What does Holla Forums think of Splatoon?

What does Holla Forums think of Splatoon?

Some facts to consider when forming an opinion:

So yeah, what's your opinion?

Asking a specific game general thread about their opinion on the game is pretty fucking redundant, don't you think?

Splatoon 2 should've been Splatoon Remix, because that's basically what it is.

Holy fucking shit. Instead of directing the OP to the general, you go ahead and let him keep the thread.
Fucking Christ, your double standards are more obvious than a piece of dog shit in an ice cream sundae.

Get your fucking act together.

No. Then every game will be a general, and I don't want to limit game discussion to generals.

Why don't you prohibit 4 am threads? Those aren't videogames

I enjoy Splatoon. I do not enjoy the prospect of paying for online with the Switch.

I really want to give the games a shot but Nintendo have managed to make buying any of their hardware seem like an incredibly stupid move.

As I said. Double standards. You delete the switch threads, but oh no! You don't want every thread to be a general! But you keep copies of the ones you REALLY like. Those are OK.

There's plenty of room in the general to get lurkers to post and talk note about splatoon, thus, increasing the thread. This thread is just more filler, tbh.

Those aren't facts.


We'd get a billion Switch threads if we DIDN'T have the cycle. I don't want Holla Forums to become /vg/.

Overdoing it on moderation is worse than doing nothing. Embed related, you fat retard.

I'm not hotpocketing, I just deleted a few posts asking OP to move to the general and explained my reasoning.

Or, you could have left it alone, let the thread run it's course, because the first few replies are almost always shit, and not hung around to defend your dumb decisions.

Same here, I'll never do it. I enjoyed Splatoon a whole lot, and got hundreds of hours in it, but I'm not buying a Switch and having to pay for online access.

Splatoon was exactly what Nintendo needed, but it's a damned shame that Nintendo was the one who made it, if that makes sense.

The fact that the next game has to be punished by being stuck on the Switch doesn't bode well for the franchise, unless Nintendo re-releases and replaces every Switch with a better console that doesn't have the same problems.

That said, I love the style of it, the way it plays, the gear system, and even the single player wasn't too bad. Even the small attempts at lore and world-building were pretty great.

The way they released new maps was controversial, but I think it worked. It successfully kept the community active for a solid year and kept bringing new people in. I think they should have kept doing splatfests, and never stopped, but seeing as they want everyone to play the new game on the Switch, they went and axed that, which actually drove activity down in a noticeable way. I hope the game stays alive and active for the foreseeable future..

Fingers crossed that Nintendo gets over themselves and makes a PC version, because that would sell like fucking crazy and likely dethrone some of the most active online multiplayer games.

I don't see why people are being this assblasted about paid online.

Microsoft has done it for nearly 15 years now and nobody so much as makes a peep. Nintendo suddenly does it and only now does it become some great act of injustice that should not be supported by any respectable person. What gives?



Microsoft has done it for the entire history of their console division. It's a new thing for Nintendo. Since Holla Forums isn't one person, the people who own Nintendo consoles are uncomfortable with the change. Same thing happened when Sony started charging for online service. It's a pittance at $20 a year, it wouldn't stop me from buying a Switch if I had interest in it. But it's not a grand mystery why people are upset about it, and it will undoubtedly pave the way for higher fees in the future.

Lolno. If Nintendo is putting out a decent product, it's completely reasonable for people to feel justified in buying Nintendo hardware for it.

When PC players generally own a Nintendo console for the sake of playing Nintendo games on, why fuck that up?

People complained day 1 about Microsoft, but dumbasses are plentiful. The same people who paid for online then also bought 7 replacement 360s when theirs went RROD.
Then Sony required paid online because Microsoft got away with it. People complained, but outnumbered.
Now Nintendo is joining in on it. People complaining, but probably outnumbered again.

Fairly fun game but also feels like a huge clusterfuck

Lots of people think this bullshit, but they never factor things like inflation into account.

People bitch about the $59.99 standard for a new video game when the N64 games that were $59.99 took a lot more work hours to actually afford than today.

I think that they consider that sort of thinking as part of the "slippery slope" fallacy.

I wish you would kill yourself you fat lazy incompetent kike

becasue he's the kind of faggot that goes on that thread religiously and "muh v culture"

Even on the 4am threads Mark is disliked for trying to fit in really hard

Stranger things have happened. It's the most wishful of wishful thinking. Maybe some enterprising pirates will rip apart the Wii U and Switch files and make something playable.



I thought the old Splatoon thread had to get to page 13 before a new one was allowed.


I hope Krak-On has more clothes in Splatoon 2, I'm tired of wearing a denim vest and those stupid glasses while EVERY OTHER COMPANY has at least 20 fucking items in each category.

I dont have the game or a wiiu and i'm not into team shooters except cs played it a lot years ago, i just like the smooth and soft squids


I hope this cancerous weapon never makes it into the sequel.

That's because this isn't the Splatoon general thread.

Could of fooled me.

i think that the paid online and the no retrocompatibility of the switch will mean that I will never get to play it.
Which is too bad because I know it's a good game

I really want to play it, but I don't want to buy a wiiu/switch to do so, or at least not without some other good shit for when I'm not using it to play splatoon.

Reminder that a thousand Holla Forums alternative exist on this very site but the people in here are too complacent to browse any of them

I wish they'd have gone with that style for Charged instead

This is "What does Holla Forums think of " general. Since Mark is retarded, duplicates of this are also everywhere.

seriously no one asked about this pic?


It's a picture of a girl photoshopped to look like Storm from X-Men. Not much worth mentioning.

Or maybe not. I dunno. What-the-hell-ever.

(Checked again)
Sweet Jesus.

I hope the sequel has more best girl

I want to ink inside Callie

I wanted to look forwards to the new game, but paid online so I guess I'll just not care.

Is it true that shiggy hates this game because it proved that nintendo doesn't need him to be successful or create new IPs?

Isn't that why he hates Daisy?

Nah, that's because Gunpei Yokoi and his team made her in a Mario game instead of him.

Nah, he played it somewhat regularly when it was still getting updates.

Not a Nintendo player (not anymore at least) but that's exactly what nintendo should be doing, creating new interesting IP and not Always focusing on letting the name recognition of Mario and Zelda do the job for them.

get your sjw clique newspeak out of here faggenrola

What problems?

Online only game where online doesn't work at all
What more is there to say

Cool non-facts, schlomo


Fuck you kike, I tried many fucking times to connect to a game and not once did it go through

Quit having shitty third world Internet, spic


that's why it's shit, retard

All because your Jew buddies at Telstra, and your Jewish pal Malcolm Turnbull

maybe next time, straya

It was okay, definitely not worth the hype that the marketing successfully created. I played for a few weeks, dabbled in ranked a bit and dropped it forever. Doubt I'll ever play 2 even with my plans to get a Switch by the end of the year. I have no real complaints, winning just never felt very satisfying and I didn't like any of the game modes enough to play them forever.

He does realize nintendo owns the rights to the characters and series he made and are free to do with as they please, right?

Nigger everything online before the first Xbox was free. The gaming as a service meme is something you can place squarely on the shoulders of casuals. No one was paying twice to use their internet connection back then.

Online on the ps2 wasn't free
And there was like 4 different pay to play online services for pc.

I don't know about the regular ps2, but the slim had an ethernet port and all I did was plug it in and play online.


The majority of games had pay to play online, or matchmaking servers to connect to peers in order to play.

Because he’s a literal jew.

>Shit screen that scratches too easily because it's made of plastic - also prone to dead pixels

It's pretty bad, tbh fam.

Should I give it a try OP? I want a new game for my wii u

this reads like a shill pasta
the game looks fun and i like the character designs, but fuck off with that shit nigga

I liked the idea and the visual aesthetic was neat but it just didn't come together for me.

Every match in the MP I played felt like a clusterfuck of chance, with no correlation between player action and match outcome. I never even got to unlocked ranked or whatever because it didn't hold my interest that long. The single player had a lot of neat platforming gimmicks none of the MP stages used, either.

Finally, the controls are shit. I know that analog sitcks suck for shooters compared to M+KB, but as somebody who has played plenty of FPS and third person shooters on consoles, none of them have as terrible analog stick aiming as splatoon does, I don't even know how nintendo fucked up this bad. Yes, gyro controls are an option, but the stick controls shouldn't be so bad I need to use the gyro, and the game fucking disables an entire axis on the stick with the gyro controls enabled so I can't even use the stick for large sweeping motions and then the gyro for fine tuning even if I wanted to.

If you start playing it now you'll be playing against Japs with thousands of hours played from your first match. You can see if you like it (I think the single player is working on emulators now) but it might be better to start when all the new players come in on Splatoon 2. The Switch has its own problems, though.

Good news: Abilities don't depend on specific gear items in Splatoon 2. Unless you just want more Krak-On so you can dress like a fucking hipster.

I just like them because their logo is a squid, kid.

I really didn't think it would end up being this disappointing. Why did everything go wrong?

Does it hurt being this retarded?

ive always held that against xbox. its really an issue of price though. im not paying 10 dollars a month, though i have subscribed to mmorpgs before, and thats only for a single game.
as for a pc version? i fuckin doubt it, but who knows. nintendo does a lot of ridiculous shit these days.

because he would get shit for waifu wednesdays

what the fuck
shit game

what are you talking about? turn around and hit Y to reset the camera

Hard to say. Nintendo hasn't been doing great for years and the loss of Iwata probably caused investors to panic and demand they rush it to market.

No pure analog is the option. Gyro is the standard. Why would you want to play with less aiming control anyway? its literally the closest thing to mouse + keyboard on console controls.

Other points are fair if you picked it up early on since the game released unfinished, playable and stable however. (was slated for a winter release but got pushed up to avoid year long drought)

It was great, I want to see Splatoon 2 offer a more robust single player mode, and I want to see the visuals pushed a little further but not at a compromise for performance, I've noticed a few visual enhancements mainly the Inkling skin looks better and the ink has this faux SSS that just makes the edges glow a little to make the ink look like it has a bit more depth. Come on for 1080 docked.

Go ask Hi-rez, you know that's never going to happen.

Here it's an issue, but elsewhere people don't care about paying, I don't want to pay but I'm pretty sure I'm going to be a good goy.

I don't think the game was pushed forwards, remember that a lot of the new content that was doled out was already on the disc, which is a decision that worked but it just feels cheap.

I liked Splatoon a lot. Pretty underwhelmed by the Switch. Waiting to see how Splatoon 2 turns out, but it's looking pretty underwhelming as well.
I feel like the original had really tight game design, and they're cluttering up that design in Splatoon 2 with gimmicks in a desperate attempt to justify the purchase for returning players.
Likewise, I loved the cute design of the squids in the original, and the new hairdos look like shit IMHO. Seems they're really playing down the cuteness (which the Japanese fandom clearly prefers) in an attempt to win over western kids.
Paid online is cancer, but if the rumored price of around $20-30 a year is true, I can deal with that. But no matter how much the online costs, you know it's going to have an affect on the sales of online-only games.
No Miiverse sucks. It was charming to feel like you were subtly a part of a community in the original. Not only is shit going to feel fucking dead without it, it's going to remove a lot of the motivation for casuals. What is the fun of Splatfest without the hand drawn OC?
And of course, the Switch hardware turned out to be disappointing even for people that were realistic about the capabilities of a mobile chipset. Splatoon 2 demos so far have run in 720p even in docked mode, which is just sad.

All in all, I will probably pick up a Switch and Splatoon 2 at some point, but I honestly don't think the franchise is going to hit its stride (if it ever tops the original) until Splatoon 3 comes out for whatever succeeds the Switch. This is just too rushed, and they're trying too hard to fit the Switch's polished but sterile image over the previous consoles playful, experimental styles, that even if it far outsells the original by virtue of the platform's popularity, I don't think it will feel anywhere near as magical.

It is fun, but I haven't been able to play it since I moved to an area with shit internet.

you fucking dork

I don't like the art style, it feels as if it were trying too hard to be hip and cool "fellow kidz" if that makes sense.

The whole point of Nintendo is make hardware different from the PC so you have to buy their hardware to play their games from the IPs you can't live without.

With power comes great ability to have fun with those who have none.

oh man not 2 inputs

Excited for Splatoon 2 because I never got to play the original. I nabbed a Switch for piracy purposes (never updating it ever past 2.0 firmware unless given a go-ahead) and most of the nay-say on Holla Forums in particular seems to come from those hardware defects like the shrieking screen or dead pixels, which apparently are in the vast majority traced back to improper handling by scalpers and secondhand retailers.

Thanks, I've been looking for that image. While games locked behind wannabe PCs are the standard Switch holds value, as a handheld it can do something my PC can't and directly compliments it in that way, but I can still play it's games on a TV or monitor if I want to. of course every game on PC would be ideal sure, but that's not going to happen sans emulation, and there's nothing you can do to change it, if people don't buy Nintendo they will just buy another system and the cycle will still continue, also I prefer controller for third person games and the Gyro augmented aiming has been great, I wish there was a way to get that to work in PC TPS though, gyro augmented aiming in Gears would be great stuff.

theres no reason it couldnt work with a usb peripheral

The Gyro aim, I'm more about the fact that games don't support it, even though apparently the Steam controller has a gyro, gyro is a legitimately good addition to aiming on a controller, not that I'd ever use one for a real shooter.

My opinion of Splatoon, as somebody who actually know about quality standards;

Splatoon has a broken gameplay loop in its core game mode, in turf wars the game is decided in the last 30 seconds in 9/10 instances. This can allow players to do nothing for the first two minutes of a game, come in during the last few moments of a game and still win.

This is an example of how little Nintendo cares about skill gaps, even going so far as to force things like this. Nintendo fans are so stupid, and bad at video games that not only do they eat shit like this up, they actively praise it.

Fuck you thread, OP. I would have ignored this thread had you not decided to antagonise through some buzzwords.

- Like Call of Duty, right?
- With all the trimmings of what makes modern Nintendo terrible.
- Ah yes, Fun. It's a buzzword. It does actually mean nothing. If you want me to drop a metric ton of established designers stating that using the word is a waste of time, I will.
- "original concept that works. " Yeah, that broken loop in a AAA game is an example of how good the game industry is, and not testament to how low standards have fallen.
- If this game did not have these things, it would be devoid of content. It's still something designed for children.
- Same for Overwatch and most F2P games as well. Doesn't stop them from being shit. This is a model which many games today use. Nintendo was not the first.

are you actually triggered, baiting, or reverse shilling for nintendo?

It was you fucking history revisionist. Unlike you, I actually owned one. Yes, the fucking ethernet module cost a pretty penny, just like the fucking memory card, but the online service itself was free. All I had to do to play battlefront 2 online was plug it in and join a server. No subscription fees anywhere.


It's not bait because it's all true. I'm a professional who gets really irritated by slipping standards.

Honestly though, I hope you're not defending a broken gameplay loop.

Literally the only thing worth getting a switch for, and only when Switch 1.2 gets made.

aww just tell me you joker, people are gonna get mad or not anyways regardless of what you tell me

Got me to reply.

I just pirated it. I just won 15 matches in a fucking row and had the highest score in each match. I just started the game and I steamroll through every match. Does everyone who plays this game fucking sucked, or do I have to get to level 10 to play ranked matches to actually have a challenge?

It sucks. Squid humpers don't want to admit it, but it does. It's a highly polished mediocre game, much like 8 out of 10 Wii U titles. With that said I'd love to see a good shooter from Nintendo, and they seem to be getting their shit together after BotW and soon Odyssey.

On the other hand, services like XboxLive or Netflix have gone up in price despite offering the literal same service. We're not talking about money for a good, we're talking about the service that hasn't changed but they charge you more for.

Isn't Splatoon 2 just the first game with some extra content? Why not call it Splatoon Deluxe?

Nah. It looks like they reworked a lot of the game. The super weapons are all completely different, and they've stated that they're not bringing back the old ones. For better or worse, I suppose. Ink Strike and Inkzooka were fun. I think they're also reworking how stats and items work so you don't have to play the lottery and wear ugly shit to get the stat buffs you want.

I do hope the game modes stay the same or are improved on though. I like zones best.

You're in the retard zone with only really low level players until level 5 or so. In ranked matches you start off at rank C- so people will be similarly retarded until you rank up and start finding good players.

Eventually Turf War takes away the matchmaking restrictions and throws you in with the S+ autists taking a break from ranked mode.

til S+ autists take breaks

Does it give you an erection to lie so much?

It looks neat, but I could do without the constant shill threads and pedo fan art.

What will Treehouse ruin in the new version?

Of course people complained about it. Sony fans bragged about PS3 last gen having free online before sucking Sony dick and deciding paid online was okay for the PS4. I haven't paid too much attention to paid online reactions to the Switch, but if more people are upset by this it might be because it now means no consoles have free online anymore.
I've never paid for online for a console before and probably never will. If I pay for a console and pay for its games, why should I have to pay again for the online service when I'm already paying for internet?

Holy shit!

Also while looking at the available information and footage available of Splatoon 2 so far, i'm getting this feeling that they are trying to appeal a lot more to western kids (americans specifically) and trying to wiggerize everything instead of going for the urban JSR-esque japanese style of the first. Anyone else gets these vibes? It worries me plenty.
Just compare both cover arts.

Its really good. The only good multiplayer shooter in years. Sad

I think you might be retarded.

How can I do that? Doesn't Nintendo ban you from online if you pirate the game?