have fun, dickhead. "Expansion" doesn't excuse the core generic game design at work here. I played this game because I was operating under the assumption that it would be different from other games to the point where I wouldn't feel as if I was wasting my time. The bullet hell was a neat mechanic but after 20+ hours I couldn't find anything that I could get a higher quality of elsewhere.

Those are simulation games :^)

Damn son, why would you post that picture of yourself? It can't be that you actually have no idea what a role playing game is and are trying to flounder around throwing insults my way trying to get my delicious (You)s.

Platinum fags are fucking retarded nowadays man

Damn dude, good job getting one of 20+ joke endings. You sure know video games.

No ya dingus, the objective of the game is preciselly to make you feel like shit playing it and especially after finishing it, it has been the whole point all along, this same exact discussion was had when Nier came out.
You are just like that IGN faggot who gave the first game a 3.

Then you must not know how to git gud.

You played the game so you could sperg out online, my man. You want to vary your gameplay up, do it yourself. How doesn't the game expanding itself and giving you more options in the gameplay not fix what you call "generic game design" which this game most certainly doesn't have. COme on, user. Stop being retarded.

Are you going to continue with your horseshit, user?

MPC4Utube tier shit.

Funnily enough, even the points you make are alike

I said that nowhere, and I alluded to no such thing. But keep trying, shill.

my fucking sides

I'm not talking about the story, I'm talking about the gameplay, numbnuts.

Difficulty was fine, are you intentionally baiting me with this reddit reply?

I genuienely went into it with no expectations besides some original gameplay and focused levels. Trust me, I was ALMOST looking forward to it being good. I gain nothing from wishing it to be a shit game.
I can use your argument to defend FF13, stop wasting my time. I shouldn't have to drop assloads of time into a game to finally get fun out of it. "You're playing it wrong" is what people used to defend MGSV.
Not talking about the story here, I shouldn't have to get x ending to finally get the "real game"

Trust me, friend, I agree completely. There are those who would slander Nier as not being a true RPG, but I know better. You see, Nier's stats are certainly not useless and just tacked on as pellet dispenser to keep the rats running the wheel, no, they are an intricate part of the game that the game that would certainly be missed if they were to be removed. Those who say otherwise are simply blind!

They are not useless, those stats come from the experience you gain by slaughtering little children. The fact that you do it beeter the more you do it does serve a purpose and would make the game objectively less if it was removed.
Your armchair dev attitude only shows how much you regret wasting money on a "game dev" course.

you're so retarded that it hurts user, an autist and a retard, what a sight

That's right, Fellow Gamer™, all a game needs to be a Role-Playing Game just like those ol' classics is numbers which is why Fallout 4™ the newest game from Bethesda™ Game Studios™ is just as much of an RPG as any other Fallout™ game except even more so because now there's unique loot to find so you can get your skinnerbox Diablo™ fix and your Role Playing Game™ fix all at once!

I know the normalfags think numbers = rpg, but then there's JRPG.

How many times do I have to say this? I got A including multiple other endings, including the squeenix end message. Again, I've dropped 20+ hours into the game and none of it has wowed me in the slightest. I'm a relatively patient person, and I can understand great games having awful segments, but how far am I expected to go to find shit that will keep me around? This isn't FF, its a hack n slash. I shouldn't have to spend ages to get to the good shit. You're being retarded.

I'm going to get this game eventually and only found out about fishing a few days ago; Can you get anything substantial or is it just a side thing? I mean, I'll still probably try fishing but I wanna at least know if it helps

Go play another game.

The fishing is ass RNG and isn't even required for a single quest. There are two substantial items that you can get commonly enough in two locations.

Ending A is the game's first half as AssBot. The next time you load up the save, you play as ShotaBot for the first half again, which leads to Ending B. The second half of the game is A Halo2-esque chapter by chapter game of first playing Assbot, then having three chapters each for ShotaBot and StripperBot. You 6743482296 have only played the first quarter of the game you autist.

I'm running an AMD card m8
Haven't had a single crash

Oh, I was hoping for buffs or crafting mats or something

I don't know yet I so far i'v gotten different fish some that you can sell for pretty good money and some junk to also sell.

I assumed I would need fish for a quest but I guess not.

Meh like I said fishing is comfy for me. i'm one of the few fags who like Big the cat levels, which inspired me to make webm related.

I played a few hours of that too, and it's the exact same shit campaign except for a few things. My problems with the core game were still there, and I turned it off soon after. You're still not answering my question. How can a good game take that long to get to the "good" part. I'm certainly not in it for the story because I guessed the whole "humans were dead already" shit pretty much the moment I started the game.

I do, my problem is retards being hypocritical about vidya standards. It's cancer for the industry when you support a generic game with DRM funded by squeenix.

Your opinion is objectively without merit.

Generic game, Yoko Taro Game

You gotta be some kind of retard to believe the man who made this can make something Generic.
Webm related is spoilers for Drakangard's last ending


So the best Taro game to date (I prefer Draken3 honestly but still) comes out, at least two dedicated threads fellating it, and now we have a thread for the contrarians.

Never change Holla Forums

Good one.

look up what an android is

He does have a bit of a point, why are they fighting with big ass words and wearing dresses and tuxedos instead of armor and using guns? And why are all the B and O models gynoids?

Footage of a single boss doesn't help, especially when I can't play it. I'm trying to talk about the core gameplay of Automata, here. I've seen what the man has done in previous games and there are definitely cool parts but ultimately Automata gives me nothing to stay for. True endings also don't change the core gameplay at hand.

It IS generic. Besides the bullet hell moments, I couldn't find a single part of the game I couldn't get in a million other games. I wasn't looking for over the top crazy shit but I was looking for a game that constantly threw new shit and ideas at me. I think I also had the same problem with one of the Drakengard games I played. When I play a new game I expect at least some form of innovation that makes me want to keep coming back to that specific game multiple times BESIDES story.

This is a great thread OP, truly a great thread. You are truly a paragon for what all Holla Forumsirgins should aspire to.

Be wary. Stefan Molyneux himself is posting in all the Nier:A threads. It's best just to close every thread because he's looking for arguments.

That's not an argument

Again, complaining about lack of realism in a series that started with a giant salt woman being beaten by a psychopath riding a dragon that gets shot down by the Japanese military.
What's a pod? What is the primary weapon on your first pod? It's a gun. Second is lasers and third is missles. Why aren't they wearing armor? They are the armor. You know the OS chips these guys have? The same OS chips that boost their strength even further than at base? Same thing with speed? They are built for combat but not in the way OP and others want them to be.

I'm not really complaining, as I'm not as autistic as OP to let it ruin my fun. But The pod is weaksauce compared to a gun that an android could handle, if they are the armor why do they wear dresses or why don't they wear MORE armor.

Answer this one question: Why do they wear pretty black outfits and heels?

I just wanted an original/innovative game, I went in with no other expectations besides focused levels, which I was willing to let go of as long as it gave me something just as fun. Read the thread.
Read the thread. It isnt MGR or Bayonetta so I didn't expect such.
Just because the previous game was lacking doesn't excuse this game to be the same. Read the thread.
What games did I bring up? Like I said, I had little to no expectations. I don't have a high standard. As long as the game isn't buggy or a walking sim then I'm going to judge it fairly.
Didn't say anything like that. I've experimented enough, and haven't had trouble with difficulty so I'm clearly doing what the game expects of me. "you're playing the game wrong" is a fallacy. As long as I follow the game's rules and try all the different play style I can think of, I should be having fun, but I'm not. Can you tell me how I should be playing the game? Can you guarantee that I'll have fun when I do so?

You're a strawmanning faggot.

Nigger they have armor. They use it for assaults. Toobie and Nines don't wear it because they aren't on assault missions. 2B doesn't wear it at the beginning because she was never supposed to have left the flight unit.

The designers of the original androids were japs both inside and outside of the universe.

The Bro team stream also had that first boss crash. He quit the game because the port was so shit.

No Japanese engineer assigned to make a combat droid is going to put that shit in, no engineer of any nationality would do that. The reason why they have high heels and pretty dresses is because Yoko Taro + the character designer wanted cute girls which is fine but it's not going to make the setting consistent meaning other parts of the game will have to pick up the slack.

Why did you ask the same thing again regarding the armor? Again, they are the armor. They don't absolutely NEED to wear more armor to get their missions done. Only in special attack operations. Which allows them to show a bit of personality with how they dress even if they don't explicitly need to dress as shown by A2.
Did I travel back in time or some shit? The pod is meant to be a secondary damage source so you can still damage what you're fighting even when fighting something else. That's why you can control the direction it fires.

Yes, user, I know about that mission too. That doesn't detract from the fact that they are also armor.

What do you want? Butchdyke androids?

I will only kinda accept this, but only because they are supposed to have fairly limited resources, but still, wouldn't camo or something be more functional than a dress?

I know, I'm saying if you gave an android a big gun instead of a sword wouldn't be more effective?

These are all autistic nitpicks though, I'm still enjoying gynoid waifu beatem up.

No, I don't want androids because using androids for combat is retarded. Or I do want androids except they weren't intended to be used for combat. Anything that actually makes sense is fine.

Are you the guy that came into a NIER thread last week saying that adding in a story is cancer to videogames?

Are there anygames that you like that may not excel at one part but are great because of a sum of their parts?

Why exactly is that?

Didn't they give every B type android battle armor that looked like FROG suits?

You could just have a floating laser-shooting ball with a 360 firing arc, i think that's where he's getting at.

I didn't see anyone in the bunker wearing armor, but there are the AWOL B units who have armor, so maybe? Even the androids on earth in the resistance have more armor and more prudent clothing than the yorha units.

You literally open the thread bitching about the lack of a style meter of all things and then proceed to nitpick bits of the setting like a god damn sperg

I'm calling a spade a spade here, you're a gigantic autist bud

Okay and?

What exactly is this thread Holla Forums? Is this thread really just two autistic people having a spergout and various replies? Did we seriously get derailed into the 'what is an RPG' debate?

He's not talking about that user. It's related to one of the openings.

Keep in mind that the Resistance probably don't have the same luxury of identical mass-produced bodies that the YorHa units have. Which probably explains the body armor thing as well.

See, the problem here is you jumped into the fifth entry into a series and expected to be catered to. You clearly never had any interest in DOD or Nier prior to this, so what made you think this game was ever for you to begin with?

Please fuck off back to playing Horizon Zero Dawn, or whatever is it a casual shitter like yourself enjoys, are and leave established game franchises to those who actually care about them.

But then it wouldn't fun to play or aesthetic. Suppose that's what he wants trying to go for full realism though.

Fuck no, I have no issue with story as long as it doesn't completely halt gameplay a la unskippable cutscenes. You dont need story but it never hurts.
Well of course, and I certainly have a guilty pleasure for bad games with good atmosphere. But one thing I can't compromise when objectively judging a game is the gameplay itself. There's a few other problems I have with Automata but my main issue is the gameplay.

Uh wait, user. I'm not the OP. I didn't make this thread. I seriously didn't say anything about the style meter.
I don't have specific tastes, I just want the game to be good. I don't care whether the game is open world or not as long as its done well. Stop.

Pretty sure there's one in the room next to the room with the flight unit.

You dimmadun fucked up now.

A lazy excuse. They could have all the sexy androids they want if the androids were explained as originally being sexbots or something or being obsessed with style and humanity so that they can feel different from all the robots they're killing.

No I just don't want to be treated like a retard while playing the game.

Going by the ICO/SotC thread he's a huge fedora tipper who practices self-fellatio on the regular.

So he'd really prefer it if the game was just the player pressing a button and a giant orbital battlestation just erases the planet from existence, then the credits roll. That way it's practical, if a little unrealistic, and he doesn't have to slog through all those boring numbers and words that clutter up the menu screens and dialogue boxes.

Ah, so you came here to be treated like a retard instead.

That's pretty strongly implied in the game actually.

so, there's probably no point in posting this since Holla Forums is a shithole, but for AMD users who can't get it to work rolling back to this driver worked for me. I've put in 10 hours now on an RX 480, when before I couldn't get pass the first boss due to the crashing/white screen thing on various drivers.

link to driver - support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop/previous/detail?os=Windows 10 - 64&rev=16.11.5#

just make sure to do a clean uninstall with DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) before you install and shit. pretty fucked you have to roll back so far tho. and there's still some stuttering and shit for me. I'd rate my experience and the port itself at a 5/10 as i've had worse experiences, game itself is fun though for sure.

Nah, he said he also just wanted a sandbox where he can straight up kill shit in and nothing more.

This, it's a huge fucking story point.


You don't write your setting to be realistic then get the story from it, you write a story then try the best you can to explain it in a way that is internally consistent both in terms of logic and theme. You start from the qt android waifus and then you say "how can I explain this?" rather than what actually happened where he creates the androids and puts no thought into explaining them.

Then why are they so picky about not wanting to show human emotions?

Do you also bitch about juggling in Tekken or the AWP in Counter-Strike? You would have known exactly what you were getting into if you were a fan of the series, but you're not, you're just some bandwagoning poser.

Holy fuck, you might be actually retarded. And you have no idea how to write anything.

I thought the androids were designed like that by the last remaining humans and they just kept the formula going. I feel like something's been spoiled.

Yeah, you just spoiled something :^)

Has anyone else understood the means of production joke at the beginning of route B yet?

Only 2B and few other hard-asses act like that under the pretense of efficiency. Everyone else is pretty damn emotive.
Completely ignore it.
It's standard open world fare. Nothing special, but instead of it just being that where you mash X through dialogue, then proceed to map marker, the characters usually have interesting things to say.

Fuck off Transformers shill. It was boring for the same reasons you describe here.

Nigger you barely played the game. Do expect every nitpicky lorefag detail to be spoonfed to you within the first 3 hours?

Wow it appears that I've confused two different spergs, the turbo retard that is OP and you sperg-B, well that's embarrassing.


People like Nier's open world works and the fact that you replay the game multiple times to get the full scope of the setting you can freely dislike it till the cows come home but that's not going to change the opinions of people who do like it.

This just sounds like your problem m8. No matter how hard you argue you aren't going to convince people who enjoyed Nier Automata's combat that they were wrong the entire time.

You're seriously going to bitch about the realism of combat androids in a setting where humans invented magic after getting buttfucked by a malevolent god from a different dimension and inventing magic from a dead dragon to counter it?

Really? Is this the hill you want to die on?

You're talking about opinions here, no shit we all have different opinions. A barren open world is inexcusable. It requires too much of the teams resources to make a mediocre element when they could've at least made it smaller or more focused. Again, I DONT CARE IF IT IS OPEN WORLD, BUT IT HAS TO BE DONE CORRECTLY. I dont care if the game before it did it, I'm talking about this game. It's an unnecessary element that adds nothing to the game besides a lot of traveling and a ton of boring mobs. It needs to be done right.
Again with the opinions shit. I'm talking objectivity. Stop trying to move goalposts to "its just opinions man" because it destroys any discussion about what a game could do instead. Stop being a fucking faggot and either discuss the game or go somewhere else. No shit other people had fun with it, I don't care if they did. I could use your same argument to defend CoD.

And I'm guessing "done right" just so happens to fall in line with "done precisely to my liking" right?

I don't know about you fags, but I'm having fun.

me too

Barren by what metric since people tend to disagree sharply on what that means exactly.

Done correctly as in 'done precisely to my specifications' otherwise it's bad right?

So your argument boils down to

Aka I don't like it therefore no one should. People liked Nier, this is more or less more Nier, you can dislike Nier all you want and bitch that it isn't a linear level based game but you aren't changing anyone's mind especially if this is what you consider an 'objective' argument.

Pick one autists.

Its an aight game, then again im coming off from finishing Dark Souls 3, Zone of the Enders, Deus Ex 2, and Breath of the Wild, and all of those games in my opinion were fantastic. Its kinda bland so far but ill give it a chance since i remember playing Nier years ago and liking it.

If I wanted to replay Nier, how long will it take me? Yes i know i have to beat the game multiple times.

Are you doing the sidequests this time or not?

And again, grinding a game to get endings is retarded. You should be playing because it's fun. Besides, the story is hardly anything to give a shit about.

Open world design is a complex issue, one that I've been trying to talk about this whole time. Making the world barren though isn't a solution, and it's a cancer of the industry.

Unused space. One of my problems was that many of the buildings were entirely barren and didn't add anything to the game. I also read that they made it barren on purpose to make the world feel dead but making empty giant rectangles with windows isn't the way to go about it.
Stop being retarded. Again, I can use that defense for any other game. Open world should serve a purpose.
Kill yourself, you're strawmanning. I never said anyone can't like it, just that they shouldn't make this the objective standard for future games.

They're not mutually exclusive. It's barren visually and requires trekking through bland environments to get to objectives and random chests that require no skill to get to.

I honestly don't remember which sidequests were pivotal to the story and endings. Is this going to be a full week of nothing but Nier? I have a good amount of spare time right now so it no rush other than the want to play Automata

Literally every open world game is going to have unused space, this is a non-argument.

Your entire argument is 'I don't like it therefore they shouldn't make games like this" which is effectively the "no one should like this" non-argument.

I'm not sure why you keep using tossing the strawman argument when you aren't really arguing anything as opposed to saying "I don't like this, games should only make things that I like" that's hardly an argument buddy.

None of the sidequests are pivotal but most of them add stuff to world building or just bits of character interaction. There's a guide floating around somewhere that details which are worth doing and which aren't.

Automata isn't even close to being an 'open-world' style game so I'm not sure what you're looking for here.

Its a flaw of the genre, you cant fill literally every step with something. The sweet spot both The Witcher and Breath of The Wild hit was that if you spin 360 degrees on any high point in the world, you will see some point of interest. Sometimes you will encounter enemies on the way, maybe an NPC, maybe some secret but you cant fill an entire giant map with anything for the sake of filling space in the genre.

One thing I've noticed while playing Automata was that the world felt much more like it was designed as separate stages for all the different main and side quests rather than one big overworld populated by all sorts of monsters and chests. I do agree that the open world does seem kind of pointless other than to slow down the pacing but I don't think it's enough to make me drop the game.

You just fucking said that my argument was about unused space you fucking dolt. And yes, unused space is prevalent in open world but it shouldn't be ENTIRELY barren save a few areas. You're using the same faggot "WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE YOUR WAY" argument when I'm only saying the ways NOT to do certain things. Enough with this inferiority complex.


But it IS a problem when almost none of the space is used.
I agree, which isn't happening in this game.

And it wasn't my main issue either. The biggest problem I have with it is all the resources that are required to make it possible.

>TL;DR "I didn't play at least nier and somehow found the latest game in the series to make little sense or have context."
Are we being raided by Kotaku?

No I've said repeatedly that your arguing over personal taste, which is a fruitless endeavor. Especially since the 'unused space' complaint is just a trait of any open world. You aren't making anything next to an objective argument you're just screeching like an autist over something that you, personally, do not like.

How you call that an 'objective argument' I'll never know.

This has been the case since MGSV

The Holla Forums equivalent of "first they came for the socialists…" just happened to me then. Huh.

Alright then, how about we reverse that argument? Why does it have to be your way?
I've already told you that bringing up "thats like your opinion man" is retarded and gets nothing done. Stop already.
I've said multiple times now that
and B) most of the places in the environment require little skill to get to

I don't know how someone could whine this hard and use arguments that could be reversed on himself. Stop being a whiny bitch.


What the fuck are you on about? Fuck off with this meme already. There's plenty sidequests to do and the amount of quest markers on my minimap is almost making me feel dizzy. Pic related is how it looks at where I'm currently at, and it doesn't even include quests I've already completed or quests which have yet to come.

Most of the buildings do tend to have some items on top of them, so it's not like they're completely unwarranted. Besides, I find there's plenty of quests spread out across the world map.

Well no it's up to the developer, actually. Either of us is free to like or dislike that choice but at the end of the day it isn't up to either of us.
I'll stop when you stop trying to 'objectively' argue opinions.

I don't know how someone is getting this angry over opinions, like you're seriously trying to act smug over not liking how Nier Automata lays out its' open world? Really?

Also, OP tell me you don't think the first ending is actually the ending.

Not an argument. If you want open world, think of Elder Scrolls or Zelda, a vast area that can be freely explored with all kinds of hidden things to find. Automata's actual world is very small and very linear. You have one hub, the city ruins, and the rest of the zones, forest, desert, park, factory, are all just small dungeons.

Goddamn glad to because I'm really enjoying it so far.

user, this is like saying it's unrealistic for Mario to get larger when he eats a mushroom. It's just part of the style, that's just the kind of game it is. If the game promised you something else, like how BF1 promised a realistic WW1 game, I'd understand your disappointment, but it's been made abundantly clear in any promotional material that this wasn't the kind of game you seem to think it was supposed to be.

Not everything has to be realistic you know.

bought it, never played anything before it and im enjoying it. i like games where i know nothing about but gives in game lore that i get to read about. i did the same with witcher 2, loved reading the snippets of everyone i met and places i visited and it made the game more enjoyable because it had a mystery to it. the combat is pretty interesting though im at the starting area, i wanna fight tons of enemies at once instead of one or two. normal is too easy and hard is fuckin bullshit though im guess i can make it bareable once i get more chips. also 2b is a cute. love how she swats her hand when you look at her ass from a certain angle. love small details like that.

I have an R9 280x and the game ran fine, granted in windowed mode, up until after I beat the first boss and the game froze my PC in the cutscene.

I got a refund pretty quick and I'll only purchase this game again once the port is fixed.


Came in expecting more robot flavoured Platinum. When it wasn't to my expectations, I put them aside so I can start to understand the game;s own merits, and then proceeded to get every ending in 20 hours and loved every minute of it.
I think Holla Forums needs to stop holding their own expectations in such high regard.
This doesn't mean "just because a game is bad doesn't mean you're expecting too much", it means you have tunnel vision because your expectations are the only thing you wanted and you won't accept anything else.

When I first saw this, I thought he was pretending to be retarded. Turns out he is. twitter.com/weed_daddy_baby

Yeah I guess so. Considering I know people that unironically act like that I may have been too quick to assume it was legit

This is actually genius of this game. Entire story is war against Androids against Machines.
Reason why you play as qt waifu droids and why they have feelings was to emphasize them being human. Same for Machines they eventually had feelings and consciousness, yet they looked silly to emphasize that they are not human and instead alien.
Entire thing is about two species clashing with each other and slowly understanding each other. Typical what makes us human kind of story. But I must say what happened during Ending A kinda killed 90% of this process and went straight to conclusion. I will need to see what happened in next playthroughs.

You're in for a wild ride.


You sound like a faggot, op.

And you like a triggered tumblrina landwhale.

I half wonder if the machines weren't learning to act like humans, but actually getting partially possessed by the now almost completely mindless shades who slowly begin remembering tiny bits of their original lives.

Or is that far too hopeful an ending for a Nier/drakengard game?

Since this game has an empty and not well done open world, could Scalebound have been worse?

its surprising the game has such high system requirements even thought its actually ugly looking in terms of graphics. Nice art design but looks pretty bare bones. A shame that the PC port is so poorly optimized.

Never said it is.

it really isn't though. it's so watered down compared to other platinum games to the point that it absolutely doesn't matter what buttons you're hitting.
it's neither pretty nor open. invisible walls literally everywhere in this empty, badly textured world. the only pretty areas are the mall you first meet emil in and the carnival.

the only redeemable bit about the game is the soundtrack and decent schmup sections

You really haven't started yet.

That's what I thought at first for the entire game. Turned out I was horribly wrong.

It really is a shame. Even when I downscale the fuck out of everything it still drop below 30 fps. Hopefully a patch will come soon but knowing Square Enix it probably won't come.

The combos are there, they are just less obvious this time around. It doesn't give you much incentive to actually combo but you can still do it.
The invisible walls are really fucking annoying. I couldn't count how many times on both my hands and toes that I swore I could enter a building but can't because "lul sorry but you can't enter here because wall"

somehow botw felt more satisfying with a far simpler moveset. it doesn't seem to matter in the slightest which of the handful of combos you do since they're all just flurries of blades that sometimes moves you forward. unless the game gets substantially harder I fully intend to mash x with my lifesteal and auto potion chips forever

disappointed by a literal meme game?

The game is just like Nier. All the gripes I see in the thread could be applied to Nier. Nier: Automata is just Nier with fun combat. And there is nothing wrong with that and I love it. I'm glad it was Nier with a Platinum flair and not the other way around. I couldn't have imagined a better duo.

That's fair enough. I wish the game would encourage you to do more with the combat like maybe adding a multiplier for sustaining damage or something to force you to master it but the game's fine with you mashing buttons at normal. I haven't tried the higher difficulties yet but I can imagine they're the same but just higher damage outputs. The game does get a little bit harder after ending A and B though. Not by much but it's there a least.


Some of the retarded anons who do fall for hype hyped up the game because of the robotic ass, and not for the gameplay. Then they played the game and somehow got surprised when it was shit.
Dumbos will be dumbos I guess.

I got what I paid for. Surprisingly it was worth the bullshit $60 pricetag.

I started on Hard and this is true but the increased damage output is a massive spike. Can't speak for later game since I'm still pretty early in the first playthrough but bosses can one-shot your ass even on Hard. Not Very Hard, Hard. World of difference from playing on Normal, though I hear it gets more manageable when you start getting decent chips. But fuck, this early game mang.

That's all i read

Well fuck me. I mostly just maxed out on offensive chips just so I can chip away at the enemies health even quicker. At that point it sounds like it might not even be worth investing into defensive chips when you're going to get one shotted regardless.

It's a nongame for Bethesdashits with some we've edge. Don't worry OP you're right. They'll dog pile you like NeoFAG for calling out their sacred cow. Some autist actually went to make a picture containing all my posts because they were that butthurt.

So is the game good ? Never played Nier or Drakengard and I really don't expect anything.

I don't get the disappointment. It a sequel that adds on to the series and doesn't take away from the original. Unlike the pieces of shit that Bioware tends to make now.

Well, buff away on offense when it comes to Very Hard as everything one shots you anyway but buffed defense could very well save you on Hard. Just don't expect things to go well without a decent set of chips.

Also, for peace of mind DO NOT replay the intro sequence on anything other than Normal. Even I dropped it to Normal for that, it's just not worth the effort. It's certainly doable but unless you want to replay the same half-hour segment and hear the same 5 minutes of unskippabale dialogue EVERY time you die because there's no checkpoints or save stations then just play it on Normal and adjust the difficulty once you get to the bunker. For some reason, the game is actually MUCH more reasonable about pacing after the intro sequence.

Nobody cared who she was until she put on the heels.

They'll never learn.

I enjoyed it a hell of a lot, I knew some platinum games fans would react like this, I get the feeling just because it was an existing IP you retards were expecting a Transformers/Legend of korra style deal as in an IP with lameshit platinum games features.

It's hard for me to explain what I liked so much about it without sounding like a pretentious cunt so I won't bother.

I blame the fact they wanted to push the demo in somewhere for the pacing. It's a pretty good demo but I wish they separated it from the main game as it's pretty detrimental to the whole experience as much complaining from the steam forums have been. Even if they're fucking complaining like babies.

When I get around to my second playthrough which is when I either get better hardware to run it at a proper resolution or whenever the patch fixes a lot of shit I'll make sure to take that advice at heart. I do hope that Platinum does try to address the performance issues as they did with MGR but the cynic in me tells me that they won't.

I fell for the Japanese PC port meme

which is retarded since no other platinum port has been this bad and squeenix only exists because of devs like Eidos who have a hold on the PC market

No one does ports inhouse anymore they send that shit to the third world


kaldaien made a fix

also, OP is a faggot
it's a good game
if you hate it - just kill yourself

I feel like I will buy PS3 for this Moonman.

Still waiting on official support though


Maybe you should play ME:Andromeda like the rest of Holla Forums. Just remember to do so ironically, else you're le oldfag hipster :^)

Gotta admit, this threw me at first too. Never played a Drakenguard or Nier game before, and went into it only knowing what I played of the demo, what I've played of previous Platinum games, and a vague sense of reputation about this lunartic named Yoko Taro.

The demo was a highly linear and structured experience, which while the combat was shallow here, I expected that to just be… well, because it's a demo. The combat never really evolved past it, though, and once the world opened up - you no longer had level design which focused and complimented what combat mechanics were there.

Didn't take that long for me to put aside what I expected the game to be, and what the game actually was though. As a game, it's functional but shallow. It's competent enough to carry the story, though, and the story was pretty decent by modern game standards. It got me pretty hooked, but then - I can appreciate a tragedy. Games like Infinite Space and Phantasy Star II where victories are phyrric at best, and involve a great deal of sacrifice on the part of the protagonists. I get burned out on happy endings, and it's nice to see one where the best you can manage is to secure a faint glimmer of hope for a better tomorrow because of your actions… but, that is tomorrow, not today. Today is fucked…

And if Nier Automata is supposed to be a happy ending, by Taro standards. Not sure if I can handle the mess of gameplay in service of a story that his previous games were, but I hope his future stuff has at least a comparable level of polish and returns to the weird and bleak stories he's apparently known for. They sound like something I would enjoy, so long as the gameplay allows me to enjoy them.

Fuck this I'm outta there.
I'm missing something, right?

The reasons why the YoRHa models look the way they do, is because Taro is a pussy hound. That's it. He likes girls, but he's terrible at being an alpha, so he makes games with cute girls in it.

If that's not good enough for you, I'm sure there's tons of artistic reasons why. Highlighting and exaggerating the duality between the beauty of savagery of humanity, and to differentiate them as much as possible from the machines they're fighting via surface level aesthetics - despite being pretty much exactly the same thing as the machines. Yadda, yadda, a commentary on mankind's penchant for taking people who are human and dividing them into arbitrary groups of cultures and ideologies which creates the illusion of fundamental difference and from which conflict with each other arise.

It's all very artsy fartsy, derpy philosophical, and even progressive if you really want dig into it, but unlike SJWs and Western Devs in general - Taro doesn't really push it in your face aside from the existential crisis of mankind when deprived of purpose and meaning.

What are you talkig about humans have been dead since before the first nier

I know this is bait, but seriously

This is literally every Yoko game ever made except sometimes he made the combat awful on purpose because he finds that funny.

All I got from this thread is some people don't like this game because its terribly shallow and is underwhelming from the get-go, and others defending it for apparently no real reasons.

I conclude that it must be shit.

The game reminded me of KH. If you don't like Square Enix games, you won't like this.

It's only shallow if you went into this game wanting to play another Platinum game. The only people butthurt are the Platinum bros that didn't play any other Yoko game.

I've yet to see anybody defending this game come up with any reasons for why its good or even interesting.

The only thing I know is that the gameplay is shitty and the director of this game makes games have shitty gameplay on purpose, along with everything being depressing

It's ironic because Platinum has been releasing shallow games for years.

Oh how much you have fallen. Taro literally put then, because he likes women, his own words. Be happy he didn't have a long presentation about the beauty of 2B, like someone else at SE.

Then why falsely advertise it?
It sounds like the marketing people want to eat their cake and keep it.
Same for genuine fans of the series who don't realize that hyping this up will bring all the wrong folks to the party.

It was advertised as a Yoko game with Platinum helping with the combat. Everybody who falls head over heels for Platinum games imagined it as a Platinum game that happened to be Square. Why should the advertising be blamed when he was never hyped as being a Platinum game other than combat?

but playing as a girl is really gay user

I completed the game in just under 41 hours, and thats with me getting most of the sidequests in super speed. The change of characters, and their individual movesets being different depending on who you play freshens up the game in a similar way as the Mechsuit levels do.

If there was no false hype, OP wouldn't have tried it out thinking it's gonna be something else. People don't like it when you lie to them.


Yes but was the false hype caused by fucktards seeing Platinum and immediately imagining it to be a Platinum game that happens to be Square or did Square blatantly misrepresent what the game would be?

One is a problem with Platinum bros the other would be the fault of Square.

I remember in the threads before Automata was released telling Platinum bros the game is not what you are thinking it is and they blatantly disregarded my advice.

But who made said false hype? The people who played the previous games, the marketing department? No, just the people who saw the name Platinum and went "OMG PLATINUM THIS MUST BE THE NEXT MGR!!!1!"
Have you seen even a single Drakengard fan disappointed with the game?

You literally just started the goddamn game, once your done the intro fetch quests you get a main story quest that has you fighting a lot and has a pretty decent boss fight at the end of it. I have 16 hours in and just began route B and honestly it takes about 2 hours to get involved with the world, its kinda boring at first but it gets much better very early in.


Look I get that being contrarian is the cool thing to do, but honestly I'm sure people are trying to give it a hard time because of jealous landwhales being upset that, in spite of 2B's spectacular ass, there's other reasons why it's popular.

my issue with this game is the difficulty. normal is a cake walk while hard isn't fun because i have to constantly spam dodge while staying overly cautious and not having any fun.
there should have been something in between…

atleast it gives you the option of taking on high level enemies so you can take on quests early to make them harder.
still a huge bummer though.

I found normal to be decently difficult however I just didn't grind at all and even at the Adam fight I was a solid 5 levels under what I was supposed to be.

Considering how many parallels you can draw with Transformers, I think you're supposed to play on Hard after you beat the game.

maybe because I had just come off of a binge of disgaea and had gotten used to slower pacing but normal was pretty tough. I agree though; there should have been something between hard and normal because holy shit is hacking irksome when your little reticle switches over from the big fisto mchelicopterhands to that tiny fucknugget next to him right when hacking the former would have saved you from his grab attack.

what the fuck do you want them to pull a star fox adventures for no good reason?

You gotta get those AOE hack chips. Stunning and Flaming everyone around your hacking target easily clears the room, fast.

Bit late to address this but I don't think you're very aware of your surroundings if you think language will change just because a long time has passed.


Game is just poorly designed. Difficulty options are a not useful.

This entire thread reminds me. Did Yoko Taro make a boss that intentionally caused frame drops that he wanted to make a year or two ago? Of course this isn't about the normal framedrops some people are experiencing

I don't think any of them intentionally did, you should have asked when the PS4 owners were talking about it.

Played through all the bosses except Moonhead. Never had drops.

Nxuk kxo visb tat Oei zijk visbadw juO ureik mo, Oei cakkco raksx? A’cc xulo Oei bden A whutiukot kef ev mO scujj ad kxo GENERAL SEALS, udt A’lo rood adleclot ad dimoheij joshok huatj ed Al-Quaeda, udt A xulo eloh 300 sedvahmot baccj. A um khuadot ad wehaccu nuhvuho udt A’m kxo kef jdafoh ad kxo odkaho US uhmot vehsoj. Oei uho dekxadw ke mo rik zijk udekxoh kuhwok. A nacc nafo Oei kxo visb eik nakx fhosajaed kxo caboj ev nxasx xuj doloh rood jood roveho ed kxaj Earth, muhb mO visbadw nehtj. Oei kxadb Oei sud wok unuO nakx juOadw kxuk jxak ke mo eloh kxo Internet? Kxadb uwuad, visboh. Uj no jfoub A um sedkuskadw mO joshok doknehb ev jfaoj ushejj kxo USA udt Oeih IP aj roadw khusot hawxk den je Oei rokkoh fhofuho veh kxo jkehm, muwwek. Kxo jkehm kxuk nafoj eik kxo fukxokas cakkco kxadw Oei succ Oeih cavo. Oei’ho visbadw tout, bat. A sud ro udOnxoho, udOkamo, udt A sud bacc Oei ad eloh jolod xidthot nuOj, udt kxuk’j zijk nakx mO ruho xudtj. Dek edcO um A opkodjalocO khuadot ad iduhmot semruk, rik A xulo ussojj ke kxo odkaho uhjoduc ev kxo United States Marine Corps udt A nacc ijo ak ke akj vicc opkodk ke nafo Oeih majohurco ujj evv kxo vuso ev kxo sedkadodk, Oei cakkco jxak. Av edcO Oei seict xulo bdend nxuk idxecO hokharikaed Oeih cakkco “scoloh” semmodk nuj ureik ke rhadw tend ifed Oei, muOro Oei neict xulo xoct Oeih visbadw kedwio. Rik Oei seictd’k, Oei tatd’k, udt den Oei’ho fuOadw kxo fhaso, Oei wettumd ataek. A nacc jxak vihO ucc eloh Oei udt Oei nacc thend ad ak. Oei’ho visbadw tout, batte.

yea, you can increase the difficulty by taking missions on early. i'm glad they let me do that instead of scaling the enemies down depending on my level like the oblivion method of making it so i can "explore" without ever facing a difficult enemy by always making the enemies weak enough depending on my level.
which entirely defeats the purpose of exploration. what fun is exploration without danger?
i love how in Nier im able to explore and come across high level enemies that can 1-shot me even on normal. gives me that oldschool feeling of "youre not supposed to be here yet!" i got from older open world games.

does this game have a NG+ mode that lets me keep my chips and stats after the true ending? so i can play on hard with adequate HP and DEF?

fuck, i never even played any hacking parts on hard. they made that harder too? i hate when games use difficulty to also make timed parts harder… like RE4 making the button prompt fights near impossible on higher difficulties.

they didn't feel harder, but in order to make sure I hacked the thing I wanted to, I tended to lock on to the target. Without that, my 'aim' would switch to something that happened to be nearer and I wouldn't notice until it's too late.

This is the most retarded sentence I've read in my life.

my dick.

All Yoko games have multiple endings so yes New Game plus is required.

No, but better than that it has chapter select which lets you flip to pretty much any point in the game with your current character and setup. You'll probably want to set the difficulty up though since some enemies in story missions don't scale well.

You'll probably want to set the difficulty up anyhow after lvl 20. Aside from one time getting 1hitted by a Goliath, I found it's pretty hard to actually die in the game and you'll be sitting on a full 99 stack of healing items you almost never use by the end.

That one hit was kind of bullshit anyhow, since he was like 6 or 8 level below me - yet the Goliath I met in the forest ravine (which is part of a side-quest and - I think - is a set lvl 50) was 30 levels above me at the time and I still didn't have any problems. It just took a really long fucking time since my best attacks were only doing chip damage.

eat a dick and go back to neogaf.

i thought those were more like different chapters, and once you get the true ending, you cant replay the story while keeping all your shit

Not really. I think he's talking about being able to find a challenge even on normal mode.

Edit: Forgot to say, it turns out I wasn't even supposed to fight him then. He was ridiculously tough because you're supposed to fight him as 9S and do all your damage via hacking to bypass his physical defense. I took him out as 2B.

So, is the port unplayable or does it only feature graphical issues?

i found that having the plugin chip that allows post-hit invincibility prevents this. alot of the time a goliath hits you, its really a cluster of getting hit 3-5 times. once i put on the chip that makes you invincible for a limited time after getting hit it merely crippled me instead of killing me.

Port varies extremely wildly between people, only game I've encountered where Works-On-My-Machine™ holds any weight.

You must have not actually read the thread. Its actually the opposite where people have ludicrous standards and expected it to cater to them. The people defending the game with factual information from the game.

I had a decent anti-chain chip installed though. The move he used was one where he picked me up over his head and then slammed me into the ground. Seems to be their most powerful attack type, since I've survived other times with only massive damage. Just one of those things I guess where you underestimate them because they're pushover enemies most of the time and you get lazy in your dodging/windup awareness.

The only issue i've had with it is from playing the game in fullscreen mode (It crashed when going from the elavator in the hangar to the main part of the bunker). I've no idea why it happened but all it took to fix was putting the game in windowed mode and lowering the resolution a bit so the screen isn't cut off a bit at two edges

Those guys are supposed to teach you to move around properly during a fight. All of its attacks have insanely huge tells and hitboxes, the move you're getting dicked by has one of the bigger tells in the game.

i played on hard carelessly my 1st playthrough. spamming dodge for almost the entire duration of the goliath fight in lieu of playing well.
my finger cramped and i stopped dodging for 1 second and got hit with the shovel blade from above smash attack. died from full health.
had to restart at opening shmup.


Yup, it's just weird because they're usually trash mobs you blow through quickly enough that it they don't have time to even finish their windup - so there's typically no need (at least on normal) to pay attention to windups. At best, the most you typically have to watch out for is a variant with electrified legs which will force you to either use a pod special to break the armor or jump and attack the torso to take them out.

Again, why I recommend bumping the difficulty up to hard after lvl 20 if you haven't already.

Do any of you guys even enjoy video games? You need more than one hobby so you don't become burned out and unable to have fun.

I still find it hilarious how people went in expecting a Platinum Game instead of a Yoko Taro game.




Nier:Automata is as much a meme game as E.Y.E.

I love when that happens.

the difference is nier is good

Whirling a shaky thread straight around into quality and giving it the /tg/ treatment is something to behold. I wish it'd happen more often.


good one
All these enormous faggots shilling for this shitty chink game is fucking laughable, there isn't a day without retards on Holla Forums screeching about how much they enjoy tiny gook dick in their ass.

how about a real complaint?

H&S is a shit genre.

How can a genre be inherently shit?

Chink is for the Chinese. Nip is the slur you're looking for.

hack and slash actually isnt a genre at all. its a general term used to describe many games based around melee combat.
you might as well argue that any combat based game with melee weapons is shit.

They're all the same to me.

Devil May Cry is hack and slash, Chivalry and Mount and Blade aren't.

Mount and Blade is just really clunky and slow Hack and Slash I don't know what you're talking about.

If you can't see the difference between Mount & Blade and Devil May Cry, then I don't know how you even breathe.
Devil May Cry is you against the world with huge swarms of enemies, most of them easy to kill, Mount and Blade can have huge swarms of enemies and can be you against the world as well, but even with high level gear 20 looters with rocks and arrows could fuck you up, you're relying on your party to kill for you.

So androids can't reproduce/recreate the reproductive process right? What did Adam tell 9S that one time?
"You want to [ ] 2B, don't you?"
Because during a sidemission the subject of robot babies comes up and 9S basically sweeps it under the rug.

So what you are describing are the little tid bits of what happens during a fight and the relation of stats and what not to the combat. What you fail to realize that, much like how one RPG can vary wildly differently from another RPG on the minuet details, they are still classified in the same genre.

If we were to break down both games to their simplest parts. You fight in real time against large waves of enemy using melee weapons and trying to not die.

thats debatable user. you hack as well as slash in that game. depends on your play style.

also debatable. its a slow hack and slash with rpg elements.

hack and slash isnt a specific genre,

if you cant see the difference between devil may cry and dynasty warriors…
cmon user, youre avoiding the question.

An example of an action game that is not a hack and slash is a FPS. An example of a game that is not "action" but is instead just "real time" would be a game like Hearts of Iron.


2B is actually 2E, a model made to execute S-series models when they get too close to the truth, and Adam believe the core of humanity and the androids is hate, so he probably believes 9S has a subconcious desire to kill what is his technically his executor.

This might not make sense though, depending of WHEN he figured out 2B was an executioner model.

So on Dante Must Die difficulty it's no longer a H&S then?

Well now I feel kind of dumb. Like there was that one other side mission, too and I had completely forgotten about how fucking grim the ending implication was until just now…also because I haven't cleared A2's route yet so I guess that was probably covered somewhere in there. Whoops, I just wanted to talk about 9Shota a bit.

any RTS is "real time" without being an action game

apparently. also diablo is a hack and slash game depending on your playstyle according to this guys logic.

No, you can't hack and slash in Chivalry and Mount and Blade, you die quick doing it, because a few strikes will kill you. Hack and Slash puts you in the center cutting down swarms of enemies with simple combos, try to do that with Chivalry, there 1 good strike by a Knight will kill almost anyone.
Hyrule Warriors, Devil May Cry and Dynasty Warriors are hack and slash genre video games. Mount and Blade is a RPG that happens to have melee combat, although you can rely on other forms of combat as well.

The difficulty just changes the way you will play the game, instead of killing them as fast as possible your goal will be to avoid getting hit as much as possible.

This is completely false, while you can't just blind berserker it, you can do it. The same is true for Dante, Bayonetta.

So because Bayonetta has guns that game doesn't count as a hack and slash?

I guess you never played DMD difficulty because everything you said here
applies to it as well.

Isn't that the goal in every single action game though?

I never said that. What I said was that you had the option to use throwing weapons, crossbows or regular bows, but that doesn't change the melee combat.
Melee combat is not hack and slash. Hack and slash is games like Dynasty Warriors and Devil May Cry, how hard is that to understand? In Hack and slash you just mash buttons, in melee combat games like Chivalry you instead act strategically in order to hit and avoid getting hit by your enemy, H&S doesn't have a lot of strategy, because most single enemies are very weak there aside from higher difficulties. Chivalry doesn't have any higher difficulties so the same point doesn't work on that game, Mount and Blade does, but on default difficulties you still can't solo charge into combat cutting them all down, which returns to the "strategy" aspect as you will just get pelted with rocks and bows.
I'm not going to argue anymore, this is just fucking stupid. If you people cannot understand that melee combat doesn't imply hack and slash, then I wonder if breathing is a constant thought for you.

DMC also has guns. Clearly they're shooters.

Are you serious, user?

So how does that change the melee combat in Mount and Blade?

Oh you're just retarded this entire conversation makes way more sense.

Blow off his short and check to see if he has a bulge. If so androids, including 2B, all have sex parts.

Also, did you realize that your definition of H&S is essentially "it's made by Japanese people", judging by the games you claim are H&S like DMC or "melee combat games" like Chivalry and M&B, which are both made by Western developers. So basically you're just saying that you don't like Nip action games because they are too fast for your retarded brain?

My dad unironically says Diablo is a hack and slash.

There are 2 unique things that you can get by fishing, that you can get nowhere else. One is a weapon, another is a gameplay upgrade.

Fishing isn't important outside of two things as
mentions but when you feel like taking a break it's good to do, simply because it nets you a lot of money for practically no effort.

Also, for filling out your Fish compendium.

I have 55 hours in the game, and my fish catalog isn't even 40% filled, I have a feeling Yoko hid some shit behind 100% in every category

The game was disappointing for other reasons I expect platinum fags like you who can enjoy press R2 to win games like bayonetta to enjoy this game

Do you feel it, Holla Forums?

Cool settings bro.

Nice settings poorfag

I-it's just shitty optimization

It's okay, user, not everyone can afford something that's not a toaster.

This game is not a looker in technical sense, anyway - its strong point is art direction.

holy fuck thats horrible, upgrade your shit nigger.

Did they crack the Denuvo for it yet?

Does the type of pod you reel out as bait affect what kind of fish you catch?

It mattered in Nier so I'm going to say it most likely matters in Automata.

Don't think it does, but if you can test it enough let everyone know. The fishing is shit in this game.

I feel your pain user. I had to play this in 720x480 upscaled to 1366x768 and I was finally able to achieve some sort of stable framerate.


I fully agree that's a good complaint over the game, but I want to know for argument's sake just how it affects the game.
Do we have confirmation that it bloats the file size? Does it affect anyone who tries to, or has to, play offline?

Maybe Queer Effect: Gaydromeda is more your kind of game, faggot.

Please respond. Crack done yet?

Give it at least a week, user.


Nigger what

Nigger please