Am I the only one getting tired of "Platinum" combat?

Am I the only one getting tired of "Platinum" combat?
I loved Bayonetta but Plat decided to use this exact same system for
The cracks are really starting to show. After a while you realize the entire combat revolved around waiting for the enemy to flash then pressing the dodge button after. They need to figure out a new and original way of avoiding damage that isn't just revolved around waiting for enemy to hit and then pressing button at the exact right time. They also need combat outside of their traditional light/heavy. Bayo was a great game but I don't even know if I would be excited for a bayo 3 at this point. It's been done to death.

I'll give you the rest, however MGR is unique in its combat design. I'll give you the rest however.

It's not really about the combat for me.
I mean, is it good? Sure.

But it's more about the full game and how everything just kind of falls in place just the right way.
MGR would be nothing without the characters, the music, the story AND the gameplay. Same goes for most other Platinum games.

It's like asking Asscreed fans if they're tired of Asscreed games or Musou fans if they're tired of Musou games.
Nigga if you're tired of Platinum games like I dunno don't play Platinum games.

Over the years I came to realize that it's better to have dev that does one thing, but does it good, rather than dev that does different things, but does them not good.

Every fucking not shit plat game allows you to differently approach enemies, if you lack imagination - it's your personal problem tbh.

MGR doesn't apply because of how different it is but everything else checks out. Platinum games are a unique blend of story, cuhrayzee gameplay with its own twist on things (even if samey from game to game), good characters/bosses and good music.

A lot of people feel the same way, but Platinum fans like it that way for that reason, and because it's cool.

They are just hack and slash you dipshit.
They just happen to do it very well most of the time.

This is like using the "Souls-Like" to describe any action RPG.

Something tells me you haven't even played those games if you think they're the same as Bayo.

But bayo is probably their best achievement and it is wait for flash then dodge.

No, you clearly haven't because Transformers and Nier are pretty much an exact copy of Bayo while MGR is a tweaked Bayo.

The only thing that sets MGR apart is that your go-to mechanic is counter rather than dodge, yet game still has them both. I dunno why all of you consider it so different, just because two standard mechanics were kinda reversed in priority?
If anything really different one is W101 and even than it has all the ropes.

I have a game just for you.

Core combat is the same though. Sure Automata has open world and shmup segments, while MGR has QTEs and stealth segments, but when it comes to whacking mobs you immediately feel plat game.

how is this a bad thing?
It works and plat is really good at implementing it
If you're tired of that style, then maybe you should play a different game?

This user is right, I'd rather have a dev that does one thing good rather than several mediocre things

I love platinum, but I have to admit that they seem to be repeating Bayo's combat. I like it best when they are being experimental like W101.

Witch time dodging
Parrying, zan datsu
the game is spam earth element since its the strongest and wind for cleave. Not much meta here.
didn't play
i give you that one

It gets old. It's the same reason a lot of anons are burnt out on dark souls.

Don't fix what ain't broke.

Life is suffering

Then play a non-plat action game, it's not like you're restricted to only play their games

Just play not platinum game then.
Holy fuck.

life is suffering

But if you ware it out it pretty much will be. It gets easier and easier to see the flaws in Plat and DS games because I have played them for so long.

Or maybe I want Plat to do something different. What's wrong with that? They made w101 and vanquish. Hell, Scalebound was even looking more like DMC than bayo.

its not that they are burnt on dark souls, its that there hasnt been a good dark souls game since dark souls. 2 is shit and 3 is better then 2 but thats all that can be said about that

what transformers are you talking about?

The best one, obviously.

Vanquish was pretty meh tbh.
I give you W101, but it's just really good gimmick they built the game around that made it shine. I doubt they can repeat it in any really different form.
So yeah if you want platinum game but not platinum game go play some Ninja Gaiden maybe.

This one obviously.

Because that's what retards who contract them for want. Platinum has proven many times they can make different kinds of gameplay and do it super fucking well. It's just that when they get contracted for these games the people in charge want gameplay that is just Bayonetta shit.

You're not going to start complaining about a game set into the far future not having some made up language are you?

i never actually give this game a chance. i'll add it to my backlog.

If they got rid of the flash, I wouldn't have a problem at all. Or at least make it optional.

No, you retard.

MGR has a larger focus on crowd control considering you'll face a lot of foes who fire bullets at you from a distance, but will switch to melee if you get close to them. Getting hit by a single bullet doesn't even hurt that much, but it denies you your No Damage bonus and by extent your precious S-rank, so you'll find yourself Ninja Running inbetween enemies a lot as you're trying to herd enemies together while still keeping up your HIT counter. This is also more emphasized by the fact that parrying blows requires you to know the direction the attack is coming from and by extent where the enemies are around you, as opposed to Witch Time games where you simply need to press Dodge+movement key at the right time. Enemies which perform grab attacks and can't be countered with just a parry are also a nice addition to spice things up.

Transformers Devastation also involves a lot of vehicle combat given that enemies don't always nicely run up to you so you can whack them, and as such involves a lot of transforming where you're shooting at enemies while driving and dicing them up once they cool down. Though some attacks like Rush Combos feel easily spammable

Nier Automata's primary gimmick aside from the shmup elements is the focus on switching weapon sets to prolong combos and plug-in chips as a means to customize your playstyle (some give you dodge offset, some give you a parry move, and so on), as in a way its more of a Platinum Greatest Hits album in terms of gameplay than it is really original.
Most robots feel rather easy to dodge whereas the bullets of most shooting enemies are easily cancelable, though there are some enemies like the YorHa soldiers who don't even have any flashes on their attacks

That destroys this entire thread.
Too bad almost nobody will read it and keep bickering with op.

This, people who say Platinum only makes one game over and over have never experimented with the games they've supposedly played. They look at a video and say, "Man, this looks just like X game. Why can't they make something new?" While they are all similar in one sense, they've got layers that differentiate themselves between each other.

*pat pat*
Feel special yet?

Vanquish was really good too.

My nigga.

im getting tired of tetris. all you do is leave a column open on the side and wait for a line block.



That's certainly true, if a game doesn't have some groundbreaking new game mechanic on the surface then in most cases it'll just get compared to the game that pioneered most of the mechanic the other game utilizes by people who don't even have a second to understand how the game works beyond the surface level.

Only a moron would carelessly call Nioh and Bloodborne 'just Dark Souls clones' (not even Demons Souls, mind you) with no idea of what the aforementioned games do to change up or improve existing concepts. Sort of like how Ikaruga and Radiant Silvergun get heaps of praise in comparison to the other zillion excellent shmups, because their innovation was apparent at face value to the point where even IGN can recognize it (I'm not shitting on Ikaruga or RS here). And I think innovative concepts presented at face value are one of the key components to (financial) success.

For outsiders to the respective genres, new iterations in genres like arena shooters, fighting games and shmups tend to be viewed as 'just more of the same shit' given that at first glance the gameplay just looks like 'more of the same shit' compared to other games in the genre. Though for people who aren't hardcore enthusiasts of the genre, they may not understand or appreciate the changes a game brings to its genre and dismiss it as unoriginal or gloss over it entirely.
Unfortunately not every innovation can be pushed to the front like a marketing point, it's not like everyone bought Bayonetta because it had dodge offset. Some games get lucky and can establish a reputation for their mechanical complexity like Smash (relatively speaking) or because of a strong competitive scene.

Back to the original topic, it certainly appears as if Platinum has been getting stagnant over the years due to the mediocre efforts that produced TMNT and Korra, and Nier Automata in the end still utilized a lot of gameplay elements from the first Nier game, but I still think that they hold up quality-wise (with the exception of TMNT/Korra) and do enough to feel fresh and different in terms of execution and aesthetics. Anyone trying to compare the general direction of Platinum games to musou games are quite frankly talking out of their ass and have no idea what they're talking about and probably played the game only once through Normal.

If you're tired of "Platinum" combat, stop playing Platinum games, idiot. How is this even an issue?

While I don't share in the sentiment that they should be pumping out more radically different titles like W101 or Vanquish, that's not to say the formula they're using couldn't do with some improvements. More dynamic weapon changing, styles akin to DMC, cutting back on the pointless QTE button mashing bits, etc - the system doesn't need to change completely but it could do with some changes.

In that regard, Platinum does appear to be stagnant in their gameplay. The change in mechanics from Bayo 1 to Bayo 2 wasn't quite as big a leap as the change from say DMC 1 to DMC 3. Much of their other recent games (ie the licensed shit) just seem to follow the same template and don't really have any substantial changes or improvements to really stand out. I haven't played N:A yet, but from what I've seen it's not that much of a shakeup either.

He has to find a reason to complain about something and make a thread about it to feel special.

Guess who's on Holla Forums? Also, Korra, TMNT, and Transformers were obviously low-budget ventures.

3rd person shooter


Fundamentally the melee combat in Automata is very similar to Bayonetta but there's a much greater emphasis on range control, ranged combat and positioning and loads of segments that change up the gameplay entirely like the twin stick shooter and sidescrolling segments. It's also the first Platinum game to have flying segments that are actually fun and don't overstay their welcome.

You are stupid. Plat has shown again and again that they can make different types of fighting games. Only a pleb wants the same exact shit over and over without the gameplay advancing.

This. It would be much better to dodge attacks based on the character animations than the game going "OH MY GOD AN ATTACK"

The little gimicks and small changes don't stop the core combat from being the same. If I play a plat game and instantly can beat it on hard for no other reason than because I played their other games than it is an issue.
Look at the difference between DMC, Godhand and Bayo. These 3 games are all great and all made by a lot of the same devs. The devs CAN make new types of games and in fact were going to before Scalebound got canned but the games they are making for other people are just Bayo clones with slight tweaks.

W101 was pretty different. It seems like Platinum needs another studio to help them. Platinum can make some pretty good games, but they needed Nintendo to make Bayo 2 and W101 better. I assume MGR is different and great too for the same reason.

You're missing out on some fun user.





Yes, since it's the best beat'em up combat quality in videogames there is.

They're actually called Character-focused Armed Action-Adventure featuring Kek & Lel, shitlord.

Diablo is a loot n walk

I enjoy Platinum but for the love of god I wish anyone else was able to make also able to make a good action games. The only hope I have left is if DMC 5 is shown this year. other wise Platinum is all were going to get.

You mean Pillage n Steal, right?

Dude, like, The controls are just so clunky and the camera has issues… LUL. Dark Souls has way better combat.

Falcom can. Lacrimosa of Dana, the Napishtim engine Ys's and Nayuta no Kiseki are all good as fuck.

At-least it's one dev doing the same thing everywhere, imagine that western game of the same style all share the"mash one attack ad-nauseam" problem, ABSOLUTELY ALL OF THEM


I think this is less about Platinum needing support from outside and more letting Kamiya direct more games.

Think about it - Devil May Cry, God Hand, Viewtiful Joe, Okami, Bayonetta, Wonderful 101, all these games have vastly different combat systems, and each time, Kamiya was at the helm. The reason for why Bayonetta's systems get reimplemented over and over is that it's the simplest and most universal to adapt.

On that note, I'm not particulary fond of throwing Nier Automata into the mix here simply because it was meant to be a Yoko Taro game where the combat doesn't suck dick rather than a Platinum game that just happened to have a script by Yoko Taro. Not that I disagree that it takes heavily from Bayonetta's template, however - there's a chip that pretty much gives you Witch Time, after all.


but yeah it needs to evolve

Why do japs suck at designing good combat?

Why do westerners suck at designing good combat

Are you a shitskin or just denying your race and nationality?

Nice quads tho.

Nah It's just that there hasn't been good combat in games for a long time especially from the west

You should know. "Western" game companies are filled with niggers, faggots, spics, commies, SJWs, and JEWS.

You mean like pic related?


That's clearly a Finn
