Deus Ex Thread

Suddenly got the urge to play again. Decided to play a bit differently by relying less on stealth, and using heavy weapons out the ass. Going to be dumping my points into swimming as well. Already having a lot of fun with everyone getting angry at me blowing up all the hostages. Why contain it?

Other urls found in this thread:

Is this who I think it is?

That's Wesker from one of those shitty Resident Evil movies.

No, I meant the guy who made the thread.
He's very dear to me

bye bye skill points

Isn't heavy weapon ammo scarce?

Yah, but the flame thrower is the most fun.

What are some good mods for Deus Ex?

I already beat the game using Grifter or whatever but I didn't like how it stole XP points from you for killing that guy in the versalife center.

So you plan on spending all your points on swimming?
You should have got more.


Swimming, and heavy weapons mostly. Basically pic related but with a gep gun/flamethrower.

It's the Wesker. No one owns the Wesker.

I would have said Deus Ex: Revision, but instead of just being a graphical and sound update they changed some of the level design around.

Where's the user with the lego fetish? I want him to see this.

I dunno, it changes things up a bit. Their level deign isn't as good as the originals but it does make the game feel fresh.


You don't honestly think realistic mode had anything to do with realism did you? I'm having some fun with my flamenwuffer build though, just sanic through the levels spewing fire. GEP for everything else.


Grab GMDX mod.


I have never not played on realistic mode. I got good and then beat the game on realistic and didnt give up until I beat the game.

The GEP gun is your friend, honor him.

Now try it with GDMX hardcore.

Why was the sequel so shit Holla Forums? Why is Nusex so shit, Holla Forums?

Why wouldn't it be? It's made by a bunch of nobodies who couldn't care less about the original.

because Spector was constrained in the first game and unleashed in the second. There's a reason the second game feels wrong, it's because Spector was obsessed with freedom of choice, so a game where he wanted anyone to be able to make any choice they freaked out at the implications of that design decision and got choice paralysis.

Rather than do the hard work to make the game actually reflect choices made by the player (like they did in 1), they went "shit, that's some serious exponential branching issues uhhh how do we fix this?" The result is that there are actually very few choices to make and even fewer reactions in the game world to reflect them leading to a hollow experience where nothing you do really appears to matter. And even worse is the fact that the game just straight up assumes you murdered every character you came across, rather than doing a basic check.

Invisible War was also the first of the meaningless endings that I really ever noticed too, since you never had any connection to any of the characters (except maybe the Dentons… maybe) so when it came time to choose it was a ridiculous sort of personal decision that represented the style of game that Spector was in love with. And yeah, DX1 also did a closely linked multi-ending thing, but at least you had been presented with all sides and met with all the related characters enough to have been given enough information to actually make an informed decision on what path you liked. 2 doesn't even bother as far as I'm concerned.

Every important NPC is behind bullet-proof glass or walls or things so that they don't have to worry about you fucking up their game with your own choices and having to respond to them. The first game sort of did this but in a far more creative and less explicitly lazy way (Page talking to Chow at Versalife for example). The trade off (unless I'm mistaken) is that in the first game certain NPCs are invincible preventing you from fucking up the story by killing them, which is the type of choice that's removed from the player that Spector sperged out about and resulted in the fucked up design decisions of 2.

Also, 2 just looks like ass because all the colours are washed out and muted thanks to UE(2?) and is maybe the worst of the Unreal iterations used in gaming, whereas DX1 looked unique in its sprawling blockiness because the designers worked with what they had and didn't rely on CUTTING EDGE GRAFIX to sell it, which is why 1 not only looks better today (especially with the modding community) but just feels unique as well. Can you think of anything from Invisible War that stuck with you visually?

I didn't like GMDX. It makes some improvements, but also makes some bad choices in terms of nerfs to weapons, as well as making all the weapons overall more accurate. Making them more accurate seems like a good idea, but it ends up making all the enemies in the game much more dangerous which wouldn't be a problem if not for the fact you have a piss poor amount of health. I found GMDX really limited my build.

Sounds like you should have got good but you decided to whine instead.

In my first playthrough I somehow made the robots attack Gunther, and just watched as they did nothing and he eventually destroyed them with his puny guns. That was so immersion killing, and probably the worst thing about Deus Ex.

i mean, you can kill Anna early, so why not Gunther? It's a practically impossible fight for new players, so the whole Gunther storyline/fight later would have been preserved for most first time players (Unless they glitch the game like you did)
imo i think it was intended to happen, but they either ran out of time or overlooked it

Wrong opinion.

Gunther being able to die early definately should have been in the game. The cathedral even has books that could be taken as foreshadowing elite MJ12 agents, so they could have replaced dead Gunther with some top end man-in-black.

It was pretty visually appealing watching a bunch of enemies run around after I lit them up with the hellfire boltcaster

Even though no places were particularly memorable, even the generic corridors of Trier felt different to those of Cairo and Seattle.

It's a shit mod, for every good thing it does such as implement better augmentations it lowers the ability to break the game in fun ways.

I've never done that myself in all the times I've played it so I can't speak to something like that busting my immersion but yeah that'd suck. For me the opposite thing happened when you have to transmit the message to (Silhouette?) and the first time I played all the troops went hostile so the next play through I went and knocked everyone out. When I transmitted the message the goddam game RECOGNISED the fact that I had done this and had a separate message from Simmons that commented on that as much. I was blown away.

considering how rushed the last part of the game is I don't doubt that they had to cut corners with Gunther not being killable earlier in the game. But all things considered I think it worked out. Can you kill Anna even earlier than the plane though? Pretty sure you can't. It's these little design choices that I think you have to make in order to sacrifice some player freedom with narrative structure.

Sure you can try to account for player Y blowing Anna up outside of Battery Park but it wouldn't make sense and you'd have to do a ton of work to make it not break immersion with characters wondering, "oh hey, why did our special agent get blown up and no one notice it". Sure it'd be insanely cool if the game did take this into account, but I honestly don't hold it against them as much since A) you do get an opportunity to kill Navarre and B) the game rolls with it and then eventually evens the story out since you're required to take care of her to escape UNATCO anyway


I remember getting to the end of the game pretty much on the Denton path…and then found out that despite having "choices of consequence" I could just fire off Aquinas control to any of the given factions and switch teams at will. I would say it was DXHR lazy but at least in that game I had to move 10 feet to get to the scuttle controls, I didn't even have to do that in DX2. Whole game is a crock of shit.

I think this is one of the things anons miss the most about Deus ex. By miss I mean it is rarely implemented in other games. The fact that the game would reward you with special dialogue, cut scenes, or other things based on how you played the game. It would make the player feel like their decisions mattered, and were not just running down a corridor from check point to check point.

I realized that was really special about the game pretty early on, in the first visit to UNATCO headquarters, when Manderley gave me shit because I'd been snooping on the women's bathroom.

He says something like it's not proper office etiquette. Fucking priceless!

Apparently, back on the dark ages of the late 90s, people were not aware that there are hundreds of genders.

Actually, if you kill Anna before the plane/on the plane before all her cutscenes are finished, a ghost of her appears to compensate for her being dead to the games flags

What's everyone's favorite build? Speed Enhancement, Regeneration, Power Recirculator, and targeting here. Love games that allow the player to increase their mobility to ridiculous levels. Deus Ex is great for this, as well as Undying once you get haste and upgrade it to maximum.

Best song from best area in embed.

The stuff with Gunther being unkillable can ruin immersion, but I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered you could save Paul in my first run. I think that was the first time I experienced actual consequences for choices in a game.

No, Savage


I still don't understand why they draw themselves looking so deformed.

It's a mystery.

Because it matches their soul.

The ones who draw themselves deformed at least aren't half as hypocritical as the landwhales that decry "sizeism" and sexism and then use thin and attractive avatars to represent themselves online.

Does anyone have the batonspin webm with music? Someone posted it before.

She's got a triple chin going on

Hong Kong probably had the best atmosphere. Vid related is another good one for me, really set the mood well for the mansion.

Why bother with anything else once you have the Dragon Tooth Sword?

Killing MiB's or cyborgs with it makes them violently explode, which generally attracts attention. But apart from them it's the best

I prefer heavy weapon training combined with speed enhancements. I just wish the flame thrower had more ammo. Large parts of the game have none, or at least very little. As for augs my favorite is using the premature explosion, nano-machine heart, and the power lifting. It's funny watching the armored soldiers blow themselves up. I need to try to squash enemies with crates in every level.

If at least they believed this meaning they were satisfied with the current world they've created, I would hate them a tad less. Instead they ruined all the good stuff, and still complain as if niggers and faggots were getting hanged from trees in fucking daily basis. Makes it so much worse.

Sound effects for the sword were the worst in the entire game tho. It sounded like opening a can of tuna when you're piss drunk.

I have a funny story about saving paul. The first time I played Deus ex several years ago, after we were attacked by Unatco I immediately went out the window. It never even occured to me that I could kill the attacking force. Modern games Have taught me that such thngs would have been rail roaded with either invincible, or constantly respawning enemies. It wasn't until my third play through that I tried to kill them all just to see what would happen.

The flamethrower is the most fun weapon in the game, and is really effective against annoying enemies like the greasels.

Would it work on those fucking spiders? I never had the chance to try it, and those were by far the most annoying thing in the game far as I'm concerned.

It's refreshing to see real consequences for your build choice. But it also makes me unable to make up my mind on anything.

hey bro

It hides the fact they're attractive women that have no right to complain about anything.



Then on the other side of the coin you have fat tubs drawing themselves as adorable shortstacks.

You people are missing the very obvious 'They can't draw'

it was crap. The only good part was going back to UNATCO and hearing that familiar music and seeing the familiar architecture.

Games are so goddam linear with fake Telltale/Bioware-tier "choices" that the average nerd expects so little from their games' stories and narrative branching that Deus Ex should blow their minds with its responses to their actions but I think it's going to be like screaming into the wind getting plebs to try it at this point. Case in point:

this is the new generation, Holla Forums

Because they are talentless and cant draw anything besides deformed toons and modern """"""""""art""""""""

Really? This is your complaint? You're so fucking autistic, it's actually funny.

1. bind drop held object to mouse wheel down and pick up object to mouse wheel up
2. look straight down and sperg out on the mouse wheel
3. ????
4. profit

doesn't work on everything such as lams, you also need at least 2 of the thing for this to work

GMDX is the only good answer

I'd understand if DX was Morrowind, but the mod adds so much that I really don't care if I can't climb on mines or have infinite lockpicks and multitools.

Was this comic created ironically or what?

Because I find it hard to believe that anyone could be THIS deluded.



yeah it does, place a lam on a wall then mouse wheel pick up that lam. you must have another lam already in your inventory for it to work. for duping other stuff like aug canisters you can use the "loot_your_own_body_by_killing_yourself_on_a_lift_and_falling_thought_a_level_load_boundary_giltch" or whatever its called

Yeah, a beautiful piece of music by itself but also beautifully matched with an expert change of pace in the action. I'll forever remember Icarus telling me that Beth had been dissected and placed in cryonic storage - I stopped and got scared. The combination of the empty mansion, those surreal endless Unreal engine skies and the absurdly large rooms with high ceilings just got me in a Giorgio de Chirico way. Fond memories.

Out of curiosity are there any kills in the game you can't avoid? I don't mean knocking people out, I mean you have to kill them to advance the plot. The only ones I can think of are navare, and gunther. Robots don't count.

technically you can skip killing navare but the game doesn't know this and thinks she's dead. I don't think you have to kill gunther ether but again its a glitch so the game dialog treats it as him being dead.
robots are people too

I am going to try to. For navare can't I just taze the nerd, and take his key? For Gunther I think I can just avoid him, but Simmons will still think he is dead right?

ah just looked it up.
I don't think works. the way is to give her the slip then get very close to the locked door. then when you release the drone camera it will clip though the locked door. detonate the drone and the noise will attract navare. you've got to be cameo clocked when she comes by and she'll open the door. then run past her. that's one way. I don't know if the door is too small to allow you to grenade clip past it.

that's what New Vision is for

No when I said nerd I meant Alex, I have never tazed him so I don't know if he drops the key or not. Guess I will find out soon enough.

I think he only has the key if you kill navare in the plane. if she's still alive then I don't think he has it. also alex is an unkillable npc so tazin' wont work. you'll have to balance him on a chair and then push him into a wall if you want to kill and loot his body.

Tell him to get some mods, and power through liberty island. By then he should be into the game's plot and used to the graphics. I didn't play Deus Ex until few years ago, and had hard time getting into it until I actually got through the first mission. In my defense, gaming equipment wasn't affordable in my country until about 2004, so I missed out on a lot of 90s good games and have been slowly filling in the gaps. I still can't get into the isometric RPGs though.


Every time I play this game, I find something new. Also I ended up hating that piece of hot trash of a gun, but hey. Some dude had to die for it so fuck it.

Also nonlethalling NSF, UNATCO, and the sailor outfit guys in the battleship, but killing everyone else is objectively the correct way to play DX.


I love the different ways you can do the first mission

this shit is why Deus Ex is so great





Breath of the Wild does this, although it's not a linear game, but NPCs will have alternate dialogue that changes depending on what I've already done, everyone doubts that I'm the hero because I don't have the Master Sword and they will have additional dialogue depending on what divine beasts I've already taken control of, there's also dialogue for doing things that aren't really reinforced in the game like finding out you can ride a deer and then trying to add that deer to the Stable network will have the stable owner realize you're riding a deer half way through the conversation, not quite Deus Ex though. NPCs will react to player actions and will have alternate dialogue for completing tasks before they are presented to you, or if you complete a task in an unexpected way NPCs have alternate dialogue.

It feels good that Deus Ex still has dialogue I haven't heard even after my 6th playthrough.

Best complete soundtrack I have found.

I really like Versalife ambient.

I really want to see a remake, but more in the vein of OpenMW with a push for a smoother engine with more modern physics and other features, adding new models to Deus Ex is fucking hell since it's format is a modified version of the Unreal engine format and the game uses per vertex animations which is of course painful, the ability to dynamically animate characters and smoothly blend animations would be great, like being able to tell the head to track a specific target instead of being able to choose between 3 pre set positions to rotate to. I'd really like to see IW ported to said engine or even the original DX, it still holds value, things like NG Resonance, the Omar and JC Helios are really good, it was great to see that JC still had killer once liners, even Alex D has some too.

fuck the soundtrack for this game is spot on. Ignoring that I've played through it half a dozen times, the music is ON POINT for the world: dark, synthy, ominous, and vaguely EDMy. Just like the main game, I think the limits of the technology prevented the artists from getting carried away with throwing everything at it and getting lost in the noise. That said, the new ones had half-decent soundtracks still.

Canals of Hong Kong, and the Du Claire mansion take me places


I wonder if it's possible to fuck that?
It looks like a robospider and I have a thing for robospiders


I wonder why good games always have good soundtracks, usually ones packed from left to right of good tracks too, I really like this particular piece and it's

Yeah, an engine remake you cuckold, although I'd also like to see fixes for some elements, GMDX already does a lot of that stuff though, and the alternate Unatco route, but these things are mathematically unlikely. I gave the most prominent reason personally and that's the jumping through hoops just to add new assets for the game, I actually made a bunch of static replacements and have detailed character replacements that I can't get into this shithouse fucking engine, and suck my dicks.

And it's just the conversation theme

You'd break your cock

>I'm the cuckold



clang clang clang
Fuck the robot user

just don't try to fist it

Fifteen years of playing DX and I still learn something new in every thread about it. I had no idea this was a possible solution.

That is my plan

I havent really paid any attention to DE in the news for ages now is there anything new in the works?

There is a new version of GMDX about to be released soon, which will include tons of promising shit

how is mankind divided? i still havent played it (only just picked up something to play it on)

nice user. I was excited to give it a replay over Christmas but GMDX was delayed. Any word on when it will be released?

Does it fix the parts where boxes everywhere were empty? It's been a while since I played it.

The beta version should be online within six months. It's currently undergoing preparations and will be operational within six months. My people will continue to report on its operation within six months.

I think a lot of boxes ended up becoming empty because of the amount of ammo in levels being reduced. That's probably not a bug.

so within the week?


No six months

I must admit, I have been somewhat impressed with the performance of primary unit.

The secondary unit should be online within six months. It's currently undergoing preparations, and should be online within six months. My people will continue to report on it's progress within six months.

thanks user, you're a real human bean

These gave me a good chuckle

Does GMDX add any sort of direct communications between enemies like in MGS where a central command will call the soldiers occasionally, or the soldiers can call them and give them info/raise alert status?




Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week, I already discussed the matter with the senator.

What a shame


Of course, is desperate.

Warning, warning, old men



Is the car's default decoration name "Report this as a bug", or is "Report this as a bug" the default decoration name?

Dude Sex a shit.

System Shock is the superior cyberpunk FPS.

Implying JC wouldn't merge with Shodan sexually

You kill Anna by placing a mine where she gets in.

Ignore this, I didn't read.

Would that make the result a tranny, or a hermaphrodite?

I'm telling you JC would fuck her by joining his cybernetically enhanced dick robot pussy. Not merge like JC can at the end of DX.

Also DX is better than SS2 because DX's story and themes are relevant to what is happening in real life right now.

It's funny. The devs thought it was just a satirical amalgation of all the cospiracy theories set at the time, they had absolutely no foresight about if any of them were true or not, when it turned out all of them were true at the same time. Or maybe some of them did? We'll never know.

Well I'm going to try GMDX again. The lack of items is already starting to irritate my autism, as I can't unlock everything even if I explore the whole area. The GEP has two rockets before it reloads though, too bad you rarely find ammo. And he still didn't fix the fact that flamethrower enemies still carry no ammo to.

Stick with the prod.

I'm pretty sure the writer did, NG Resonance in Invisible War was fucking excellent, an AI that poses as a friendly social outlet in order to collect metrics and spy on it's users, very similar to what Facebook ultimately does but achieves it in a slightly different way. There's probably a few more things but NG is the easy one.

I remember hearing that the dev team actually got contacted by the Feds because some of this shit was hitting too close to home

never heard this but it sounds like Tom Clancy(R) getting visits from the feds when writing because he researched his shit so well that he was actually getting things right

I wonder what would happen if someone were to make a game based on existing conspiracies and operations then. I am guessing it would end with suicide by two shots at the back of the head, since I recall there was one guy making a documentary in the US about some government conspiracy shit that supposedly committed suicide right before releasing the footage.

It would really depend on how you did it. If you went full Alex Jones nobody would believe you anyway

That is because most of what Alex says is speculation and commentary. A lot of what he says is true but that gets drowned out by everything else he wants to say. For example, he was correct about FEMA camps but the fact that he kept talking about everyone being herded like cattle in the next 20 minutes made him look insane when it didn't happen, even if it was clear that it is the intended goal based on the fact that all of the FEMA camps were like ghost prisons, where you have a gigantic prison complex that is supposedly an "education centre" where you only see workers and nothing else.
For something that is still going on, it wouldn't be too difficult for someone to start making a documentary on Gladio A and Gladio B.

You think that Alex is trying to cover his own bases by appearing really lucid one minute and then saying some completely insane shit the next so that the government wouldn't consider him an option for two bullets to the back of the head suicide?

No, I think that is simply his appeal. It's just that the image of him being insane comes not from the things he says but rather the way he gets his message across.


Okay so I played GMDX again, and it's trash here's why. Deus ex is all about making obstacles for the player to overcome, and they give the player a large amount of tools to allow a player to approach a problem in their own way. GMDX greatly limits the players ammo, and supplies keeping the player from being able to approach an obstacle in their own way. GMDX completely defeats the purpose of even playing Deus ex. For all the stuff it adds, it completely misses the target by such an enormous margin I find it hard to believe. Whine all you want, vanilla deus ex will always be superior.


Killing public figures like that is retarded anyway. It works for people that nobody knows or will remember like the two guys that got bullets in their heads supposedly from Hillary, but when it's a widely known figure like Alex Jones it just makes it seem like someone covering their tracks, and doing a really shitty job of it. Easier to just let him continue to spout a bunch of crazy shit, with the occasional kernel of truth.

but user
you can throw flaming barrels with infinite health at legbots and they explode in two hits
You can kill Shannon and use her dead body to kill her maybe boyfriend in the other room

The standard operating procedure when it comes to high profile people like Jones is to discredit them instead of kill them. There was an email going around in the Clinton campaign that Hillary wanted Ed Klein discredited. Klein wrote a couple of books about the Clintons, which some people claimed were either untrue or poorly sourced. The fact that Hillary wanted him discredited, as opposed to just outright suing him, proves there's at least a kernel of truth to what he writes.

That's cool, and all, but it doesn't change the fact that GMDX is inferior to vanilla. Also less fun than vanilla.

My favorite version is embed related.

And thanks to celebrity voice actors we will never see this kind of dialogue ever again. The different versions I mean.

There's lines for shit that would never even occur to most people. The subway scene, for example, has at least four possible outcomes: one for saving the hostages, one for NSF killing the hostages, one for you killing the hostages, and one for abandoning the hostages altogether.

I don't see anyone waving a white flag.



How do you people kill mister manderley? I usually kill both him, and his secretary before blowing them up with a LAM in the bathroom.

GEP gun, sometimes you've got to make a silent take down

Funny you should mention that.

It may be ironic but it speaks to the weakness of that kind of person either way.

A tranasaphrodite

Haven't played for years, is it easy to get working on win7? Any download links?

Remember; prod with the prod

yeah it works on windows7 for me with the gog__ version.

This is the greatest webm.
I'm having flash backs to being a kid playing Deus Ex and getting my mind blown by conspiracy theories.


Goddamn you, mustards. I've been trying to undercut your classics to make myself feel better about my Bloodborne machine having no backwards compatibility, yet nothing I do seems to phase you. What about the gameplay? Gunplay? I don't play these types of games so I don't know how to attack. I tried playing this game once and I couldn't get past the first mission. Goddamn you, mustards, goddamn you.

Pour all your points into pistols, and get that to master. Give all your mods to the pistol, and use a gep gun for everything else. You'll learn from there.

fucking christ, my brother is a normalfag and he's beaten the vanilla game multiple times. What are you doing in the first mission and what are you putting points into?

On the off chance that this isn't bait, DE isn't a good FPS to start with. Start with Quake 2 or Brutal Doom (with GZDOOM) or something.

you mean you want a remake of the Unreal Engine? Unreal Engine 1 is supposed to go open source eventually at some point.

Put it all into swimming. That's the only way to really play.

There's been a couple of people who've started on unatco route mods. Its just a really big project and no one ever finished it. I always wished I could stay with them too.

Deus ex will run on a toaster. So you have a pc that can play it. Just play more carefully if you can't get past the first mission dude.

Its been long enough that it should've happened allready. Like holy hell.

That's not what I mean, just a new engine for it to work on that supports all of it's features, a remake of Unreal Engine 1 is fine, but another engine like Idtech 4 or a completely new engine would be great too.

I've read rumors about the original Unreal Engine's source code being made public but nothing has happened, even then it would probably be easier to add the desired features to an already existing engine then to add new more complex systems to Unreal 1, on top of having to add in the features that Deus Ex itself needs since the Deus Ex iteration of Unreal has been clearly customized.

I haven't seen anything about Unatco route mods, it would be nice but sourcing that kind of VA would be a big problem, and even then you'd have a hard time satisfying all the fans.

it broke

Thats why The nameless mod is the only worthy successor to Deus Ex 1

what have I been missing out on?

It's about as long as DE1; it's fully voice acted; it has two branching paths, a bunch of new items, plenty of sidequests, REALLY great level design, some UI upgrades over the original game, a ton of easter eggs, and 4 different endings. Just like in DE1 your choices actually matter and characters will react to your playstyle and how you act around them.

Also, if you find yourself pining for the way the internet felt back in the early 2000's, this is sort of like playing through a video game adaption of an internet forum from that time period.

How adorable.