This controller had been with me for a while now, i want to buy a new one, any recommendations?
PC controllers
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The F310 is alright.
The ds4 is ok. Sticks, dpad, buttons etc everything is good if you like the price. I need a 2nd but I might go with something cheaper since the wireless sucks so much.
I've had the same wireless xbox 360 controller for 7 years.
Seconding. I've used an F310 for years, and the only problem I have is that they don't seem to last as long as some other controllers (I have to get a new one every year and a half or so). But they're pretty cheap, so that balances out.
Have one and it works well, but I really dislike the d-pad
I thought the analog sticks were the problem with those things. What didn't you like about the dpad?
Has anyone ever improved on the Saturn's controller? That image looks like an attempt to evolve it. Is it any good?
Get a second revision DS4/Bone pad, whichever you like the ergos of more.
They're both cheap as fuck now.
Bottom-tier controller. Input lag out the ass, shit-tier build quality. The last good Logitech controller was the Rumblepad 2.
Never had one but it looks mushy to me.
The D-pad is one giant cirlce with a raised area showing the directional input. It is not at all ideal for games that prioritize the D-pad instead of the analog stick. If I need to play games that make use of the D-pad, I just hook up one of my Wii controllers.
If you are ready for a new approach. I recommend the steam controller.
Unless you need to type, or playing a shooter or fighting game, controllers are the way to go.
Yeah, like in rpgs, strategies, first person action games and shit
Oh wait
Here's your (You)
It feels like a sort of half-assed reproduction of the neo geo's thumbstick, except instead of a raised thumbstick they went with a flat dpad. It's actually super comfortable, and is the only redeeming feature on that controller, although it' shit when you need precise input.
You aren't fooling anyone, nigger.
Say the one who recommed gamepads made by niggers, arabs and dudebros for niggers, arabs and dudebros
What's the actual Steam controller like?
I know that pain, it's why I ended up getting a second controller solely for d-pad games. Feels good having a nice crisp cross d-pad so I know it's just me fucking up.
Flat chested
If you have an HTPC setup, and for whatever reason don't want pic related, it's better than a regular gamepad for playing shit you should be playing with your M/KB, but worse than a regular gamepad for games you'd want to actually use a gamepad with.
If you don't have an HTPC setup, forget it.
doesn't seem very comfy, i have two htpcs set up now and just use my phone or a gamepad to interact with them.
i considered attaching m+kb to some old tv stands at one point, but even that seems cumbersome.
we need to master magnets so i can just use an ethereal surface that floats where i choose.
i wish i'd bought more spares of pic related when they were dirt cheap, one is finally wearing out the d-pad and the other two are in use.
Good stuff shill. I'll stick with a normal controller and not play with laptop touchpads though, thanks.
Why not both?
I'm playing Hotline Miami with a mouse and a controller.
So, stick with my F310 and my Wiimote (And, it's accessories). Got it, thanks.
Depending on how comfy your couch is, it's actually more comfortable than sitting at your desk in a comfy executive chair. It's fully adjustable, so even fatties can comfortable use it.
>it's only useful in this highly specific niche setup
Brain problems?
I'd consider upgrading that F310 at some point, but yes, you can safely avoid the steam controller.
Just about any game that requires an analog stick is not worth playing.
it's more an issue of i get up a lot when i'm using my couch, and the height seems kind of bad. it doesn't even look like two people can fit on that couch while playing, so why wouldn't you use your main pc.
I don't know anyone with an HTPC setup who actually plays with multiple people, tbh. They treat it as an all-purpose media setup for netflix, console games, and pc games.
I'm fond of the PS2 controller, since it has everything you need without any of the fluff that comes with the PS3/4 controllers.
face buttons are a touch small and could have a better feel.
I like the triggers and the touchpads. Probably be a massive boon once folks figure out how to use Haptic feedback in games for greater immersion.
Its a cool experiment for those that want a hybrid control style of controller and keyboard.
That's because they've covered it in throw pillows like some kind of autistic martha stewart. If there were no pillows and he moved over you could fit another next to him.
I already know the problem with that thing just by looking at it. Its going to slide forward when you're trying to do some l33t fragging. You haven't mentioned the cost either.
You keep using that word, but I know for a fact you don't understand what it means. Google it and get back to me, famalam.
The DS2 was my go-to controller until I bought a DS4. The DS2 sticks feel weird now, and the grip angle takes some re-acclimation.
Just drove across a good chunk of the state to get to a specific Goodwill, and came back with:
Burnout Revenge
Need for Speed Underground
Need for Speed Underground 2
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
Mario Golf (GCN)
I guess it was a decent haul, but I was hoping for old PC and PSX games. Ah well, it is current year +2 after all, and the really old stuff is about dried up.
Unless it's a console port with no other good options, anyone who plays PC games with a controller should be fucking hanged.
i bet your back is shaped like a banana, most games can be played with controller perfectly fine because most games are console ports
Imagine if your desk legs were made out of cushioning and it tilted your entire keyboard and mouse toward wherever you put pressure onto with your arms. That is what this fag is advertising. A piece of wood would be just as good.
They "can" be played, and you'll turn down the difficulty like the bitch boy you are because you cant snap aim or actually move with any finesse, just because you "can" eat cat food instead of human food doesn't mean you should retard.
Good luck playing PS1/PS2 games with a keyboard.
i would play new vegas at medium difficulty even at mouse and keyboard because higher difficulties just make enemies bullet sponges and make you deal with boring bullshit like ammo weight and water (but i did beat my first game with both highest difficulty and hardcore but guess what it wasn't fucking fun). steam controller, 360 controller, and buffalo usb classic controllers work perfectly well for every single game that isn't a multiplayer fps like quake live for obvious reasons, and even then steam controller works fine for casual team fortress 2 because you can 'snap aim', which that said you can play casual singleplayer games like fallout new vegas or thief 1 perfectly fine with
Why would I want to do that?
That's not how it works at all, reddit.
Also, we have IDs, newfriend
Revenge and NFSU2 are pretty good games. If you really want to find good stuff, I recommend going through garage sales and flea markets.
Got damnit
Include book stores in that list. Some of the ones I go have a media section…somewhere.
PSX games are a dime a dozen considering how often I find them in my area. Old PC games are not as often, but not that difficult to find.
Ok don't refute anything I've said, just call me reddit for no reason. Whatever, dunno why I cared so much. At least it looks nice.
You give up too easily, reddit.
xbox or xbone (requires win10) have the most support
I could beat the shit out of your mom irl
xbox360 that is
I'm going to go bone your mom while you're in school tomorrow. Leave the couchmaster out so I can try it and see what all the fuss is about.
At least tip her this time, faglord
I need a controller too, but I really hate modern controllers. The last half acceptable controller for me was the ps2's, everything nowadays is really big and heavy
Anyone knows if there is a controller like the snes controller in size and weight, with joysticks and 2 pairs of triggers? It should be able to fit all in the same snes space removing the crosspad and moving the other buttons
you didn't deny being a shill.
Have you tried a DS3?
I wanted something smaller or at least without those 2 handles but it will have to do, the only thing close to what I want is this and it's for the wii, no usb
try ur dick
If that's the pad you want, they do have adapters that let you use that thing on the PC.
Not my fault that they work perfectly with every game. Games for Windows™ ensures the best gaming experience possible.
I just bought this but in blue. Super comfy. Hori is best.
I only have 20 bucks to spare and I guess a bootleg ps3 controller is cheaper than a nintendo controller and adapter. I'll just get the smallest ds3 I can find because I have really tiny hands, the only controller I can handle comfortably is the snes using most ds2/3 I've come across doesnt feel right at all, I have to stretch my hand a lot and they are heavy
Xbone works on win 7 dumbass.
I would stay away from "off-brand" controllers, it's just not worth it in the long run. Do note that regular DS3s are already designed for tiny gook hands, and are probably the lightest wireless controller out there.
True. Thanks man
Actually Sixaxis controllers are lighter than DS3s because they don't have rumble.
That's the one I was thinking of. Thing weighs like half of a 360 controller.
I haven't seen video games at garage sales for a long time in my area. Old computer stuff is just getting pitched out, too, it seems.
It's a crapshoot no matter where you go. In larger city areas, there may be more hoarders with shitloads of old tech purchased before the economy took a nosedive into the shitter, but I'm a few minutes away from dirt roads and houses built in the late 1800s. My thrift hunting covers a radius of about 125 miles, and the pickings are extremely slim even on non-sale days.
when will we get 6/8 button pads?
I got suckered into buying a Hori gempad because they looked great. They're actually total fucking garbage. If you press the dpad with anything less than perfect precision it registers as the wrong direction, so it's worthless for fighting games. Want to constantly do a shoryuken when you meant to do a hadouken and vice versa? Pick up this piece of dog shit. Also, the analogs are too way stiff and made of very uncomfortable hard plastic.
If you want a decent gamepad then get something designed for a console and stay away from third party bullshit.
I don't think anything beats a Dual Shock 2 + a converter for value or any other metric, really.
Unfortunately it's plagued by the same issues as laptop trackpads, if there is ANY HINT of grease or oil on your thumbs, it can either not respond at all, or start flicking between the start and finish of your movement.
I've found it works alright for turn-based or slow-paced emulator games though.
Pretty niche, but it has interesting customisation, and good haptics. I think it's good for HTPC.
I use the DS4, personally, but I'm not going to go around acting like it's the be-all, end-all of controllers. There's other fine options out there.
The thing is I mostly just emulate older games, and that includes Sony systems. Figured I might as well just use the same kind of controller a lot of the games I play are supposed to be using.
You could use bluetooth + WiinUsoft.
Doesnt the steam controller ONLY work on steam?
>DS3 is litteraly a perfect wireless controler arguably only good thing about nogamestation3
Fucking sucks,mang!
The EDGE-301 it's basically that but slightly bigger and heavier, better sticks (soft coating and less stiff), rumble support, analog triggers and no squeaky plastic when you autismgrip it to death.
Downside is import only and hard to get for less than 60 bucks but still I prefer it over the DS4
Never had this issue on any of mine.
if you ever though to yourself "this is a lot of fun but what would really spruce up my experience is the sound of someone dropping rocks onto a metal sheet" this is the controller for you
Yes, though I'd love to see it hacked for use outside Steam
No it doesn't, you massive faggot.
Nice try though.
Are you retarded? That's not the case at all.
Both 100% wrong again. Mustards can disable the LED and touchpad if you want, and the battery life with near constant rumble usage is around 10 hours.
I don't know if you're deliberately trying to shit up this thread with disinfo, or if you're legitimately retarded, but either way, cut that shit out, nigger.
How much of a pain is for retroarch to recognise and configure a ps3 controller?
If you're using ScpToolkit, it will be recognized as an xinput controller and will be mapped accordingly and work out of the box. Remapping shit is simple if you want to do that.
Steam Controller or DS4
I had to open mine up and fucking modify it to improve the dpad's accuracy to tolerable levels. Pic related has the same problem. Hori can't make a dpad worth shit if the gempads and this thing are any indication.
Is there a good USB adapter for the DS2 that takes into account the pressure-sensitive buttons? Mostly so I can play MGS3 on PCSX2 without wasting so much ammo.
There is, but it's the same price as a brand new DS3 which also has analog meme buttons.
This bad boy right here OP. I remember getting it for maybe 20$-28$ back in 2009.
It had some connectivity issues in 2014, but switching it out the connection cables and taping it with isolating tape and it's working just fine, although the R1 is showing signs of ware and tare and the fan doesn't work as strong as it did.
A classic playstation joypad with one of those usb connectors is a very close second.
The one problem I have is that none of the vintage game sites carry PC, MS-DOS, Amiga, Apple, or PC-98/88 games. Outside of Amazon (I refuse to use eBay), the only other site I've found that carries (Vintage) computer games is:
wii u pro pad or ps4 controller.
Switch pro pad is better, but it's overpriced as fuck currently.
DS4 is my personal favorite, but your best bet is going to be to order a couple of controllers off amazon (make sure they're shipped and sold by amazon, not a third party seller) and then just return for a full refund whichever ones you don't like.
The Switch pro controller is really nice, and works natively in windows.
It's not small or light like the OP requested, and some people find the d-pad to be too sensitive.
I have the ZD-W508, it's a Xbone controller knock-off and it's pretty good. I also use it on my PS3.
If you want to have controller for desktop and non-controller games it is perfect.
It plays nicely with Shooters and first person games. If you have some slower ones it should work perfectly. I really enjoyed playing EDF with it.
If you solely intend to play on it you might take something without Steam-DRM. It lacks proper d-pad and touchpad is worse than second joystick at certain games, not much but still.
I've got USB adapters and first-party controllers for NES, SNES, PS1/2, and Gamecube. Goes pretty well with my $4 CRT monitor. I had that same Wingman a while ago and it was fucking awful so pretty much anything would be a step up.
really nigger?
How is the dpad and build quality? Been looking for a replacement for my old wired 360 controller.
A good controller lasts 13 years, like mine.
Presumably it's cheap as fuck since the retarded gooks that are selling it can't even afford to hire an english translator for their advertisements.
I use mine for shmups and emulation exclusively so I'd see any accuracy issue pretty damn fast, so it's a problem with your controller specifically.or yourself.
pretty good
The trigger L2 and R2 is like fucking finger-gym.
A year or two playing it will grant you the Master Pussy Fiddler perk.
Seriously, when I'm free I'm going to swap the springs to something softer. I haven't have time to check out the internals. F310 is durable as rock, i dropped it 4ft high all the time few times a week.
Personally best is DS2/DS3, never tried DS4 or any xbox controllers.