Syrian Warfare is back after the false DMCA with a brand new patch and extra kebab ideas.
Syrian Warfare
Is this game any fun?
It looks neat.
It's fairly fun, but can be challenging
Toyota is the best
breddy good game but way too short
hoping they'll add ISIS and Kurd campaigns but it seems unlikely
People would flip fucking shit.
ISIS probably would have a unique resource system where you must capture women and girls to keep up the moral of your fighters.
How many missions were there again 3 or 4?
I want a Russian campaign.
Was about to make this thread
Bless you OP
If I remember correctly the devs said that they'll make an ISIS campaign if the game does well enough
Fun but hard. On the positive side though, I suspect that they can write a new story slowly and slowly make a expansion for that. Quite a bit has happened since when the game timeline ended after all.
I'm usually for the option of playing as the bad guys, but I'd rather have a more comprehensive game about gibletting Wahhabists.
Slavs don't give a fuck,do they?
No, we don't.
Word of advice if you plan on pirating or even buying that thing, disable the Windows error reporting service, that game somehow loves making 3GB crash dumps when it crashes, which is pretty often.
Around 8 i think
Something like 8 or 9, can't remember exactly. Each one takes close to a hour or so to complete, depending how carefully you play.
Has this nerd been sufficiently bullied? If the faggot still has a Steam account somehow this needs to change.
I made post on here ~1 year ago expressing my desire for such a game. I'm not saying it's an original concept but wondering if RusAnon saw my post
Holy shit that is scary and so cool at the same time, though I am not sure how big those bombs are and how much damage they do. But it doesnt seem like much.
In thread user complained that there was no rhode bush wars vidya iird
Graviteam Tactics Operation Star has an Operation Hooper DLC. Not the same conflict (really a much less known one), but similar enough to scratch that itch.
No, not even close.
Why do some many people think flame = thermobaric?
That's not a thermobaric, it's just an incendiary. When an explosive detonates the nitrogens that it contains expand at a rapid rate until the outward force is neutralized and reversed by the suction of the low-density zone that the explosion created. The initial expansion produces a shockwave which does most of the damage, then the collapse produces a second shockwave, then the rebound produces a third, etc. The shockwave is expanding in three dimensions so as it expands in any given linear direction it's losing power at a rate much higher than linear. If you want to increase the effective radius of a bomb, the old way was just to increase the size of it. That's not very effective though, doubling the size of a conventional bomb works out to about a 1.4x increase of its effective area. Thermobarics instead use an explosive aerosol to greatly increase the volume of the initial explosion so that any target nearby is closer to the origin of the shockwave, which increases its effective radius more efficiently than increasing the size of the bomb.
I lost my picture that explained all of this so have a cute girl with a LAW.
doesn't look like theres resource management or morale.
Well at least it displays color with good image quality.
After the shit they've lived through, why would they give a fuck?
I never understood this meme about the chickens wanting to understand things relating to Russia. Someone gimmie the skinny on it.
RT-reading cockholes flooding KC ~2015
I don't know what that means.
RT = russian state news
KC = krautchan
Okay, that might explain the source of it but that doesn't explain the actual bird asking for sources.
Does this game have cannons?
Imagine how much hot she looks with a white dick in her mouth
I'm not gonna spam like I did the other threads, but for trips I'll post some thicc arab.
OH fuck yes keep them coming, these sluts need white dick. they crave it
Go back to shitholeistan and take your ebonics and shit taste with you.
I have been with an arab girl, trust me they are even nastier than black girls, they love white dick. they eat your dick so hard you cum in two seconds
Sorry, you wanted ebony or something?
you can't go wrong with chocolate
I always hope there would be more thick brown middle eastern girl prons
Brown rules
Not vidya, fuck off.
Heads up, SJW shits are dropping in once more trying to get the game removed again:
SJW's didn't get the game removed in the first place, another developer did it because he thought they were ripping off his IP that some of the Syrian Warfare people worked on before this. The only thing SJW's have successfully done to this game is whine about it.
It speaks volumes about the left that they're trying to remove a game they don't even want to play. Meanwhile no one on Holla Forums ever tried to get Undertale or any BioWare trash taken down from the Steam store.
But you know, muh horseshoe.
We learned that shit ages ago man.
I'm just saying. The really retarded part is that the game isn't even racist or "sexist", it's not propaganda, it's just showing the conflict from the side that isn't made up of "moderate" rebels.
I still don't understand why they're this butthurt about it, unless everything that goes against the MSM narrative bring out the tard rage in them.
Is there multi?
GLA - "Can I have some shoes please"
give it a kurdish female protag who is also gay and came back to her home country to fight leaving a promising job in STEM to defend her 14 disabled brothers and her 3 gay dads from the legion of CIS CISoldiers who want to force her people into making syria completely handicap in accessible.
the game flat out says that white helmets are a band of corrupt liars that stage false flag attacks, that "moderates" are just different flavours of Al Nusra,and that western journalists are a bunch of biased cunts that write propaganda. This clashes with what they see in (((MSM))) (which is infallible and never ever lies about anything), therefore it must be evil russian propaganda
Thats the new Insurgency game
Not even kidding
You are kidding.
You play an escaped not-syrian slave fleeing not-ISIS.
How is that shit any better?
Man, so many layers of pretense.
Mate "nazi" stands for national socialism. Its still a controlled economy. Whoever made that is trying to hard
Is there a magnet for the new patch?
Where does the new technical show up?
Is there support for custom scenarios? I'd like to make one where you tear apart Kurdish Leftist dykes and faggots.
Commies and normalfags think that national socialism is just military dictatorship and hating Jews.
For people who pride themselves on being educated leftists sure are fucking retarded.
Remember to tell everyone that true national socialism has never been tried.
But it has been tried and it worked rather well.
You can argue that Strasserism is the trve national socialism and that Hitler perverted the party into a more nationalist/fascist one, but that's gay. He still did socialist stuff, and it worked out pretty well because it was tempered with nationalism.
This doesn't make as much gommie salt flow.
Why are Sukeban delinquents so cool
Is there any way to assault the tank on mission 2 or do I have to blow it up with TNT?
There is a pickup truck with an ATGM on top of the hill with the house. Only 1 missile though.
The way it's placed it usually only knocks out the gun.
So did pic related have another autistic breakdown when the game came back to the store??
I like how the game progressed with difficulty. The first two missions were easy, then came the third that suddenly ramped it up, and it just went harder from there. There was no babying or a convenient "tip" that would tell you the winning strategy. For me, I found the best approach to be slowly advancing, switching between several squads depending on what type of enemy needed countering, as well as obliterating everythingto dust with as many airstrikes as possible. Of course, the side missions were timed, so it was a challenge to get them (needed a different approach entirely), the longer it took you the less resources you'd get next mission, and ammunition was limited (although I never found myself running out, it was pretty close a few times).
I really hope they'll add more missions or campaigns into this game
Move the truck then?
Man what the fuck happened to the insurgency devs
They were based
is his left hand fake? what in the fuck
Where is this ATGM truck on the hill? I could not find it.
What I want to do is ideally to either kill the crew or force them to escape the tank in order to capture it.
If you're looking towards the crossroads, it's on left of the building.
probably, losing your hand isn't all that uncommon in war.
they are pretty much the niggers of europe
Well said, Habib!
We pray to Great Allah europeans remove them so we can practice our religion peacefully all over the place, amirite fellow european?
Thought it had went worse. Sadly, the mission ended before I expected and I lost a BMP because the crew couldn't reach it in time and it counted as abandoned.
That's neither of those. That's a thermite cluster strike (rocket or bomb it's hard to tell), I.E. anti-vehicle/anti-ammo dump ammo.
The incendiary effect is secondary and limited (since the termite, the fuel, literally dig itself in what it hit, as long it's not something extremely flammable the residual fire should stay localized) it's a very shitty very expensive way to start fires…
It's a great way to chew through light armor/concrete/earth though.
Nope, I have made thermite / thermate and can tell you that is not it.
That looks like phosphorus which is actually commonly used in munitions unlike thermate that is only used in thermate grenades.
God, why do I even bother replying to this shit? Thermite / thermate creates a pool of liquid iron, this behaves like a liquid and follows the same heat conduction laws as everything else in the universe.
This means it's terrible against smooth armor as it will spread out limiting the energy delivered to any one spot or roll off.
It's also useless against concrete because concrete is so good at dealing with high temperatures we use it inside nuclear reactor cores to contain any meltdown.
As for soil when was the last time you saw heat dig into the earth? Why would hot iron dig into the ground?
The only thing thermate is good at is heating a very small area above the melting point of all metals but to do this it has to stay in one spot long enough to conduct heat to the target. This is why it's only military use is to destroy cannons as it can be put in the breach (a small confined area) and melt the barrel / breach block. This puts the gun out of spec for the ammo and anneals the metal making repairs not worth the effort.
Skip to 14:00 to see it fail to burn through a HDD due to the PCB being a shitty thermal conductor.
The Russian/soviet don't use phosphorus in ammo, that's an US thing (they use magnesium instead).
Again that's what the US makes out of the stuff. The Russians/Soviet have different tactics and different weaponry.
Those are thermite canisters trust me I've forgotten more about soviet ammo than what you will ever know.
Thermite can chew easily enough through concrete IF it's properly focused (also that's not simple Al/Fe thermite, it's a more complex one, but even Al/Fe react with lime and burn it creating tetra-calcium aluminoferrite)…
The pressure building in the canister cause it to rupture and send a pressure jet of 5000°C molten metal downwards whatever it landed on, digging a small hole a few cm deep a best… which goes through anything, then the molten metal (still stupidly hot) seep through it.
Which is more than enough to hit fuel lines on vehicles, dig through engines, dig through ammo boxes, light shelters, etc…
Again this is primarily meant as an anti-vehicle ammo. They use it to strike motor pool/ammo /fuel dumps.
Only fire it causes is because it has hit something highly flammable…
The idea is like all saturation attacks, if you drop enough in one place you know the enemy has a lot of vehicle/fuel/ammo stockpiled all you need is one lucky hit (which isn't luck it's just probability when you drop hundreds of those) in the right place to create a chain reaction.
If they just wanted to spread fires, nobody invented something better than airburst jellied fuel (which the Soviet definitely had in inventory…).
I couldn't save Uncle Mansar, but I get 4 tanks. A T-72 and 3 T-62's. I almost lost a Russian BTR, but I had another crew on hand. I tried to save Mansur, but right when I got there some suicide toyotas blew him up.
Funny thing is apparently the DMCA was from a company that formerly employed the devs of the game and thought they may have used copyrighted assets due to similar project names, and that faggot's autistic flailing had literally nothing to do with it being removed.
Where'd you find the T-72?
Your AI ally graciously allowed the crew to be killed while inside the tank and allow anyone to take.
I am the Blood Ravens of the muslim world.
This, politicians will never be smart enough to run an economy properly.
poast more Syrian Civil War webm's
Gibe magnet pl0x.
Behold the superior marksmanship skills of highly trained Caliphate soldiers
Gibe download link mr PR.
Action from the webm starts around 14:30
pls mr CIA dont kidnap me to Guantanamo, im not a muzzie
Just buy it faggot.
why didn't he just get out of the car then blow it up
Because he would be shot anyway?
Because dying for islam is the greatest honor and he'll be rewarded in the afterlife.
77 virgins.
72 virgins
Did you even read noble Qur'an?
they're just white girls painted brown you idiot. those aren't real niggers.
Just like irl
After all race is just skin deep :^)
Shit, wrong colourspace.
The Qur'an doesn't even specify a number fucking Kufar on this board istaghfirallah
But its mentioned in the sunnah
What are you a filthy murtadd? Do you reject sunnah?
brown girls a shit
its mentioned in the hadith you kafr stop trying to pretend like you're mu'add'ab you filth - the train of transmission is far from muq'addis
chain of transmission *
fucking kafr language
They sure like their shoe beatings.
You are wrong
The best girls have pale skin with strong pink undershades, but I wouldn't expect a goatfucker to understand that.
the 72 virgins came from Osama bin laden during his call for jihad on the west.
Also KyS goat fucker
Pale is best, but soft brown with white features (i.e. all nip brown girls) is second in line.
isis are subhuman scum, but goddamn they're heavy metal sometimes. literal cannons, homemade "tanks", that huge giga sandnigga carrying the .50 machine gun. it's like they watched mad max, read a couple issues of heavy metal, then decided to do that shit to everyone they didn't like
I'm pretty sure they do half that shit just for propaganda shots.
You just haven't met a nice Kansai or Okinawan girl yet, user.
that's not how arguments work, user
Patrician taste, my friend