Earth Defense Force 4.1 and its DLC is heavily discounted right now on PC.
If you want to support D3 and Sandlot do it now.
Alright, lets do this niggers:
Earth Defense Force 4.1 and its DLC is heavily discounted right now on PC.
If you want to support D3 and Sandlot do it now.
Alright, lets do this niggers:
if you wanted to support them you would have bought it full price not tip jar prices. just pirate it.
It was more boring than JUST Cause 2 tbh. Pass.
I dig the humour and giant mechs, but gameplay is super bland and repetitive. I've put like 6 hours into it before uninstalling it out of the sheer boredom.
At least it was by mile better port than koei anything.
Also, first week sales are generally considered the measuring stick in this industry, so buying the game at this point is like giving them a nickle while Valve takes the rest.
This is why companies don't give a fuck about PC.
And don't buy the DLC is junk that becomes outdated fast, buy the mission packs if you're gonna get anything.
come on now
who has the script that picks up everything in a level?
I did you nigger, plus the mission packs.
But theres an abundance of poorfags here.
You are a sad strange little man, and you have my pity.
6 hours?
So you played 4 missions on normal and didn't get any weapons?
Its the perfect abomination.
So perfect in fact that it managed to trigger you.
They're already making EDF5 but 4 is still great and you won't have to wait for Summer or a localization.
My first fucking reply in this post
Now go back to your Saturn faggot
Its like at 30 bucks
Oh right, picking up shit was super fucking annoying.
Commando dude runs and guns, can dodge roll.
Power armor dude can melee and dash cancel, he was kinda fun.
Chick flies and shoots.
Whatever the fuck engineer is called is the only interesting class since he has actually different weapons and vehicles. But you can bring only like 2 or 3 items at once, and mechs are super fucking slow and NPCs are too dumb to use your support items.
Well yeah, on paper, but every vehicle can basically move and shoot, and mechs can jump. And that's it.
I haven't played giant ass super robot true, but I played with spider mechs, tanks, armored car and heavy mechs and everything was boring as shit. You can one shot building cool, but have fun chasing one last spider all over the giant empty map while collecting those +1 hp drops.
The only real mechanical difference is spider mech being able to walk on walls and ceilings.
Even the shittiest games are fun in coop, this is not a valid argument tbh.
butthurt psquad owners detected
Why is normal difficulty harder than hard? I swear they cap the weapon levels 1-2 below the ones you need to deal with new threats on purpose just to fuck with the player
Did anyone ever make a script to autopickup boxes? I don't even want to cheat the unlocks or armor, I just don't want to spend the last 5 minutes of every big stage running around grabbing the fuckers.
I really dig the game but I can see why some fags would be turned off by it.
Im pretty excited for 5 though. They add a little something new everytime.
Am I missing something? It's still 31 bucks as far as I can tell. What's this bitching about that being cheap?
What's the news about EDF5? I haven't heard shit in months
Valve uses Steam sales to maximize profits for itself, which also maximizes profits for the publisher. I attended a talk by one of the founders of Tripwire, and they absolutely care(d at the time) about sales of Killing Floor even down to the ~$1 range.
A long tail for a digital release is not the same problem it is for retail, because they're not taking up shelf space and no one has to pay an hourly wage to a clerk to be ready to sell it.
Abandon hope Everyone post mains? Mine is Fencer because FAST
Maybe add more melee, maybe make movement actually fun. Or fast. Mostly fast. Maybe remove need to pick up shit, or make picking up fun. Like you know when enemy drops shit it gets sucked into your character in fancy fashion. You know this new Nier game? Picking shit up in there is more fun because most of it gets sucked into your ass. And then you can get power up that sucks every pick up into your ass.
I dunno, this game is similar to musou, but musous are much more popular exactly because every next game reduced or removed boring and tedious shit while making slaughtering of hundreds of foes more fun.
Yeah that was one of the major problems. You need just one button to dash, not a fucking 4-button infinite combo just to not spend 10 minutes on getting from point A to point B.
Honestly I wish this game got a bigger budget to make the game run better and larger, like 8-24 players possibly. Also wished there was more porn of it.
wow, so difficult.
Of the robots or the bugs?
Doesnt really matter, but probably the wing divers, and I would like to see a loli class of some sort.
Can't seem to find it anywhere
Maybe if you're a casual that can't even frog hop correctly.
You played for 6 hours and apparently with one of each class.
Get to playing the whole campaign with a single class and with the autopicker.
Yeah, theres a script
But its not readily avaiable anywhere
Can't find it anywhere I go
This place had been a shithole for a long time now lad, leave while you can.
Air Raider, make way for Velgata Onii Chan
Keep going lad
Heres the latest trailer
Reminder that meme magic is real
Hi Jim
Runs at a solid 60 with my RX480 and i5 3570k don't see an issue
Game would crash at the beginning of the match
Stop arguing with casuals
user, you don't have to reply to every post in the thread, though I appreciate your effort.
Yeah thats the point, make the game bigger and better, for the next installment if there is one.
You too
I'm not seeing it
You do know what hapens when games get a budget and development/publishing companies get too big, don't you?
We wouldn't see anything like that.
They would eventually hit a peak, but EDF is still low budget.
Fair enough, but I think I'd rather keep it that way.
The low production costs add to the charm.
Calm down user, you don't have to defend your kusoge this hard.
Who are you quoting?
Anyone up for making a Holla Forums server tomorrow?
For ps4? :)
Holla ForumsDF rooms are full of tacos that need to go back tbh
But it's shit because the Fencer SHOULDN'T HAVE THAT. He's a tank. He should have armor.
And he already has a regular dash/jump, just make those better.
Also, it limits loadout options.
Hey, just put the chatroom name here and see. Who knows.
I made a room tbh, it should be easy to find.
And that's a wrap.
This game is quite literally disposable weebshit. I don't even think the people who made it care about it all that much.
Why are you still trying to push this?
Its not funny
buy again
My computer can't run it and I don't have £600 to buy a rig.
I dont want to be poor
Can anyone read moon runes/find a higher red version? What does it say?
Try playing fencer without it, you'll get fucked. He needs it, there's not enough armor in the world to compensate for his low speed, especially on high difficulties. Also it doesn't really limit load out options, infact it encourages diversity as you basically need a melee set, but you can still play around with different shields and melee weapons, and still have any two regular guns as back up. There's no reason you need all four slots for guns.
it says aliens are fucked
Do you really think I'd stop after just 2 hours?
Except that, anything new for him?
not stated there, but we can assume that he will be able to drop in the new robots (Vegalta replacement?) and maser tanks as they are the only new vehicles shown so far, in addition to the tried and true Gigantus.
Fuck, I hope not
I really want to play with both the newer and older vehicles.
Maybe they could add the referenced Moving Fortress X-4, which is a bigger Balam with weapons.
I feel like there is a lot of cool shit we never see, like the battleship and whale. Hopefully we can get more.
Holy fuck thats so terrible, I can't stop laughing.
Its cheat engine related but the forum threads with the tables with it were deleted.
Found this post and there are some others circling around.
Don't know if its legit or if it contains the Auto pickup though.
What do I do with it?
put it into cheat engine while the game's running. the tables in that link don't seem to have the auto pickup, though.
Dammit, I could really use that too. I think I know a fag who may have it, if I get it from him I'll dump it here.
The new robots are UGLY AS SIN.
Who the hell thought giving them needle thin legs was a good idea? WHO?
You don't use a garbage bug as an excuse for poor balance.
Lore-wise, the Fencer is supposed to be acid-proof. Why isn't he?
Heck, you can make it's regular boost/jump longer.
And you're telling me it doesn't limit the selection, but in the same breath say that you MUST have a melee set?
Holy shit, kill yourself and help humanity
I'm pretty sure it's not a bug, and it encourages players to use melee, when they have not much reason to otherwise. Also why would you need four different guns? And if you want to be a fatass tank equip a tower shield and sit in the corner like a fag.
I've had the base game for a while, do the mission packs add anything interesting?
Been looking through videos and the content doesn't look particularly special to warrant its purchase rather put that money towards another game or a newer EDF.
Green Ants
Discounted as they are now, they're worth the money in my opinion.
I don't know about you but I've played plenty of fucking missions with non-melee fencer loadouts. Going two guns/two missiles with someone using a guidance kit gives you huge fucking damage. The only time you really need to zoop around is against groups of hectors.
Then again I don't suck shit and since you're whining like a little bitch you probably do.
EDF5 is shaping up to be the best one yet, how's that release date in the west coming?
Nothing yet, but they're releasing english trailers so its happening.
Nip release confirmed on Summer, likely July/August.
I jut hope the PC port doesn't take too long.
Given how well 4.1's port was received, I'd guess early 2018
How well did EDF4.1 sell on pc?
steamspy tells me 100k
pretty good if you consider EDF was rarely discounted
Also it's fairly low budget. Port should be pretty much confirmed then
Only decently big price cut was this one, it pretty much remained at 45 Yurobucks till now.
100k is actually more than the ps4 version sold worldwide.
They state right off the bat that he is an advanced class with complex maneuvers. If it were a bug then they would have fixed it with 4.1, but instead they added cancelling to more weapons and advertised this feature.
They add some new mutant varieties, but mostly they are just more complex, interesting, or difficult scenarios, like dragons attacking in galaga formations, fighting multiple of every giant thing at once, or watching AR's masturbate furiously. If you enjoy EDF at all then there is no reason not to get 50 more missions.
Yes you do. You wont' always be able to easily escape. And "I want to try it and play that way" is a damn good reason.
Actually, that's my preferred playstyle too.
I really wish you could go fora 4-gun loadout (2 shoulder guns and 2 "normal" guns)
Then downside might be that you have to deploy like a turret to use it. Think TR Max in PS2, but longer set-up time.
EDF 4.1
Brute force
E651 Titan
There will be another stream next week
Muh dik
Oh yeah, EDF! I will buy it today, I heard is a really dank game!
welcome to Holla Forums sings before reddit took over
What causes this? How can I fix it?
Jesus Christ what the fuck did you do?
Are the NPCs in your Squad?
The NPCs respond normally but the sounds cut immediately to the 'radio clicking off' for me. It's as though the clip ends immediately instead of playing.
A'ight you fags, i pirated the gaem and so far, it's pretty fun. So any beginner tips you can spare to make the grind for new weapons less tedious? FUCKING RANDOM DROP BOXES and what is up with the weapon levels?
I might buy it after i progressed enough tho, i was going to ask how to transfer your progress but i felt that i could ask that later
In mission 14 8th NPC can kill the Hectors by themselves.
Grind there in harder difficulties and go back to playing the difficulty you're doing I'd recommend hard.
Just keep in mind that it won't get you all the weapons since certain missions have different pools.
I believe you can easily find a list of said pools easily.
You can transfer progress, plenty of people here did it last year.
Couldn't tell you how, or which files, I bought it day one.
Where the fuck did that came from?
34% off is heavily discounted? It should be 10 dollars by now.
Call me when it's 5bux.
Fuck your thread.
I figured it out, I switched to Wing Diver which doesn't seem to have any voice lines done for the Chant. Testing it with Ranger worked fine.
just fucking pirate it then you poorfags
You mean the one where there's an actual army trying to stop the hectors? Don't you have to swim far out to get the bawxes and isn't the beach itself is also fuckin wide?
Regardless, the shabby jewgle translate still manage to give me some info
Thanks user!
Its not heavily discounted. OP needed to be corrected.
Dude there is an option for english right on top
……..ah my bad i didn't see it
Yeah, but it can actually be completed on Inferno even with shit weapons since the most you have to kill is a drone or two.
Auto picker would make it much easier
Can't fucking find it though
>The Stryker Grape struggles to even climb a small mound / incline
What kind of retarded torque is that?
Never deploy a bike ever.
Never play on anything less than hard. Hard is where the good and varried drops happen.
Higher difficulties is basically just the same hard weapons, but even stronger.
What's wrong with the bike?
I never used it since why the fuck should you use a bike when you can use Mechs, Tanks or Assault Cannons?
Bike is one of the few vehicles that can outrun most Incests and theres a variant that makes you go full Initial D.
How do I air raider solo effectively? The limpet is so shitty and my vehicles always end up running out of ammo.
You need a proper throttle to use it properly, if you just press the forward button it will start spinning due to too much acceleration, or just bad coding.
AIr raider can get a cannon from whale, 120mm I think? I use that as a main weapon and often it can kill enough in one shot to refill your meter.
The 150mm is the one that tends to one shot lots of things and refills itself immediately
Deploy vehicles right after you get enough points instead of waiting for your current vehicle to run out of ammo/ be detroyed.
Grind some other missions for more specific vehicle variants or weapons that might help you on your current mission.
The limpet isn't your main weapon, using it would be like a ranger using a pistol. It's pretty shit so you only use it as a backup weapon while your equipment is down, you main weapon should be the vehicles. Call in a vehicle whenever you have enough points and try to scatter them around the map so you can always fall back to one if need be, use air strikes to clear out big groups while finishing off the rest with your vehicle.
Vegalta is nearly always a good choice but sometimes you might want other stuff. Railguns are good for single target damage, tanks are good for kiting, bikes are good for suicide while Naeglings are good as AI and nothing else. Air raider is mostly a case of trying to find the right equipment loadout and strategy to clear each mission but when played right it's really effective. Try to make use of your NPC allies too since they can be pretty useful on a lot of missions, especially for clearing out drones.
At this point, use CE to set the rewards to 100 armor every Inferno level, and weapons to ~20. Should be balanced that way, you'll get everything sooner or later. Although really, for weapons I'd say just use a script to get them all after beating up until level ~70 on inferno because past that you need spefic weapons for stuff else you'll be a dead weight
You're a godsend user
The best way to use bike is in underground stages. Tape it with C4 and/or turrets and throw it into enemy spawns.
Damn, I'm surprised no other anons have it.
Thats for those numbers though.
How many of you fags have the DLC mission packs anyway?
Is that Mountaindewfu?
Only faggots don't play the mission packs. They have some of the best missions too.
I bought one, got assraped and never finished it.
Nigger, what are you doing?
I'm opening a room of Mission Pack 1 on Hard.
shit I may play.
how do I cheat engine?
Did anyone else tear up a little when mission control and the rest of the survivors finally recognize you as the hero of 2017 during the final boss and throw everything they have left at it to back you up as the music shifts to embed related?
What the fuck does that mean?
Why not both?
Is it at least possible to open the CPK files? and see what's inside?
Vegalta seems to be the best choice for Solo, Air Raider had me convinced I was absolute garbage and needed to play a different class initially, but I came back to it and struggled and struggled. BMO3 is fucking insane and exponentially stronger than anything else I've gotten, barring Guard Posts and Railgun D, which would be better if I had people to man the machineguns.
NPCs actually entering vehicles would be neat even if it would break the game in any mode under Inferno.
i brought it, most fun in years. I can't get enough of it. 25 hours on it for the moment.
I gave the dev a bonus and took the mission pack.
jumping spider love to kill them when they are in the air.
Forgot the link like a faggot
Superior battle theme incoming
I actually platted EDF 2017, so whenever they talked about a Legendary Hero on multiplayer I joked it was me. But when they sung about it in the endgame I just laughed, it was just too surreal to have it acknowledged. Now its one of the few songs I actually know by heart.
I hope Air Raider and Fencer are going to get some good shit.
EDF 4.1 is back on sale
What is he thinking about?
If you could explain how to do that, that would be rather nice.
Come on niggers
45:34 to 53:48 and 56:42 to 1:03:30.
now this is podracing
But we had jumping mechs before
I like the changes to air raider's UI so you know when your strikes are ready, but I hope we can still just throw the markers instead of selecting an area because that was also good for calling in strikes while running away.
but those jump better
Speaking of that the graphics were actually pretty improved it seems, with ant acid and frog blood making splashes on the ground and other enemies.
Fair enough, the animation looks much better than the Vegalta one.
I sure hope the old models are still included ingame
Cities themselves have more detail as well.
I just hope they show more content, aside from some improvements and reskins it this one doesn't seem to add much to 4.
We've got what?
3 new enemies?
2 of which are humanoid
I imagine there's a lot of weapons and enemy aliens they haven't shown off yet. I mean there were a ton of ravager enemies in 4.1, there will probably just as many immigrant enemies in 5.
I pirated this a while ago, is the multi player alone worth buying it if I don't have many friends to play with? is there a way to jump into someone else's game and what not?
there's a lobby where you can look for games
It's a lot better with multiplayer in my opinion, but sometimes it's hard to find a game or get people to join you. But if you do get a group who's good and stays with you, it's a great time.
There's so many damned bugs in this game.
Why there´s a trailer calling it EDF 4.4?
Because its the same game as 4.1 but in a differente timeline
I despise them with a passion. I can't see shit and I can't call in air strikes as air raider, or use missile launchers very effectively, and I don't have room to dash around as fencer.
this is the only cave map i like. basically i like it because of the end. air raider has to focus on support and turrets. i bring health and turrets, and use a crawler for support, but i mostly play these as a ranger.
that end part is so much fun, especially my first time playing through. seeing that mess on the radar but not seeing any enemies… then firing a rocket into the dark and a flash unveils a massive hoard and you feel like a kid that just hit a hornets nest with a bat…. the guy in the video is playing on easy, but when i played that on hard, i nearly shit my pants. just a great level design.
my other favorite map is … map 98 i think? with the 3 giant hornets nests?…
i beat it with all classes on all difficulties. shits fun to plan out. kill drones first. then target robots. attack middle hive. kill swarm. attack middle hive again. kill swarm. at this point in time i'd have atleast 4-5 big BMX and shields on the ground all occupied.
there is always the easy method if this is too hard. break right from the start, go into corner parkinglot with 2-3 air raiders and call those bomber runs rapidly to sweep across 3 hives. keep throwing them. dont stop dont stop dont stop. until you run out. by this time you can probably call some BMXs out and sweep the stragglers.
this even works on inferno.
i enjoy missions that i have to learn how to beat.
i also enjoy that one at the docking area with the mole hills that pop up all over. its fun to have a few people "hold the line" while others stay back and bomb out the nests.
Question: can you play EDF in online coop, with the pirate version?
Only trough the Steam emulator, IE: with other people who pirated and are playing the online coop trough the Steam emu.
Are you all still alive? Giant insects aren't going to kill themselves you know.
I require more EDF fan art.
Never played EDF before and I missed the sale, anyone got a quick pitch on why this series is OK?
Simple fun with a dumb story that actually gets quite challenging by the end and you start to actually care about the story.
Its Japanese Serious Sam
this but plus grinding and every enemy is gigantic.
Bump for giant flying incests
Is there a steam group or something?
I want to do some inferno runs, but I keep getting scrubs.
Posting one of the most stupidly strong weapons in the game.