
I wanted to see how the Switch would have to perform for Nintendo to break their curse so I threw numbers in a graph. For obvious reasons I can't post them so if some user can just dump them in here I'd sure appreciate it.


Darker shades represent hardware and lighter shades represent software. Trend curves ignore the Wii and DS sales on the assumption that they were one-offs, and those curves are then extrapolated to get the numbers for the Switch. The first two plots shows what the trend says the Switch and an assumed new pure handheld launched in 2019 should sell. The third just stacks the two previous ones for the scenario where the Switch represents a new unified format and there will be no more handhelds. While the plot for the home consoles is fairly representative the one for handhelds has two caveats.

The first is it ignores the time each system was the top model. The GB/GBC numbers are for arguably two system that were the top models for about 12 years, whereas the GBA didn't even get 4 years before the DS jumped in and became the hot shit.
The second is that the 3DS numbers are the current ones and not estimates for what its final tally will be. Right now it looks like it will equal the GBA before it is discontinued, which would give a trend line that has started to go back up, but since that would essentially make the graph the opposite of what I think it should be I didn't bother.

So what would be more accurate? I was making some more graphs and putting some weighting on the numbers to compensate for the things listed above but the results shifted greatly even with light weightings so I decided it's not worth doing with rough numbers. The quick takeaway is that the GBA seems to have had stronger sales than the GB and GBC combined, but had its life cut short by the DS leading to a low total. Same goes for the GBC in comparison to the GB, given how soon after the GBA was released and collapsed its sales. Compensating for this would give the overall trend the shape of an arc, peaking with the GBA and the starting to fall, suggesting a new handheld would sell much worse than the 3DS rather than about the same or better than the 3DS as the simplistic approach says. It's interesting enough that I'm going to do it properly but that will naturally take some time.

TL;DR: Just look at the numbers in the graphs and say what you think will actually happen.

Posting some guts because I need to embed something.

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Wtf I hate switch now







You're a faggot by the way. I did this because I expect the very opposite.

This shit's radical!

If they're the same platform you probably need to take into account the cannibalization of hardware sales, where formerly a household that had both Nintendo consoles and handhelds now only has handhelds.

That's why they are stacked.

If you actually want serious discussion, try not to title your thread with the very finest of sonygger memes.

How about you stop being a whiny baby?

Here you go OP. I'm no economist but this doesn't look healthy.

Thanks a bunch.

It doesn't, but the signs right now is that Switch will sell really well. I'm curious to see what they will do regarding their handhelds though because selling extremely well in one scenario is selling poorly in the other.

If they do succeed they would have two successes and one failure as their last three system generations which would essentially be the absence of any trend at all, outside that pattern repeating. Nintendo has enough cash to keep failing for another century or so though, so they aren't going anywhere soon in either case.


It might be selling well for the moment but how much of that is to the credit of Zelda and how well will it perform when the initial novelty wears off and people realize it's got shit for games other than Zelda?

It's not like the Wii had a lot of games either.

The Switch will never sell as well as the Wii. The Wii was a complete fucking aberration and an outlier. You don't remember what it was like. That fucking thing was all over national news stations for weeks. Normalfags who had previously had NOTHING to do with video games were running out and buying one because they saw it on TV and thought they could get non-video game benefits like "exercise".

I don't know if Nintendo even planned it, and I suspect they had nothing at all to do with it because they've fallen face flat on advertising every console before and since the Wii. Shit was a perfect storm of media hype.

Yeah but the reason it printed money was because it tapped into a completely new demographic. Which will never be tapped into again because said demographic is content with shitty free smartphone games.


This tread again…

Nintendo has been surviving like a crockroach for more than 20 fucking years now.
Nintendo will be fine
When shit hits the fan hard on the console market they'll probably join lord gaven and DRM the fuck outta their games to sell them online
they can always try to make a Pokemon MMO if they ever get in hot water

Eat shit nigger


But of course. The days when kids wanted Nintendo because it was cool and had the most bits are long gone.

It's getting Splatoon 2 and and there's a new Mario game for Christmas. That is honestly is pretty damn strong first year. Apart from the handful of other exclusives it's getting 61 non-exclusives to keep people from getting bored. I don't see how a new Nintendo platform could realistically do any better.

I do remember what it was like. That's why I've never suggested it will sell as well as the Wii.

I think they have done well with Switch. People know what it is and what its selling point is. Let's just hope they follow through with it and advertise their games explicitly and don't just put Mario on things and expect people to know that means there's a new game being released.


Post again outside of tor and see what happens, shlomo.

Go back to bed, Jim.

fucking goon faggot go suck more tranny cum.
Unrealistic expectations aside it seems the system could hardly have gotten a better launch. The momentum is theirs to lose at this point.

I think it was because it was cheap and easy to develop for. Both the Wii and the DS cost much less then the competition that would make it more attractive to parents. That and the features that the systems had made them stand out from a developer and consumer standpoint. Another factor is that they had a lot of marketing and games being developed for them.

this shit's radical


And with the Switch being a drag-and-drop affair to port for + printing money, there's a good chance it'll get lods of multiplats in general. I doubt it'll do any of the graffix shit AAA developers want it to do but if they want a cut of the Switch action they'll be forced to make an acquiescence in some way.


So OP, while the switch brags about its portability (and honestly I was pleasantly surprised the joycons or whatever the Fuck it's called actually lasts a good while by its self) there is no way that Nintendo won't continue its domination of handheld (minus mobile phone gaming) consoles. Nintendo knows that there's a huge market for it, they have ever since the Gameboy made them huge piles of shekels, despite the switch being portable honestly I just use it exclusively for stationary gaming but i can see hipsters using it for portable bragging they will continue making dedicated handhelds. More likely than not expect switch ports of smaller games to the new console like Wooly World and Hyrule Warriors did.

That all being said, however, we can all agree that Breath of the Wild, while a hell of a decent game, shouldn't have been Nintendo's only big card. In my opinion this is how they should have done things.

I'm not even going to get into the lack of a miiverse to let people shitpost and draw, deepening fan bases. As successful and fun as Splatoon is, the Miiverse posts and drawings, in my opinion, tied in with the free updates and splatfests only further increased how successful the reception for the game was and further highlighted it's merits. First off, an Internet browser and miiverse equivalent to capitalize on the Screenshot button they have right on their controller. I'm going to get the paid online bullshit out of the way as well. Is it a shit move? Yes, when one of your biggest selling points was free online, yes. However, I'm going to let their October (?) deadline for free online stay and go with what they should have done to get people willing to pay for online.

What Nintendo should have done, personally is have ports of certain Wii-U games at the ready on release day. What this would do is allow them to capitalize and get people addicted to playing online. Since Splatoon 2 was already slated for summer, that will go a good ways, but you need games immediately ready to play. With that being the case, Mario Kart 8 and Smash Bros for your go to online play, Pikmin 3, Wooly World, and Hyrule Warriors for single/local play. Don't be Jews and give the ports a $30 dollar price tag, make Mario Kart 8 a bundled free game with the switch, along with 1, 2 switch as the glorified tech demo it is, and Breath of the Wild as the big game. Sure BoTW won't have the sales it did for being The Game, but you'll pad your launch lineup nice enough to justify people buying your console at those prices.

Thats about the best I can do, considering their big games are sprinkled later on, but it should give people plenty of incentive to buy the console for more than scalping.

The Switch really isn't portable though, because you're not going to see it getting busted out on crowded Tokyo subways.

It's funny because Nintendo did the exact opposite of what they should have done. Instead of having WiiU games ready ported to the Switch on release day, they had the Switch's big new launch title ported to the WiiU on release day.

Yeah Breath of the Wild not coming out on Wii U would've been a great move….


For the Switch? Yeah, it would have been. That's what "exclusivity" is all about. Getting people to buy the new system because it has games that aren't on systems they already fucking own.

I guarantee you the negative PR would cost more Switch sales than it would potentially gain

I'm not really sure how smart a Breath of the Wild centric launch was, but I think it can work since Breath of the Wild is definitely a system seller. I think a slow trickle to keep momentum going is better than a strong launch with lots of momentum, espcially since statistically the average console gamer buys 1-2 titles annually, so there's no use in having all your games compete with eachother in such a small timeframe. The Switch's trickle is quite slow though with only Mario Kart 8 and Arms filling out the next 3 months, but I'm pretty sure that Smash for Switch is on the Horizon and I'm basing it off the fact that there are 4 new unknown Smash Amiibo's coming but there are only 3 characters without Smash Amiibo's. I'm pretty sure the 4th one is Ice Climbers however with Nintendo doing Konami a solid with Super Bomberman R getting a clean launch meal maybe we will see Konami bring their major IP to Smash.

Based on?

Funny joke.

What in the absolute fuck is wrong with your head?

From what I can tell as a just as a personal anecdote, everything is sold out for the switch everywhere. So either Nintendo is doing it's usual bullshit artificially limiting available systems and games to create the appearance of demand, or it's actually selling pretty well.
Prices for a switch have inflated in the second hand stores to £385 in the UK btw

Because they promised Breath of the Wild on the Wii U, idiot!

Breath of the Wild was revealed before the NX was even announced

The sales of Twilight Princess on Wii were like more than 4x the Gamecube, even though when it achieved that the Wii had still not surpassed the GC in terms of sales, there's a precedence for Nintendo to not give a fuck.

They would still do that if Switch is the new portable, since there literally is no competition.

There is, but like I said the numbers suggest it's shrinking and mobile is becoming ever more invasive. Good arguments can be made for either approach and I expect Nintendo will study how people use the Switch obsessively.

Yes, but today is not the good old Game Boy days.

I'm sure many will, but it all depends on what the market in large does.

They probably would if they had an infinity number of employees. Given its scale the crunch o Zelda must have been god awful. To be correct it would have been god awful just for WiiU but now they also had to do it on a system the engine was not designed for.

Given their finite number of employees I do not see why they should have split effort away from polishing Zelda when whatever game they were making would have been overshadowed by Zelda any way. Release two super games at the same time and one of them is always going to suffer in sales among the masses.

As such I absolutely disagree. Putting all focus on Zelda, a project you have sunk 4 years of paying 300 employees to make, by getting it out right and letting it shine alone was absolutely the right choice to get people to buy it. Letting the other bigger games come after a while so that they don't get all their thunder stolen by Zelda will aid them as well.

The Switch is not so much more powerful that porting doesn't take a lot of work. Porting WiiU games means they have less hands to work on new titles. Look at Silent Hill for an example of what happens when you don't take your time.

Given the huge effort of porting a monster like Zelda and us also seeing Mario Kart it's fairly possible they have established a team, with all the expertise they gained from that exercise, to bring over the best titles one at a time.

Finite resources just doesn't allow for everything you want.

While they are launching Switch, finishing up a game like Breath of the Wild and also trying to make new games that show the features of their new system, to say nothing about trying not to project the the image of "it just a system for games already on WiiU if you want to take them outside". You should be an EA manager given how clueless you are about how much time doing getting these things over to another architecture and doing it well takes.

people were saying the switch sales were pretty good. it actually sold worse than the wiiU? is that what im seeing?

No these are just projections because muh trends. I doubt it will sell less than the Wii U in reality

That was a port from the WiiU. Next up is a port of Mario Kart.

Yep, that would have gone over well with the fans. It's not like merely making it none exclusive when it was the game that convinced a lot of people to pick up the WiiU stepped on a lot of toes.

how has it done so far by comparison?

It's been the best Nintendo hardware launch ever, but the Wii U had pretty good launch sales too, so we can't know right now

really? better than wii?

The original target was 2 million units shipped to retail by the end of March, meaning for the first month. When they saw the pre-orders they commissioned more so they may end up with 2.5 million or so for March. GC and WiiU both sold less than 4 million units over a 4 month period that includes christmas. As such I think 2+ million for the first month of a system that was launched as hurridly as they could is pretty fair. Building up a stock of units takes time.

Sweet jesus.

Yep, but we're only talking about first weekend

This is why the Wii succeeded.
After the Playstation 2 generation, Nintendo decided NOT to compete against the Playstation 3 to avoid following Sega's path. So they created this weird thing called the Wii that was actually attracted to a whole new market (normalfags & casuals). Their actions made the Wii one of the best selling consoles of all time (beneath the PS2 obviously).
But here's the funny part: the good sales of the Wii DIDN'T AFFECT the sales of the PS3 & XBOX360 because they were different markets.

Most modern consoles get released a little before Christmas, the Switch was released in march of all months. I guess the idea is having a more stablished market by December.

Search for nintendo switch best launch ever. The quote from Fils-Aime as to outselling the Wii were for just the first weekend, but if you search the term you see more recent articles from several different regions, both for best Nintendo sales and for overall console launch sales.

The numbers are what the Switch should total over the course of its life if the nintendoomed meme is true. So far they seem to be breaking it.

Breath of the Wild was indeed a WiiU game that was ported to the Switch. It doesn't showcase the full power of the Switch. I don't believe the game was delayed in its launch, I believe it was rushed to coincide with the Switch release.

Something similar happened with Twilight Princess. Game was already finished for the Gamecube when they decided to make it a launch game for the Wii. They actually freezed the Gamecube release for some months in order to avoid canibalizing sales of the Wii. I'm glad they didn't do this for BotW, I'm amazed they have confidence on the Switch getting good sales despite people avoiding buying it because they can play the new Zelda in the WiiU.

Also, I didn't bought a WiiU because I'm a Zelda & Metroid fan and no new game was released for that console.
I already have Wind Waker and Twilight Princess for the Gamecube, thank you so much.
If I already had a WiiU I would certainly get the WiiU version of Breath of the Wild. But I'm not buying a WiiU now that it ceased production.

Also, daily reminder that the new president of Nintendo said that the 3DS is an entry-level handheld, meaning that both the WiiU and the 3DS are ending their lifecycles and the Switch will be the only Nintendo console: a powerful handheld with HDMI output.
There won't be a successor to the WiiU nor a successor to the 3DS: all new Nintendo consoles will be successors to the Switch.

I wouldn't say rushed but otherwise I agree. They knew they needed to meet the Switch launch no matter what.

I don't agree with this assertion. Saying 3DS is entry-level instead of an old system suggests they see a need for an entry level, meaning a cheaper pure handheld for those who can't afford a Switch or won't let their kids take the expensive system out with them.

And we're all gonna pretend that WII doesn't count because it doesn't fit into your bullshit armchair market analysis graphs? Eat shit OP.

Nintendo got lotsa monies. They can release three more failed systems and they would still have enough money to release a fourth one.

Mind you, they have always been maximizing benefits, either with having ONLY 5000 employees (a ridiculous number for a company as big as Nintendo), or with releasing consoles with a cheap to produce CPU (which was compensated by including enhancing chips or mappers in some game cartridges).

And 1 in 3 women are raped daily.

Check 'em.

Read the thread faggots.

They also have this crazy practice on actually earning money when selling their consoles. The usual business was losing money when selling consoles but getting it back when selling games.

It's basically a tablet. It has no power.

So it has the same specs as the WiiU?

No, its more powerful though exact processing power is not published. It also has three times more working memory available to games than WiiU.

Holy shit, this is epic! Someone screencap this, I don't know how.

Kill yourself newfag

How rude.

Am I reading these graphs right? I thought the Wii was a disaster for developers? Were Wii owners buying tons of games, or were casuals scooping up shovelware in huge quantities?

Yes that's true but you forgot the other part of my post.
The target audience of the Wii was people that thought video games were too complicated to play with, and thought they could get some exercise while having fun. Most people never bought any other games for it except for more wii sports clones. Touch screen games did the same and for free and it turns out no, you can't lose weight by waggling a remote around.

Nintendo's strategy this time around seem like their planning to merge their handheld and console market into one probably because the handhelds always had sell more. Although the with releasing a remake of fire emblem 2 on the 3ds does contradicts this claim. Or they're waiting for the switch to get more sales before pulling the plug on the 3ds.

I don't think the question is whether or not the 3DS will be discontinued in favor of the Switch. Here's release and discontinuation dates for Nintendo's handhelds I scraped together:
GB: 21/04/1989-23/03/2003
VB: 21/06/1995-02/03/1996
GBC: 21/10/1998-30/05/2003
GBA: 21/03/2001-??/??/2008
DS: 21/11/2004-??/??/2013
3DS: 26/02/2011-
Switch: 03/03/2017-

Notice that the B&W Gameboy in the form of the Pocket continued production alongside the GBC, both overlapping with the GBA for two years until just before the DS, then the GBA continued alongside the DS for 3.5 years, and the DS was finally discontinued two years after the 3DS shipped.

I think the real question (assuming the Switch is a success) is whether Nintendo will replace the 3DS with another low-end device, or simply cede the entire market to phones and expand their cellphone efforts beyond gimmicky mobileshit.

The switch seems to be the planned successor for both handhelds and consoles, since they've done the same song and dance with each handheld they replaced, and honestly their MO with smartphone games seems to be as advertisement for the actual game they're releasing.

3DS is losing support in 2018 AKA they said there'll be no more games for it after that point.
I'm going to assume that by end of 2017/mid 2018 they release the miniSwitch.
They're not moving to phones, at all. I don't see why people keep saying they are. All they did was buy out a few big name mobile developers then told them to take their games and make them cheap, shitty, short knock-offs of their games.

Mario and FE on the phone are just babby's first entry to the series to drum up sales for the actual games. I don't have the numbers, but it's a good strategy in theory, so i'm sure it worked to an extent.

I expect there might be a "Switch Mini" redesign, but I think Nintendo is ceding the mobile-only market to handhelds and using them as tasters and basic advertising and brand awareness for the "real" games that will appear on the Switch. Honestly, just getting semi-regular hardware refreshes of the Switch with clock-speed and memory increases every couple of years would be fine with me, and it could finally end the constant cycle of starting from scratch every half decade when a new console comes out.

Whatever they call it, a successor to the 3DS would have to spend most of its lifespan in the same $70-$150 bracket, just like prior handhelds. The Switch is 2x-3x the price of its handheld predecessors, and unlikely to see cuts below $200. Nintendo has always done best off scraping the floor of the market, and unless Nintendo tries to wedge its way into the phone market for those sweet telco subsidybux, it can't get a fair fight against phones and tablets on the high end, even with typical console loss-leader tax on devkits.

The Switch is a good match against tablets, with hardware that beats current dedicated devices like the Shield, but as long as there's still a market for actual games on phone-bracket hardware, Nintendo will want something to sell.

The biggest cost in most handheld devices is the screen. With a smaller screen, Nintendo could easily shave off enough to at least sell the miniSwitch as a high-end device and break even.
I could even see Nintendo producing their own phone at some point by partnering with other manufacturers, the way Google did for its various Nexus line, then selling a proprietary bluetooth controller for virtual console emulation on the go, to make the perfect compliment device to the Switch since they seem intent on making a second device the way the online service works on the Switch in the first place.
It wouldn't be Nintendo if they didn't do things bass ackwards.

Nintendo already said that their aim is to bring their development teams together, so why make another portable when you can just make a more portable oriented version of the switch? Remove the dock, die shrink for a larger battery life, decrease the cost of cooling, build the controls into the system, smaller form factor announce late 2018 for a Smarch 2019 release date, $200 launch price.

I'm doubtful you will get slightly more powerful Switch's every few years, Nvidia are building the hardware for it and between each generation there are pretty big changes to the hardware itself, I think apart from a Switch Mini Nintendo will be releasing a Switch 2 between 5 and 7 years from now.

The million dollar question here is 'How the fuck do you get phone users to buy an actual game?'. You can them to pay for cash shop shit (even then that like 1% of the games player base) but not a 10 or 20 dollar game let alone a 60 one with dlc. Most people just play those shitty free games while waiting for an appointment or during their work break. They see it as a timewaster not a hobby.

Judging from the fact that people continued buying 3DS (and, in Japan, Vita) games proves there's still a distinction between normalfag mobileshit and actual gaymurz. I'm unsure whether you could sell a phone designed to play games (which nobody has gotten strong sales on, from no-name chink outfits like JXD up to big guys like Sony's abortive PS Phone), or if the presence of Android on the device just magically causes people who'd otherwise happily buy $30-$60 games on it to flip their shit.

I lost a lot of respect for Nintendo when they added the shit white tanooki suit (video related) and began with their SJW translations. I think I have no other way to play japanese games now than to learn japanese. Fuck.

I think Nintendo's approach so far has been the best for mobile games, Mobile platforms are shit, just release games as advertisements for other games.

What's wrong with a white golden tanooki suit that pins a participation medal onto your score?

Don't give a shit about Wii despite it legitimately having quite a few great games, probably more than PS3.
Nothing will ever match the DS, however, and it makes me really sad. I haven't played it for years and there's STILL TONS of games I've yet to play there, it's just an endless well of any kind of game imaginable.

How about everything? Did you even watch the video?

I watched it when it first came out and laughed at it.

I just wanted to say that I'm very disappointed in this new generation of gamers who are a bunch of meme spouting pussies. There are game developers now that are inspired by facebook and hipster indie games.

They should've just developed 1-2-Switch more and release it for free, bundled with the Switch like Wii Sports. Then release Arms for like 20-30 bucks shortly after.

Well sure but that's not the white gold tanooki suit, it's more like a you're shit sign, if you're dying 8 times in a level how the fuck is a suit that makes you invincible going to help you in a platformer with bottomless pits.

Nigger, they've had that type of shit since wii version of new super mario bros and put it in every platformer they've made ever since. Seems pretty an arbitrary line unless you've never touched any nintendo game with the super easy modo.

The problem is people bought Nintendo games. Look at something like this to get an idea http://

Compare this to PS3 and 360 that had higher tie ratios of 11 games per system and where Microsoft and Sony don't make many games anyone cares about. That translates to a lot of CODs and Maddens.

There's no functional difference from cheatcodes or difficulty levels, but the thought of a lot of dumb little kids having the game ruined because they grew up thinking it was just a normal part of the game does worry me. The presentation needs some degree of overt mockery or stigma.

I'm kind of glad that someone realized the multiplat conundrum and the fact that 3rd party's run the market now, but also VGchartz are shit, and looking at numbers provided by Sony and Microsoft themselves I don't see where the 11 games per system attach rate comes from, the PS3 by Sony's own numbers had less than 600 million games sold a year and a half before the PS4 came out, I'm doubtful the PS3 was able to sell 285 million games just as major releases were slowing down and just as the gen itself was closing out and many of the big IPs were slumping from the previous boom of 09 - 11 even then I've looked at sales data release from game companies and a year later VGchartz still have less than what companies themselves released.

In the older games they would have an alternate version of the main character beat the game for you, sort of like an older brother mode, I'd say having a game you paid money for with the intent of playing going ahead and playing itself is a pretty good way to reinforce this.

That's a false dilemma. They have the option of letting Switch be its portable from then on. Like others suggested a cheapo model is perfectly possible to make for price suitable for handhelds in two or three years, and it would have the benefit of having the entire Switch library.

That's way way too soon. End of 2018 at its earliest.


I am angry. Angry about newfags.

By older games I mean New Super Mario Bros and Donkey Kong, hey stop being mad faggot, my first gaming experience was at an arcade and my first console gaming experience was on my cousins Atari, I forget what model it was, something shit, Atari sucked dicks.


I said Older, because they are older, well they certainly ain't newer are they you tard, if I were talking about Super Mario Bros up to Super Mario World I'd say something like Classic Mario

Why not say the previous games? When you us old my mind obviously jumps to the classic Mario games.

If it's a Kirby game then yeah. In any other if the game isn't at least potentially killing you multiple times as you learn the level and new obstacles then that means the game is just too easy.

Well the first 'new mario bros' over a decade old and the wii version which is first one to have a 'super guide' is 7 coming on 8 years old. If you were talking about old games back on 4chan on in 2006 N64 would just be about as old.


I'm too scared to look up Steam's top sellers, hold me Holla Forums.

Mass Effect is a decade old
It's been six years since Skywards Sword
Seven years since metroid other m
A decade since Twilight Princess
People born in 1999 are now old enough to vote and buy cigarettes

I knew they were shit but not so shit they weren't even useful for a throwaway reference. I had to look at it and they really are that shit. The Sony data seems to no longer be on their site but I've seen 595 million in early 2012 claimed via dead links with 70 million systems sold by late 2012, so realistically that's approaching a rate of 9. As you say they would need to have made one third of their software sales in the last years before the PS4 came which it complete bullshit.

there are kids that fucked two or three girls and you are a twenty something virgin
unreal 2004 and gta san andreas are 13 years old

Damn, you don't like to pull your punches.

The problem is that when you just say "older" it's inferred that you mean in relation to the norm. It's like saying "older citizens like to" and want people to understand that you were talking about people in their 20's since you were comparing them to kids who are 7.

I was surprised too, if they can't post even remotely accurate sales data then what value do they hold at all. It's probably just community bias, Sony is the fan favourite.

I know. If you want a hobby you like to stay good pray that it never becomes popular.