ITT /sci/ core games

ITT /sci/ core games.
No brainlets allowed.

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Haha dude I fucking love SCIENCE! Your heroes? Some sports start or movie star. My heroes? Neil deGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye, and Carl Sagan. Why? Because I love motherbitchin' SCIENCE!



Nice shitposting.

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Underrated post

You never created a great planet until you kindled plants into a space age civilization.

System Shock 2 would count to a degree. Never got into simulators and it feels like most hard sci-fi games fall into them.

I wish games put gene flow and natural selection into their games
It wouldn't be hard to design.

What do people find fun about blatant shitposting?

because some people whomstve have a sense of boba bola humor like you thot

What are the practical and career uses for less applied sciences like ecology, astronomy, ect. Can people actually find jobs in them or is it applied that only matters?

XDDDD post this on r/funny! You're hilarious A NON you trolled that nigger XDDDDDDDD

get a mathematics degree only

Just figured I would ask because /sci/

thank's broseph xD us gamers am i rite??

People get all sorts of jobs with all sorts of degrees. Only thing that matters is that you just be yourself (and your connections, preferrably well chosen ones).

Calc 2 is my math limit and I don't want to teach or be an engineer. I figured research would be fun though.

yeah being a lab monkey for Dr. Goldberg is very fun fam

Yeah but I know some degrees are more Fry cook tier. I wonder if there were actually very many jobs studying plants/animals or figuring out how random planet a trillion miles away is like. I would hate to be a hate to e a history or philosophy major and find out no one will actually pay you to philosophies or talk about Romans outside of teaching it.

This, other races aren't as smart as the Jewish intellectual, so all you'll be doing is bench work while he does the hard work of making sense of the data.

Astronomy isn't just looking at shit with a telescope and stuff, it's a hard as fuck subject and they're hired to do shit like system engineering for launching satellites and space research.

Pfft, As if you could understand the finer point of banging rocks together anyway

Are you limited in other areas of mathematics?
Also research is pretty fun but there's a fucking wide range of activities you can do, even within the same field.
Reading a fuckton is probably a constant though.


I literally want a job "fun" but isn't impossible to get. I am thinking of getting a degree in biology if it means I can study things in nature but I heard that most biomajors are just looking to become doctors. As far as math goes calc 2 was about the point where my brain starts to stop being able to comprehend what is going on.


With history there's also research positions in academic institutions (which usually pay pretty well), museum/tourism work and being a consultant for production companies, off the top of my head. You can also branch off into more specific stuff, like archaeological reconstruction. Lots of history graduates here in the UK get into politics and journalism, too. Though, granted, teaching's probably more common than the aforementioned stuff.

Polite sage for off-topic.

Yo dawg I herd you like VR

Fucking Simlife. You'd need a huge fucking brain to do anything worthwhile with this game. You can control almost anything about the environment and the organisms in it but good luck doing any of these:
Because you are invariably going to end up with "400 super duper hermaphrodite, 8-children-per-pregnancy animals eat 4000 super duper hermaphrodite drifting/dropping seed huge as fuck evergreen trees"

Believe me, I've tried. At least you can make custom sprites and names for your organisms.

SimEarth was a criminally underrated game. I helped cetaceans ascend to the stars.

Did you not see undertale in the right?


I stopped reading after IV

This game could've been a great game/science experimental toy. But, no. Of course not. We have to stick googly eyes on them.

I don't know. That's why you should stick to engineering, just in case. If you want to do research, you can just advance to PhD. If the worst happens, you can still have your Engineering degree to fall back on.

Cell lab is one of the few good mobile games. And its not even a port!

Space Engineers can fit this category well, depending on how far you wanna go with it.


Better vid.



Should I replay Spore?

No. It's shit.

I've read an article where they let a bunch of Science editors/article writers to play it. And they conclude it to be shit.

Oh how the mighty have fallen

This game has given me an appreciation for how things actually work out in space. Picked up a few actual scientific terms from playing it.

Tinkering with Mars to have liquid water on it's surface is actually really hard. I'd much rather start with a random rocky planet without any presets to perfectly tailor for habitability.


Is there any point getting this if you already have the original?

Yes. 2's simulation is much more refined than the first one. 2 is, objectively better in every way to one, even performance wise.


They are usually the best kind of replies to blatant shit threads


Never played the first, couldn't tell you.

If you end up getting it, I'll give you the recipe for a habitable planet.

1. Material: ~25% Iron, ~75% Silicate, ~0.02% water
2. Then adjust mass after material is where you want it
Note: Largest possible rocky world at the time I tried was 4132 mass of Earth, any larger and it flips into a gas giant, and smallest possible atmosphere holding planet/moon that won't have it stripped away is about 2.75 mass of the moon. Mass > Radius imo
3. Get the planet near your stars habitable zone and know that every star is different and blue stars have a tiny barely habitable zone, while some have no habitability. What you really want is a main sequence "yellow" star like our own.
4. Make sure the eccentricity of the orbit is good because the more eccentric the orbit, the more wild the temperature variance will be.
5. Rotation speed of ~465 m/s
Note: You can try smashing a world with another smaller object to increase it's spin, you know, like how Earth got it's own fast spin.
6. Surface pressure is 0.982 bar on Earth preset in game. If you set it to 1 bar, you'll be good.
7. Magnetosphere of about ~2.3
Note: A lot of the settings will change the others, so you don't really need to touch them.
8. You can also adjust the tilt to get the most habitable planet possible but you'll struggle to make a perfect Earth twin.
Note: Tidal heating and trying to add moons without them flinging out into infinity is interesting as well.
Note: If you don't like the surface features of a planet, you can just quickly give you planet enough hydrogen to turn into a gas giant and then get rid of the hydrogen and a new random preset surface will appear.


Finally a game for the thinking gamer!

I'd say the ones with brains are making real space travel possible while you're dicking around on vidya.

But I had no idea Creatures had a sequel or two. Is it same shit, bigger scale as 1?

Kerbal Space is good for understanding orbits, and how difficult it is to get anywhere in space, even if its just off your homeworld.

Just ignore the fact nobody needs life support and can live years in a tiny capsule without food. Mods will fix that.

Any games where you can observe a complex ecosystem, or should I just grab some magnifying glass, biology books and innawoods?

I played this whenever it came out, when I was 6-10 years old or some shit. Compared to other Sim___ games, it didn't really have any gameplay. It was just a dry sandbox where you fuck around with numbers and watch shit happen - like an ant farm, kinda, which is funny since SimAnt was about cleansing the Reds through glorious lawn warfare.

I really don't remember much about the game, but it's absolutely where I learned the word "albedo", and something about spamming "monolith" all over the planet and then just watching.

All of these mods have existed for years. The problem with KSP is that the devs need to stop fucking updating it, because they keep adding half-assed shit that nobody cares about and just keep breaking the mods that make the game actually fucking playable. Vanilla, the game has almost no goddamn content. With ~5gb of mods, it actually approaches something resembling fun.

Just this. As a Biofag I am mad there aren't more.

You know, I don't know, but every board has at least four to five of these kinds of people in it.

Take Holla Forums for example. Every time you ask a constructive question, like "Why would the government pass a law that undoes a decade of bans against employers requiring a genetic profile from their employers?", you'll be met with one to three people who say things like, "Because privacy is for Nazis, goy."

And then no one else answers, because you've already been addressed.

It's perfectly normal anons blowing off steam by taking steamy shitposts in threads they're not invested in. It's really cathartic to just go and drop a text deuce for the sole purpose of slightly annoying someone. Making someone else's day worse is an effective way to make your own day better, after all.
I'm not saying I do it. I know a guy who knows a guy.

Polite sage for off-topic.

Wait a minute that card

Could you ask your guy to ask his friend to please stop? Having a fair question riposted in such a fashion is irksome, especially since Holla Forumsacks stop thinking when they believe the Jews are ultimately responsible for whatever inane shit they've found.

A Miku for your trouble.

I remember when I first tried going to Holla Forums years ago back on half chan.

I've lately been playing Take On Mars, since it came out of EA. It's pretty good in some respects, mediocre in others, and disappointing that they never put it all together.
Basically, the game is cut up into two phases - the exploration phase and the manned phase.

In the exploration phase, you play as a dude at JPL and you plan missions, design probes/rovers to carry out those missions, and then you get to either program your probes or control them real-time in first person to carry out your research - you have to take samples of atmosphere, soil, rocks, or take readings or photos of things at various wavelengths, and you have to manage your power and fuel and whatnot. You're on a strict budget, so fucking up and having one of your rovers flip or breakdown can crush your entire campaign, so there's a nice bit of tension there, too. Money is used for both probe construction and research to unlock new technologies to equip your probe with. You progress from 70s technology through current technology.
That's all pretty neat and fun.

In the manned phase, the sequence depends on whether you're playing story mode or a scenario/sandbox mode, but basically you have a lander with life support and tools, but limited resources and you have to gather resources, set up ever-increasing resource gathering/refining infrastructure and then gradually build a habitat or even a full colony depending on how deep on the spectrum you are. It gives a good feeling of being in a thin fucking suit on Mars, since you frequently have to low-G speed-hop your way to the nearest shelter whenever there's a solar event to avoid getting fried by radiation, and you have to wear a heavier suit at night or you freeze to death, or you can even trip and smash your faceplate on a rock and die from decompression. You can also forget to put your helmet on while cycling an airlock and die that way. Which fucking blows.
This is all pretty neat, too, but you have to power everything with these big janky-ass ragdoll physics hoses that like to trip you or freak out and launch you to Jupiter.

The most disappointing aspect of it all, is that none of it is connected.
Ideally, you'd use the first phase to research ideal landing sites, using probes to pinpoint the best resource deposits and then send your manned missions to those sites, then switch back and forth giving logistical aid via orbital probes and whatnot. There's none of that. Resources are also really shallow - you just gather "mars soil", "mars rock "and "mars atmo", and then break them down into their base elements. From there, you do lots of semi-interesting chemistry to assemble them into compounds you need - methane for fuel for example - but you never have a need to build one of the many vehicles in the game because there's no need to go exploring. If you have dirt and a rock within 100m of you, you've got everything you ever need, forever. No need to go see if there's a rich vein of aluminum or radioactive material to build a new RTG, because you can just pan-sift that shit out of the soil.

TLDR - It's a great pirate, but probably a disappointing purchase. Gets your space rocks off, but doesn't offer satisfying complexity or even allow its featured mechanics to properly interact with one another.

I'll see what I can do, but my friend's friend is only a single user.

forgot pic

Does it feel like they'll put it together one day or is the core gameplay pretty much what there is to offer now? Mars survival in first person seems like a cool idea at least.

Not really. You dont know the person and do not see their genuine reaction, just more text on a screen. There's no actual plausible enjoyment that can be taken from that.

Deus Ex is overrated garbage.

See, I said something that would clearly 'trigger' as people say. Supposedly it has some kind of emotional effect on people to read text they do not agree with in passing a fellow user, but I am 100% nobody actually cares.

Anyway, I'll leave you guys to your thread. I will lurk and keep a look out for real recommendations, as there could be some interesting ones.

Out of all the survival games having you survive on another planet without goofy aliens but just figuring out how to live clearly a rip off of The Martian sounds cool.

For those that like Universe Sandbox but think it would be even better if you replace the gameplay with more autism Space Engine is a fun toy to mess with. It's free, pretty, and the slav dev is constantly putting in more realism effects. Also blackholes.

These are the exact reasons I've been coming here less and less. Banter is good and all, but copypaste banter overriding actual discussion is not.

You take that back, you stupid fucking bitch.

Oh, some people might get upset. But I do think most people who just shitpost all the time without fail, also don't have the ability to communicate anything of actual value to someone, either. Basically legit social retardation, they also get mad real easily if you do actually catch them off balance.

But every board should be like Holla Forums, serious discussion is gay, take the brown pill etc.


Is that screenshot taken by you? Is that a planet close enough to a black hole to get that gravity lens effect? I've never found one.

I looked at Jupiter through a small telescope last week. I could see three of the galilean moons, and just barely make out the stripes on the surface. Damn cool, even on a small and cheap telescope.

Why cant you just accept a feminine penis, user?

Scientists and "smarter" people are the easiest to troll.

Stupid people tend to just ignore you.

Reminder that there is a /sci/ loli capture simulator in development.

overly complicated autism and spaghetti code != /sci/

Sounds exactly like /sci/.


First post best post

That answer isn't deficient in accuracy, it's deficient in length. Wherever there are problems you can usually find Jews, but they should have explained why it was the Jews.

This statement is going to be humanity's epitaph.

The Jew shit is just a diversion from the more general problem of corporate power, and Holla Forums bought it. Most likely because they want the power to eradicate "degeneracy" (read: other people having sex when they aren't), so they need to preserve capitalist power relations to increase their own authority. That or they just want to be edgy and troll people.

I know right, it's not like jews are a tribal and nepotistic people who are disproportionately involved in globalism.

Biggest fucking faggotry to ever find expression on imageboards. It's no surprise that it stemmed from normalfags finding them.

Why do you have such a fixation on bringing foreigners into white countries?

lol what cuck

This is why you're faggots.

So you don't support nonwhite immigration, correct?

It's poetic, in a way.

Can you memeing fucks learn what threads are and are not appropriate for this drivel? Jesus, last time I saw this thread was on page 13 or some shit; could have let it die instead of bumping it for an entirely inappropiate circlejerk over Holla Forums shit

What's creatures 3 like? Is it like a good spore?

Also the study of plants and animals is science.

Immigration in general should be strictly limited partly to prevent overcrowding, but mostly because it drives down wages. Ultimately the wage system should (and will) be replaced with full automation of all jobs. Immigration is small potatoes compared to the real issues though.

Actually immigration is the biggest issue, because it brings in outsiders who act against the good of the white population, consistently vote for handouts from the public purse and for further immigration, and who over the long term may well mix with the white population and drag down its IQ and innovative capability.


Fuck off, torfag. Take a break and go shill cuckchan for a while.

Most of the whites I've met have nigger tier intellect anyway. Most people in general are stupid as shit.

On the thread topic, The Incredible Machine and any game like it.

Can be fixed. On the other hand once immigrants are here it's very hard to get them to leave.
Can be fixed. On the other hand once immigrants are here it's very hard to get them to leave.
Can be fixed. On the other hand once immigrants are here it's very hard to get them to leave.
What good is saving the environment if you lose your country to nonwhites?
Hillary lost though.

Much like yourself. It's a problem of the company you keep - you hang out with fellow leftists.

Hoo boy.

First post and the thread is ogre.

Well do share with us why you think WW3 will happen, now that the warmongering leftists can't have a war with Russia over Syria.

This, though you may have change your name to something ending with "berg" or "stein".


Okay, Tor user. We totally believe you. Objective truth doesn’t prove you wrong or anything. You’re obviously not lying. The jews are just a scapegoat. Just like every single time in history when any jew is said to have done anything bad. Ever. Always. Just a scapegoat.

I thought you weren’t trying before, but you’re really not trying now.
Holy fucking shit. I’d ask if you were just parodying liberals, but they really ARE this stupid and obvious.
Prove us wrong, kikelover. We’ll wait.

Because now you're going to be allied with Russia in ww3

The genocide of the West = the destruction of all civilization.
By jews, yes.
By jews, yes.
Thanks to the jewish-created Federal Reserve, yes.
AGW doesn’t exist, you fucking kikelover.
Trump won. The only WWIII in our future is the one that wipes Israel off the map and replaces it with the Christian Republic of Jerusalem.

Rex Tillerson's statements about Russia during his confirmation hearing, and Trump's increase to the already bloated military budget. I don't believe any of this stuff about Trump being a Russian agent, but he's flip-flopped too much for me to take him at his word when he says he doesn't want to go to war.

Correct, it doesn't.

Holy shit, I almost gave a serious response to this.

-ß/10; not even trying

I'm curious about something /sci/anons. I live somewhere where rain is rare(once or twice every year) and a few days ago I just had my first thunderstorm experience. It was during a sandstorm when suddenly I felt the world "go dark" for a split second, like the lights went out or I blinked, except I was 100% sure I had my eyes open during that split second. Few seconds later I heard the thunder
My question is, is it natural for the world to go dark for a fraction of a second during thunder or lightning?

Not unless you’re close enough to the lighting to have been temporarily blinded by it.

Whats odd is that I did not see any lightning and the thunder felt like it was from far away.

Relativism is for idiots, such as people who say whites are the strongest, smartest race but Jews somehow control the world in spite of that.

I don't understand the point you're making here unless it's to say that we should discriminate against jews the way they do against gentiles.

Creatures 3 is the third game in the Creatures series, a kind of "virtual pet" game where you don't directly control anything except your hand in the game, which is used to spank, tickle or lift creatures. The Norns are the mammalian cuties you are responsible for, the Grendels are the bullies of the world, and Ettins are just sort of there. There's no end goal to the game, you just raise your creatures and have them reproduce. Sadly the technology of the day made these creatures extremely stupid and limited but it's hours of fun for a little kid.

I checked out a video and it looks pretty interesting. I don't think I can be bothered to play these games nowadays, unfortunately.

silly shitposter speaks shit-tier social science skills


Doing any ecology shit can usually get you a pretty cushy government job doing wildlife or environmental management for whatever state you're in

how about "perform anti competitive actions that typically benefit special interest groups such as ethnoreligious groups with history in the Fertile Crescent/Mediterranean Coastline/Caucasus/Slavic Territories"

Sorry for using simple language that will dissuade further Holla Forumsyps from making similar antisemitic posts that are derailing this /sci/ shitpost thread to an unfunny level

Hi, Holla Forums. So you concede that jews' success is not due to any merit of their own but due to antisocial behavior on their part?



why'd you bump you faggot

I'm not Holla Forums, I'm not a tranny, Social ownership of means of production will never be successful because that involves democracy

stop being an emotional faggot at reacting to bait buzzwords like Holla Forumsyp, you are falling into the trap of identity politics

nobody should know that you're a dog on the internet, so don't tell them by reacting so angrily


>>>Holla Forums

It helps point out people who get really offended because they personally identify with slurs such as Holla Forumsyp, stormnigger, stormfag, lolbertarian, kike, leftard, libshit
Also because sage is cruise control for cool

undertale is a masterpiece of videogame history
truly the citizen kane of gaming

What the fuck did that have to do with my post?
Jesus Christ, Mark needs to wipe the slate clean of your autistic bot-tier ranting.

Yeah sorry about that one, it was a really shit shit post
I'll try harder next time

That's a bit like using reddit spacing and then complaining when being taken for a redditor. When you talk like something people will assume you are that thing.


Aurora's version of the solar systen has appropriate ratios for the orbital distances of the planets, and it models hundreds of bodies total (including individual asteroids) all of which can be colonised, in principle, because habitability is a decimal value calculated from loads of variables to do with a body compared to the specific environmental tolerances of a given race. If a rock's stats fall outside of your racial tolerances, you need a given amount of infrastructure (which is treated like a good, you can produce and transport it) per 1000 colonists that's based on the habitability index deficit of the planet with respect to that race. This feels a lot more science-y (read: autistic) and helps immersion, because there are no artificial barriers that say 'no, you can't send people/machinery to live and/or work on that planet because it's a barren magma class planet and you haven't researched barren magma class colonisation yet'- it's just that the better your tech gets, the cheaper and more feasible it gets to colonise places.

The way atmospheres, planetary albedo, and terraforming works is pretty sweet, too, because it's in-depth and is actually simulated to a degree, which means you can make a planet more habitable by having a ship/fleet dump greenhouse gases on it, or dump chlorine on your enemy's worlds to poison the populace and raise surface temperatures. And you can accidentally bomb your planet with a many-tonne asteroid and cause a dust winter if you're not careful when using mass drivers.
Just a pity it's spreadsheets: the game.

Lets fucking talk about /sci/ence vidya.


Havok and its derivatives are toy-tier at best. The Bullet Physics Engine, used in games like GTA V, are far superior to Havok


The biggest disappointments are:
inb4 'get a better toaster'
No need to type out a wall of text for that, mate.

But seriously, Take On Mars should've been two games.
Take On Mars and Take On Mars: Mars One or whatever…

Maybe their ambitions were a bit too high? Who knows.

I never hear anyone here talk about BeamNG.Drive, it looks pretty neat

Can't mess with muh six gorillion iq and muh ragin tikkun olam, goy!

Could it simply have been the brief occlusion of the sun by a cloud during the overcast sandstorm?

I haven't played Kerbal Space Program in a while but it qualifies. I want to play it but the fucking effort of going through and updating all the mods every time they update the game, fuck it I'll get around to it one day.

user, CKAN exists and almost all worthwhile up to date mods are there. The only ones I couldn't find were FAR (not updated to 1.2 yet), Infernal Robotics and KAS/KIS (it's on CKAN, but it's not guaranteed to work).

It's neat if you like to fuck around with cars. and watching them crash in slow motion.
but for now you have to set up everything and there's no good AI yet.
It's also neat the way it lets you fuck with all the settings of the car, I love taking a 4WD car and removing the front differential, making it RWD, and tinkering the suspension and wheel pressure to change it's behaviour completely.
People have been building all sorts of stuff with it, You can have racing cars or rock crawlers and all sorts of shit inbetween.

I forgot to add
There's tons of mods for it. Until they update the game and break most of them

Is outer planets on CKAN yet? It used to be but a recent ish update broke it and it isn't on CKAN anymore so I uninstalled. That was about 6 months ago, got the itch again for some space autism.

I had a look a month or two ago and many of the small mods I use weren't there.

Polybridge is decent for getting that kinex/lego brainstorm fix.

The devs need to stop "supporting" KSP already and let it die, so the modding community can finally stabilize.
Mods are the only thing that makes that spic game playable.

I would have 1000 hours in it if updating mods wasn't such a pain in the ass.


Its like dwarf fortress. your children's children will have the pleasure of playing the finished game.

But user, how am I supposed to have children if my waifu ain't real?

Same, easily. It's like they have a light that turns on in their office when I update all of my mods, so they can push an inconsequential micro-patch the next morning that breaks every single mod for weeks.

There isn't much to say, it's got amazing physics but isn't a game yet.
They are getting there, I just hope they can make the AI more competitive as they are easy to beat.