Griefing & trolling in online games

Is it me. Or accidental Roblox trolling somehow surpassed the raids on Club penguin?

Not gonna lie I'd fuck that nigress.

The only people who do grief and troll are autistic kids. Go get on irc or play one, they're low IQ autist losers. It's so easy to just take it and give it right back to them and then since they're dumb ddos them.

>playing The Division

Me too. She probably had a white father though.

I'll have you know that I'm neither a kid nor certifiably autistic but in fact I suffer from a rare and acute sodium chloride deficiency. You're being ableist and should check your privilege accordingly.

Butthurt pve fag detected.

Griefing is more or less dead in this age because people want to try and be the next Myg0t or manlet tears. They're more worried about what types of griefing will "get them the most views" than actually fucking with people.

Then you get the people who think that mic spam is griefing and that ends up getting old fast.

I mean let's be real user it's just like trolling, the act of trolling used to mean more or less the same thing as griefing but now it's turned into people just pretending to be retarded and then trying to laugh at you if you fall for it thinking they're not "pretending" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

game is shit but that is the best part of it.

Degenerates. She definitely had a white parent, though.

can't argue with that get.

This is a result of developers deciding to be the nannys of their audience and protect everyone one of their players from any sort of meaningful interaction with each other lest someones precious fee fees be hurt. It's most noticable in MMOs where it affects the actual core gameplay really harshly and is often used as a springboard to micotransaction shilling. "give us money and we'll let you trade!"

The even bigger issue is that devs have turned ANYTHING with online interaction into a MASSIVE safe space. Everything has safety latches and padded edges so little Jimathoy does not get xer otherkin feefees in a a rustle.
If you SOMEHOW bypass this shit you get banned SO FUCKING FAST for MUH FEELINGS or TOXICITY. If you're not some communist puke you're on the chopping block to get your account gulag'd for badthink.

Funny story about pretending to be retarded. I did CS:GO comp with a friend and had him act like a literal downs kid. Everyone but this one guy on our team bought it. Kid got so upset we managed to call a vote kick on him and get him a 7 day ban. When that happened we dropped the act .

Pretty much this as well. most online games now run so many counter-measures to doing anything but what is approved by the admin is going to get you banned. Hell doing shit that the admin allows but doesn't like because it annoys him is what gets you banned easily.

Its still fun and possible to really trigger kids in csgo. They did try and limit what you could do sadly.
custom sprays from 1.6/source

I think youtube ruined some of the best aspects of trolling. It became too commercialized for sweet sweet views and subs, and people are now kinda on to most of the tactics.

There's still good shit out there, you just have to look for it

Faggy low energy shit. This is what passes for griefing.


I never played this game but it's astonishing how much trust people have with nobodies. It's like they haven't watched any of these griefing videos.

This is some Team Avolution Tier shit.
Love it.

lmao shut up loser


Of course the person objecting to this a weaboo, who would ddos over a person being mean online?

Anyway I want to do this again what are some good games? Is griefing just flaming the shit out of people now?

That dude is so smooth while he does all that shit. HUE.

Deploy the autistic russian child.


I rarely get to post this analysis.

The best way to grief an ASSFAGGOT is to pick a legit strategy that goes against the meta and stomp kids with it while your teammates cry.

>Play LoL
Then fun haters nerfed the shit out of my favourite characters.

He may have some points there but I'll wager for 'The Screecher' that that was probably the first time they ever saw grief in-game and possibly online at all.

Their up-until-that-point placid, yet controlled patch is suddenly fucked over in the extreme by an able fuckster, I dunno how old the kid is but 'young' is a solid guess and for that to be the way everything goes tits up is going to provide some (pathetic, trivial, digital) trauma, hence why he's vocally acting as if his avatar and chests *are* him and that he might end it by 'killing' the invader, he's deep LARPed to the point where this is his refuge from the harsh Russian vodkascape outside.

Once he's been invaded a few more times. learns the impermanence of game things and security and then learns what Creative mode is, suddenly the squealing loon should get a handle on his apparent madness.

I remember a simple exploit in Yahoo chat back in the day was spamming invites to a private chat to fuck up another user's experience with pop-up windows, it was the first grief I ever experienced (all it took was a tick box option to fix) but it was still quite disconcerting at the time, granted I didn't squeal like a banshee crossed with a shitty baby though.

This is pure bullshit. One of the primary traits of psychos and sociopaths is their lack of inhibitions and poor impulse control. The psychopath stereotype of the cold blooded killer and mastermind ala Hannibal is pure bullshit, most of them are socially maladjusted freaks that get repeated arrests for petty theft, sexual assault and rages.

That's some ….lovely equipment you have there.

Would be a real shame if something happened to it . .

ASSFAGGOTS if you want to know how shit ASSFAGGOTS are, wait until you're getting game after game of shitters again. Then just fuck with your team by doing shit to make them cry their eyes out but isn't obviously feeding.

Notice how this is 100x more fun than the actual fucking game.

this exact shit happened 80% of the time, the ones who didn't know the might of scrapping spear learned it the hard way

Nigger detected

It's entirely possible the Minecraft kid was just a 'crybaby faggot', people attach 'autistic' to too many things that don't fit, every type of social retardation under the sun is called autistic nowadays as is every obsessively constructive effort.

I am neurotypical but I've spent more time building fake digital empires than remoulding the real world to my will and my misanthropy makes me distrust virtually everyone to the point where I have one friend I see once a year tops. My pursuits and behaviour may seem autistic but it's just because life and everyone in it is so fucking shady and/or dull.

fuck you.


hello reddit


It's much more likely the kid has a severe Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder or an Explosive Disorder

I figured the kid was just being Russian.

You forgot to attach your Kefka.jpg, user.



I'm glad to have voted Daniels.

