Where does Holla Forums buy there games?
Where does Holla Forums buy there games?
Steam and GOG, and there's nothing you can do about it :)
Which ever store the .nfo file in the torrent I got tells me to buy from.
Stop it
Tank loli thread?
I wonder what sort of exchange rate that is, assuming the idea is people trading media for sex shit.
There's a decent store a town or so over that I like, but unfortunately don't live real close to anymore. Also used multimedia places since they occasionally fuck up hard and I can get something anywhere from half to a sixth the usual price, but I can't exactly rely on them and selection is iffy. For older systems than the PS1 (especially the SNES), or games that are just too damn pricy in general, I'm content to just download them instead.
But is the average answer, and it's not as if there isn't good reason for it. With the current industry being so shitty, and a combination of scalpers, kikes (scalperkikes?), and hipsters with too much money and too little common sense ruining the aftermarket on older games, pirating for use with modded systems or emulation is a good way to play stuff but not act as further justification for those shitty behaviors. And as another bonus, it works well as a "try it before you buy it" method if you're still keen on physical purchases.
only kidding, Don't have them here, i go to EB games though
Its for your mum :^)
Aren't those pretty much the same fucking company regardless? I mean, at least here in the US, I think they merged, and then they closed all the prior EB locations.
I don't even buy shit at EB, I just see what's out that I can pirate, they also had gravity rush 2 on the console so I had a go
She's qt
So long you're not buying modern AAA games.
Yeah, I'll admit seeing something on a store shelf can help a fair bit with knowledge of something existing (especially being able to mentally put a cover to a name), and not just in terms of vidya. Still, Gamestop (and I assume EB, where they still exist) is a shitty chain. Even if your own experiences there aren't "FUCKING GAMESTOP" thread tier, their store policies suck, be it offering way too little in even store credit for anything, annoying the customer over preorders/Edge cards, destroying unsold games when they can no longer sell them, putting their horrible price tags right on the cover arts to artificially devalue the game (I've heard that one from a former employee I know who now works at my favorite vidya store), etc. Hell, Gamestop itself did a huge number on the DS aftermarket in trashing all their cases and manuals for preowned DS games some years back, making complete copies that much harder to find. Worst part was that, at least where I live, they used the newly cleared shelf space not to stock more games, but as space for mobile shit and accessories instead, as they jumped on the "phone games are the future" train.
Usually gamestop
>they destroyed his rare old games
EB Games Australia is owned by the same parent company as GameStop, but we have EB everywhere and only a few GameStops or other game shops as far as I know. I don't buy from them though since they jack prices through the roof.
Might be wrong, but doesn't everyone tend to do that out in rooland? Pics related having apparently been from a Australian chain called Gametraders.
I'd give you grief for that being your "usual" place, but if that's honestly the only local place you can go to now, that sucks. Some years back, Gamestop drove out the last of their competition here (aside from places like Walmart and Best Buy, but neither have a very good selection of games, and due to that being just a small offering of wares at such big companies, Gamestop can't force them out) for used games, to the point there was one every couple of miles for a total of like nine or ten just in a five mile radius. Some of them did close down (because it makes next to sense to have one in the mall and one just across the road), but for a few years I didn't know of anywhere else locally to find games anymore. Had to start hunting around in the surrounding towns and eventually found a handful of independent stores of various quality, as well as multimedia places where prices vary drastically (one of which out and out caters to hipster faggots with some of their non-media merchandise). I rarely ever go to Gamestop anymore anyhow, but occasionally those other stores do wind up being more expensive for seventh gen (newest system I have being a Vita) games on rare occasion, such as only asking $10 for a game that's $35 at those other stores (and still $25 minimum online). I suppose when they do their final "fuck stocking for the Wii/PS3/360" sales, there might be some worth in picking through what they have due to clearance markdowns, and seeing if there's anything decent to be saved at a mere couple bucks.
What tremendous faggots. I'd have thought maybe the employees would have just kept them for themselves if they couldn't actually sell them (Gamestop for a good while not stocking older vidya), but I've heard that Gamestop gets out of paying tax for unsold merchandise by destroying it once they can no longer stock it.
on the internet
For newer games that I feel deserve my money I use GOG. Old games get pirated if I know that the original devs won't see a penny of my money. If I want something multiplayer and there is absolutely no alternative I buy on steam.
For everything else
Thats australia in general, companies levy the "Australia Tax" on us due to the large minimum wage, even though the min wage is garbage and the living standard is so high it makes a lot of stuff pointlessly expensive.
Torrents are where I buy my games. If one is miraculously worth paying for it then I wait until it goes dirt cheap anywhere other than Gamestop/EB.
GOG and Amazon mostly. Sometimes Newegg. And I check out stores in the neighborhood that sell games, but these days the PC section is crap in the stores that carry new content. Old stores have some great gems from time to time though, and getting the full box is pretty nice.
But honestly, I don't really buy games these days. That would imply there are games worth buying.
I think people who justify this by saying they like to have their games on their shelf have a hoarding problem
I got a guy nearby who's pretty cool. Gives good deals, gets his hands on all kinds of shit. He hosts tournaments now and again and has been gettin CRT's to use for em.
this seems like a really comfy time. that would be so fun.
So are you a nigger, a soldier, or both
why user?
steam and gamestop
Out of curiosity, just how do those prices there compare with online averages? Where I live a lot of stores charge either mid-tier if not high end of online, while the best store starts on the low end of online and shaves off even more money, because somewhat cheaper purchases make a happy customer, and a happy customer is more likely to be a repeat customer.
There's one store I know of around where I live with a console arcade set up in a side room you have to pay $5 per hour to access, and can play anything in the store on the systems they have back there. They don't seem to get much moving in or out in terms of selection, but considering how loud that side room is on the weekends (when they're open until midnight), I have to suspect they make most of their money off that, and paid snacks as well. Not sure if they outright do tournaments though.
The best store I know of around where I am has a set up like that, with various TVs set up around the store where you can try out games to see if they warrant a purchase. They've even got some of those old display cabinets with inbuilt CRTs for stuff like the Gamecube and PS1, so you can try stuff on the proper display at times. The goal is still of course that you don't just use them to play shit for free, but at least they give you an option to demo games you might want to buy. Also a good way to test instore if a disc works or not, as they do have a professional grade buffer as well.
GameStop because the employees are actually good people who shittalk social media asshurt or Amazon.
I used to use a small store I loved called Game Crazy, that was next door to Hollywood Video in Lima, Ohio and apparently frequently gave them games from their section that weren't making any money. I even have a relic from their partnership in the form of my Mario Party 6 case. You know how rental places would sometimes have the front cover and then their own specialized back cover printed out together with the amount of players and a synopsis of the game along with their own brand? Literally that. I also got my other copy of SA2B along with my own Custom Robo from there as well after my brother sold our original store bought copy for Christmas.
Go fucking buy Custom Robo. Now.
I just stick to the generic big name brands like walmart, best buy, or target. fuck gamestop. I used to go to a local one years ago, but I stopped.
I've been there once or twice to look for an obscure game, but I don't go out of my way to go there.
You must be 18 or over to post.
I miss GameCrazy. Shame that when Hollywood Video went, they took their video game side own with them. On a strange note that location where the local one I knew of used to be has remained abandoned ever since, like the property has a curse on it.
Hell, even now I have reason to be thankful for GameCrazy: occasionally I'll pick up a game that still has a price sticker from them that's sat on the case for who knows how long now, and they come right off with no hassle at all. Meanwhile Gamestop's atrocious adhesive continually causes annoyance, especially if it's an older, now-yellowed sticker that got caked on. Even worse if it has another fucking sticker beneath it.
I just buy my games through either amazon, play asia or steam. EB Games in my area are just hot topic-lite these days.
there's also a vintage game store that has reasonable prices, but I don't go often since it's an 8-hour round trip
Season 1 aired in 2010, user. That's 7 years ago.
Fuck off with your lies, I swear this shit is barely two, maybe three years old at best, right?
Owner knew how much his stuff was actually worth and had great deals unlike the one near me that charges out the ass for some games.
Yeah you caught me
I pirate because
Mark's Sex Dungeon.
Go watch the average "gamer" on Youtube who stands in front of their game collection. 500+ cart only games on cheap shelves, 99% of them are games they never play. If you own Barbie NES, you are a hoarder.
What's really painful is that they spent so much money on those games, their plush toys, the Amiibos, action figures, lanyards and all that other superfluous crap, but then they spend maybe $100 total on a few crappy bookshelves and a couple of cheap folding tables to display it all. They don't even give a shit to make their garbage collection look presentable. It looks like a crappy thrift store display, of which I have seen actual thrift stores look like that.
Some thrift stores have the decency of buying better shelves and display tables for their shit than what those hoarders use. The stores know that it's better to pay more to have something last longer and doesn't look like utter shit to customers.
Well at least you had one.
Lol jews.
You sound like a gigantic faggot.
move out of the way goy, you can't compete against the mega corporate jewstope and moishEBgames
Jews use shelves they found in a junkyard. They will never pay a fucking dime for those and, if running a thrift shop, will charge you $10 for an old shirt with oil stains and holes.
I know how that feels. Watch as a Gamestop sets up shop nearby if one hasn't already.
Depending on where you live and how close places are, I'd recommend checking other nearby towns for options. That's what I've had to do, but it might be worth noting I live in one of a cluster of towns and cities that surround the state capital, so there's a good three or four other towns that are all in easy driving range.
In my experiences, if there's enough Gamestops, they can easily choke out any small used game store/chain from the area, as well as making potential ones leery of moving in even when Gamestop's numbers go down. I don't know what exactly it is about the town I'm in, but somehow we attracted an assload of Gamestops whilst the other ones nearby only have a handful, and thus independent shops seem to have an easier existence. Though, for some of those, I'm left wondering how they stay in business to begin with, when they ask way too much, never seem to get anything new in or old stuff moved out, or even have much in the way of customers when I've been in.
Nigger any care of "presentability" as a factor means you care more about the social status your games can bring you rather than the earnest value you find in your games. Eat shit you fucking hipster.
there's already a gamestop in the town and there has been for quite a few years. At least there's a few pawn shops near me that have reasonable prices.
I've been buying old consoles and games from this Mom and Pop store for the past few years to the point all the employees know me/my family.
Only libtards (((buy))) games
Kill yourselves
It's their you stupid fuck.
I buy from a local shop, they have the games and systems at a pretty fucking fair price.
I bought a vita with a 64gb memory card, all for $110 dollars. Resident evil 6 for like $12 and other games as well. They sold those shitty emulator machined with stolen code though, I forgot what they were called.
They also sold those other machines when you plug and play a SNES game. They were more novel than anything.
They are moving to another city now, sadly.
That's just business I guess.
In the rare case I buy a game it's either on gog or steam
But I mainly just pirate everything because I'm a cheap fuck
Is it a nigger, a soldier, or both who is asking?
Are you the guy who wrote Holla Forums in all those porta johns
go fuck yourselves, and take your maga bullshit with you, you delusional cunts.
you sound like a giagantic bag of shit for supporting an illegitimate hate movement.
Seriously, jump; in front of a fucking truck, you're not a real gamer to start with. You played one video game one time.
God, I bet that ass is so muscular and soft.
Anyway mostly gamestop.
Definitely a retard. Kill yourself.
*Used* to buy games from non franchise game shop about half an hour away from my place before the owner shut it down last year because of health problems and old age getting to him. That place also sold good selection of imported Japanese movies BD and DVD too (Nope. Not porn, just dramas and animes). It also has Popeyes nearby (also shut down last year), so I can grab some chicken and biscuits too if I swing by that area.
I miss that place terribly.
Kill yourself.
How the fuck are people goons still mad about Gamergate?
Thrift stores, pawn shops, garage sales, swapmeets, conventions, Amazon/Ebay, if I'm really in a pinch I'll go to Vintage Stock or something.
Amazon, local mom & pop electronics store.
Steam and GOG, sometimes Amazon, sometimes pirate.
I never go to Gamestop because they're a shitty institution.
I never go to department stores for vidya because they fucking never have what I'm looking for.
Come to think of it I haven't bought a proper physical new game since 2012.
G2A, Steam, Amazon, Ebay and the MS, Sony and Nintendos respective stores.
I pirate alot but if I like a game I'll go back and buy it.
It’s time for you to commit suicide. We have the list of your names already.
I'd fully agree were it not that thanks to the Zionists niche weebshit is €20-€30 more expensive on Playstation Store. Seriously who the FUCK prices these things?! The store is 500 metres away and actually stocks games so there's no reason to ever buy them digital unless you're paraplegic. Smart move Sony.
why does he do it?
I would happily buy some vidya if there was any good vidya, but nobody cares about putting effort into their vidya anymore so meh. Maybe Projeck Red will come around with cyberpunk 2077, but that's a million years away.
i've bought all the hearthstone expansions
everything other than naxxramas/blackrock was a waste
ask me anything
I don't buy videogames, they are all free.
I bought all of them without spending a cent.
it was alright
and all the dragon support was fun for paladins
everything after it was fucking horrible though
they put absolutely no effort into them anymore
as cancer as naxx was, at least it had tons of voice acting
I buy games from gamer'sgate,Indie Game Stand, and itch.io. Most modern games are shit and I emulate the rest or download on isozone.
Is there anyway of getting a game on humble bundle without giving them your phone number?
get a burner phone, very easy to do.
I've bought a bunch from Amazon. I get Prime for free as a college student, so any new game I want is automatically 20% off.
I was hoping an Idea that wouldn't cost an extra phone or SIM card
So it's not a real hate movement?
Just go to best-buy they have boost-phones with prepaid sims already installed that cost $30
They just string words together, dude.
user do remember that studentprime runs out. They give you like 6 months before automatic payment, they're assuming you'll forget about it and won't cancel. Some of my friends got fucked over, so look out.
Also overstock is an alternative, Amazon is publicly anti-Trump, in case you care
I actually had a phone that I used when travelling to another country but I lost it. Also I ran out of money on that plan and I remember them having to do code confimations.
anyway I try as hard as I can to avoid humble bundle and it's been working so far
Goons tend to keep grudges
Like how they're still mad at certain people on the Minecraft forums for not making their mods 100% compatible with theirs.
They are literally still mad over some Minecraft shit.
how do you buy a game? its not property in the first place.
it would be like buying this post.
I'd like to purchase your post for $5.
you need to doulbe the price to do that
Why can't everyone realise that not only is triple A a dead territory, but there's no point in delving into it?
That sucks. Though, as far as store placement goes, I find it a bit humorous that with the best store I know of, as of the store next to them closing down (place got robbed) and the game store buying the property to double the size of their own place, they're now right next to medical marijauna shop, which itself is right next to a Papa Johns, and all three are within walking distance of a dairy queen. Not sure if that was ever the intention, but I can only imagine the occasional stoner buying his weed, heading next door to buy some vidya, and then picking up pizza and ice cream before heading home.
They'll never NOT be mad about it, even long after anything substantial has been happening for years. Kind of like how journokikes are still assblasted about Devil May Cry series fans hating DmC, to the point that as of last year they were STILL bitching in occasional articles. I eagerly await news of this year's annual "DmC dindu nuffin" kvetching.
Yeah, I'm not real sure what's up with the PSN that publishers (or perhaps Sony?) feel they can charge full price long after physical copies have gone down elsewhere. There's no sense dropping $40+ on a digital game if you're able to find a physical copy for half or less. Of course, that's only for games that have retail physical copies. For ones that are digital only (or at least meant as digital only, but might see a limited physical print), I can only assume that the publishers take advantage of the singular format to charge what they want for as long as they want, barring occasional sales, as beyond pirating, customers just have to put up with it.
And as an aside, whoever is responsible for genre tagging on the PSN is also error prone. I can find a game in its series right where you'd expect it, but meanwhile its sequel (which by no means was a different genre) won't be present, and if you didn't know the name, or sift through the entire list alphabetically for it, you might not think there was a PSN (re)release for it.
To show off? There's times where I've seen people online asking completely fucking ridiculous prices for games (try $1000 for a preowned game that was $25 at the time at best) that, barring being a money laundering scheme or something, I honestly think they're not even trying to make money, just waste time and bandwidth showing off to other people on Amazon or ebay what they own. Granted, I've never seen a brick and mortar store pull that sort of shit. Best store I know of has all sorts of neat stuff in it, and barring the instore systems they use to test games and let customers demo games, there's a price they'll part with just about anything for if you're actually interested.
Fuck off pedo
To be honest, I know one start that has a PS1, all the hookups and 1 controller for $15 plus tax, and I've been thinking about buying it, but there's no games in the PS1 section of the store worth buying. Should I buy the PS1 anyway?
one store*
I'd expect as much idiocy from a pedo.
It's worth bearing in mind that the PS2 and PS3 are for the most part backwards compatible with PS1 games anyhow (some exceptions exist that don't play well, but the bulk do), so you might get more use out of one of those as you could play multiple libraries. Though, if you're the sort that wants to go for an "authentic" experience with the original system the games were for, a CRT, etc, it might be worth picking that PS1 up at that price. Just remember that you'll still need memory cards to save PS1 games; while PS3's have internal memory, a PS2 would still require PS1 cards for playing PS1 games. The bad news is that PS1 memory cards are really damn small in terms of memory size (like 1 MB/15 slots, if memory serves), but the good news is that they still ought to be really cheap.
Where I am if you're at a half decent store, most PS1 games still aren't all that expensive. Mostly just MML2, Tron Bonne, and particular JRPGs that can go for a lot. A lot of best selling, "must play" stuff is still reasonable around here, but again, it depends on location. One store might offer SotN for $25 complete, while another asks $50 for it, both preowned.
Resellers are literally kikes and nothing more.
Nigger, that's a steal.
I thought that post was a reference to vid related, then again i missed the "Muh gooblygators" potshot.
Anyways i just been buying shit at walmart, if only because they're clearing out all the nintendo shit for like, 5-7 bucks a pop. There's also a pawn shop i sometimes go to, SNES and PS1 games are all over the fucking place, but everything else is reasonably priced, if not downright cheap.
Walmart's pretty shit for video games in my experiences. Damn place asks way too much on most occasions, even years after prices have gone down anywhere else. For example, I think as of 2014 or 2015 they were still asking full price (or close to it) for Metroid Other M and Sin and Punishment 2. Combine that with a refusal to price match Gamestop on the latter when I was looking for it (apparently it has to be in an advertisement as being currently on discount for them to do so), let alone price match their own fucking website, and that shit just keeps sitting on the shelves in the hopes that some dumb fuck is going to drop $50 on them when both were like $10 or less (maybe $20 new at best) elsewhere at the time.
Not for the Wii u, they're doing everything they can to clear that shit off the store. It varies from walmart to walmart though, but i've heard reports of people getting shit the big name nintendo shit for 5 bucks in those landfill tubs they call a bargain bin, the amiibos for like, 3-5 a pop and shit like Giana sisters and shovel knight are 7 bucks in all the stores even before the massive "gotta make room for the switch" clearance they were still undercutting shit like ebay, for example w101 was 15 bucks. Also they're clearing out their vita stuff too, nothing too special there, but i managed to get sly collection, toukiden, teraria, and tearaway for 10 bucks a pop.
Amazon.co.jp, Amazon.com, Best Buy, PSN, Nintendo eShop, GOG, maybe Steam but not much recently. Occasionally I'll buy something off Humble and donate it all to charity.
I don't really think there's anything wrong with collecting if you have the time, money and space for it. Personally though, I prefer minimalism when it comes to home decorating so I'd rather buy all digital at this point if I could. I really only buy physical if its cheaper or if the game itself has some special meaning to me that having a physical copy makes me feel "closer" to it somehow. But I don't like paying scalpers exorbitant prices for games that I just want to play the thing, I can use an emulator or if I really want to support the company that produced or developed it I can just buy the re-release on Nintendo's Virtual Console or the PSN.
It was weird, I went to a Super Walmart that was right next to a Gamestop and they actually had a really good selection of games for 3DS, better than the Gamestop themselves.
From a local place I will not name. Good prices, owner is a great man, who has respectable children. Every time I go to his store, I try to spend at least $100. Bought two Genesis systems, a Saturn, a PS4, had a PS3 fixed there, Atari 7800, 3DS, and a fuckload of games. Not all at once, mind you, but any time I want a physical game, I go there.
I don't watch MLP, but I remember reading somewhere that it started in 1990s?
Eighties, friend. It got weird.
There's nothing wrong with emulation, especially on older games, but the attitude of this board seems to be getting to a point where physical games are simply not acceptable period, and i'll never understand this. The threads i've seen recently(particularly the switch threads) seem to imply that getting an actual product for your money is an obsolete concept in favor of digital licenses.
MLP came with shit like jem, Transformers and GI Joe, so i'm guessing it's the 80's.
I think the idea is that either way, whether you're buying older or newer games, it just furthers shitty aspects of the industry, be it modern development (and in the case of games that come from Japan, localization) practices, or lining resellers pockets for older games, to the point that piracy has become the accepted answer on both fronts. From what I've seen, it's not so much a "physical vs digital" format issue, but more of a "buying games vs. pirating and telling resellers and publishers both to take a hike". Especially since lately there seems to have been a noticeable push against the existence of collection/recent purchases/buyfag threads.
My local mom and pop store.
I bought heavy metal fakk2 and a fucking Mai Shiranui figurine there last week for 40$ both.
you are just seeing what you want to see. all i care about is paying less.
How the hell did you even end up here on fullchan?
well gamergate was largely an american movement in the first place. slav stormniggers like you came later
That is exactly how small local business survives and thrives. By complimenting each other businesses and live in harmony instead of competitively trying to bankrupt each other. I heard a story about doing business once, had many variants but it goes like this.
dance for me, roach
One of those narratives is for real life, one is for the Internet.
The developers don't get the money anyway, they're paid a fixed wage for like, making game. Shareholders in the company get the profit from sales, there is literally no reason to buy any games unless they're made by an independent developer who still owns the rights to the game.