Wage slavery

how am I supposed to seriously game as an adult? I work 8hours a day but the commute is 30mins each way, and I have to wake up early to make my breakfast and lunch and shower. Then when I come home I have to eat and do dishes and maybe some errands.

I get 4hours to "game" but I'm too tired/lazy to bother and just watch tv with the girlfriend and chit chat then fall asleep, rinse repeat.

when I was in high-school and college I could dedicate 6-9hours a day gaming, which is pretty mandatory if you "wanna git gud" at a game…

Try to become self-employed.
You can set your own times if you succeed.

Stop being a wagecuck if you want to waste your life on video games.

If you actually do end up playing vidya as much as you want you'll get burnt out. Don't fall for the meme

You said it yourself you fucking idiot. You have 4 fucking hours to play games. You're just a limp dick loser who is "too tired/lazy". Apply yourself fucko.

Play shorter games.

Take up prostitution. Sell your ass. You'll earn more money and have more free time if you're good at it.

you dont, videogames are kiddie shit, seriously if your over 8 years old you should not be playing games.

stfu may0

play casually

sounds like a nightmare hassle

4hours aint shit, the first 2hours are usually prep time or warmup for most games before you get in "the flow"

I want to enjoy games like I used to

Found your problem.

better to not play at all

Say ade to your gf.

I work 10 and a half hour shifts, and all I do is come home and play video games, or browse the internet.

These so called "adult responsibilities" you speak of are all bullshit excuses you make up to validate not wanting to play video games for whatever reason.

i guess but i want to escape reality and dont want to watch movies

where are these pictures from ? which video? I see them all over the board

Having a work actually makes playing video games more interesting, since they act like a rest for your mind and body. Having no work makes games really boring and not so relaxing anymore.
Its harder to read books when you work, than play video games.

I never liked having a "time limit" on my games. Plus if I spent my free-time gaming my GF would feel ignored.

Out of those 4hours I could probably get away with 2hours straight gaming and 2hours with the girl….

2 hours aint shit
4hours aint shit either


having responsibilities makes gaming worse, makes reading more fun because it feels productive and its more passive

Honestly HWNDU is a cuckchan irl shitposting, rather than something worth of calling yourself an oldfag for, especially because it happened fairly recently.

You could always become an investor.
It's what I do, it's a pretty easy job and makes decent money.

Holy fuck you're such a fucking faggot it's unbeliavable.

You'd have to be a newborn child to not know where the images are from

That image is fucking shit, 0/10

its a new thing you retarded faggot

Where is mark?

i want a job where I only work 4 days a week, 5-6hours a day.

I could manage that, and it should be mindless work where I dont have to talk to people or simple manual labor that doesn't totally exhaust a normal person.

Any ideas?

I play Nier Automata on easy mode will full auto mode. I'm buying all the achievements too once I'm done with the game.

there is no "useless boardkike" alignment


yeah its an old image

Nothing good enough to live off of. You have 2 choices OP, ditch the GF, or forsake the rest of your life and be weighed down with these "responsibility" most of which can be traced back to her wasting your time.

Or be cucked for the rest of your life.

marku is an anchor around the neck of this board

the true source of the problem has been pointed out multiple times to this mouthbreather and he has ignored it. he is a lost cause.

I don't know. I have no work, worked before and quit job because drank heavily over lost relationships.
Gaming is completely boring because i know all the possibilities in vidya and how gameplay slowly becomes worse when you progress, and i have too high standards for video games in the first place. Only very old games are actually enjoyable, but i know them too well.
Reading seems actually more productive, because it allows me to think more about politics and history, and its just fun to gain knowledge in something i downloaded from /pdfs/. I think i need to completely switch my hobby from gaming to reading.

find a better job with less hours?
honestly thats is the life of an adult, get up early, work the day away, run errands, keep up a social life, sleep.
there's no time for enjoyment unless you like your job.

hopefully killing himself

Anti-Mark is Anti-White

ya 20hrs x 13$ x 4weeks = 1040$ / month.

rent would have to be 400$
food 200$
phone + internet 100$
transport/gas 60$
random shit $40

save $240 for the bank….

pretty shitty and tight, and after a year I'd save a measly $2k lmao

Or not an American whose entire news cycle is filled with celebrities who had a break up or whinging about politics for months instead of sucking it up and making the best of it.

In my country, no one except the politicians gets excited about the elections, then the public gets excited for a few days before them, and for a week or two after, then we get over it and go back to whinging about them, even if we voted for them.

Ugh, I mean, AMERICA NUMBER 1!

I can't find the time for all of this already and often I feel like I'm wasting time if I'm not doing two at once, and I'm a fucking neet with no responsibilities
Maybe just kill yourself OP

Nobody gives a shit about 3rd worlders.

Oh look, a good thread. The question is broad with a lot of answers. Personally they best way I've found for myself is to find a job with hours you can set or are favourable to yourself. Anyway, from what I do know from the information you provided is that you can try saving more time by eating premade meals you made the night before and use the extra time you gain gaming a little in the morning for a boost. Or just eat one of those quick meals like a breakfast bar. If all those things don't work out for you then try winning the lottery or quit your job and live on autismbux.

My country invented the internet, we win.

the longer it takes to finish the game the likelier i wont be able to play it despite hating short games

i can play fighting games fine but then again i dont have time to play lately

juggling work, video games and idol stuff
i chose not to prioritize video games all that much

the kike should kill himself, don't his parents still have custody of his retarded ass?

thats pretty pathetic fam.

Shouldn't you be starring in one of those commercials about saving kids for pennies a day? You won't be getting any of my money.

work 8hours at some easy job, live close by so the commute is like 10mins or less; u don't have to wake up too early that way, and you dont come home too late.

prep all your food on the weekends, and do your errands, so you don't have to cook during the week or go out and buy food.

learn to live off 6hours of sleep during the week, catch up on your days off if needed.

6hours sleep, 8hours work, 20min total commute , 10min shower, 30min eating meals during the day. So that's 15 hours gone out of a 24hour day, therefore: 9 hours left for gaming per day.

Weekends you can game even more obviously.

I have literally nothing but free time
Shit just comes out so fast that even if you were only interested in a fraction of the things released every day, it'd still be impossible for a single human to keep up with it all

Typical trick there shlomo

The most important thing about keeping up with something is remembering it. I used to watch a lot of anime before. I don't fucking remember a thing from the stuff i watched 10 years ago. Only some fragments of memories, but nothing substantial or what the fuck the stories were about.

I had this problem when I had a job. Would wake up, go to work, come home, go to sleep. Weekends were spent sleeping, being exhausted, and stressing over the next week of work. The only time I had to play anything was during my lunch break. Of course now that I'm NEET again I just simply don't have the motivation to do anything but shitpost and occasionally watch mongolian shadow puppets.


Its called being a contributing member of society faggot. Games are supposed to be fun, a way to relax from work not a job in itself. Time to grow up kiddo.

Flight attendant

The worst thing is forgetting shit that you were looking forward to
Which is especially a concern nowadays when some games are announced like half a decade before they ever come out, and "current" anime you like might go years between seasons

I didn't know TIS-100 came out until I remembered it existed like two months ago, and I'm constantly having to google different upcoming space sims to remember the titles of ones I was into


Go to a temp agency, tell them you can computer and want data entry or some such bullshit. Learn to do double entry bookkeeping or something. Tell them you only want a 25 hour work week or whatever and then wait. Go to a bunch of agencies, get a good CV and you'll soon find something you like.

I suggest any kind of government run institution as they are the laziest mother fuckers on the planet and totally inept. I've had some really sweet temp gigs doing data entry.

I have almost all but the 5-6hours. As an Aircraft technician I don't have to read shit if I don't feel like it and whole responsibility is on the line engineer. I work 12 hours a day with really good pay for a high school graduate for 4 days then 4 days off. Also my Vita buttons is worn out from all the breaks I have. Even though I'm well off to support another person, I wish I have a waifu

This. Time management is key.
I'll listen to an audio book on the way to and during work. Then I'll usually make a note of all the things I want to do when I get home when I think of them at work.
I always wake up 45 min before I have to leave, don't take a shower for more than 7-10 min on weekday mornings(Who are you even trying to impress at work?)
Also, if your gf doesn't let you enjoy your hobby, find a new gf. You will be miserable. Find a qt shut-in that will play games WITH you.

Also what games are you playing where you need more than 4+ hours a day?

Did I triggered you, kike?

time for both of you to fuck off my board

Jews are our friends. Great allies, in fact. They invented the polio vaccine! You wouldn't want to get polio now would you?


Sleep is for weaklings, faggot.

I know how you feel OP.
I want to play more vidya but I just can't work up the effort required to flip it on and get real interested. I just don't want to focus so much but I guess we got to even work past that if we want to feel like our lives aren't totally dominated by work. Honestly this all sucks, I've been working this much since I was 18 (now 22) and I still do not know how people can do this, I barely understand how I can drag myself out of bed in the morning and haul my ass to work. This sucks. Now people are telling me to get married and have kids.

Honorable things, but I feel like I have not lived enough yet.

OP my gf is asian btw

OP again, that's not her, but they all look alike anyway

I can just hear her nagging chink voice right now.



Use your time off to do so.

The pain.


Get that bitch to make you food, you stupid fuck, there, I already shaved off some time from your "responsibilities"

But seriously just play on the weekends man.

You would have had more time for vidya as a serf during the middle ages. The bullshit work hours isn't really needed at first world tier industrialisation but imagine if everyone got as much time on their hands as Holla Forumsacks, time to read and realise what a rotten deal they've been handed by the kikes and elites. Heads would roll. That's why they keep you working so much, to keep you a vegetable. As for video games they're not worth spending time on.

Fuck I really need to try this. I've thought about it for a long time.

Also OP you're getting off easy. 9 hours including drive time? HA! My longest days are 15 hours if you include drive time, being an adult is suffering. I barely play vidya anymore. My job is such shit, even if I can get 70 hours per week it only amounts to like $750 after deductions.

stop showering
stop preparing lunch
go to sleep later, wake up later

the young just stay up longer and get by on less sleep. if you cant manage that theres nothing you can do about it.
you arent really supposed to have time to do shit, thats why things like fast food, apple products and consoles are popular. things that "just work".